
Sixteen Thirty Fund (1630 Fund)




Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2021):

Revenue: $190,651,953
Expenses: $173,564,342
Assets: $97,684,457




Funding and Fiscal Sponsorship Nonprofit


Amy Kurtz (As of 6/21)

Former President:

Eric Kessler

Managed By:

Arabella Advisors

Latest Tax Filing:

2022 Form 990

Budget (2022):

Revenue: $191,548,107

Expenses: $195,938,700

Assets: $86,553,897 100


  1. Sixteen Thirty Fund. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). 2022. Part 1.

Contact InfluenceWatch with suggested edits or tips for additional profiles.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund (sometimes styled “1630 Fund”) is a left-of-center lobbying and advocacy organization founded in 2008. 1 Sixteen Thirty Fund often operates alongside its charitable “sister” nonprofit New Venture Fund, which provides similar funding and fiscal sponsorship services to center-left organizations. Both groups, along with the Hopewell Fund, Windward Fund, and North Fund, are administered by Arabella Advisors, a Washington, D.C.-based philanthropy consulting firm that caters to left-leaning clients.

According to its founding documents, the Sixteen Thirty Fund was created with seed funding from Americans United for Change (AUFC), ACORN, USAction, the Sierra Club, and Working America. 2

Both Sixteen Thirty Fund and New Venture Fund have been criticized as “dark money” organizations by left-leaning news outlets, including the New York Times, for serving as a way for left-wing groups to anonymously funnel money toward various advocacy issues, such as attacking vulnerable Republicans or pushing state-level environmental restrictions. 3 4

In April 2021, the New York Times criticized Arabella’s “system of political financing, which often obscures the identities of donors,” as “dark money,” calling the network “a leading vehicle for it on the Left.” 5 In May 2021, the New York Times identified Sixteen Thirty Fund as one of the “leading dark money spenders on the Left” for quietly supporting Democrats with more than $63 million in super PAC donations that hurt Republicans in the 2020 election, as well for “help[ing] create and fund dozens of groups, including some that worked to block Mr. Trump’s nominees and push progressive appointments by Mr. Biden.” 6

The Atlantic, a left-leaning magazine, has called the Sixteen Thirty Fund “the indisputable heavyweight of Democratic dark money” which funneled “roughly $61 million of effectively untraceable money to progressive causes,” making it the “second-largest super-PAC donor in 2020.” Of Arabella Advisors, the Atlantic noted that the “mothership” company runs a “massive progressive dark-money group you’ve never heard of.” It added: “Democrats have quietly pulled ahead of Republicans in untraceable political spending. One group helped make it happen.” 7

Left-leaning Politico has called the Sixteen Thirty Fund a “massive ‘dark money’ network” responsible for “boost[ing] Democrats” in the 2018 midterm elections, a “liberal dark-money behemoth,” a “secretly funded nonprofit,” and “one of the Left’s financial hubs” responsible for “attacking Republican senators” in 2019. 8 9 10

The Sixteen Thirty Fund has also been characterized as one of the “key groups founded to resist Trump” by the left-leaning Atlantic. 11 Politico noted in late 2021 that the Sixteen Thirty Fund “exploded in size during the Trump administration,” doling out “a whopping $410 million in 2020” and “aiding Democratic efforts to unseat then-President Donald Trump and win back control of the Senate” for Democrats. 12

In its 2018 Form 990, New Venture Fund shows a $26.7 million grant to the Sixteen Thirty Fund for “capacity building.” 13 Sixteen Thirty Fund’s Form 990 of the same year, also shows zero employees, and notes in Schedule O that “New Venture Fund (NVF) is the paymaster for Sixteen Thirty Fund payroll. NVF pays the salary and immediately invoices Sixteen Thirty Fund, which reimburses the full amount.” 14

Arabella and its nonprofit network have been criticized as “dark money” funders both for channeling hundreds of millions of dollars to left-wing organizations and for hosting hundreds of “pop-up groups”—websites designed to look like standalone nonprofits that are really projects of an Arabella-run nonprofit. 15

In November 2019, Politico criticized the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the 501(c)(4) advocacy wing of Arabella’s nonprofit network, as a “little-known,” “massive ‘dark money’ group [that] boosted Democrats” in the 2018 midterm elections with $140 million. “The money contributed to efforts ranging from fighting Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and other Trump judicial nominees to boosting ballot measures raising the minimum wage and changing laws on voting and redistricting in numerous states,” the left-leaning website reported. Politico also noted that Sixteen Thirty Fund’s biggest single donation (made anonymously) was for $51.7 million, “more than the group had ever raised before in an entire year before President Donald Trump was elected,” adding that “the group’s 2018 fundraising surpassed any amount ever raised by a left-leaning political nonprofit.” 16

The left-leaning Washington Post further criticized Arabella’s Sixteen Thirty Fund as a “big campaign donor” in a November 21, 2019 opinion by the editorial board, which called on Congress to change nonprofit disclosure laws, noting in particular a $26.7 million anonymous donation to the Fund. 17 However, the Post also failed to connect the Sixteen Thirty Fund to Arabella Advisors and its other three nonprofits.

In a November 24, 2019 letter to the editor published by the Washington Post, Capital Research Center president Scott Walter identified the $26.7 million donation as originating with the New Venture Fund, the largest of Arabella’s in-house nonprofits, and confirmed Politico’s suspicion that the Sixteen Thirty Fund is “part of a larger network of dark money.” 18

Seed Capital from the Left

The Sixteen Thirty Fund is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. According to its original filings with the IRS (archived here), the group received $350,745 in seed capital in 2009 from five left-wing organizations, including the scandal-ridden ACORN, which collapsed in 2010. 2

Americans United for Change (AUFC) has been characterized as a “dark money group” by the left-leaning Sunlight Foundation for its support of left-wingcauses and Democratic Party candidates. The group is headed by Brad Woodhouse, a controversial Democratic operative who also runs Protect Our Care, a project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund. 19 AUFC is heavily funded by labor unions, including the AFL-CIO and AFSCME. 20

ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) is a now-defunct community organizing network that once had hundreds of affiliates nationwide. The group, which provided voter registration and mobilization efforts for left-wing causes beginning in the 1970s, disbanded in 2010 after declaring bankruptcy following a loss of federal funding. 21

USAction was a center-left advocacy nonprofit created by activist Heather Booth in 1999 as a successor to the scandal-ridden consumer advocacy group Citizen Action, founded by Ralph Nader in the 1970s. USAction was a key player in the creation of Health Care for America Now (HCAN), a major coalition of center-left groups formed in 2007 to help pass the Democratic Party’s healthcare overhaul bill (which later became Obamacare). 22 HCAN was later revived as a joint project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund and the New Venture Fund, which manages the HCAN Education Fund. 23 In 2016, USAction merged with a number of other left-wing groups to form People’s Action.

The Sierra Club is one of the oldest and most powerful environmentalist organizations in the country, known for funding many activist groups on the Left.

Working America is a center-left labor union characterized as the “community affiliate” of the AFL-CIO. The group was formed in 2003 and claims more than 3 million members, many of whom it encourages to canvass neighborhoods during elections in order to support left-wing and Democratic Party political candidates. 24

Low-Profile Funding Activities

The Sixteen Thirty Fund keeps a low profile compared with comparable nonprofit organizations. The organization boasts a one-page website, no Facebook page and no Twitter account. The fund has received little news coverage in the past few years. What little press coverage to be found centered on the 2013 effort to recall Democratic sate legislators in Colorado over their votes on a controversial gun-control measure.

That year, Sixteen Thirty Fund donated $35,000 to a Colorado group founded to defended Democratic state Sen. Angela Giron (D-Pueblo) from a recall effort over her votes for more gun control in the state. 25 Giron lost the effort after only 44 percent voted to retain her. 26 During the same recall effort, Sixteen Thirty Fund donated another $35,000 to a group supporting Colorado state Sen. John Morse (D-Colorado Springs), who also supported stricter gun control. 27 Morse also lost the recall vote when 51 percent voted to oust him. 28

In 2017, the Washington Free Beacon tied the Sixteen Thirty Fund to progressive efforts to hide big money fueling criticism of President Donald Trump’s nominees to several Cabinet-level posts. Targeted nominees included businessman Andy Puzder (who would later withdraw as nominee for Secretary of Labor) and Steven Mnuchin (later confirmed as Secretary of the Treasury). 29

Another publication, Tax Analysts, noticed Sixteen Thirty Fund’s financial support for “Tax March” rallies planned to protest President Trump’s unwillingness to release his tax returns. It is unclear how much Sixteen Thirty Fund contributed to the march. 30

“Dark Money” Funder

The Sixteen Thirty Fund, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that isn’t required by the IRS to disclose its donors, has been criticized by groups on the political Left and Right as a “dark money” funder.

Politico, a left-leaning website, notes that Sixteen Thirty’s “massive 2020 fundraising and spending illustrates the extent to which the Left embraced the use of ‘dark money’ to fight for its causes in recent years”: 12

After decrying big-money Republican donors over the last decade, as well as the Supreme Court rulings that flooded politics with more cash, Democrats now benefit from hundreds of millions of dollars of undisclosed donations as well.

In its 2018 profile of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, Politico noted that the group spent “$141 million on more than 100 left-leaning causes during the [2018] midterm election”: 8

Sixteen Thirty Fund played a role in the battle for the House of Representatives in 2018, a crucial contest for Democrats trying to seize back power after Trump’s rise. The election featured dozens of Democratic candidates who decried the influence of money in politics on the campaign trail.

And in 2020 Politico attributed Sixteen Thirty’s enormous spending to “Democratic efforts to unseat then-President Donald Trump and win back control of the Senate.” 12

In 2015, the Fund provided millions in grants to 29 different organizations. That year, Sixteen Thirty Fund’s largest grant—exceeding $1.9 million—went to the League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, the “educational” arm of the League of Conservation Voters, an organization activating and rallying environmentalists to political activism. 31

Amy Kurtz, Sixteen Thirty Fund’s president, has called the organization’s “dark money” spending “just playing by the rules.” 32

Ballot Initiatives

On September 4, 2018, the Missouri-based Kansas City Star reported a $3 million donation from Sixteen Thirty Fund to Raise Up Missouri, a left-wing PAC seeking to raise the state’s minimum wage to $12 per hour through a 2018 ballot initiative. Sixteen Thirty Fund also reportedly gave $500,000 to the PAC in 2017, and an additional $500,000 to it in May 2018. 33

2018 Midterm Election

The Sixteen Thirty Fund spent approximately $740,000 in independent expenditures and electioneering communications during the 2018 midterm election.34

Sixteen Thirty Fund: 2018 Midterm Outside Spending
Sixteen Thirty Fund ProjectAmountExpenditure Type
Demand Justice$317,696Electioneering Communications
Floridians for a Fair Shake$286,113Electioneering Communications
Floridians for a Fair Shake$7,537Independent Expenditure
SoCal Healthcare Coalition$120,149Electioneering Communications
SoCal Healthcare Coalition$5,875Independent Expenditure
Ohioans for Economic Opportunity$2,721Independent Expenditure

Lobbying for H.R. 1 (2019-2020)

In November 2019, the Sixteen Thirty Fund hired lobbyists Dana Singiser of Keefe Strategies and former chief of staff to Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) Maura Keefe to lobby in favor of H.R. 1, an anti-dark money campaign finance and ethics reform bill (named the “For the People Act 2019”) that passed the House in March, 2019. 35 The bill aims to expand access to voting, create stronger ethics rules for public servants, and combat the influence of money in politics. 36

In September 2020, Sixteen Thirty Fund executive director Amy Kurtz explained to NBC News that her organization lobbied for H.R. 1: 32

We support and have lobbied in favor of reform to the current campaign finance system (through H.R. 1), but we are equally committed to following the current laws to level the playing field for progressives in this election.

2020 Presidential Election

Politico attributes Sixteen Thirty’s enormous spending in the 2020 election to successful “Democratic efforts to unseat then-President Donald Trump and win back control of the Senate.” That includes a $10 million grant to the NeverTrump group Defending Democracy Together (DDT), founded by former Republican commentator Bill Kristol. 12

The New York Times reported in July 2020 that the Sixteen Thirty Fund had donated $5.7 million to the Democratic super PAC American Bridge 21st Century, which had paid for multiple advertisements critical of President Trump in key battleground states. 37

The Sixteen Thirty Fund spent $4.3 million in electioneering communications (political ads) in the 2020 election: 38

Sixteen Thirty Fund: 2020 Election Outside Spending
Sixteen Thirty Fund ProjectAmountExpenditure Type
Demand Justice $3,732,553 Electioneering Communications
Health Care Voter $425,000 Electioneering Communications
Democracy for All 2021 $105,372 Electioneering Communications
Protect Our Care $84,748 Electioneering Communications
Total: $4,347,673

According to its Form 990 filing (archived here), the Sixteen Thirty Fund spent $13,240,753 on political campaign activities in 2019. 39 That included grants to Democratic-supported PACs:

  • Change Now Inc.: $25,000
  • Forward Majority Action: $290,000
  • Future Forward USA PAC: $1,415,274
  • House Majority PAC: $500,000
  • League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund: $6,787,500
  • Real Justice PAC: $100,000
  • National Democratic County Officials: $50,000
  • Senate Majority Project: $100,000

In the 2019-2020 election cycle, the Sixteen Thirty Fund donated $43.5 million to PACs and super PACs aligned with Democrats: 40

Recipient PACYearContribution
Victory 20202020$5,700,000
Change Now2020$3,500,000
Unite the Country2020$3,500,000
Priorities USA Action2020$3,500,000
Take Back 20202020$3,150,000
NextGen Climate Action Committee2020$2,500,000
Black PAC2020$2,250,000
AB (American Bridge) PAC2020$2,200,000
AB (American Bridge) PAC2020$2,000,000
Victory 20202020$2,000,000
Forward Majority Action2020$1,500,000
Change Now2020$1,500,000
Future Forward USA PAC2020$1,500,000
Future Forward USA PAC2020$1,415,274
NextGen Climate Action Committee2020$1,200,000
Future Forward USA PAC2020$1,000,000
House Majority PAC2019$500,000
Sunrise PAC2020$500,000
Change Now2020$400,000
The Lincoln Project2020$300,000
Forward Majority Action2020$250,000
Forward Majority Action2019$250,000
Family Friendly Action PAC2020$110,000
People's Action Power2020$100,000
Real Justice PAC2019$100,000
Change Now2020$100,000
Unite the Country2020$100,000
Family Friendly Action PAC2020$50,000
National Democratic County Officials2019$50,000
Montana Hunters and Anglers Leadership Fund2020$50,000
Working Families Party (WFP) Independent Expenditure Committee2020$50,000
Change Now2020$47,003
Forward Majority Action2020$30,000
Change Now2019$25,000
Change Now2020$19,402
Change Now2020$12,089
Change Now2020$1,184
Change Now2019$655
Change Now2019$230
Change Now2019$21
Change Now2019$20
Change Now2020$20
Change Now2019$20
Change Now2020$19
Change Now2019$19
Change Now2020$19
Change Now2019$19
Change Now2020$19
Change Now2019$19
Change Now2019$18
Change Now2019$18
Change Now2019$17
Change Now2019$17
Change Now2020$17
Change Now2019$17
Grand Total:$43,461,136

Major recipients of Sixteen Thirty Fund contributions include Victory 2020, a Democrat-aligned PAC (created to support American Bridge 21st Century and Unite the Country) whose total revenues (as of September 2020) were $5.9 million, $5.7 million of which came from Sixteen Thirty Fund; Unite the Country, a super PAC created in 2019 to help 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden; American Bridge 21st Century, which creates political advertisements attacking Republicans; House Majority PAC, a PAC that helps Democratic politicians running for the House of Representatives; and PACRONYM, a PAC responsible for numerous anti-Republican political advertisements and aligned with the advocacy organization ACRONYM. 40

Sixteen Thirty donated $1.5 million in July 2020 to Future Forward PAC (FF PAC), which the Center for Responsive Politics (OpenSecrets) describes as a “pro-Biden super PAC” that funded its “$100 million ad campaign with ‘dark money.'” FF PAC targeted Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Florida on President Trump’s COVID-19 policies. 41

Sixteen Thirty also donated $300,000 in August 2020 to the Lincoln Project, a “NeverTrump” PAC of former Republican political operatives that attacked Republicans in the 2020 election. Sixteen Thirty was the Lincoln Project’s third-largest donor and its single largest organizational donor. 42

2020 State Spending

In 2020, the Sixteen Thirty Fund spent close to $44 million in grants to politically active, left-of-center state-based groups: 43

Sixteen Thirty Fund: 2020 State SpendingTotal
North Carolina $9,514,000
Colorado $6,961,439
Arizona $3,610,000
Pennsylvania $3,251,750
Georgia $3,094,000
Maine $2,106,000
Michigan $2,033,250
Florida $1,795,500
Minnesota $1,762,000
New Hampshire $1,478,000
Iowa $1,335,000
Nebraska $1,085,000
New York $750,000
Ohio $715,000
Louisiana $700,000
New Mexico $595,000
Alaska $420,000
California $365,000
Massachussetts $350,489
Montana $350,000
Virginia $345,800
Kansas $300,000
Missouri $225,000
Nevada $165,000
Texas $125,000
Wisconsin $115,000
Connecticut $60,000
New Jersey $50,000
Maryland $24,500
Grand Total:$43,681,728

Project Activism in the 2020 Election

A number of Sixteen Thirty Fund projects were involved in aiding Democrats and hurting Republicans in the 2020 election.

Family Friendly Michigan ran multiple Facebook advertisements targeting Republican Senate candidate John James (MI) under the disclaimer “Family Friendly Action PAC.” However, Family Friendly Michigan’s other Facebook advertisements identify the group as part of the Sixteen Thirty Fund. 44

Fix Our Senate

On June 3, 2021, Fix Our Senate along with over 100 other left-of-center activist groups sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) with a renewed call to end the filibuster on investigating the January 6 Capitol riot. 45 Fix Our Senate is an affiliate of the Sixteen Thirty Fund. The letter stated that:

The Republicans could not even support a bipartisan investigation into a deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol reflects dangerously misplaced priorities: they have chosen party over country, obstruction over progress, and Trump over democracy. In the face of Republicans’ inability and unwillingness to defend our democracy, it is clearer than ever that the filibuster needs to be eliminated. 46

The letter also referenced the GOP’s attempts to block the For the People Act, which is designed to expand vote-by-mail and establish an “alternative campaign funding system” for certain federal offices. 47 46

Facebook Ads

In 2020, the Sixteen Thirty Fund ran at least 250 advertisements on Facebook under a number of its projects. Because Facebook’s Ad Library only offers a range of cost per advertisement, a minimum and maximum total for each ad is provided below: 48

Sixteen Thirty Fund Project: 2020MonthAmount MinAmount MaxIssue
Democracy for All 2021 ActionAugust$300$399HEROES ACT
Democracy for All 2021 ActionAugust$0$100HEROES ACT
Democracy for All 2021 ActionJuly/August$400$499HEROES ACT
Democracy for All 2021 ActionJuly$800$899HEROES ACT
Democracy for All 2021 ActionAugust$0$100HEROES ACT
Democracy for All 2021 ActionAugust$0$100HEROES ACT
Democracy for All 2021 ActionJuly$800$899HEROES ACT
Democracy for All 2021 ActionJuly/August$0$100HEROES ACT
Democracy for All 2021 ActionJuly/August$400$499HEROES ACT
Democracy for All 2021 ActionJuly$800$899HEROES ACT
Family Friendly Michigan*March$1,500 $2,000 Covid Relief*Removed for violating ad policy
Family Friendly Michigan*August/September$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*May$400$499Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*July-September$100$199Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*March$0$100Covid Relief*Removed for violating ad policy
Family Friendly Michigan*August/September$800$899Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*August/September$2,500 $3,000 Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*August/September$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*May$200$299Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*May$600$699Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*July-September$3,000 $3,500 Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*June/July$300$399Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*August/September$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*August/September$100$199Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*March$4,500 $5,000 Covid Relief*Removed for violating ad policy
Family Friendly Michigan*March$4,000 $4,500 Covid Relief*Removed for violating ad policy
Family Friendly Michigan*August/September$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Michigan*August/September$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*February$4,000 $4,500 Paid Leave
Family Friendly Wisconsin*$100$199Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*March$3,500 $4,000 Covid Relief
Family Friendly Wisconsin*March$0$100Covid Relief
Family Friendly Wisconsin*$200$299Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*$200$299Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*July/August$200$299Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*July/August$200$299Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*July/August$200$299Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*February/March$6,000 $7,000 Child care
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*$400$499Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*March$4,000 $4,500 Covid Relief
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Healthcare
Family Friendly Wisconsin*March$100$199Covid Relief
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*July/August$200$299Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$100$199Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*July/August$200$299Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*May$400$499Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*February/March$3,500 $4,000 Social Security
Family Friendly Wisconsin*May$400$499Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*March$100$199Covid Relief
Family Friendly Wisconsin*March$200$299Covid Relief
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*February/March$900$999Healthcare
Family Friendly Wisconsin*February$0$100Healthcare
Family Friendly Wisconsin*March$1,500 $2,000 Covid Relief
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$0$100Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*July/August$200$299Org. Ad
Family Friendly Wisconsin*March$0$100Covid Relief
Family Friendly Wisconsin*January$100$199Org. Ad
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March$700$799Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$600$699Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March/April$2,500 $3,000 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$400$499Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$300$399Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$0$100Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$1,000 $1,500 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March$400$499Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*May$800$899Trump Covid Response
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March$300$399Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March$2,000 $2,500 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$900$999Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March/April$1,000 $1,500 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March/April$900$999Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March/April$400$499Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March/April$1,500 $2,000 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March/April$500$599Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March/April$300$399Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March/April$500$599Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$2,500 $3,000 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March/April$4,000 $4,500 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March/April$500$599Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*January/February$3,000 $3,500 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March$3,500 $4,000 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March$1,000 $1,500 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$300$399Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March/April$600$699Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March/April$2,000 $2,500 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$1,000 $1,500 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*January$1,000 $1,500 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$700$799Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March$1,500 $2,000 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March$2,500 $3,000 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$1,500 $2,000 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*June$0$100Health Care Under Trump
I Like Obamacare*March/April$1,500 $2,000 Healthcare
I Like Obamacare*March$1,000 $1,500 Healthcare
Obamacare*June$0$100Trump Covid Response
Obamacare*June/July$900$999Health Care Under Trump*Same ad as Protect our Care
Protect Our CareJuly/August$900$999Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJune/July$1,000 $1,500 Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJuly$0$100Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareAugust$200$299Health Care
Protect Our CareMay$100$199Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJuly/August$1,500 $2,000 Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJune/July$500$599Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJuly$0$100Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJuly/August$300$399Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJuly$0$100Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJuly/August$700$799Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJune/July$1,000 $1,500 Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJuly/August$500$599Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareAugust$100$199Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareSeptember$700$799Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJuly/August$900$999Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareAugust$0$100Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareSeptember$0$100Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareAugust/September$0$100Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareSeptember$2,500 $3,000 Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareSeptember$500$599Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareOctober$200$299ACB Nomination
Protect Our CareAugust$0$100Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareAugust$1,000 $1,500 Health Care
Protect Our CareAugust/September$0$100Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareSeptember$3,000 $3,500 Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJanuary$2,000 $2,500 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJanuary$1,000 $1,500 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJanuary$1,500 $2,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareMarch$5,000 $6,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareFebruary$2,000 $2,500 Healthcare Under Trump
Protect Our CareMarch$900$999Healthcare
Protect Our CareAugust$500$599Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJune$500$599Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareMay$0$100Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareAugust$1,000 $1,500 Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$1,500 $2,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJuly/August$700$799Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJuly-September$1,500 $2,000 Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJuly$200$299Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$3,000 $3,500 Healthcare
Protect Our CareAugust$0$100Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareMay$100$199Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareSeptember$300$399Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJanuary$1,500 $2,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJuly$0$100Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJuly-September$600$699Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJuly/August$200$299Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJuly$0$100Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$3,500 $4,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJuly/August$1,000 $1,500 Health Care
Protect Our CareJune/July$1,000 $1,500 Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareAugust$200$299Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJuly/August$200$299Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareOctober$200$299ACB Nomination
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$1,500 $2,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareAugust$100$199Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$2,500 $3,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$3,000 $3,500 Healthcare
Protect Our CareOctober$200$299ACB Nomination
Protect Our CareMay$500$599Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJanuary$2,000 $2,500 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJuly/August$1,000 $1,500 Health Care
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$2,500 $3,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJuly/August$1,500 $2,000 Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJanuary$1,000 $1,500 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$3,500 $4,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareAugust/September$500$599Sen. Gardner Fact Check
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$2,000 $2,500 Healthcare
Protect Our CareAugust$0$100Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$2,500 $3,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareAugust/September$200$299Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareOctober$200$299ACB Nomination
Protect Our CareJanuary$2,000 $2,500 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$3,500 $4,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareAugust$600$699Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareAugust$100$199Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareSeptember$500$599Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJune/July$1,000 $1,500 Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$2,000 $2,500 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$2,500 $3,000 Healthcare
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$3,000 $3,500 Healthcare
Protect Our CareAugust$100$199Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJuly/August$300$399Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareMay$0$100Healthcare
Protect Our CareJuly/August$300$399Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareSeptember$600$699Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareOctober$200$299ACB Nomination
Protect Our CareSeptember$0$100Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareAugust$100$199Trump Covid Response
Protect Our CareJuly/August$200$299Health Care Under Trump
Protect Our CareJanuary/February$2,000 $2,500 Healthcare
Total:$176,400 $234,111

Local Election Intervention

In May 2021, it was revealed that the Sixteen Thirty Fund had funneled $35,000 into a group supporting Democratic Anchorage mayoral candidate Forrest Dunbar. The funding came to light following an FEC complaint filed by Americans for Public Trust, a right-leaning watchdog group. 49 50

“Fake” Groups

Known Sixteen Thirty Fund Projects


“Dark Money” Criticism from the Left and Right

Arabella and its nonprofit network have been criticized as “dark money” funders both for channeling hundreds of millions of dollars to left-wing organizations and for hosting hundreds of “pop-up groups”—websites designed to look like standalone nonprofits that are really projects of an Arabella-run nonprofit. 15

In April 2021, the New York Times criticized Arabella’s “system of political financing, which often obscures the identities of donors,” as “dark money,” calling the network “a leading vehicle for it on the Left.” 5 In May 2021, the New York Times identified Sixteen Thirty Fund as one of the “leading dark money spenders on the Left” for quietly supporting Democrats with more than $63 million in super PAC donations that hurt Republicans in the 2020 election, as well for “help[ing] create and fund dozens of groups, including some that worked to block Mr. Trump’s nominees and push progressive appointments by Mr. Biden.” 6

Robert Maguire, research director for the far-left Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), said of Sixteen Thirty Fund in 2021: 12

“Altogether this is absolutely one of the largest fundraising machines I have ever come across . . . I am really struggling to think of any other group, especially recently, that could rival it,” he added, comparing the amount of money flowing through Sixteen Thirty Fund to the Koch brothers’ network at the height of its influence earlier this decade.

In November 2019, Politico criticized the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the 501(c)(4) advocacy wing of Arabella’s nonprofit network, as a “little-known,” “massive ‘dark money’ group [that] boosted Democrats” in the 2018 midterm elections with $140 million. “The money contributed to efforts ranging from fighting Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and other Trump judicial nominees to boosting ballot measures raising the minimum wage and changing laws on voting and redistricting in numerous states,” the left-leaning website reported. Politico also noted that Sixteen Thirty Fund’s biggest single donation (made anonymously) was for $51.7 million, “more than the group had ever raised before in an entire year before President Donald Trump was elected,” adding that “the group’s 2018 fundraising surpassed any amount ever raised by a left-leaning political nonprofit.” 16 However, Politico failed to tie the Sixteen Thirty Fund to Arabella Advisors’ nonprofit network.

The left-leaning Washington Post further criticized Arabella’s Sixteen Thirty Fund as a “big campaign donor” in a November 21, 2019 opinion by the editorial board, which called on Congress to change nonprofit disclosure laws, noting in particular a $26.7 million anonymous donation to the Fund. 17 However, the Post also failed to connect the Sixteen Thirty Fund to Arabella Advisors and its other three nonprofits.

In a November 24, 2019 letter to the editor published by the Washington Post, Capital Research Center president Scott Walter identified the $26.7 million donation as originating with the New Venture Fund, the largest of Arabella’s in-house nonprofits, and confirmed Politico’s suspicion that the Sixteen Thirty Fund is “part of a larger network of dark money.” 18

In November 2020 Politico called the Sixteen Thirty Fund a “liberal dark-money behemoth” and “one of the Left’s biggest financial hubs” for raising $137 million in 2019, much of which was spent on an “eight-figure ad campaign attacking Republican senators.” Politico also noted that “more than half of the Sixteen Thirty Fund’s money came from just three anonymous sources in 2019” and it made grants to over “100 different liberal organizations” that year. 9

The Atlantic: Arabella’s Political Activism Masked as Philanthropy

Arabella’s increasing prominence as the head of a large and influential network of political groups has earned the company attention from both left- and right-leaning media, which respectively praise or criticize Arabella’s political activism as it exists in the guise of “philanthropy.”

InsidePhilanthropy, a left-leaning website that examines trends in charitable giving, praised Arabella Advisors founder Eric Kessler in July 2021 as one of the 100 “most powerful players in philanthropy” for aiding “progressive causes” through his nonprofit network: 51

Since he founded Arabella Advisors in 2005, Kessler has built a complex network of nonprofit funds and pass-through entities that now channel hundreds of millions toward progressive causes annually—giving that soared under Trump.

Arabella Advisors maintains that its nonprofit network primarily serves philanthropic, not political, causes. A November 2021 interview with the Atlantic observed that “Arabella hates [the] narrative” that it controls a set of “innocuous-sounding . . . and promiscuously spawn[ed] mini-organizations” engaged in political causes. In its interview with Arabella CEO Sampriti Gangulithe Atlantic wrote: 52

The organization’s CEO, Sampriti Ganguli, insisted to me that she runs a relatively small business-services organization that does HR, legal compliance, accounting, etc., for clients such as the Sixteen Thirty Fund. Ganguli comes from a consultant background, and she talks like it: Arabella’s mission is to make philanthropy more efficient, effective, and equitable, she told me.

Of Arabella’s political spending, the Atlantic wrote: 52

Do you feel good that you’re the Left’s equivalent of the Koch brothers?

Ganguli: Yeah.

. . .

[Interviewer]: Okay. You guys have a narrative around you, which associates you with dark-money spending in America. I want to give you a clean opportunity to explain why you think that narrative is wrong.

Ganguli: I’m super surprised at the attention that Arabella Advisors gets. We’re a pretty small professional-services business. We make sure things get done on time, that the checks go where they need to go. We help donors figure out how to maximize their effectiveness. I struggle to fully diagnose the narrative.

What I will say is, on the work of the Sixteen Thirty Fund in particular, the narrative is often spun by a set of actors and agents who benefit equally, if not more, from the same legal structure. One of the reasons we don’t engage in this narrative is that it’s not at all the bulk of what Arabella Advisors does. Whenever organizations are looking to profile the work of philanthropy, we’re super excited to talk about that. But it has been my observation that the slog of day-to-day change doesn’t warrant headlines in a 24/7 media cycle.

[Interviewer]: Look, I take your point. But just to give you insight into the reporter brain: In 2020, the Sixteen Thirty Fund was the second-largest giver to super PACs in the entire country. The first was One Nation, a right-wing organization. The Sixteen Thirty Fund gave $61 million to super PACs. They’ve scaled up at a speed that is unprecedented. Your organization’s structure has even prompted people on the [R]ight to say, “Hey, I love what you’re doing. I’m going to reorganize in order to mirror you.”

I don’t think it’s that reporters don’t have a taste for covering long, slow, hard work. This political spending is newsworthy. And Arabella shares an address, resources, legal services, HR services, and all kinds of other things with the Sixteen Thirty Fund.

Ganguli: I don’t dispute your wanting to ask the question. I just worry that you’re asking the question to the wrong person.

The Atlantic attributed Arabella’s vast political influence to “the rush of panicked political giving on the Left during the Trump years” but added that “Arabella, as a mission-driven, progressive organization, is caught in a major tension on the [L]eft: How can progressive groups justify using billionaires’ money to influence American politics and civic life while earnestly advocating for a wealth tax or political-spending reforms?” 52

Illegal Election Intervention Complaint (2021)

On May 15, 2021, the right-leaning watchdog Americans for Public Trust (APT) filed a complaint (archived here) with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), which oversees political groups’ spending, alleging violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act by Hansjorg Wyss, the Wyss Foundation, the Berger Action Fund, the New Venture Fund (in its capacity as the parent of the Hub Project), and Sixteen Thirty Fund. 53 According to APT, “Mr. Wyss indirectly funded federal electoral advocacy through his nonprofit organizations,” failing to set them up as political action committees (PACs), and “the intended recipient of these funds was ultimately a variety of organizations whose primary purpose is to engage in electoral advocacy.”

Organizations which receive contributions in excess of $1,000 or makes contributions in excess of $1,000 in a calendar year is considered a PAC for the major purpose of influencing elections. PACs are subject to strict financial reporting requirements that 501(c)(3) and (c)(4) nonprofits are not. 54 The complaint points out that the Wyss Foundation, Berger Action Fund, and New Venture Fund, which are all 501(c) nonprofits, have failed to file a statement of organization with the FEC, despite Wyss contributing at least $56.5 million from the Wyss Foundation to the New Venture Fund and another $135 from the Berger Action Fund to the Sixteen Thirty Fund. The 501(c)(4) Sixteen Thirty Fund spent $30 million influencing the 2018 midterm elections in order to favor Democratic candidates, “thereby triggering classification as a political committee,” according to APT.

U.S. law strictly prohibits foreign nationals from making direct or indirect contributions to political action committees. 55 Wyss, who was born in Switzerland, resides in the U.S. under an “E-2 VISA” (which is intended for foreign investors who live and work in the country) and “is not a permanent resident of the U.S. under a ‘green card,'” according to his attorney. 56 The complaint cites $41,000 in illegal federal campaign contributions Wyss paid between 1998 and 2003, claiming that, “Since that time, [Wyss] has made indirect contributions and expenditures by means of an intricate network of organizations in a scheme to obscure his role as the source of these funds.” 57

APT alleges that Wyss established the Hub Project, a front for the “dark money” funder New Venture Fund and the recipient of significant funding from the Wyss Foundation, in order “to avoid any connection with the sizeable election activities carried out by the Hub Project and Change Now,” a super PAC associated with the Hub Project. “Operating since 2015 without the requisite FEC filing,” APT writes, “the Hub Project has been immune to any oversight and accountability despite significant spending in federal election.” It adds:

The Hub Project has served as a vehicle for the political spending of Mr. Wyss. This is demonstrated by the fact that Mr. Wyss has not publicly disclosed his role in founding the Hub Project. Neither his influence nor his financial support can be found anywhere on the group’s website. Rather, information regarding his involvement with the Hub Project was the result of “interviews with five people with knowledge of The Hub Project, an internal memo from another liberal group that was obtained by The New York Times.”

Hiding Political Agenda Behind “Fake News Sites”

The nonprofit watchdog OpenSecrets (published by the Center for Responsive Politics) reported in May 2020 on Arabella’s involvement in numerous “fake news sites,” pouring millions of untraceable dollars into advertisements and other digital content “masquerading as news coverage to influence the 2020 election.” 58

OpenSecrets identified five Facebook pages (Colorado Chronicle, Daily CO, Nevada News Now, Silver State Sentinel, Verified Virginia) that “gave the impression of multiple free-standing local news outlets,” but are in fact “merely fictitious names used by the Sixteen Thirty Fund,” Arabella’s 501(c)(4) lobbying nonprofit. 59 These pages published Facebook political advertisements that favored Democrats and left-wing causes during the 2020 election. After the report was published a number of these pages were deleted.

States Newsroom, which runs another network of left-wing “fake news” websites, was originally created as “Newsroom Network,” a project of the Arabella-run 501(c)(3) Hopewell Fund. In June 2019, States Newsroom was spun off as an independent nonprofit with its own 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, but a number of its local affiliates are used by the Hopewell Fund as its own legal aliases. 60

While States Newsroom does not disclose its donors (and is not required to by the IRS), 58

IRS application records obtained by OpenSecrets show the States Newsroom was offered a $1 million donation from the Wyss Foundation, a private foundation primarily funded by Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss, who made his fortune as CEO of a controversial medical device manufacturer called Synthes.

A financial statement in the IRS records obtained by OpenSecrets shows that the States Newsroom plans to bring in more than $27 million in contributions before the end of 2021.

And in 2018 the Hopewell Fund gave $1.72 million to News for Democracy, which OpenSecrets points out “was at the crux of a network of seemingly independent Facebook pages disguised as news outlets that started spending on digital ads in 2018,” with backing from the Sixteen Thirty Fund and Investing in US, an investment vehicle funded by LinkedIn founder and liberal billionaire Reid Hoffman. 58

Also among these “dark money” groups was ACRONYM, which raised $9.4 million from “secret donors” through April 2019, including $250,000 from Arabella’s 501(c)(3) New Venture Fund. ACRONYM is affiliated with a super PAC, PACRONYM, which spent close to $18 million aiding Democrats and hurting Republicans through independent expenditures in the 2020 election. 61 ACRONYM also owns and operates Courier Newsroom, which in turn manages a network of left-wing websites that present themselves as local news outlets while spreading “hyperlocal partisan propaganda,” according to the centrist watchdog Newsguard. 62 Courier Newsroom spent at least $20,000 in digital advertising campaigns on Facebook between March 2019 and May 2020; its total spending in Facebook ads as of June 2021 is nearly $1.4 million. 63 58


Eric Kessler, a former Clinton administration environmental policy staffer who previously served as principal of consulting firm Arabella Advisors, was president and chair of Sixteen Thirty Fund until he resigned in June 2021 for unknown reasons. 64 He also  previously served as the board chair for the New Venture Fund. 65 More than 100 progressive organizations boast connections to Kessler and the New Venture Fund. 66

Amy Kurtz is president and former executive director of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a position she’s held since November 2019. 67 Kurtz is also an independent consultant. Prior to joining Sixteen Thirty Fund, she was a senior advisor for America Votes, a left-wing get-out-the-vote nonprofit heavily funded by Sixteen Thirty Fund and other Arabella-run nonprofits. She has also worked as an associate director at the National Education Association, as a project manager at Defenders of Wildlife, and as a campaign director for the League of Conservation Voters. 68 In 2020, Kurtz earned total compensation from Sixteen Thirty Fund totaling $196,116. 69

Board of Directors

As of 2020 the Sixteen Thirty Fund board of directors consists of: 70

Raul Alvillar (board chair since June 2021): Executive vice president of Resolute, a public relations and communications firm, and former New Mexico State Director for Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. From 2014 to 2016 he served as the National Political Director for the Democratic National Committee. Prior to that he was political director for Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns, associate director in the Obama administration’s Office of Public Engagement, and a senior advisor for the Obama administration Public Engagement Office of Public Affairs. 71

Douglas Hattaway (board secretary): Democratic Party consultant and president of Hattaway Communications. Hattaway has worked as a spokesman and communication director for the presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton, former Democratic Sen Tom Daschle, and as State Press Secretary for Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Before that he worked as national spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign. 72

Dara Freed (board treasurer): American Democracy Institute vice president.

Jeff Cherry: Founder of the consultancy Conscious Ventures Partners.

LaToia Jones: Senior vice president of government affairs for Hustle, a peer-to-peer texting platform whose clients include many left-of-center organizations such as Planned Parenthood, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaigns. Jones also serves on the board at Higher Heights, a PAC dedicated to getting more black women elected to public office. 73

Former Board Members

Past Sixteen Thirty Fund board members include: 74

Eric Kessler (former board chair; resigned in June 2021): Founder, former principal and former senior managing director of Arabella Advisors.

Michael Madnik (resigned July 2018): Albright Stonebridge Group senior adviser.

Wilbur Priester (resigned Sept. 2019): Arabella Advisors chief financial officer.

Andrew Schulz(resigned Sept. 2019): Arabella Advisors general counsel.

Monica Dixon (resigned Sept. 2019): Former Democratic PAC staffer.

Cristobal Alex (resigned Feb. 2019): Latino Victory Project president.

Nathaniel Chioke Williams (resigned Feb. 2019): Hill-Snowdon Foundation executive director.

Key Staff

All of Sixteen Thirty Fund’s IRS Form 990 filings from 2009 to 2020 show zero employees. Instead, as stated in the organization’s 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 Form 990 filings, “New Venture Fund (NVF) is the paymaster for all managed organizations under Arabella for payroll[.] NVF pays the salary and immediately invoices Sixteen Thirty Fund, which pays the full amount back[.]” 75

In Sixteen Thirty Fund’s 2019 Form 990 the text is: “New Venture Fund is the payroll reporting agent for Sixteen Thirty Fund under the IRS common paymaster rules. Under the arrangement, Sixteen Thirty Fund reimburses New Venture Fund for its allocated share of salaries and benefits, which is reported on Form 990, Part VII.” 76

In 2020, the Sixteen Thirty Fund noted the following key employees: 77

  • Amy Kurtz, president (2020 total compensation $196,116)
  • Ryan Johnson, project director (2020 total compensation: $213,570), former director of the Fairness Project (a Sixteen Thirty Fund grant recipient) 78
  • Arkadi Gerney, project director (2020 total compensation: $148,321; Gerney worked 16 hours per week in 2020, which amounts to just under $178 per hour)
  • Patricia “Patty” Kupfer, campaigns director (2020 total compensation: $145,314), a former managing director for America’s Voice (a major Sixteen Thirty Fund grant recipient) from 2008-2015 and former activist for Colorado Families for a Fair Wage 79 80 81
  • Carl J. Walz, campaigns director (2020 total compensation: $143,555)
  • Amy Steinhoff, campaigns director (2020 total compensation: $162,534)

Past Sixteen Thirty Fund employees include: 82

  • Brad Woodhouse, project director (2019 total compensation: $203,992; Woodhouse worked 16 hours per week in 2019, which amounts to just over $245 per hour)


Between 2014 and 2020 (Quarter 4), the Sixteen Thirty Fund spent nearly $2.5 million in lobbying expenditures in the U.S. Congress (a version with the bills lobbied for is available here): 83

YearQuarterAmountLobbyistLobbying Firm
20204$40,000Fontenot, YvetteAvenue Solutions
20203$40,000Fontenot, YvetteAvenue Solutions
20202$40,000Fontenot, YvetteAvenue Solutions
20201$40,000Fontenot, YvetteAvenue Solutions
20194$40,000Fontenot, YvetteAvenue Solutions
20193$15,000Richard HealyHealy Consulting Group
20193$40,000Daniel Ritter, Tim Peckinpaugh, Kathleen Nicholas, Slade Gorton, Pamela Garvie, Paul Stimers, Laurie Purpuro, James WalshK&L Gates LLP
20193$190,000Daniel SchumanSixteen Thirty Fund
20193$10,000Maria Price, Robert Raben, Joe Onek, Diego Sanchez Gallardo, Timothy Lynch, Lawrence Gonzakez, Marit VangrowThe Raben Group
20192$15,000Richard HealyHealy Consulting Group
20192$40,000Daniel Ritter, Sean McGlynn, Slade GortonK&L Gates LLP
20192$160,000Daniel SchumanSixteen Thirty Fund
20191$15,000Richard HealyHealy Consulting Group
20191$90,000Daniel Ritter, Sean McGlynn, Eli SchooleyK&L Gates LLP
20191$110,000Daniel SchumanSixteen Thirty Fund
20184$15,000Richard HealyHealy Consulting Group
20184$50,000Daniel Ritter, Sean McGlynn, Steven Valentine, James Walsh, Tim PeckinpaughK&L Gates LLP
20184$10,000Sean VitkaPale Blue LLC
20184$530,000Daniel SchumanSixteen Thirty Fund
20183$15,000Richard HealyHealy Consulting Group
20183$60,000Daniel Ritter, Sean McGlynn, Steven Valentine, James Walsh, Kathleen Nicholas, Slade Gorton, Tim Peckinpaugh, Dennis Potter, W. Dennis StephensK&L Gates LLP
20183$10,000Sean VitkaPale Blue LLC
20183$150,000Daniel SchumanSixteen Thirty Fund
20182$15,000Richard HealyHealy Consulting Group
20182$60,000Daniel Ritter, Sean McGlynn, Steven Valentine, James Walsh, Kathleen Nicholas, John McHugh, Slade Gorton, Amanda Makki, Tim PeckinpaughK&L Gates LLP
20182$10,000Michele WymerKyle House Group
20182$10,000Sean VitkaPale Blue LLC
20181$15,000Richard HealyHealy Consulting Group
20181$40,000Daniel Ritter, Sean McGlynn, Steven Valentine, James Walsh, Kathleen Nicholas, Dennis Pooter, John McHughK&L Gates LLP
20181$10,000Michele WymerKyle House Group
20181$10,000Sean VitkaPale Blue LLC
20174$15,000Richard HealyHealy Consulting Group
20174$30,000Daniel Ritter, Sean McGlynn, Steven Valentine, James Walsh, Kathleen Nicholas, W. Dennis Stephens, Dennis Potter, John McHugh, Nicholas LeibhamK&L Gates LLP
20174$10,000Michele WymerKyle House Group
20174$10,000Sean VitkaPale Blue LLC
20173$10,000Robert EpplinEpplin Strategic Planning
20173$15,000Richard HealyHealy Consulting Group
20173$30,000Daniel Ritter, Sean McGlynn, Steven Valentine, James Walsh, Tim Peckinpaugh, Kathleen Nicholas, W. Dennis Stephens, Dennis PotterK&L Gates LLP
20173$10,000Michele WymerKyle House Group
20172$10,000Robert EpplinEpplin Strategic Planning
20172$30,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Sean McGlynn, Steven Valentine, Slade Gorton, James Walsh, Barton Gordon, Tim Peckinpaugh, Kathleen NicholasK&L Gates LLP
20172$10,000Michele WymerKyle House Group
20171$30,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Sean McGlynn, Steven Valentine, Slad Gorton, Tim Peckinpaugh, W. Dennis StephensK&L Gates LLP
20171$10,000Michele WymerKyle House Group
20164$20,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Sean McGlynn, W. Dennis StephensK&L Gates LLP
20164$10,000Michele WymerKyle House Group
20163$20,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Sean McGlynn, W. Dennis StephensK&L Gates LLP
20163$10,000Michele WymerKyle House Group
20162$20,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Sean McGlynn, James Walsh, Steven Valentine, Slade Gorton, W. Dennis StephensK&L Gates LLP
20162$10,000Michele WymerKyle House Group
20161$40,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Sean McGlynn, James Walsh, Steven Valentine, Slade Gorton, W. Dennis StephensK&L Gates LLP
20161$10,000Michele WymerKyle House Group
20161$10,000Sean VitkaPale Blue LLC
20154$40,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Sean McGlynn, James Walsh, Steven Valentine, Slade Gorton, W. Dennis StephensK&L Gates LLP
20153$40,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Sean McGlynn, James Walsh, Steven Valentine, Slade GortonK&L Gates LLP
20152$40,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Sean McGlynn, James Walsh, Steven Valentine, Slade Gorton, Dennis PotterK&L Gates LLP
20151$40,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Sean McGlynn, James Walsh, Steven Valentine, Slade GortonK&L Gates LLP
20144$40,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Sean McGlynn, James Walsh, Steven Valentine, Slade Gorton, W. Dennis Stephens Nicholas LeibhamK&L Gates LLP
20144$40,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, James Walsh, Steven Valentine, W. Dennis Stephens, Dennis Potter, Ryan SeversonK&L Gates LLP
20143$40,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Steven Valentine, W. Dennis Stephens, James Walsh, Nicholas Leibham, Sean McGlynn, Emanuel Rouvelas, Barton Gordon, William KirkK&L Gates LLP
20142$40,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Steven Valentine, W. Dennis Stephens, James Walsh, Dennis Potter, Nicholas Leibham, Barton Gordon, Sean McGlynn, William Kirk, Scott Aliferis, Tricia Markwood, Amy CarnevaleK&L Gates LLP
20141$40,000Daniel Ritter, Paul Stimers, Steven Valentine, W. Dennis Stephens, James WalshK&L Gates LLP


Financial Overview

Sixteen Thirty Fund: Financial Overview (2009-2020)
Total RevenuesTotal ExpendituresGrants PaidNet Assets
Grand Total:$1,085,031,129$917,732,522$638,093,405

The Sixteen Thirty Fund’s revenues grew 1,547 percent between 2009 and 2017.

From 2018 to 2019, the Sixteen Thirty Fund’s revenues decreased from $143.8 million to $138.7 million, a decrease of 3.8 percent. 84

From 2017 to 2018, the Sixteen Thirty Fund’s revenues increased from $79.6 million to $143.8 million, an increase of 80.8 percent. 85

From 2016 to 2017, the Sixteen Thirty Fund’s revenues increased from $21.3 million to $79.6 million, an increase of 274 percent. 86

From 2015 to 2016, the Sixteen Thirty Fund’s revenues increased from $5.6 million to $21.3 million, an increase of 278 percent. 87

Donors to Sixteen Thirty Fund

As a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, the Sixteen Thirty Fund isn’t required by the IRS to report its donors.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that the Sixteen Thirty Fund received $860,000 from four labor unions in 2015 and 2016, including the AFL-CIO and the National Education Association. 88

In 2017, the left-leaning group Avaaz Foundation granted $10,000 to Sixteen Thirty for “US Tax March,” likely indicating support for the Sixteen Thirty-run project Tax March, which lobbies for greater taxes on the wealthy. 89

Sixteen Thirty Fund also received over $4.5 million from the Atlantic Philanthropies, a Bermuda-based philanthropic enterprise that funded left-of-center organizations. 90 Other known funders of Sixteen Thirty include the Tides Foundation. 91

In 2018, Politico identified a handful of liberal donors to the Fund: 8

The group does disclose the amount of money of each donation, which shows several strikingly large contributions: One donor gave the group $51,705,000; a second gave $26,747,561 and a third gave $10,000,000. And The Hub Project disclosed three of its donors in 2017: Seattle venture capitalist Nick Hanauer, the union American Federation of Teachers and the Wyss Foundation, founded by businessman and environmentalist Hansjörg Wyss.

The second donor noted above is likely the New Venture Fund, since it shows a $26,747,561 grant to the Sixteen Thirty Fund for “capacity building.” 13

The following are all known grants and donors to the Sixteen Thirty Fund from 2010 to 2018 (excluding the Arabella-run nonprofits Hopewell Fund and New Venture Fund): 92

AFSCME$120,000 2018General Support
Chicago Instructional Technology Foundation$52,500 2018Net Neutrality
Communications Workers of America (AFL-CIO CLC)$50,000 2018General Support
Democracy Fund Voice$650,000 2018Law Works Action
Democracy Fund Voice$100,000 2018Demand Progress Action
Denver Area Educational Telecommunications Consortium$11,000 2018Demand Progress
Fairness Project$600,000 2018Program Services
Grove Action Fund$25,000 2018All Above All
Instructional Telecommunications Foundation$100,000 2018Net Neutrality
NextGen Climate Action$128,000 2018The Townhall Project
Planned Parenthood Action Fund$250,000 2018To support public affairs programs
State Engagement Fund$2,045,000 2018To support nonpartisan voter engagement and mobilization
Tides Advocacy$195,000 2018Equality and Human Rights
Tides Foundation$30,000 2018Economic development
AFL-CIO$10,000 2017General Contribution
AFSCME$120,000 2017General Support
Avaaz Foundation$10,000 2017US Tax March
Center for Community Change Action$50,000 2017Childcare Jobs
Center for Empowered Politics$30,000 2017General Support
Chicago Instructional Technology Foundation$60,000 2017Net Neutrality
Communications Workers of America (AFL-CIO CLC)$25,000 2017General Support
Demand Progress Action$626,298 2017The Fund's purpose is to engage in activism to promote civil liberties, privacy and open government
Democracy Fund Voice$100,000 2017Support for Demand Progress Action
Groundswell Action Fund$50,000 2017-
Instructional Telecommunications Foundation$90,000 2017Net Neutrality
Majority Forward$116,000 2017General Support
National Education Association$800,000 2017Financial Assistance
Public Citizen Foundation$5,000 2017Programatic Support
Tioga Fund$15,000 2017General support
1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East$15,000 2016Solidarity Contribution
AFL-CIO$200,000 2016Organizational Support
AFSCME$300,000 2016General Support
All Hands on Deck Network$7,500 2016-
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)$30,000 2016Related Organization Program
Center for Community Change Action$150,000 2016Childcare Jobs
Chicago Instructional Technology Foundation$20,000 2016Net Neutrality
Demand Progress Action$672,292 2016The Fund's purpose is to engage in activism to promote civil liberties, privacy and open government
Instructional Telecommunications Foundation$50,000 2016Voter Registration
National Education Association$550,000 2016Financial Assistance
American Unity Fund$310,000 2015Promote freedom for LGBT Americans
National Education Association$50,000 2015Financial Assistance
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union$10,000 2015General support
AFL-CIO$200,000 2014General Contribution
AFSCME$460,000 2014General Support
National Education Association$75,000 2014Financial Assistance
Western Conservation Action$15,000 2014Conservation Outreach
AFSCME$120,000 2013General Support
AFSCME$50,000 2012General Support
Progressive Future$12,500 2010Program Support

Grants from Sixteen Thirty Fund

While the Sixteen Thirty Fund primarily provides incubation (or fiscal sponsorship) services, it also pays out millions of dollars in grants each year. The Sixteen Thirty Fund paid $324 million in grants in 2020, $65 million in grants in 2019, $91 million in grants in 2018, $13 million in grants in 2017, $14 million in grants in 2016, and $6 million grants in 2015. 93

The following is a list of grants from Sixteen Thirty between 2013 and 2021: 94

Sixteen Thirty Fund Grant RecipientsYearAmount
1000 Women Strong2021 $100,000.00
9 to 5 National Association of Working Women2021 $50,000.00
A Better Big Sky2021 $40,000.00
A Better Wisconsin Together2021 $25,000.00
Accelerate the South2021 $225,000.00
Action Center on Race and the Economy2021 $250,000.00
ADRC Action2021 $30,000.00
Advance North Carolina2021 $210,000.00
Advancing AZ2021 $8,750,000.00
Alaska AFL-CIO2021 $153,875.00
Alaska Progressive Donor Table2021 $7,500.00
Alaskans for Better Government2021 $500,000.00
Alaskans for Posterity2021 $275,000.00
Alliance for Climate Education2021 $100,000.00
Alliance for Justice Action Campaign2021 $25,000.00
Allied Media Action Fund2021 $200,000.00
America Votes2021 $1,525,000.00
America Works USA2021 $100,000.00
American Bridge 21st Century2021 $2,100,000.00
American Clean Power Association2021 $1,500,000.00
American Energy Action2021 $500,000.00
Americas Voice2021 $950,000.00
Amplify New Hampshire2021 $4,174,774.00
Annie's List Training and Engagment Fund2021 $75,000.00
Arizona Human Rights Foundation2021 $115,000.00
Arizonans for a Just Democracy2021 $100,000.00
Avow Inc2021 $225,000.00
Battle Born Collective2021 $535,000.00
BBT Inc2021 $3,275,000.00
Be a Hero PAC2021 $25,000.00
Better Pennsylvania2021 $115,995.00
Big Sky Fifty Five Plus2021 $25,000.00
Black Male Voter Project2021 $65,000.00
Black Voters Matter Fund2021 $250,000.00
Black Women for Wellness2021 $10,000.00
Brady2021 $100,000.00
Building a Stronger Anchorage2021 $35,000.00
Buiness Action Fund2021 $125,000.00
Café Accion2021 $25,000.00
Care in Action2021 $90,000.00
Casa in Action2021 $200,000.00
Casa in Action PAC2021 $200,000.00
CASE Action Fund2021 $560,000.00
Centennial State Prosperity2021 $570,600.00
Center for American Progress2021 $50,000.00
Center for American Progress Action Fund2021 $150,000.00
Center for Civic Action2021 $75,000.00
Center for Community Change Action2021 $1,485,000.00
Center for Economic and Policy Research2021 $75,000.00
Center for Health and Democracy2021 $17,500.00
Citizen Action of New York2021 $125,000.00
Citizens Utility Board2021 $150,000.00
Civic Empowerment Coalition2021 $305,000.00
Civic Engagement Beyond Voting2021 $25,000.00
Civic Nation Action2021 $75,000.00
Clean Energy for America2021 $700,000.00
Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights2021 $20,000.00
Coloradans Creating Opportunities2021 $75,000.00
Colorado Values Project2021 $200,000.00
Committee on States2021 $25,000.00
Common Cause2021 $275,000.00
Common Defense Civic Engagment2021 $1,060,000.00
Commonwealth Communications2021 $35,000.00
Commonwealth Foundation2021 $77,000.00
Comunidades Organizando el Poder Y la Accion Latina2021 $30,000.00
Congressional Integrity Project2021 $500,000.00
Connecticut Citizen Action Group2021 $30,000.00
Conservation Voters for Idaho2021 $60,000.00
Deeds Actions Fund2021 $50,000.00
Defending Democracy Together2021 $500,000.00
Demand Justice2021 $1,982,613.00
Demand Justice PAC2021 $110,000.00
Demand Progress Action2021 $150,000.00
Democracy for America Advocacy2021 $25,000.00
Democratic Party of Virginia2021 $15,000.00
Down Home North Carolina2021 $215,000.00
Drug Policy Alliance2021 $50,000.00
Drum Major Institute2021 $250,000.00
Earthseed LLC2021 $222,000.00
Economic Justice Alliance of Michigan2021 $50,000.00
Electrification Coalition Foundation2021 $100,000.00
Energy Action Fund2021 $75,000.00
Environmental Defense Action Fund2021 $1,950,000.00
Environmental Voter Project2021 $240,000.00
Equity PAC2021 $100,000.00
Erie County Surj IE Committee2021 $40,000.00
Evergreen Action2021 $750,000.00
Every Elligible American2021 $400,000.00
Fair Future NC2021 $90,000.00
Fair Lines Colorado2021 $175,000.00
Fair Share Action2021 $1,950,000.00
Faith in Action Fund2021 $275,000.00
Faith in Minnesota2021 $240,000.00
Faith in Public Life Action Fund2021 $75,000.00
Families Against Mandatory Minimums2021 $125,000.00
Family Farm Action2021 $35,000.00
Family Forward Action2021 $75,000.00
Family Friendly Action Fund2021 $1,460,000.00
Family Friendly Action PAC2021 $185,000.00
First Institutional Baptist Church2021 $10,000.00
FLIC Votes2021 $125,000.00
Florida Consumer Action Network2021 $10,000.00
For Our Future Action Fund2021 $99,916.00
For West Virginias Future2021 $175,000.00
Free Fair PA2021 $25,000.00
Free Press Action Fund2021 $80,000.00
Freedom Virginia Inc2021 $114,000.00
FSIC American Innovation and Opputunity Fund2021 $10,000.00
Fund for a Better Future2021 $1,600,000.00
Future Now Action2021 $937,000.00
Galaxy Gives Action Fund2021 $25,000.00
Georgia Investor Action Fund2021 $25,000.00
GLPA Lead2021 $75,000.00
Hero Action Fund2021 $45,000.00
Highlander Research and Education Center2021 $10,000.00
Idaho Values First Foundation2021 $495,000.00
If Not Now2021 $50,000.00
Independent Restaurant Coalition2021 $216,357.00
Innovation Ohio2021 $70,000.00
Iowa Citizen Acton Network2021 $5,600.00
Iowa Forward2021 $85,000.00
Justice Forward Virginia2021 $50,000.00
Kansans for Constitutional Freedom2021 $15,000.00
Land Stewardship Action Fund2021 $50,000.00
Land Stewardship Project2021 $75,000.00
Lead PA2021 $75,000.00
League of Conservation Voters2021 $18,915,000.00
League of Women Voters of New Jersey2021 $50,000.00
Little Lobbyists Acton Network2021 $25,000.00
Living United for Change in Arizona2021 $540,000.00
Maine Peoples Alliance2021 $3,500,000.00
Mainers for Working Families2021 $238,000.00
Make the Road Action in PA2021 $330,000.00
March On2021 $300,000.00
Maryland Rise Inc2021 $70,000.00
Mexican American Legislative Policy Council2021 $200,000.00
Mi Familia Vota2021 $130,000.00
Michigan Civic Action Fund2021 $155,000.00
Michigan Democratic State Central Committee 21st Century Fund2021 $250,000.00
Michigan Peoples Campaign2021 $100,000.00
Michiganders for Fair Lending2021 $25,000.00
Mijente2021 $100,000.00
Minneapolis Area Synod2021 $20,000.00
Minnesota Youth Collective2021 $45,000.00
MN350 Action2021 $100,000.00
Moms Rising2021 $45,000.00
Montana Budget and Policy Center2021 $35,000.00
More than A Vote2021 $150,000.00
Move Texas Action Fund2021 $575,000.00
NAACP Atlanta Branch2021 $10,000.00
Nakasec Action Fund2021 $180,000.00
National Action Network2021 $250,000.00
National Black Women's Health Project2021 $15,000.00
National Conference of Democratic Mayors2021 $25,000.00
National Partnership for Women and Families Action Fund2021 $25,000.00
National Redestricting Action Fund2021 $250,000.00
NCAAT in Action2021 $50,000.00
NEO Philanthropy Action Fund2021 $25,000.00
Nevada Alliance2021 $45,000.00
New Day Nevada2021 $1,110,000.00
New Florida Majority2021 $280,000.00
New Georgia Project Action Fund2021 $225,000.00
New Rural Project2021 $50,000.00
New Venture Fund2021 $469,900.00
New York Communities for Change2021 $8,412.00
Newtown Action Alliance2021 $25,000.00
NM Native Vote2021 $25,000.00
North Carolina A Phillip Randolph Educational Fund2021 $25,000.00
North Carolina Black Alliance2021 $15,000.00
North Fund2021 $1,136,250.00
North Star Prosperity2021 $47,500.00
NRDC Action Fund2021 $2,000,000.00
Ohio Progressive Collaborative2021 $800,000.00
One for Democracy Action Fund2021 $225,000.00
Open Democracy PAC2021 $150,000.00
Opportunities for all Floridians2021 $57,000.00
Opportunity Arizona2021 $140,000.00
Organize Pennsylvania2021 $225,000.00
Organizers in the Land of Enchantment2021 $100,000.00
Our Voice Our Vote Arizona2021 $50,000.00
PAC for Justice2021 $150,000.00
Partnership for Innovation and Empowerment2021 $10,000.00
Partnership Project Action Fund2021 $6,705,000.00
Pennsylvania United2021 $225,000.00
Peoples Acton Institute2021 $200,000.00
Piedmont Rising2021 $40,000.00
Plan Action Fund2021 $100,000.00
Planned Parenthood Vermont Action Fund2021 $27,800.00
Plus Action Fund2021 $30,000.00
Poder NC Action2021 $50,000.00
Power Action Fund2021 $125,000.00
Progress Michigan2021 $50,000.00
ProgressNow2021 $105,000.00
ProgressNow New Mexico2021 $35,000.00
Promote the Vote2021 $150,000.00
Prosperity Michigan2021 $2,160,000.00
Protect MI Vote2021 $2,500,000.00
Red Wine & Blue2021 $75,000.00
Renew New England2021 $400,000.00
Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance2021 $150,000.00
Rights and Democracy Project2021 $120,000.00
Road to Michigan's Future2021 $100,000.00
Rocky Mountain Values2021 $30,000.00
Run for Something Action Fund2021 $600,000.00
Rural Arizona Action2021 $115,000.00
RuralOrganizing.org2021 $200,000.00
Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference2021 $10,000.00
Scale Inc2021 $50,000.00
Scholars Strategy Network2021 $13,853.00
Securing Americas Future Energy Alliance2021 $200,000.00
Siembra NC2021 $50,000.00
Small Business Majority Foundation2021 $20,000.00
Solar United Neighbors Action2021 $7,000.00
Somos Accion2021 $50,000.00
Stand Up America2021 $150,000.00
TakeAction Minnesota2021 $315,000.00
TakeAction Minnesota Education Fund2021 $50,000.00
Texas Freedom Network2021 $75,000.00
Texas Impact2021 $15,000.00
The Arena2021 $150,000.00
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence2021 $163,750.00
The Common Ground Project2021 $8,000.00
The Greenlining Institute2021 $150,000.00
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights2021 $50,000.00
The Organizing Alliance2021 $25,000.00
The Praxis Project2021 $50,000.00
The Terrell Bosley Anti Violence Association2021 $7,000.00
The Voter Project2021 $250,000.00
Tides Advocacy2021 $1,765,000.00
Tides Center2021 $50,000.00
Ultraviolet Action2021 $402,500.00
Unidos MN2021 $100,000.00
Unite Here Local 3552021 $20,000.00
United We Dream Action2021 $300,000.00
US Middle East Project2021 $61,250.00
Virginia Coalition for Progressive Values2021 $50,000.00
Virginia New Majority2021 $815,000.00
Voter Formation Project2021 $1,000,000.00
We the People Action Fund2021 $450,000.00
West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy2021 $125,000.00
Western Conservation Action2021 $275,000.00
Western Futures Fund2021 $107,850.00
Wisconsin Farmers Union2021 $50,000.00
Wisconsin Opportunity Coalition2021 $250,000.00
Women and Girls Foundation of Southwest Pennsylvania2021 $10,000.00
Working America2021 $50,000.00
Working America Education Fund2021 $70,000.00
Working Families Organization2021 $153,000.00
WorkMoney Inc2021 $25,000.00
Zero Emission Transportation Association2021 $100,000.00
A Better Big Sky2020 $200,000.00
Abortion Access For All2020 $100,000.00
Accountable Justice Action Fund2020 $100,000.00
Acronym2020 $51,000.00
Advance North Carolina Inc2020 $291,000.00
Advancing Az2020 $2,477,000.00
Alasksa Afl-Cio2020 $65,000.00
Alasksa Progressive Donor Table2020 $50,000.00
Alaskans For Posterity2020 $155,000.00
Alliance For A Better Minnesota2020 $142,000.00
Alliance For Youth Action2020 $1,450,000.00
Allied Media Action Fund2020 $125,000.00
America Promise Pac2020 $4,750,000.00
America Votes2020 $128,976,147.00
American Bridge 21St Century2020 $2,130,000.00
America'S Promise Action Fund2020 $200,000.00
Annie'S List Training And Engagement Fund2020 $25,000.00
Arizona Advocacy Network2020 $10,000.00
Asian American Advocacy Fund Inc2020 $150,000.00
Ballot Initiative Strategy Center2020 $25,000.00
Better Colorado Alliance2020 $400,000.00
Better Future For New Mexico2020 $50,000.00
Better Pennsylvania2020 $922,250.00
Big Sky Voters Pac2020 $25,000.00
Bipartisan Policy Center2020 $10,000.00
Black Male Voter Project2020 $300,000.00
Black Voters Matter Fund2020 $225,000.00
Blackpac2020 $2,250,000.00
Born To Run Colorado2020 $35,500.00
Business Action Fund2020 $20,000.00
Café Accion2020 $10,000.00
Care In Action Inc2020 $40,000.00
Casa In Action2020 $300,000.00
Casa In Action Pac2020 $150,000.00
Center For American Progress2020 $3,240,000.00
Center For Change A Northern Michigan Advocacy Group2020 $65,000.00
Center For Civic Action2020 $195,000.00
Center For Popular Democracy Action Fund2020 $508,799.00
Central Arizonans For A Sustainable Economy2020 $20,000.00
Chenge Now Inc2020 $5,930,000.00
Children'S Action Alliance Inc2020 $20,000.00
Coloradans Creating Opportunities2020 $250,000.00
Colorado Consumer Health Initiative2020 $27,600.00
Colorado Families First2020 $2,642,272.00
Colorofchange.Org2020 $23,986.00
Committee To Protect Medicare And The Aca Inc2020 $25,000.00
Common Cause2020 $635,000.00
Congressional Integrity Project2020 $1,000,000.00
Connecticut Citizen Action Group Inc2020 $60,000.00
Consumers For Affordable Health Care Foundation2020 $10,000.00
Cooperative For Assistance And Relief Everywhere Inc2020 $20,000.00
Count Mi Vote2020 $20,000.00
Cultivate Team Llc2020 $260,000.00
Defeat By Tweet Pac2020 $75,000.00
Defend Alaska2020 $150,000.00
Defending Democracy Together2020 $10,050,000.00
Election Security Center2020 $300,000.00
Emerging American Majorities2020 $850,000.00
Environmental Defense Action Fund2020 $1,000,000.00
Ethnic Minorities Of Burma Advocacy And Resource Center2020 $10,000.00
Fair Fight Action Inc2020 $2,229,000.00
Fair Future Nc2020 $1,050,000.00
Fair Lines Colorado2020 $63,000.00
Faith 20202020 $40,000.00
Faith In Action Fund2020 $250,000.00
Faith In Minnesota2020 $450,000.00
Faith In Public Life Action Fund2020 $238,250.00
Families Against Mandatory Minimums2020 $62,500.00
Family Farm Action2020 $50,000.00
Family Friendly Action Fund2020 $1,178,000.00
Family Friendly Action Pac2020 $300,000.00
Fight For The Base2020 $200,000.00
First Draft News Inc2020 $200,000.00
Flic Votes Inc2020 $250,000.00
Florida Voices For Health Inc2020 $16,000.00
Florida Watch Inc2020 $737,000.00
For Our Future Action Fund2020 $40,000.00
Forward Majority Action2020 $2,680,000.00
Freedom Action Now Inc2020 $15,000.00
Freedom Virginia Inc2020 $118,000.00
Future Forward Usa Action2020 $15,232,000.00
Future Forward Usa Pac2020 $7,500,000.00
Future Now Action2020 $734,000.00
Future Now Fund2020 $10,000.00
Georgia Investor Action Fund Inc2020 $600,000.00
Giffords2020 $120,000.00
Groundswell Action Fund2020 $16,433.00
Hero Action Fund2020 $30,000.00
Higher Ground Labs Management Llc2020 $415,930.00
House Majority Forward2020 $750,000.00
If Not Now Movement2020 $12,000.00
Iowa Citizen Action Network2020 $130,000.00
Iowa Forward2020 $1,205,000.00
Isssue One2020 $3,000,000.00
Justice Forward Virginia2020 $50,000.00
Kansas Values Institute2020 $300,000.00
Keep Our Republic2020 $50,000.00
Land Stewardship Action Fund2020 $10,000.00
Latino Victory Project2020 $14,650.00
Lead Nc2020 $25,000.00
Lead Pa2020 $25,000.00
Leading Colorado Forward2020 $1,500,000.00
League Of Conservation Voters2020 $3,515,500.00
League Of Women Voters Of New Jersey2020 $50,000.00
League Of Women Voters Of The United States2020 $500,000.00
Living United For Change In Arizona2020 $76,500.00
Maine Center For Economic Policy2020 $15,000.00
Maine Momentum2020 $1,936,000.00
Maine People'S Alliance2020 $60,000.00
Maine People'S Resources Center2020 $15,000.00
Majority Forward2020 $3,000,000.00
Make North Carolina First2020 $25,000.00
Make The Road Action In Pa2020 $150,000.00
Maryland Center For Economic Policy2020 $24,500.00
Mecep Action2020 $70,000.00
Michigan Civic Action Fund2020 $105,000.00
Michigan Peoples Campaign2020 $150,000.00
Mijente2020 $170,000.00
Millions Of Michiganians2020 $175,000.00
Missouri Jobs With Justice Voter Action2020 $25,000.00
Missouri Win2020 $200,000.00
Mn350 Action2020 $110,000.00
Momentum Action Inc2020 $50,000.00
Momsrising Together2020 $80,000.00
Montana Hunters & Anglers2020 $50,000.00
Montana Native Vote2020 $50,000.00
More Treatment For A Better Oregon2020 $250,000.00
Mothering Justice Action Fund2020 $30,000.00
Moveon.Org Political Action Fund2020 $235,000.00
Moving Nc Forward2020 $125,000.00
Msp Area Now2020 $15,000.00
Naral Pro-Choice Ma Inc2020 $9,489.00
Naral Pro-Choice Minnesota2020 $20,000.00
Naral Pro-Choice Virginia2020 $22,300.00
Nebraskans For Responsible Lending2020 $1,085,000.00
Network Education Program2020 $225,000.00
New America Foundation2020 $10,000.00
New Day Nevada Inc2020 $90,000.00
New Era Colorado Foundation2020 $24,067.00
New Florida Majority2020 $420,000.00
New Georgia Project Action Fund2020 $265,000.00
New Venture Fund2020 $8,232,242.00
Nextgen Climate Action Committee2020 $3,700,000.00
North Carolina Citizens For Protecting Our Schools2020 $575,000.00
North Fund2020 $19,390,584.00
Ohio Afl-Cio2020 $50,000.00
Ohio Organizing Campaign2020 $75,000.00
One Fair Wage Action2020 $150,000.00
One Fair Wage Inc2020 $25,000.00
One For All Committee2020 $550,000.00
Opportunity Arizona2020 $716,500.00
Organize Florida2020 $365,000.00
Organize For Justice2020 $20,000.00
Organize Pennsylvania2020 $400,000.00
Organizers In The Land Of Enchantment2020 $100,000.00
Pac For Justice2020 $50,000.00
Pacronym2020 $3,000,000.00
Pennsylvania Alliance Action2020 $175,000.00
Pennsylvania Fund For Change2020 $200,000.00
Pennsylvania Stands Up2020 $500,000.00
Pennsylvania United2020 $250,000.00
People'S Action2020 $326,000.00
Peoples Action Power2020 $100,000.00
Piedmont Rising Inc2020 $7,005,000.00
Planned Parenthood Action Fund Inc2020 $25,000.00
Poder Nc Action2020 $50,000.00
Policylink Equity Action Network2020 $12,580.00
Priorities Usa2020 $1,500,000.00
Priorities Usa Action2020 $4,500,000.00
Progress Michigan2020 $545,000.00
Progress North Carolina Action2020 $325,000.00
Progressive Change Institute2020 $12,500.00
Progressive Leadership Alliance Of Nevada Action Fund2020 $75,000.00
Progressive State Leaders Committee2020 $50,000.00
Progressnow2020 $160,000.00
Progressnow Arizona2020 $100,000.00
Progressnow Colorado2020 $114,000.00
Progressnow Colorado Education2020 $15,000.00
Progressnow Education2020 $5,211,000.00
Progressnow New Mexico2020 $90,000.00
Prosperity Michigan2020 $818,250.00
Protect Colorado'S Recovery2020 $200,000.00
Protect Minnestoa Advocacy Fund2020 $100,000.00
Purple Pac2020 $100,000.00
Pushblack Now2020 $700,000.00
Real Facts Nc2020 $43,000.00
Results Education Fund Inc2020 $31,335.00
Rocky Mountain Values2020 $1,590,000.00
Rural Arizona Action2020 $190,000.00
Rural Economic Development Center Inc2020 $13,800.00
Ruralorganizing.Org2020 $565,000.00
Ruralvote.Org2020 $25,000.00
Save My Country Action Fund2020 $85,000.00
Secure Democracy2020 $500,000.00
Secure Elections Project2020 $1,040,000.00
Senate Majority Pac2020 $500,000.00
Somos Accion2020 $150,000.00
Stand Up America Inc2020 $29,300.00
State Engagement Fund2020 $350,000.00
Story Network Foundation2020 $965,000.00
Sunrise2020 $950,000.00
Sunrise Pac2020 $500,000.00
Swpa Moving Forward2020 $11,500.00
Take Back 20202020 $5,150,000.00
Takeaction Minnesota2020 $615,000.00
Taskforce Llc2020 $400,000.00
Texas Organizing Project Political Action Committee2020 $100,000.00
The Center For Empowered Politics2020 $120,000.00
The Center For Media Justice2020 $120,000.00
The Coalition To Stop Gun Violence2020 $78,500.00
The Common Ground Project2020 $29,000.00
The Commonwealth Institute For Fiscal Analysis2020 $70,000.00
The Cooperative Impact Lab2020 $550,000.00
The Fairness Project2020 $226,000.00
The Hopewell Fund2020 $215,331.00
The Leadership Conference On Civil And Human Rights2020 $1,250,000.00
The Lincoln Project2020 $300,000.00
The Movement Cooperative2020 $250,000.00
The Organizing Alliance2020 $75,000.00
The People Over Profits Florida Inc2020 $7,500.00
The Ucla Foundation2020 $125,000.00
The Voter Project2020 $393,000.00
Tides Advocacy2020 $1,895,700.00
Tides Foundation2020 $350,000.00
Together Wisconsin Acts Inc2020 $75,000.00
Ultraviolet Action2020 $215,000.00
Unidosus Action Fund2020 $15,000.00
Unite The Country Inc2020 $100,000.00
United For Respect2020 $20,000.00
United We Dream Action2020 $125,000.00
Victory 20202020 $7,700,000.00
Virginia New Majority2020 $150,000.00
Virginia21 Action2020 $5,500.00
Vote Common Good2020 $225,000.00
Voter Protection Corps Education And Advocacy Fund2020 $341,000.00
Voters Organized To Educate - Vote Action Fund2020 $650,000.00
Voto Latino2020 $170,000.00
We The People Pennsylvania Action2020 $225,000.00
Western Organization Of Resource Councils2020 $25,000.00
Win Minnesota2020 $75,000.00
Wisconsin Farmers Union2020 $25,000.00
Women Vote!2020 $100,000.00
Women'S March Inc2020 $32,015.00
Working Families Organization2020 $150,000.00
Working Families Party National Independent Expenditure2020 $50,000.00
Workmoney Inc2020 $4,678,700.00
North Fund2019 $9,300,500.00
America Votes2019 $7,060,000.00
LCV Victory Fund2019 $6,787,500.00
Environment America2019 $4,900,000.00
Rocky Mountain Values2019 $4,050,000.00
Advancing AZ2019 $3,950,000.00
Maine Momentum2019 $3,850,000.00
League of Conservation Voters2019 $3,500,000.00
Iowa Forward2019 $2,900,000.00
Piedmont Rising Inc2019 $1,750,000.00
Future Forward USA PAC2019 $1,415,274.00
Green Tech Action Fund2019 $1,000,000.00
Senate Majority Project2019 $1,000,000.00
Movement Cooperative2019 $1,000,000.00
Center for American Progress Action Fund2019 $750,000.00
Secure Elections Project2019 $750,000.00
Nebraskans for Responsible Lending2019 $665,000.00
Fairness Project2019 $625,000.00
Accountable Justice Action Fund2019 $500,000.00
American Wind Action2019 $500,000.00
House Majority PAC2019 $500,000.00
MobilizeAmerica Inc2019 $500,000.00
New Venture Fund2019 $476,800.00
Center for Community Change Action2019 $300,000.00
Forward Majority Action2019 $290,000.00
Colorofchange.org2019 $250,000.00
Forward Florida Action2019 $250,000.00
Cooperative Impact Lab2019 $250,000.00
Maine People's Alliance2019 $200,000.00
New Day Nevada Inc2019 $200,000.00
Family Friendly Action Fund2019 $194,500.00
Moving NC Forward Inc2019 $190,000.00
Secure Democracy2019 $175,000.00
Iowa Citizen Action Network2019 $170,000.00
Living United for Change in Arizona2019 $165,000.00
American Bridge 21st Century2019 $150,000.00
High Ground Action Fund2019 $150,000.00
The Arena2019 $150,000.00
Virginia New Majority2019 $149,000.00
Opportunities for All Floridians Inc2019 $138,000.00
Families Against Mandatory Minimums2019 $125,000.00
Save My Country Action Fund2019 $125,000.00
Tides Advocacy2019 $109,137.00
Better Pennsylvania2019 $100,000.00
Coloradans for Prosperity2019 $100,000.00
Gun Violence Prevention Aciton Committee2019 $100,000.00
Heartland Forward2019 $100,000.00
League of Women Voters of Ohio2019 $100,000.00
Ohio Organizing Campaign2019 $100,000.00
Our Voice Our Vote Airzona2019 $100,000.00
Prosperity Michigan2019 $100,000.00
Protect Minnesota Advocacy Fund2019 $100,000.00
Real Justice PAC2019 $100,000.00
Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund2019 $92,000.00
Opportunity Arizona2019 $91,000.00
Arizonans for Secure Elections2019 $90,000.00
Maryland Citizens Health2019 $85,000.00
Maine Gun Safety Coalition2019 $80,000.00
Ceasefire Pensylvania2019 $75,000.00
Hoosier Action Inc2019 $75,000.00
Progress North Carolina Action2019 $74,000.00
Conservation Colorado2019 $70,000.00
Momsrising Together2019 $70,000.00
RuralOrganizing.org2019 $70,000.00
Alaska AFL-CIO2019 $65,000.00
Mainers for Working Families2019 $62,498.00
Arizona Wins2019 $61,268.00
Colorado Ceasefire Legislative Action2019 $60,000.00
Common Cause2019 $60,000.00
Clean Energy Economy Minnesota2019 $50,000.00
Colorado People's Action2019 $50,000.00
Communities Creating Opportunity Action2019 $50,000.00
Mothering Justice Action Fund2019 $50,000.00
National Democratic County Officials2019 $50,000.00
Neo Philanthropy Action Fund Inc2019 $50,000.00
Nevada Conservation League2019 $50,000.00
One Apia Nevada2019 $50,000.00
Renew Oregon Action Fund2019 $50,000.00
Stand Up For Ohio2019 $50,000.00
We The People Pennsylvania Action2019 $50,000.00
Hopewell Fund2019 $42,238.00
ProgressNow Colorado2019 $40,000.00
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence2019 $40,000.00
State Engagement Fund2019 $35,000.00
Woman Project2019 $35,000.00
ProgressNow2019 $33,750.00
Maryland Family Network2019 $30,707.00
Conservation Minnesota Voter Center2019 $30,000.00
Ohioans for Making Every Vote Matter2019 $30,000.00
Our Missouri Inc2019 $27,300.00
Alliance for Retired Americans2019 $25,000.00
Ballot Initiative Strategy Center2019 $25,000.00
Change Now Inc2019 $25,000.00
Coalition for DC Representation in Congress Education Fund2019 $25,000.00
Georgia Engaged Inc2019 $25,000.00
Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice2019 $25,000.00
New Jersey Organizing Project2019 $25,000.00
TakeAction Minnesota2019 $25,000.00
Way to Win Action Fund2019 $25,000.00
Progress Texas2019 $24,000.00
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence2019 $20,000.00
Cultivate Team LLC2019 $20,000.00
Represent.Us2019 $20,000.00
Young Women United2019 $20,000.00
NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia2019 $19,000.00
NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia2019 $15,000.00
OneVirginia20212019 $10,677.00
Connecticut Citizen Action Group2019 $10,000.00
Leaders Igniting Transformation Action Fund2019 $10,000.00
Patrick Rynard DBA PRPR LLC2019 $10,000.00
Progressive State Leaders Committee2019 $10,000.00
Social Good Fund2019 $6,000.00
America Votes2018 $27,150,000.00
League of Conservation Voters2018 $8,000,000.00
Nevadans for Secure elections2018 $6,250,000.00
Count MI Vote2018 $6,000,000.00
Raise up Missouri2018 $4,241,000.00
Save Our Neighborhoods2018 $3,500,000.00
Stop Deceptive Amendments2018 $3,500,000.00
Change Now Inc.2018 $2,822,500.00
Floridians for a Fair Democracy2018 $2,650,000.00
Coloradans for Fairness2018 $2,500,000.00
Coloradans to Stop Predatory Payday Loans2018 $2,075,000.00
Michigan Time to Come2018 $1,760,000.00
Fund for a Better Future Inc.2018 $1,750,000.00
Arkansas for a Fair Wage2018 $1,346,000.00
Environmental Defense Action Fund2018 $1,000,000.00
Forward Majority Action2018 $1,000,000.00
Good Jobs Colorado2018 $920,000.00
State Engagement Fund2018 $787,918.00
New Venture Fund2018 $778,000.00
Alliance for Youth Action2018 $750,000.00
Center for Popular Democracy2018 $701,500.00
The Fairness Project2018 $697,000.00
Justice Colorado2018 $600,000.00
No Cuts to Care PAC2018 $600,000.00
Coloradans Creating Opportunities2018 $545,000.00
Center for American Progress2018 $500,000.00
Ohio Safe and Healthy Communities Campaign2018 $500,000.00
Our Colorado Values2018 $500,000.00
Florida for All, Inc.2018 $480,000.00
North Carolina Citizens for Protecting our Schools2018 $400,000.00
Environment America2018 $357,300.00
Progress North Carolina Action2018 $355,000.00
Progress Now2018 $335,688.00
Kansas Values Institute2018 $325,000.00
Maine People's Alliance2018 $250,713.00
Color of Change Education Fund2018 $250,000.00
Michigan League or Responsible Voters2018 $250,000.00
Promote the Vote2018 $250,000.00
Progress Michigan2018 $240,000.00
Network2018 $225,000.00
Make North Carolina First2018 $223,000.00
American Bridge 21st Century2018 $200,000.00
The Arena2018 $200,000.00
ProgressNow Colorado2018 $191,700.00
One PA2018 $188,000.00
Vote No on Amendment 1, Inc.2018 $150,000.00
Common Cause2018 $125,000.00
Plan Action Fund2018 $125,000.00
Casa In Action2018 $100,000.00
Raise up Massachusetts2018 $100,000.00
Secure Democracy2018 $95,000.00
Arizona Wins2018 $93,300.00
People's Action Institute2018 $93,062.00
Battle Born Progress2018 $90,000.00
Green Tech Action Fund2018 $75,000.00
Momsrising together2018 $75,000.00
Stand Up for Ohio2018 $75,000.00
State Innovation Exchange2018 $75,000.00
Working People of Colorado2018 $75,000.00
State Employers Association of North Carolina2018 $73,700.00
Florida Alliance for Civic Engagement2018 $70,000.00
NC Justice Center2018 $70,000.00
The Hopewell Fund2018 $68,112.00
Fair Maps Colorado2018 $68,000.00
West Virginia Citizen Action Group2018 $55,000.00
Chirlaction Fund2018 $50,000.00
Colorado People's Action2018 $50,000.00
Community Voices Heard Power Inc.2018 $50,000.00
Faith in Public Life Action Fund2018 $50,000.00
hiladelphia Unemployment Project2018 $50,000.00
Kingdom Mission Society2018 $50,000.00
National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund2018 $50,000.00
Promise Arizona in Action2018 $50,000.00
The Movement Cooperative2018 $46,250.00
Alaska Conservation Voters2018 $43,500.00
Citizen Action of New York2018 $40,000.00
Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates Inc.2018 $40,000.00
Run For Something Action Fund2018 $40,000.00
The Arc of the United States2018 $40,000.00
American Cancer Society2018 $30,000.00
The Advocacy Fund2018 $27,000.00
Ballot Initiative Strategy Center2018 $25,000.00
Care in Action, Inc.2018 $25,000.00
PICO Action Fund2018 $25,000.00
Stand Up America PAC2018 $25,000.00
Women's Foundation of California2018 $25,000.00
Citizen Action Illinois2018 $20,000.00 Inc.2018 $20,000.00
Colorado Fiscal Institute2018 $17,750.00
Jannus Inc.2018 $17,750.00
Montana udget and Policy Center2018 $17,750.00
ACT Indiana, Inc.2018 $15,000.00
Social Good Fund2018 $15,000.00
We the People of Florida, Inc.2018 $15,000.00
Women's March, Inc.2018 $15,000.00
Black Youth Project 1002018 $12,500.00
Chicago International Social Change Film Festival2018 $12,500.00
Tides Center2018 $12,500.00
Urban Affairs Coalition2018 $12,500.00
The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Foundation2018 $12,000.00
Citizen Action of New Jersey2018 $10,500.00
Blue Institute Enterprises, Inc.2018 $10,000.00
Collective Future2018 $10,000.00
New Era Colorado Action Fund2018 $10,000.00
Organize Now Inc.2018 $10,000.00
Save the Children Action Network Inc.2018 $10,000.00
Texas Organizing Project2018 $10,000.00
Win Colorado2018 $10,000.00
TakeAction Minnesota Education Fund2018 $9,450.00
215 People's Alliance2018 $8,500.00
Economic Policy Institute2018 $6,000.00
40 Friends (We Care)2018 $5,000.00
Action NC2018 $5,000.00
Latino Victory Project2018 $5,000.00
Missouri Jobs with Justice Voter Action2018 $5,000.00
Pennsylvania Health Access Fund2018 $5,000.00
League of Conservation Voters (LCV)2017 $3,850,000.00
Partnership Project Action Fund2017 $1,160,000.00
Environment America2017 $1,100,000.00
Mainers for Health Care2017 $800,000.00
Natural Resource Defense Council Action Fund2017 $750,000.00
Raise Up Missouri2017 $500,000.00
Michigan Time To Care2017 $400,000.00
New Venture Fund2017 $313,722.00
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network2017 $310,846.00
Virginia New Majority2017 $285,196.00
Black PAC2017 $225,463.00
ProgressNow2017 $221,500.00
New Jersey Working Families Alliance2017 $215,000.00
Maine People's Alliance2017 $215,000.00
Black Progressive Action Coalition2017 $200,000.00
MoveOn Civic Action2017 $170,000.00
Color of Change2017 $150,000.00
New Florida Majority2017 $150,000.00
Organizing for Action2017 $150,000.00
Black Leadership Organizing Collaborative2017 $150,000.00
Raise Up Massachusetts2017 $110,000.00
Center for American Progress Action Fund2017 $110,000.00
Kingdom Mission Society2017 $105,000.00
Fair Share2017 $100,000.00
Our Revolution2017 $100,000.00
National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund2017 $100,000.00
Faith In Public Life Action Fund2017 $98,000.00
Working Families Organization2017 $90,000.00
California Calls Action Fund2017 $75,000.00
Center for Racial and Gender Equity2017 $75,000.00
Citizen Action of New York2017 $65,000.00
Citizen Action of New Jersey2017 $65,000.00
MomsRising Together2017 $60,000.00
Mijente2017 $50,000.00
America Votes2017 $50,000.00
Advance North Carolina Inc2017 $50,000.00
West Virginia Citizen Action Group2017 $50,000.00
NEO Philanthropy Action Fund Inc2017 $41,907.00
Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada Action2017 $40,000.00
Promise Arizona In Action2017 $40,000.00
Arizona Wins2017 $30,196.00
Citizen Action of Wisconsin Inc2017 $30,000.00
Center for Community Change Action2017 $28,000.00
Texas Organizing Project2017 $25,000.00
Action Inc2017 $25,000.00
Citizen Action Illinois2017 $25,000.00
Missouri Jobs with Justice Voter Action2017 $25,000.00
Arkansas Community Organizations2017 $25,000.00
TakeAction Minnesota2017 $25,000.00
Rights and Democracy Project2017 $25,000.00
Organize Now Inc.2017 $25,000.00
Washington Comm Action Network Education and Research Fund2017 $25,000.00
Delawareans for Social and Economic Justice2017 $25,000.00
Bread for the World2017 $25,000.00
Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Urias and Ward PA2017 $24,225.00
Arizonians for Fair Wage and Healthy Families2017 $20,000.00
Missouri Impact Inc2017 $15,000.00
Pennsylvania Health Access Fund2017 $15,000.00
Ballot Initiative Strategy Center Inc2017 $15,000.00
Tennessee Citizen Alliance2017 $15,000.00
ProgressNow Education2017 $15,000.00
South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce2017 $10,500.00
The Network2017 $10,000.00
Center for Responsible Lending2017 $10,000.00
US Black Chambers Inc2017 $8,000.00
The Hopewell Fund2017 $6,549.00
Battle Born Progress2017 $5,714.00
Environmental Defense Action Fund2016 $1,500,000.00
League of Conservation Voters2016 $1,300,000.00
Partnership Project Action Fund2016 $1,120,000.00
Civic Participation Action Fund2016 $1,100,000.00
Environment America2016 $1,100,000.00
Sierra Club2016 $1,000,000.00
Every Voice2016 $990,000.00
Center for Community Change Action2016 $975,000.00
For Our Future Action Fund2016 $600,000.00
Majority Forward2016 $500,000.00
Media Matters Action Network2016 $429,000.00
America Votes2016 $400,000.00
New Venture Fund2016 $379,964.00
State Engagement Fund2016 $250,000.00
Colorado Families for a Fair Wage2016 $224,500.00
Greater Wisconsin Committee Inc2016 $207,750.00
Arizonians for Fair Wage and Healthy Families2016 $190,000.00
Represent.Us2016 $150,000.00
Center for American Progress Action Fund2016 $125,000.00
New Virginia Majority2016 $120,000.00
Organize Now Inc.2016 $116,900.00
350 Action2016 $100,000.00
Advance North Carolina Inc2016 $100,000.00
Black Leadership Organizing Collaborative2016 $100,000.00
Color of Change2016 $100,000.00
New Florida Majority Education Fund2016 $100,000.00
New Florida Majority Inc2016 $100,000.00
Wisconsin Progress2016 $100,000.00
Americans United For Change2016 $98,860.00
Center for Racial and Gender Equity2016 $50,000.00
LCV Political Engagement Fund2016 $50,000.00
Make North Carolina First2016 $50,000.00
Ohio Organizing Campaign2016 $50,000.00
Voter Access Institute2016 $50,000.00
Leadership Conference On Civil and Human Rights2016 $49,000.00
Progressive Agenda Committee2016 $48,500.00
Alaska Conservation Voters2016 $47,500.00
Freedom for All Americans2016 $37,326.00
Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund2016 $37,000.00
Emerge Wisconsin2016 $35,000.00
Business Council of Alabama2016 $30,000.00
Community Organizations In Action2016 $25,917.00
Bus Federation Civic Fund2016 $25,000.00
House Majority PAC2016 $25,000.00
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law2016 $25,000.00
New Futures Fund2016 $25,000.00
NILC Immigration Fund2016 $25,000.00
US Global Leadership Campaign2016 $25,000.00
Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Urias and Ward PA2016 $22,500.00
Citizen Action of Wisconsin Inc2016 $20,000.00
Democratic Governors Association2016 $20,000.00
Free Press Action Fund2016 $20,000.00
Living United for Change In Arizona2016 $20,000.00
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin Inc2016 $20,000.00
Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters2016 $20,000.00
Working Families Organization2016 $20,000.00
All Hands On Deck Network Inc2016 $18,000.00
ProgressNow2016 $15,000.00
One Wisconsin Now2016 $14,000.00
We Are Wisconsin2016 $14,000.00
People for the American Way2016 $11,073.00
Enviornmental Advocates of New York2016 $10,000.00
Maine People's Alliance2016 $10,000.00
Raise Up Washington2016 $10,000.00
Working Families Party National Independent Expenditure Committee2016 $10,000.00
South Dakotans for Responsible Lending2016 $9,800.00
No On U2016 $6,000.00
Fight for the Future Education Fund2016 $5,000.00
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund2015 $1,925,000.00
The Partnership Project Action Fund2015 $1,450,000.00
Environmental Defense Fund2015 $675,000.00
Center for Community Change Action2015 $610,000.00
Fair Share2015 $550,000.00
Environment America2015 $475,000.00
Free Press Action Fund2015 $125,000.00
Americans for Tax Fairness Act2015 $100,000.00
Stand for Children Louisiana Inc2015 $80,000.00
350 Dot Org Action Fund2015 $75,000.00
Color of Change Education Fund2015 $75,000.00
Freedom for All Americans2015 $75,000.00
United Working Families2015 $75,000.00
Louisiana Federation for Children PAC2015 $70,000.00
Demand Progress Action2015 $55,000.00
Earth Day Network2015 $55,000.00
Center for Rights in Action Inc.2015 $50,000.00
Color of Change2015 $40,000.00
The Public Investigator2015 $28,578.00
SumOfUS2015 $25,000.00
US Global Leadership Campaign2015 $25,000.00
Pineros Campesinos Unidos2015 $20,000.00
Presente Action2015 $20,000.00
Citizen Action of Wisconsin2015 $14,000.00
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin Inc2015 $14,000.00
Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters2015 $14,000.00
New Progressive Network2015 $13,000.00
Bread for the World2015 $12,500.00
Church World Service2015 $12,500.00
Northwest Health Foundation2015 $10,000.00
One Nation Forward2015 $5,000.00
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund2014 $1,450,000.00
The Partnership Project Action Fund2014 $1,250,000.00
Environmental Defense Action Fund2014 $1,200,000.00
Sierra Club2014 $900,000.00
Patriot Majority USA2014 $660,000.00
Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions2014 $500,000.00
American Wind Energy Association2014 $350,000.00
Texas Organizing Project2014 $290,000.00
Mi Familia Vota2014 $270,000.00
America Votes2014 $265,000.00
Center for American Progress2014 $250,000.00
Florida New Majority2014 $215,000.00
Color of Change2014 $200,000.00
Center for Rights in Action Inc.2014 $180,000.00
NAACP National Voter Fund2014 $150,000.00
National Council of La Raza Action Fund2014 $140,000.00
Stand Up for Ohio2014 $115,000.00
CA Calls Action Fund2014 $100,000.00
Voter Access Institute2014 $100,000.00
Ohio Organizing Campaign2014 $90,000.00
New Progressive Network2014 $85,000.00
Higher Heights for America2014 $75,000.00
National Action Network2014 $75,000.00
Power PAC Org.2014 $70,000.00
Advancement Project2014 $50,000.00
Blueprint NC2014 $50,000.00
Latino Victory Project - A Project of the New Venture Fund2014 $50,000.00
Organize Now Inc.2014 $50,000.00
People for the American Way2014 $50,000.00
Pineros Campesinos Unidos2014 $50,000.00
State Voices2014 $45,000.00
Georgia Equality Inc.2014 $35,000.00
Mobilize the Immigrant Vote Action2014 $30,000.00
Wisconsin Voices2014 $30,000.00
Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund2014 $25,000.00
Circ Action Fund2014 $25,000.00
New Era Colorado Action Fund2014 $25,000.00
The People's Lobby2014 $25,000.00
Virginia New Majority2014 $25,000.00
Kenwood Oakland Community Organization2014 $20,000.00
Florida Planned Parenthood2014 $15,000.00
MOSES2014 $15,000.00
TakeAction Minnesota2014 $15,000.00
Bread for the World2014 $12,500.00
Church World Service2014 $12,500.00
Utahns for Public Lands and Recreation2014 $12,045.00
A. Philip Randolph Institute2014 $10,000.00
Equality Florida Action2014 $10,000.00
Kick2014 $10,000.00
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)2014 $10,000.00
New Voices Pittsburgh2014 $10,000.00
ADA2014 $7,500.00
ICAN2014 $7,500.00
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement2014 $7,500.00
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund2013 $850,000.00
State Voices2013 $180,000.00
Wellstone Action2013 $150,000.00
A Whole Lot of People for John Morse2013 $35,000.00
New Venture Fund2013 $35,000.00
Pueblo United For Angela2013 $35,000.00
Amnesty International USA2013 $25,000.00
ProgressNow2013 $12,500.00

Consulting and Management Fees

Between 2009 and 2019, Sixteen Thirty Fund paid almost $48 million in contracting and management fees to other organizations, notably Arabella Advisors, the for-profit company closely associated with Sixteen Thirty Fund and its “sister” nonprofits. 95

Sixteen Thirty Fund Contractors
ContractorTotal (2009-2019)
Arabella Advisors$9,537,923
Buying Time LLC$6,693,226
Targeted Platform Media$5,396,502
Blueprint Interactive$2,887,800
Mothership Strategies LLC$2,415,000
Ethica Media LLC$1,739,975
Screen Strategies Media$1,500,525
Revolution Messaging LLC$1,287,619
OTG Strategies Inc$1,015,000
Block By Block Inc$527,950
K&L Gates$450,740
Precision Strategies$1,643,068
Democracy Alliance$400,000
Information Staffing Services$339,548
US Action$264,500
Freedman Consulting LLC$235,000
Arabella Philanthropic Investment$162,604
Community Organizations in Action$151,500
Americans for Democratic Action$132,500
Jochum Shore & Trossevin PC$126,000
Seligman Consulting$108,350
The Konkurrenz Group$108,000
The Atlas Project$107,250

In 2019, the Sixteen Thirty Fund paid its highest contractor, Arabella Advisors, $3.5 million in administration, operations, and management services fees. Other major contractors included Mothership Strategies LLC ($2.4 million), Screen Strategies Media ($1.5 million), Precision Strategies ($1.2 million), and OTG Strategies ($1.02 million). 96

In 2018, the Sixteen Thirty Fund paid its highest contractor, Targeted Platform Media, $5.4 million in consulting fees. Other major contractors paid that year include Arabella Advisors at $3.5 million; SKDKickerbocker at $3.3 million; Buying Time LLC at $3 million; and Blueprint Interactive at $2.9 million. 97

In 2017, the Sixteen Thirty Fund paid its highest contractor, SKDKnickerbocker, $7.1 million in consulting fees. The other highest contractors for that year include Buying Time LLC, which received $3.7 million; Arabella Advisors, for $2.1 million; Ethica Media, for $1.7 million; and Revolution Messaging, for $1.3 million. 98

In 2016, the Sixteen Thirty Fund paid $400,000 in consulting fees to the left-wing Democracy Alliance. It also hired Arabella Advisors, which was paid $789,891 in consulting fees; SKDKnickerbocker for $268,944; Block By Block, Inc. for $527,950; and Precision Strategies for $435,141. 99

Financial Documents

The Sixteen Thirty Fund’s Application for Recognition of Exemption (Form 1024) was filed with the IRS on August 31, 2009, and is available here.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund’s IRS Form 990 filings for 2016-2020 were obtained by the Capital Research Center and are available here:

The Sixteen Thirty Fund’s lobbying disclosure (LD-2) form is available here.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund’s IRS 1024 application for recognition of tax exempt status by the IRS is available here; the file also includes:

  • a description of Sixteen Thirty Fund’s charitable activities as a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, including a “public communications program,” limited lobbying activity, “organizational coalition building,” “community leadership development,” and “grassroots lobbying and non-partisan civic engagement”;
  • the nonprofit’s founding board of directors (Eric Kessler, Brian Kathman, and Molly McUsic), as well as their “qualifications”;
  • a list of the Fund’s initial grantees: Americans United for Change, USAction, Working America, ACORN, and the Sierra Club;
  • Sixteen Thirty Fund’s articles of incorporation filed with the District of Columbia on February 19, 2009;
  • the nonprofit’s bylaws; and
  • an administrative agreement between the Sixteen Thirty Fund and Arabella Advisors, authorizing the latter to provide paid management services to the former.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund received recognition of its tax exempt status from the IRS on August 31, 2009; the letter is available here.


  1. “Sixteen Thirty Fund.” Sixteen Thirty Fund. Accessed April 18, 2017.
  2. Form 1024 Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(a). Sixteen Thirty Fund. Archived here:
  3. Markay, Lachan. “Over 100 Left-Wing Groups Sourced to DC Dark Money Outfit.” Washington Free Beacon. October 22, 2015. Accessed February 18, 2017.
  4. Bland, Scott. “Liberal Secret-money Network Hammers House GOP.” Politico. July 29, 2018. Accessed January 08, 2019.
  5. Kenneth P. Vogel, Katie Robertson. “Top Bidder for Tribune Newspapers Is an Influential Liberal Donor.” New York Times. April 13, 2021. Accessed April 14, 2021.
  6. Kenneth P. Vogel. “Swiss Billionaire Quietly Becomes Influential Force Among Democrats.” New York Times. May 3, 2021.
  7. Emma Green. “The Massive Progressive Dark-Money Group You’ve Never Heard Of.” The Atlantic. Nov. 2, 2021. Accessed Jan. 7, 2022.
  8. Scott Bland and Maggie Severns. “Documents reveal massive ‘dark-money’ group boosted Democrats in 2018.” Politico. November 19, 2019. Accessed November 21, 2019.
  9. Scott Bland. “Liberal dark-money behemoth raised nearly $140M last year.” Politico. November 20, 2020. Accessed Nov. 23, 2020.
  10. Oprysko, Caitlin. “Maloney Aide Heading Back to K Street,” December 9, 2020.
  11. Daniel Pozen. “The Tax-Code Shift That’s Changing Liberal Activism.” The Atlantic. November 27, 2018. Accessed May 28, 2019.
  12. Scott Bland. “Liberal ‘dark-money’ behemoth funneled more than $400M in 2020.” Politico. Nov. 17, 2021. Accessed Nov. 22, 2021.
  13. See page 113 out of 146 of
  14. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2018. Schedule O.

    See page 59 out of 62:

  15. Hayden R. Ludwig. “Big Money in Dark Shadows: Arabella Advisors’ Half-billion-dollar ‘Dark Money’ Network.” Capital Research Center (
  16. Scott Bland, Maggie Severns. “Documents reveal massive ‘dark-money’ group boosted Democrats in 2018.” Politico. November 19, 2019. Accessed January 7, 2020.
  17. Washington Post Editorial Board. “Big campaign donors have exploited a loophole. Congress must change the law.” Washington Post. November 21, 2019. Accessed January 7, 2020.
  18. Scott Walter. “Letter to the Editor: This organization traced the supposed ‘dark money’s’ origins.” Washington Post. November 24, 2019. Accessed January 7, 2020.
  19. Fenton, Jacob. “Liberal dark money group eyeing Iowa TV ads.” Sunlight Foundation. April 14, 2015. Accessed January 10, 2017.
  20. See the AFL-CIO and AFSCME Department of Labor Annual Reports (Forms LM-2) from FY 2015.
  21. Hiram Lee. “Activist group ACORN collapses following witch-hunt.” World Socialist Web Site. March 25, 2010. Accessed November 26, 2019.
  22. Pollack, Harold. “The Group that Got Health Care Reform Passed is Declaring Victory and Going Home.” The Washington Post. January 5, 2014. Accessed June 20, 2017.
  23. Hayden Ludwig. “Out of Darkness, Cash: Sixteen Thirty in Action.” Capital Research Center. April 17, 2019. Accessed November 26, 2019.
  24. Eidelson, Josh. “On the Road With Working America.” The Nation. October 10, 2012. Accessed April 27, 2017.
  25. Roper, Peter. “Outside money helps Giron.” Pueblo Chieftain. June 10, 2013. Accessed April 18, 2017.
  26. Bunch, Joey. “Angela Giron ousted in Colorado recall election, thanks supporters in Pueblo.” The Denver Post. April 28, 2016. Accessed April 18, 2017.
  27. Gardner, Aaron . “Sen. Morse Claims to Fight Outside Interest Groups While Outside Interest Groups Fund Pro Morse Campaign.” Media Trackers. June 17, 2013. Accessed April 19, 2017.
  28. Lee, Kurtis . “Sen. John Morse ousted in historic vote, vows to “continue to fight”.” The Denver Post. April 28, 2016. Accessed April 19, 2017.
  29. Markay, Lachlan . “Left-Wing Front Groups Make Anti-Trump Money Untraceable.” Washington Free Beacon. February 22, 2017. Accessed April 20, 2017. .
  30. Gattoni-Celli, Luca. “National Tax March Planners Lean Left as April 15 Events Near.” Tax Analysts. April 11, 2017. Accessed April 19, 2017.
  31. Sixteen Thirty Fund, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990), 2015, Schedule I Part II
  32. Alex Seitz-Wald. “Democrats used to rail against ‘dark money.’ Now they’re better at it than the GOP.” NBC News. September 13, 2020. Accessed September 14, 2020.
  33. Hancock, Jason. “Dark Money Group Drops $3 Million into Missouri Minimum Wage Campaign.” Kansascity. September 4, 2018. Accessed September 06, 2018.
  34. “Sixteen Thirty Fund Outside Spending Summary 2018.” Center for Responsive Politics. Accessed March 22, 2019.
  35. Meyer, Theodoric. “KGL Investment Adds Another Lobbying Firm.” POLITICO, November 20, 2019.
  36. Sarbanes, and John P. “Text – H.R.1 – 116th Congress (2019-2020): For the People Act of 2019.”, March 14, 2019.
  37. Shane Goldmacher. “Biden Banks $242 Million as Big-Name Donors Write Huge Checks.” New York Times. July 16, 2020.
  38. “Outside Spending Summary 2020: Sixteen Thirty Fund.” Center for Responsive Politics (OpenSecrets). Accessed Dec. 14, 2020.
  39. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. Schedule C (Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities). Part I-A, Line 2.


  40. Data from FEC. Search criteria: Donations from Sixteen Thirty Fund for the 2019-20 election cycle. Search conducted Dec. 14, 2020. Results here:
  41. Karl Evers-Hillstrom. “Pro-Biden super PAC funds $100 million ad campaign with ‘dark money.'” Center for Responsive Politics. October 23, 2020. Accessed November 23, 2020.
  42. Lincoln Project: Contributions. 2019-2020 Cycle. Accessed November 23, 2020.
  43. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2020. Schedule I.
  44. Facebook Ad Library: Ads for Family Friendly Michigan. Accessed Dec. 14, 2020. Original URL:[direction]=desc&sort_data[mode]=relevancy_monthly_grouped

    Also see FFM’s Sixteen Thirty Fund disclaimer, captured here:

  45. Schoffstall, Joe. “Liberal Dark Money-Led Coalition Cranks up Pressure on Manchin, Democrats to Nuke Filibuster.” Fox News. FOX News Network, June 3, 2021.
  46. “Over 100 Organizations Send Letter Calling on Senate Majority Leader Schumer to Eliminate the Filibuster.” Fix Our Senate, June 3, 2021.
  47. “HR1, ‘For the People Act of 2021.’” Ballotpedia. Accessed June 7, 2021.,_%22For_the_People_Act_of_2021%22.
  48. Facebook Ad Library: Including text “Sixteen Thirty Fund.” Search conducted Dec. 14, 2020.[direction]=desc&sort_data[mode]=relevancy_monthly_grouped
  49. Downing, Suzanne. “Dark Money Trail: Backing Dunbar for Mayor, Sixteen Thirty Fund in Hot Water over Major Foreign Donor Pouring Millions into Races.” Must Read Alaska, May 17, 2021.
  50. Alaska Secretary of State: Campaign Finance. “Building a Stronger Anchorage.” Report period 02/02/21 — 03/05/21. Accessed May 17, 2021. Original URL:

  51. IP Staff. “The IP Power List: Meet the 100 Most Powerful Players in Philanthropy.” InsidePhilanthropy. July 21, 2021. Accessed July 23, 2021.
  52. Emma Green. “The Massive Progressive Dark-Money Group You’ve Never Heard Of.” The Atlantic. Nov. 2, 2021. Accessed Jan. 7, 2022.
  53. Americans for Public Trust: Complaint to Federal Elections Commission regarding Wyss Foundation. Filed May 15, 2021. Original URL: Archived URL:
  54. 52 USC 30101: Definitions. From Title 52-VOTING AND ELECTIONS. U.S. House of Representatives. Accessed May 17, 2021.
  55. “Foreign nationals.” Federal Election Commission. June 23, 2017. Accessed May 17, 2021.
  56. “E-2 Treaty Investors.” U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Accessed May 17, 2021.
  57. Richard Pollock. “EXCLUSIVE: Foreign Clinton Donor Made Donations To US Campaigns.” The Daily Caller. Feb. 28, 2016. Accessed May 17, 2021.
  58. Anna Massoglia. “‘Dark money’ networks hide political agendas behind fake news sites.” Center for Responsive Politics (OpenSecrets). May 22, 2020. Accessed June 14, 2021.
  59. Anna Massoglia. “Sixteen Thirty Fund Incorporation Records.” Center for Responsive Politics. Accessed June 14, 2021.
  60. Anna Massoglia. “Hopewell Fund Fictitious Names.” Center for Responsive Politics. Accessed June 14, 2021.
  61. PACRONYM: Disbursements, 2019-2020. Federal Election Commission. Accessed June 14, 2021.
  62. Gabby Deutch. “A website wanted to restore trust in the media. It’s actually a political operation.” Washington Post. Feb. 6, 2020. Accessed June 14, 2021.
  63. Cardinal & Pine: Total spending. Facebook Ad Library. Accessed June 14, 2021.[direction]=desc&sort_data[mode]=relevancy_monthly_grouped&search_type=page&media_type=all
  64. “Our People.” Arabella Advisors. Accessed April 20, 2017.
  65. “Board of Directors.” New Venture Fund. Accessed April 20, 2017.
  66. Markay, Lachlan. “Over 100 Left-Wing Groups Sourced to DC Dark Money Outfit.” Washington Free Beacon. October 22, 2015. Accessed April 20, 2017.
  67. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2019-2020. Part VII, Section A.
  68. “Amy Kurtz – Executive Director – Sixteen Thirty Fund …” Accessed November 18, 2021.
  69. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2020. Part VII, Section A. Archived:
  70. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990) (multiple). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2020. Part VII, Section A.
  71. “Raul M. Alvillar.” Sixteen Thirty Fund, October 14, 2021.
  72. “Doug Hattaway – President – Hattaway Communications | Linkedin.” Accessed November 18, 2021.
  73. “Latoia Jones.” Higher Heights for America PAC. Accessed November 18, 2021.
  74. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990) (multiple). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2016-2020. Part VII, Section A.
  75. See page 59 out of 62 of
  76. See PDF page 72 out of 81 of
  77. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2020. Part VII, Section A.
  78. Ryan Johnson’s LinkedIn Profile. Captured Nov. 23, 2020. Original URL: Archived URL:
  79. Pili Tobar. “Statement from Managing Director of America’s Voice Patty Kupfer on Her Civil Disobedience Arrest Today.” America’s Voice. September 12, 2013. Accessed November 23, 2020.
  80. “LinkedIn Profile: Patty Kupfer.” LinkedIn. Accessed Nov. 23, 2020.
  81. “Possible Fraud Investigated In Connection With Minimum Wage Initiative.” CBS Denver. August 30, 2016. Accessed Nov. 23, 2020.
  82. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2019. Part VII, Section A.
  83. Data gathered from lobbying disclosures, U.S. Senate Lobbying Disclosure Act Database. Sixteen Thirty Fund. Search conducted January 2021.

    Also see PDF spreadsheet with the list of bills and issues lobbied for here:

  84. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2018-2019. Part I, Line 12.
  85. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2017-2018. Part I, Line 12.
  86. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2016-2017. Part I, Line 12.
  87. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2015-2016. Part I, Line 12.
  88. Markay, Lachlan. “Left-Wing Front Groups Make Anti-Trump Money Untraceable.” Washington Free Beacon. February 22, 2017. Accessed April 20, 2017.
  89. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Avaaz Foundation. 2017. Schedule I.
  90. Maghami, Neil. “A Donor Can Stand Up: Battling over donor intent at the Atlantic Philanthropies.” Capital Research Center. April 13, 2015. Accessed April 20, 2017.
  91. Tides Foundation, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990), 2014, Schedule I
  92. Data gathered from various Form 990 filings obtained via ProPublica Advanced Search:
  93. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990) (multiple). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2015-2020. Schedule I, Part II (Grants Paid)
  94. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990) (multiple). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2015-2021. Schedule I (list of grants)
  95. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund (2009 – 2019). Part VII, Section B (Independent Contractors).
  96. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2019. Part I. Section B (Independent Contractors).
  97. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2018. Part I. Section B (Independent Contractors).
  98. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2017. Part I. Section B (Independent Contractors).
  99. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Sixteen Thirty Fund. 2016. Part I. Section B (Independent Contractors).
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: August 1, 2009

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2021 Dec Form 990 $190,651,953 $173,564,342 $97,684,457 $18,255,737 N $189,474,937 $21,000 $69,224 $189,198
    2020 Dec Form 990 $389,684,866 $410,038,247 $85,994,861 $24,090,178 N $388,206,178 $90,546 $424,581 $196,116
    2019 Dec Form 990 $138,371,684 $98,641,867 $92,236,003 $9,877,939 Y $137,151,711 $216,373 $595,922 $26,007
    2018 Dec Form 990 $143,837,877 $141,396,752 $45,335,085 $2,821,838 Y $143,309,203 $221,600 $50,101 $0 PDF
    2017 Dec Form 990 $79,559,836 $46,893,083 $43,614,008 $3,741,886 Y $79,372,569 $146,270 $194 $0 PDF
    2016 Dec Form 990 $21,258,592 $19,660,860 $7,840,711 $635,342 N $21,155,860 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2015 Dec Form 990 $5,617,209 $8,660,897 $6,667,545 $1,059,908 N $5,577,209 $40,000 $0 $0 PDF
    2014 Dec Form 990 $16,523,735 $10,880,643 $9,157,873 $506,548 N $16,523,735 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2013 Dec Form 990 $5,269,965 $2,721,133 $3,158,689 $150,456 N $5,269,965 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2012 Dec Form 990 $812,500 $353,098 $485,907 $26,506 N $812,500 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2011 Dec Form 990 $93,600 $93,600 $0 $0 N $93,600 $0 $0 $0 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    Sixteen Thirty Fund (1630 Fund)

    WASHINGTON, DC 20036-2656