
Americans for Democratic Action Education Fund




Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2017):

Revenue: $82,064
Expenses: $75,376
Assets: $11,617


Education Advocacy Group


Jim Bishop

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Also see Americans for Democratic Action (nonprofit)

Americans for Democratic Action Education Fund (ADA Education Fund) was the charitable arm of the left-of-center advocacy organization American for Democratic Action (ADA). 1

As of January 2024, ADA Education Fund appears to be operationally defunct. While ADA Education Fund continues to submit 990-N tax filings for organizations reporting less than $50,000 in revenue, its website has not been operational since 2019 and has not made any active postings since 2014. 2 3

While it was operational, ADA Education fund focused on “progressive social justice,” economics, social security, unemployment, and the congressional budget process through fellowship programs, lecture series, and congressional briefings. 4 5

History and Activities

Americans for Democratic Action Education Fund was the charitable affiliate of the venerable left-wing advocacy organization American for Democratic Action (ADA). ADA is a left-of-center activist organization supported by labor unions and left-leaning foundations. 1

As of January 2025, ADA Education Fund’s website was defunct. The last web archive of the ADA Education Fund website on Wayback Machine was recorded on December 19, 2018; however, the latest posts on the archived page were published in early 2014. Also as of January 2024, Americans for Democratic Action still accepted donations on behalf of ADA Education Fund on its website. 3 4 6

When it was more visibly operational, ADA Education Fund focused on “progressive social justice,” economics, social security, unemployment, and the congressional budget process. The organization ran five main programs: the Galbraith Fellowships, the Jim Jontz Advocacy Fellowships, the Jim Jontz National Lecture, What Would Martin Do?, and congressional briefings. 4 5

The Galbraith Fellowships in public policy were created in 2000 to support students and recent college graduates researching left-wing taxation policy, voting rights, state recognition of same-sex unions, youth unemployment, the middle class, and other issue areas. 7

The Jim Jontz Advocacy Fellowships was launched in 2013 to train left-wing professionals and activists through trainings in how to organize phone banks, engaging in canvassing campaigns, write letters to an editor, organize press events, lobby, register voters, recruit volunteers, and conduct other activist activities. 8

The Jim Jontz Memorial Lecture Series was an annual lecture focused on promoting “economic justice” through education. 9

What Would Martin Do? was founded in 2010 and was an annual event with discussions on civil rights and voting rights. 10

The ADA Education Fund previously ran congressional briefings to spread information to policymakers supporting the organization’s social justice mission. 5


As of an internet archive on September 25, 2018, the chair of Americans for Democratic Action Education Fund was Pablo Rodriguez, the vice chair was Chris Riddiough, and the executive director was Don Kusler. 11

Kusler has been the national director for American for Democratic Action since March 2012. Previously Kesler was the director of ADA’s Working Families Win community organizing project, the deputy national director of ADA, and the communications director of ADA. 12


Beginnings in 2018, Americans for Democratic Action Education Fund began submitting 990-N e-postcard filings to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a short-form filing for nonprofit organizations reporting receipts less than $50,000 a year. 2

The organization’s last full filing with the IRS was in 2017, when it reported $82,064 in revenue, $75,376 in expenses, and $11,617 in net assets. That year, the organization’s entire revenue was received from contributions, gifts, and grants. 13

In 2017, ADA Education Fund spent $60,301 of its $75,376 in expenses on disseminating information, producing policy briefs, and sponsoring speakers. 13


  1.  “ADA Education Fund.” Americans for Democratic Action. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  2.  “Americans for Democratic Action Education.” Internal Revenue Service. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  3. “ADA Education Fund.” ADA Education Fund. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  4. “ADA Education Fund.” Wayback Machine.  Archived December 19, 2018. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  5. “Programs.” Wayback Machine. Archived September 25, 2018. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  6. “Donate.” Americans for Democratic Action. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  7. “Galbraith Fellows.” Wayback Machine. Archived September 25, 2018. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  8. “Jim Jontz Advocacy Fellowship. Wayback Machine. Archived September 25, 2018. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  9. “Jim Jontz Memorial Lecture.” Wayback Machine. Archived September 25, 2018. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  10. “What Would Martin Do?” Wayback Machine. Archived September 25, 2018. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  11. “About Us.” Wayback Machine. Archived September 25, 2018. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  12. “Don Kusler.” LinkedIn. Accessed January 6, 2025.
  13. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-EZ). Americans for Democratic Action Education Fund. 2017.
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: December 1, 1984

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2017 Dec Form 990EZ $82,064 $75,376 $11,617 $16,788 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2016 Dec Form 990EZ $53,925 $68,020 $2,100 $13,959 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2015 Dec Form 990EZ $154,385 $74,450 $9,031 $6,795 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2014 Dec Form 990EZ $97,041 $185,522 $1 $77,699 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2013 Dec Form 990EZ $77,735 $130,083 $14,082 $3,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2012 Dec Form 990EZ $160,298 $77,924 $66,430 $3,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2011 Dec Form 990EZ $150,113 $210,045 $8,328 $27,572 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2010 Dec Form 990EZ $115,994 $119,162 $52,336 $11,648 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    Americans for Democratic Action Education Fund