The Proteus Fund is a center-left “pass-through” funder and donor-advised fund provider. Since the Fund’s creation in 1995, Proteus has routed hundreds of millions of dollars from major grantmaking foundations and anonymous donors on the Left to activist groups targeting issues including legalizing same-sex marriage, reducing religious freedom to dissent policies on gay rights and abortion, abolishing capital punishment, reducing military spending, and promoting liberal campaign finance policies.
The Proteus Fund moves money through a number of “donor collaboratives” (donor-advised funds) funded by major grantmaking foundations. Through these “collaboratives,” Proteus coordinates the efforts of state, local, and national activist groups so that their efforts are not needlessly duplicated. These funds and collaboratives vet the activist groups to ensure that they are effective and that they stay on message. These “collaboratives” and donor-advised funds include the Piper Fund, the Civil Marriage Collaborative, the Rights, Faith and Democracy Collaborative, the Themis Fund, the Security and Rights Collaborative, and the Colombe Foundation.
Proteus has also developed strategies for persuading voters to tip the scale of public opinion in specific states and localities. They use research (such as polling and message testing and advertising) to persuade swing voters to gain majorities for left-of-center policies in referendums and elections. Proteus Fund documented both strategies in Hearts and Minds: The Untold Story of How Philanthropy and the Civil Marriage Collaborative Helped America Embrace Marriage Equality. 1
Background and “Pass-Through” Model
The Proteus Fund was formed in May 1994 in Washington, D.C., but is physically headquartered in Amherst, Massachusetts. 2
The Fund was created by Meg Gage, a career left-of-center nonprofit executive who helped develop the “pass-through” funding model. Gage reportedly created the model during her tenure as founding executive director of the Peace Development Fund, a position she held from 1981 to 1992. The Peace Development Fund was reportedly created to move donations from major foundations to smaller left-wing activist groups opposed to President Ronald Reagan’s nuclear weapons policies. Gara LaMarche, president of the left-wing Democracy Alliance and former president of Atlantic Philanthropies, has credited Gage’s funding model with “increasing philanthropic attention and support for social justice issues like money in politics, civil liberties and national security, and the death penalty.” 3
The Proteus Fund has described itself as an “extension of [the Peace Development Fund’s] model: a way to pool funding and align strategy among multiple funders in service of significant social change objectives and a broad vision for change in the philanthropic sector.” 4 Under the “pass-through” funding model developed by Gage, the Proteus Fund collects donations from large grantmaking foundations, wealthy individuals, and smaller donors and funnels cash to local and state organizations, which the Fund has vetted for their effectiveness. 3
The Proteus Fund also develops coalitions of local and state organizations to work on specific issues, which it calls “collaboratives.” These issues include campaign finance policy (via the Piper Fund), gay marriage (via the Civil Marriage Collaborative), and abortion practices (via the Rights, Faith and Democracy Collaborative), among others.
Donor Collaboratives
Piper Fund
Also see Piper Fund (Nonprofit Project)
The first issue the Proteus Fund addressed in a significant way was campaign finance reform. Gage started the Piper Fund in 1997, with the intention of increasing government control over election-related speech. 5 The Piper Fund allocated “about $1.8 million in grants to 53 organizations in 38 states working on campaign finance reform,” starting in 1998. 6
The Proteus Fund has also funded efforts for disclosure of funders of political advertisements, including those made by independent organizations. 7 Ironically, the Piper Fund, while it discloses some of its donors, “acknowledges it receives money from anonymous givers and ‘numerous other individual donors.’” 8
According to the Proteus Fund’s 2017 IRS filing, it expended $4,465,277 on the Piper Fund program. 9
The Piper Action Fund is the advocacy arm of the Piper Fund, and is hosted by the 501(c)(4) Proteus Action League. Both groups’ efforts have been heavily funded by the Voqal Fund, a center-left communications funder. 10
Civil Marriage Collaborative
Also see Civil Marriage Collaborative (Nonprofit Project)
In 2004, the Proteus Fund established the Civil Marriage Collaborative (CMC) to conduct advocacy and research in support of efforts to obtain government recognition of same-sex marriages. 11
As documented in Hearts and Minds: The Untold Story of how Philanthropy and the Civil Marriage Collaborative Helped America Embrace Marriage Equality, the CMC began by gathering leaders of LGBT interest groups and getting them to agree on a long-term strategy for securing government recognition of same-sex marriage. The strategy would include litigation, grassroots organizing, lobbying, and electing pro-LGBT politicians. 1
Another part of the strategy was to change how Americans thought about same-sex marriage. As then-CMC director Paul Di Donato (now Proteus Fund president) said, “the only way to achieve and defend a marriage equality victory nationwide was … changing the hearts and minds of Americans about the rightful place of LGBT people in our society and …why marriage matters for us.” This change would be accomplished through research and public education. 1
With that plan in place, the CMC was then able to tap into its philanthropy network to fund the strategy. Over the next 11 years, the CMC directed $153 million (from left-of-center donor organizations including the Gill Foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies, Columbia Foundation, Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Foundation, Open Society Foundations, and others, including anonymous donors) to LGBT groups. The CMC vetted the groups, making sure that they were effective. 1
In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that prohibiting government recognition of same-sex marriage was unconstitutional, granting CMC its preferred policy outcome. Polling also indicated CMC met its goal of securing majority support for same-sex marriage. 12 13 14 The Civil Marriage Collaborative closed in 2015 after the Obergefell decision. 15
With the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the 2015 case Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, the CMC closed in 2016.
Rights, Faith, and Democracy Collaborative
Also see Rights, Faith and Democracy Collaborative (Nonprofit Project)
In March 2017, the Proteus Fund announced the creation of the Rights, Faith and Democracy Collaborative (RFDC). The RFDC supports state-level opposition to religious exemptions to laws requiring businesses to serve same-sex marriage ceremonies and protecting conscientious objectors from performing or recommending abortions. 16 Jason Franklin, Chairman of the Board of the Proteus Fund, stated that the RFDC exists “to push back against the use of religion as a means of words for discrimination,” targeting measures that grant conscience protections against participation in same-sex marriages and abortions. 15
RFDC has donated to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which recently sued Catholic hospital systems for not providing abortion or sterilization procedures. 17 RFDC has also funded Lambda Legal, a group involved in litigation to limit religious exemptions to laws requiring wedding vendors to serve same-sex ceremonies. The group filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in the Masterpiece Cake Shop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case requesting the court rule in favor of the Commission, defining Jack Phillip’s refusal to decorate a cake for a same sex wedding — because of his religious convictions — as discrimination against gay people. 18
The RFDC also seeks to influence faith groups from within by supporting members of dissident factions who hold the RFDC’s positions on abortion and LGBT issues. 19 One of its grantees, the pro-abortion group of self-proclaimed Roman Catholics called “Catholics for Choice,” seeks to change the Catholic Church by promoting opposition to Catholic teachings opposing abortion. 20
Themis Fund
Also see Themis Fund (Nonprofit Project)
The Proteus Fund started the Themis Fund in 2007 with the goal of abolishing the death penalty in America. The Themis Fund provides small grants to support litigation to outlaw capital punishment by judicial decision. Themis has funded litigation demanding better state funding and standards for public defenders, highlighting alleged discrepancies in race and sex on capital prosecutions, showing community opposition to the death penalty to juries, and alleging defendants’ mental illness as a factor in death-penalty cases. 21
In 2014, the Themis Fund established the 8th Amendment Project, headed by Henderson Hill, specifically to establish a foundation for a Supreme Court decision that would declare capital punishment to be unconstitutional based on the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. The Project supports research on death penalty abolition and aids the defense in capital trials. 22 In January 2018, the 8th Amendment Project was transferred from the Proteus Fund to the Center for Death Penalty Litigation. 23
RISE Together Fund (Security and Rights Collaborative)
Also see RISE Together Fund (Nonprofit Project)
Proteus started the RISE (Rights, Inclusion, Solidarity, Equity) Together Fund as the Security and Rights Collaborative in 2009 in partnership with ReThink Media. The group was renamed RISE in January 2019. 24 The Fund opposes national security policies pursued by both Republican and Democratic administrations and the activities of U.S. foreign intelligence services. It also seeks to close the terrorist detention facility at the Guantanamo Bay military base, regulate drone warfare, restrain foreign intelligence collection, and stop profiling of certain ethnic groups in America. 25
The overwhelming majority of the RISE Together Fund’s grants go to organizations representing Muslim, Arab, and South Asian communities seen as likely to be targeted by national security activities. RISE funds organizations involved in political organizing and activism, combating public perception of these communities as sources of terrorism, and limiting scrutiny from law enforcement and national security entities. Grantees include the Georgia Muslim Voter Project, Tennessee Immigration and Refugee Rights Coalition, Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative, Muslim Students Association-West, Sikh Coalition, Council on American-Islamic Relations-Los Angeles, and Council of American-Islamic Relations-San Francisco Bay Area. 26
According to the Proteus Fund’s 2017 IRS filing, it expended $2,649,649 on the RISE program. 27
The RISE Together Action Fund is the lobbying arm of the RISE Together Fund and a project of the 501(c)(4) Proteus Action League.
Colombe Foundation
Also see Colombe Peace Foundation (Nonprofit)
The Colombe Peace Foundation was founded in Delaware in 1996 and is managed and staffed by Proteus. Unlike most of Proteus’s other projects, the Colombe Peace Foundation is standalone grantmaking foundation.
Colombe funds organizations that seek to eliminate nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, advance foreign policy that depends more on diplomacy and development than war and threats of war, and promotes a reduction in military spending. 28
Colombe’s grantees for 2016 included, among others, the Center for Arms Control and Non-proliferation, Win Without War, Fund for Constitutional Government, Georgia WAND Fund, Non-violent PeaceForce, Peace Action Education Committee, and the Ploughshares Fund. 29
Fiscal Sponsorship Services
In addition to funding, the Proteus Fund provides fiscal sponsorship services (what it describes as “organizational infrastructure and management services”) to left-wing organizations. Proteus reports it hosts 12 such groups, as of July 2019. 30
These organizations include the American and European Society Research Project, EmbraceRace, Human Rights Funders Network, JustFund, More Equitable Democracy, Philanthropy Advancing Women’s Human Rights, Reframe Mentorship, Prevention Collaborative, TAP (Transparency, Accountability & Participation) Network, Third Wave Fund, and the Transparency and Accountability Initiative, among others. These organizations focus on concerns from training future leadership of left-wing causes, ensuring diversity in philanthropic leadership, advancing government accountability and transparency, and having discussions about race and racism. 30
Fiscally Sponsored Groups and Collaboratives
Our Story Hub is a Proteus Fund project that develops communications and messaging strategies for left-wing advocacy groups. The group is headed by Richard Kirsch, a prominent left-wing political activist. Members of Our Story Hub’s advisory committee include the Center for American Progress, People’s Action, and the AFL-CIO. 31
The Solidaire Network is a Proteus Fund project created in 2013 to direct funds to radical activist groups, including Queer the Land, Assata’s Daughters, and Seeding Sovereignty. 32
The American and European Society Research Project (also called Vox Populism) is a two-part research group that produces studies criticizing “the rise of political extremism in Europe and the United States.” 33
EmbraceRace is an ethnic minority interest group that criticizes what it claims are rising “racial divisions and inequities” in the United States. 34 While it’s fiscally sponsored by Proteus, EmbraceRace receives funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, NoVo Foundation, and Haas Institute.
The Human Rights Funders Network is a left-of-center donors collaborative consisting of roughly “95 dues-paying institutions.” The Network’s steering committee consists of representatives from the Oak Foundation, Ford Foundation, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, American Jewish World Service, Open Society Foundations, Wikimedia Foundation, Foundation for a Just Society, Fund for Global Human Rights, and CASA Socio-Environmental Fund. 35
JustFund is a Proteus project that caters to small left-leaning foundations. The group primarily funnels donations to a handful of funds, including the Emergent Fund, Threshold Foundation, Defending the Dream Fund, and the Solidaire Network (another Proteus project). 36
Philanthropy Advancing Women’s Human Rights (PAWHR) is a Proteus project that funnels grants to left-wing women’s advocacy groups. Grantmaking members of PAWHR include NoVo Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Ford Foundation, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, Foundation for a Just Society, Channel Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, Oak Foundation, Sigrid Rausing Trust, Gates Foundation, Dietel Partners, and Wallace Global Fund. 37
The Prevention Collaborative moves money to women’s activist groups in the name of preventing “violence against women and children.” 38
The Third Wave Fund funnels grants to gay, lesbian, “intersex,” and transsexual advocacy groups in the name of “gender justice.” Third Wave Fund’s grantmaking foundations include Groundswell Fund, Arcus Foundation, Elton John AIDS Foundation, the Overbrook Foundation, Craigslist, Joshua Mailman Foundation, Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, and a number of individual small-dollar donors. 39 Third Wave Fund makes grants (via the Proteus Fund) through two channels: the Mobilize Power Fund, which primary funds LGBT activism, and the Grow Power Fund, which supports the creation of new activist groups. 40
The Transparency & Accountability Initiative (TAI) is a Proteus-sponsored donor collaborative that funds efforts to pass left-wing tax policies in Europe and the United States, such as the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, and privacy issues. 41 42 TAI’s members include the Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Luminate, Hewlett Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation.
Past Sponsorships
The Media Democracy Fund is a left-wing advocacy group that supports the creation of net neutrality Internet regulations. The Media Democracy Fund was created in 2006 by the Proteus Fund but was transferred to the New Venture Fund (a similar funding and fiscal sponsorship nonprofit) at an unknown date. 43 Initial funding for the Fund came from the Ford Foundation, Park Foundation, Arca Foundation, and Open Society Foundations. 44
Connections to the Left
Voter Registration and Mobilization Efforts
For more information, see Voter Engagement Evaluation Project (Nonprofit)
The Proteus Fund is a member of the Funders Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP), a major donors collaborative for prominent funders on the Left that make grants to voter registration and mobilization groups (FCCP is also a project of NEO Philanthropy). 45
According to an interview co-authored by the Alliance for Justice and Council on Foundations conducted in 2004 (and published in 2008) with then-Proteus Fund president Meg Gage, the Proteus Fund ran a Voter Engagement Donor Network in 2006 composed of “some 140 funders . . . who shared information and advanced voter mobilization initiatives in a nonpartisan setting.” (All 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofits are required to remain nonpartisan, though not non-ideological, to maintain their tax-exempt status with the IRS.) Gage noted that “there was a much higher level of foundation support for nonpartisan voter engagement activity” in the 2004 presidential election than in previous elections. Gage praised the left-wing Center for Community Change (CCC) for ” partnering effectively when they brought their resources to local groups already on the ground and greatly strengthened voter engagement efforts there.” 46
Following the 2004 election, Proteus Fund and FCCP created the Voter Engagement Evaluation Project (VEEP), a project designed to evaluate the effectiveness of left-wing foundations’ support for voter mobilization and registration efforts in the election. 46
In June 2005, VEEP published a report entitled “Top Ten Lessons for Funders Regarding 501(c)(3) Voter Engagement Work Conducted During the 2004 Election Cycle” (archived here). 47 The report, authored by political activists Heather Booth and Stephanie Firestone, offered ten lessons to left-wing foundations on supporting voter registration efforts:
1. Effective voter contact is up close and personal
2. Build it (strategically) and they will come
3. Voter engagement is part of a permanent campaign
4. Ready, set, plan
5. Voter files are the fuel that drives voter contact
6. Voter protection must be front loaded
7. Repeat the message, then repeat the message
8. Collaboration demands more than good will
9. “Tech”ing it to the streets
10. A ruler is an important but limited measuring stick
A follow-up report published in January 2006 was funded with grants from the Bauman Family Foundation, Beldon Fund, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Ford Foundation, Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program at Shelter Rock, Open Society Foundations, and JEHT Foundation. 48
VEEP’s advisory committee was composed of Patricia Bauman of the Bauman Family Foundation; Heather Booth of the Proteus Fund; Elizabeth Collaton of the Stern Family Fund; Kristen Engberg of the JEHT Foundation; Allison Fine of the E-Volve Foundation; Irma Gonzalez of the Proteus Fund; and Bill Roberts of the Beldon Fund. 48
According to Proteus Fund’s latest IRS filing from 2017, the group reported $31.9 million in total revenues, $25.9 million in total expenditures, and $19.4 million in net assets. In 2017, the group reported total program service expenses of $24,372,935. 49 50
Proteus Fund: Finances | |||
Year | Revenues | Expenditures | Net Assets |
2018 | $32,715,202 | $29,945,970 | $28,542,359 |
2017 | $31,883,493 | $25,873,886 | $19,395,697 |
2016 | $21,335,481 | $22,391,888 | $13,168,283 |
2015 | $15,788,563 | $15,738,768 | $14,263,504 |
2014 | $17,242,536 | $15,649,332 | $14,232,841 |
2013 | $15,845,373 | $13,824,522 | $12,601,852 |
2012 | $14,520,627 | $13,612,671 | $10,581,001 |
2011 | $12,027,268 | $10,240,087 | $9,101,628 |
2010 | $10,394,826 | $8,733,069 | $7,633,616 |
Grand Total: | $171,753,369 | $156,010,193 |
Between 2003 and 2017, the Proteus Fund reported paying $3.4 million in independent contractor fees. 51
Proteus Network: Contracting Fees (2003-2017) | Amount | Description | Year |
The Raben Group LLC | $217,000 | Consulting | 2017 |
Goodwin Simon Strategic Research Inc | $134,244 | Consulting | 2017 |
Suddes Group | $204,883 | Strategic consultant | 2016 |
BerlinRosen | $165,000 | Program consultant | 2015 |
Civitas Public Affairs Group | $130,007 | Program consultant | 2014 |
Alexandra B. Russell | $102,338 | Program consultant | 2014 |
Art Resources International | $175,000 | Program consultant | 2013 |
Yancey Consulting | $219,000 | Program consultant | 2012 |
Art Resources International | $175,000 | Program consultant | 2012 |
Freedman Consulting | $105,800 | Program consultant | 2012 |
Art Resources International | $150,000 | Program consultant | 2011 |
Art Resources International | $150,000 | Program consultant | 2010 |
Art Resources International | $125,000 | Program consultant | 2009 |
Art Resources International | $105,000 | Program consultant | 2008 |
American Environics | $449,200 | Program consultant | 2008 |
Art Resources International | $102,762 | Program consultant | 2007 |
Larry Marx | $78,787 | Program consultant | 2007 |
Lawrence Marx | $95,024 | Program consulting | 2006 |
Art Resources International | $80,000 | Program consulting | 2006 |
Heather Booth | $78,200 | Program consulting | 2006 |
Teresa Vilmain | $55,183 | Program consulting | 2006 |
Heather Booth | $99,000 | Program consulting | 2005 |
Polimetrix | $80,000 | Program consulting | 2005 |
Marc Caplan | $71,838 | Program consulting | 2004 |
Marc Caplan | $62,400 | Program consulting | 2003 |
Grand Total: | $3,410,666 |
Funding Sources
Since 1995, the Proteus Fund has received over $116 million from left-of-center grantmaking foundations and other nonprofits: 52
Proteus Fund: Grantors (1995-2017) | Amount | Year(s) |
Access Strategies Fund | $70,000 | 2001, 2002, 2004 |
Akonadi Foundation | $50,000 | 2012 |
Alcibie Alliance Inc | $30,000 | 2016 |
Angelina Fund Inc | $75,000 | 2001, 2005 |
Anne Cox Chambers Foundation Inc | $10,000 | 2015 |
Arcus Foundation | $889,341 | 2015, 2017 |
Argosy Foundation | $55,100 | 2005-2006 |
Arkay Foundation | $496,000 | 2003, 2005-2006, 2011-2016 |
Barbara A Stiefel Foundation Inc | $25,000 | 2016 |
Barr Foundation | $426,770 | 2011-2014 |
Bauman Family Foundation | $155,000 | 2003-2005 |
Benton Foundation | $25,000 | 2008 |
Bernard And Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust | $10,000 | 2016 |
Bohemian Foundation | $100,000 | 2017 |
Boston Foundation Inc | $113,450 | 2011 |
Bydale Foundation | $25,000 | 2005 |
California Community Foundation | $35,000 | 2016 |
Cardinal Brook Trust | $65,000 | 1999, 2015-2016 |
Carl & Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation | $30,000 | 2012 |
Carnegie Corporation Of New York | $1,190,000 | 2000-2005 |
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation | $50,000 | 2011 |
Chicago Community Trust | $62,250 | 2016 |
Cloud Mountain Foundation | $50,000 | 2017 |
Colombe Foundation | $259,000 | 2008, 2012, 2014-2016 |
Common Counsel Foundation | $80,992 | 2015-2016 |
Compton Foundation Inc | $590,000 | 2003, 2005-2013, 2015-2016 |
Copen Family Foundation Inc | $30,000 | 2013, 2016 |
Craigslist Charitable Fund | $20,000 | 2015 |
David Bohnett Foundation | $900,000 | 2004-2010 |
Day Is Done Foundation | $7,200 | 2000 |
Democracy Fund Inc | $300,000 | 2015 |
Dentaquest Foundation | $65,000 | 2012-2014 |
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation | $25,000 | 2015 |
Doris Duke Foundation For Islamic Art | $75,000 | 2015-2016 |
Ettinger Foundation Inc | $29,000 | 2008-2009 |
Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr Fund | $5,214,500 | 2005-2016 |
F Felix Foundation | $244,450 | 2004, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2016 |
Farese Family Foundation | $120,000 | 2015, 2016 |
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund | $10,477,351 | 2003-2003, 2009, 2012-2016 |
Fine Fund | $10,000 | 2015 |
Firedoll Foundation | $25,000 | 2017 |
Foundation For A Just Society | $50,000 | 2014 |
Foundation For The Carolinas | $21,000 | 2013, 2015 |
Foundation To Promote Open Society | $10,700,750 | 2010-2014, 2016 |
Frances Lear Foundation | $25,000 | 2015, 2017 |
Fund For New Jersey | $20,000 | 2007-2008 |
Fund For Nonviolence | $30,000 | 2013 |
Gaia Fund | $100,000 | 2016 |
General Service Foundation | $19,000 | 2015-2016 |
Gill Foundation | $3,080,000 | 2004-2013, 2015 |
Greater Milwaukee Foundation Inc | $5,000 | 2006 |
Hartford Foundation For Public Giving | $100,000 | 2012 |
Horizons Foundation | $528,450 | 2007-2015 |
Hull Family Foundation | $55,000 | 2013-2016 |
Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation | $10,000 | 2006 |
Jeht Foundation | $710,000 | 2006 |
Jennifer And Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation | $1,644,000 | 2011-2013, 2015 |
Jewish Community Federation Of San Francisco The Peninsula, Marin And Sonoma | $25,000 | 2013, 2017 |
Jk Irwin Foundation | $15,000 | 2016 |
John D & Catherine T Macarthur Foundation | $575,000 | 2011-2016 |
John S. And James L. Knight Foundation | $15,000 | 2007 |
Johnson Family Foundation | $325,000 | 2013-2015, 2017 |
Joyce Foundation | $260,000 | 2002, 2004, 2013, 2016 |
Katz Family Foundation | $15,000 | 2008 |
Kohlberg Foundation Inc | $2,000,000 | 2003-2007 |
Levi Strauss Foundation | $50,000 | 2011, 2013, 2015 |
Lipton Fam Foundation Trust 01102011 | $10,710 | 2017 |
Lisa And Douglas Goldman Fund | $75,000 | 2013 |
Lynne And Richard Kaiser Family Foundation | $10,000 | 1995 |
Martin, Vincent & Janet Foundation | $10,000 | 2006 |
Matan B'Seter Foundation Inc | $5,850,000 | 2016-2017 |
Max & Anna Levinson Foundation | $10,000 | 2016 |
Mckenzie River Gathering Foundation | $20,000 | 2017 |
Mertz Gilmore Foundation | $2,271,500 | 2011-2017 |
Ms Foundation For Women Inc | $90,622 | 2004-2005, 2008, 2016-2017 |
Nathan Cummings Foundation | $1,095,000 | 1999-2004, 2008-2013 |
Needmor Fund | $7,000 | 2001, 2003, 2005 |
Nellie Mae Education Foundation Inc | $364,000 | 2011-2015 |
New Community Fund Inc | $112,000 | 2010, 2012-2013, 2015-2016 |
New World Foundation | $30,000 | 2016 |
Novo Foundation | $375,000 | 2014-2016 |
Omidyar Network Fund Inc | $310,000 | 2016 |
One World Fund | $35,000 | 2014 |
Open Society Institute | $10,860,000 | 1999, 2001-2009 |
Overbrook Foundation | $950,000 | 2005-2015 |
Park Foundation Inc | $500,000 | 2005, 2007-2012 |
Peace Development Fund Inc | $7,500 | 2003 |
Penney Family Fund | $25,000 | 2003, 2009 |
Ploughshares Fund Inc | $22,000 | 2007, 2009 |
Quixote Foundation Inc | $1,078,500 | 2005-2006, 2008-2013 |
Ray And Dagmar Dolby Family Fund | $25,000 | 2016 |
Robert W Deutsch Foundation | $150,000 | 2011, 2012 |
Rockefeller Brothers Fund Inc | $1,355,361 | 2004-2013, 2015-2016 |
Rockefeller Family Fund Inc | $190,000 | 2002, 2004-2005, 2013 |
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Inc | $400,000 | 2004-2005 |
Rose Foundation | $25,000 | 2007 |
Rose Foundation For Communities And The Environment | $20,000 | 2016-2017 |
Rosenberg Foundation | $15,000 | 2016 |
Rotonda Foundation | $6,000 | 2013 |
Rudolf Steiner Foundation Inc | $113,000 | 2005, 2016 |
San Francisco Foundation | $555,000 | 2014-2016 |
Sandler Foundation | $50,000 | 2008 |
Schumann Media Center Inc | $4,050,000 | 1998, 2002-2005 |
Schwab Charitable Fund | $104,500 | 2016-2017 |
Silicon Valley Community Foundation | $110,550 | 2015, 2017 |
Social Justice Fund Northwest | $10,000 | 2015-2016 |
The Andy Warhol Foundation For The Visual Arts Inc | $300,518 | 2008-2011 |
The Arca Foundation | $425,500 | 2000, 2005-2009, 2013, 2015-2016 |
The Brainerd Foundation | $50,000 | 2003-2004 |
The Carl Marks Foundation Inc | $10,000 | 2015 |
The Community Foundation For The National Capital Region | $107,500 | 2007, 2009-2010, 2012, 2016-2017 |
The Engelberg Foundation | $25,000 | 2001 |
The Ford Foundation | $17,245,800 | 2000, 2002-2016 |
The Frances Fund Inc | $470,000 | 2007-2015 |
The Homestead Foundation Inc | $20,000 | 2016-2017 |
The Hyams Foundation Inc | $25,000 | 2013 |
The Jacob And Hilda Blaustein Foundation Inc | $360,000 | 2012-2017 |
The James Irvine Foundation | $5,000 | 2005 |
The Jerry Greenfield & Elizabeth Skarie Foundation | $5,000 | 2002 |
The John Merck Fund | $878,000 | 2004-2006 |
The Leonard And Sophie Davis Fund | $1,200,000 | 2015-2016 |
The Mac Aids Fund | $100,000 | 2016 |
The New York Community Trust | $68,000 | 2010-2012, 2014 |
The Oregon Community Foundation | $26,000 | 2017 |
The Organic Schoolhouse | $10,000 | 2016 |
The Ottinger Foundation Inc | $113,500 | 1999-2000, 2002, 2014 |
The Righteous Persons Foundation | $15,000 | 1999 |
The Sagner Family Foundation | $27,500 | 2015 |
The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation | $287,411 | 2015-2016 |
The Threshold Foundation | $250,500 | 2017 |
The Vermont Community Foundation | $5,000 | 2004 |
The Wellmark Foundation | $29,400 | 2002 |
The Whitman Institute | $75,000 | 2015-2017 |
The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation | $508,334 | 2013, 2016 |
The William H Donner Foundation | $35,000 | 2014-2016 |
Thornburg Foundation | $245,000 | 2013-2017 |
Tides Foundation | $2,272,109 | 1999-2005, 2007-2014, 2017 |
Us Charitable Gift Trust | $10,003 | 2004 |
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program | $9,747,000 | 2005-2014 |
Vital Projects Fund Inc | $2,356,000 | 2013-2016 |
W K Kellogg Foundation | $2,110,550 | 2008, 2014, 2016-2017 |
Wallace Global Fund Ii | $885,000 | 2010-2013, 2015-2017 |
Women Donors Network | $179,550 | 2016-2017 |
Woodbury Fund Inc | $1,330,000 | 2000-2001, 2003-2007, 2009-2011, 2013-2015 |
Wyncote Foundation | $100,000 | 2010-2011 |
Grand Total: | $116,100,022 |
The Voqal Fund, a center-left communications nonprofit, is a major contributor to the Proteus Fund’s campaign finance reform projects (via the Piper Fund and Piper Action Fund). The following grants list is taken from a 2017 report by Voqal detailing its grants to Proteus for campaign finance reform work (archived here): 10
Voqal Fund: Grants to Proteus Fund/Proteus Action League | Year | Amount | Description |
Proteus Action League | 2015 | $175,000 | Public Financing in Seattle and Beyond: Building Inclusive Democracy in WA State. |
Proteus Action League | 2015 | $50,000 | Piper Fund Core Funding FY2015. Part of the funding went to North Carolina where one of the goals is to: "4) propose a constitutional amendment to undo Citizens United." |
Proteus Action League | 2015 | $50,000 | Demos Public Mobilization Project |
Proteus Action League | 2015 | $75,000 | Winning State Campaigns |
Proteus Action League | 2014 | $50,000 | Piper Fund Core Support FY2014 |
Proteus Action League | 2014 | $250,000 | Fair Elections New York Campaign |
Proteus Action League | 2014 | $25,000 | Research by M+R Strategic Services |
Proteus Action League | 2013 | $350,000 | Creating a System of Public Financing in New York State. One of the outcomes was: "Generated 441 news stories, 120 favorable op-eds and editorials and 100 favorable letters to the editor". |
Proteus Action League | 2013 | $50,000 | Piper Fund Core Support FY2013 |
Proteus Action League | 2017 | $35,000 | Piper Funding |
Proteus Fund | 2017 | $30,500 | Emergent Fund |
Proteus Action League | 2016 | $25,000 | Core Support |
Proteus Action League | 2016 | $36,000 | Security and Rights |
Grand Total: | $1,201,500 |
Proteus Fund Grant Recipients
Between 2006 and 2017, the Proteus Fund gave out nearly $107 million in grants. Its list of grant recipients are available below: 53
Proteus Fund: Grant Recipients (2006-2017) | Amount | Year(s) |
Rethink Media | $7,523,079 | 2009-2017 |
Voter Registration Project | $5,000,000 | 2016-2017 |
Proteus Action League | $3,204,900 | 2006, 2008-2011, 2013-2017 |
Basic Rights Education Fund Oregon | $2,486,000 | 2006, 2008-2015 |
Public Policy And Education Fund - New York | $2,038,550 | 2006, 2008, 2011-2015, 2017 |
Center For Rights In Action | $1,733,700 | 2011-2013 |
Center For Working Families | $1,582,500 | 2011-2015 |
Wellstone Action Fund | $1,268,475 | 2008, 2013-2017 |
Equality Maine Foundation | $1,255,000 | 2006-2012 |
Equality California | $1,230,000 | 2006-2010 |
Common Cause Education Fund | $1,181,940 | 2006-2008, 2012-2017 |
Sierra Club | $1,127,000 | 2013-2015 |
Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation | $1,125,000 | 2006-2011 |
Garden State Equality Educational Fund | $1,018,017 | 2006-2010 |
Glbtq Legal Advocates And Defenders | $1,015,000 | 2006, 2009-2013 |
Brennan Center For Justice Ny School Of Law | $952,000 | 2012-2015 |
Triskeles Foundation | $932,608 | 2017 |
Voter Participation Center | $800,000 | 2006, 2016-2017 |
One Iowa Education Fund | $797,000 | 2008-2010, 2012-2014 |
Florida International University - Florida Center For Capital Representation | $780,000 | 2013-2015 |
Rockwood Leadership Institute | $712,000 | 2009-2010, 2012, 2016 |
Project Vote | $700,000 | 2017 |
South Asian Americans Leading Together | $695,000 | 2009-2017 |
Equality Maryland Foundation | $650,000 | 2006-2011 |
Sikh Coalition | $631,800 | 2009-2017 |
American Civil Liberties Union Of Nebraska | $625,000 | 2015 |
Womens Action For New Directions (Wand) | $600,000 | 2009-2011 |
Center For Death Penalty Litigation | $568,500 | 2013-2016 |
Center For Media Justice | $562,500 | 2009-2012, 2017 |
National Center For Lesbian Rights | $550,000 | 2014 |
Drum | $545,000 | 2009-2015 |
Freedom To Marry | $530,000 | 2012-2013, 2015 |
Democracy Initiative Education Fund | $526,898 | 2015-2016 |
Progressive America Fund - Center For Working Families | $518,000 | 2006, 2011-2013 |
New America Foundation | $516,000 | 2007-2013 |
Every Voice | $505,000 | 2013-2015 |
Demos A Network For Ideas And Action - U.S. In The World Initiative | $500,670 | 2009, 2016 |
Marriage Equality Rhode Island Education Fund | $485,000 | 2007, 2009-2011 |
Arab Community Center For Economic And Social Services Access | $480,000 | 2009-2015 |
Center For Rural Strategies | $472,000 | 2006-2012 |
Acce Institute | $470,000 | 2012-2017 |
New Venture Fund | $467,500 | 2016-2017 |
Alliance For A Just Society | $465,000 | 2012-2014, 2016 |
National Priorities Project | $458,500 | 2006-2007, 2009-2010, 2012 |
Arab-American Institute Foundation | $445,000 | 2010-2017 |
Movement Strategy Center | $435,000 | 2007-2008, 2015-2017 |
Citizen Action Of New York | $431,450 | 2011-2015 |
Center For Investigative Reporting | $430,000 | 2016 |
Progressive States Network | $430,000 | 2006, 2008-2012 |
Phillips Black Project A Public Interest Nonprofit Law Office | $415,000 | 2014-2015, 2017 |
Murder Victims Families For Reconciliation | $413,100 | 2013-2016 |
Public Knowledge | $413,000 | 2008-2013 |
Promise Of Justice Initiative | $405,000 | 2015-2017 |
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice | $403,157 | 2016-2017 |
Center For Arms Control And Non-Proliferation | $390,000 | 2009-2012 |
Texas Defender Service | $380,000 | 2013-2015, 2017 |
Washington Community Action Network Education And Research Fund | $377,500 | 2006, 2015, 2017 |
University Of California | $376,800 | 2013-2015 |
Massequality Education Fund | $375,000 | 2007-2011 |
American Civil Liberties Union Of New Mexico Foundation | $370,000 | 2013-2015, 2017 |
Death Penalty Information Center | $370,000 | 2013-2015, 2017 |
Chinese Progressive Association | $365,000 | 2011-2012, 2014-2016 |
Pride Foundation | $365,000 | 2012 |
Mainers For Accountable Elections | $350,000 | 2015 |
Harvard University - Charles Hamilton Houston Institute For Race And Justice, School Of Law | $345,900 | 2015 |
Outfront Minnesota | $337,500 | 2012-2013 |
Kansas Values Institute | $333,000 | 2014-2017 |
Institute For Local Self-Reliance | $325,000 | 2006-2013, 2015 |
Youth Passageways | $321,000 | 2015-2016 |
Lambda Legal Defence And Education Fund | $320,000 | 2006-2009, 2015 |
Demos A Network For Ideas & Action | $319,975 | 2008, 2015, 2017 |
Sustain Dane | $317,000 | 2014-2016 |
Asian Law Caucus | $315,000 | 2009-2012 |
Wisconsin Citizen Action Fund | $308,556 | 2006 |
Florida International University Fo | $300,500 | 2016 |
Rethink Media Advocacy | $300,036 | 2013-2015 |
Dc Vote | $300,000 | 2006, 2013-2015 |
National Federation Of Community Broadcast | $300,000 | 2007-2008 |
Pentagon Budget Campaign | $300,000 | 2013-2015 |
Solidago Foundation | $295,107 | 2013-2015, 2017 |
Free Press Action Fund | $293,000 | 2007-2008, 2010-2012 |
Maine Citizens For Clean Elections | $291,250 | 2011-2017 |
Equality New Mexico Foundation | $290,000 | 2006-2007, 2013-2014 |
North Carolina Voters For Clean Elections | $288,000 | 2011, 2013-2017 |
Vermont Freedom To Marry Task Force | $285,000 | 2006, 2008-2009 |
Main Street Project | $276,000 | 2006-2012 |
Peace Action Education Fund | $275,000 | 2009, 2010, 2012 |
Future Of Music Coalition | $272,500 | 2006-2012 |
Mcce Action | $270,500 | 2012, 2014-2015 |
National Security Initiative | $265,580 | 2009-2012 |
Democracy Initiative | $264,365 | 2015 |
Allied Media Projects | $263,000 | 2009-2012, 2016, 2017 |
Prometheus Radio Project | $262,000 | 2008-2012 |
Institute For Social Policy And Understanding | $256,667 | 2011-2015, 2017 |
American Bar Association Fund For Justice And Education | $255,000 | 2013-2015 |
Free Press | $255,000 | 2006, 2011-2012 |
Love Makes A Family | $255,000 | 2006, 2008 |
Advocacy Fund | $251,390 | 2011, 2015 |
Native Public Media | $251,000 | 2009-2012 |
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation | $250,000 | 2015-2016 |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus | $250,000 | 2013-2015, 2017 |
Pennsylvania Capital Representation Project | $250,000 | 2013-2014 |
Ploughshares Fund | $250,000 | 2014 |
Witness To Innocence | $250,000 | 2014 |
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology | $244,000 | 2006-2007, 2016-2017 |
National Black Justice Coalition | $240,000 | 2010 |
Tides Foundation | $238,100 | 2016-2017 |
Equality Minnesota - Project 515 Education Campaign | $237,500 | 2012-2013 |
Arizona Capital Representation Project | $237,000 | 2013-2015 |
Constitution Project | $235,000 | 2010, 2013, 2015-2016 |
Institute For Policy Studies | $232,500 | 2009-2012 |
Justice Not Politics | $229,800 | 2012, 2014-2017 |
Media Mobilizing Project | $228,500 | 2008-2012, 2017 |
Equal Rights Washington Education Fund | $226,500 | 2007, 2009-2010 |
Fractured Atlas | $226,000 | 2011-2012, 2017 |
Rev | $225,450 | 2009-2011 |
Catholic Mobilizing Network | $225,000 | 2013-2015 |
Michigan For Marriage | $225,000 | 2015 |
Texas For Marriage | $225,000 | 2015 |
Why Marriage Matters Ohio | $225,000 | 2015 |
Win Without War | $225,000 | 2009-2012 |
Alliance For Nuclear Accountability | $222,000 | 2009-2011 |
Women Donors Network | $221,390 | 2013-2017 |
Arizona Advocacy Foundation | $215,000 | 2014-2017 |
Media Access Project | $210,000 | 2007-2011 |
National Hispanic Media Coalition | $210,000 | 2007-2012 |
New Mexico Media Literary | $206,000 | 2009-2012 |
New Hampshire Death Penalty Repeal Campaign | $205,000 | 2013, 2015 |
University Of Southern California - Center For Religion And Civic Culture | $205,000 | 2009-2012 |
Global Partners And Associates | $200,000 | 2012-2013 |
One Colorado Education Fund | $200,000 | 2014 |
Pew Charitable Trusts | $200,000 | 2016 |
Project On Government Oversight | $200,000 | 2009, 2011 |
Oregon Justice Resource Center | $195,000 | 2013-2014 |
Life Of The Law | $191,450 | 2014 |
South Asian Network | $190,000 | 2009-2012 |
Tennessee Immigrant And Refugee Rights Coalition | $190,000 | 2011-2017 |
Tri-Valley Cares - Communities Against A Radioactive Environment | $190,000 | 2009-2010, 2012 |
Arab American Association Of New York | $188,700 | 2012-2017 |
Connecticut Citizen Research Group | $185,000 | 2007, 2012-2017 |
Iowa Citizens For Community Improvement | $185,000 | 2007, 2012-2016 |
Win Win Action | $172,500 | 2014-2015 |
Dane County Timebank | $170,000 | 2015-2016 |
Friends Committee On National Legislation Education Fund | $170,000 | 2009, 2011 |
Gay And Lesbian Advocates And Defenders | $170,000 | 2007-2008 |
Love Makes A Family Foundation | $170,000 | 2007 |
Public Campaign | $170,000 | 2008, 2011-2012 |
Springs Industries Foundation | $164,440 | 2006 |
Oakland Rising | $160,000 | 2011-2012, 2014 |
Taxpayers For Common Sense | $160,000 | 2009, 2011 |
Commonwealth Foundation | $157,500 | 2006, 2010-2011 |
New Florida Majority Education Fund | $157,500 | 2016-2017 |
Greater Birmingham Ministries | $155,000 | 2011-2012, 2017 |
Justice At Stake Campaign | $155,000 | 2012-2015 |
Center For American Progress | $150,000 | 2016 |
Equal Rights Washington | $150,000 | 2008 |
Leadership Conference Education Fund | $150,000 | 2006, 2011-2012 |
Ocean State Action Fund | $150,000 | 2006, 2008 |
Progressive Maryland Education Fund | $150,000 | 2006, 2017 |
State Voices | $150,000 | 2016-2017 |
Maine People'S Resource Center | $149,750 | 2006-2007, 2015-2016 |
Southern Vision Alliance | $148,500 | 2015-2017 |
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition | $146,000 | 2012-2015 |
Equality Florida | $145,000 | 2015 |
New Hampshire Coalition To Abolish The Death Penalty | $145,000 | 2013-2014, 2016 |
Spirit In Action | $142,257 | 2014-2016 |
American Civil Liberties Foundation Of Delaware | $141,000 | 2013-2015 |
Mountain Area Information Network | $141,000 | 2008-2012 |
Regents Of The University Of California | $140,000 | 2016 |
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation Of Washington | $138,250 | 2014 |
Arizona Advocacy Network | $135,000 | 2012-2015 |
Georgia Wand Education Fund | $135,000 | 2009-2011 |
Media Matters For America | $135,000 | 2006, 2008, 2014 |
Citizen Action Of Wisconsin Education Fund | $133,500 | 2008, 2015-2016 |
Common Cause | $130,000 | 2006, 2012, 2015 |
National Day Laborer Organizing Network | $130,000 | 2014, 2016-2017 |
Phillips Black Project A Public | $130,000 | 2016 |
Physicians For Social Responsibility | $130,000 | 2009-2011 |
Inner-City Muslim Action Network | $127,500 | 2009-2010 |
See Forward Fund | $126,557 | 2016-2017 |
Atlanta Jobs With Justice | $125,000 | 2017 |
Equality Foundation Of Georgia | $125,000 | 2017 |
Political Research Associates - Pra | $125,000 | 2016-2017 |
Public Education Center | $125,000 | 2009-2012 |
Sister Song | $125,000 | 2017 |
Equal Justice Usa | $122,000 | 2015-2017 |
Center For Civic Policy | $120,000 | 2017 |
Center For Neighborhood Leadership | $120,000 | 2016-2017 |
Demand Progress | $120,000 | 2013 |
Drum - Desis Rising Up And Moving | $120,000 | 2016-2017 |
Institute For Energy And Environmental Research | $120,000 | 2009-2011 |
Muslim Advocates | $120,000 | 2009, 2011, 2017 |
Freedom Nevada | $119,642 | 2014 |
Neo Philanthropy | $117,620 | 2006, 2016-2017 |
Arizona Advocacy Network Foundation | $117,000 | 2011-2013 |
Minnesota Community Action Association Resource Fund | $117,000 | 2012-2013 |
Public Citizen Foundation | $117,000 | 2009-2012, 2015 |
Nebraskans Against The Death Penalty Foundation | $116,000 | 2013-2015 |
Pico National Network | $115,000 | 2012 |
Progress Florida | $115,000 | 2014-2015 |
Schumacher Center For A New Economics | $115,000 | 2014-2016 |
Center For Social Inclusion | $112,500 | 2009-2011, 2016 |
Peoples Action Institute | $112,000 | 2016-2017 |
Iraq Veterans Against The War | $110,063 | 2009-2011, 2017 |
Equality Alliance Of San Diego County | $110,000 | 2011-2012 |
People For The American Way Foundation | $110,000 | 2006, 2008 |
Working America Education Fund | $110,000 | 2008 |
Americans For Democratic Action Education Fund | $108,500 | 2006-2007 |
8Th Amendment Project Proteus Fund | $105,000 | 2014-2015 |
Center For Community Change | $105,000 | 2012-2013 |
Center For International Policy | $105,000 | 2011, 2016 |
Clean Elections Institute | $105,000 | 2006, 2008 |
Miami Workers Center | $105,000 | 2011, 2017 |
Center For Strategic And Budgetary Assessments | $101,000 | 2006-2007 |
Citizen Action Of Wisconsin Ed Fund | $101,000 | 2007 |
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation Of Michigan | $100,000 | 2015 |
Atlantic Center For Capital Representation | $100,000 | 2013 |
Benton Foundation | $100,000 | 2013 |
Capital Litigation Communications Project | $100,000 | 2014-2015 |
Center For Intercultural Organizing | $100,000 | 2012-2016 |
Citizen Engagement Laboratory | $100,000 | 2010 |
Human Rights Watch | $100,000 | 2011-2012 |
Naacp National Voter Fund | $100,000 | 2013 |
New Mexico Religious Coalition For Reproductive Choice | $100,000 | 2017 |
Rights Working Group | $100,000 | 2011-2013 |
Rock The Vote | $100,000 | 2008, 2016 |
Young Women United | $100,000 | 2017 |
Democracy North Carolina | $99,000 | 2006-2008, 2012-2014 |
Proteus Fund | $99,000 | 2011, 2013-2014 |
Ayni Institute | $97,100 | 2015-2017 |
Pennsylvania State University - College Of Communications | $97,000 | 2008, 2010, 2012 |
Center For Popular Democracy | $95,333 | 2015, 2017 |
Fair Wisconsin Education Fund | $95,000 | 2006, 2016 |
Peace Education Fund | $95,000 | 2010-2013 |
Puente Human Rights Movement | $95,000 | 2016-2017 |
Stand Down Texas | $95,000 | 2013, 2015 |
Florida Capital Resource Center | $90,000 | 2013 |
Justice Not Politics Alaska | $90,000 | 2015-2017 |
Missouri Jobs With Justice | $90,000 | 2017 |
Progress Florida Education Institute | $90,000 | 2016-2017 |
Unity Productions Foundation | $90,000 | 2010-2011 |
Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Education Project | $90,000 | 2008, 2012-2014 |
Georgia Equality Foundation | $88,000 | 2015 |
New School - World Policy Institute | $88,000 | 2006 |
Arab-American Action Network | $87,500 | 2009-2010 |
Media Justice League | $86,000 | 2009-2011 |
Access Now | $85,000 | 2010-2011, 2013 |
Americans For Campaign Reform | $85,000 | 2006, 2008 |
Freedom To Marry Foundation | $85,000 | 2006 |
Media Consortium | $85,000 | 2010-2011 |
World Security Institute | $85,000 | 2006 |
Open Media And Information Companies Initiative | $84,000 | 2009-2010, 2012 |
Center For Media And Democracy | $82,500 | 2008, 2015-2016 |
City University Of New York School Of Law Foundation | $82,000 | 2010, 2014, 2017 |
New World Foundation | $81,600 | 2011, 2017 |
North Carolina Center For Voter Education | $81,500 | 2006, 2012-2014 |
American Indian Institute | $80,000 | 2015 |
Appalshop | $80,000 | 2009-2012 |
Bill Of Rights Defense Committee | $80,000 | 2012-2015 |
California Common Cause | $80,000 | 2014-2015 |
Illinois Campaign For Political Reform | $80,000 | 2006, 2008, 2012 |
New Organizing Institute Education Fund | $80,000 | 2010 |
United We Dream Network | $80,000 | 2011, 2017 |
Wisconsin League Of Conservation Voters | $80,000 | 2008, 2016 |
9 To 5 National Association Of Working Woman | $77,000 | 2006-2007 |
Economists For Peace And Security | $77,000 | 2006-2007 |
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation Of Colorado | $75,000 | 2013 |
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation Of Texas | $75,000 | 2015 |
American Civil Liberties Union Of North Carolina Legal Foundation | $75,000 | 2015 |
Center For Public Interest Research | $75,000 | 2006 |
Equality Illinois Education Project | $75,000 | 2012 |
Equality North Carolina Foundation | $75,000 | 2015 |
Foundation For National Progress | $75,000 | 2009, 2012 |
Interfaith Youth Core | $75,000 | 2010 |
National Alliance For Media Arts And Culture | $75,000 | 2010-2012 |
New Hampshire Freedom To Marry Education Fund | $75,000 | 2009 |
New York University | $75,000 | 2016 |
Oakland Rising Action | $75,000 | 2012 |
Roger Baldwin Foundation Of The American Civil Liberties Union | $75,000 | 2006 |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | $75,000 | 2014-2016 |
Texas Freedom Network Education Fund | $75,000 | 2015 |
Two Futures Project | $75,000 | 2009-2011 |
Utility Reform Network | $75,000 | 2011-2012 |
Colorado Progressive Coalition | $72,000 | 2006-2007 |
Equality Hawaii Foundation | $72,000 | 2013 |
Adc Research Institute | $70,000 | 2009 |
Alliance For Peacebuilding | $70,000 | 2011-2012 |
Arts Of Peace - Mainstream Media Project | $70,000 | 2010 |
Association Of State Correctional Administrators | $70,000 | 2015, 2017 |
Common Cause New Mexico | $70,000 | 2014-2015 |
Common Cause Oregon | $70,000 | 2014 |
Leadership Conference Civil Rights Education Fund | $70,000 | 2007-2008 |
Media And Democracy Coalition | $70,000 | 2009-2010, 2012 |
Neighbor To Neighbor Massachusetts Education Fund | $70,000 | 2006-2007 |
Nuclear Watch Of New Mexico | $70,000 | 2009-2011 |
Progressive Change Institute | $70,000 | 2013 |
Somali Action Alliance Education Fund | $70,000 | 2010-2011 |
West Fund | $70,000 | 2016-2017 |
Commonwealth Institute | $68,500 | 2007-2008 |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | $67,600 | 2016 |
League Of Women Voters Of Maine Education Fund | $67,500 | 2006, 2008 |
Alliance For Global Justice | $67,000 | 2016-2017 |
Eastern Mennonite University - Center For Justice And Peacebuilding | $66,000 | 2009-2010 |
Institute For Public Affairs | $65,000 | 2015-2016 |
Ohio River Valley Environmental Coalition | $65,000 | 2016-2017 |
Pennsylvanians For Alternatives To The Death Penalty | $65,000 | 2014-2015 |
Queen City Community Development - Seattle Lgbt Community Center | $65,000 | 2006 |
Texas Organizing Project Education Fund | $65,000 | 2017 |
Vermonters For Criminal Justice Reform | $65,000 | 2014-2016 |
University Of Wisconsin Foundation | $64,000 | 2015 |
Peoples Production House | $62,000 | 2008 |
Access Philanthropy Charities | $60,000 | 2016-2017 |
Altmuslim.Com | $60,000 | 2009 |
Arab Community Center For Economic | $60,000 | 2016 |
Balle | $60,000 | 2014-2015 |
Campaign Legal Center | $60,000 | 2009-2011 |
Carolina Justice Policy Center | $60,000 | 2013 |
Diversity Fellowship Proteus Fund | $60,000 | 2013-2014 |
Faith In Public Life | $60,000 | 2015 |
Georgia Muslim Voter Project | $60,000 | 2017 |
Missouri Bar Foundation | $60,000 | 2012 |
Praxis Project | $60,000 | 2016-2017 |
Texas Coalition To Abolish The Death Penalty | $60,000 | 2014 |
Tides Center | $60,000 | 2008, 2016-2017 |
Union Of Concerned Scientists | $60,000 | 2009-2011 |
Washington Community Action Network | $60,000 | 2016 |
Iowa Citizen Action Network Education Foundation | $57,000 | 2006-2007 |
Mas Boston Society | $55,783 | 2014-2015, 2017 |
Colorofchange.Org | $55,000 | 2011-2012 |
Community Foundation Of Greater Des Moines | $55,000 | 2006 |
Executive Council Of The General Syn | $55,000 | 2008 |
Massequality.Org, The Campaign For Equality | $55,000 | 2006 |
Voice Of Witness | $55,000 | 2010-2011 |
Align The Alliance For A Greater N | $53,500 | 2016 |
Common Frequency | $52,200 | 2010-2012 |
Men'S Resource Center | $50,050 | 2008 |
Aclu Foundation Of Arizona | $50,000 | 2015 |
American Forum | $50,000 | 2006, 2011 |
American University | $50,000 | 2008 |
Asian Pacific Environmental Network Action | $50,000 | 2012 |
Breakthrough | $50,000 | 2010 |
Causa Justa Just Cause | $50,000 | 2012 |
Cause Communications | $50,000 | 2011 |
Center For Effective Government - Omb Watch | $50,000 | 2009-2010 |
Center For International Policy - Arms And Security Initiative | $50,000 | 2012 |
Coalition For D C Representation Ed | $50,000 | 2016 |
Coalition For Dc Representation Education Fund Dba Dc Vote | $50,000 | 2017 |
Common Cause Connecticut | $50,000 | 2015 |
Common Cause Connecticut | $50,000 | 2014 |
Equality Federation Institute | $50,000 | 2015 |
Equality Ohio Education Fund | $50,000 | 2014 |
Equality State Policy Center | $50,000 | 2006 |
Florida New Majority Education Fund | $50,000 | 2012 |
Foundation For National Progress - Mother Jones | $50,000 | 2010 |
Fractured Atlas - Working Narratives | $50,000 | 2012 |
Human Rights First | $50,000 | 2009-2010 |
Institute For Social Policy And Und | $50,000 | 2016 |
Ministry Against The Death Penalty | $50,000 | 2013-2014 |
Movement For Black Lives Convening | $50,000 | 2015 |
New Security Action | $50,000 | 2010 |
Ole Education Fund | $50,000 | 2017 |
One Community Foundation | $50,000 | 2015 |
Progressive Voices Institute | $50,000 | 2013-2014 |
Public Policy And Education Fund Of | $50,000 | 2016 |
Reprieve | $50,000 | 2013-2014 |
Sustainable Economies Law Center | $50,000 | 2015-2016 |
Threshold Foundation | $50,000 | 2015-2016 |
Unlocking Futures | $50,000 | 2016-2017 |
Urban Dreams | $50,000 | 2006 |
Virginia Organizing | $50,000 | 2006, 2017 |
Watershed Center | $49,550 | 2016-2017 |
Alliance For Community Media | $45,000 | 2009, 2011 |
Center For Sustainable Journalism | $45,000 | 2015 |
New Hampshire Citizens Allowance | $45,000 | 2006-2008 |
Justice Now | $43,000 | 2016-2017 |
Institute For Southern Studies | $42,750 | 2016 |
Mikva Challenge - Grant Foundation | $41,800 | 2008 |
Maine Center For Economic Policy | $41,000 | 2006 |
Acorn Active Media Foundation | $40,000 | 2006 |
Alabama Appleseed Center For Law And Justice | $40,000 | 2012 |
American Prospect | $40,000 | 2011, 2013 |
Americans For The Arts | $40,000 | 2008 |
Birmingham Faith In Action | $40,000 | 2012 |
Center For Civic Action | $40,000 | 2007 |
Coalition For Open Democracy | $40,000 | 2017 |
Collective Heritage Institute | $40,000 | 2014 |
Colorado People'S Alliance | $40,000 | 2015 |
Common Cause Maryland | $40,000 | 2014-2015 |
Community Shares Of Wisconsin | $40,000 | 2015 |
Connecticut Citizen Research Ed Group | $40,000 | 2007 |
Consensus Building Institute | $40,000 | 2008 |
Fair Wisconsin | $40,000 | 2006 |
Family Values At Work A Multi-State | $40,000 | 2016 |
Family Values At Work A Multi-State Consortium | $40,000 | 2015 |
Fjc | $40,000 | 2017 |
Fordham University - Law School | $40,000 | 2006 |
Georgetown University - Georgetown University Law Center | $40,000 | 2006 |
Hispanic Interest Coalition Of Alabama | $40,000 | 2012 |
Howard University - Law School | $40,000 | 2007 |
Institute For Agriculture And Trade Policy | $40,000 | 2014 |
La Union Del Pueblo Entero | $40,000 | 2011 |
Massachusetts Communities Action Network | $40,000 | 2015 |
New Hampshire American Civil Liberties Union Foundation | $40,000 | 2006 |
Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association | $40,000 | 2017 |
Pineros Y Campesinos Unidos Del Noroeste | $40,000 | 2011 |
Progress Michigan Education | $40,000 | 2017 |
Project South Institution For The Elimination Of Poverty And Genocide | $40,000 | 2017 |
Texas Fair Defense Project | $40,000 | 2016-2017 |
University Of Southern California | $40,000 | 2017 |
Youth Noise | $40,000 | 2008 |
Maine Women'S Policy Center | $38,250 | 2006-2007 |
United Neighborhood Centers Of America | $38,250 | 2008 |
Partnership For The Advancement Of New Americans | $37,900 | 2017 |
Chittenden Community Television | $37,000 | 2008 |
Center For Third World Organizing | $36,500 | 2012, 2017 |
Big Mouth Productions | $35,000 | 2011 |
Center For Civic Participation | $35,000 | 2008 |
Common Cause New York | $35,000 | 2014 |
Dirigo Alliance | $35,000 | 2006 |
Everyblackgirl | $35,000 | 2017 |
Freedom To Marry Vermont Task Force | $35,000 | 2007 |
Partnership For Public Service | $35,000 | 2006, 2008 |
Peace And Security Funders Group | $35,000 | 2009, 2011-2012 |
Re Gender | $35,000 | 2013 |
Research Foundation Of Cuny | $35,000 | 2017 |
Tenants Together | $35,000 | 2014-2017 |
Transgender Law Center | $35,000 | 2017 |
Wcij | $35,000 | 2016-2017 |
Willamette University - Oregon Law Commission | $35,000 | 2013 |
Youth For Environmental Sanity | $35,000 | 2014-2015 |
Black Alliance For Just Immigration | $33,500 | 2017 |
Asian Pacific American Network Of Oregon | $33,000 | 2017 |
People'S Action Fund | $32,500 | 2017 |
Public Justice Center | $32,000 | 2016 |
Advocates For Environmental Human Rights | $30,000 | 2006 |
Biodynamic Farming And Gardening | $30,000 | 2016 |
Center For Community Stewardship | $30,000 | 2016 |
Center For International Policy - Project On Defense Alternatives | $30,000 | 2012 |
Chinese Progressive Association | $30,000 | 2017 |
Clean Wisconsin | $30,000 | 2015-2016 |
Council For A Livable World Education Fund | $30,000 | 2014 |
Council On American-Islamic Relations California | $30,000 | 2017 |
Critical Resistance | $30,000 | 2016-2017 |
Death Penalty Focus Of California | $30,000 | 2014 |
Dharma Foundation | $30,000 | 2016 |
Earthreports - Patuxent Riverkeeper | $30,000 | 2006 |
Eyepop Productions | $30,000 | 2015 |
Faithful Security National Religious Partnership On The Nuclear Weapons Danger | $30,000 | 2009 |
Foundation For National Progress - Media Consortium | $30,000 | 2012 |
Hawaii Elections Project | $30,000 | 2013 |
Henry L Stimson Center | $30,000 | 2012 |
Independent Media Institute | $30,000 | 2006 |
Institute For American Leadership | $30,000 | 2012 |
Institute For Media Analysis | $30,000 | 2014 |
Lewis And Clark College | $30,000 | 2016-2017 |
Massequality Organization | $30,000 | 2007 |
Milwaukee Public Theatre | $30,000 | 2015 |
Missouri Citizen Education Fund | $30,000 | 2006 |
Ms Foundation For Women | $30,000 | 2008 |
Muslim Students Association West | $30,000 | 2017 |
Nebraska Easement Action Team | $30,000 | 2016 |
New Jersey Citizen Action Education Fund | $30,000 | 2006 |
Northeastern University | $30,000 | 2017 |
Peace Development | $30,000 | 2008 |
People Power Initiatives | $30,000 | 2016 |
Philadelphians Organized To Witness Empower And Rebuild | $30,000 | 2017 |
Public Action Foundation | $30,000 | 2006 |
Public Campaign Action | $30,000 | 2008 |
Southsiders Organized For Unity And Liberation | $30,000 | 2016-2017 |
Thousand Currents | $30,000 | 2017 |
University Of California - Berkeley Regents | $30,000 | 2017 |
Western States | $30,000 | 2008 |
Win Win Network | $30,000 | 2017 |
Wisconsin League Of Conservation Voters Institute | $30,000 | 2006, 2015 |
Floridians For Alternatives To | $28,532 | 2016 |
Community Catalyst | $28,000 | 2016 |
Public Economic Information Services | $27,500 | 2014-2015 |
Leadership Conference On Civil Rights Education Fund | $27,000 | 2008 |
National Queer Asian Pacific Island | $26,335 | 2016 |
Texans For Public Justice | $26,300 | 2013 |
Affect Real Change | $25,000 | 2017 |
Alliance For Justice | $25,000 | 2016 |
Arts Of Peace | $25,000 | 2009 |
Bruno Roosevelt Filmproduktion Llc | $25,000 | 2014 |
Class Action | $25,000 | 2014-2016 |
Co-Intelligence Institute | $25,000 | 2014-2016 |
Communities United For People | $25,000 | 2017 |
Cooperation Jackson Of Mississippi | $25,000 | 2017 |
Demand Progress Action | $25,000 | 2013 |
Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative | $25,000 | 2017 |
Franklin And Eleanor Roosevelt Institute | $25,000 | 2013 |
Freedom Archives | $25,000 | 2017 |
Fund For The City Of New York | $25,000 | 2008 |
Heart Women And Girls | $25,000 | 2017 |
Highlander Research And Education Center | $25,000 | 2017 |
Illinois Peoples Action | $25,000 | 2017 |
League Of Young Voters Education Fund | $25,000 | 2006 |
Legal Voice | $25,000 | 2006 |
Lummi Nation Service Organization | $25,000 | 2017 |
Madison Area Community Land Trust | $25,000 | 2014-2015 |
Maine Citizen Leadership Fund | $25,000 | 2006 |
Maine Conservation Alliance | $25,000 | 2006 |
Maine Initiatives | $25,000 | 2006-2007 |
Mass Alliance | $25,000 | 2014 |
Massachusetts Voter Table | $25,000 | 2012 |
Media Alliance | $25,000 | 2006 |
Midwest Environmental Advocates | $25,000 | 2015 |
National Council Of La Razaraul | $25,000 | 2008 |
National Institute For Latino Policy | $25,000 | 2011 |
National Korean American Service An | $25,000 | 2016 |
Navigate | $25,000 | 2017 |
New Economy Coalition | $25,000 | 2017 |
New York Communities Organizing Fund | $25,000 | 2017 |
New York Community Media Alliance | $25,000 | 2009 |
New York University - New York University, Center For Human Rights And Global Justice | $25,000 | 2011 |
Organization United For Respect At Walmart | $25,000 | 2015 |
Otherworlds | $25,000 | 2009, 2016 |
Peace First | $25,000 | 2017 |
Polaris Institute Usa | $25,000 | 2017 |
Positive Futures Network | $25,000 | 2016 |
Press Street Dba Antenna | $25,000 | 2017 |
Progressive Leadership Alliance Of Nevada (Plan) | $25,000 | 2006 |
Progressivecongress.Org | $25,000 | 2011 |
Repairers Of The Breach | $25,000 | 2017 |
Responsible Endowments Coalition | $25,000 | 2014 |
Ruth Ellis Center | $25,000 | 2017 |
Southern Coalition For Social Justice | $25,000 | 2015 |
Takeaction Minnesota Education Fund | $25,000 | 2006 |
To Nizhoni Ani | $25,000 | 2017 |
Warehouse Workers Justice Center | $25,000 | 2017 |
Warrior Educational Films | $25,000 | 2015-2016 |
Working Narratives | $25,000 | 2017 |
Working World | $25,000 | 2017 |
Cornucopia Institute | $23,000 | 2008, 2014-2015 |
Funders Committee For Civic Participation | $22,600 | 2011, 2013 |
Social Justice Fund Northwest | $22,500 | 2014-2015 |
Inquilinxs Unidxs Por Justicia | $22,000 | 2017 |
Pico Action Fund | $22,000 | 2012 |
Massachusetts Voter Education | $21,100 | 2016-2017 |
Montana Abolition Coalition | $21,000 | 2015 |
Gulf Coast Center For Law And Policy | $20,500 | 2015 |
Hmong American Friendship Association | $20,291 | 2006 |
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation Of Florida | $20,000 | 2013 |
Arizona Institute For Public Life | $20,000 | 2006 |
Arizona Wins | $20,000 | 2015 |
Arms Control Association | $20,000 | 2010 |
Association Of Community Organizations For Reform Now | $20,000 | 2006 |
Biodynamic Farming And Gardening Association | $20,000 | 2015 |
Black Lives Matter | $20,000 | 2015 |
Center For Intercultural Organizing Dba Unite Oregon | $20,000 | 2017 |
Colorado Consumer Health Initiative | $20,000 | 2016 |
Common Cause Hawaii | $20,000 | 2014 |
Community Organizations In Action | $20,000 | 2015 |
Congregation Of St Joseph Ministry Against The Death Penalty | $20,000 | 2017 |
Drug Policy Alliance | $20,000 | 2015 |
Engage San Diego | $20,000 | 2012 |
Every Voice Center | $20,000 | 2014 |
Faith In Florida | $20,000 | 2017 |
Florida Institute For Reform And Em | $20,000 | 2016 |
Health Access Foundation | $20,000 | 2016 |
Hitchcock Center | $20,000 | 2008 |
Illinois Justice Foundation | $20,000 | 2017 |
Indiana Abolition Coalition | $20,000 | 2015 |
Institute For Nonprofit News | $20,000 | 2017 |
Institute For One Wisconsin Now | $20,000 | 2007 |
Interfaith Alliance Of Iowa | $20,000 | 2015 |
Interfaith Alliance Of Iowa And Action Fund | $20,000 | 2014 |
International Documentary | $20,000 | 2016 |
Investigative Reporters And Editors | $20,000 | 2014 |
Legal Services For Prisoners With C | $20,000 | 2016 |
Local First Milwaukee | $20,000 | 2015 |
Maryland Citizen'S Health Initiative Education Fund | $20,000 | 2016 |
Massachusetts Public Health Associa | $20,000 | 2016 |
Metropolitan Public Defender Servic | $20,000 | 2016 |
Military Families Speak Out | $20,000 | 2011 |
Military Families Speak Out - Education Fund | $20,000 | 2009 |
Movement Netlab | $20,000 | 2015 |
Naacp | $20,000 | 2008 |
National Congress Of American Indians (Ncai) | $20,000 | 2008 |
Natural Resources Defense Council | $20,000 | 2009 |
Neighbor To Neighbor Massachusetts Action Fund | $20,000 | 2012 |
Nm Comunidades En Accion International Y De Fe | $20,000 | 2017 |
Ohio Campus Compact | $20,000 | 2016 |
Ospirg Foundation | $20,000 | 2017 |
Ospring Foundation | $20,000 | 2016 |
Progressive Maryland | $20,000 | 2015 |
Project Vote-Voting For America | $20,000 | 2008 |
Proteus Fund - Security And Rights Collaborative | $20,000 | 2014 |
Public Defender Association Of Seattle | $20,000 | 2015 |
Race And Equity Collaborative | $20,000 | 2013 |
Reason Foundation | $20,000 | 2015 |
Reclaim The Media | $20,000 | 2009 |
Sacramento Area Congregation Together | $20,000 | 2017 |
Social Transformation Project | $20,000 | 2014-2015 |
Southerners On New Ground | $20,000 | 2017 |
True Story | $20,000 | 2015 |
Village Of Hope | $20,000 | 2017 |
Voice Of The Ex-Offender | $20,000 | 2015 |
Warren J Plaut Charitable Tr | $20,000 | 2017 |
Wild Foundation | $20,000 | 2014-2015 |
Wyoming Association Of Churches | $20,000 | 2017 |
Ncsl Foundation For State Legistlatures | $19,750 | 2008 |
Center Of Michigan | $19,250 | 2008 |
Building Partnerships Usa | $18,000 | 2006 |
Red Cloud Indian School | $18,000 | 2014-2015 |
Walden School | $18,000 | 2013-2014 |
Hopewell Fund | $17,500 | 2017 |
Justice Together | $17,500 | 2015 |
Fordham University School Of Law | $16,000 | 2014-2015 |
Pomegranate Center | $16,000 | 2014-2015 |
Washington Progress Fund | $16,000 | 2014, 2016 |
Rising Tide North America | $15,500 | 2015 |
Advancing Real Change | $15,000 | 2016 |
Alliance For Global Justice For Chiapas Media Project | $15,000 | 2016 |
American Players Theatre | $15,000 | 2014-2015 |
Arkansas Coalition To Abolish The Death Penalty | $15,000 | 2014 |
Campaign For Southern Equality | $15,000 | 2016-2017 |
Center For Convivial Research And A | $15,000 | 2016 |
Center For Courage And Renewal | $15,000 | 2014-2016 |
Center For Digital Democracy | $15,000 | 2010 |
Center For New Community | $15,000 | 2015 |
Consulting For Organizational Reflection And Effectiveness | $15,000 | 2015 |
Consulting For Organizational Reflection And Effectiveness | $15,000 | 2014 |
Dream Defenders | $15,000 | 2014 |
Each One Reach One | $15,000 | 2016 |
Each One Reach One | $15,000 | 2016 |
Earthworks | $15,000 | 2017 |
Florida International University Foundation | $15,000 | 2017 |
Harvard Law School - Harvard University, Berkman Center For Internet And Society | $15,000 | 2012 |
Idle No More | $15,000 | 2014 |
Institute For Public Accuracy | $15,000 | 2009 |
Justice 360 | $15,000 | 2016 |
Lead Wisconsin | $15,000 | 2015 |
Maryland Public Interest Research Foundation | $15,000 | 2017 |
Missourians For Alternatives To The Death Penalty | $15,000 | 2014 |
Montanans For Free And Fair Elections | $15,000 | 2014 |
National Institute On Money In State Politics | $15,000 | 2017 |
Native Americans In Philanthropy | $15,000 | 2017 |
New Alpha Community Development Corporation | $15,000 | 2016 |
Ohio Student Association | $15,000 | 2014 |
On Your Mark Productions | $15,000 | 2015 |
Online Progressive Engagement Networks Fund | $15,000 | 2014 |
Pequenas Ligas Hispanas De New Haven | $15,000 | 2011 |
Providence Youth Student Movement | $15,000 | 2017 |
Public Accountability Initiative In | $15,000 | 2016 |
Rise Up International | $15,000 | 2015 |
San Diego Organization Project | $15,000 | 2017 |
Sc Progressive Network Education Fund | $15,000 | 2017 |
School Of Lost Borders | $15,000 | 2014-2016 |
Success A New Beginning | $15,000 | 2008 |
Texas Lethal Injection Project | $15,000 | 2015 |
Voces De La Frontera | $15,000 | 2006, 2016 |
Warehouse Workers For Justice | $15,000 | 2014 |
Welcome Project | $15,000 | 2017 |
Wildfire Project | $15,000 | 2014 |
Wisconsin Voices | $15,000 | 2017 |
Women Make Movies | $15,000 | 2013 |
Yes Laboratory | $15,000 | 2014 |
Youth Justice Fund | $15,000 | 2017 |
Council On American Islamic Relations | $14,750 | 2017 |
Domestic Worker Legacy Fund | $14,000 | 2017 |
Muslim Wellness Foundation | $14,000 | 2017 |
American Civil Liberties Union Of Kentucky Foundation | $13,500 | 2014 |
Common Cause North Carolina | $13,500 | 2014 |
Black Youth Project | $13,083 | 2015 |
Islamic Society Of North America | $13,000 | 2016-2017 |
Ocean Classroom Foundation | $13,000 | 2006, 2008 |
Animals As Natural Therapy | $12,721 | 2006 |
Honor The Earth | $12,500 | 2017 |
American Family Voices | $12,000 | 2008 |
American Family Voices | $12,000 | 2007 |
United Church Of Christ - Office Of Communications | $12,000 | 2012 |
Youth Sentencing And Reentry Project | $12,000 | 2016 |
Gay City Health Project | $11,500 | 2016 |
National Domestic Workers Alliance | $11,000 | 2017 |
Third Sector New England | $11,000 | 2016 |
Getequal Education Fund | $10,049 | 2015 |
A World Institute For A Sustainable Humanity | $10,000 | 2006 |
Aclu Nebraska Foundation | $10,000 | 2016 |
Action Now Institute | $10,000 | 2016 |
American Association Of University Women Aauw | $10,000 | 2016 |
American Constitution Society For Law And Policy | $10,000 | 2014 |
American Independent News Network | $10,000 | 2009 |
Bay Area Justice Funders Network | $10,000 | 2012 |
Be Present | $10,000 | 2015 |
Black Women'S Blueprint | $10,000 | 2017 |
Boston Women'S Fund | $10,000 | 2013-2014 |
Broadband Census | $10,000 | 2009 |
Building Opportunities For Self-Sufficiency | $10,000 | 2017 |
Bus Federation Civic Fund | $10,000 | 2017 |
Center For International Human Rights | $10,000 | 2013 |
Centro De Los Derechos Del Migrante | $10,000 | 2017 |
Coloradans For Fairness And Equality | $10,000 | 2014 |
Community Environmental Legal Defence Fund | $10,000 | 2008 |
Community Labor United | $10,000 | 2016 |
Community Voices Heard | $10,000 | 2016 |
Debt Collective | $10,000 | 2015 |
Edgewood College | $10,000 | 2015-2016 |
Faith In Texas | $10,000 | 2017 |
Hawaii Clean Elections | $10,000 | 2014 |
Hollaback | $10,000 | 2017 |
Incite Productions | $10,000 | 2015 |
Indianapolis Congregation Action Network | $10,000 | 2017 |
International Development Exchange | $10,000 | 2016 |
Jakara Movement | $10,000 | 2017 |
Just Think Foundation | $10,000 | 2008 |
Kentucky Coalition | $10,000 | 2008 |
Know Your City | $10,000 | 2015 |
Maximum Pictures, Llc | $10,000 | 2014 |
Michael Fields Agricultural Institute | $10,000 | 2015 |
Michigan State University - College Of Law | $10,000 | 2015 |
Movement For Justice In El Barrio | $10,000 | 2017 |
National Immigration Law Center | $10,000 | 2017 |
National Iranian American Council | $10,000 | 2017 |
National People'S Action | $10,000 | 2012 |
National People'S Action Campaign | $10,000 | 2015 |
Neighbors United For A Better East Boston | $10,000 | 2015 |
New School | $10,000 | 2006 |
New York Foundation For The Arts | $10,000 | 2016 |
Peace Development Fund | $10,000 | 2017 |
Physicians For Human Rights | $10,000 | 2009 |
Post Carbon Institute | $10,000 | 2014 |
Real Change Homeless Empowerment Project | $10,000 | 2015-2016 |
Restaurant Opportunities Centers Ro | $10,000 | 2016 |
River Alliance Of Wisconsin | $10,000 | 2016 |
Root Capital | $10,000 | 2014-2015 |
Slow Money Wisconsin | $10,000 | 2015 |
Social Good Fund | $10,000 | 2016 |
Solid Ground | $10,000 | 2014-2015 |
Soulforce | $10,000 | 2017 |
Trans United | $10,000 | 2017 |
United States Student Assosciation Foundation | $10,000 | 2008 |
Wisconsin Campus Compact | $10,000 | 2014 |
University Of Virginia - University Of Virginia, School Of Law | $9,100 | 2014 |
Pennsylvania State University | $9,000 | 2011 |
Synthesis Center | $9,000 | 2006 |
University Of Delaware | $9,000 | 2012 |
Chicago Votes | $8,200 | 2016 |
Covert Productions | $8,000 | 2014 |
Make The Road New York | $8,000 | 2016 |
New York State Defenders Association | $8,000 | 2014 |
Northwestern University - Office Of Sponsored Research | $8,000 | 2014 |
Not An Alternative | $8,000 | 2015 |
This Changes Everything | $8,000 | 2015 |
Wormfarm Institute | $8,000 | 2015 |
National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance | $7,700 | 2017 |
Brooklyn Community Bail Fund | $7,500 | 2017 |
Center For Constitutional Rights | $7,500 | 2015 |
Center For Labor Education And Research | $7,500 | 2017 |
Centro Presente | $7,500 | 2013 |
Color Of Change Education Fund | $7,500 | 2017 |
Grantmakers Concerned With Immigrants And Refugees | $7,500 | 2017 |
Institute For Americas Future | $7,500 | 2006 |
Louisiana Rise | $7,500 | 2017 |
Midwestern Innocence Project | $7,500 | 2015 |
New Voices Pittsburgh | $7,500 | 2017 |
Muslim Community Network | $7,100 | 2017 |
American Muslim Advisory Council | $7,000 | 2017 |
Cair-Chicago | $7,000 | 2017 |
Chhaya Community Development Corporation | $7,000 | 2017 |
La Voice | $7,000 | 2017 |
University Of Hawaii System - William S. Richardson School Of Law | $7,000 | 2014 |
Vote Yes Connecticut | $7,000 | 2014 |
Hands Up United | $6,667 | 2015 |
Arab American Civic Council | $6,000 | 2017 |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice Los Angeles | $6,000 | 2017 |
Bold Education Fund | $6,000 | 2017 |
Colectiva Legal Del Pueblo | $6,000 | 2016 |
Grassroots International | $6,000 | 2016 |
Heartwood | $6,000 | 2017 |
Oneamerica | $6,000 | 2017 |
Whiting Library | $6,000 | 2013 |
Agitarte | $5,750 | 2017 |
Kenwood-Oakland Community Organization | $5,500 | 2017 |
Uprose | $5,500 | 2017 |
Planned Parenthood Federation Of America | $5,049 | 2016 |
Advancement Project | $5,000 | 2016 |
Alaska Public Interest Research Group | $5,000 | 2007 |
American Civil Liberties Union Of W | $5,000 | 2016 |
American Friends Service Committee Afsc | $5,000 | 2016 |
American Independent Business Allia | $5,000 | 2016 |
Anti-Defamation League | $5,000 | 2016 |
Boulder Institute For Nature And The Human Spirit | $5,000 | 2014-2015 |
Breaking The Silence Philly Task Force | $5,000 | 2015 |
Center For Labor Education And Rese | $5,000 | 2016 |
Center For Sustainable Economy | $5,000 | 2016 |
Community Justice Project | $5,000 | 2016 |
Connecticut Network To Abolish The Death Penalty | $5,000 | 2014 |
East Boston Social Center | $5,000 | 2016 |
Giddens School | $5,000 | 2016 |
Haymarket People S Fund | $5,000 | 2014 |
If Not Now | $5,000 | 2016 |
Massachusetts Womens Political Caucus Education And Research Development Fund | $5,000 | 2014 |
Nonviolence International | $5,000 | 2016 |
Peri Support Fund | $5,000 | 2009 |
Queer Poc Collective | $5,000 | 2015 |
Race Forward | $5,000 | 2016 |
Social And Environmental Entreprene | $5,000 | 2016 |
Southern Partners Fund | $5,000 | 2016 |
Southern Poverty Law Center | $5,000 | 2016 |
Survivors Organizing For Liberation | $5,000 | 2015 |
University Of Colorado - Institute Of Behavioral Science | $5,000 | 2014 |
University Of Michigan | $5,000 | 2015 |
Veterans For Peace | $5,000 | 2016 |
Washington State University Foundation | $5,000 | 2016 |
Wisconsin Public Radio Association | $5,000 | 2014 |
Women Encouraging Empowerment | $5,000 | 2016 |
Workers Center For Racial Justice N | $5,000 | 2016 |
Zing Foundation - Bolder Giving | $5,000 | 2015 |
Angelic Organics Learning Center | $4,800 | 2015 |
University Of Hawaii System - College Of Social Sciences | $4,545 | 2014 |
Center For Social Justice | $4,000 | 2007 |
Colorado Outward Sound School | $4,000 | 2014 |
Helping Link Foundation | $4,000 | 2006 |
Grand Total: | $106,996,777 |
Financial Documents
The Proteus Fund’s IRS Form 990 filings for 2016, 2017, and 2019 are available here:
President and CEO
Paul Di Donato was named the president and CEO of the Proteus Fund in January 2017 after working one year as the group’s interim president. Prior to that, he was the director of the Proteus Fund’s Civil Marriage Collaborative from 2007 to 2015. 54 From 1997 to 2005, Di Donato was executive director of Funders Concerned About AIDS, a philanthropic group. From 2007 to 2015, he ran a private consulting firm that catered to a number of center-left clients, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, and Arcus Foundation. 55
In 2017, Di Donato received total compensation of $225,659. 56
Meg Gage was founding president and CEO of the Proteus Fund, a position she held from 1994 to her retirement in 2016. In 1981, Gage founded the Peace Development Fund, a center-left grantmaking group she ran until 1992. From 1992 to 1999, Gage was executive director of the Ottinger Foundation, a center-left funder. Gage is an advisory board member for ReThink Media, a nonprofit public relations group. 57
Key Staff
Jill Price Marshall is the Proteus Fund’s chief operating officer, a position she’s held since March 2016. Prior to that, she worked as chief of staff and executive assistant for the Proteus Fund beginning in 2009. 58 59 In 2017, Marshall received total compensation of $178,070. 58
Board of Directors
Current and former members of the Proteus Fund’s board of directors include the following individuals: 58 60
Jason Franklin is chair of the Proteus Fund’s board of directors. He also holds the chair of W.K. Kellogg Community Philanthropy at the Johnson Center for Philanthropy of Grand Valley State University and serves as adjunct faculty in philanthropy at New York University. Franklin is a visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Center on Philanthropy. 61 Franklin previously worked as executive director of Bolder Giving, the Rockefeller Foundation’s Next Generation Leadership Network, and the White House Office of National AIDS Policy. 62
Helena Huang is a program officer for the Ford Foundation’s Art for Justice Fund, a project administered by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. Huang previously worked at the Open Society Foundations, JEHT Foundation, and State Voices, and co-founded Oregon Voice. 63
Odell Mays is founder of Mays2 Consulting, LLC. 60
Richard Burns is interim CEO of the LGBT litigation group Lambda Legal. He previously worked as chief operating officer of the left-wing Arcus Foundation and executive director of the New York-based Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center. 64
Patricia Eng is vice president of programs for the New York Women’s Foundation. She previously worked as chief service officer for New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and director of programs for Bolder Giving. 65 66
Sara Gould is a philanthropy consultant and program design strategist. She previously worked as director of the Economic Development Project for the Ms. Foundation for Women in New York, associate director of Caring Across Generations, and senior fellow for Atlantic Philanthropies. 67
Jennifer Berman is a program director for the center-left Garfield Foundation and a philanthropy consultant. From 2014 to 2015, she was a staffer for the left-wing Solidago Foundation. 68
Mai-Anh Tran is chief financial officer for the Ford Foundation. She previously worked as a staffer for the Rockefeller Foundation and a number of other nonprofits. 69
Eric Ward is executive director of the Western States Center, a left-wing policy advocacy group. He previously worked as a program officer for the Ford Foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies, and Center for New Community. 70
Ryan Alexander is president of Taxpayers for Common Sense, a center-left tax policy advocacy nonprofit, a position she has held since 2006. 71
Nima Shirazi is a director of Spitfire Strategies, a Democratic consultancy. He previously worked as a communications strategist for Atlantic Philanthropies and as a senior fellow and founding member of the Narrative Initiative. 72
C. LaRoy Brantley is an investment adviser. 73
Related Organizations
ReThink Media
Also see ReThink Media (nonprofit)
The Proteus Fund partnered with ReThink Media to form the RISE Together Fund. ReThink Media coordinates the public relations strategies of activist groups so that they will stay on effective messaging which will change public opinion and not duplicate effort. 74
Proteus Action League
Also see Proteus Action League (nonprofit)
The Proteus Action League (PAL) is the 501(c)(4) arm of the Proteus Fund. PAL supports and opposes specific legislation and referenda regarding the death penalty, campaign financing, the LGBT interests, and other issues in which the Proteus Fund is actively involved. 75
- The Proteus Fund. Hearts and Minds: The Untold Story of how Philanthropy and the Civil Marriage Collaborative Helped America Embrace Marriage Equality. 2015. Massachusetts, Amherst.
- “Proteus Fund, Inc.” D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- Callahan, David. “Pioneer: How Meg Gage Has Changed Philanthropy-and the World.” Inside Philanthropy. December 4, 2015. Accessed January 01, 2018.
- “Celebrating 25 Years.” Proteus Fund. January 31, 2019. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “Piper Fund: A Proteus Fund Initiative.” The Proteus Fund. 2018. Accessed January 01, 2018.
- Dreyfuss, Robert . “Reform Gets Rolling.” The American Prospect. July & Aug. 1999. Accessed January 01, 2018.
- Peterson, Josh. “Left-wing Foundation Influence Disclosed among FCC Rule-change Petitioners.” The Daily Caller. November 05, 2011. Accessed January 01, 2018.
- Whyte, Liz Essley. “Groups Decrying ‘Dark Money’ Use Shadowy Money Themselves.” Center for Public Integrity. January 20, 2016. Accessed January 05, 2018.
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Proteus Fund. 2017. Part III (Statement of Program Service Accomplishments), Line 4b. Archived here:
- “Taking Money Out of Politics: A Weighty Lift.” Voqal. October 2017. Accessed July 18, 2019. Original URL: Archived here:
- Civil Marriage Collaborative.” The Proteus Fund. 2018. Accessed January 05, 2018.
- McCarthy, Justin. “Record-High 60% of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage.” May 19, 2015. Accessed January 05, 2018.
- Clement, Scott, and Robert Barnes. “Poll: Gay-marriage support at record high.” The Washington Post. April 23, 2015. Accessed January 05, 2018.
- Merritt, Jonathan. “Evangelicals are Shifting on Same-sex Marriage, but it’s no Avalanche.” Religion News Service. March 18, 2015. Accessed January 05, 2018.
- Williams, Wendy. “LGBTQ Philanthropy is Growing Yet Under Attack | PBA.” Pro Bono Australia. November 23, 2017. Accessed January 19, 2018.
- “Proteus Fund Announces a New Funder Collaborative to Oppose the Use of Religious Exemptions to Undermine Fundamental Rights.” Philanthropy New York. March 16, 2017. Accessed January 12, 2018.
- Slade, Stephanie. “Why is the A.C.L.U. targeting Catholic hospitals?” America Magazine-The Jesuit Review. June 01, 2017. Accessed February 01, 2018.
- Lambda Legal. “Lambda Legal to High Court: Religious License to Discriminate Harms LGBT People from Cradle to Grave.” Lambda Legal. October 30, 2017. Accessed February 01, 2018.
- Rights, Faith and Democracy Collaborative.” The Proteus Fund. 2018. Accessed January 19, 2018.
- “About Our Work.” Catholics For Choice. 2018. Accessed February 01, 2018.
- “Announcing the Themis Litigation Fund.” Proteus Fund, Proteus Fund, 2007,
- Hill, Henderson. “Announcing the 8th Amendment Project.” Announcing the 8th Amendment Project | Themis Fund. May 23, 2014. Accessed January 17, 2018.
- “8th Amendment Project – The Center For Death Penalty Litigation.” January 1, 2018. The Center For Death Penalty Litigation. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “RISE Together Fund.” Proteus Fund. Accessed July 2, 2019.
- “Security and Rights.” Security and Rights | ReThink Media. 2018. Accessed January 24, 2018.
- The Proteus Fund. Security and Rights Collaborative 2017 Grants. December 4, 2017. A list and descriptions of grants made to MASA groups in 2017.
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Proteus Fund. 2017. Part III (Statement of Program Service Accomplishments), Line 4c. Archived here:
- Colombe Foundation. Foundation Directory Online. November 6, 2017. Accessed January 24, 2018.
- Colombe Foundation, Return of a Private Foundation (Form 990-PF), 2016
- “Fiscal Sponsorship.” The Proteus Fund. 2018. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “Advisory Committee.” Our Story Hub. Accessed April 17, 2019.
- “Grantees.” Solidaire Network. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “Vox Populism.” American and European Society Research Project. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “About EmbraceRace.” EmbraceRace. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “Steering Committee.” Human Rights Funders Network. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “How It Works.” JustFund. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “Partners.” Philanthropy Advancing Women’s Human Rights. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “Advocacy.” Prevention Collaborative. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “Third Wave Supporters.” Third Wave Fund. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “Gender Justice Grantmaking.” Third Wave Fund. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “The Grantees.” Transparency & Accountability Initiative. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- “Who We Are.” Transparency & Accountability Initiative. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- Hayden Ludwig. “Out of Darkness, Cash: Sixteen Thirty in Action.” Capital Research Center. April 17, 2019. Accessed July 2, 2019.
- Hayden Ludwig. “Net Neutrality’s Dark Funders.” Capital Research Center. February 5, 2019. Accessed July 2, 2019.
- “About.” Funders Committee For Civic Participation. Accessed April 17, 2018.
- Nan Aron and Steve Gunderson. “Words to Give By: Leading Voices in Advocacy Funding.” Bolder Giving. 2008. Accessed July 2, 2019. Original URL: Archived here:
- Heather Booth, Stephanie Firestone. “PROTEUS FUND and the Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation: VOTER ENGAGEMENT EVALUATION PROJECT (VEEP).” Proteus Fund. June 2005. Accessed July 2, 2019. Original URL: Archived here:
- “Funders Committee for Civic Participation and Proteus Fund report on the Voter Engagement Evaluation Project.” Proteus Fund. January 2006. Accessed July 2, 2019. Original URL: Archived here:
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990) (multiple). Proteus Fund. 2010-2017. Schedule A, Part I. Lines 12, 18, 22.
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Proteus Fund. 2017. Part III (Statement of Program Service Accomplishments), Line 4d. Archived here:
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990) (multiple). Proteus Fund. 2010-2017. Schedule A, Part VII. Section B (independent contractors).
- Information provided by FoundationSearch. Proteus Fund. Accessed June 28, 2019.
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990) (multiple). Proteus Fund. 2010-2017. Schedule I (list of grants).
- Paul Di Donato Announced as New President and CEO of Proteus Fund.” Philanthropy New York. January 25, 2017. Accessed January 26, 2018.
- “Paul Di Donato.” LinkedIn. Accessed July 1, 2019.
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Proteus Fund. 2017. Part VII. Section A (officers, directors, etc.), Line 11. Archived here:
- “Advisory Board.” ReThink Media. Accessed July 1, 2019
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