
Americans for Affordable Birth Control Action Fund


Women’s Health Advocacy Group

Project of:

Sixteen Thirty Fund

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Americans for Affordable Birth Control Action Fund is a left-of-center organization that supports the Obamacare contraception mandate. The mandate requires that birth control be included in employer-provided health insurance plans at no cost to the beneficiary.

It is a project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a 501(c)(4) funding and fiscal sponsorship organization managed by Arabella Advisors. Arabella Advisors is a consultancy organization that provides services for numerous left-wing groups.

Americans for Affordable Birth Control is the group’s fundraising arm, and a project of the 501(c)(3) New Venture Fund.


Americans for Affordable Birth Control claims that 99% of all sexually active women in the U.S. will use birth control and that it is constantly under attack. 1

The group’s website includes links to Planned Parenthood, Bedsider, and the National Women’s Law Center. 2

Sixteen Thirty Fund

Americans for Affordable Birth Control Action Fund is a project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund. 3 The Sixteen Thirty Fund was heavily involved in organizing messaging in support of Oabamacare after the election of President Donald Trump, who had pledged to repeal the legislation. Sixteen Thirty Fund hosts at least 19 different projects related to healthcare, among them Americans For Affordable Birth Control Action Fund. Using a technique known as “fiscal sponsorship,” Sixteen Thirty Fund “lends” Americans for Affordable Birth Control Action Fund its tax exemption and infrastructure until the group either spins off as a registered independent tax-exempt organization or it folds. 4

Sixteen Thirty Fund is managed by the Washington D.C.-based philanthropic consultancy Arabella Advisors. It coordinates the Sixteen Thirty Fund in part to create the appearance that the left-wing message it seeks to promote has broad support. 5

Ad Campaign

Americans for Affordable Birth Control ran a series of advertisements on the video streaming service Hulu, which airs “The Handmaid’s Tale,” a dystopian series that is often used as pro-abortion symbolism in left-wing protests. 6

The advertising depicted a fictional “Department of Reproductive Control” that would result of proposed funding cuts to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organizations. The advertisement claimed that the government would have a reproductive care system that reflected conservative religious beliefs. 6

The advertisements also appeared on New York City billboards. The billboards had the catchphrase “when it comes to your body, we’ll do the decision-making for you.” 6


  1. “Americans For Affordable Birth Control”. 2019. Americans For Affordable Birth Control. Accessed July 1.
  2. “Resources — Americans For Affordable Birth Control”. 2019. Americans For Affordable Birth Control. Accessed July 1.
  3. “Sixteen Thirty Fund”. 2019. Open Corporates. Accessed July 1.
  4. Ludwig, Hayden. 2019. “Who Is Behind The Groups Pushing Obamacare?”. Capital Research Center.
  5. Ludwig, Hayden. 2019. “Out Of Darkness, Cash: Sixteen Thirty In Action”. Capital Research Center.
  6. Peterson, Rachel. 2018. “Hulu Advertises Trump’s ‘Department Of Reproductive Control’”. Newsbusters.
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