
Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)




Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2021):

Revenue: $64,025,005
Expenses: $44,644,043
Assets: $92,807,274




Environmental and Science Policy Organization

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The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based activist group that uses science policy and climate change to advocate for left-of-center policies. As an activist organization, UCS began in the late 1960s with opposition to the Vietnam War and U.S. nuclear weapons testing, later coming to oppose peaceful nuclear energy. The group’s membership consists of both professional scientists and ordinary citizens and it advocates positions on scientific related issues such as climate change, environmental issues, and energy, often accusing conservative groups and Republican Party politicians of holding “anti-science” views.1

It also advocates positions on other non-scientific issues such as national security, immigration, public health, and election infrastructure.


The Union of Concerned Scientists is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit formed in 1973 that advocates for left-of-center public policies under the color of “science.” It claims that “our scientists and engineers develop and implement innovative, practical solutions to some of our planet’s most pressing problems.” 2

The organization has drawn criticism from across the political spectrum as an activist group that uses science to suit an unscientific political agenda. UCS is aligned with a number of environmentalist activist groups and coalitions, including the BlueGreen Alliance, a coalition of labor unions and environmentalist groups; the Partnership Project, a coalition of environmentalist groups which promotes advocacy on climate-related issues; and the U.S. Climate Action Network (US-CAN), the U.S. arm of the international protest and pressure group Climate Action International. 3 4 5 UCS also receives substantial funding from major left-of-center donors, including the Energy Foundation. 6

The group works to advance its goals through public influence and lobbying lawmakers and other interested parties. In one of its most controversial projects, UCS reportedly lobbied state attorneys general to launch fraud investigations into companies and organizations that it calls “climate change deniers.”7 UCS accused the Trump administration of promulgating a “war on science.” 8

UCS has even intimated its support for prosecuting oil and gas executives for “spreading climate disinformation” and not “stepping out of the way of climate action.” 9 UCS also publishes lists of “global warming skeptic organizations” consisting of conservative think tanks and advocacy nonprofits that allegedly promote the oil and gas industry’s “disinformation playbook . . . designed to confused the public about global warming and delay action on climate change” in order to “sell more coal, oil, and gas.” 10

Background and Creation

The Union of Concerned Scientists obtained its official recognition of tax-exempt status in 1973, but its origins are in the late 1960s.11

UCS was formed amidst a series of protests in 1968 and 1969 by center-left and far-left activists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) culminating in a general protest on March 4, 1969, at MIT and other American universities. While UCS was responsible for “steering” the March 4th strike, the idea for the protest was formed by a separate but closely related entity formed in 1968: the Science Action Coordinating Committee (SACC). 12

In 1968, a group of graduate students and faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology released a “Faculty Statement” outlining their collective opposition to the U.S. government’s testing and development of conventional, nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, culminating in a general protest at MIT and some 30 other universities nationwide on March 4, 1969, organized by the recently formed Union of Concerned Scientists. At the time, MIT was a center for nuclear weapons research.13 14

Science Action Coordinating Committee (SACC)

Cooperating with UCS was another newly formed (also MIT-based) group, the Science Action Coordinating Committee (SACC), which dedicated itself to “fighting military research at American universities” and opposing work with the U.S. government, which it denounced as imperialist. SACC and UCS shared overlapping founders and members, notably Henry Kendall and Kurt Gottfried.14 15 Henry Kendall, son of a wealthy Massachusetts industrialist (Henry Plimpton Kendall), was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, environmental activist, and longtime UCS board chairman who died in a scuba diving accident in February 1999 at the age of 72. 16 Kurt Gottfried is professor emeritus of physics at Cornell University and UCS chairman emeritus; he was born in 1929 in Vienna, Austria. 17

A 2019 article by a SACC co-founder, Alan Chodos, identifies himself, Kurt Gottfried, Joel Feigenbaum, Ira Rubenzahl, and Jon Kabat (now Kabat-Zinn) as the original planners of the March 4th strike. 18 Chodos is a senior research physicist at Yale University and became associate executive officer for the American Physical Society (APS), a group involved in the 1969 protest, in 2000, serving until 2014.19 Joel Feigenbaum, who died in 2003 from bone marrow cancer, was a mathematics professor at Cape Cod Community College and environmental activist reportedly responsible for causing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to close a U.S. Army artillery mortar firing base in Massachusetts. 20 Ira Rubenzahl is president of Springfield Technical Community College who has authored multiple articles for the left-of-center HuffPost. 21 Jon Kabat-Zinn is a retired professor of medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School married to Myla Zinn, the daughter of revisionist socialist historian Howard Zinn. 22

A flier for the March 4, 1969 protest to be staged at MIT, Cornell University, Yale University, and Columbia University identified a number of causes for the strike [all emphases original]: 23

  1. Antisocial projects, such as the ABM (antiballistic missile), enlargement of the nuclear arsenal, and chemical and biological weapons research.
  2. The effects of channeling on young scientists, engineers, students and teachers by the Selective Service System and the militaristic orientation of our economy.
  3. The application of science to urgent social and environmental problems.
  4. The orientation of research by its military and industrial sponsors.

As scientists and citizens we must define the problems, raise our level of social consciousness, and take vigorous political actions against the increasingly destructive influence of the military-industrial complex at home and abroad.



Among the supporters of the UCS/SACC March 4th strike were radical activists and members of the anti-Vietnam War “peace movement,” including Matthew Meselson of the Council for Abolishing War/Council for a Livable World, political scientist Gar Alperovitz, physicists Hans Bethe and Herbert York, biologist George Wald, linguist Noam Chomsky, and Sen. George McGovern (D-SD), who spoke on the “problem of ‘reconversion’ from military expenditures in Vietnam to support of urgent domestic needs.” 24 25

Strikers also heard from Eric Mann, a leader of the radical Weatherman Group who was later convicted and sentenced to two years in prison for various crimes related to domestic terrorism. 26

In one statement, a spokesman for the Science Action Coordinating Committee outlined the organization’s position on weapons research and development and its opposition to the Vietnam War: 27

Some scientists consider their activity [i.e., their involvement in the protest] to be a “strike;” by this they signify a vote of no-confidence in the ability of the Government to make wise and humane use of scientific and technical knowledge. They are temporarily withholding their services in the manner of a French general strike.

Implicit is the possibility of greater non-cooperation if the Government continues to develop and deploy such weapons as ABM [antiballistic missile], MIRV [multiple independent reentry vehicle], SCAD, and chemical and biological weapons while neglecting pressing social and environmental concerns.

Some of these scientists are also protesting the involvement of their universities in defense projects or their overdependence on Department of Defense funding mechanisms.

Other individuals consider their action as a research stoppage . . . a personal commitment toward reforming a set of Government policies that have resulted in the growing power and influence of the military-industrial complex.

Elsewhere in the statement SACC declared that “the United States actions in Vietnam have already created misery for the Vietnamese people so great that it transcends the imagination. We cannot cooperate in the creation of weapons which will make that misery greater.” 27 14

The March 4th strike was also hailed by Daily World, an American Communist newspaper and by Science, an activist and scientific magazine published by the then-recently formed American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), that was also involved in left-wing protests and anti-war strikes in the late 1960s. 28

According to an FBI source, members of SACC’s Industrial Liaison Committee distributed a student statement just prior to the March 4th strike (excerpted): 29

We feel that the time has come for scientists and engineers to assert responsibility for the fruits of their research. . . . SACC, through actions such as the March 4 research stoppage, is attempting to organize scientists to form an “effective counterweight to the military-industrial complex” . . .

  1. The Defense Department consumes over 70 percent of the national budget; it is the largest conglomerate in the world and has commensurate influence on the character of many American institutions . . .
  2. The universities have not been immune to military influence. Many departments in many universities are dependent on [Defense Department] funds . . . . Through devices such as Project Themis the [Defense Department] seeks to increase its influence in American colleges and universities.
  3. Graduate students are finding it increasingly difficult to get jobs in university research positions . . .
  4. The demand for manpower to fight the war in Vietnam has made the draft a major threat to a generation of students . . . . Since when is it the military’s privilege to define our national values?
  5. America is confronted with a gamut of domestic crises which demand the massive reallocation of its resources. With growing tensions tearing at our society caused by racial injustice, poverty, poor, irrelevant and often autocratic education, inadequate housing, dying cities, air and water pollution, and an atmosphere of violence which can, in part, be traced to our frenzied military activities of the past thirty years, we must publicly deplore the abandon with which the government commits resources to fighting ill-defined enemies in Asia and Latin America . . .

“Beyond March 4” is the “founding document” for the Union of Concerned Scientists, produced by Kurt Gottfried after the March 4, 1969 strike. The document is premised on the then-new ability of governments to destroy the world through the use of nuclear weapons, something it largely ascribes to the “habitual apathy of the electorate” and the “shroud of secrecy that enfolds so much of the American government’s operations.” According to the document: 30

Only the scientific community can provide a comprehensive and searching evaluation of the capabilities and implications of advanced military technologies. Only the scientific community can estimate the long-term global impact of an industrialized society on our environment. Only the scientific community can attempt to forecast the technology that will surely emergy from the current revolution in the fundamentals of biology.

Alleged Communist Associations

In November 1969, the November Action Coalition (NAC), a radical coalition, staged a 1,000-person protest at MIT calling for the “immediate withdrawal from Vietnam,” support for the Communist National Liberation Front of Southern Vietnam (FLN, a.k.a Viet Cong), and an “end to war-related research.” Protesters reportedly “read an indictment” of MIT from the “People’s Revolutionary Grand Jury and Tribunal.” Among the groups allied with the NAC was SACC, which one contemporary reporter for the Harvard Crimson (a student paper) described as “more moderate” than the Communist coalition. 31

Among NAC’s demands was that the university shut down the “Cambridge Project,” a Defense Department-funded social and behavioral science research project; the “Com-Com Project,” reportedly an effort by the Defense Department to encourage defections from the Viet Cong using “technical and communications research in psychological warfare”; and the “International Communism Project,” which far-left activists later claimed was funded by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Ford Foundation to provide analysis about “radical and revolutionary movements throughout the world.” 32 33

Their actions and radical associations led the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to open a file on SACC and UCS in 1969.34

Climate Change Activism

Extreme Predictions and Political Advocacy

UCS is a leading activist group promoting left-wing public policy approaches targeting alleged catastrophic man-made global warming. The group’s websites makes extreme and apocalyptic predictions about the future of the Earth’s climate, attributing a supposed increase in “wildfires, flooding, [and] extreme heat and drought” to climate change and projecting the disappearance of “entire island nations.”35

UCS advocates for “net zero” carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 (meaning no more carbon dioxide is emitted into than is naturally removed from the atmosphere), calling for a “massive transformation in how we produce and consume electricity,” a “better transportation system,” an end to “deforestation,” and a “climate-friendly agricultural system.” To that end, it promotes subsidy of new and expensive technologies, including carbon air capture and carbon capture and storage systems meant to pull CO2 from the atmosphere. UCS supports U.S. reentry into the Paris Climate Accord, a 2015 climate change agreement entered into by the Obama administration and withdrawn from on November 4, 2020, by the Trump administration. 36

Attacks on Climate Change “Deniers”

UCS has asserted that skeptics of global warming theory, whom the group calls “climate change deniers,” are paid to hold their views by oil and gas industry interests. 37 The group promotes what it calls “Climate Accountability” to pressure non-conforming skeptics and oil and gas firms into supporting left-wing environmentalist policies.

UCS maintains a so-called Climate Accountability Scorecard profiling a number of oil and gas producing companies such as Chevron, ExxonMobil, and BP (formerly British Petroleum) for their “insufficient progress” in abandoning conventional energy sources in favor of environmentalist-preferred energy sources. In 2018, UCS ranked the 8 companies it gauged as “poor” or “egregious” in their apparent spreading of “disinformation” about climate change. In addition, the group demands the companies: 38

  • Renounce disinformation on climate science and policy
  • Plan for a world free from carbon pollution, developing business models that are consistent with keeping global warming well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, as agreed by world leaders
  • Support sensible climate policies to reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases
  • Fully disclose climate-related risks to their business
  • Pay their fair share of the costs of climate-related damages and climate change adaptation
  • If it is not yet doing so, consistently acknowledge the scientific evidence of human-caused climate change and affirm the consequent need for swift and deep reductions in emissions from the burning of fossil fuels
  • Set company-wide, net-zero emissions targets consistent with the Paris climate agreement’s global temperature goal
  • Disavow positions and actions taken by affiliated third parties—including trade associations and lobby groups—that are inconsistent with companies’ stated positions on climate science and policy
  • Publicly and consistently advocate for specific policies and/or regulations to implement the Paris climate agreement
  • Fully disclose climate-related risks they face and how they are managing them—including physical risks to their operations and financial risks related to climate liability lawsuits

In 2015, UCS published a report entitled “The Climate Deception Dossiers” supposedly unearthing a “hoax” that demonstrates “decades of corporate disinformation” within the oil and gas industry and accusing these companies of hypocritically ignoring their knowledge of climate change. 39 The report was funded by a number of environmentalist foundations on the political Left, including the Energy Foundation, Wallace Global Fund, Fresh Sound Foundation, Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, the V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation, and the Center for International Environmental Law. 40

Lawsuits Against Opponents

UCS has plotted with state attorneys general to sue climate-change skeptics for fraud. UCS believes that businesses and free market groups plotted to suppress scientific evidence showing human involvement in climate change. UCS and some state attorneys general argue that “climate deniers” can be prosecuted under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) for allegedly engaging in fraud and criminal conspiracy. 41 RICO was enacted in 1978 to combat organized crime. Opponents of the lawsuits argue that the investigations are a violation of free speech rights. 42

The strategy was first conceived in a meeting in 2012 of the heads of numerous environmental organizations. The activists compared the use of RICO against tobacco companies to its potential use against fossil fuel companies.41 In 2015, 18 House Democrats sent a letter to the U.S. Attorney General demanding an investigation into ExxonMobil. They cited a UCS report alleging the misrepresentation of climate science by ExxonMobil. “UCS uncovered many internal company documents confirming a massive coordinated campaign of deception conducted by the industry to deceive the public of climate science that even their own scientists confirmed.” the Democrats wrote. ExxonMobil has denied the allegations. 41

In 2016, the New York Attorney General’s office subpoenaed the Competitive Enterprise Institute as a part of its investigation of ExxonMobil under the 1921 Martin Act. The New York AG demanded donor records and other private records going back a decade. CEI saw this as an attack on its free speech and took the state to court; the New York AG’s office backed down. 43

In 2018, CEI released a report showing that the New York Attorney General’s office investigation and other similar investigations sought funding from UCS’s donors. Furthermore, it showed that UCS itself was the instigator of the idea of privately funding investigations into opponents of climate activism. CEI demanded increased legislative oversight of the AG’s office. 43

Other Issues

Opposition to GMOs

UCS rejects the scientific consensus is on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Virtually all credible scientists agree that GMOs are safe for human consumption and the environment. UCS on the other hand believes that GMOs and genetic engineering is harmful to the environment. In a report on creating a more sustainable agricultural system, UCS wrote of GMOs that “While the risks of genetic engineering have sometimes been exaggerated or misrepresented, GE [genetically engineered] crops do have the potential to cause a variety of health problems and environmental impacts. For instance, they may produce new allergens and toxins, spread harmful traits to weeds and non-GE crops, or harm animals that consume them.” 44

Kevin Bonham, a microbiologist and self-professed “lover” of UCS, responded to the group’s position on GMOs on ScienceBlogs. “There’s so much here to address, but I’ll just point you to others that make the points that genetically engineered crops are or can be more environmentally friendly, and there’s never been a credible report of any pathology linked to GMOs. There was recently an entire issue of the journal Nature (one of the most well-respected science journals in the world), in which even the most critical article basically exonerated GMO of any health impacts.” wrote Bonham.45

Journalist Keith Kloor blasted UCS for its hypocrisy on the issue in 2014. In that year, the organization criticized anti-vaccine campaigner and environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for misrepresenting the science behind vaccine safety; citing this example, Kloor denounced UCS as hypocrites for denying the science behind GMOs. “It would be nice if a leading, highly trusted scientific group held itself to the same evidence-based standards it holds others. Alas, when it comes to GMOs that is not the case,” Kloor wrote. 46

National Security

In 1988, the UCS opposed the development of what is now the “stealth bomber,” claiming that it would make war with the Soviet Union more likely. 41

UCS supports a “no-first-use” policy barring the United States from using nuclear weapons to defend itself against a conventional or non-nuclear weapon-of-mass-destruction attack. It has sought a multi- and unilateral nuclear arms reduction for the United States and other nations. 47

Election Advocacy

UCS involved itself in the 1984 presidential election, sending popular science writer Carl Sagan on a 15-city tour to bolster Democratic Party presidential nominee Walter Mondale and his opposition to President Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative. 41

The UCS intervened in the 2004 presidential election, circulating a report and a statement signed by 60 scientists that accused the George W. Bush administration distorting science in order to promote administration policies. The Bush administration denounced the report as biased and Bush later went on to win reelection. 48

Controversy and Criticism

Using Science to Promote a Partisan Agenda

Despite its claims at promoting science, UCS frequently touts reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that make exaggerated claims about the effects of climate change. Among the claims the IPCC has made is that African farmers would have their crop yields cut in half by 2020 and the glaciers in the Himalayas would be gone by 2035.49

In 2013, physicist Tom Hartsfield accused UCS of promoting partisan politics, “unashamedly using ‘science’ as nothing more than a phony badge of credibility” to promote left-wing policies. According to Hartsfield, UCS has promoted unscientific views concerning genetically modified (GMO) foods and the health benefits of organic farming, misleading claims about the reliability and usefulness of renewable energy forms, and promotes “hype” on climate change, blaming forest fires on global warming. 50

UCS has urged automobile manufacturers to construct lighter tires in order to increase fuel efficiency; lighter tires have been blamed for tread separation. In one case, tread separation in Firestone tires were responsible for 148 deaths. 51

UCS has promoted the idea that the world has hit or very soon will reach “peak oil,” a theoretical point in time in which oil consumption begins to outpace oil production first imagined in the 1950s. The theory was popularized by M. King Hubbert, a geologist who predicted in 1956 that the U.S. would reach peak oil in 1970 (in fact oil production has boomed in recent years and estimates put it as late as the 2040s). 52 Nevertheless, against the weight of evidence in 2020 UCS wrote that “we may have already hit peak oil, or will hit it within the next decade.” 53

Exaggerating “Corporate Control” in Climate Change Debate

In 2012, UCS published a report titled “A Climate of Corporate Control: How Corporations Have Influenced the U.S. Dialogue on Climate Science and Policy” (archived here) claiming to trace corporate donations in 2008 and 2009 to climate-skeptic think tanks and politicians, purportedly coloring their views on climate science and accusing them of hypocrisy. 54 According to the report, these corporations accepted the “climate change consensus” on some issues while financing UCS’s political opponents on the issue. Among these donors was General Electric; recipients of supposed climate hush money included the conservative Heritage Foundation, libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute, and the Reason Foundation (which publishes Reason magazine).

Reason magazine science correspondent Ron Bailey wrote of the report that it accused the Reason Foundation of “misrepresenting” climate science due to its support for market-based energy policies over UCS’s preferred bureaucratic dictates. Bailey noted that the “duplicitous executives at General Electric” attacked by UCS donated $325 to his organization between 2008 and 2009 and another $497,744 in total to the six think tanks identified in the report over the same two-year period. He added: 55

Puzzled, I called up Dr. Francesca Grifo, a senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists and director of its Scientific Integrity Program. She put me on speakerphone with her and the author of the report, Gretchen Goldman. I asked them if these minuscule donations were why GE was listed as a corporate supporter of the Reason Foundation. They answered yes. Seriously? Yes. They added that GE’s 990 forms did not disclose what the funds would be used for, darkly implying that the money might be directed to what the UCS might regard as climate disinformation campaigns.

Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) writer Brian McGraw added that “the idea that General Electric supports CEI is laughable; we consistently criticize them . . . We have even protested their inclusion at a conference hosted by one of our allies. Somehow that didn’t make it into the Los Angeles Times piece” lauding the UCS report. 56


Between 1999 and 2019 UCS spent close to $5.5 million lobbying Congress and various federal agencies on federal bills: 57

Filing YearAmount

Much of UCS’s lobbying has been directed towards nominations of individuals to science-related positions in the federal government, climate-related energy bills, and general environmentalist issues. The organization has lobbied agencies including the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Justice, Department of the Interior, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 58

Examples of lobbied issues include:

  • “Presidential nominations for science positions at federal agencies” (2018) 59
  • “The EPA’s Risk Management Plan rule” (2018) 60
  • “Proposals to modify the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Air Act” (2017) 61
  • “Biofuels Policy, Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act” (2012) 62


Financial Overview

The Union of Concerned Scientists obtained tax-exempt status in 1973 and is domiciled in Washington, DC. 11 Between 2001 and 2018, UCS reported total revenues of $396 million and total expenditures of $332 million: 63

Union of Concerned Scientists: Financial Overview
YearTotal RevenuesTotal ExpendituresNet Assets

Donors to Union of Concerned Scientists

The largest donors to UCS between 1998 and 2018 include: 6

Between 1998 and 2018, UCS received donations from the following groups: 664

DonorAmountYearGrant Description
Foundation For the Carolinas$5,000,0002017CHARITABLE GIFT
Foundation For the Carolinas$4,000,5502014Support for environmental projects
Foundation For the Carolinas$4,000,0002018CHARITABLE GIFT
Foundation For the Carolinas$3,200,0002011General support
Foundation For the Carolinas$3,000,0002016Charitable gift
Foundation For the Carolinas$3,000,0002015Charitable gift
Bright Horizon Foundation$2,400,0002016Secures changes in government policy corporate prac
Bright Horizon Foundation$2,400,0002015Secures changes in government policy corporate practice
Foundation For the Carolinas$2,100,2002010Charitable Gift
Bright Horizon Foundation$2,000,0002013Secures changes in government policy corporate prac
Foundation For the Carolinas$2,000,0002013Charitable gift
Bright Horizon Foundation$1,800,0002014Secures changes in government policy corporate prac
Bright Horizon Foundation$1,400,0002010Secures changes in government policy corporate practices & consumer choices
Bright Horizon Foundation$1,400,0002011Secures changes in government policy corporate
Bright Horizon Foundation$1,400,0002012Secures changes in government policy corporate prac
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$1,312,5532018For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Energy Foundation$1,200,0002016To promote education and analysis to advance renewable energy to support education and outreach about clean energy to promote education and analysis on the benefits of clean transportation fuels
Foundation For the Carolinas$1,110,0002007
Foundation For the Carolinas$1,100,0002012General Support
Foundation For the Carolinas$1,100,0002009General support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$1,075,7712017FOR GRANT RECIPIENT'S EXEMPT PURPOSES
Schwab Charitable Fund$1,070,3272017Environmental/animals
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program$1,036,1252013General operating expenses
Bright Horizon Foundation$1,000,0002009General use
Corabelle Lumps Foundation$1,000,0002008General use
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$1,000,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Foundation For the Carolinas$1,000,0002013Charitable gift
Grantham Foundation For the Protection of the Environment$900,0002018SUPPORT CLIMATE ACCOUNTABILITY CAMPAIGN; FOOD AND ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM
Grantham Foundation For the Protection of the Environment$900,0002016For the protection of the environment furtherance of related research awareness and policy
Bright Horizon Foundation$750,0002008
Pew Memorial Trust$700,0002002To support efforts to increase the nation's commitment to energy efficiency and renewable energy as a cornerstone of a balanced and environmentally sound energy policy
Ford Foundation$670,0002000
Bright Horizon Foundation$650,0002007General use
Jewish Communal Fund$615,8902017Unrestricted general support
Jewish Communal Fund$615,8902016Unrestricted General Support
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$600,0002010For general support of the Clean Vehicles Program
Energy Foundation$562,0002011To support clean vehicles and fuels policies.
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$550,0002008Climate and forests
Energy Foundation$550,0002012To support clean vehicles and fuel policies
W K Kellogg Foundation$550,0002017elevate community voices to inform national food and agriculture policy that supports equitable food systems and healthful food that is available to all
Grantham Foundation For the Protection of the Environment$505,0002013For the protection of the environment furtherance of related research awareness and policy
Bright Horizon Foundation$500,0002006General use
Grantham Foundation For the Protection of the Environment$500,0002012Support for environmental projects
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$500,0002018IN SUPPORT OF A PROJECT TO REDUCE RISKS POSED BY WEAPONS-USEABLE MATERIAL.
Energy Foundation$500,0002008To promote renewable energy policies at the state and federal level
Energy Foundation$500,0002009To promote renewable energy at the state and federal level.
Energy Foundation$465,0002015To promote education and analysis to advance renewable energy
Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston$463,5502016DAF - Employment
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$450,0002004In support of the union on concerned scientists activities to provide policymakers and the public with scientific information and analysis related to securing weapons of mass destruction
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$450,0002005In support of activities to provide policymakers and the public with scientific information and analysis related to securing weapons of mass destruction
Kresge Foundation$450,0002009
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$445,0002015To provide technical assessments on ways of securing and eventually eliminating fissile materials that can be used for nuclear weapons
Energy Foundation$440,0002013To support education and analysis to build markets for clean and efficient vehicles
Energy Foundation$425,0002014To support education and analysis to build markets for clean and efficient vehicles.
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$400,0002000In partial support for a project on climate change; in collaboration with the Natural Resources Defense Council the Union of Concerned Scientists and tire Environmental Defense Fund;
Energy Foundation$400,0002008To support clean vehicle and fuel policies
Energy Foundation$400,0002009To support clean transportation vehicles.
Energy Foundation$400,0002007To support clean vehicle and fuel policies
Energy Foundation$400,0002015To promote education and analysis on the benefits of clean transportation fuels
Energy Foundation$400,0002010To continue support for federal and state work on clean energy policies.
Rockefeller Foundation$400,0002017Toward the costs of a sustained and strategic communications effort to defend the vital role science plays in our democracy to keep Americans safe and healthy
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$400,0002015For accelerating emissions reductions through transportation innovation
Energy Foundation$398,7502015To support education and outreach to build a clean energy future
Pew Charitable Trusts$382,0002007
Energy Foundation$380,0002005To support the UCS clean vehicles program
Energy Foundation$380,0002006To support the UCS clean vehicles program
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$378,0002003In support of the Union of Concerned Scientists' activities to provide policymakers and the public with scientific information and analysis related to securing weapons of mass destruction (over three years)
Kresge Foundation$375,0002011Inform and motivate low water and low carbon energy choices in water-stressed regions of the United States
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$350,0002007
Energy Foundation$350,0002008To produce impact studies for Pennsylvania and the Midwest develop cost-benefit fact sheets and organize scientists and economists to call for action on global warming
Energy Foundation$350,0002002To promote renewable energy policies at the federal level and in the Midwest New England and California
Energy Foundation$350,0002000To support UCS's federal regional and state efforts to ensure the sustained commercial development of renewable energy
Heising-Simons Foundation$350,0002018CLEAN CARS AND CALIFORNIA POWER SYSTEM
Kresge Foundation$350,0002013Informing and motivating low water low carbon energy choices in water stressed regions of the United States
Schmidt Family Foundation$350,0002015Climate Change Communication Project
Energy Foundation$344,0002007To organize advocacy efforts conduct outreach and analysis and build support around a federal renewable portfolio standard
Schwab Charitable Fund$343,6102014
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$333,3342011For a project to reduce green house gases and toxic emissions from transportation in the US
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$333,3332012For a project to reduce greenhouse gases and toxic emissions from transportation in the US
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$333,3332013For a project to reduce greenhouse gases and toxic emissions from transportation in the US
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$330,0002018Conservation and Science
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$330,0002018Conservation and Science
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$325,0002008To provide policymakers and the public with scientific information
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$325,0002007To provide policymakers and the public with scientific information
Energy Foundation$320,0002006To promote the efficient use of clean renewable energy through advocacy and outreach o state and federal policies
Energy Foundation$320,0002009To provide education about the science and economics of climate change.
Schwab Charitable Fund$319,5702015Environmental/Animals
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$312,0001999
Silicon Valley Community Foundation$302,2002016Support for environmental projects
Barr Foundation$300,0002017To support analysis outreach and policy education on climate change impacts
Carnegie Corporation of New York$300,0002009Toward a project to train the next generation of independent technical security analysts
Grantham Foundation For the Protection of the Environment$300,0002015For the protection of the environment; furtherance of related research awareness and policy
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$300,0002003In support of the Ounce of Prevention Campaign(over four years)
Kresge Foundation$300,0002010(2009 grant) The 275 000-member organization combines independent scientific research and citizen action to develop innovative solutions to challenging issues and to achieve changes in government policy corporate practices and consumer cho
Oak Foundation USA$300,0002002All contributions provide general public support to organizations operated exclusively for charitable scientific literary or educational purposes
Pew Memorial Trust$300,0002003To support efforts to increase the nation's commitment to energy efficiency and renewable energy as a cornerstone of a balanced and environmentally sound energy policy.
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$300,0002004For the Restoring Scientific Integrity Project
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$300,0002006For the clean vehicles program
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$300,0002007For the clean vehicles program
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$300,0002009For general support of the clean vehicles program
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$300,0002005For the Clean Vehicles Program
W K Kellogg Foundation$300,0002014Provide analytical and policy leadership and coordination for the forging a good food future for all initiative and to mobilize support for policies that incentivize the production of healthy food on healthy farms
W K Kellogg Foundation$300,0002017elevate community voices to inform national food and agriculture policy that supports equitable food systems and healthful food that is available to all
W K Kellogg Foundation$300,0002015Decrease disparities in access to healthy food by strengthening advocacy networks through shared actionable knowledge organizing diverse multi-generational voices and mobilizing community-led actions
W K Kellogg Foundation$300,0002013Provide analytical and policy leadership and coordination for the forging a good food future for all initiative and to mobilize support for policies that incentivize the production of healthy food on healthy farms
W K Kellogg Foundation$300,0002016Decrease disparities in access to healthy food by strengthening advocacy networks through shared actionable knowledge organizing diverse multi-generational voices and mobilizing community-led actions
Schwab Charitable Fund$296,7172016Environmental/Animals
Energy Foundation$280,0002008To promote national renewable energy policies
California Wellness Foundation$275,0002005
California Wellness Foundation$275,0002008For core operating support to sustain the California Clean Trucks campaign to reduce the health impacts of diesel pollution
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$275,0002009Climate
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$275,0002010Climate
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$270,0002016In support of a project to reduce risks posed by weapons-useable material in the united states
Energy Foundation$260,0002012To support work at the federal and state level to increase markets for and reduce barriers to greater renewable energy deployment in the US
Pew Charitable Trusts$260,0002011Policy support
Barr Foundation$250,0002016Arts & creativity - to support outreach on and analysis of climate impacts
Bright Horizon Foundation$250,0002005
Bright Horizon Foundation$250,0002004For general use by charity
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$250,0002012Environment and animals
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$250,0002008
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$250,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Grantham Foundation For the Protection of the Environment$250,0002011Support for environmental projects
Grantham Foundation For the Protection of the Environment$250,0002010
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$250,0002004In support of the 'Ounce of Prevention' campaign
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$250,0002005In support of the 'Once of Prevention' campaign
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$250,0002018IN SUPPORT OF A PROJECT TO REDUCE RISKS POSED BY WEAPONS-USEABLE MATERIAL.
Open Society Institute$250,0002008To restore the integrity of the processes through which scientific knowledge is factored into federal policy decision-making
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$250,0002009Climate
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$250,0002004For the Restoring Scientific Integrity campaign to address the misuse of science in policymaking
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$250,0002010Climate
Energy Foundation$250,0002014To promote education and analysis to build markets for renewable energy
Energy Foundation$250,0002011To support a clean energy campaign that will increase markets for and reduce barners to greater renewable energy deployment in the U.S.
Energy Foundation$250,0002013To support education and analysis to build markets for renewable energy
Energy Foundation$250,0001999
Energy Foundation$250,0002003To continue to support a national renewable portfolio standard education and outreach effort.
Energy Foundation$250,0002001To support UCS' federal regional and state efforts to ensure the sustained commercial development of renewable energy
Energy Foundation$250,0002003To continue to support a national renewable portfolio standard education and outreach effort
Oak Foundation USA$250,0002000
Oak Foundation USA$250,0001999
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$250,0002002For the Clean Vehicles Program
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$250,0002007For the clean vehicles program's fuel economy media project
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$250,0002003For the Clean Vehicles Program
Wallace Research Foundation$250,0002008Climate change impacts assessment
Silicon Valley Community Foundation$246,5802017ENVIRONMENT
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$240,0002012To provide technical assessments of opportunities to reduce the risk of nuclear terrorism (over two years)
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$234,0002001In Partial Support for a Project on Climate Change in Collaboration with the Natural Resources Defense Council the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Environmental Defense Fund Over 3 Years
Oak Foundation USA$233,3342009Climate Solutions Campaign renewal (Sep 08 - Aug 11)
Oak Foundation USA$233,3342008Climate solutions campaign renewal
Oak Foundation USA$233,3342010Climate solutions campaign renewal
Energy Foundation$230,0002001To conduct analysis on renewable energy and promote renewable energy through education and outreach to policymakers the agricultural community and the public
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$227,0002003In support of the Global Security Program(over three years)
Energy Foundation$225,0001999
Energy Foundation$225,0002004To Support UCS's Clean Vehicles Program with a Focus on National and California Policy
Energy Foundation$225,0002001To support UCS' Clean Vehicles Program which promotes advanced technology vehicles improvements in fuel economy of the conventional fleet and cleaner trucks and buses
Energy Foundation$225,0002002To support UCS' Clean Vehicles Program which promotes advanced technology vehicles improvements in fuel economy of the conventional feel and cleaner trucks and buses
Energy Foundation$225,0002003To support UCS's Clean Vehicles Program with a focus on national and California policy
Energy Foundation$225,0002000To complete a project to research and publish findings on the automobiles industry's historical role in reducing vehicle emissions
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$225,0002006For the restoring scientific integrity project
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$225,0002007For the restoring scientific integrity project
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$225,0002005For the Restoring Scientific Integrity project
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$225,0002009For the restoring scientific integrity project
National Wildlife Federation$223,8742017Conservation assistance
Energy Foundation$220,0002002To expand the UCS Clean Vehicle Program with an emphasis on building coalition and public support for reducing greenhouse gases from motor vehicles and accelerating the
Energy Foundation$220,0002003To expand the UCS Clean Vehicle Program with an emphasis on building coalition and public support for reducing greenhouse gases from motor vehicles and accelerating the commercialization of clean and efficient advanced technology Vehicles
Blue Moon Fund$210,0001999
Blue Moon Fund$210,0002001For General Support
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$210,0002018Conservation and Science
John Merck Fund$210,0002001To support the New England Clean Energy Rules Project the Food and Environment Program and the Global Security Program
Joyce Foundation$210,0002000To encourage policies to reduce the use of antibiotics in large-scale animal agriculture
Joyce Foundation$210,0001999
Barr Foundation$200,0002011Support for environmental projects
Barr Foundation$200,0002013Driving home the urgency of emissions reductions
Barr Foundation$200,0002009Support for environmental projects
Barr Foundation$200,0002015Environment - creating conditions for broad support for climate change action
Barr Foundation$200,0002012Support for environmental projects
Barr Foundation$200,0002010Support for environmental projects
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$200,0002015
Grantham Foundation For the Protection of the Environment$200,0002014For the protection of the environment; furtherance of related research awareness and policy
Henry Luce Foundation$200,0002001For the 'Sound Science Initiative' on global warming in key regions of the United States
Henry Luce Foundation$200,0002002For the 'Sound Science Initiative' on global warming in key regions of the U S
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$200,0002006In support of the Ounce of Prevention campaign
Open Society Institute$200,0002007To provide project support for the scientific integrity program
Open Society Institute$200,0002006To provide project support for the scientific integrity program
Energy Foundation$200,0002005To promote renewable energy policy at the federal and state levels with a focus on the Midwest the Northeast and California
Energy Foundation$200,0002010To support science-based national regional and state climate solutions.
Energy Foundation$200,0002004To promote renewable energy policy at the federal and state levels with a focus on the Midwest the Northeast and California
Energy Foundation$200,0002012To conduct outreach on climate change in California and nationwide
Energy Foundation$200,0002013To support education and outreach to build a clean energy future
Energy Foundation$200,0002009To continue support for work on the benefits of a national renewable electricity standard.
Energy Foundation$200,0002003To continue to promote renewable energy policies at the federal level and in the Midwest New England and California
Energy Foundation$200,0002007To promote the efficient use of clean renewable energy through advocacy and outreach on state and federal policies
Joyce Foundation$200,0002004To engage state and local officials in Illinois Michigan and Wisconsin in discussions of potential policy responses to the impact of global climate change on the waters of the Great Lakes
Oak Foundation USA$200,0002006
Oak Foundation USA$200,0002004General support
Oak Foundation USA$200,0002005General and/or project support
Oak Foundation USA$200,0002003
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$200,0002016For deploying science to advance social equity and low carbon transportation
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$200,0002004For the Restoring Scientific Integrity Project
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$200,0002017For deploying science to advance social equity and low carbon transportation
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$200,0002012For coal retirement and removing market barriers to renewable energy projects
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$200,0002011For coal retirement and removing market barriers to renewable energy projects
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$200,0002003For general support of the Union of Concerned Scientists Clean Vehicles SUV Media Campaign
Turner Foundation$200,0002002For project support to conduct research analysis policy-maker and public education and media activities to prevent premature and destabilizing development of US national missile defenses and the weaponization of space
Wallace Research Foundation$200,0002006Climate impacts assessment
Wallace Research Foundation$200,0002007Climate change impacts assessment
John Merck Fund$195,0002000To support: (1) The New England Clean Energy Rules Project; (2) the Food and Environment Program; (3) the Arms Control and International Security Program; and (4) Regional training sessions on national missile defense
W K Kellogg Foundation$190,0002017decrease disparities in access to healthy food by strengthening advocacy networks through shared actionable knowledge; organizing diverse multi-generational voices; and mobilizing community-led actions
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$180,0002002In support of the Global Security Program (over three years)
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$180,0002018IN SUPPORT OF A PROJECT TO REDUCE RISKS POSED BY WEAPONS-USEABLE MATERIAL.
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$180,0002006Oceans and coasts
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$180,0002012For support of the union of concerned scientists' Kendall science fellow program
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$175,0002014For promoting clean energy resources to address climate change
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$175,0002013For promoting clean energy resources to address climate change
Wallace Research Foundation$175,0002009Climate change impacts assessment
Jewish Communal Fund$168,0302018General Support
Sea Change Foundation$168,0002010Educate public about climate and clean energy
Ploughshares Fund$165,0002009
Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston$164,4502017DAF -Environment (UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS)
New York Community Trust$163,3002004
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$160,0002013To provide technical assessments of opportunities to reduce the risk of nuclear terrorism (over two years) international programs international peace and security nuclear security
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$156,0002001In support of a collaborative effort to maintain momentum for strong US action and international cooperation to address the serious threats posed by climate change
Deer Creek Foundation$150,0002016For the center for science and democracy's public and policymaker education efforts to ensure that public policies are informed by science and evidence to defend scientists from attacks that undermine scientific integrity and to enlist UC
Donald A. Pels Charitable Trust$150,0002018General operating support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$150,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Foundation For the Carolinas$150,0002006
Foundation To Promote Open Society$150,0002010To support the scientific integrity program
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$150,0002009To provide the public with scientific analysis related to nuclear weapons
Lawrence E and Elaine Smith Irell Foundation$150,0002017ASSIST ORGANIZATION TO ACHIEVE ITS GOALS
Lawrence E and Elaine Smith Irell Foundation$150,0002016Assist organization to achieve its goals
Ploughshares Fund$150,0002011For efforts to reduce the role and numbers of nuclear weapons cut unnecessary nuclear spending educate congress on missile defense and bolster the broader nongovernmental community's effort to support a ban on nuclear testing.
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$150,0002000Support for the Sound Science Initiative.
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$150,0002013Climate
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$150,0002012Climate
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$150,0002003For a two-phase project to develop new analyses of climate change in California and leverage the findings to make a powerful case for state-based action.
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$150,0002005For continued support for the sound science initiative
Energy Foundation$150,0002008To research and promote policies that encourage low carbon fuels
Energy Foundation$150,0002011To educate the public on the health economic and scientific impacts of climate change.
Energy Foundation$150,0002009To research and promote low carbon fuels.
Energy Foundation$150,0002010To build support for low carbon sustainable fuels and build the case against dirty fuels.
J M Kaplan Fund$150,0002001To support UCS's work to advance renewable energy and fuel economy solutions to climate change
Marisla Foundation$150,0002008Climate solutions and invasive species campaigns
New York Community Trust$150,0002009To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen pollution from agriculture
Rosenthal Family Foundation$150,0002013Unrestricted grant
Rosenthal Family Foundation$150,0002015Unrestricted grant
Rosenthal Family Foundation$150,0002012Unrestricted grant
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$150,0002003For general support of the Union of Concerned Scientists analysis of climate change in California to support state-based action to reduce global warming emissions
W K Kellogg Foundation$150,0002012Provide analytical and policy leadership and coordination for the forging a good food future for all initiative and to mobilize support for policies that incentivize the production of healthy food on healthy farms
Wallace Research Foundation$150,0002011Further research & communication of energy-water-climate studies
Wallace Research Foundation$150,0002012Research and communication of energy-water-climate studies
Wallace Research Foundation$150,0002010Climate change impacts assessment
Carnegie Corporation of New York$140,0002015For a project to expand professional opportunities for early and mid-career technical experts on international security
Lawrence E and Elaine Smith Irell Foundation$140,0002015Assist organization to achieve its goals
Lawrence E and Elaine Smith Irell Foundation$140,0002018ASSIST ORGANIZATION TO ACHIEVE ITS GOALS
American Endowment Foundation$139,4622016Program Funding
Ploughshares Fund$137,6172010
American Council of Learned Societies$136,9872012Stipends / fellowships
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$136,0002001In support of the Global Security Program (over three years)
Energy Foundation$134,0002002To conduct analysis on renewable energy and promote renewable energy through education and outreach to policymakers the agricultural community and the public
Carnegie Corporation of New York$133,0002016For a project to expand professional opportunities for early and mid-career technical experts on international security
Energy Foundation$130,0002006To support a senior analyst who will research technical and policy issues around biofuels
Carnegie Corporation of New York$128,4002013For a project to train the next generation of independent technical security analysts
Jewish Communal Fund$127,5002004
New York Community Trust$127,2502001
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$127,0002002Support for the sound science initiative
Carnegie Corporation of New York$126,5002012For a project to train the next generation of independent technical security analysts
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$125,0001999
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$125,0002006Oceans and coasts
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$125,0002015Conservation and science
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$125,0002007Sciences for oceans and coasts
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$125,0002016Conservation and science
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$125,0002018Conservation and Science
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$125,0002018Conservation and Science
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$125,0002005For continued support to the scientific integrity program
Joyce Foundation$125,0002000Midwest Energy Project
Joyce Foundation$125,0002015Environment - to support the powering the powering ahead the Midwest project
Joyce Foundation$125,0002016Environment - to support the powering ahead the Midwest project
Rosenthal Family Foundation$125,0002011Unrestricted grant
Schmidt Family Foundation$125,0002013To support half the oil elevating diverse voices program
Schmidt Family Foundation$125,0002014To support growing the electric vehicle market.
Blue Moon Fund$124,5002013To support biodiversity conservation initiatives in Myanmar through the development of a post conflict land management model that can be replicated throughout the country.
John Merck Fund$124,5002002To support (1) the New England Clean Energy Rules project; (2) Pharm and Industrial Crops - The Next Generation of Agricultural Biotechnology Products and (3) the New England Clean Energy Campaign
Sea Change Foundation$122,2002010Educate public about climate and clean energy
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$120,0002003To strengthen the Sound Science Initiative and for a planning grant to create a strategy to address the politicization of science and scientific advice within federal policy making.
Energy Foundation$120,0002007To promote the efficient use of clean renewable energy through advocacy and outreach on state and federal policies
John Merck Fund$120,0002007
Seattle Foundation$115,2002008To provide general operating support
John Merck Fund$115,00020041) To support the New England clean energy campaign; and 2) to support the Food and Environment Program
John Merck Fund$115,0002005(1) To support the New England Clean Energy Campaign; and (2) to support the Food and Environment Program.
Frankel Family Foundation$110,0002015Restricted funding
John Merck Fund$110,0002003To support: (1) the New England Clean Energy Campaign; and (2) Pharm and Industrial Crops - The Next Generation of Agricultural Biotechnology Products.
Joyce Foundation$110,0001998To explore public health and environmental concerns related to the use of antibiotics in large-scale beef hog and chicken farms
Heising-Simons Foundation$109,0002017CALIFORNIA'S CLEAN ENERGY MODEL
Boston Foundation$106,2502015Operating Support
Silicon Valley Community Foundation$105,7002015Support for environmental projects
Frankel Family Foundation$105,0002016100 000 restricted/5 000 unrestricted
National Philanthropic Trust$105,0002017PUBLIC SOCIETAL BENEFIT
Silicon Valley Community Foundation$101,0002014Support for environmental projects
New York Community Trust$100,6502006
Aphorism Foundation$100,0002017GENERAL SUPPORT
Bernard F And Alva B Gimbel Foundation$100,0002016General operating support
Bernard F And Alva B Gimbel Foundation$100,0002010General operating support
Bernard F And Alva B Gimbel Foundation$100,0002008
Bernard F And Alva B Gimbel Foundation$100,0002011General Operating Support
Bernard F And Alva B Gimbel Foundation$100,0002012General operating support
Bernard F And Alva B Gimbel Foundation$100,0002015General operating support
Bernard F And Alva B Gimbel Foundation$100,0002009General operating support
Bernard F And Alva B Gimbel Foundation$100,0002013General operating support
Blue Moon Fund$100,0002001For General Support
Bright Horizon Foundation$100,0002003For general use
Carnegie Corporation of New York$100,0002011Toward a project to train the next generation of independent technical secur
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$100,0002008
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$100,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$100,0002005
Frankel Family Foundation$100,0002017RESTRICTED
Henry P Kendall Foundation$100,0002006
Jewish Federation of Cleveland$100,0002008
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$100,0002002In support of a collaborative effort to maintain momentum for strong U S action and international cooperation to address global warming (over two years)
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$100,0002010To provide the public with scientific analysis related to nuclear weapons
Lawrence E and Elaine Smith Irell Foundation$100,0002014Assist organization to achieve its goals
Night Heron Foundation$100,0002015Center for science and democracy
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$100,0002014Conservation and science
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$100,0002010Climate
Energy Foundation$100,0002009To support western climate initiative implementation.
Energy Foundation$100,0002009To support western climate initiative implementation.
Energy Foundation$100,0002004To study the impacts of climate change on California using the latest climate modeling
Energy Foundation$100,0002004To promote renewable energy policy at the federal and state levels with a focus on the Midwest the Northeast and California
Energy Foundation$100,0002011To support ab 32 implementation.
Energy Foundation$100,0002011To support outreach on climate science.
Energy Foundation$100,0002006To support implementation of California's carbon cap
Energy Foundation$100,0002003To continue to promote renewable energy policies at the federal level and in the Midwest New England and California
Energy Foundation$100,0002001To support UCS' federal regional and state efforts to ensure the sustained commercial development of renewable energy
Energy Foundation$100,0002010To educate the public and decision-makers about climate change science.
Energy Foundation$100,0002005To promote renewable energy policy at the federal and state levels with a focus on the Midwest the Northeast and California
Ford Foundation$100,0002003For the Global Security Fellowship Program's Joint Project on Space Weapons to develop and implement joint research between the young
Heising-Simons Foundation$100,0002018CLEAN CARS AND CALIFORNIA POWER SYSTEM
John Merck Fund$100,0001999
John Merck Fund$100,0002006To support the England Clean Energy Project
John Merck Fund$100,0002017To hold federal decision makers accountable for policies that harm Americans and to reframe the debate over vital health and safety protections.
Joyce Foundation$100,0002004To promote policies supporting renewable energy resources such as wind solar and energy from crops in Illinois Iowa Minnesota and Wisconsin
Joyce Foundation$100,0002010To study and publicize firm-level economic benefits of a regional transition to a low-carbon energy sector in the midwest
Joyce Foundation$100,0002005
Joyce Foundation$100,0002001To continue its advocacy for policies to reduce the use of antibiotics in agriculture for no therapeutic purposes
Joyce Foundation$100,0002003To support efforts to encourage policies that would reduce the use of antibiotics in animal agriculture
Joyce Foundation$100,0002003To support work that promotes policies supporting renewable energy resources such as wind solar and energy from crops in Illinois Iowa Minnesota and Wisconsin
Joyce Foundation$100,0001998For work in the Midwest to encourage the creation of a market for electricity produced from renewable sources
Joyce Foundation$100,0002013For promoting energy efficiency in the Midwest (1 year)
Joyce Foundation$100,0002012For its Midwest clean energy campaign: securing energy efficiency a central place in the Midwest grid (1 year)
Joyce Foundation$100,0002002To support work that promotes policies supporting renewable energy resources such as wind solar and energy from crops In Illinois Iowa Minnesota and Wisconsin
Joyce Foundation$100,0002002To support efforts to encourage policies that would reduce the use to antibiotics In animal agriculture
Joyce Foundation$100,0002011To support UCS's campaign to inform policies that significantly increase the markets for and reduce barriers to increased renewable energy deployment in the Midwest (1 year)
Joyce Foundation$100,0002001For its Midwest Energy Project
Martin Foundation$100,0002014Healthy food policies
Nathan Cummings Foundation$100,0001999
Nathan Cummings Foundation$100,0002000Agriculture & Biotechnology Program To create a sustainable food system that offers safe high quality affordable food with minimum impacts on the environment and to evaluate the role of biotechnology in achieving that goal.
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$100,0002012For a project to develop recommendations on the future of the US nuclear weapons stockpile
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation$100,0002013For a project to develop recommendations on the future of the US nuclear weapons stockpile
Turner Foundation$100,0002001
Weissman Family Foundation$100,0002017UNRESTRICTED
Weissman Family Foundation$100,0002018UNRESTRICTED
Wilburforce Foundation$100,0002016Improving science-based regulation for environmental protection
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$98,0002002In support of the first international professional meeting of independent technical peace and security analysts
Fresh Sound Foundation$95,0002010Support for education
Energy Foundation$95,0002007To support a senior analyst who will research technical and policy issues around biofuels
Nathan Cummings Foundation$95,0002010Scientific integrity program
Carnegie Corporation of New York$92,1002015For a project to train the next generation of independent technical security analysts
Community Foundation of Tompkins County$91,2342018GENERAL SUPPORT (UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS)
Grantham Foundation For the Protection of the Environment$90,0002009
Ford Foundation$90,0002005Final support for the global security fellowship program's joint project on space weapons to develop and implement joint research
Ford Foundation$90,0002004For the Global Security Fellowship Program's joint project on space weapons on develop and implement joint research between the young
Ford Foundation$90,0002006Final support for the global security program joint project on space weapons to develop and implement joint research between the
Turner Foundation$90,0002001
Schwab Charitable Fund$85,1052013
Bernard F And Alva B Gimbel Foundation$85,0002014General operating support
John Merck Fund$85,0002009
American Endowment Foundation$82,4612015Program Funding
Steven C Leuthold Family Foundation$80,0002018OPERATIONS
Marisla Foundation$80,0002016Climate action & accountability strengthening ca leadership
Marisla Foundation$80,0002013Climate science & nuclear power safety
Marisla Foundation$80,0002014Creating undeniable demand for climate action & nuclear reform
Marisla Foundation$80,0002012Climate solutions campaign
Blue Moon Fund$75,0001999
Blue Moon Fund$75,0002002
Carnegie Corporation of New York$75,0002012Toward a project to train the next generation of independent technical security analysts
Craigslist Charitable Fund$75,0002016General grant intented to further charitable purpo
Deer Creek Foundation$75,0002009
Deer Creek Foundation$75,0002007
Deer Creek Foundation$75,0002007
Deer Creek Foundation$75,0002008
Deer Creek Foundation$75,0002006
Geraldine R Dodge Foundation$75,0001999
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$75,0002000In support of research and public education on the reduction of nuclear weapons and the implications of ballistic missile defenses
Ploughshares Fund$75,0002005A two year grant to support the 17th and 18th international summer workshops for public interest scientists working on policy oriented international security and arms control issues
Rockefeller Brothers Fund$75,0002009For the Midwest climate campaign
Sedmak-Wooten Family Foundation$75,0002017GENERAL ENDOWMENT
Sophiagrace Foundation$75,0002018GENERAL OPERATING SUPPORT
Benter Foundation$75,0002012General operating support
Common Sense Fund$75,0002018To support the mission of the Union of Concerned Scientists to put rigorous independent science to work to solve our planet's most pressing problems. Joining with citizens across the country by combining technical analysis and effective ad
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$75,0002008Science for oceans and coasts
Energy Foundation$75,0002006To produce a report on potential global warming impacts in the northeast
Energy Foundation$75,0002007To develop and promote new policy ideas for renewable energy transmission
Energy Foundation$75,0002015To advance policy solutions for a stable climate
Joyce Foundation$75,0002007To support its efforts to study and highlight the financial risk of future carbon dioxide emission limits
Marisla Foundation$75,0002010Climate solutions campaign
Marisla Foundation$75,0002006Climate Solutions Campaign and Invasive Species Project
Marisla Foundation$75,0002007Climate solutions campaign and invasive species project
Marisla Foundation$75,0002005Climate solutions/invasive species project
Marisla Foundation$75,0002003Climate and invasive species
Marisla Foundation$75,0002011Climate solutions campaign
New York Community Trust$75,0002013To advance healthy and sustainable food and farm policies
Rosenthal Family Foundation$75,0002007
V Kann Rasmussen Foundation$75,0002016In support of the Organization's Work to Draw Attention to Climate Impact and Create a Bipartisan Agenda on Clean Energy Solutions
Wallace Global Fund II$75,0002016Project support for climate movement building work
Wallace Global Fund II$75,0002015Project support for climate work
Energy Foundation$73,1002007To organize advocacy efforts conductance outreach and analysis and support around a federal renewable portfolio standard
Sea Change Foundation$72,0002009Educating public about climate and clean energy policy
Blue Moon Fund$71,5002001For General Support
Blue Moon Fund$71,5002002
Ploughshares Fund$70,0002006To support technical research and analysis media and congressional outreach on U.S. nuclear weapons policy nuclear terrorism and proliferation space weapons missile defense and U.S.-China relations
Ploughshares Fund$70,0002007To support technical research and analysis media and congressional outreach on U.S. nuclear weapons policy nuclear terrorism and proliferation space weapons missile defense and U.S.-China relations.
Ploughshares Fund$70,0002005For technical research and analysis on US nuclear weapons policy space weapons nuclear terrorism and missile defense
Energy Foundation$70,0002005To research and publicize the impacts of global warming on California and to advocate for a California carbon cap
Energy Foundation$70,0002013To support education and analysis to build markets for clean affordable energy that protects public health
Energy Foundation$70,0002007To support the Northeast climate impact assessment analysis and outreach
Joseph H Flom Foundation$70,0002014General support and support of teacher engagement project
Joseph H Flom Foundation$70,0002013General support and support of teacher engagement project
Energy Foundation$67,5002014To support education and outreach to build a clean energy future.
Energy Foundation$67,5002010To assess the economic impacts of ab32 on small businesses.
Henry P Kendall Foundation$67,0002005
Energy Foundation$67,0001999
Joyce Foundation$66,6671999
Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles$66,5002014General support
Schwab Charitable Fund$65,9452012
Sea Change Foundation$65,8002009Educating public about climate and clean energy policy
Seattle Foundation$65,2502012NY rally on climate science reporting
Fresh Sound Foundation$65,0002013Support for education
Fresh Sound Foundation$65,0002017SCIENTIFIC
Fresh Sound Foundation$65,0002014Support for education
Fresh Sound Foundation$65,0002011Support for education
Fresh Sound Foundation$65,0002018SCIENTIFIC
Grantham Foundation For the Protection of the Environment$65,0002008
Grantham Foundation For the Protection of the Environment$65,0002007
Merck Family Fund$65,0002016To support momentum for a national price on carbon through state-level leadership and federal policy opportunities.
Merck Family Fund$65,0002015Paving the path to a carbon price
Planning And Art Resources For Communities$65,0002013General support
Energy Foundation$65,0002014To support education and analysis to build markets for clean affordable energy that protects public health.
Energy Foundation$65,0002002To support two new consultant studies of the fuel economy and cost of hybrid electric vehicles and to summarize and release results in a report by Union of Concerned Scientists
John Merck Fund$65,0002017To accelerate electrification m the transportation sector in New England
New York Community Trust$62,8502005
Blue Moon Fund$62,2501999
Saint Paul Foundation$61,5002010Multiple grants for multiple purposes
Bader Philanthropies$60,0002000
Forrest C And Frances H Lattner Foundation$60,0002007California climate campaign
Ploughshares Fund$60,0002003For a two-year grant to support the hiring of Ed Lyman
Ploughshares Fund$60,0002004To support the 2004 Global Security Program including technical research and analysis on U.S. nuclear weapons policy space weapons nuclear terrorism and limiting missile defense
Sedmak-Wooten Family Foundation$60,0002016GENERAL ENDOWMENT
Educational Foundation of America$60,0002006Food and Environment Program
Educational Foundation of America$60,0002005Food and environment program
Educational Foundation of America$60,0002009Food and environment program
Educational Foundation of America$60,0002010Food and environment program
Energy Foundation$60,0002008To promote a model heavy-duty truck fuel economy rule in California
John Merck Fund$60,0002008To expand renewable electricity use from less than 3 percent today to at least 25 percent by 2025 and 50 percent by 2050.
Wallace Global Fund II$60,0002012Project support for climate change work
Wilburforce Foundation$60,0002014Keeping up the pressure for scientific integrity
Wilburforce Foundation$60,0002013Keeping up the Pressure for Scientific Integrity
Wilburforce Foundation$60,0002015Defending science·based regulation for environmental protection
Holthues Trust$55,5002017Operating Funds
Edwards Mother Earth Foundation$55,0002005
Steven C Leuthold Family Foundation$55,0002017OPERATIONS
Common Sense Fund$55,0002014To support the mission of the union of concerned scientists to put rigorous independent science to work to solve our planet's most pressing problems joining with citizens across the country by combining technical analysis and effective adv
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$54,0002000For activities to strengthen arms control expertise in China
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program$53,2502008Human services
Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston$53,1002009Donor Advised Fund Environment
Turner Foundation$53,0002009
Schwab Charitable Fund$52,0502011Charitable purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$50,1002007
Amy P Goldman Foundation$50,0002018CHARITABLE
Anthony Crabb and Barbara Grasseschi Foundation$50,0002014General operations
Anthony Crabb and Barbara Grasseschi Foundation$50,0002017GENERAL OPERATIONS
Arkay Foundation$50,0002009To support climate campaign
Bauman Family Foundation$50,0002015General support
Blittersdorf Family Foundation$50,0002009Cultivating or preserving ethically responsible environmental
Cedar Tree Foundation$50,0002004Project support for the Food and Environment Program
Claneil Foundation$50,0002014Science- based solutions for healthy food and sustainable farms
Craigslist Charitable Fund$50,0002015General grant intented to further charitable purpose
Craigslist Charitable Fund$50,0002014Grant intended to further charitable purpose
David And Katherine Moore Family Foundation$50,0002004Global Security programs
David And Katherine Moore Family Foundation$50,0002008Global security program
David And Katherine Moore Family Foundation$50,0002006Global security program
Deer Creek Foundation$50,0002003To research monitor report consult with scientists promote consumer actions and to educate policymakers the media and the public for the purpose of promoting stronger government regulations and more responsible corporate policies.
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$50,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$50,0002012Environment and animals
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$50,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$50,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Lenore Hanauer Foundation$50,0002017UNRESTRICTED SUPPORT
Leo Model Foundation$50,0002018Technical analysis & advocacy to save the planet
Leo Model Foundation$50,0002018Technical analysis & advocacy to save the planet
Leo Model Foundation$50,0002018Technical analysis & advocacy to save the planet
Mertz Gilmore Foundation$50,0002007Northeast Climate Impact Assessment
Mertz Gilmore Foundation$50,0002009Northeast Climate Solutions Project
Mertz Gilmore Foundation$50,00020111 Strengthening the northeast low carbon fuel standard project 2. Standing up for science project
Mertz Gilmore Foundation$50,0002010Strengthening the low carbon fuel standard in the northeast/mid-Atlantic and defending global warming science
Newman's Own Foundation$50,0002008Food & environment program
Ploughshares Fund$50,0002015For continued support of UCS Global Security Program and the Washington DC-based nuclear policy efforts aimed to reduce the size and scope of US nuclear weapons arsenals
Seattle Foundation$50,0002015To provide general support
Seattle Foundation$50,0002014Climate impacts attribution accountability narrative work
Sedmak-Wooten Family Foundation$50,0002015GENERAL ENDOWMENT
Surdna Foundation$50,0001998
Common Sense Fund$50,0002015To support the mission of the union of concerned scientists to put rigorous independent science to work to solve our planet's most pressing problems joining with citizens across the country by combining technical analysis and effective adv
David And Lucile Packard Foundation$50,0002015Conservation and science
Educational Foundation of America$50,0001999
Educational Foundation of America$50,0002000
Energy Foundation$50,0002005To support climate policy efforts in the Northeast
Energy Foundation$50,0002002To fund a national poll of pickup truck drivers to be used to demonstrate that pickup owners are in favor of fuel economy standards
Energy Foundation$50,0002004To design and implement the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative carbon market in the Northeast
John Merck Fund$50,0002016To promote market conditions that foster electric vehicle expansion in New England.
Joyce Foundation$50,0002003To brief state and local officials on the findings of its new report on the effects of climate change on the waters of the Great Lakes
Marisla Foundation$50,0002004Climate and invasive species
Porphyry Road Foundation$50,0002009Scientific research on environmental issues
Schaffner Family Foundation$50,0002011Support for environmental projects
Schaffner Family Foundation$50,0002015Support for Environmental projects
Scherman Foundation$50,0002001
Schmidt Family Foundation$50,0002016Plate of the union campaign
Tides Foundation$50,0002012Coalition coordination for nuclear weapons policy progress project
Turner Foundation$50,0002000
Wallace Research Foundation$50,0002013To inform the American public about nuclear safety
Wiancko Charitable Foundation$50,0002008
Marvin And Annette Lee Foundation$16,0002011To help support charitable activities
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$15,9002007
Arizona Community Foundation$15,8002015Program support
Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego$15,6602017General Support
Arizona Community Foundation$15,5002014Annual program support
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts$15,3502011Support for environmental projects
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts$15,2502012Support for environmental projects
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program$15,2502010General op expenses
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts$15,1002003
2005 Tomchin Family Charitable Trust$15,0002009Environment - citizens and scientists for solutions
2005 Tomchin Family Charitable Trust$15,0002010Environment - citizens and scientists for solutions
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation$15,0002015To promote the field of music the opera and the symphony or to carry out specific charitable educational and cultural projects.
Aspen Community Foundation$15,0002011This grant is to support general operating expenses
Aspen Community Foundation$15,0002012This grant is to support general operating expenses
Baltimore Community Foundation$15,0002017GENERAL SUPPORT AND VARIOUS PROJECTS
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$15,0002013General purposes
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$15,0002014General purposes
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$15,0002008
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$15,0002011General purposes
Boston Foundation$15,0002008
Boston Foundation$15,0002016Education
Boston Foundation$15,0002017Education
Boston Foundation$15,0002004Philancon Fund
Clara Weiss Fund Weiss David C Et Al Ttee$15,0002018To support non-profit operations
Clara Weiss Fund Weiss David C Et Al Ttee$15,0002016To support nonprofit operations
Clara Weiss Fund Weiss David C Et Al Ttee$15,0002017To support non-profit operations
Clif Bar Family Foundation$15,0002016Protecting Earth's Beauty & Bounty
Community Foundation of Jackson Hole$15,0002002Research funding
Davis Conservation Foundation$15,0002003
Del Mar Global Trust$15,0002015To be used for qualified purposes of the organization
Del Mar Global Trust$15,0002017
Del Mar Global Trust$15,0002014To be used for qualified purposes of the organization.
Del Mar Global Trust$15,0002016To be used for qualified purposes of the organization
Elsie Procter Van Buren Foundation$15,0002006
Elsie Procter Van Buren Foundation$15,0002005
Elsie Procter Van Buren Foundation$15,0002007General Support
Eric Anderson Foundation$15,0002009General support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,0002012General Support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,0002014For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,0002014For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fresh Sound Foundation$15,0002016Promotion of arts
Grace Jones Richardson Testamentary Trust Co Piedmont Trust Co$15,0002013To assist each organization in carrying out its exempt purpose
Jeannette and H Peter Kriendler Charitable Trust$15,0002009
Jeannette and H Peter Kriendler Charitable Trust$15,0002014General charitable purposes
Jeannette and H Peter Kriendler Charitable Trust$15,0002012General charitable purposes
Jeannette and H Peter Kriendler Charitable Trust$15,0002016Organization's general exempt purposes
Jeannette and H Peter Kriendler Charitable Trust$15,0002015General charitable purposes
John W Mooty Foundation Trust$15,0002017COMMUNITY SERVICE
Lockhart Vaughan Foundation$15,0002011Environment: support for the work of Alden Meyer and his team on global warming.
Lockhart Vaughan Foundation$15,0002010Environment: support for the work of Alden Meyer and his team on global warming.
National Philanthropic Trust$15,0002010Environment & wildlife
Ottawa County Community Foundation$15,0002017COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN
Park Foundation$15,0002013Nuclear power safety campaign
Park Foundation$15,0002015
Park Foundation$15,0002014Nuclear power safety campaign
Riordan Family Foundation$15,0002015To further program services
Riordan Family Foundation$15,0002018TO FURTHER PROGRAM SERVICES
Riordan Family Foundation$15,0002016To further program services
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors$15,0002018General (UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS FUND)
Sand County Charitable Trust$15,0002014Support for scientific projects
Sand County Charitable Trust$15,0002015Support for scientific projects
Sand County Charitable Trust$15,0002013Support for scientific projects
Schwab Charitable Fund$15,0002008
Seattle Foundation$15,0002014To provide general support
Steven C Leuthold Family Foundation$15,0002016Operating funds
Steven C Leuthold Family Foundation$15,0002015Operating Funds
Arches Foundation$15,0002008
Arches Foundation$15,0002015Organization dedicated to preserving natural resources promoting arts education and civil rights including social welfare
Cameron And Jane Baird Foundation$15,0002013Science-based advocacy for a healthy environment
Cameron And Jane Baird Foundation$15,0002014Science-based advocacy for a healthy environment
Cameron And Jane Baird Foundation$15,0002015Science-based advocacy for a healthy environment
Cosman Family Foundation$15,0002017Unrestricted general support
Cowles Charitable Trust$15,0002017General Support
Cowles Charitable Trust$15,0002018CHARITABLE
Curtis And Edith Munson Foundation$15,0002005Funding in support of the coalition on invasive species reports on 'The Costs of Inaction' for Florida Alabama and other coastal states
Educational Foundation of America$15,0002018General operating support
Fink Family Foundation$15,0002010Grant area messages/messengers (support of meeting on climate change)
Korein Foundation$15,0002006Research of renewable energy and the decrease of environmental pollution
Korein Foundation$15,0002007Research of renewable energy and the decrease of environmental pollution
Korein Foundation$15,0002004General support
Korein Foundation$15,0002005Research of renewable energy and the decrease of environmental pollution
Korein Foundation$15,0002007Research of renewable energy and the decrease of environmental pollution
Martha And Donald Farley Family Foundation$15,0002017General operating
Martin Fabert Foundation$15,0002013To provide support to exempt organization
Martin Fabert Foundation$15,0002016To provide support to exempt organization
Martin Fabert Foundation$15,0002014To provide support to exempt organization
Martin Fabert Foundation$15,0002015To provide support to exempt organization
New-Land Foundation$15,0002004
New-Land Foundation$15,0002003
New-Land Foundation$15,0002002
Orchard Foundation$15,0002003New England Carbon Offsets Project
Orchard Foundation$15,0002010Federal climate work: engaging economists
Orchard Foundation$15,0002007Northeast climate impacts assessment
Orchard Foundation$15,0002008Northeast climate impacts assessment
Orchard Foundation$15,0002011Federal climate work: engaging economists
Porphyry Road Foundation$15,0002015Scientific research on environmental issues
Porphyry Road Foundation$15,0002010Scientific research on environmental issues
Prentice Foundation$15,0002016Fuel efficiency and global warming emissions standards program
Shifting Foundation$15,0002005
Shifting Foundation$15,0002003
Shifting Foundation$15,0002002
Shifting Foundation$15,0002001
Shifting Foundation$15,0002000
Shifting Foundation$15,0002004
Timken Matthews Family Foundation$15,0002016Unrestricted
Timken Matthews Family Foundation$15,0002017General Support
Thomas H And Donna M Stone Foundation$15,0002008Humanitarian support
Thomas H And Donna M Stone Foundation$15,0002007Support for scientific projects
Toledo Community Foundation$15,0002017GENERAL SUPPORT
Wallace Research Foundation$15,0002016To improve accountability of chemical plants & protect public health in Houston area
Wallace Research Foundation$15,0002015To empower scientists and environmental groups to address chemical safety in the Houston area
William B Wiener Jr Foundation$15,0002014Charitable purpose of recipient
William B Wiener Jr Foundation$15,0002013Charitable purpose of recipient
William B Wiener Jr Foundation$15,0002011Charitable purpose of recipient
Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles$14,5502017GENERAL SUPPORT
Jewish Communal Fund$14,5002005
Arches Foundation$14,0002013Organization dedicated to preserving natural resources promoting arts education and civil rights including social welfare
Jewish Communal Fund$13,6302012Unrestricted
Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles$13,5502016General support
Bardeen-Greytak Family Foundation$13,5002018TO FURTHER RECIPIENT'S TAX-EXEMPT PURPOSE
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$13,5002006
Thomas H And Donna M Stone Foundation$13,5002001Support for scientific projects
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$13,4942010
David F and Sara K Weston Fund$13,0002016General purpose of the donee organization
Arches Foundation$13,0002016Organization dedicated to preserving natural resources promoting arts education and civil rights including social welfare
Arches Foundation$13,0002014Organization dedicated to preserving natural resources promoting arts education and civil rights including social welfare
Arches Foundation$12,8382009
Jewish Communal Fund$12,7802013General Support
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation$12,7002010Operating support
Lear Family Foundation$12,5621999
Bardeen-Greytak Family Foundation$12,5002017TO FURTHER RECIPIENT'S TAX-EXEMPT PURPOSE
Fowey Light Fund$12,5002016Charitable purpose of recipient
Fresh Sound Foundation$12,5002013Support for education
Cowles Charitable Trust$12,5002015General support
Energy Foundation$12,5002007To support the Northeast climate impact assessment analysis and outreach
New York Community Trust$12,5002014For general support
Tides Foundation$12,5002012Center for science and democracy
Tides Foundation$12,5002008Scientific integrity program
James Family Charitable Foundation$12,4642018GENERAL
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$12,3502006
Leaves of Grass Fund$12,0002016General Support
Leaves of Grass Fund$12,0002017CHARITABLE
San Francisco Foundation$12,0002014Alliances & advocacy
Sand County Charitable Trust$12,0002004Support for Scientific Projects
Arches Foundation$12,0002005
Arches Foundation$12,0002006
Community Foundation of Sarasota County$12,0002006
Dudley Foundation$12,0002018As per grant application
Saint Paul Foundation$11,2722012Multiple grants for multiple purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$11,0152015
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$11,0002008Environmental programs
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$11,0002009Environmental programs
James Family Charitable Foundation$11,0002017General Support
Oregon Community Foundation$11,0002017Environment (UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS)
Boston Foundation$10,7502014Operating support
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts$10,5002000
Triangle Community Foundation$10,5002017GENERAL PURPOSE (UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS)
United Way of the Bay Area$10,4002014Designated by donor to agency for general operations
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,3502007
Lynn R and Karl E Prickett Fund$10,3002000
John And Margaret Sinclaire Foundation$10,2972018General Support
Lynn R and Karl E Prickett Fund$10,2882002
Boston Foundation$10,2502012Operating support
Grace Jones Richardson Testamentary Trust Co Piedmont Trust Co$10,2502015To assist each organization in carrying out its exempt purpose
Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro$10,1502017GENERAL SUPPORT (UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS)
2005 Tomchin Family Charitable Trust$10,0002011Environment - citizens and scientists for solutions
2005 Tomchin Family Charitable Trust$10,0002013Environment - citizens and scientists for solutions
2005 Tomchin Family Charitable Trust$10,0002012Environment - citizens and scientists for solutions
Arkay Foundation$10,0002013Center for science and democracy
Aspen Community Foundation$10,0002014To support general operating expenses
Aspen Community Foundation$10,0002015To support general operating expenses
Aspen Community Foundation$10,0002013To support general operating expenses
Baltimore Community Foundation$10,0002009General support and various projects
Baltimore Community Foundation$10,0002004
Baltimore Community Foundation$10,0002011General support and various projects
Barbara Wetzel Charitable Foundation Trust$10,0002008General program support
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$10,0002017GENERAL USE
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$10,0002006
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$10,0002016General purposes
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$10,0002018General use
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$10,0002015General purposes
Benito And Frances Gaguine Foundation$10,0002018COMMUNITY SERVICE
Benito And Frances Gaguine Foundation$10,0002012
Boston Foundation$10,0002000Helen R Homans Fund
Bydale Foundation$10,0002007
Ceres Charitable Foundation$10,0002016Support the charitable organization's general mission
Charles Spear Charitable Foundation$10,0002018CHARITABLE
Charles Spear Charitable Foundation$10,0002017General Support
Charles Spear Charitable Foundation$10,0002016General Support
Charles Spear Charitable Trust$10,0002011General Support
Charles Spear Charitable Trust$10,0002010General support
Charles Spear Charitable Trust$10,0002009General Support
Charles Spear Charitable Trust$10,0002012General Support
Clara Weiss Fund Weiss David C Et Al Ttee$10,0002015To support nonprofit operations
Clif Bar Family Foundation$10,0002014PROTECTING EARTH'S BEAUTY AND BOUNTY
Clif Bar Family Foundation$10,0002009General support
Clif Bar Family Foundation$10,0002010General support
Clif Bar Family Foundation$10,0002012To support programs for stronger communities
Community Foundation For Southeast Michigan$10,0002012General operations
Community Foundation of Jackson Hole$10,0002003Mr Christopher Bonlace
Community Foundation of Jackson Hole$10,0002001Support for education
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts$10,0002002
Compton Foundation$10,0001999
Daedalus Foundation$10,0002016In support of the union of concerned scientists
David And Katherine Moore Family Foundation$10,0002009Global Security Program
David And Katherine Moore Family Foundation$10,0002002General operations
David And Katherine Moore Family Foundation$10,0002011Global security program
David And Katherine Moore Family Foundation$10,0002010Global security program
Davis Conservation Foundation$10,0002006
Dr. Robert C. and Tina Sohn Foundation$10,0002017Environment specific
Elsie Procter Van Buren Foundation$10,0002000
Elsie Procter Van Buren Foundation$10,0002002Unrestricted
Elsie Procter Van Buren Foundation$10,0002003General support
Elsie Procter Van Buren Foundation$10,0002001
Elsie Procter Van Buren Foundation$10,0002004General support
Eric Anderson Foundation$10,0002010General support
Eric Anderson Foundation$10,0002012General support
Eric Anderson Foundation$10,0002008General support
Eric Anderson Foundation$10,0002015General support
Ettinger Foundation$10,0002006
Ettinger Foundation$10,0002012For work in Florida
Ettinger Foundation$10,0002011For work in Florida
Fairfield County's Community Foundation$10,0002007General support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002012Human services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002012Human services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002009Community & Human Services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002009Community & human services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002009Community & Human Services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002007
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002009Community & human services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002014For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002006
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002005
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$10,0002005
Fiduciary Charitable Foundation$10,0002011For general support unless stated otherwise
Fiduciary Charitable Foundation$10,0002010General support
Fiduciary Charitable Foundation$10,0002006
Fiduciary Charitable Foundation$10,0002012General support
Fiduciary Charitable Foundation$10,0002008Distribution
Fowey Light Fund$10,0002013Charitable purpose of recipient
Fowey Light Fund$10,0002015Charitable purpose of recipient
Fowey Light Fund$10,0002014Charitable purpose of recipient
Frances And Benjamin Benenson Foundation$10,0002012General Support
Frances And Benjamin Benenson Foundation$10,0002006
Frances And Benjamin Benenson Foundation$10,0002013Charitable contribution
Frances And Benjamin Benenson Foundation$10,0002011General Support
Frankel Family Foundation$10,0002017UNRESTRICTED
Frankel Family Foundation$10,0002014General Support
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002017General purposes
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002004General purposes
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002007
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002016General purposes
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002003General Purposes
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002018General purposes
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002014General purposes
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002015General purposes
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002013General purposes
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002008General support
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002011General purposes
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002006
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002002
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002001
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002005
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$10,0002009General purposes
Fresh Sound Foundation$10,0002014Support for education
Fresh Sound Foundation$10,0002011Support for education
Fresh Sound Foundation$10,0002012Support for education
Gardner Grout Foundation$10,0002015Food and Environment Program
Gardner Grout Foundation$10,0002016Food and environment program
Gardner Grout Foundation$10,0002013Food and environment program
Gardner Grout Foundation$10,0002004General fund
Harlan E Anderson Foundation$10,0002016For current year programs
Helios Foundation$10,0002019General support
Holthues Trust$10,0002016Operating Funds
Inmaat Foundation$10,0002016General support
Inmaat Foundation$10,0002014General support
Inmaat Foundation$10,0002018General support
Inmaat Foundation$10,0002015General support
Inmaat Foundation$10,0002012General support unless indicated
Inmaat Foundation$10,0002013General support
Jeannette and H Peter Kriendler Charitable Trust$10,0002008
Jeannette and H Peter Kriendler Charitable Trust$10,0002004
Jeannette and H Peter Kriendler Charitable Trust$10,0002010
Jeannette and H Peter Kriendler Charitable Trust$10,0002013General charitable purposes
Jeannette and H Peter Kriendler Charitable Trust$10,0002011General charitable purposes
Julia Richardson Brown Foundation$10,0002015General support
Lang Fam Charitable Trust$10,0002014Grant for general operations
Lang Fam Charitable Trust$10,0002007Grant for general operations
Lawrence E and Elaine Smith Irell Foundation$10,0002012Assist organization to achieve its goals
Lawrence E and Elaine Smith Irell Foundation$10,0002011Assist organization to achieve its goals
Leaves of Grass Fund$10,0002018CHARITABLE
Lee Family Foundation$10,0002018UNRESTRICTED
Lee Family Foundation$10,0002016General support
Lee Family Foundation$10,0002017UNRESTRICTED
Lester Poretsky Family Foundation$10,0002017SUPPORT OF SEC. 501(C)(3) ORGANIZATION
Lester Poretsky Family Foundation$10,0002018SUPPORT OF SEC. 501(C)(3) ORGANIZATION
Linden Trust For Conservation$10,0002008
Marbrook Foundation$10,0002002
Marvin And Annette Lee Foundation$10,0002009To help support charitable activities
Mertz Gilmore Foundation$10,0002016Center for science and democracy
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$10,0002007Environmental programs
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$10,0002015Environmental programs
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$10,0002012Environmental programs
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$10,0002017Environmental programs
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$10,0002014Environmental programs
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$10,0002013Environmental programs
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$10,0002010Environmental programs
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$10,0002011Environmental programs
National Philanthropic Trust$10,0002004Support for environmental projects
National Philanthropic Trust$10,0002007Support for environmental projects
Nature Conservancy$10,0002009Conservation Activity
Nature Conservancy$10,0002010Conservation activity
Park Foundation$10,0002002The Global Security Program and the ArmsNet Quick Response Network
Philip And Betsey C Caldwell Foundation$10,0002012General Support
Ric and Suzanne Kayne Foundation$10,0002007
Riordan Family Foundation$10,0002017To further program services
Ripples A Not For Profit Corporation$10,0002007Operating Funds
Ripples A Not For Profit Corporation$10,0002010
Ripples A Not For Profit Corporation$10,0002008Operating Funds
Ripples A Not For Profit Corporation$10,0002012General Support
Robert And Gladys Miller Foundation$10,0002007
Robert And Gladys Miller Foundation$10,0002006
Robert And Gladys Miller Foundation$10,0002008
Rowland and Sylvia Schaefer Family Foundation.$10,0002018CHARITABLE
Rowland and Sylvia Schaefer Family Foundation.$10,0002016General Support
Rowland and Sylvia Schaefer Family Foundation.$10,0002015General Support
Rowland and Sylvia Schaefer Family Foundation.$10,0002017General Support
Ruth Dup Lord Charitable Trust$10,0002018ENVIRONMENT
Ruth H Brown Foundation$10,0002018ENVIRONMENTAL
Sb Foundation$10,0002017TO SUPPORT ORGANIZATION
Seattle Foundation$10,0002005To support the upcoming matching challenge grant ($5000) and to provide general support ($5000)
Seattle Foundation$10,0002016To support the heal project
Seattle Foundation$10,0002016To provide general support
Sedmak-Wooten Family Foundation$10,0002002General gift
Sedmak-Wooten Family Foundation$10,0002003General endowment
Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation$10,0002004
Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation$10,0002006
Steven C Leuthold Family Foundation$10,0002011Operating funds
Telemachus Foundation To Empower the Poor And End War$10,0002010
Arches Foundation$10,0002011
Arches Foundation$10,0002012Organizations dedicated to preserving natural resources promoting arts education and civil rights
Cameron And Jane Baird Foundation$10,0002010Science-based advocacy for a healthy environment
Cosman Family Foundation$10,0002016General operating
Cowles Charitable Trust$10,0002016General Support
Curtis And Edith Munson Foundation$10,0002006Second year of a two year 25000 grant in support of the coalition on invasive species reports on the costs of inaction for Florida Alabama and other coastal states
Fred I And Gilda Nobel Foundation$10,0002017UNRESTRICTED
John M And Joan F Thalheimer Family Charitable Foundation$10,0002017GENERAL FUND
Korein Foundation$10,0002008Research of renewable energy and the decrease of environmental pollution
L and M Charitable Foundation$10,0002017GENERAL SUPPORT
Leighty Foundation$10,0002009Midwest Clean Energy Campaign/RE-AMP analysis
Leighty Foundation$10,0002006Renewing the Midwest Campaign
Longhill Charitable Foundation$10,0002017Support for social projects
Martin Fabert Foundation$10,0002008To provide support to exempt organization
Martin Fabert Foundation$10,0002012To provide support to exempt organization
Martin Fabert Foundation$10,0002007To provide support to Exempt Organization
Martin Fabert Foundation$10,0002006
Martin Fabert Foundation$10,0002009To provide support to exempt organization
Martin Fabert Foundation$10,0002005
Martin Fabert Foundation$10,0002011To provide support to exempt organization
Miami Foundation$10,0002016Program support
Moses Feldman Family Foundation$10,0002008
Moses Feldman Family Foundation$10,0002010General support
Moses Feldman Family Foundation$10,0002009General Support
Moses Feldman Family Foundation$10,0002011General support
New-Land Foundation$10,0002001
New-Land Foundation$10,0001999
Overbrook Foundation$10,0002008General operating support
Overbrook Foundation$10,0002009General operating support
Philip R. Jonsson Foundation$10,0002018GENERAL OPERATING FUND
Philip R. Jonsson Foundation$10,0002017GENERAL OPERATING FUND
Porphyry Road Foundation$10,0002017Scientific research on environmental ISSU
Porphyry Road Foundation$10,0002016Scientific research on environmental issu
Prentice Foundation$10,0002013General & unrestricted
Prentice Foundation$10,0002012General & unrestricted
Prentice Foundation$10,0002012Work to protect the environment in Florida
Prentice Foundation$10,0002010General support
Prospect Hill Foundation$10,0002001
Renaissance Foundation$10,0002006General operating purposes
Streisand Foundation$10,0002011General program support
Streisand Foundation$10,0002015Promote rigorous independent science to work to solve our planet's most pressing problems
Streisand Foundation$10,0002012General program support
Streisand Foundation$10,0002004General use
Streisand Foundation$10,0002014Promote rigorous independent science to work to solve our planet's most pressing problems
Streisand Foundation$10,0002005
Streisand Foundation$10,0002008General program support
Streisand Foundation$10,0002006General program support
Timken Matthews Family Foundation$10,0002014General Support
Timken Matthews Family Foundation$10,0002015Unrestricted grant
Us Charitable Gift Trust$10,0002017International Foreign Affairs & National Security
Viola Fund$10,0002008
Viola Fund$10,0002007
Viola Fund$10,0002009
Third Sector New England$10,0002007
Third Sector New England$10,0002007
Tides Foundation$10,0002012General support
Tides Foundation$10,0002011General support
Tides Foundation$10,0002010General support
Tides Foundation$10,0002013General support
Tides Foundation$10,0002013General support
Ud Ld For Mellam Family Foundation$10,0002016To tax exempt organizations for Medical and Scientific Research Education
Ud Ld For Mellam Family Foundation$10,0002015To tax exempt organizations for medical and scientific research education the environment and social services
Wild Geese Foundation$10,0002016General purpose
Wild Geese Foundation$10,0002017General purpose
William B Wiener Jr Foundation$10,0002005
William B Wiener Jr Foundation$10,0002006
William B Wiener Jr Foundation$10,0002007
William B Wiener Jr Foundation$10,0002010Charitable purpose of recipient
William C Bannerman Foundation$10,0002004Support for education
William C Bannerman Foundation$10,0002004Support for environmental projects
Energy Foundation$9,6612007To analyze feebate policy design options
Lynn R and Karl E Prickett Fund$9,5882003To Assist The Donee Organization In Carrying Out It's Exempt Purpose
Ploughshares Fund$9,5002011For phonebanking in key states advocating ratification of new start.
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$9,2502014For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Danem Foundation$9,0002013To create innovative practical solutions for a healthy safe and sustainable future
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$9,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$9,0002014For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Open Society Institute$9,0002014Matching gift program
Robert And Gladys Miller Foundation$9,0002005
Steven C Leuthold Family Foundation$9,0002009Operating funds
James Family Charitable Foundation$9,0002014General purposes
Leighty Foundation$9,0002001General support
Thomas H And Donna M Stone Foundation$9,0002004Support for Scientific projects
Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco the Peninsula Marin And Sonoma$8,9502015Support for health
Boston Foundation$8,7502010Operating support
Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles$8,7502011General support
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago$8,2002014Grants from donor advised funds - operating support
Gunzenhauser-Chapin Fund$8,1422001
Ruach Foundation$8,0782013Contribution 105shs proctor & gamble co
Danem Foundation$8,0002012To create innovative practical solutions for a healthy safe and sustainable future
Danem Foundation$8,0002015To create innovative practical solutions for a healthy safe and sustainable future
Ettinger Foundation$8,0002005
Evergreen Charitable Fund$8,0002017General Charitable Benefit
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$8,0002009Community & Human Services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$8,0002009Community & human services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$8,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Lang Fam Charitable Trust$8,0002011Grant for general operations
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$8,0002006Environmental programs
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$8,0002016Environmental programs
Norwottock Charitable Trust$8,0002001
Denver Foundation$8,0002016For general operating support
Dudley Foundation$8,0002017As per grant application
James Family Charitable Foundation$8,0002015General purposes
Leighty Foundation$8,0002004Education on areas control
Streisand Foundation$8,0002016Promote rigorous independent science to work to solve our planet's most pressing problems
Wellspring Foundation$8,0002016General Support
John D And Catherine T Macarthur Foundation Consolidated$7,9502000General support
Marvin And Annette Lee Foundation$7,8002008To help support charitable activities
Ettinger Foundation$7,5002004General support
Evergreen Charitable Fund$7,5002018General Charitable Benefit
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$7,5002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$7,5002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$7,5002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$7,5002015
Fowey Light Fund$7,5002007
Fowey Light Fund$7,5002012Charitable purpose of recipient
Fowey Light Fund$7,5002008Charitable purpose
Fowey Light Fund$7,5002009Charitable purpose of recipient
Fowey Light Fund$7,5002011Charitable purpose of recipient
Fowey Light Fund$7,5002010Charitable purpose of recipient
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago$7,5002015Grants from donor advised funds -operating support
Marty and Dorothy Silverman Foundation$7,5002007
Outrider Foundation$7,5002013General support
Philip S Harper Foundation$7,5002003Nuclear safety
Philip S Harper Foundation$7,5002006Nuclear safety
Philip S Harper Foundation$7,5002007Nuclear safety
Philip S Harper Foundation$7,5002008Nuclear safety
Philip S Harper Foundation$7,5002005
Philip S Harper Foundation$7,5002004Nuclear safety
Philip S Harper Foundation$7,5002002
Philip S Harper Foundation$7,5002001
Philip S Harper Foundation$7,5002000
Robert And Gladys Miller Foundation$7,5002003General Purpose
Robert And Gladys Miller Foundation$7,5002016General purposes
Robert And Gladys Miller Foundation$7,5002009
Silver Tie Fund$7,5002000
Community Foundation Serving Boulder County$7,5002013General operating
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation$7,5002011Operating support
Leighty Foundation$7,5002003Education on arms control
Leighty Foundation$7,5002002
Prentice Foundation$7,5002016General & unrestricted
Streisand Foundation$7,5002009General program support
United Way of Worldwide$7,1882017Education
United Way of Worldwide$7,1342018General Charitable Contributions
Danem Foundation$7,0002014To create innovative practical solutions for a healthy safe and sustainable future
Greystone Foundation$7,0002009General Support
Lang Fam Charitable Trust$7,0002010Grant for general operations
Lederer Foundation$7,0002012General Support
Lederer Foundation$7,0002013General Support
Lederer Foundation$7,0002014General Support
Lederer Foundation$7,0002015CHARITABLE
Lederer Foundation$7,0002011General Support
Lederer Foundation$7,0002016General Support
Lederer Foundation$7,0002017CHARITABLE
Nathalie And James Andrews Foundation$7,0002005
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation$7,0002015Operating support
Philip R. Jonsson Foundation$7,0002016Operating fund
William J J Gordon Family Foundation$7,0002015General & unrestricted
Thomas H And Donna M Stone Foundation$7,0002002
Thomas H And Donna M Stone Foundation$7,0002003Support for scientific projects
Weissman Family Foundation$7,0002013General Support
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago$6,8502013Grants from donor advised funds - operating support
New York Community Trust$6,8502003
Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco the Peninsula Marin And Sonoma$6,8002014Support for health
Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego$6,8002014General Support
Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco the Peninsula Marin And Sonoma$6,5502016Support for Health
Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles$6,5502010General support
William B Wiener Jr Foundation$6,5002009
Silicon Valley Community Foundation$6,4002018ENVIRONMENT
Pfizer Foundation$6,3102006
Kaufmann Foundation$6,2502018CHARITABLE
Lawrence E and Elaine Smith Irell Foundation$6,2502010Assist organization to achieve its goals
Triangle Community Foundation$6,2502013Support for environmental projects
Beatrice R And Joseph A Coleman Foundation$6,0002004
Ceres Charitable Foundation$6,0002018Support the charitable organization's general mission.
Craigslist Charitable Fund$6,0002016General grant intented to further charitable purpo
Ettinger Foundation$6,0002002General support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$6,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$6,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$6,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Hitz Foundation$6,0002008Education & research
Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles$6,0002008General support
Kramer Family Foundation$6,0002017Support for Education
Lester Poretsky Family Foundation$6,0002016SUPPORT OF SEC. 501(C)(3) ORGANIZATION
Peters Family Foundation$6,0002018SUPPORT CHARITABLE PURPOSE
Schwab Charitable Fund$6,0002005
Schwab Charitable Fund$6,0002006
Drake Bettner Foundation$6,0002013For creating solutions for a healthy safe and sustainable future
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation$6,0002012Operating support
Minneapolis Foundation$6,0002016General operating support
Murray Family Foundation$6,0002016General & unrestricted
Murray Family Foundation$6,0002016General & unrestricted
Oregon Community Foundation$6,0002016Support for environmental projects
Philip R. Jonsson Foundation$6,0002015Operating fund
Saint Paul Foundation$6,0002008
Vivian and Paul Olum Charitable Foundation$6,0002018GENERAL
Walter S Johnson Foundation$6,0002014To promote positive change to the policies and systems that assist youth in becoming successful adults
Wichita Falls Area Community Foundation$6,0002014Environmental/science
Ruach Foundation$5,8732007General Support
Chicago Community Trust$5,7502017GENERAL OPERATING SUPPORT
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,7502007
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,5502007
Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco the Peninsula Marin And Sonoma$5,5502013General/program
Chicago Community Trust$5,5002016
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,5002012Human services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,5002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,5002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Zephyr Charitable Foundation$5,5002017General & Unrestricted
Thomas H And Donna M Stone Foundation$5,5002000
Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston$5,4002018DAF - Environment (UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS)
Ettinger Foundation$5,4002003To Promote Alternative Energy Sources
Amazonsmile Foundation$5,3452018General support
Triangle Community Foundation$5,2502015Alliances & advocacy
Blue Moon Fund$5,1801999
Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco the Peninsula Marin And Sonoma$5,1502011General/program
Us Charitable Gift Trust$5,1502014Support for education
Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston$5,1002008Support for environmental projects
Princeton Area Community Foundation$5,1002018General Support (UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS)
North Pond Foundation$5,0962018CONSERVATION
Ullmann Family Foundation$5,0332010General support
2005 Tomchin Family Charitable Trust$5,0002017ENVIRONMENT - CITIZENS AND SCIENTISTS FOR SOLUTIONS
2005 Tomchin Family Charitable Trust$5,0002016Environment - citizens and scientists for solutions
Albert And Bessie Warner Fund$5,0002017General support
Aria Foundation$5,0002015General Support
Ayudar Foundation$5,0002011Support for a healthy environment
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002009Supports named organization
Ben and Jerry's Foundation$5,0001999
Birches Foundation$5,0002017General support
Boston Foundation$5,0002005Myrtle field fund
Boston Foundation$5,0002007Philancon fund
Boston Foundation$5,0002013Medical research
Boston Foundation$5,0002008Acacia Fund
Boston Foundation$5,0002005Gualala fund
Boveri Trackman Family Foundation$5,0002013Humanitarian donation
California Community Foundation$5,0002001
Ceres Charitable Foundation$5,0002017Support the charitable organization's general mission
Clara Weiss Fund Weiss David C Et Al Ttee$5,0002014To provide support to non-profit organizations
David L Klein Jr Foundation$5,0002004Funding for various projects
Ecotrust Foundation$5,0002018Unrestricted general operating support
Ecotrust Foundation$5,0002005General support
Ecotrust Foundation$5,0002004General support
Elizabeth M Gitt Foundation$5,0002011Support for activities
Eric Anderson Foundation$5,0002014General support
Evergreen Charitable Fund$5,0002016General charitable benefit
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002012General Support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002012General Support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002012General Support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002012General Support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002012Human services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002012Human services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002012Support for education
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002009Community & human services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002009Community & human services
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002008
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002008
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002003
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002013For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002015
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002004
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002004
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,0002016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fowey Light Fund$5,0002006
Frances And Benjamin Benenson Foundation$5,0002004
Frances And Benjamin Benenson Foundation$5,0002007
Francis And Christine Martin Family Foundation$5,0002015General & unrestricted
Francis And Christine Martin Family Foundation$5,0002016General & unrestricted
Francis And Christine Martin Family Foundation$5,0002018General & Unrestricted
Francis And Christine Martin Family Foundation$5,0002012General unrestricted
Francis And Christine Martin Family Foundation$5,0002013General & unrestricted
Francis And Christine Martin Family Foundation$5,0002011General unrestricted
Francis And Christine Martin Family Foundation$5,0002010General & unrestricted
Frankel Family Foundation$5,0002013General Support
Franklin Philanthropic Foundation$5,0002010General purposes
Gardner Grout Foundation$5,0002009To support the Food and Environment Program
Gardner Grout Foundation$5,0002011Food and environment program
Gardner Grout Foundation$5,0002013Food and environment program
Gardner Grout Foundation$5,0002005General Support
Gardner Grout Foundation$5,0002008
Gardner Grout Foundation$5,0002010To support the food and environment program
Harriet K And Howard N Bernstein Charitable Foundation$5,0002018GENERAL PURPOSE
Hitz Foundation$5,0002006Education & Research
Hitz Foundation$5,0002004Educational & research
Hitz Foundation$5,0002007Education & research
Idm Foundation$5,0002009Operating support
Jerry D Tate Foundation For the Environment$5,0002017SUSTAINABILITY SOLUTIONS
Joan And James Shapiro Foundation$5,0002004Environment & public education
Lang Fam Charitable Trust$5,0002008Grant for general operations
Laurence W Levine Foundation$5,0002005
Lederer Foundation$5,0002009
Lederer Foundation$5,0002005
Leo S Guthman Fund$5,0002014
Lester Poretsky Family Foundation$5,0002004General purpose
Margaret H And James E Kelley Foundation$5,0002006Supporting this organization
Margaret H And James E Kelley Foundation$5,0002007
Margaret H And James E Kelley Foundation$5,0002016Supporting this organization partnership of scientists and citizens combining rigorous scientific analysis innovative policy development and effective citizen advocacy to achieve practical environmental solutions
Margaret H And James E Kelley Foundation$5,0002002
Margaret H And James E Kelley Foundation$5,0002001
Margaret H And James E Kelley Foundation$5,0002005Partnership of scientists and citizens. Combining rigorous scientific analysis innovative policy development and effective citizen advocacy to achieve practical environmental solutions
Margaret H And James E Kelley Foundation$5,0002015Supporting this organization partnership of scientists and citizens combining rigorous scientific analysis innovative policy development and effective citizen advocacy to achieve practical environmental solutions
Mazar Family Charitable Foundation Trust$5,0002014General Support
Mazar Family Charitable Foundation Trust$5,0002017General Support
Mazar Family Charitable Foundation Trust$5,0002013General Support
Mazar Family Charitable Foundation Trust$5,0002018GENERAL
Mazar Family Charitable Foundation Trust$5,0002012General Support
Middlecott Foundation$5,0002007
Middlecott Foundation$5,0002008
Middlecott Foundation$5,0002009General support
National Philanthropic Trust$5,0002013Environment & wildlife
National Philanthropic Trust$5,0002014Environment & Wildlife
North Pond Foundation$5,0002017CONSERVATION
Norwottock Charitable Trust$5,0002016General Support
Norwottock Charitable Trust$5,0002000
Norwottock Charitable Trust$5,0002017General Support
Norwottock Charitable Trust$5,0002003
Norwottock Charitable Trust$5,0002002General support
Outrider Foundation$5,0002012General Support
Philip T Bee Charitable Trust$5,0002015Science based healthy environment
Philip T Bee Charitable Trust$5,0002017Science based healthy environment
Philip T Bee Charitable Trust$5,0002016Science based healthy environment
Piersol Foundation$5,0002004General support
Piersol Foundation$5,0002000
Pisces Foundation$5,0002009To benefit rigorous scientific analysis and environmental solutions
Princeton Area Community Foundation$5,0002005
Robert And Gladys Miller Foundation$5,0002004General purpose
Rowan T O Riley Family Foundation$5,0002014General Support
Rowland and Sylvia Schaefer Family Foundation.$5,0002012General Support
Rowland and Sylvia Schaefer Family Foundation.$5,0002014General Support
Ruach Foundation$5,0002006
Ruach Foundation$5,0002001General support
Ruth Dup Lord Charitable Trust$5,0002017ENVIRONMENT
S and C Harvest Foundation$5,0002017OPERATING FUNDS
S and C Harvest Foundation$5,0002018OPERATING FUNDS
Sb Foundation$5,0002018TO SUPPORT ORGANIZATION
Schwab Charitable Fund$5,0002006
Schwab Charitable Fund$5,0002006
Seattle Foundation$5,0002005To provide general support for Global Warming and/or Clean Car programs. One year anniversary of previous grant
Seattle Foundation$5,0002013To provide general support
Seattle Foundation$5,0002014To provide general support
Seattle Foundation$5,0002014To provide support for the center for science and democracy
Seymore And Sylvia Rothchild 2004 Charitable Foundation Trust$5,0002007Scientific research on climate change
Silver Mountain Foundation For the Arts$5,0002001
Sprout Foundation$5,0002017NO RESTRICTIONS
Sprout Foundation$5,0002016No restrictions
Ted And Ruth Johnson Family Foundation$5,0002018GENERAL PURPOSE
Edouard Foundation$5,0002018GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation$5,0002013Operating support
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation$5,0002014Operating support
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation$5,0002016Operating support
Fred Gellert Family Foundation$5,0002003Support for environmental projects
Jesse H and Susan R Oppenheimer Foundation$5,0002016Operating fund
John And Marilyn Wells Family Foundation$5,0002004General support
Jon L Hagler Foundation$5,0002018GENERAL GRANT
Korein Foundation$5,0002003Research of renewable energy and the decrease of environmental pollution
Martha And Donald Farley Family Foundation$5,0002015General operating
Minneapolis Foundation$5,0002003Donor Advised
Minneapolis Foundation$5,0002006
Minneapolis Foundation$5,0002009General operating support
Minneapolis Foundation$5,0002008General support
Moses Feldman Family Foundation$5,0002007
Philip R. Jonsson Foundation$5,0002014Operating fund
Philip R. Jonsson Foundation$5,0002013Operating fund
Prentice Foundation$5,0002008General support
Prentice Foundation$5,0002001
Prentice Foundation$5,0002000
Rodgers Family Foundation$5,0002016To aid donee organizations to carry out their exempt activities.
Rosenthal Family Foundation$5,0002002
Rosenthal Family Foundation$5,0002001
Rosenthal Family Foundation$5,0002000
Saint Paul Foundation$5,0002002
Streisand Foundation$5,0002010General program support
William J J Gordon Family Foundation$5,0002010General & unrestricted
Theshanbrom Family Foundation$5,0002018SCIENCE ADVOCACY
Thompson Charitable Foundation$5,0002017PROTECT THE ARCTIC
Thompson Charitable Foundation$5,0002015Support the Integrity of Scientist Research
Thompson Charitable Foundation$5,0002018PROTECT THE ARCTIC
Thompson Charitable Foundation$5,0002007Global warming
Tides Foundation$5,0002001General operating support
Tides Foundation$5,0002008Interactive climate hot map
W S Scharff Family Foundation$5,0002007General funds
W S Scharff Family Foundation$5,0002008General funds
W S Scharff Family Foundation$5,0002009General funds
W S Scharff Family Foundation$5,0002014General funds
Westcliff Foundation$5,0002003
Wichita Falls Area Community Foundation$5,0002011Education/science
Wichita Falls Area Community Foundation$5,0002013Religious Support
Wild Geese Foundation$5,0002015General purpose
William B Wiener Jr Foundation$5,0002008
William E Schrafft and Bertha E Schrafft Charitable Trust$5,0002014Operating funds
Workable Alternatives Foundation$5,0002016General support
Koh-Lee Foundation$1,5032016SUPPORT
A Better Place Foundation$1,5002016GENERAL FUND
Albert and Pamela Bendich Charitable Trust$1,5002016PROMOTE CLEAN AIR
Albert and Pamela Bendich Charitable Trust$1,5002015PROMOTE CLEAN AIR
Albert and Pamela Bendich Charitable Trust$1,5002018PROMOTE CLEAN AIR
Albert and Pamela Bendich Charitable Trust$1,5002014PROMOTE CLEAN AIR
Albert and Pamela Bendich Charitable Trust$1,5002017PROMOTE CLEAN AIR
Boveri Trackman Family Foundation$1,5002017education
Knight Aid Fund$1,5002018GENERAL
Living Springs Foundation$1,5002018GENERAL SUPPORT
Rothstein Foundation$1,5002016ENVIRONMENTAL
Rothstein Foundation$1,5002017ENVIRONMENTAL
Schlegel White Foundation$1,5002015TO PROVIDE OPERATING CAPITAL
Seymore And Sylvia Rothchild 2004 Charitable Foundation Trust$1,5002017raising awareness of climate change program
Thelma S Rodbell Charitable Foundation$1,5002018GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET
Forrest C And Frances H Lattner Foundation$1,3002018GENERAL SUPPORT
Salon Family Foundation$1,3002018CHARITABLE
Jane M. Gitschier Foundation$1,2502018GENERAL FUND
Jane M. Gitschier Foundation$1,2502017GENERAL FUND
Marvin A and Ben Brustin Charitable Foundation$1,2502016SUPPORT OF CHARTIABLE MISSION
Marvin A and Ben Brustin Charitable Foundation$1,2502018SUPPORT OF CHARTIABLE MISSION
Marvin A and Ben Brustin Charitable Foundation$1,2502017SUPPORT OF CHARTIABLE MISSION
Shell Oil Company Foundation$1,2502017Matching Gifts Education/Other
Tabell Fam Foundation$1,2002017General
Tabell Fam Foundation$1,2002016General
Environmental Relief Center$1,1502014CHARITY
Aaron And Patricia Blumberg Foundation$1,0002017General & Unrestricted
Aaron And Patricia Blumberg Foundation$1,0002018General & Unrestricted
Alexander Host Foundation$1,0002018FURTHER ENVIRONMENT
Allstadt Hardin Foundation$1,0002017ENVIRONMENT
Allstadt Hardin Foundation$1,0002018ENVIRONMENT
Charles Brooks Charitable Trust$1,0002017PURPOSE OFFURTHER CHARITABLEEXEMPT ORG.
Charles Brooks Charitable Trust$1,0002016PURPOSE OFFURTHER CHARITABLEEXEMPT ORG.
Charles Brooks Charitable Trust$1,0002018FURTHER CHARITABLEPURPOSE OFEXEMPT ORG.
Charles Brooks Charitable Trust$1,0002015PURPOSE OFFURTHER CHARITABLEEXEMPT ORG.
Cirila Fund$1,0002014Non-profit organization's general program.
Cloud Family Private Foundation$1,0002014GENERAL PURPOSES
Day Family Foundation$1,0002016PROGRAM EXPENSES
Day Family Foundation$1,0002017PROGRAM EXPENSES
Elno Family Foundation$1,0002018ADVOCACY
Farbstein Family Charitable Foundation$1,0002017SEE PART IX-A FOR DETAIL
Farbstein Family Charitable Foundation$1,0002015SEE PART IX-A FOR DETAIL
Farbstein Family Charitable Foundation$1,0002016SEE PART IX-A FOR DETAIL
Farbstein Family Charitable Foundation$1,0002018SEE PART IX-A FOR DETAIL
Farbstein Family Charitable Foundation$1,0002014SEE PART 1X-A FOR DETAIL
Flocco Foundation$1,0002018General & Unrestricted
Flocco Foundation$1,0002017General & Unrestricted
Gaia Fund$1,0002017General Support
Goldman-Sonnenfeldt Foundation$1,0002017EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE
Gordon E And Betty I Moore Foundation$1,0002018In support of general operations.
Hixon Family Foundation$1,0002017CHARITABLE
Jack R And Kay S Grossman Charitable Foundation$1,0002017GENERAL FUND
Jack R And Kay S Grossman Charitable Foundation$1,0002016GENERAL FUND
Jacob Irving Foundation$1,0002018CHARITABLE
Jane M. Gitschier Foundation$1,0002016GENERAL FUND
Jerome And Dolores Zuckerman Gewirtz Charitable Trust$1,0002015COMMUNITY SERVICE
Joe and Margo Osherenko Foundation$1,0002014GENERAL
Kane Family Foundation$1,0002015GENERAL SUPPORT
Karl And Alice Ruppenthal Foundation For the Arts$1,0002018Help support music and art training and education
Knight Aid Fund$1,0002017GENERAL
Kwitman Family Foundation$1,0002018CHARITABLE
Landman Family Charitablefoundation$1,0002018donation
Landman Family Charitablefoundation$1,0002017donation
Leo And Betty Goldstein Family Foundation$1,0002017UNRESTRICTED DONATION
Leonard Merrill Kurz Foundation$1,0002015Education of the public about scientific issues such as climate change and nuclear power
Louise Arnold Maddux Environmental Foundation$1,0002014GENERAL CONTRIBUT
Louise Arnold Maddux Environmental Foundation$1,0002015GENERAL CONTRIBUT
Louise Arnold Maddux Environmental Foundation$1,0002018GENERAL CONTRIBUT
Louise Arnold Maddux Environmental Foundation$1,0002018GENERAL CONTRIBUT
Louise Arnold Maddux Environmental Foundation$1,0002017GENERAL CONTRIBUT
Louise Arnold Maddux Environmental Foundation$1,0002016GENERAL CONTRIBUT
Mad Rose Foundation$1,0002016EDUCATION
Marcia And Phillip Rothblum Foundation$1,0002018GENERAL SUPPORT
Martin Family Charitable Foundation$1,0002018General & Unrestricted
Marvin A and Ben Brustin Charitable Foundation$1,0002015SUPPORT OF CHARTIABLE MISSION
Oedel Foundation$1,0002018COMMUNITY & CHARITABLE
Rao Family Foundation$1,0002016GENERAL DONATION
Robert A Waller Foundation$1,0002017CHARITY
Sam Shine Foundation$1,0002018GENERAL
Sb Wolf Family Foundation$1,0002017CHARITABLE
Sims-Maes Foundation$1,0002017GENERAL PURPOSES
Stiefel Freethought Foundation$1,0002017General & Unrestricted
Stiefel Freethought Foundation$1,0002018General & Unrestricted
Tabell Fam Foundation$1,0002018General
Ted And Rita Williams Foundation$1,0002016PEACE & FREEDOM
Ted And Rita Williams Foundation$1,0002017PEACE & FREEDOM
Branscomb Family Foundation$1,0002015CHARITABLE
Branscomb Family Foundation$1,0002014CHARITABLE
Charlie and Mary Beth O'Reilly Family Foundation$1,0002018GENERAL SUPPORT
Clements Family Charitable Trust$1,0002018GENERAL FUNDING
Environmental Relief Center$1,0002016CHARITY
Goodwin Foundation$1,0002017OPERATING FUNDS
Goodwin Foundation$1,0002018OPERATING SUPPORT
Thomas H And Donna M Stone Foundation$1,0002017HUMANITARIAN
Topol Family Foundation$1,0002017PROGRAM SUPPORT
Tudor Fam Foundation Trust Ua 060999$1,0002018UNRESTRICTED USE
Weller Family Foundation$1,0002016CHARITABLE PURPOSES
Willard C. And Audrey G. Bear Foundation$1,0002018GENERAL
Willard C. And Audrey G. Bear Foundation$1,0002017GENERAL
Willow Creek Charitable Foundation$1,0002018UNRESTRICTED
Willow Creek Charitable Foundation$1,0002017UNRESTRICTED
Zartarian Foundation$1,0002016UNRESTRICTED GIFT
Rao Family Foundation$8002014GENERAL DONATION
Rao Family Foundation$8002015GENERAL DONATION
Rmf Foundation$8002017CHARITABLE
Rmf Foundation$8002016CHARITABLE
Baltimore Family Fund$7502018General & Unrestricted
Salon Family Foundation$7502017CHARITABLE
Brent Family Foundation$7252018GENERAL DONATION
Richard Sackler Family Foundation$6002018PROGRAM SUPPORT
Samuel And Tillie D Cheiffetz Foundation$6002016rigorous independent science to work to solve our
Salon Family Foundation$6002016SCIENTIFIC
Salon Family Foundation$5802014Scientific
Salon Family Foundation$5802015SCIENTIFIC
Intuit Foundation$5202016Matching Gifts
Aaron And Patricia Blumberg Foundation$5002015General & Unrestricted
Aaron And Patricia Blumberg Foundation$5002014General & Unrestricted
Aaron And Patricia Blumberg Foundation$5002016General & Unrestricted
Crowell Family Foundation$5002018GENERAL FUND
Crowell Family Foundation$5002015GENERAL FUND
Double E Foundation$5002017GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET
Douglass Foundation$5002018ENVIROMENTAL
Douglass Foundation$5002017ENVIROMENTAL
Franklin Cole Foundation$5002018SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCACY
Franklin Cole Foundation$5002018SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCACY
Franklin Cole Foundation$5002016SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCACY
Franklin Cole Foundation$5002017SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCACY
George F And Virginia B Markham Foundation$5002018GENERAL
Gordon E And Betty I Moore Foundation$5002018In support of general operations.
Hixon Family Foundation$5002018CHARITABLE
Kane Family Foundation$5002017GENERAL SUPPORT
Kane Family Foundation$5002018GENERAL SUPPORT
Keenan Foundation$5002018501(C)(3) SUPPORT
Lawrence And Alice Valenstein Fund$5002016GENERAL SUPPORT
Lawrence And Alice Valenstein Fund$5002015GENERAL SUPPORT
Newton Family Fund$5002018UNRESTRICTED
Okun Family Foundation$5002017GENERAL CHARITABLE PURPOSES
Rubblestone Foundation$5002018UNRESTRICTED
Samuel And Tillie D Cheiffetz Foundation$5002017rigorous independent science to work to solve our
Samuel And Tillie D Cheiffetz Foundation$5002018rigorous independent science to work to solve our
Samuel And Tillie D Cheiffetz Foundation$5002018rigorous independent science to work to solve our
Shell Oil Company Foundation$5002018Matching Gifts Education/Other
Sheth Family Foundation$5002018general fund support
Silver Lining Private Foundation$5002018General & Unrestricted
Solomon Foundation$5002018Research Promulgation
Solomon Foundation$5002017Research Promulgation
Solomon Foundation$5002016Research Promulgation
Taubert Memorial Foundation$5002018USING SCIENCE TO PROTECT HEALTH
Charlie and Mary Beth O'Reilly Family Foundation$5002015GENERAL SUPPORT
Ullman Fam Charitable Foundation Trust$5002018GENERAL OPERATIONS
Bank of America Charitable Foundation$4252017PROGRAM/OPERATING SUPPORT
Gusti Brandt Foundation$4202017GENERAL SUPPORT
Davidson Foundation For Music Dance And Dramatic Arts$4002017SCIENTIFIC
Dor Family Foundation$4002017GENERAL OPERATIONS
Lund-Dahlberg Charitable Foundation Trust$4002015DONATION
Marbeach Foundation$4002017GENERAL
Okun Family Foundation$4002015GENERAL CHARITABLE PURPOSES
Okun Family Foundation$4002016GENERAL CHARITABLE PURPOSES
Rmf Foundation$4002015CHARITABLE
Rmf Foundation$4002014CHARITABLE
Alan K And Cledith M Jennings Foundation$4002017GENERAL USE
Morris and Sylvia Trachten Family Foundation$3602017General & Unrestricted
Davidson Foundation For Music Dance And Dramatic Arts$3502018SCIENTIFIC
Davidson Foundation For Music Dance And Dramatic Arts$3502018SCIENTIFIC
Bank of America Charitable Foundation$3102017PROGRAM/OPERATING SUPPORT
Bostrom Foundation$3002016EDUCATION
Crowell Family Foundation$3002017GENERAL FUND
Davidson Foundation For Music Dance And Dramatic Arts$3002015SCIENTIFIC
Davidson Foundation For Music Dance And Dramatic Arts$3002014SCIENTIFIC
Marbeach Foundation$3002018GENERAL
Milton Meyer Foundation$3002017SUPPORT
Okun Family Foundation$3002014GENERAL CHARITABLE PURPOSES
Port Family Foundation$3002016GENERAL
Association of the Open Mind And Spirit$2502018TO FURTHER RECIPIENT'S CHARITABLE PURPOSE
Evan And Tracy Segal Familyfoundation$2502017UNRESTRICTED CONTRIBUTION TO PUBLIC CHARITY
Ralph and Marsha Guggenheim Family Foundation$2502016General Support
Ralph and Marsha Guggenheim Family Foundation$2502017General Support
Ralph and Marsha Guggenheim Family Foundation$2502018General Support
Ralph and Marsha Guggenheim Family Foundation$2502015General Support
Susan Sarandon Charitable Foundation$2502018CHARITABLE
Bank of America Charitable Foundation$2452017PROGRAM/OPERATING SUPPORT
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation$2252018Matching Gifts
Bostrom Foundation$2002015EDUCATION
Community Foundation of Greater Memphis$2002018GENERAL OPERATIONAL SUPPORT
Justin Israel Charity Foundation Corp$2002014UNRESTRICTED
Lund-Dahlberg Charitable Foundation Trust$2002016DONATION
Myers L and Marilyn R Girsh Foundation$2002018CONTRIBUTION TO 501(C)(3) ORGANIZAT
Myers L and Marilyn R Girsh Foundation$2002017CONTRIBUTION TO 501(C)(3) ORGANIZAT
Ralph and Marsha Guggenheim Family Foundation$2002014General Support
Rao Family Foundation$2002018GENERAL DONATION
Rao Family Foundation$2002017GENERAL DONATION
W K Kellogg Foundation$2002017Matching Grant
William Harold Davis Foundation$2002015General Operations
Wynn And Pamela Kearney Foundation$2002015RESEARCH / GENERAL OPERATIONS
Bank of America Charitable Foundation$1802018PROGRAM/OPERATING SUPPORT
Bank of America Charitable Foundation$1602018PROGRAM/OPERATING SUPPORT
Davidson Foundation For Music Dance And Dramatic Arts$1502016SCIENTIFIC
Hall Family Foundation Irrevocable Trust$1502017GENERAL PURPOSE
Justin Israel Charity Foundation Corp$1502015UNRESTRICTED
N.C. and B.C. Foundation$1502015GENERAL PURPOSE
Bank of America Charitable Foundation$1452018PROGRAM/OPERATING SUPPORT
Bank of America Charitable Foundation$1252018PROGRAM/OPERATING SUPPORT
American Tower Charitable Foundation$1202018GENERAL PURPOSE
Ada Brandon Charitable Foundation$1002015General Donation
Ada Brandon Charitable Foundation$1002014General Donation
Ada Brandon Charitable Foundation$1002016General Donation
Brian E Boyle Charitable Foundation$1002018CHARITABLE
Contempo Communications Foundation For the Arts$1002016CHARITABLE
Contempo Communications Foundation For the Arts$1002015Charitable
Contempo Communications Foundation For the Arts$1002017CHARITABLE
Corduroy Charitable Trust$1002018GENERAL OPERATIONS
Corduroy Charitable Trust$1002018GENERAL OPERATIONS
Donald W. Collier Charitable Trust Ii$1002018Unrestricted
Dr Daniel C Hartnett Family Foundation$1002018OPERATIONS EXPENSE
Gorbach Family Foundation$1002017TO PROMOTE EDUCATION
Gorbach Family Foundation$1002014TO PROMOTE HEALTH CARE
Gorbach Family Foundation$1002016TO PROMOTE HEALTH CARE
Gorbach Family Foundation$1002015TO PROMOTE HEALTH CARE
Marbeach Foundation$1002016GENERAL
Mutual of America Foundation$1002018MATCHING GIFT TO IRC SEC. 501(C)(3) ORGANIZATION
Nancy Levien Goodman And Richard Goodman Foundation$1002018General support
Nancy Levien Goodman And Richard Goodman Foundation$1002015General support
Roth Family Foundation$1002014SUPPORT
Roth Family Foundation$1002015SUPPORT
Russell's Garden Center Charitable Foundation$1002016DONATION
Russell's Garden Center Charitable Foundation$1002017DONATION
Russell's Garden Center Charitable Foundation$1002014DONATION
Russell's Garden Center Charitable Foundation$1002018DONATION
Sam Shine Foundation$1002017GENERAL
Terese Lynn Atkins Foundation$1002015UNRESTRICTED
Anne and Gerald Freedman Charitable Foundation$1002018GENERAL DONATION TO SUPPORT ORGANIZATION'S ACTIVITIES.
Lee F and Phoebe A Driscoll Family Foundation$1002014Charitable
Tomash Family Foundation$1002017CHARITABLE
William Harold Davis Foundation$1002014General Operations
William Harold Davis Foundation$1002017General Operations
Wynn And Pamela Kearney Foundation$1002014RESEARCH / GENERAL OPERATIONS
Mike And Corky Hale Stoller Foundation$912017CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTION
Barsky Family Foundation$652016CHARITABLE
Barsky Family Foundation$652015CHARITABLE
Barsky Family Foundation$652014CHARITABLE
Ada Brandon Charitable Foundation$502017General Donation
Barsky Family Foundation$502017CHARITABLE
Barsky Family Foundation$502018CHARITABLE
Es and Mj Mayer Foundation$502014ANNUAL SUPPORT
Harriet K And Howard N Bernstein Charitable Foundation$502015GENERAL PURPOSE
Noonmark Foundation$502016Enviornment
Noonmark Foundation$502016ENVIRONMENT
Planet In Peace Foundation$502015Environmental protection support
Terese Lynn Atkins Foundation$502018UNRESTRICTED
Noonmark Foundation$402014Enviornment
Planet In Peace Foundation$352014Environmental protection support
Parekh Vora Charitable Foundation$302018CHARITABLE
Parekh Vora Charitable Foundation$302017CHARITABLE
Justin and Genevieve Wyner Trust$252018MEDICAL & SCIENTIFIC
Justin and Genevieve Wyner Trust$252017MEDICAL & SCIENTIFIC
Leban Foundation$252014Charitable
Bank of America Charitable Foundation$252018PROGRAM/OPERATING SUPPORT
Grand Total:$153,056,300



Kenneth Kimmell is president of UCS (2018 total compensation: $347,209), a position he has held since 2014. 65 Before joining UCS, Kimmell was commissioner for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection; chairman of the board of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a major cap-and-trade agreement between states located in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast; an environmental law attorney; and general counsel for Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick’s (D) Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. 66

Kathleen Rest is executive director of UCS (2018 total compensation: $294,718), a position she has held since 2004. 65 Prior to that she worked for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 67

Cheryl Schaffer is chief administrative and financial officer of UCS (2018 total compensation: $255,322). 65

Laurie Marden is chief development officer for UCS (2018 total compensation: $271,071). 65 Prior to that she worked as a development officer for Earthjustice, a left-wing environmental activist group formerly known as the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund. 68

Suzanne Shaw is director of communications for UCS (2018 total compensation: $245,886). 65

Peter Frumhoff is director of science and policy and chief climate scientist for UCS (2018 total compensation $219,866). 65 Frumhoff sits on the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate for the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine and the Board of Editors of the magazine Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. He was an author involved in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 69

UCS alumni have moved into positions of power. Between 2000 and 2015, nine UCS employees served as members on 11 federal advisory committees. David Friedman, a former acting assistant secretary for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in the Obama administration, is a former UCS employee. Brendan Bell, another former UCS employee, served on the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s (D-NJ) staff as a legislative assistant. 41

Board of Directors

In 2018, the UCS board of directors consisted of the following individuals (not including officers): 65

  • Anne R. Kapuscinksi (board chair): Professor of Environmental Studies, UC Santa Cruz 70
  • Peter Bradford (board vice chair): Former member, Nuclear Regulatory Commission 71
  • James “Jamie” Hoyte (board treasurer): Senior Advisor, Tremont Strategies Group (public policy firm) 72
  • Thomas Stone (board secretary)
  • Kurt Gottfried (board chair emeritus): UCS co-founder, nuclear arms control activist, professor of physics at Cornell University 73
  • James McCarthy (board chair emeritus; died 2019)
  • Laurie Burt
  • Steve Fetter
  • Richard L. Garwin
  • Andrew J. Gunther
  • Geoffrey Heal
  • Sidney McCleary
  • Mario J. Molina
  • Margo Oge
  • Louis Salkind
  • Adele Simmons
  • Nancy Stephens
  • Kim Waddell
  • Ellyn Weiss
  • William Reilly


  1. Anita Desikan. “150 Attacks on Science and Counting: Trump Administration’s Anti-Science Actions Hurt People and Communities Nationwide.” UCS. August 3, 2020. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  2. ”Union of Concerned Scientists: LinkedIn.” LinkedIn. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  3. ” NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION, UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS JOIN BLUEGREEN ALLIANCE.” BlueGreen Alliance. September 30, 2010. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  4. ”Union of Concerned Scientists (Members Portal).” Climate Action Network International. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  5. ”Who We Are.” Save Our Environment (Partnership Project project). Accessed November 17, 2020.
  6. Information provided by Foundation Search. Donors to Union of Concerned Scientists. Search conducted November 17, 2020.
  7. ”Union of Concerned Scientists.” LeftExposed. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  8. ”Sidelining Science Since Day One.” UCS. July 13, 2017. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  9. ”Climate Disinformation.” Union of Concerned Scientists. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  10. ”Global Warming Skeptic Organizations (2013).” UCS. August 16, 2013. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  11. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Union of Concerned Scientists. 2018. Part I: Box L, M.
  12. “Union of Concerned Scientists (FBI File): Science Action Coordinating Committee (SACC), Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).” Accessed November 18, 2020. Archived:

    Note: According to the FBI, SACC was formed for promulgating the March 4, 1969 strike, but UCS was given responsibility for actually directing the day’s protest.

  13. ”Founding Document: 1968 MIT Faculty Statement.” UCS. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  14. Allen, Steven J. 2017. “What’s The Truth Behind The Origins Of The Union Of Concerned Scientists?” Capital Research Center.
  15. “Union of Concerned Scientists (FBI File): Memo to FBI Director. March 4, 1969 Research Strike Organized by the Union of Concerned Scientists.” Memo filed February 20, 1969. Accessed November 18, 2020. Archived:
  16. Robert J. Sales. “MIT Nobelist Henry Kendall dies at 72 while scuba diving in Florida lake.” MIT News. February 16, 1999. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  17. ”Kurt Gottfried.” UCS. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  18. Alan Chodos. “The Lessons of March 4.” Inside Higher Ed. March 4, 2019. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  19. “Chodos is New Associate Executive Officer.” American Physical Society. February 2000. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  20. Kevin Dennehy. “A vital voice stilled: Cancer claims Joel Feigenbaum.” Cape Cod Times. April 17, 2003. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  21. “Contributor: Ira Rubenzahl.” HuffPost.
  22. “Q&A: JON KABAT-ZINN, Professor of Medicine – Author.” Terrence McNally. September 19, 2010. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  23. “Union of Concerned Scientists (FBI File): March Fourth flier.” Accessed November 18, 2020. Archived:
  24. “Union of Concerned Scientists (FBI File): FBI Memo excerpting from February 18, 1969 article from Daily World.” Accessed November 18, 2020. Archived:

    “Union of Concerned Scientists (FBI File): ‘Strike to Protest Misuse of Science.'” Accessed November 18, 2020. Archived:

  25. Jonathan King, Aron Bernstein. “March 4, 1969 Scientists Strike for Peace: 50 Years Later.” MIT Faculty Newsletter. March/April 2019. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  26. “Congressional Record of the 91st Congress, Vol. 115 Part 26.” U.S. Congress. Archived:

    See PDF page 35,039

  27. ”Extent of Subversion in Campus Disorders.” United States Congress: Senate Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws. Accessed November 18, 2020. Archived here:

    Quoting from “Science Action Coordinating Committee; Work Stoppage” (PDF page 64)

  28. “Union of Concerned Scientists (FBI File): FBI Memo excerpting from February 18, 1969 article from Daily World.” Accessed November 18, 2020. Archived:
  29. “Union of Concerned Scientists (FBI File): SACC Industrial Liaison Committee Statement.” Accessed November 18, 2020. Archived:
  30. “Founding Document: Beyond March 4.” UCS. Accessed November 18, 2020.!
  31. Carol R. Sternhell. “1000 Protestors at M.I.T. Ask End to War Research.” The Harvard Crimson. November 5, 1969. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  32. Jeff Magalif. “The Cambridge Project: An Interview.” The Harvard Crimson. December 15, 1969. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  33. ”WHY SMASH MIT? 1969 ARTICLE FROM ‘THE OLD MOLE.’” Science and Revolution. January 11, 2018. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  34. See archives here and here.
  35. “Climate Change.” UCS. Accessed Nov. 18, 2020.
  36. “Climate Solutions.” UCS. Accessed Nov. 18, 2020.
  37. “The Climate Deception Dossiers.” UCS. 2015.
  38. “The Climate Accountability Scorecard (Updated).” UCS. 2018. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  39. “The Climate Deception Dossiers.” UCS. June 29, 2015. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  40. “The Climate Deception Dossiers.” UCS. June 29, 2015. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  41. “Union Of Concerned Scientists”. 2015. Left Exposed.
  42. Banerjee, Neela. 2014. “Exxon And Its Allies Invoke First Amendment To Fight Climate Fraud Probes”. Inside Climate News.
  43. “CEI Report Details Campaign To Privately Fund State Attorney General Offices To Advance Climate Change Legal Positions”. 2018. Competitive Enterprise Institute.
  44. Bonham, Kevin. 2013. “Union Of Concerned Scientists Failing On Farming”. We Beasties.
  45. Bonham, Kevin. 2013. “Union Of Concerned Scientists Failing On Farming”. We Beasties.
  46. Kloor, Keith. 2014. “On Double Standards And The Union Of Concerned Scientists”. Collide-A-Scape.
  47. Carson, Clint. “Hair-Trigger Alerts: How The Misnamed Union Of Concerned Scientists Undermines National Security.” Capital Research Center. 2017.
  48. Staff, Wired. 2004. “Scientists: Bush Distorts Science”. WIRED. 2004.
  49. Campbell, Hank. 2004. “It’s Been A Bad Decade For Union Of Concerned Scientists”. Science 2.0.
  50. Tom Hartsfield. “‘Union of Concerned Scientists’ Are Charlatans.” Real Clear Science. November 20, 2013. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  51. “Union Of Concerned Scientists”. 2018. Activist Facts. Accessed September 24.
  52. Russell Gold. “Why Peak-Oil Predictions Haven’t Come True.” Wall Street Journal. September 29, 2014. Accessed Nov. 18, 2020.
  53. Joseph Daniel. “Will BP Finally Succeed at Moving Beyond Petroleum? To Survive, It Must.” UCS. September 17, 2020. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  54. “A Climate of Corporate Control: How Corporations Have Influenced the U.S. Dialogue on Climate Science and Policy.” Union of Concerned Scientists. 2012. Original URL: Archived:
  55. Ronald Bailey. “Union of Concerned Scientists Cooks the Books, Media Swallow It.” Reason. June 5, 2012. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  56. Brian McGraw. “Union of Concerned Scientists Not Very Concerned With Accuracy.” June 7, 2012. Accessed November 18, 2020.
  57. ”Query the Lobbying Disclosure Act Database: U.S. Senate.” United States Senate. Search criteria: Client: Union of Concerned Scientists. Search conducted November 17, 2020.

    Note that only final or amended reports (not double entries) were used in order to reach an accurate figure.

  58. ”Query the Lobbying Disclosure Act Database: U.S. Senate.” United States Senate. Search criteria: Client: Union of Concerned Scientists. Search conducted November 17, 2020.
  59. Lobbying Report: UCS. 2018.
  60. Lobbying Report: UCS. 2018.
  61. Lobbying Report: UCS. 2017.
  62. Lobbying Report: UCS. 2012.
  63. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Union of Concerned Scientists. 2001-2018. Part I: Lines 12, 18, 22.

    Note that UCS reports its fiscal year as September 31st to October 1, so data begins in October 2000.

  64. Carson, Clint. 2017. “Hair-Trigger Alerts: How The Misnamed Union Of Concerned Scientists Undermines National Security”. Capital Research Center.
  65. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Union of Concerned Scientists. 2018. Part VII.
  66. ”Kenneth Kimmell.” Union of Concerned Scientists. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  67. ”Kathleen Rest.” Union of Concerned Scientists. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  68. ”Laurie Marden.” Union of Concerned Scientists. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  69. ”Peter Frumhoff.” Union of Concerned Scientists. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  70. ”Anne R. Kapuscinski.” UC Santa Cruz. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  71. ”Peter Bradford.” Union of Concerned Scientists. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  72. ”Jamie Hoyte: LinkedIn.” LinkedIn. Accessed November 17, 2020.
  73. ”Kurt Gottfried.” Union of Concerned Scientists. Accessed November 17, 2020.
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: September - August
  • Tax Exemption Received: June 1, 1974

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2021 Sep Form 990 $64,025,005 $44,644,043 $92,807,274 $12,396,223 N $61,601,927 $0 $666,625 $1,593,837 PDF
    2020 Sep Form 990 $45,788,985 $41,630,233 $66,468,257 $11,750,524 N $44,905,567 $0 $457,836 $1,371,318 PDF
    2019 Sep Form 990 $39,734,507 $40,728,878 $53,138,337 $5,530,447 N $38,054,270 $0 $564,517 $1,331,501 PDF
    2018 Sep Form 990 $39,868,533 $36,737,536 $54,386,018 $5,618,611 Y $37,258,220 $0 $631,381 $1,283,313 PDF
    2017 Sep Form 990 $37,297,004 $32,693,077 $51,812,711 $6,052,231 Y $36,524,506 $0 $480,573 $1,230,454 PDF
    2016 Sep Form 990 $30,425,752 $31,869,920 $44,095,084 $5,738,219 Y $29,661,136 $0 $794,432 $1,134,969 PDF
    2015 Sep Form 990 $30,312,047 $27,965,939 $44,220,482 $6,541,519 Y $26,766,244 $0 $559,421 $1,041,510 PDF
    2014 Sep Form 990 $26,587,749 $25,609,188 $46,515,215 $7,347,123 Y $22,832,263 $0 $1,821,427 $884,007 PDF
    2013 Sep Form 990 $26,806,462 $23,761,080 $43,863,469 $4,574,858 Y $23,783,716 $0 $709,785 $758,851 PDF
    2012 Sep Form 990 $25,978,646 $23,347,770 $40,527,006 $4,697,407 Y $25,293,341 $0 $509,701 $962,501 PDF
    2011 Sep Form 990 $22,036,154 $22,432,884 $34,571,813 $4,692,107 Y $21,368,554 $0 $508,130 $849,051 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)

    CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138-3756