
Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC)




Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2016):

Revenue: $445,365,812
Expenses: $326,772,081
Assets: $1,516,178,328




Donor-Advised Fund Provider

Contact InfluenceWatch with suggested edits or tips for additional profiles.

The Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC) is a donor-advised fund provider established in 1958 that manages funds for 2,700 separate charitable individuals, families and organizations. 1 2 Donations from FFTC accounts to nonprofits during donation years 1999 through 2017 equaled at least $2.1 billion. 3

One of FFTC’s largest known account holders is North Carolina billionaire Fred Stanback. 4 Stanback was characterized in an April 2018 Knoxville News report as a “known proponent of anti-humanist environmentalism [. . .] the belief that protecting the environment hinges on population control.” 5 Thirty-nine percent of FFTC’s donations from 1999-2017 ($825 million) were given to organizations favoring the Stanback policy agenda: left-leaning environmentalism, abortion, population control, or immigration restrictionism. 3 Stanback’s total commitment to his FFTC account is not known, but the Los Angeles Times reported a single $397 million donation from Stanback to FFTC that took place in 2014. 4

Stanback has been publicly-identified as a donor and/or leader with many large recipients of FFTC donations that Conform with his ideological concerns. 3 Examples include the Southern Environmental Law Center,6 Earthjustice,7 the Natural Resources Defense Council,5 the Sierra Club,5 the Conservation Fund,8 Population Connection (formerly Zero Population Growth),9 the Union of Concerned Scientists,10 NumbersUSA,4 Planned Parenthood,11 the Center for Biological Diversity,12 Progressives for Immigration Reform,13 and Appalachian Voices. 14


The Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC) manages donor-advised funds for 2,700 separate charitable individuals, families and organizations, and is the nation’s fifth-largest community foundation, measured by “grantmaking and contributions to funds.” 1 2 For calendar year 2017, it reported more than $397.6 million in total grants to outside recipients. 15

The charitable foundation recordkeeping service FoundationSearch reports more than $2.1 billion in donations given by FFTC during donation years 1999 through 2017. 3 Thirty-nine percent of this ($825 million) was given to organizations favoring left-leaning environmentalism, abortion rights, population control, or immigration restrictionism. 3

Fred Stanback

The four major policy agenda items align with North Carolina billionaire Fred Stanback, the holder of an FFTC donor-advised fund. Stanback was characterized in an April 2018 Knoxville News report as a “known proponent of anti-humanist environmentalism [. . .] the belief that protecting the environment hinges on population control.” 5

FFTC is not required to provide information regarding how much it receives from holders of its funds, nor how those donors direct the money to be given away. But Stanback has received public acknowledgements from many organizations affiliated with his agenda. The president of NumbersUSA said in 2017 Stanback was “very supportive” of the anti-immigration organization’s work. 4 The annual report of Planned Parenthood cited a $1.3 million contribution from Stanback in 2013,11 that of Center for Biological Diversity noted a $100,000+ donation from Stanback for 2014,12 and that of Population Connection (formerly Zero Population Growth) listed Stanback as a regular donor in 2018. 9

While total donations from Stanback to FFTC, and in turn from FFTC to Stanback’s preferred causes, is not clear, an indication of the magnitude of his giving through FFTC was revealed by a 2017 Los Angeles Times report of a single $397 million stock donation from Stanback to FFTC that took place in 2014. 4 This contribution alone was equal to 19 percent of all donations FoundationSearch has recorded for FFTC donation years 1999-2017. 3

Stanback is associated with many of the largest recipients of total FFTC donations during grant years 1999-2017. 3 He sits on the President’s Council for the Southern Environmental Law Center,6 is a member of the Earthjustice Council,7 has donated to the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Sierra Club,5 has served on the board of Catawba College and boards related to Duke University,16 and is a member of the Population Connection President’s Circle of recognized donors. 9

FoundationSource records show the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) as the largest single recipient of FFTC donations during the 1999-2017 grant years. The $175 million given to SELC during the period exceeds the $153.7 million that all 2700 FFTC account holders gave to churches, other houses of worship and charities within the “religion” category. 3 Stanback, his wife Alice, and his son Brad are three of the eleven members of the SELC “President’s Council.” 6

The editors of the Atlanta Daily World, an African-American community newspaper, criticized FFTC’s donations to the anti-immigration and population-control organizations favored by Stanback. In response, a spokesperson for the FFTC stated the foundation was “politically neutral” and does not “pass judgment or take a political stance on our donors’ grantmaking.” 17


Between 2000 and 2017, the Foundation for the Carolinas dispensed over $948 million in grants to a number of left- and right-leaning organizations covering a range of issue areas.

Left-leaning Environmental Groups

These organizations promote a left-of-center environmental policy agenda. According to FoundationSearch records, they have received a combined total of $698,517,365 from FFTC during grant years 1999-2017. This list does not include conservation organizations (such as The Nature Conservancy) whose primary agenda is the acquisition and maintenance of nature and wildlife habitats. 19

Population Control Groups

These organizations promote population control and restricting birthrates. According to FoundationSearch records, they received a combined total of $59,387,650 from FFTC during grant years 1999-2017. 3

Pro-abortion Groups

These organizations promote access to abortion. According to FoundationSearch records, they received a combined total of $46,434,735 from FFTC during grant years 1999-2017. 3

Immigration Groups

These organizations advocate lower legal immigration to the United States and stronger policies to prevent illegal immigration. According to FoundationSearch records, they received a combined total of $21,285,000 from FFTC during grant years 1999-2017. 3

In August 2019, Frank Sharry, executive director of America’s Voice, sent a letter to the Foundation for the Carolinas criticizing them for funding anti-immigration groups like NumbersUSA. 20 Foundation president Michael Marsicano responded to Politico by explaining that the Foundation services over 3,000 donors and is required to send money based on donor request. He explained that the Foundation does not discriminate based on ideology and that it does send some discretionary funds to pro-immigration groups. According to Politico, the Foundation for the Carolinas sent over $11 million to organizations that aim to restrict immigration. 21

Left-Leaning Policy Groups

These organizations promote a left-of-center policy agenda. According to FoundationSearch records, they have received a combined total of $4,838,810 from FFTC during grant years 1999-2017. 3

Right-Leaning Policy Groups

These organizations promote a right-of-center policy agenda. According to FoundationSearch records, they have received a combined total of $366,405 from FFTC during grant years 1999-2017. 3

Foundation for the Carolinas: Grant Recipients
Center-Left Environmentalist GroupsAmountFirst GrantLatest Grant$6,000,00020162017
American Rivers $842,50020102017
Appalachian Voices$7,720,00020042017
Beyond Nuclear $50,00020152017
Beyond Pesticides$705,00020142017
Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League$2,300,00020132017
Center for Biological Diversity (CBD)$12,251,30020102017
Clean Air Carolina$3,292,50020092017
Clean Water for North Carolina$1,170,00020042017
Climate Central $225,00020142016
Climate Voices US $35,00020152015
Conservation Council of NC -- LCV partner / appears to be defunct$385,00020042010
Defenders of Wildlife$3,851,42020092017
Dogwood Alliance $5,819,50020032017
Earth Island Institute $10,00020042004
Earth Policy Institute (closed 2015)$2,410,00020062014
Earthjustice (formerly the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund)$8,580,20020042012
Energy Foundation$2,770,00020142016
Environment North Carolina Research and Policy Center$1,035,00020102017
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) (plus NC affiliate)$12,888,29820042017
Environmental Grantmakers Association $6,50020102010
Environmental Law and Policy Center of the Midwest $40,00020142015
Environmental Working Group (EWG)$12,736,50020072017
Friends of the Earth$24,226,10020042017
Greenpeace Fund$9,000,57520142017
League of Conservation Voters (LCV) (and NC affiliate)$14,860,85020102017
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators $600,00020142017
National Parks Conservation Association$9,450,80020052017
National Wildlife Federation (political arm attacks trump)$400,95020122015
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)$80,616,35020042017
NextGen America$1,000,00020142014
Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University$8,518,10020062017
North Carolina Coastal Federation$8,535,50020052017
North Carolina Conservation Network $7,043,00020052017
North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association$8,388,00020062017
North Carolina Waste Awareness and Reduction Network (NC-WARN)$8,580,00020052017
Nuclear Information and Resource Service$420,00020072017
Ocean Conservancy $1,425,600
Partnership for Policy Integrity $225,00020152017
Partnership for Responsible Growth $75,00020142014
Rachel Carson Council$250,00020152017
Rainforest Action Network$2,371,00020072017
Rocky Mountain Institute$57,254,00020052017
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society$524,10020072015
Sierra Club Foundation$61,796,73720012017
South Carolina Environmental Law Project$415,00020132017
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy$15,206,00020042017
Southern Environmental Law Center$175,410,08520012017
Toxic Free North Carolina$980,80020112017
Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)$26,810,75020042017
Voices for a Sustainable Future $20,50020142017
Vote Solar$800,00020142017
Waterkeeper Alliance (and New Bern NC affiliate)$8,425,00020112017
Wilderness Society $1,774,30020042017
Woods Hole Research Center$1,275,00020042017
World Stewardship Institute $559,00020042017
Center-Right Environmentalist Groups
Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions Forum (CRES) $50,00020152015
Alliance for Market Solutions$39,18820162016
ClearPath Foundation$22,451,66920142014
Population Control Groups
Population Institute $4,075,00020062017
Population Media Center$26,471,00020042017
Population Connection (Zero Population Growth) $28,841,65020022017
Pro-Abortion Groups
Planned Parenthood South Atlantic$11,770,68420152017
Population Action International $9,405,00020042017
Planned Parenthood Health System (general NC))$6,951,41020032013
Center For Reproductive Rights (includes former name "law and policy")$4,400,00020062017
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)$4,158,50020072017
Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida $2,910,00020112017
Guttmacher Institute $2,050,00020072016
Planned Parenthood Northern California (Concord CA)$1,950,000
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast$775,000
Planned Parenthood Los Angeles $685,000
Planned Parenthood Shasta-Diablo (SF and Concord CA)$425,000
Planned Parenthood Asheville$316,50020072017
Planned Parenthood Golden Gate$225,000
Planned Parenthood Southeast (Atlanta)$210,000
Planned Parenthood Southwest (Cincinnati OH)$100,000
Medical Students for Choice$70,00020152017
Planned Parenthood North Carolina West$19,64120002001
Planned Parenthood Central North Carolina$13,00020072007
Immigration Groups
Numbers USA Education and Research Foundation $10,440,00020042012
Center for Immigration Studies$4,265,00020042017
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) $3,875,00020042016
Progressives for Immigration Reform$1,465,00020102017
Californians for Population Stabilization $1,200,00020092016
Immigration Reform Law Institute $40,00020072007
Conservation Groups
Conservation Fund$41,206,80320042017
Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy$29,920,57520002017
Conservation Trust for North Carolina$18,782,90620002017
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) - and state affiliates$17,176,38720002017
Blue Ridge Conservancy$13,379,12220102017
Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy$9,279,40020062017
North Carolina Coastal Land Trust$5,727,05020052017
Foothills Conservancy of North Carolina$5,085,47120062017
Land Trust for Central North Carolina$4,796,060
North Carolina Wildlife Federation$4,255,26820062017
National Audubon Society (plus NC and SC affiliates)$3,606,48020042017
Land Trust for the Little Tennessee$2,713,07520062016
Catawba Lands Conservancy$2,688,68820002017
High Country Conservation (Boone, NC)$2,036,19720072009
Mainspring Conservation Trust$1,881,66220162017
Trust for Public Land $1,452,22520002017
National Wildlife Refuge Association$1,445,00020112017
Naturaland Trust (SC)$1,445,00020132013
Southern Appalachian Forest Coalition$820,00020042011
Ding Darling Wildlife Society$625,00020112017
Carolina Thread Trail$112,60020082017
Triangle Land Conservancy$25,00020162016
General Center-Left Groups
Virginia Organizing $2,087,00020132017
Center for Public Integrity $952,00020062017
Democracy North Carolina$636,86020062017
Project On Government Oversight (POGO) $405,00020142017
North Carolina Public Interest Research Group (NCPIRG) Education Fund $300,00020052017
Center for Public Interest Research $180,45020072016
Institute for Policy Studies $102,00020142015
Common Cause Education Fund $50,00020172017
ACLU of North Carolina Legal Foundation$50,00020062015
Urban Institute $25,00020072007
Hope Enterprise Corporation (Non-profit) $25,00020122012
ACLU of North Carolina $17,00020112012
Social Good Fund $8,50020162016
Genereal Center-Right Groups
R Street Initiative$121,00020152015
Jesse Helms Center$107,35520002011
American Enterprise Institute $49,70020162017
John Locke Foundation $32,35020002014
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) $25,00020152015
Daily Caller News Foundation $25,00020162016
NRA Foundation$6,00020072007
Grand Total:$948,244,891


  1. “About Us.” Foundation for the Carolinas. Accessed May 7, 2019.
  2. “Financials.” Foundation for the Carolinas. Accessed May 7, 2019.
  3. Data compiled by subscription service, a project of Metasoft Systems, Inc., from forms filed with the Internal Revenue Service. Queries conducted May 1, 2019.
  4. Tanfani, Joseph. “Sessions’ allies on opposition to immigration have their roots in population control efforts.” Los Angeles Times. January 10, 2017. Accessed May 8, 2019.
  5. Crocker, Brittany. “Headache powder billionaire donates big to small group creating migraines for TVA.” Knoxville News. April 6, 2018. Accessed May 8, 2019.
  6. “Board of Trustees.” Southern Environmental Law Center. Accessed May 8, 2019.
  7. “The Earthjustice Council.” Earth Justice. Accessed May 8, 2019.
  8. “Conserving The Ridges Of The Southern Blue Ridge.” The Conservation Fund. September 14, 2017. Accessed May 8, 2019.
  9. “Population Connection, Volume 50, Issue 1.” Population Connection. March 2018. Accessed May 8, 2019.
  10. “Annual Report 2000.” Union of Concerned Scientists. Accessed May 8, 2019.
  11. “2013 Annual Report.” Planned Parenthood Health Systems. Accessed May 7, 2019.
  12. “Annual Report 2014.” Center for Biological Diversity. Accessed May 7, 2019. 
  13. Tanfani, Joseph. “Late heiress’ anti-immigration efforts live on.” Los Angeles Times. July 25, 2013. Accessed May 8, 2019.
  14. “Appalachian Voices 2009 Annual Report.” Appalachian Voices. Accessed May 8, 2019.
  15. Foundation for the Carolinas. 2017 IRS Form 900. Accessed May 7, 2019.
  16. “A Moment with Fred Stanback: RMI’s Work is his Legacy.” Rocky Mountain Institute Solutions Journal: Spring 2012 (Vol. 5, No. 2). Accessed May 8, 2019.
  17. “Major charity distances itself from donations to controversial groups.” Atlanta Daily World. March 2, 2017. Accessed May 8, 2019.
  18. Data compiled by subscription service, a project of Metasoft Systems, Inc., from forms filed with the Internal Revenue Service. Queries conducted May 1, 2019./note]

    Right-leaning Environmental Groups

    These right-leaning organizations promote policy changes (such as a carbon tax) that discriminate against the use of traditional domestic energy sources. According to FoundationSearch records, they received a combined total of $22,540,857 from FFTC during grant years 1999-2017. 18Data compiled by subscription service, a project of Metasoft Systems, Inc., from forms filed with the Internal Revenue Service. Queries conducted May 1, 2019.

  19. Sharry, Frank. America’s Voice. 20 August, 2019.
  20. Hesson, Ted, and Daniel Lippman. “Immigration Advocates Press to Cut off Charitable Funds for Anti-Immigration Groups.” POLITICO, August 20, 2019.

    Conservation Groups

    These organizations primarily advocate for the acquisition, preservation and maintenance of nature and wildlife habitats. Unlike examples such as the League of Conservation Voters, these are not nominally “conservation” organizations that instead strongly advocate a left-of-center environmental policy agenda; nevertheless, some criticize the extent to which lands are protected by these groups. According to FoundationSearch records, they received a combined total of $168,459,969 from FFTC during grant years 1999-2017. 18Data compiled by subscription service, a project of Metasoft Systems, Inc., from forms filed with the Internal Revenue Service. Queries conducted May 1, 2019.

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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: October 1, 1962

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2016 Dec Form 990 $445,365,812 $326,772,081 $1,516,178,328 $74,367,138 Y $410,527,931 $11,958,654 $26,039,637 $1,735,943
    2015 Dec Form 990 $382,454,798 $297,876,975 $1,289,000,447 $39,696,534 Y $347,666,005 $9,662,917 $27,454,063 $1,699,964 PDF
    2014 Dec Form 990 $684,331,159 $354,254,644 $1,290,153,538 $72,379,613 Y $619,326,663 $8,306,570 $13,206,760 $1,721,248 PDF
    2013 Dec Form 990 $317,091,144 $195,600,475 $908,090,732 $32,302,282 Y $274,443,243 $6,779,133 $9,911,272 $1,438,929 PDF
    2012 Dec Form 990 $215,832,204 $175,159,255 $705,548,828 $29,069,943 Y $195,181,049 $6,069,289 $7,545,582 $1,435,423 PDF
    2011 Dec Form 990 $148,316,177 $144,935,548 $608,372,246 $21,647,820 Y $129,221,531 $5,410,353 $8,348,584 $1,262,282 PDF
    2010 Dec Form 990 $196,030,092 $138,113,578 $619,418,694 $19,464,463 Y $174,414,362 $4,899,314 $9,360,481 $1,181,071 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC)

    220 N TRYON ST
    CHARLOTTE, NC 28202-2137