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  • Non-profit

    Center for Black Educator Development (CBED)

    Center for Black Educator Development (CBED) is an activist nonprofit organization seeking to recruit and train Black educators, and it embraces a left-leaning ideology. CBED ...
  • Non-profit

    BRIDGE Movements Fund

    BRIDGE (Building Resourced Infrastructure for Diverse Grassroots Engagement) Movements Fund (BMF) is an organizing group that coordinates left-of-center nonprofits within the state of Texas. ...
  • Non-profit

    NEO Philanthropy

    NEO Philanthropy (formerly Public Interest Projects) is a New York-based nonprofit that serves as a fiscal clearinghouse for left-of-center causes. The group serves as a ...
  • Non-profit

    Minnesota Anti-War Committee (MAWC)

    The Minnesota Anti-War Committee (MAWC) is a an anti-war and Palestinian-nationalist protest group ...
  • Non-profit

    Middle East Democracy Center (MEDC)

    The Middle East Democracy Center (MEDC), also known as the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), was formed in 2024 upon the merger of POMED ...
  • Non-profit

    Association for Promotion of Jewish Secularism (APJS)

    The Association for Promotion of Jewish Secularism (APJS) is a nonprofit organization that publishes Jewish Currents, an anti-Israel Jewish magazine. The New Yorker has described ...
  • For-profit

    Public Democracy

    Public Democracy is a corporation that develops data and artificial intelligence systems to help advance left-of-center interests like promoting “economic equity.” From 2022 to 2023, ...
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    InfluenceWatch provides fact-based, accurate descriptions of all of the various influencers of public policy issues. Armed with 30-years of research and data on advocacy organizations, we've built profiles that will inform the debate.

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