
Laura and John Arnold Foundation



Houston, TX

Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2022):

Revenue: $766,581,426
Expenses: $201,894,608
Assets: $3,533,120,981

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The Laura and John Arnold Foundation is a private foundation based in Houston, Texas. The foundation was founded in 2008 by hedge fund manager John Arnold and his wife, Laura. The foundation focuses on criminal justice and public safety, higher education, health care, public finance, infrastructure, and evidence and evaluation. 1

Arnold Family

John Arnold began his career as a trader for Enron: He would leave the company taking an $8 million bonus before the energy company collapsed. He was never accused of wrongdoing in the investigation of the energy company’s sudden collapse.2

In 2002, Arnold founded a hedge fund, Centaurus Advisors, LLC, with his bonus and some early investors. During his time running the fund, Arnold gained a high reputation among his colleagues and even among the federal investigators who investigated the Enron collapse. In 2012, with the growth of hydraulic fracturing and the expansion of gas supply undermining the natural gas futures market, Arnold decided to retire to focus on philanthropy.3

2018 Midterm Election Spending

During the 2018 elections, the Arnold family gave $10 million to the super PAC called Patients for Affordable Drugs Action to endorse candidates who would demand drug reform. 4

Foundation Initiatives


In 2008, John and his wife Laura founded the Laura and John Arnold Foundation.2 Among the first beneficiaries of the foundation was the Knowledge Is Power Program, or KIPP. KIPP schools are a network of charter schools founded by Teach for America alumni that works to get children from poor families into college.2 Arnold’s first gift to KIPP was $30,000 in 2004. In 2006, both Arnolds pledged $10 million to help KIPP grow to 42 schools in Houston by 2017; the effects of the 2008 financial crisis delayed that target.2 In addition to supporting education reform, the Arnold Foundation made grants on criminal justice reform and public pension reform.2

In 2013, there was a risk of a government shutdown due to a budget fight between Democrats and Republicans. In October of that year, the Arnold Foundation gave $10 million to the National Head Start Association which would keep the Head Start program running through the end of October 2013 in the event of a government shutdown. 5

Criminal Justice

Later in 2008, the Arnold Foundation played a role in bringing in Barry Scheck, a co-founder of the Innocence Project, a group that works to free people who were wrongly convicted, to Houston. Scheck pitched his organization to some of Houston’s wealthiest, and in April 2009, the Arnold Foundation paid $150,000.  They have made additional donations, and Laura Arnold previously sat on the Innocence Project’s board in 2010 6 7

Government Worker Pensions

In 2009, John Arnold began taking an interest in public employee pensions. He was motivated by headlines during the Great Recession that reported on massive losses in the stock markets by public employee pension funds. Those losses forced unfunded liabilities to shoot up. Cash strapped governments could no longer expect to cover those losses. 8

Initially, Arnold started by donating relatively small grants to non-profits and think tanks, no more than $200,000 a piece to study the issue. Then Arnold sent $5 million to the Pew Charitable Trusts to supports its Public Sector Retirement Systems Project. The Arnolds have since increased their contributions to $9.7 million to Pew to research the issue through 2019. Their foundation has contributed nearly $28 million to fund pension research. 8

In addition to the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Arnold Foundation has given over $3.5 million to the libertarian Reason Foundation to advocate for changes to pensions. The Arnold Foundation also helps fund Boston College’s Center for Retirement Research to maintain its well-regard and widely used databases on pension health. The Arnold Foundation and Pew convinced the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government to publish a series of papers warning of the increasing risk of default of public pensions systems.9

Scientific Replication Crisis

The Arnold Foundation then turned its attention to bad science. In 2012, the foundation began funding the work of a scientist named Brian Nosek. Nosek and other researchers began redoing old experiments to see if they could replicate the results and they kept a public log of them. The log, called the Reproducibility Project, would test whether or not scientists were actually making progress or just chasing fancy headlines. Naturally, funders were staying away from the project.10

The Arnold Foundation co-founded with Nosak the Center for Open Science in 2013 with $5.25 million in seed money. More than $10 million in Arnold Foundation grants have come since. 10

Dietary Policy

Nosek’s venture was not the only scientific venture the Arnold Foundation has supported. They also support the work of the Nutrition Science Institute founded by controversial diet-science journalist Gary Taubes. Taubes was famous for arguing that saturated fat does not make people fat. It also supports the work of Nina Tiecholtz who also argues the same thing. Finally, the foundation supports the work of British science journalist Dr. Ben Goldacre. Goldacre is building an open, searchable database that will link all publicly available information on every clinical trial in the world. 11

Other Arnold Organizations

Arnold Ventures

Also see Arnold Ventures (For-profit)

In January 2019, John and Laura Arnold announced that they would form a limited-liability company called Arnold Ventures. The for-profit corporation is designed to more proactively achieve “social change.” Arnold Ventures will receive funding from the Arnold Foundation, a donor-advised fund, and the 501(c)(4) lobbying arm of the foundation (called Action Now) so that the firm can have greater flexibility in where it can spend along with greater secrecy for its donors. The Arnold Foundation’s president, Kelli Rhee, will have some role within the firm, and will focus on “criminal justice, health, public education, and public finance.” 12

Action Now Initiative

Also see Action Now Initiative (Nonprofit)

In 2012, the Arnolds created the Action Now Initiative, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit which paid out nearly $40 million in grants between 2012 and 2017 (its last year of operation). 13 During its existence, Action Now gave significant grants to both left- and right-leaning groups, including organizations aimed at changing state voting systems (such as FairVote) and charter school advocacy groups. 14


The Arnold Foundation has come under criticism from both conservatives and liberals. In 2018, the conservative group 2nd Vote published an article criticizing the foundation for contributing to Planned Parenthood and its affiliates. It also criticized John and Laura Arnold for raising money for the reelection campaign of President Barack Obama and other Democrats in the 2012 elections. 15

The foundation has also come under fire from the left. Labor unions in particular have criticized the foundation’s work on public pensions. In 2013, the labor-union-funded Institute for America’s Future blasted the foundation and John Arnold’s business career.9 In 2014, left-wing news outlets Alternet and Salon condemned Arnold for his work on public employee pension reform. It also attacked PBS for working with Arnold to produce stories focusing on insolvent public employee pensions. David Sirota contributed to much of the section attacking Arnold.16

In 2016, the foundation funded a controversial surveillance program by Baltimore police. The program drew opposition from the American Civil Liberties Union, which has also been funded by the foundation.17


Financial Overview

The Laura and John Arnold Foundation is a private foundation founded in 2008.

In 2018, the Arnold Foundation reported total revenues of $334 million, total expenditures of $238 million, and grants paid totaling $205 million. 18

Laura and John Arnold Foundation: Financial Overview
YearTotal RevenuesTotal ExpendituresGrants Paid

Donors to the Arnold Foundation

Between 2008 and 2018, John and Laura Arnold donated $1.8 billion to their foundation. They were the foundation’s sole donors. 19

Laura and John Arnold Foundation: Donors (2008-2018)
2018John and Laura Arnold$129,161,614
2017John and Laura Arnold$153,399,869
2016John and Laura Arnold$183,054,864
2015John and Laura Arnold$108,000,000
2014John and Laura Arnold$107,352,749
2013John and Laura Arnold$233,865,444
2012John and Laura Arnold$356,705,513
2011John and Laura Arnold$83,603,117
2010John and Laura Arnold$414,403
2009John and Laura Arnold$349,671,531
2008John and Laura Arnold$100,000,000

Grants from the Arnold Foundation

In 2014, the Arnold Foundation donated $85 million to various charitable organizations. In total, the foundation spent over $110 million. In 2018, the foundation gave $250 million in grants. 20

RecipientAmountYearGrant Description
50CAN$5,000 2018To support research and education efforts related to teachers’ pension systems in the state of Pennsylvania.
50CAN$115,000 2018To provide general operating support.
Abortion Care Network$200,000 2018To pilot and evaluate a contraception gap fund and professional development program to support women’s healthcare providers.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine$200,000 2018To conduct a randomized control trial to examine the impact of medical cannabis on opioid analgesic use.
Alliance for Health Policy$30,000 2018To host a bipartisan convening to discuss consolidation trends in healthcare markets.
Alliance for Health Policy$150,000 2018To convene health policy expertskey stakeholdersand policymakers to discuss policy solutions to address rising health care costs.
American Academy of Forensic Sciences$278,250 2018To help improve standards in the forensic science community.
American Action Forum$5,000 2018To produce a series of policy papers about energy innovation.
American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education$373,283 2018To study misdemeanor courts and public defense in an effort to better understand and improve indigent criminal defense.
American Council on Capital Formation Center for Policy Research$40,000 2018To conduct nonpartisan research and educational outreach related to energy innovation.
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research$8,000 2018To organize educational workshops about post-secondary student outcomes.
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research$20,000 2018To support research and nonpartisan education regarding higher education student aid.
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research$30,000 2018To identify critical lessons about re-entry initiatives and educate key stakeholders.
American Geophysical Union$522,191 2018To develop and implement data-sharing standards for earth and space sciences.
American Institutes For Research In The Behavioral Sciences$700,000 2018To advance evidence-based policymaking and promote the use of longitudinal data in education research.
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences$86,053 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of Literacy First.
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors$41,138 2018To develop forensic lab performance tracking freeware that will help to ensure that labs operate efficiently and effectively.
American Society of Transplant Surgeons$329,750 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial evaluating whether reimbursement of lost wages to living kidney donors results in an reased number of living kidney donor applications.
Arizona State University$109,171 2018To evaluate a tool for reducing repeat idents of domestic violence.
Aspiration$1,180,000 2018To support the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation.
Association of Prosecuting Attorneys$65,000 2018To develop and disseminate information about evidence-based prosecutorial practices.
Behavioral Ideas Lab$49,812 2018To support evidence-based policymaking within city governments
Behavioral Ideas Lab$36,447 2018To leverage insights from behavioral science to ensure that federalstate and local policies are based on rigorous research.
Behavioral Ideas Lab$250,426 2018To support the execution of demonstration projectsscaling of successful interventionsand institutionalization of evidence-based decision-making and behavioral science in New York City government.
Behavioral Ideas Lab$420,000 2018To designimplementand test a set of behavioral interventions in emergency departments to improve outcomes for patients with opioid use disorder.
Bellwether Education Partners$20,000 2018To provide information about teachers' pension systems.
Bellwether Education Partners$100,000 2018To train education entrepreneurs in DenverColorado
Bellwether Education Partners$130,872 2018To educate policymakers and the general public about issues affecting teacher pensions.
Better Future Forward$148,100 2018To support four pilot projects that will help determine the viability of ome share agreements for student aid in higher education.
Bioethics International$736,000 2018To help expand the Good Pharma Scorecard.
Bipartisan Policy Center$259,979 2018To educate stakeholders about implementing recommendations from the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking.
Bipartisan Policy Center$140,260 2018To develop bipartisan policy recommendations to improve institutional responsibility for student outcomes.
Bipartisan Policy Center$151,314 2018To support the placement of a higher education research research fellow with the United States Senate Committee on HealthEducationLabor and Pensions
Bipartisan Policy Center$200,000 2018To conduct a comprehensive review of how federal and state funding is being allocated to address the opioid epidemic
Blue School Partners$200,000 2018To provide general operating support
Board of Regents Nevada System of Higher Education$200,000 2018To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the Mobile Recovery Outreach Team intervention in improving outcomes for opioid overdose survivors treated in emergency rooms in Nevada
Brigham & Women’s Hospital$715,156 2018To support the Program On RegulationTherapeuticsand Law Biomarker Research Consortium
Brigham & Women’s Hospital$1,095,123 2018To support the Program on RegulationTherapeuticsAnd Law
Brigham & Women’s Hospital$1,288,540 2018To analyze the current state of reproducibility of large healthcare database studies
Brigham & Women’s Hospital$17,315 2018To evaluate the impact of Pharmacy Benefits Managers on prescription drug pricing
Brookings Institution$83,680 2018To support Evidence Speaks
Brookings Institution$200,000 2018To analyze the extent to which workers and retirees choose to allocate their retirement assets to annuities and other arrangements that provide regular ome over extended periods.
Brookings Institution$350,000 2018To evaluate the prevalencedriversand policy implications of surprise medical billing.
Brookings Institution$105,000 2018To analyze data and assess the state of student loan accountabilitydevelop evidence-based policy solutionsand disseminate the findings.
Brown University$1,700,000 2018To help establish the Rhode Island Innovative Policy Lab.
Cal Poly Corporation$749,483 2018To scale and enhance the Digital Democracy platform.
Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation$335,000 2018To support the California Department of Education in its efforts to expand and implement the Career Academies program in low-ome high schools across the state.
Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers$425,000 2018To support cross-sector data sharing and develop collaborative interventions for frequent utilizers.
Camden Enrollment$337,654 2018To support a citywide school enrollment system in CamdenNew Jersey
Campaign Legal Center$16,200 2018To support strategic litigation that will establish a constitutional standard for adjudicating gerrymandering cases in the United States.
Campbell Collaboration$130,000 2018To conduct a systematic review of existing body worn camera research.
Catalyst for Payment Reform$70,000 2018To design and pilot a scorecard that will assess alternative health care payment reform models.
Center for American Progress$30,000 2018To support research and nonpartisan education regarding higher education student aid.
Center for Health Policy Development$832,000 2018To support the launch of the Center for Prescription Drug Price Action.
Center for Media and Democracy$40,000 2018To evaluate the impact of sugar and soda industry on US nutrition policy to educate key stakeholderspolicymakersand the public about sugar reduction and corresponding nutrition policy reform effortswith the overall goal of improving public health.
Center for Open Science$195,364 2018To reproduce cancer cell biology studies.
Center for Open Science$3,500,000 2018To provide general operating support.
Center for Public Integrity$187,644 2018To support grantee's reporting on the flow of money and influence in state-level politics.
Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness$21,731 2018To provide technical assistance to states interesting in developing data-sharing agreements.
ChangeLab Solutions$40,000 2018To develop educational resources for key stakeholders interesting in reducing sugar-sweetened beverage consumption.
Charter Fund$1,800,000 2018To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in New OrleansLouisiana.
Charter Fund$536,000 2018To subsidize the cost of tuition and stipends for first-year Relay Graduate School of Education residents in CamdenNew Jersey
Charter Fund$2,500,000 2018To support continued investments in high-performing charter schools
Chiefs for Change$65,000 2018To support a working group of education leaders focusing on fostering new and effective school governance models.
Children's Hospital Corporation$1,382,877 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial analyzing how carbohydratesfatand added sugar affect body fat and metabolism.
Citizens Climate Education Corp$450,000 2018To provide general operating support for Grantee’s efforts to conduct non-partisan educational outreach to key stakeholderspolicymakersand the public around climate and energy issues and potential solutionswith the overall goal of building comprehensive support for faireffectiveand sustainable climate and energy policies.
City and County of San Francisco$100,000 2018To develop a nonpartisanreplicable model of local government-driven fines and fees reform.
City of Long Beach$150,000 2018To support implementation of the Data-Driven Justice project in Long BeachCalifornia.
City of Long Beach$63,207 2018To conduct a randomized controlled trial of Forensic Assertive Community Treatment and wraparound services.
Civica$1,000,000 2018To promote availability and affordability of essential generic drugs.
Clean Air Task Force$780,354 2018To provide recommendations on energy policies to advance the development and lower the cost of new emission-free energy sources.
Climate Leadership Council$900,000 2018To develop a coalition of strategic partners that will educate the publickey stakeholdersand policymakers about the carbon dividends framework
Code for America$200,000 2018To developimplementand evaluate digital tools and services that can help to reduce jail populations policing practices.
Code for America$316,294 2018To fund two fellows to support implementation of the Data-Driven Justice project in Middlesex CountyMassachusetts.
College Forward$9,679 2018To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial on the grantee’s college access and completion programs.
Colorado Nonprofit Development Center$10,000 2018To support the Secure Futures Colorado project.
Colorado Nonprofit Development Center$100,000 2018To provide general operating support.
Colorado Seminary$146,373 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of Fostering Healthy Futures for Teensan intensive mentoring program for students with open child welfare cases and histories of maltreatment.
Colorado Seminary$1,306,827 2018To establish a policy lab in the state of Colorado.
Colorado Seminary$65,763 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of an intervention that deploys rapid responders to provide runaway youth and their caregivers with social services.
Conquer Cancer Foundation of the American Society of Clinical Oncology$20,000 2018To convene oncology journal publishers and other stakeholders to establish clinical trial data sharing standards and policies that facilitate the responsible and timely sharing of clinical trial data in oncology research.
Core Correctional Solutions$180,000 2018To assess the Public Safety AssessmentTM pretrial risk assessment tool.
Corporation for Supportive Housing$150,000 2018To develop a secure digital platform for individuals who are homeless and frequently involved with the criminal justice system in order to aid this population
Council of State Governments$160,000 2018To produce a national snapshot of the impact of probation and parole revocations on prison admissionsprison populationsand related costs
Curators Of The University Of Missouri$2,556 2018To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems
Curators Of The University Of Missouri$177,900 2018To conduct research on public teacher pension plans in MissouriArkansasTeneesseeand Texas
Curators Of The University Of Missouri$69,260 2018To conduct research on the relationship between pension systems and financial equities in state education
Data Quality Campaign$45,000 2018To educate localstate and federal leaders about the value of education-research partnerships and evidence-based student data collection
Drug Policy Alliance$50,000 2018To provide general operating support
Drug Policy Alliance$35,000 2018To support Grantee's efforts to advance injectable opioid treatment research in the United States
Duke University$28,203 2018To support the Center for Health Policy in its efforts to create an evaluation hub that will study the impacts of reforms related to health care paymentbenefitand delivery systems.
Duke University$180,506 2018To conduct an initial study of how medication-assisted treatment impacts recidivism and other outcomes in Wake CountyNorth Carolina.
Duke University$80,000 2018To analyze access to and quality of medication-assisted treatment for persons with opioid use disorder North Carolina.
Economic Mobility Corporation$157,108 2018To support long-term follow up of the randomized controlled trial of Project QUEST
Economic Mobility Corporation$84,273 2018To support Grantee's efforts to conduct a randomized controlled trial evaluation of Per Scholas’s information technology training program
EdBuild$133,743 2018To collaborate with the Urban Institute to support policy researcheducationand dissemination efforts related to school funding policy
Education Forward DC$4,500,000 2018To support the launch of high-quality autonomous schools in the District of Columbia.
Education Service Center Region XIII$9,226 2018To support the Texas Education Agency’s System of Greata program for districts interested in the portfolio model of school governance
Educational Results Partnership$22,009 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial to evaluate a placement method that uses students' high school achievement to assess college readiness.
edX$600,000 2018To help expand access to college by allowing students to take massive open online courses for credit
Energy Innovation Reform Project$500,000 2018To provide general operating support
Enterprise Community Partners$828,281 2018To support the National Resource Network consortium
Every Student Every Community$1,000,000 2018To provide general operating support and to promote the expansion of high-quality school options in Atlanta Georgia.
Evidence for Healthcare Improvement$4,542,337 2018To support the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review research that provides independent analyses of the comparative cost effectiveness for newly-introduced phamaceutical drugs
FairVote$750,000 2018To support grantee in its efforts to be a nonpartisan educational resource and technical support provider on ranked choice voting.
Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara$250,000 2018To conduct a pilot study of Adult Holistic Defense Case Managementa program to reduce recidivism.
Florida State University Research Foundation$180,254 2018To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial of two treatment programs for prison inmates with substance use disorder who will soon be released from jail.
Foundation for Health Generations$11,767 2018To support the Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition of Washington.
Friends Research Institute$213,497 2018To support an ongoing randomized controlled trial of interim methadone to reduce recidivism and relapse among inmates in Baltimore City’s Detention Facilities.
Fund for the City of New York$21,400 2018To support the work of the Open Contracting Partnership.
Fund for the City of New York$190,000 2018To conduct research on alternatives to traditional sentences.
George Mason University Foundation$150,031 2018To identify policies and practices that will help law enforcement agencies rease clearance rates for serious crimes.
George Mason University Foundation$33,167 2018To establish the Proactive Policing Lab to conduct research on proactive policing practices.
George Mason University Foundation$175,000 2018To provide general operating support.
George Mason University Foundation$168,000 2018To examine citizen calls for service and the allocation of police resources by analyzing computer-aided dispatch data and dispatcher decision-making related to 911 calls.
George Mason University Foundation$37,475 2018To develop and disseminate policy options related to the negotiation of prescription drug prices by Medicare.
Georgetown University$225,000 2018To support national reform of fines and fees practices through nonpartisan trainingsupportand public education.
Georgetown University$150,000 2018To conduct a comprehensive assessment of state laws and policies that act as barriers to evidence-based substance use disorder treatment and disseminate nonpartisan educational resources to key stakeholders.
Georgia Institute of Technology$45,000 2018To conduct research and develop tools in order to help patients and physicians make more informed decisions about organ transplants.
Georgia State University Research Foundation$82,656 2018To evaluate the Job Tax Credit in the state of Georgia.
Georgia State University Research Foundation$85,148 2018To conduct research and develop a prototype local tax expenditure budget for Fulton CountyGeorgia
GHP Solutions LLC$123,000 2018To develop and pilot a model to streamline access to long-acting contraceptive methods.
Government Of The District Of Columbia$932,901 2018To fund the creation of The Lab @ DC.
Hastings College of the LawUniversity of California$320,000 2018To analyze pharmaceutical industry behaviors and their impact on drug prices.
Healthy Food America$10,000 2018To educate the public and community partners about policies to reduce sugar consumption and improve public health.
Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation$300,500 2018To support Kaiser Health News in providing independent reporting on pharmaceutical drug development and pricing.
Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation$100,000 2018To support Kaiser Health News in providing independent reporting on pharmaceutical drug development and pricing.
Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation$233,000 2018To examine trends in prescription drug prices and Medicare Part D formulary coverage and broadly disseminate the findings policy briefspapers and convenings.
Higher Learning Advocates$105,000 2018To organize stakeholders who will serve as nonpartisan educational resources for policymakers and the public on higher education policy issues.
Human Rights Defense Center$250,000 2018To engage in a campaign to reform financially exploitative correctional policies.
Ibis Reproductive Health$900,000 2018To provide Grantee operating support to make an oral contraceptive available over the counter.
IMPAQ International$175,826 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of a program for new unemployment insurance claimants in Nevada.
Indianapolis Public Schools Education Foundation$686,750 2018To expand and replicate high-quality schools in IndianapolisIndiana.
Initiative for MedicinesAccess & Knowledge$1,814,353 2018To support efforts to provide patients with affordable access to life-saving medications and improve public health.
Innocence Project$20,000 2018To provide operating support for the grantee’s Strategic Litigation Unit.
Institute for College Access and Success$242,396 2018To provide policy analysispublic educationand coalition-building regarding higher education quality and accountability at the federal level and in California.
Institute for Higher Education Policy$225,000 2018To serve as a nonpartisaneducational resource on higher education policy issues related to data.
Institute for Justice$290,000 2018To examine whether and to what extentcitations are used to generate revenue for municipal governments.
International Association of Chiefs of Police$200,000 2018To help establish a center focused on police research and policy.
Iowa State University$124,492 2018To conduct research designed to improve understanding of eyewitness decision making.
Iowa State University$251,904 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of the Promoting School-community university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience program.
John F Finn Institute for Public Safety$65,000 2018To conduct research on police body-worn cameras.
John Hopkins University$100,000 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of the Talent Development Secondary Diplomas Now program.
John Hopkins University$20,000 2018To provide general operating support for the Center for Research and Reform in Education.
John Hopkins University$100,000 2018To fund a study to estimate the impacts of a school-based vision services Baltimore City Public Schools.
John Hopkins University$15,000 2018To support efforts to rease the number of organ transplants and reduce the number of individuals on the waiting list.
John Hopkins University$7,560 2018To support efforts to improve transparency at the Food and Drug Administration.
John Hopkins University$1,346,099 2018To develop research on policy options that maximize access to and affordability of prescription drugs.
John Hopkins University$148,112 2018To provide general operating support for the Center for Research and Reform in Education.
John Hopkins University$200,000 2018To conduct research and develop recommendations to improve the United States Department of Health and Human Services Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network System.
John Hopkins University$150,000 2018To develop and disseminate a standardized data structure for National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment Clinic Trials Network data.
John Hopkins University$25,000 2018To evaluate a family planning program administered in the Baltimore City Booking and Intake Center.
John Hopkins University$250,000 2018To provide nonpartisan policy recommendations and technical support interested states related to reducing health care prices.
John Hopkins University$250,000 2018To promote the adoption of a waste-free prescription drug formulary by private corporations in place of the current drug rebate system.
Johnson County Public Health$10,000 2018To support an epidemiologist to work in collaboration with Johnson County’s and Iowa City’s DDJ project.
Juvenile Law Center$437,500 2018To support reforms related to the use of fines and fees in the juvenile justice system.
KIPP Foundation$2,000,000 2018To provide general operating support.
Kitamba Management$10,000 2018To support the Texas Education Agency's System of Great Schools Networka program for districts interested in the portfolio model of school governance.
Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under Law$360,000 2018To help reduce the arceration of indigent defendants in Arkansas and Oklahoma who are detained solely because they are unable to pay court-imposed fines and fees.
Legal Action Center$222,924 2018To conduct research into the prevalence and costs of specific limitations on substance use disorder treatment services and evidence of violations of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and create nonpartisan educational resources to support.
Legal Aid Justice Center$15,000 2018To support strategic litigation and educational efforts related to drivers license suspensions for outstanding legal financial obligations in Virginia.
ManattPhelps and PhillipsLLP$465,000 2018To draft a report that analyzes the implications of a Medicaid buy-in option in the State of New Mexico.
ManattPhelps and PhillipsLLP$390,000 2018To provide nonpartisan policy recommendations and technical assistance to the New Jersey Department of Human Services to improve access to family planning services in the State of New Jerseyand create and broadly disseminate a toolkit for other states.
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research$15,000 2018To help enhance SchoolGrades org
Maryland Citizens Health Initiative Education Fund$235,000 2018To educate the public about a recently enacted law that prohibits price gouging in the sale of essential generic medicationsalong with other efforts states can take to impact rising drug costs.
Maryland Public Policy Institute$5,000 2018To support educational efforts related to Maryland's public pension system.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$1,476,854 2018To support the State and Local Government Innovation Initiative at the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab's regional office in North America.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$310,504 2018To support a randomized controlled trial on Clinical Decision Support systems intended to reduce the amount of unnecessary imaging in health care.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$200,000 2018To support Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab’s project to register and publish existing randomized controlled trials and train researchers on best practices in research transparency.
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$2,075,979 2018To support the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab’s North America regional office.
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$653,573 2018To conduct a study evaluating whether data from unified enrollment systems can be used to rigorously measure school quality.
Mathematica Policy Research$191,230 2018To evaluate the impact of education reforms in Washington DC on student outcomes.
MDRC$2,596,635 2018To advance evidence-based policies that offer concretemeasurableand lasting improvements to society.
MDRC$457,098 2018To evaluate the Public Safety Assessment.
MDRC$500,000 2018To evaluate the Housing First with Shared Medical Appointment model in three jurisdictions.
MDRC$198,627 2018To evaluate the impact Child Firsta home visiting program for low-ome families with young children at high risk of emotionalbehavioralor developmental problems and/or maletreatment.
MDRC$100,000 2018To enable new cross-study analyses in order to inform the design and implementation of higher-education policies and programsby creating individual participant-level and study-level databases luding data from past randomized controlled trials.
Measured Decisions$45,300 2018To fund a replication randomized controlled trial of of an intervention designed to improve academic achievement and help students successfully transition to middle school.
Measured Decisions$47,863 2018To support a randomized controlled trial of Bernie’s Book Banka program that provides freehigh-quality books to low-ome elementary-aged children in greater ChicagoIllinois.
Measured Decisions$122,825 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of Read for Successa program designed to improve reading achievement for elementary school students.
Measures for Justice Institute$1,300,000 2018To improve develop an online tool that can be used to evaluate the criminal justice process on a county-by-county basis.
Measures for Justice Institute$337,161 2018To support the nonpartisan implementation of a recently-enacted Florida law.
Medicines360$250,000 2018To examine key factors that impact the availability of long acting reversible contraceptive methods at Federally Qualified Health Centers and disseminating key findings.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center$600,000 2018To build a program that communicates evidence-based methodologies for drug pricing and payment.
Mercatus Center$100,000 2018To develop an actuarial model that measures state public pension liabilities and future costs of paying promised benefits.
Michigan State University$1,104,575 2018To create a non-partisan policy research center to support education research across the State of Michigan.
Michigan State University$18,806 2018To support studies that evaluate the impact of state and local policy reforms on teacher’s unions.
Missouri Public Charter School Association$9,000 2018To support work to improve student achievement by reasing access to high-quality charter public education options throughout Missouri.
National Academy of Sciences$28,349 2018To improve economic research that relies on statistics collected by the federal government.
National Academy of Sciences$96,370 2018To convene a committee to study proactive policing practices.
National Academy of Sciences$549,161 2018To support an institute of Medicine research project that will study patient access to effective and affordable therapies.
National Academy of Sciences$292,000 2018To study the challenges of implementing open science in various disciplines and provide recommendations for how to address them.
National Academy of Sciences$80,000 2018To support the creation of a roundtable group focused on facilitating discussions of ways to promote open sciences practices.
National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws$105,082 2018To develop and disseminate nonpartisanresources on the issue of predatory and unethical substance use disorder treatment practices and work with key stakeholders and community partners to support state-level policy proposals.
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools$20,000 2018To conduct research and raise awareness about pension plans for teachers in charter schools.
National Association for Public Defense$95,000 2018To disseminate the findings of a study analyzing the workloads of Louisiana's public defenders and to pursue Sixth Amendment litigation.
National Association of Counties Research Foundation$25,000 2018To educate county leaders on how to use data and analytics to improve public safety.
National Association of Counties Research Foundation$225,000 2018To support the continuation and expansion of the Data-Driven Justice project.
National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy$20,000 2018To create and disseminate tools to estimate how much taxpayers spend at the localstateand national level in relation to teen childbearing.
National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy$150,000 2018To produce a detailed evaluation and implementation plan for an educational information campaign to rease knowledge about contraceptive methods.
National Center for Law and Economic Justice$250,000 2018To support strategic litigation to stop states from depriving individuals driver’s licenses because they are too poor to pay fines and fees.
National Center for State Courts$400,000 2018To help reduce the amount of time it takes to process criminal cases.
National Center for Youth Law$325,000 2018To build the capacity of statelocaland national organizations to reform juvenile fines and fees practices.
National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research Fund$5,000 2018To conduct research on gun policy and develop tools to support public education and discourse.
National Conference of State Legislatures$30,617 2018To update and disseminate databases of legislation related to the pretrial process and body-worn cameras.
National Conference of State Legislatures$70,000 2018To provide stakeholders with educational resources to support evidence-based decision making related to prescription drug pricing.
National Conference of State Legislatures$60,458 2018To provide stakeholders with educational resources to support evidence-based decision making related to higher-education policy.
National Council on Crime and Delinquency$80,000 2018To establish a data-sharing platform that will help identify youth at risk of becoming involved in the juvenile justice system.
National Criminal Justice Association$62,985 2018To provide strategic planning assistance to states that use federal funding to implement evidence-based criminal justice reforms.
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices$100,000 2018To convene national experts to discuss the rising cost of prescription drugs and potential policy solutions.
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices$90,000 2018To convene national expertskey stakeholdersand state policymakers to discuss strategies for states to improve consumer protections related to out-of-network billing.
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices$100,000 2018To convene state leaders and national experts to discuss promising solutions for integrating care and managing costs for dual-eligible Medicare and Medicaid populations.
National Juvenile Defender Center$250,000 2018To develop standardized protocols and judicial trainings that support nonpartisan reform of juvenile fines and fees.
National Juvenile Defender Center$200,000 2018To reduce the use of monetary bail and pretrial detention for juvenile defendants.
National League of Cities Institute$220,000 2018To conduct a landscape review of emergency response and crisis stabilization approaches used by cities and local communities.
National Opinion Research Center$13,640 2018To conduct an independent review of reports produced by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid innovation in order to identify best practices for alternative medical payment and service delivery models.
National Skills Coalition$180,000 2018To support the Workforce Data Quality Campaign.
National Skills Coalition$87,536 2018To provide technical assistance and public education to improve the availability of workforce data to assess and improve higher education and workforce programs.
National Student Legal Defense Network$1,147,726 2018To support strategic litigation and regulatory engagement related to predatory lending practices and consumer financial protection issues in the for-profit college industryas well as provide a non-partisan education resources on potential reforms in the for-profit industrywith the overall goal of establishing legal protections for and alleviating harm to for-profit college students.
National Wildlife Federation$350,000 2018To conduct research on the environmental and agricultural impacts of the federal Renewable Fuel Standard.
National Women’s Law Center$100,000 2018To provide nonpartisan technical support to policymakers and key stakeholders in Kansas and Tennessee to improve access to contraceptive care among uninsured individuals.
New America Foundation$70,000 2018To serve as a nonpartisaneducational resource on higher education policy issues.
New Schools for New Orleans$3,451,482 2018To promote high-quality school options for in New OrleansLouisiana.
New Schools for New Orleans$580,000 2018To promote high-quality school options in New OrleansLouisiana.
New School for New Orleans$90,000 2018To support Orleans Parish School Board’s efforts to quantify the impact of current education policies related to equity and fairness in schools.
New Schools Fund$2,666,667 2018To develop and launch high-quality schools across the United States.
New Venture Fund$315,000 2018To support the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition.
New Venture Fund$1,167,801 2018To support the Fines and Fees Justice Centerwith the overall goal of reasing fairness in the criminal justice system.
New York City Criminal Justice Agency$335,000 2018To investigate the impact of pretrial detention on different defendant populations in New York City.
New York University$100,000 2018To develop and evaluate a Swift-Certain-Fair prison discipline model that provides alternatives to restrictive housing.
New York University$150,000 2018To analyze and improve the quality of cost-benefit analysis in policing.
New York University$44,010 2018To develop a platform and learning process to advance the use of data in federalstateand local decision making.
New York University$710,000 2018To conduct a pilot of the Graduated Reintegration approach to re-entry.
New York University$270,084 2018To fund BetaGova project that supports practitioner-led randomized controlled trials related to criminal justice policies.
New York University$133,701 2018To support a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of extended-release naltrexone on opioid relapse and recidivism in the New York City pre-release jail population.
New York University$90,000 2018To create a map representing the evidence base for opioid use disorder treatment in the United States by categorizing interventions by characteristics like primary outcomelength of follow uppopulation and context.
New York University School of Medicine$25,000 2018To support development of the Written History.
Nordic Cochrane Centre$34,883 2018To conduct meta-research on anti-depressants in order to promote transparency and openness in medical research.
Nordic Cochrane Center$64,767 2018To conduct meta-research on clinical trial protocols in order to promote transparency and openness in medical research.
North Carolina State University$65,000 2018To support research on annuity options offered by state-managed retirement systems.
North Carolina State University$170,066 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of Healthy Mindsa growth mindset intervention for high school students designed to reduce rates rates of clinical depression.
Nuclear Innovation Alliance$196,629 2018To provide recommendations on federal energy policies that advance the development and lower the cost of emission-free energy sources.
Nurse-Family Partnership$26,443 2018To support three randomized controlled trials of a nurse home visiting program.
Ohio State University Foundation$186,253 2018To conduct a random assignment intervention that uses an integrated service delivery model to provide case management and employment services to low-ome adults in Ohio.
Oregon Health & Science University$500,000 2018To support the Donor Management Research Initiative in its efforts to maximize the quality and quantity of life-saving organsand to build a nationalweb-based donor management data registry.
Oregon Health & Science University$927,120 2018To fund the development of a centralized repository of documented medical practices that have been contradicted by rigoroushigh quality evaluations.
Oregon Health & Science University$927,880 2018To fund the State Medicaid Alternative Reimbursement and Purchasing Test for High-Cost Drugs Initiative.
Oregon Health & Science University$100,000 2018To evaluate the impact of providing entives for contraceptive use.
Oregon Health & Science University$350,000 2018To evaluate a statewide policy in Oregon allowing pharmacists to prescribe hormonal contraception to patients without a physician visit.
Pacific Business Group on Health$332,500 2018To identify and disseminate innovative alternative health care payment models.
Parents for Great Camden Schools$120,000 2018To provide general operating support.
Partners for College Affordable and Public Trust$125,000 2018To provide general operating support.
Partnership for Public Service$50,881 2018To identify measures that can improve operations at the Office of Management and Budget
Patients for Affordable Drug$5,000 2018To provide operational support
Patients for Affordable Drug$399,000 2018To provide operating support for the Patient-Centered Coalition Initiative
Pew Charitable Trusts$850,000 2018To support the Public Sector Retirement Systems project
Philadelphia Schools Project$425,000 2018To support the implementation of a city-wide unified enrollment system for public schools in PhiladelphiaPennsylvania.
Pivot Learning Partners$386,087 2018To conduct research on public pension plan and benefit obligations costs in the state of California.
Police Executive Research Forum$103,814 2018To conduct research on police body-worn cameras
Police Foundation$772,284 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial to evaluate procedural justice training and ‘hot spot’ policing.
Potomac Healthcare Foundation$165,000 2018To conduct a pilot randomized controlled trial to evaluate an intervention to treat youth opioid addiction.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$2,000,000 2018To support the Harvard Kennedy School's Government Performance Lab.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$137,521 2018To develop and support a network of government chief data officers.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$315,000 2018To fund grantee's Criminal Justice Policy Program.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$658,449 2018To help create the Access to Justice Labwhich will promote the use of rigorous evidence about what works in the legal system.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$25,000 2018To provide general operating support to the Harvard Open Access Project.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$5,000 2018To host a conference and support research on state pension underfunding.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$2,097,855 2018To support Harvard Law Schools Legal Services Clinic in its efforts to challenge predatory lending practices in the for-profit college industry.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$99,823 2018To conduct a randomized controlled trial on the effects of legal financial obligations on criminal defendants recidivism and other life outcomes.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$31,000 2018To conduct research and educate key stakeholders about the impact of local control on municipal public finance in illinois.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$24,363 2018To educate key stakeholders about improving the treatment of opioid use disorders.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$140,000 2018To support a research fellow at the federal agency level to demonstrate new methods in state-federal research partnerships and behaviorally-informed interventions.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$204,705 2018To create a database that will support research on the impact of charter school attendance on long-term educational outcomes for students.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$68,844 2018To conduct research on day fines in Germany.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$150,098 2018To provide technical support to community partners in state and local jurisdictions that are considering sugar-sweetened beverage taxes and other policies.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$35,000 2018To evaluate existing barriers to the introduction of generic drugs for opioid use disorder treatment to the market.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$500,000 2018To provide state and local jurisdictions with technical assistance aimed at improving government agency service delivery and procurement systems.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$111,335 2018To evaluate the effects on spending and use of an employer-based reward program for patients that choose lower-priced healthcare providers.
President and Fellows of Harvard College$65,000 2018To evaluate policies intended to lower prices for health care services luding a public option and price regulation.
Pretrial Justice Institute$60,000 2018To develop an online database of new coverage related to pretrial reform.
Pretrial Justice Institute$285,000 2018To conduct a scan of local pretrial policies and practices.
Prevention Institute$118,261 2018To equip public health advocates with toolstrainingand technical assistance related to nutrition policies.
Public Policy Institute of California$365,000 2018To analyze more than thirty years of arrest data from the State of California.
RAND Corporation$1,010,000 2018To conduct research on gun policy and develop tools to support public education and discourse.
RAND Corporation$800,000 2018To provide support for the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research.
Reason Foundation$65,511 2018To support a multifaceted researchresearch and educational outreach project aimed at improving state and municipal pension systems.
Reason Foundation$1,850,000 2018To support a technical assistanceresearchand educational outreach project aimed at improving state and municipal pension systems.
Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia$456,143 2018To conduct interdisciplinary research on eyewitness identification.
Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia$100,000 2018To analyze the policy implications of omplete death certificate data reporting on the federal response to the opioid crisis.
Regents of the University of Colorado$900,000 2018To expand the Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development initiative.
Regents of the University of Colorado$241,317 2018To fund a follow-up randomized controlled trial of comparing full-day preschool to half-day preschool.
Regents of the University of Michigan$1,242,475 2018To help establish the Youth Policy Lab.
Regents of the University of Michigan$50,000 2018To launch an exploratory pilot of the Criminal Justice Administrative Records System.
Regents of the University of Minnesota$800,000 2018To support efforts to improve the quality of health care news and information available to consumers.
Regents of the University of Minnesota$309,659 2018To support the Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute.
Regents of the University of Minnesota$90,000 2018To review research related to community corrections policies and practices.
Research Foundation of the City University of New York$1,000,000 2018To create the Research Network on Misdemeanor Justice.
Research Foundation of the City University of New York$30,693 2018To study how to help individuals who are frequently involved with both criminal justice and health care systems.
Research Foundation of the City University of New York$53,060 2018To fund low-cost randomized controlled trial of AccelerateCompete and Engagea program that provides academicpersonaland financial supports to predominantly low-omefull-time college students.
Research Foundation of the City University of New York$130,000 2018To support the Institute for Innovation in Prosecution at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Research Foundation of the City University of New York$120,000 2018To support the Institute for State and Local Governance.
Research Foundation of the City University of New York$150,000 2018To educate journalists about fines and fees issues in the criminal justice system.
Research Foundation of the City University of New York$194,266 2018To support the Misdemeanor Justice Project at John Jay College.
Research Triangle Institute$100,000 2018To evaluate the impact of the Public Safety Assessment.
Research Triangle Institute$543,060 2018To conduct a rigorous evaluation of a harm reduction program for individuals with opioid use disorder.
Resources Legacy Fund$401,294 2018To launch Student Borrower Protection Center and the Student Loan Law Project.
Results for America$1,307,000 2018To support Results for America projects that advance government's use of evidence and data.
Results for America$300,000 2018To serve as a nonpartisaneducational resource on the use of data and evidence in policymaking.
Retirement Security Foundation$689,996 2018To support the development of a strategic plan for the launch of a new nonprofit organization.
Rhode Island Hospital$228,832 2018To support a randomized controlled trial of an emergency department intervention to treat patients who are admitted for opioid overdose.
Roca$315,000 2018To implement and evaluate a cognitive behavior therapy skills behavior development curriculum.
Rutgers University Foundation$200,000 2018To evaluate the effectiveness of New Jersey’s Opioid Overdose Recovery Program in linking opioid overdose survivors to medication-assisted treatment.
Sage Bionetworks$269,216 2018To fund the digital mammography portion of the Coding for Cancer challenge.
Salk Institute for Biological Studies$190,000 2018To improve the accuracy of eyewitness identifications.
San Francisco Pretrial Diversion Project$18,750 2018To deliver training on pretrial decisionsrisk assessmentand implementation of the Public Safety Assessment.
San Mateo County Community College District$336,607 2018To support the replication of the City University of New York’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs at Skyline College.
ServeMinnesota$16,051 2018To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial of Minnesota Math Corps.
Shatterproof$300,000 2018To pilot a public online rating system for substance use disorder treatment programs.
Simon Fraser University$5,277 2018To support the Public Knowledge Project.
Small Business Majority Foundation$205,778 2018To support employer outreach and education about the CalSavers state auto-IRA program.
Social Science Research Council$650,000 2018To provide general operating support for the Social Media and Democracy Initiative.
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness$60,000 2018To support a randomized controlled trial evaluating methods to rease the number of studies registered in the Registry Efficacy and Effectiveness Studies.
Southern Poverty Law Center$42,838 2018To help reduce the arceration of indigent defendants detained solely because they are unable to pay court-imposed fines and fees.
Southern Poverty Law Center$11,868 2018To support a court-debt advocacy network.
Southern Poverty Law Center$977,467 2018To support litigation and public education efforts concerning indigent arceration and driver’s license suspensions.
Spiros Protosaltis LLC$25,000 2018To conduct research and analysis on online higher education.
Stealth Software Technologies Commercial$665,219 2018To support the development of freeopen-source cryptographic tools that will allow researchers to securely conduct studies that use sensitiveprivate datasets.
Teacher Town USA$1,000,000 2018To promote high-quality school options in MemphisTennessee
Teacher Town USA$380,000 2018To promote high-quality school options in Memphis Tennessee
Technical Assistance Collaborative$50,000 2018To develop an educational resource guide to assist State Medicaid Agencies in their efforts to address the opioid crisis.
Temple University$50,000 2018To develop a tool that provides targeted services to people who are frequently involved with both the criminal justice and health care systems.
Temple University$20,000 2018To examine the impact of body-worn cameras on prosecutorial misdemeanor filing decisions in Los Angeles.
Temple University$64,014 2018To support a randomized controlled trial of Tacoma Housing Authority’s College Housing Assistance Programwhich provides rental assistance vouchers to students at risk of homelessness.
Texas Public Policy Foundation$9,431 2018To analyze the fiscal impact of transitioning the city of Austin Employees’ Retirement System from a defined benefit to a defined contribution system.
Texas Public Policy Foundation$80,000 2018To raise public awareness of reform efforts related to the criminal justice pretrial process and court-imposed fines and fees.
Texas Public Policy Foundation$348,000 2018To raise awareness about community supervision practices and reforms.
The Aspen Institute$25,000 2018To support a convening to develop a set of recommendations for combatting the opioid epidemic in the United States.
The Bail Project$150,000 2018To assess the feasibility of conducting a randomized controlled trial to test the impact of money bail.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University$761,012 2018To support the development of a center that is focused on improving the quality of medical research.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University$1,133,353 2018To help establish the Center for Reproducible Neuroscience.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University$113,232 2018To expand the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research Pension Tracker.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University$417,150 2018To support the Institute for Economic Policy Research in its efforts to conduct research competitions designed to strengthen the body of high-quality research related to social insurance programstax policystate and local governance financesretirementeductionand crime.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University$60,000 2018To support Center on Poverty and Inequality.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University$37,065 2018To support the Institute for Economic Policy Research.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University$313,672 2018To support the postdoctoral fellowship program of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University$388,658 2018To support the production of tools to help education nonprofit organizations evaluate the effectiveness of local charter networks.
The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University$50,000 2018To support the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research in its efforts to rease transparency around public sector pension plans.
The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois$449,638 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America's community-based mentoring program.
The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois$182,703 2018To evaluate economic impacts associated with a sugar-sweetened beverage tax enacted in SeattleWashington.
The Century Foundation$431,739 2018To protect consumers and curb predatory student lending practices.
The Century Foundation$106,544 2018To provide policy expertise and public education regarding higher education quality and accountability at the federal and state levels.
The City Fund$10,591,030 2018To prove general operating support.
The City Fund$13,998,368 2018To improve the quality of public education in cities across the United States.
The CrossFit Foundation$29,612 2018To conduct research and educate the public about sugar and its impact on health.
The Energy Foundation$2,278,300 2018To support research and technical assistance efforts related to carbon pricing policies in Canada and China.
The Fund for a Healthier Colorado$5,000 2018To support efforts to implement a sugar-sweetened beverage tax in BoulderColoradoand educate the public about the tax.
The Mind Trust$4,447,804 2018To promote high-quality school options IndianapolisIndiana.
The Mind Trust$60,000 2018To engage in strategic planning and development to improve access to affordable charter facilities in IndianapolisIndiana.
The Mind Trust$1,156,000 2018To support Grantee's mission to provide support to local charter operators in IndianapolisIndianawith the overall goal of of improving academic outcomes.
The Miriam Hospital$75,000 2018To evaluate the impact of the Rhode Island Department of Corrections’ Medication for Addiction Treatment Program on post-release offenders with opioid use disorder.
The National Press Foundation$80,000 2018To support a four-day convening hosted by the National Press Foundation.
The Niskanen Center$250,000 2018To provide general operating support.
The PubPeer Foundation$57,834 2018To provide general operating support.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaBerkley$408,880 2018To perform qualitative research on the impacts of pretrial diversion and detention.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaBerkley$18,713 2018To fund outreach activities for the Berkley Initiative on Transparency in the Social Sciences.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaBerkley$490,000 2018To researchdevelopand disseminate online tools designed to reform the use of fines and fees in the juvenile justice system.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaBerkley$232,277 2018To study the impact of extending reference pricing entives to high-cost specialty pharmaceutical classes and physician-administered drugs.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaBerkley$150,600 2018To develop a dataset of local government pension expendituresfinancesand employment data and research around the impacts of public pension systems.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaBerkley$1,275,000 2018To advance the development of the California Policy Lab.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaBerkley$131,130 2018To conduct research on tax avoidance to determine ways to better design and enforce taxes.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaIrvine$500,000 2018To support the Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaIrvine$99,761 2018To evaluate the California Competes Tax Credit program and provide technical assistance to its administrators.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles$100,000 2018To support the continued development DeclareDesign.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles$356,657 2018To support an ongoing randomized controlled trial of depot naltrexone to reduce recidivism and relapse among inmates in the Albuquerque Metropolitan Detention Center.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles$230,000 2018To evaluate the useoperationand outcomes associated with assigning defendants to community service.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles$1,500,000 2018To advance the development of the California Policy Lab.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaSan Diego$117,457 2018To improve the statistical methodology used to evaluate the reliability eyewitness identification.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaSan Diego$17,741 2018To help develop a plan for reasing the use of preprints in the life sciences community.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaSan Francisco$757,635 2018To support the development of an electronic archive of documents related to the sugar industry that will help advance research in nutrition science.
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaSan Francisco$147,382 2018To analyze data and develop resources to help institutions adopt sugar-sweetened beverage sales bans
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaSan Francisco$777,754 2018To analyze the health impacts of an institutional sales ban on sugar-sweetened beverages.
The Research Foundation for the State University of New York$93,716 2018To help expand access to information about public sector retirement systems.
The Texas A&M University$110,000 2018To designpilotand rigorously evaluate an intervention aimed improving employment outcomes for individuals receiving unemployment insurance.
The Texas A&M University$40,000 2018To study the impact of two well-known initiatives that expanded access to long-acting reversible contraception.
The Third Way Foundation$550,000 2018To educate stakeholders about the portfolio model of school governance.
The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York$50,000 2018To support efforts to rease the number of successful organ transplants and reduce the number number of people on the organ donor wait list.
The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York$244,845 2018To establish the Community Corrections Administrators for Justice.
The UCLA Foundation$45,109 2018To convene a roundtable discussion between food law and nutrition science academicslawyersand policymakers to evaluate barriers to existing sugar-reduction policies.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill$573,323 2018To evaluate the impact of nutrition-related fiscal policies and programs on public health.
The University of Tennessee Foundation$55,000 2018To evaluate the impact of book fairs for economically disadvantaged elementary school students.
The University of Texas at Austin$4,856 2018To evaluate and economic development entive program and its impact on job growth in the state of Texas.
The University of Texas at Dallas$100,000 2018To support the Kian Center for Education Policy Research.
Third Way Institute$372,620 2018To improve the value of higher education.
Thrive Chicago NFP$60,000 2018To pilot a project aimed at improving outcomes for youth ages 16 to 24 who are out of school and work in Chicago.
Trustees of Boston College$1802018To support collection of data related to public retirement plans.
Trustees of Boston College$11,739 2018To support research on the impact of government-sponsored automatic individual retirement accounts for private sector workers who do not have access to workplace retirement savings plans.
Trustees Of Boston College$333,940 2018To support the Center for Retirement Research.
Trustees Of Boston College$45,000 2018To develop and publish 20 evidence-based commentaries on healthcare topics.
Trustees Of Boston College$200,000 2018To develop a taxonomy of fraudwasteand abuse indicators that can be used to identify potentially fraudulent substance use disorder treatment providers.
Trustees of Indiana University$100,000 2018To support a randomized controlled trial of Educational Liaisona dropout prevention program for high school students in foster care.
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania$110,000 2018To fund a study of the effects of vertical and horizontal defense representation models on case and criminal justice outcomes.
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania$134,000 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of an informational tool for public defenders designed to reduce sentencing disparities.
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania$2,341,289 2018To support the expansion of Penn Wharton Budget Modelwhich analyzes the economic and budgetary impact of federal budget budget policy reform proposals.
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania$150,000 2018To pilot a method of systematically collecting data about public and private healthcare payment practices to improve treatment of opioid use disorder.
Tulane University$347,479 2018To improve quality education data available to the publicresearchersand educators in New OrleansLouisiana.
Uncommon Knowledge and Achievement$1,700,000 2018To launch Together Schoolsa national school management organization that will organizemanageand advance a network of autonomous public schools across the United States.
United Ways of California$256,983 2018To support employer outreach and education about the CalSavers state auto-IRA program.
University of Arizona Foundation$18,299 2018To support a longitudinal study of how computer scientists share research artifacts in order to inform the creation of a web-based data collection system.
University of Arkansas$3,972 2018To provide information about teacher's pension systems.
University of Birmingham$100,000 2018To study eyewitness identification.
University of Chicago$899,222 2018To establish a New York City hub for the University of Chicago Crime Lab.
University of Chicago$10,000 2018To evaluate a tutoring program for at-risk readers in elementary school.
University of Chicago$25,000 2018To develop and support a network of government chief data officers.
University of Chicago$700,000 2018To support grantee's Harris School of Public Policy Center’s efforts to enhance transparency and accountability in government finance.
University of Chicago$28,876 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of a job-readiness training program designed to address cognitive and social barriers to employment.
University of Chicago$40,000 2018To provide technical assistance to policy labs.
University of Chicago$160,045 2018To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial designed to help the FresnoCalifornia identify the most effective outdoor water restriction enforcement strategy.
University of Chicago$400,000 2018To support a randomized controlled trial of Working on Womanhooda cognitive behavioral therapy program for female high schools students at high risk of mental illness.
University of Chicago$365,316 2018To support a randomized controlled trial of a version of Critical Time Interventiona case management program designed to connect mentally-ill people with community services.
University of Chicago$37,627 2018To conduct a pilot randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the Mental Health Emergency Alternative Response and Treatment intervention in Chicago.
University of Chicago$66,063 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of a math tutoring program for ninth grade students in high poverty high schools.
University of Cinnati$419,203 2018To examine monetary sanctions in community corrections in seven states.
University of Cinnati Research Institute$782,027 2018To fund a center for police research and policy in collaboration with the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
University of Connecticut$30,000 2018To study how pretrial detention affects a variety of defendant outcomes.
University of Georgia Research Foundation$2,358 2018To conduct research about the potential effects of ranked choice voting.
University of Kentucky$84,868 2018To evaluate the effects of the State of Tennessee’s Achievement School District and local Innovation Zones on student achievement.
University of Maryland$219,001 2018To help establish the Maryland Data Analysis Center.
University of Maryland$480,439 2018To improve transparency in clinical trials.
University of MassachusettsAmherst$55,333 2018To partner with University College London to assess the overall employment effects of minimum wage policies in the United States.
University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center$180,000 2018To evaluate the impact of the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes model on patients with opioid use disorder.
University of Notre Dame$53,743 2018To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial of Stay the Coursea program designed to rease community college graduation rates for low-ome students.
University of Rochester$70,000 2018To conduct a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the Rochester Forensic Assertive Community Treatment model in Minnesota.
University of Southern California$38,783 2018To support a low-cost randomized controlled trial of the neighborhood resource network program.
University of Utah$249,000 2018To support the university of Utah’s policy innovation lab in order to facilitate and implement high quality Pay for Success projects.
University of Utah$1,000,000 2018To provide technical supportcapacity building resourcesand training to reproductive health providers in Utah.
University of Washington$300,000 2018To research how courts across the United States impose fines and fees.
University of Washington$150,000 2018To study a program that pairs post-release offenders in Washington state with medical professionals.
University of Washington$405,166 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial to evaluate a joint hospital / community-based violence intervention program in SeattleWashington.
University of Washington Foundation$250,000 2018To support the Center on Reinventing Public Education.
Urban Institute$2,304,256 2018To advance Pay for Success Financing.
Urban Institute$157,631 2018To develop an evidence-based policymaking collaborative.
Urban Institute$3,166,610 2018To fund the Tax Policy Center.
Urban Institute$130,241 2018To gather data on the state of prosecutorial decision making nationwide.
Urban Institute$224,000 2018To collaborate with EdBuild to support policy researcheducationand dissemination efforts related to school funding policy.
Urban Institute$100,000 2018To establish the Federal Evidence Forum.
Urban Institute$1,750,000 2018To support the State and Local Finance Initiative.
Urban Institute$400,000 2018To support research on Social Security retirement and disability policy.
Urban Institute$130,000 2018To assess the impact of three community supervision policy reforms.
Urban Institute$150,000 2018To analyze state-level data on prescription drugs used to treat opioid use disorder and opioid overdoses.
Urban Institute$232,528 2018To design and pilot a procedural justice curriculum for probation officers.
Urban Institute$91,473 2018To analyze the impact of the recently enacted Tax Cuts and Job Act on federal and state tax expenditures in the individual and corporate ome tax systems.
Urban Institute$34,185 2018To build on the work of the Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections.
Urban Institute$87,886 2018To advance the development of participatory justice.
Urban Institute$90,658 2018To examine the New Markets Tax Credits and provide recommendations for how it can be improved.
US Right to Know$307,600 2018To conduct Freedom of Information Act requests and develop a series of research papers in nutrition and health research.
Vera Institute of Justice$30,000 2018To identify strategies to safely reduce the jail population in New OrleansLouisiana.
Vera Institute of Justice$200,000 2018To reform the user-funded justice system in New OrleansLouisiana.
Vera Institute of Justice$280,000 2018To conduct research on the process of and outcomes of 911 calls for service.
Vera Institute of Justice$223,561 2018To analyze the connections between jail and prison populations and create a publicly available dataset with corrections metrics.
Veterans Education Success$280,450 2018To conduct research and educational outreach about policies related to protections for student veterans.
Veterans Education Success$500,000 2018To provide Grantee with general operating support.
Vivli$800,000 2018To promote data sharing in clinical trials.
Volcker Alliance$388,960 2018To develop and publish Truth and Integrity in State Budgeting reports that analyze key priples for improving transparency and effectiveness.
Volcker Alliance$50,000 2018To develop and publish truth and integrity in state budgeting reports that analyze key priples for improving transparency and effectiveness.
Vote org$130,000 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial of a voter turnout tool housed on a nonpartisan website that will provide information about 2018 electoral candidates.
Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department$10,298 2018To fund a randomized controlled trial to access the efficacy of police body-worn cameras in Washington DC.
Washington University$33,378 2018To advance the implementation and rigorous testing of deferred prosecution programs.
Waxman Consulting$150,000 2018To provide nonpartisan information and technical support to key stakeholders regarding prescription drug policy and publicly disseminate educational resources.
Westat$24,323 2018To produce an evaluation and pre-analysis plan for a randomized controlled trial The Independence Project.
Westat$320,000 2018To support a randomized controlled trial of the Independence Projectan intervention for disabled young veterans
Westchester Community College Foundation$250,000 2018To support implementation of the City University of New York’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs at Westchester Community College.
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice$400,000 2018To fund a fiscal-impact study of court-imposed fines and fees.
William Marsh Rice University$42,157 2018To support the Houston Education Research Consortium.
William Marsh Rice University$65,416 2018To conduct a randomized controlled trial of the Alief Independent School District Jumpstart Program.
William Marsh Rice University$1,000,000 2018To provide operational support to launch the Texas Policy Lab.
Yale University$684,500 2018To launch a collaboration aimed at promoting open access to high-quality health data
Yale University$140,000 2018To evaluate how competition in the US pharmaceutical market through the introduction of new insulin products affects the price of insulin.
Yale University$300,000 2018To produce a series of policy briefs that identify issues that raise healthcare spending.
Zest Education$50,000 2018To develop a nonprofit organization that will engage the community in the implementation of high-quality school models in Street LouisMissouri.
Charter Fund ($541200 expended)$4,100,000 2018To support the Charter School Growth Fund. This program-related investment was made in the form of a loan.
Edx$5,450,000 2016To help expand access to college by allowing students to take massive open online courses for credit
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$5,044,227 2016To support the Abdul Latif Jameel poverty action lab's regional office in north America
Harvard University$3,736,375 2016To support the development and operations of the healthcare markets and regulation lab.
Charter Fund$3,699,213 2016To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in new Orleans Louisiana.
Mind Trust$3,599,544 2016To promote high-quality school options in Indianapolis Indiana.
Johns Hopkins University$3,593,484 2016To fund a randomized controlled trial of the talent development secondary diplomas now program.
Center For Open Science$3,500,000 2016To provide general operating support.
Urban Institute$3,273,138 2016To fund the tax policy center.
New Schools For Baton Rouge$3,025,883 2016To promote high-quality school options in Baton Rouge Louisiana.
Evidence For Health Care Improvement$2,678,597 2016To produce reports on new drugs that lude information about a drug's comparative effectiveness cost effectiveness and potential budget impact
America Achieves$2,612,000 2016To support results for America projects that advance government's use of evidence and data.
Teacher Town Usa$2,500,000 2016To promote high-quality school options in Memphis Tennessee
Trustees Of Dartmouth College$2,474,513 2016To help disseminate evidence-based treatment strategies across health care systems
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$2,426,979 2016To support the development of a center that is focused on improving the quality of medical research.
New Schools For New Orleans$2,385,370 2016To promote high-quality school options in new Orleans Louisiana.
William Marsh Rice University$2,337,500 2016To support opens tax in its efforts to create free high-quality online textbooks.
Cal Poly Corporation$2,193,963 2016To scale and enhance the digital democracy platform.
Healthy Food America$2,180,000 2016To evaluate policies that are intended to reduce the consumption of sugar and to educate the public about those policies that are found to be effective.
Pew Charitable Trusts$2,000,000 2016To support the public sector retirement systems project.
Kipp Foundation$2,000,000 2016To provide general operating support.
Tulane University$2,000,000 2016To improve the quality of education data available to the public researchers and educators in new Orleans Louisiana.
Charter Fund$2,000,000 2016To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in Camden New Jersey.
Urban Institute$1,782,668 2016To advance pay for success financing.
Fairvote$1,756,873 2016To conduct research and educate the public about ranked choice voting.
Newschools Venture Fund$1,600,000 2016To help develop and launch high-quality schools across the united states.
Brown University$1,570,445 2016To help establish the Rhode island innovative policy lab.
Oregon Health And Science University$1,532,837 2016To support efforts to improve the Medicaid drug purchasing process through research and design of value-based payment models.
Charter Fund$1,500,000 2016To support continued investments in high-performing charter schools.
Charter Fund$1,500,000 2016To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in Memphis Tennessee
Feeding America$1,433,304 2016To support the collaborating for clients initiative.
Harvard University$1,381,213 2016To help create the access to justice lab which will promote the use of rigorous evidence about what works in the legal system.
Behavioral Ideas Lab$1,354,670 2016To leverage insights from behavioral science to ensure that federal state and local policies are based on rigorous research
Code For America Labs$1,320,000 2016To develop implement and evaluate digital tools and services that can help to reduce jail populations and improve policing practices.
New Teacher Project$1,264,555 2016To help develop high-quality teachers in new Orleans Louisiana.
Youth Services$1,258,000 2016To advance pay for success financing.
Center For Open Science$1,250,000 2016To help foster open reliable and rigorous scientific research.
Harvard University$1,168,180 2016To help develop a litigation strategy focused on ending deceptive practices in the for-profit college industry.
Oregon Health And Science University$1,129,195 2016To support the donor management research initiative in its efforts to maximize the quality and quantity of life-saving organs and to build a national web-based donor management data registry.
George Mason University Foundation$1,100,000 2016To support symposia on public pension reform.
Mdrc$1,100,000 2016To support the expanding children's early learning project.
Harvard University$1,004,241 2016To develop and support a network of government chief data officers.
Pro Publica$1,000,000 2016To support investigative journalism in the public interest.
Pepperdine University$1,000,000 2016To fund betagov a project that supports practitioner-led randomized controlled trials related to criminal justice policies.
Social Finance$1,000,000 2016To advance pay for success financing.
Yale University$1,000,000 2016To launch a collaboration aimed at promoting open access to high-quality health data.
Silicon Schools Fund$1,000,000 2016To provide general operating support and help improve k-12 education in the bay area of California.
Silicon Schools Fund$1,000,000 2016To support blended learning.
Education Trust$1,000,000 2016To provide general operating support.
University Of Chicago$1,000,000 2016To support grantee's harries school of public policy center's efforts to enhance transparency and accountability in government finance.
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$1,000,000 2016To help establish the center for reproducible neuroscience.
New Schools For New Orleans$967,000 2016To promote high-quality school options in new Orleans Louisiana
Nutrition Science Initiative$956,306 2016To provide general operating support.
Research Foundation Of Cuny$950,000 2016To create the research network on misdemeanor justice.
University Of Chicago$900,000 2016To establish a new York city hub for the university of Chicago crime lab.
New Schools For New Orleans$900,000 2016To promote high-quality school options in new Orleans Louisiana.
Trustees Of The University Of Pennsylvania$900,000 2016To support the first phase of the actionable intelligence for social policy innovation project.
Regents Of The University Of Colorado$900,000 2016To expand the blueprints for healthy youth development initiative.
Center For Public Integrity$900,000 2016To support grantee's reporting on the flow of money and influence in state-level politics.
William Marsh Rice University$842,157 2016To support the Houston education research consortium.
Regents Of The University Of Minnesota$826,984 2016To support efforts to improve the quality of health care news and information available to consumers.
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$815,871 2016To support the state and local government innovation initiative at the Abdul Latif Jameel poverty action lab's regional office in north America.
New York University$810,000 2016To conduct a pilot of the graduated reintegration approach to reentry.
Harvard University$800,000 2016To support the center for public leadership's efforts to evaluate a series of low-cost high-yield interventions.
University Of Washington$782,969 2016To research how courts across the united states impose fines and fees.
Pew Charitable Trusts$763,000 2016To support efforts to improve state economic development programs by conducting research and providing technical assistance.
Marshall Project$750,000 2016To support nonpartisan online news coverage of the criminal justice system.
Measures For Justice Institute$740,685 2016To improve an online tool that can be used to evaluate the criminal justice process on a county-by-county basis.
Urban Institute$715,859 2016To develop an evidence-based policymaking collaborative.
New York University$700,000 2016To develop a platform and learning process to advance the use of data in federal state and local decision making.
Volcker Alliance$700,000 2016To develop and publish truth and integrity in state budgeting reports that analyze key priples for improving transparency and effectiveness.
Bringham And Women'S Hospital$700,000 2016To support the program on regulation therapeutics and law.
Government Of The District Of Columbia$696,490 2016To fund the creation of the lab @ DC.
University Of Cinnati Research Institute$650,000 2016To fund a center for police research and policy in collaboration with the international association of chiefs of police.
Education Cities$650,000 2016To provide general operating and programmatic support.
Regents Of The University Of Minnesota$643,147 2016To help establish a center that will improve the quality of health care news and information available to consumers.
University Of TexasDallas$639,275 2016To support the Kain center for education policy research.
Mathematical Policy Research$630,064 2016To fund a randomized controlled trial of the Bronx freedom fund.
Duke University$616,043 2016To support the center for health policy in its efforts to create an evaluation hub that will study the impact of reforms related to health care payment benefit and delivery systems.
National Center For Civic Innovation$601,600 2016To help criminal justice agencies more effectively share data.
Education Forward Dc$600,000 2016To promote high-quality school options in Washington D.C.
Center For Open Science$587,500 2016To encourage preregistration of scientific studies by offering monetary awards to selected researchers who publish studies that have been preregistered on the open science framework.
Pacific Business Group On Health$582,079 2016To identify and disseminate innovative alternative health care payment models.
Mathematical Policy Research$580,948 2016To evaluate the impacts of the KIPP prekindergarten program and whether those impacts persist overtime in elementary-aged children.
Police Foundation$580,000 2016To fund a randomized controlled trial to evaluate procedural justice training and “hot spot' policing.
Internet Archive$579,146 2016To develop a robust search engine for the world's largest repository of internet content.
Chapin Hall Center For Children$572,660 2016To demonstrate a new approach for researchers working with state or local governments to access census data for policy evaluation.
National Criminal Justice Association$570,000 2016To provide strategic planning assistance to states that use federal funding to implement evidence-based criminal justice reforms.
National Governors Association Center For Best Practice$560,000 2016To provide strategic planning assistance to states that use federal funding to implement evidence-based criminal justice reforms.
University Of California - Irvine Regents$549,558 2016To support the economic self-sufficiency policy research institute.
Partnership For Public Service$545,000 2016To identify measures that can improve operations at the office of management and budget.
Behavioral Ideas Lab$536,308 2016To support evidence-based policymaking within city governments.
Reason Foundation$534,489 2016To support a multifaceted research technical assistance policy and educational outreach project aimed at improving state and municipal pension systems.
Indianapolis Public Schools Education Foundation$518,750 2016To expand and replicate high-quality schools in Indianapolis Indiana.
Regents Of The University Of Michigan$504,244 2016To help establish the youth policy lab.
Organ Alliance$500,000 2016To support efforts to rease the number of organ donors in the united states and reduce the number of individuals on the waiting list.
University Of Utah$500,000 2016To support the university of Utah’s policy innovation lab.
Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation$500,000 2016To support Kaiser health news in providing independent reporting on pharmaceutical drug development and pricing
Reason Foundation$500,000 2016To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems.
Houston Food Bank$500,000 2016To develop and evaluate a food scholarship program for students.
Stand For Children Leadership Center$500,000 2016To provide general operating support and help improve k-12 education in the state of Louisiana.
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice$500,000 2016To fund a fiscal-impact study of court-imposed fines and fees.
Achievement School District$483,161 2016To support the transformation of low-performing schools in Memphis Tennessee.
Regents Of The University Of Michigan$458,554 2016To launch an exploratory pilot of the criminal justice administrative records system.
Urban Institute$456,603 2016To help governments implement and evaluate economic development initiatives.
Mdrc$450,000 2016To support the improving contraceptive options now research project.
Bellwether Education Partners$400,144 2016To provide information about teachers' pension systems.
Center For Regional Economic Competitiveness$400,000 2016To provide technical assistance to states interested in developing data-sharing agreements
Statistical Assessment Service$400,000 2016To inform the public about the value of greater transparency for clinical trials in medicine and other scientific domains.
Teacher Town Usa$400,000 2016To promote high-quality school options in Memphis Tennessee.
Crossfit Foundation$400,000 2016To conduct research and educate the public about sugar and its impact on health.
Campaign Legal Center$394,275 2016To support strategic litigation that will help establish a constitutional standard for adjudicating gerrymandering cases in the united states.
Board Of Trustees Of The University Of Illinois$380,874 2016To fund a randomized controlled trial of big brothers big sisters of America’s community-based mentoring program.
Nurse Family Partnership$377,763 2016To support three randomized controlled trials of a nurse home visiting program.
Long-Term Quality Alliance$375,000 2016To study how health care coverage and the integration of long-term services and supports impact medical spending health outcomes and quality of life for people with functional limitations.
Harvard University$375,000 2016To support the Harvard Kennedy school's government performance lab.
Research Foundation Of Cuny$370,000 2016To study how to help individuals who are frequently involved with both the criminal justice and health care systems.
Project On Government Oversight$368,985 2016To enhance the ability of federal inspector general’s to detect and recover improper payments made by government agencies.
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$366,326 2016To perform qualitative research on the impacts of pretrial diversion and detention.
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$361,725 2016To fund a randomized controlled trial of a cognitive behavioral therapy program for individuals with mental illness who are involved in the criminal justice system.
Nonprofit Finance Fund$360,000 2016To advance pay for success financing.
University Of Maryland$354,000 2016To help establish the Maryland data analysis center.
Feeding America$350,000 2016To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a program designed to help food banks meet the needs of diabetic clients
National Council On Teacher Quality$350,000 2016To help improve teacher training programs.
American Academy Of Forensic Sciences$350,000 2016To help improve standards in the forensic science community.
National Governors Association Center For Best Practice$350,000 2016To identify best practices in evidence-based policymaking and educate state leaders about such practices.
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$350,000 2016To support the Berkeley initiative on transparency in the social sciences' competition to entivize and encourage meta-research in economics and political science.
Harvard University$350,000 2016To provide general operating support to the Harvard open access project
Harvard University$350,000 2016To fund grantee's criminal justice policy program.
Harvard University$350,000 2016To fund the continuation of the coding for cancer initiative the development of a plan to support future open innovation challenges and the creation of a preliminary plan for an open innovation center that will coordinate future efforts a
Southern Poverty Law Center$341,600 2016To help reduce the arceration of indigent defendants detained solely because they are unable to pay court-imposed fines and fees.
University Of Chicago$330,423 2016To develop and support a network of government chief data officers.
University Of California - Los Angeles Regents$327,521 2016To support the continued development of declare design.
Nonprofit Finance Fund$325,000 2016To support the pay for success learning hub.
Regents Of The University Of Michigan$300,199 2016To rigorously evaluate the long-term impact of four programs designed to combat poverty.
Bringham And Women'S Hospital$300,000 2016To support the planning process related to the creation of a clinical trial data-sharing platform
Parent Coalition For Excellent Education$300,000 2016To support the launch of grantee's office in Camden New Jersey.
University Of Southern California$300,000 2016To evaluate laws that regulate state and local public sector employees.
Brookings Institution$300,000 2016To expand access to research about public sector retirement systems.
Research Foundation Of Cuny$300,000 2016To fund the misdemeanor justice project.
University Of California - San Diego Regents$296,269 2016To fund a randomized controlled trial of performance entives for community college instructors and their students.
Saga Innovations$295,400 2016To develop and implement a literacy tutoring program for at-risk students in elementary school.
Brookings Institution$292,649 2016To fund grantee's visiting fellowship in economic studies.
Teach For America$290,000 2016To recruit talented teachers and school leaders in Camden New Jersey.
Nutrition Science Initiative$281,906 2016To support a randomized controlled trial to assess whether a sugar-free diet can reverse the effects of non alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Southern Poverty Law Center$280,000 2016To create a network that will help advocates and researchers maximize court-debt reform efforts.
University Of TexasAustin$277,500 2016To support studies that will evaluate insights from behavioral economics in order to develop recommendations for procedural improvements at the internal revenue service.
Justice System Partners$275,000 2016To support the implementation of the public safety assessment.
Century Foundation$273,200 2016To identify reforms that address the unfair practices of for-profit colleges
Ohio State University Foundation$267,267 2016To conduct a random assignment intervention that uses an integrated service delivery model to provide case management and employment services to low-ome adults in Ohio.
Treatment Research Institute$263,383 2016To develop and study a pre-booking police protocol that diverts substance-involved offenders in Philadelphia to treatment.
University Of Washington$262,177 2016To study a program that pairs post-release offenders in Washington state with medical professionals
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation$260,000 2016To help reduce the arceration of indigent defendants detained solely because they are unable to pay court-imposed fines and fees.
University Of Utah$254,310 2016To advance pay for success financing.
University Of Washington Foundation$250,000 2016To support the center on reinventing public education.
American Society For Public Administration$250,000 2016To fund an analysis of federal credit programs and identify ways to make them more efficient and effective.
Publlc Resource Organization$250,000 2016To support programs aimed at placing edicts and works of government that have been erroneously assigned copyright protection into the public domain.
Center For Health Care Transparency$250,000 2016To improve the quality transparency and efficiency of the nation's health care system.
University Of Chicago$250,000 2016To study whether cognitive behavioral therapy and high-intensity tutoring can help prevent crime.
Bipartisan Policy Center$250,000 2016To identify and disseminate best practices for orporating evidence-based policymaking into the federal budgeting process.
American Society Of Crime Lab Directors$250,000 2016To develop forensic lab performance tracking freeware that will help to ensure that labs operate efficiently and effectively.
Maplight$250,000 2016To provide general operating support.
Corporation For Supportive Housing$246,000 2016To develop a secure digital platform for individuals who are both homeless and frequently involved with the criminal justice system in order to aid this population.
National Bureau Of Economic Research$245,000 2016To support the creation of an economic research consortium that will study the U.S. Health care system and produce tools to improve efficiency and promote best practices.
University Of TexasAustin$240,000 2016To support the expansion of policy-relevant evidence developed using internal revenue service data.
Third Way Foundation$240,000 2016To educate stakeholders about the portfolio model of school governance
Urban Institute$233,803 2016To help improve the fiscal sustainability of state and local governments.
Friends Research Institute$230,392 2016To support an ongoing randomized controlled trial of three strategies to reduce recidivism and relapse among inmates in the Baltimore city jail.
Urban Institute$230,000 2016To gather data on the state of prosecutorial decision making nationwide.
Teacher Town Usa$230,000 2016To promote high-quality school options in Memphis Tennessee.
Northwestern University$226,365 2016To identify school practices and policies that are promising candidates for rigorous evaluation.
National Opinion Research Center$220,000 2016To conduct an independent review of reports produced by the center for medicare & Medicaid innovation in order to identify best practices for alternative medical payment and service delivery models
National Council On Crime And Delinquency (Nccd)$220,000 2016To establish a data-sharing platform that will help identify youth at risk of becoming involved in the juvenile justice system.
Davidson College$218,000 2016To support the creation of online curricula and teaching tools for advanced placement courses.
Family Services Agency Of Santa Barbara$216,553 2016To conduct a pilot study of adult holistic defense case management a program to reduce recidivism.
Pubpeer Foundation$214,400 2016To provide general operating support.
Public Health Management Corporation$211,328 2016To study the integration of trained 'peer recovery specialists' into Philadelphia’s adult drug treatment court.
Trustees Of Columbia University$209,742 2016To support the center for the advancement of public integrity in its efforts to improve the transparency of state and local government.
Initiative For Medicine Access And Knowledge$209,500 2016To produce a report that will outline strategies to address pharmaceutical patents and pricing structures.
University Of Miami$208,170 2016To develop and study a multi-dimensional family therapy program in the Miami-Dade criminal drug court.
American Institutes For Research In The Behavioral Sciences$206,041 2016To expand access to public sector retirement research.
Catalyst For Payment Reform$205,000 2016To design and pilot a scorecard that will assess alternative health care payment reform models.
Pew Charitable Trusts$201,639 2016To support the development of common standards for gathering and reporting data on tax entives for economic development.
Justice System Partners$200,000 2016To develop and test a web-based tool that can help ensure that jails are managed in a fair and efficient way.
George Mason University Foundation$200,000 2016To identify policies and practices that will help law enforcement agencies rease clearance rates for serious crimes.
Cleveland Clinic Foundation$200,000 2016To support efforts to rease the number of successful organ transplants and reduce the number of people on the organ donor wait list.
Bowling Green State University$200,000 2016To develop statistical models that can be used to reduce the backlog of untested sexual assault kits across the united states.
Association Of Prosecuting Attorneys$200,000 2016To develop investigation and prosecution protocols for the use of force by law enforcement.
American Society For Cell Biology$200,000 2016To support a working group of scientists and policymakers aimed at improving the national institutes of health.
Clean Air Task Force$200,000 2016To identify cost-effective solutions to meet the rising energy demand while minimizing adverse climate effects.
National Academy Of Sciences$200,000 2016To improve economic research that relies on statistics collected by the federal government.
National Academy Of Sciences$200,000 2016To support the creation of an institute of medicine committee that will examine issues associated with research involving deceased organ donors.
Texas Public Policy Foundation$200,000 2016To raise public awareness of reform efforts related to the criminal justice pretrial process and court-imposed fines and fees.
Innocence Project$200,000 2016To provide operating support for the grantee's strategic litigation unit.
International Association Of Chiefs Of Police$200,000 2016To develop a blueprint to guide state and local law enforcement in the implementation of recommendations made by the president's task force on 21st century policing.
Center For Open Science$200,000 2016To support the creation of a new database of clinical trials.
Research Triangle Institute$200,000 2016To help establish a national forensic science academy.
Energy Innovation Reform Project$200,000 2016To identify cost-effective solutions to meet the rising energy demand while minimizing adverse climate effects.
Living Cities$199,373 2016To host a convening to educate policymakers university researchers and other stakeholders about the policy lab model.
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$190,006 2016To fund outreach activities for the Berkeley initiative on transparency in the social sciences.
Charter Fund$189,000 2016To subsidize the cost of tuition and stipends for first-year relay graduate school of education residents in Camden New Jersey.
Partnership For Public Service$184,223 2016To advance pay for success financing.
Center For Open Science$182,953 2016To improve transparency by providing consultation on best practices in data analysis and research design.
National Academy Of Sciences$180,327 2016To support the creation of an institute of medicine committee that will examine issues associated with research involving deceased organ donors
Manhattan Institute For Policy Research$180,000 2016To help enhance
University Of Washington$179,870 2016To develop an implementation plan for the applied public policy lab.
Washington University$176,430 2016To advance the implementation and rigorous testing of deferred prosecution programs.
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice$175,000 2016To fund a fiscal-impact study of court-imposed fines and fees.
Abode Services$169,503 2016To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a permanent supportive housing program in Santa Clara county California.
William Marsh Rice University$166,343 2016To conduct a randomized controlled trial of the alien independent school district jumpstart program.
University Of Chicago$160,000 2016To develop and study a pre-booking police protocol that diverts narcotics-involved offenders in Chicago to treatment.
George Mason University Foundation$155,000 2016To establish the proactive policing lab to conduct research on proactive policing practices.
Houston Independent School District Foundation$151,654 2016To help support the Houston independent school district's legal costs in the matter of Houston federation of teachers v. Houston independent school district.
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice$150,000 2016To support the launch of a national law enforcement leadership group.
Bipartisan Policy Center$150,000 2016To support research on retirement security and disability insurance policies and programs.
Johns Hopkins University$150,000 2016To fund a study to estimate the impacts of school-based vision services in Baltimore city public schools.
Amida Technology Solutions$150,000 2016To facilitate the development of a free open-source platform that will link disease registries for patients with cancer and Alzheimer’s disease
Center For Scientific Integrity$150,000 2016To support the expansion of retraction watch an online website and database that promotes transparency and integrity in scientific research.
Center For Open Data Enterprise$150,000 2016To fund the development of a report on best practices for advancing open data policies and practices within the federal government.
Association Of Prosecuting Attorneys$150,000 2016To help establish the major county prosecutors council.
National Campaign To Prevent Teen And Unplanned Pregnancy$145,661 2016To create and disseminate tools to estimate how much taxpayers spend at the local state and national level in relation to teen childbearing.
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$145,000 2016To support the institute for economic policy research.
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$144,470 2016To expand the Stanford institute for economic policy research pension tracker.
Trustees Of Columbia University$142,813 2016To support efforts to rease the number of successful organ transplants and reduce the number of people on the organ donor wait list.
New Venture Fund$140,000 2016To provide planning support for the scholarly publishing and academic resources coalition.
University Of Washington$140,000 2016To evaluate the law enforcement assisted diversion program in Seattle Washington.
Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government$139,750 2016To help reduce the amount of time it takes to process felony cases.
Harvard University$139,688 2016To help identify new payment models for accountable care organizations and other entities and to develop research studies to evaluate those models.
Johns Hopkins University$139,524 2016To support efforts to rease the number of organ transplants and reduce the number of individuals on the waiting list.
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$138,565 2016To support the center for education policy analysis in its evaluation of ready4k.
Johns Hopkins University$138,205 2016To provide general operating support for the center for research and reform in education.
Center For Health Policy Development$136,271 2016To support a working group of state health policy experts and stakeholders to examine emerging strategies for addressing the high cost of prescription drugs.
County Of Allegheny$134,926 2016To place a fellow within the U.S. Department of education who will help jurisdictions use privacy-protected data to measure programs' performance.
National Skills Coalition$134,000 2016To support the workforce data quality campaign.
Behavioral Ideas Lab$133,331 2016To design a cognitive behavioral therapy curriculum to help reduce crime and violence.
University Of Arizona$133,035 2016To support a longitudinal study of how computer scientists share research artifacts in order to inform the creation of a web-based data collection system.
Juvenile Law Center$132,800 2016To evaluate the impact of fines and fees on youth involved in the juvenile justice system.
Association For Competitive Technology$131,264 2016To fund a U.S. Department of education fellowship to support educators in using classroom technology.
Iowa State University Of Science And Technology$130,812 2016To conduct research designed to improve understanding of eyewitness decision making.
Johns Hopkins University$130,000 2016To conduct observational research and planning that will inform the research design for the my brother's keeper school success mentor and student support initiative.
Police Foundation$130,000 2016To collect and analyze data regarding officer-involved shootings from major city police agencies.
University Of MissouriColumbia$129,665 2016To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems.
Duke University$127,342 2016To conduct an initial study of how medication-assisted treatment impacts recidivism and other outcomes in wake county north Carolina.
Measured Decisions$126,350 2016To fund a replication randomized controlled trial of an intervention designed to improve academic achievement and help students successfully transition to middle school.
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$124,394 2016To conduct research on police body-worn cameras.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University$124,000 2016To provide planning support for the social and decision analytics lab.
Police Executive Research Forum$123,506 2016To conduct research on police body-worn cameras.
Children'S Trust Fund Of South Carolina$119,680 2016To help advance pay for success financing
National Association For Public Defense$119,300 2016To disseminate the findings of a study analyzing the workloads of Louisiana’s public defenders and to pursue sixth amendment litigation.
Trustees Of Boston College$117,391 2016To support research on the impact of government-sponsored automatic individual retirement accounts for private sector workers who do not have access to workplace retirement savings plans.
Nordic Cochrane Center$117,322 2016To conduct meta-research on anti-depressants in order to promote transparency and openness in medical research.
United States Common Sense$115,447 2016To promote best practices that can help governments achieve operational excellence in a cost-efficient manner.
Cal Poly Corporation$113,628 2016To develop and pilot digital democracy a publicly available technology platform that provides searchable transcripts of statehouse video feeds.
Brookings Institution$111,500 2016To support a series of weekly reports about education and social policy research.
Pew Charitable Trusts$111,375 2016To conduct research on electronic monitoring.
Rector And Visitors Of The University Of Virginia$110,620 2016To investigate the impacts of behavioral nudge initiatives designed to improve college entry and completion rates for low-ome students.
Trustees Of The University Of Pennsylvania$110,000 2016To fund a study of the effects of vertical and horizontal defense representation models on case and criminal justice outcomes.
National Council On Teacher Quality$106,000 2016To provide information about teachers' pension systems.
University Of Chicago$105,569 2016To study an analytical tool that predicts which hazardous waste sites are most likely to violate environmental regulations.
University Of California - Santa Barbara Regents$104,096 2016To fund a randomized controlled trial of an intervention to strengthen communication between college instructors and their students.
Urban Institute$103,687 2016To conduct research on police body-worn cameras.
Trustees Of Columbia University$101,143 2016To support the center for the advancement of public integrity in its efforts to improve the transparency of state and local government.
Temple University$100,945 2016To develop a tool that provides targeted services to people who are frequently involved with both the criminal justice and health care systems.
Arizona State University$100,421 2016To evaluate a tool for reducing repeat idents of domestic violence.
Research Triangle Institute$100,000 2016To evaluate two programs aimed at making the process used to analyze sexual assault kit evidence more efficient.
Johns Hopkins University$100,000 2016To support efforts to improve transparency at the food and drug administration.
Johns Hopkins University$100,000 2016To rease the availability and affordability of life-saving drugs while maintaining entives for innovation in drug development.
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools$100,000 2016To conduct research and raise awareness about pension plans for teachers in charter schools
Louisiana Public Defender Board$100,000 2016To analyze the workloads of the state of Louisiana’s public defenders to determine how those workloads impact legal representation.
Community Foundation Of New Jersey$100,000 2016To support a common enrollment system for the Camden city school district in New Jersey.
Cuny Graduate School Of Journalism Foundation$100,000 2016To support the ravitch fiscal reporting program.
New York University$100,000 2016To develop and evaluate a swift-certain-fair prison discipline model that provides alternatives to restrictive housing.
New York University$100,000 2016To develop a slate of nonpartisan reforms designed to improve reviews of federal agencies' rulemaking proposals to help ensure that new federal regulations rease social welfare.
Harvard University$100,000 2016To promote evidence-based decision making at all levels of government
Vera Institute Of Justice$100,000 2016To identify strategies to safely reduce the jail population in new Orleans Louisiana.
Sage Bionetworks$100,000 2016To fund the digital mammography portion of the coding for cancer challenge.
National Judicial College$100,000 2016To help develop a forensic science education program for judges.
Veterans Education Success$100,000 2016To support the creation of an alternative to the veterans disability compensation system.
Dream Corps$99,498 2016To educate the public about the use of monetary sanctions as a form of punishment in the criminal justice system
United States Common Sense$99,289 2016To support the development of a national platform of public financial data and documents for state and local governments.
Muckrock Foundation$97,400 2016To build a web portal that outlines public records laws for all 50 states and commonly cited exemptions to the freedom of information act (FOIA) and to create a guide that can help the public navigate the process for submitting a request u
Institute For Justice$95,832 2016To examine whether and to what extent citations are used to generate revenue for municipal governments.
William Marsh Rice University$94,630 2016To conduct a randomized controlled trial of the Houston food bank's food scholarship program.
Nordic Cochrane Centre$94,330 2016To conduct meta-research on clinical trial protocols in order to promote transparency and openness in medical research.
American Institutes For Research In The Behavioral Sciences$93,343 2016To conduct research on teachers' pensions in an effort to identify ways to improve fiscal sustainability of state pension systems
United Way Of Lane County$93,106 2016To conduct a randomized controlled trial of the kids in transition to school program.
Colorado Nonprofit Development Center$90,000 2016To educate the public about how to provide a secure retirement for Colorado’s public employees.
Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget$90,000 2016To support efforts to improve the social security disability insurance program.
University Of Arkansas$89,792 2016To provide information about teachers' pension systems.
Conference Board$89,740 2016To develop a study design for a randomized controlled trial that will test if competency-based hiring is an effective predictor of job performance.
University Of TexasAustin$88,593 2016To evaluate an economic development entive program and its impact on job growth in the state of Texas.
Sunlight Foundation$88,549 2016To identify the criminal justice data available to researchers policymakers and the public and promote data sharing.
Vera Institute Of Justice$85,000 2016To conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the use of court-imposed fines and fees in new Orleans Louisiana
University Of Tennessee$85,000 2016To evaluate the impact of book fairs for economically disadvantaged elementary school students.
Trustees Of The University Of Pennsylvania$84,860 2016To fund a randomized controlled trial of an informational tool for public defenders designed to reduce sentencing disparities.
University Of California - San Diego Regents$83,955 2016To improve the statistical methodology used to evaluate the reliability of eyewitness identification.
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$80,000 2016To help enhance the internal revenue service data infrastructure and to conduct research on topics related to inequality and opportunity.
Research Foundation Of Cuny$76,513 2016To develop a research agenda for pretrial criminal justice and evaluate research proposals.
Harvard University$75,319 2016To promote best practices that can help governments achieve operational excellence in a cost-efficient manner.
Leading Educators$75,000 2016To help develop high-quality teachers and school leaders in new Orleans Louisiana.
Justice System Partners$75,000 2016To analyze five new sites that plan to implement the public safety assessment.
Harvard University$73,759 2016To conduct a randomized controlled trial of the public safety assessment
Research Foundation Of Cuny$72,023 2016To fund the misdemeanor justice project.
Urban Institute$70,621 2016To identify key research questions and potential projects related to the federal government's new markets tax credit program.
Educational Results Partnership$70,000 2016To fund a randomized controlled trial to evaluate a placement method that uses students' high school achievement to assess college readiness.
Maryland Public Policy Institute$70,000 2016To support educational efforts related to Maryland’s public pension system.
Behavioral Ideas Lab$68,759 2016To support evidence-based policymaking within the federal government.
Institute For Child Success$66,644 2016To educate stakeholders about the importance of rigorously evaluating pay for success projects.
Regents Of The University Of Colorado$66,238 2016To research the long-term impacts of the nurse family partnership program.
George Mason University Foundation$65,685 2016To produce a research agenda on police body-worn cameras.
Rand Corporation$64,139 2016To analyze information about public pension systems.
University Of Georgia - Research Foundation$57,736 2016To conduct research about the potential effects of ranked choice voting.
Police Executive Research Forum$56,196 2016To conduct research on police body-worn cameras.
Regents Of The University Of Michigan$55,020 2016To promote the use of pre-acceptance publishing in political science research in an effort to improve research transparency and integrity.
Oakland Public Education Fund$55,000 2016To develop a plan to rease the number of high-quality school options in Oakland California.
New York University$51,524 2016To analyze and improve the quality of cost-benefit analyses in policing.
International Association Of Chiefs Of Police$51,041 2016To conduct research on law enforcement's use of citations in lieu of arrest.
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$50,530 2016To fund two meta-research projects submitted as part of the Berkeley initiative on transparency in the social sciences
Aleph Institute$50,000 2016To support the alternative sentencing key stakeholder summit.
National Conference Of State Legislatures$50,000 2016To develop a collaborative nonpartisan forum for policymakers to communicate about structural electoral reforms.
Mdrc$50,000 2016To conduct research on social security disability insurance.
San Diego Regional Chamber Foundation$50,000 2016To evaluate the impact of proposition b a 2012 pension reform initiative in san Diego in order to educate other cities and the general public.
Regents Of The University Of California -San Francisco$50,000 2016To help develop a plan for reasing the use of preprints in the life sciences community.
Data Quality Campaign$48,000 2016To develop and distribute materials that capture the current growth of data systems in education and share lessons for other sectors.
George Mason University Foundation$46,800 2016To fund a judicial symposium on criminal justice reform.
American Enterprise Institute Of Public Policy Research$45,500 2016To identify new philanthropic models for student aid and opportunities to address the rising cost of higher education.
University Of Southern California$45,000 2016To develop a predictive risk model that improved the way child protective services triages cases.
National Conference Of State Legislatures$45,000 2016To track and summarize state legislation related to pretrial justice and police body-worn cameras.
Texas Public Policy Foundation$44,758 2016To support educational efforts related to retirement security and public pension policies in the state of Texas and across the nation.
University Of Chicago$40,665 2016To train scholars in the field experiment method and promote field experiment research.
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$40,000 2016To support the center on poverty and inequality
University Of Chicago$40,000 2016To evaluate a tutoring program for at-risk readers in elementary school.
Bringham And Women'S Hospital$40,000 2016To support the testing of various notification mechanisms intended to rease flu vaccination rates among medicare recipients.
National Academy Of Sciences$40,000 2016To help improve eyewitness identification procedures.
University Of Connecticut$40,000 2016To study how pretrial detention affects a variety of defendant outcomes.
Texas Public Policy Foundation$40,000 2016To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems.
Behavioral Ideas Lab$40,000 2016To help advise jurisdictions on best practices for the use of the public safety assessment
Georgetown University$40,000 2016To help the federal government structure implement and evaluate performance-based contracting models.
Urban Institute$39,617 2016To support the creation of a tool to effectively obtain use and analyze social security administration data.
Wake County Public School System$39,320 2016To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial of the tiered education support model of academic and behavioral services for
National Head Start Association$39,000 2016To support a convening to identify an evaluation and continuous improvement strategy for head start.
Pennsylvania State University$35,000 2016To study how evidence-based programs for preventing youth substance abuse impact Medicaid costs and the utilization of health services.
University Of Chicago$34,685 2016To fund a randomized controlled trial of a program that provides wrap-around financial academic and personal supports for low-ome community college students in Chicago Illinois.
University Of Chicago$33,955 2016To identify promising applications of machine learning techniques.
University Of Southern California$32,674 2016To support a low-cost randomized controlled trial of the neighborhood resource network program.
Bottom Line$30,000 2016To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial of a program to promote college enrollment and completion for disadvantaged students.
Trustees Of Boston University$30,000 2016To establish the k-12 educational research fund in order to advance k-12 education-related research.
University Of TexasAustin$27,910 2016To support research aimed at improving k-12 education in Texas.
University Of Connecticut$26,000 2016To study how expungement affects recidivism and employment
Research Foundation Of Cuny$25,000 2016To convene a roundtable on pretrial best practices.
Washington State University Foundation$25,000 2016To research a community supervision model in Washington state.
Philanthropy Roundtable$25,000 2016To create an alternative to the veterans disability compensation system.
New Venture Fund$25,000 2016To fund the scholarly publishing and academic resources coalition's opencon conference.
American Enterprise Institute Of Public Policy Research$23,970 2016To support educational efforts related to corporate tax reform.
Trust For Conservation Innovation$21,971 2016To advance pay for success financing
Datakind$20,000 2016To provide general operating support.
Harvard University$20,000 2016To support the equality of opportunity project
Fairvote$20,000 2016To provide general operating support.
Brown University$19,874 2016To determine whether exposure to lead during early childhood can lead to juvenile crime.
Organ Alliance$19,566 2016To help identify innovative solutions that will rease the number of organ transplants and eliminate the wait list for donors.
University Of MissouriColumbia$18,547 2016To develop high-quality teachers in the Houston independent school district in Texas.
Fairvote$18,500 2016To create a 50-state assessment of structural democracy reforms and obstacles associated with ranked choice voting.
Fairvote Minnesota Foundation$17,180 2016To educate residents of the state of Maine about ranked choice voting.
Regents Of The University Of Michigan$15,575 2016To help design a randomized controlled trial of planned parenthood's contraceptive access research and evaluation.
Fairvote$15,000 2016To educate residents of the state of Maine about ranked choice voting
Juvenile Law Center$15,000 2016To educate the public about the issue of fines and fees in the juvenile justice system.
Mental Health Services For Homeless Persons$15,000 2016To help advance pay for success financing.
Council Of State Governments$14,841 2016To develop a risk assessment tool for defendants charged with driving under the influence.
Health Care Cost Institute$13,662 2016To support the launch of the state health policy grant program.
Major Cities Chiefs Association$13,146 2016To convene a national meeting to discuss the president's task force on 21st century policing.
Teachers College Columbia University$12,036 2016To support efforts to improve academic achievement for students from low-ome families.
University Of TexasAustin$12,000 2016To support research aimed at improving k-12 education in Texas.
Juvenile Law Center$10,000 2016To educate the public about the issue of fines and fees in the juvenile justice system
University Of North CarolinaCharlotte$8,005 2016To evaluate the Mecklenburg county north Carolina driver's license recovery initiative.
Harvard University$5,000 2016To develop ideas for future experimental interventions related to housing voucher programs.
Edx$5,000,000 2015To help expand access to college by allowing students to take massive open online courses for credit
Edx$5,000,000 2015To help expand access to college by allowing students to take massive open online courses for credit
Edx$5,000,000 2015To help expand access to college by allowing students to take massive open online courses for credit.
Charter Fund$3,517,366 2015To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in New Orleans Louisiana
Charter Fund$3,517,366 2015To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in New Orleans Louisiana.
Charter Fund$3,517,366 2015To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in New Orleans Louisiana
New Schools For New Orleans$3,500,000 2015To promote high-quality school options in New Orleans Louisiana
New Schools For New Orleans$3,500,000 2015To promote high-quality school options in New Orleans Louisiana
New Schools For New Orleans$3,500,000 2015To promote high-quality school options in New Orleans Louisiana.
Urban Institute$2,566,946 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Urban Institute$2,566,946 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Urban Institute$2,566,946 2015To help advance Pay for Success Fianancing
Edx$2,500,000 2015To support the development of the EdX online platform and rease the number of high quality courses available to users
Edx$2,500,000 2015To support the development of the edX online platform and rease the number of high quality courses available to users
Edx$2,500,000 2015To support the development of the edX online platform and rease the number of high quality courses avaliable to users.
Trustees Of Dartmouth College$2,474,513 2015To help disseminate evidence-based treatment strategies across health care systems.
Trustees Of Dartmouth College$2,474,513 2015To help disseminate evidence-based treatment strategies across health care systems.
Trustees Of Dartmouth College$2,474,513 2015To help disseminate evidence-based treatment strategies acros health care systems
Harvard University$2,419,211 2015To support the Harvard Kennedy School's Government Performance lab
Harvard University$2,419,211 2015To support the Harvard Kennedy school's government performance lab
Harvard University$2,419,211 2015To support the Harvard Kennedy school's government performance lab
Evidence For Health Care Improvement$2,412,426 2015To produce reports on new drugs that lude information about a drug's comparative effectiveness cost effectiveness and potential budget impact
Evidence For Health Care Improvement$2,412,426 2015To produce reports on new drugs that lude information about a drug's comparative effectiveness cost effectiveness and potential budget impact.
Evidence For Health Care Improvement$2,412,426 2015To produce reports on new drugs that lude information about a drug's comparative effectiveness cost effectiveness and potential budget impact
William Marsh Rice University$2,337,500 2015To support OpenStax in its efforts to create free high quality online textbooks
William Marsh Rice University$2,337,500 2015To support opens tax in its efforts to create free high-quality online textbooks
William Marsh Rice University$2,337,500 2015To support openStax in its efforts to create free high-quality online textbooks
Kipp Foundation$2,000,000 2015To provide general operating support
Kipp Foundation$2,000,000 2015To provide general operating support.
Kipp Foundation$2,000,000 2015To provide general operating support.
Charter Fund$2,000,000 2015To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in Camden New Jersey.
Charter Fund$2,000,000 2015To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in Camden New Jersey.
Charter Fund$2,000,000 2015To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in Camden New Jersey
Charter Fund$2,000,000 2015To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in Camden New Jersey
Charter Fund$2,000,000 2015To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in Camden New Jersey
Charter Fund$2,000,000 2015To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in Camden New Jersey
Feeding America$1,944,899 2015To support the grantee's collaborating for clients initiative
Feeding America$1,944,899 2015To support the grantee's collaborating for client’s initiative
Feeding America$1,944,899 2015To support the grantee's Collaborating for Clients initiative.
Center For Health Care Transparency$1,907,132 2015To improve the quality transparency and efficiency of the nation's health care system
Center For Health Care Transparency$1,907,132 2015To improve the quality transparency and efficiency of the nation's health care system
Center For Health Care Transparency$1,907,132 2015To improve the quality transparency and efficiency of the nation's health care system.
Powermylearning$1,718,000 2015To support blended learning
Powermylearning$1,718,000 2015To support blended learning
Powermylearning$1,718,000 2015To support blended learning.
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$1,500,000 2015To help establish the center for reproducible neuroscience
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$1,500,000 2015To help establish the center for reproducible neuroscience
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$1,500,000 2015To help establish the Center for Reproducible Neuroscience
Charter Fund$1,500,000 2015To support the expansion and replicaiton of high-quality schools in Memphis Tennessee.
Charter Fund$1,500,000 2015To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in Memphis Tennessee
Charter Fund$1,500,000 2015To support the expansion and replication of high-quality schools in Memphis Tennessee
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center$1,479,239 2015To build a program that communicates evidence-based methodologies for drug pricing and payment
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center$1,479,239 2015To build a program that communicates evidence-based methodologies for drug pricing and payment
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center$1,479,239 2015To build a program that communicates evidence-based methodologies for durg pricing and payment.
Youth Services$1,342,762 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Youth Services$1,342,762 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Youth Services$1,342,762 2015To help advance Pay for Success Financing
Center For Open Science$1,250,000 2015To help foster open reliable and rigorous scientific research
Center For Open Science$1,250,000 2015To help foster open reliable and rigorous scientific research.
Health Care Cost Institute$1,247,900 2015To support the launch of the state health policy grant program
Health Care Cost Institute$1,247,900 2015To support the launch of the State Health Policy Grant Program.
Health Care Cost Institute$1,247,900 2015To support the launch of the state health policy grant program
Bioethics International$1,220,828 2015To help expand the good pharma scorecard
Bioethics International$1,220,828 2015To help expand the good Parma scorecard
Bioethics International$1,220,828 2015To help expand the Good Pharma Scorecard.
Nutrution Science Initiative$1,126,830 2015To support high-quality nutrition research.
Nutrition Science Initiative$1,126,830 2015To support high-quality nutrition research
Nutrition Science Initiative$1,126,830 2015To support high-quality nutrition research
New Teacher Project$1,057,963 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in New Orleans Louisiana
New Teacher Project$1,057,963 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in New Orleans Louisiana
New Teacher Project$1,057,963 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in New Orleans Louisiana.
Teach For America$1,049,815 2015To help recruit talented teachers and school leaders in New Orleans Louisiana
Teach For America$1,049,815 2015To help recruit talented teachers and school leaders in New Orleans Louisiana
Teach For America$1,049,815 2015To help recruit talented teachers and school leaders in New Orleans Louisiana
University Of Washington Foundation$1,000,000 2015To support the center on reinventing public education
University Of Washington Foundation$1,000,000 2015To support the Center on Reinventing Public Education
Brown University$1,000,000 2015To help establish the Rhode Island Innovative Policy Lab
Brown University$1,000,000 2015To help establish the Rhode Island innovative policy lab
Brown University$1,000,000 2015To help establish the Rhode Island innovative policy lab
Pro Publica$1,000,000 2015To support investigative journalism in the public interest
Pro Publica$1,000,000 2015To support investigative journalism in the public interest
Mdrc$1,000,000 2015To support the improving contraceptive options now research project.
William Marsh Rice University$1,000,000 2015To support OpenStax in its efforts to create free high quality online textbooks
William Marsh Rice University$1,000,000 2015To support openStax in its efforts to create free high-quality online textbooks
William Marsh Rice University$1,000,000 2015To support opens tax in its efforts to create free high-quality online textbooks
Mdrc$1,000,000 2015To suppor the improving Contraceptive Options Now research project.
Pro Publica$1,000,000 2015To support investigative journalism in the public interest
Social Finance$1,000,000 2015To help advance Pay for Success Financing.
University Of Washington Foundation$1,000,000 2015To support the center on reinventing public education
Silicon Schools Fund$1,000,000 2015To support blended learning
Silicon Schools Fund$1,000,000 2015To support blended learning
Silicon Schools Fund$1,000,000 2015To support blended learning.
Education Trust$1,000,000 2015To provide general operating support
Education Trust$1,000,000 2015To provide general operating support
Education Trust$1,000,000 2015To provide general operating support.
Social Finance$1,000,000 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Social Finance$1,000,000 2015To help advance pay for success financing
International Association Of Chiefs Of Police$1,000,000 2015To help establish a center focused on police research and policy
International Association Of Chiefs Of Police$1,000,000 2015To help establish a center focused on police research and policy
International Association Of Chiefs Of Police$1,000,000 2015To help establish a center focused on police research and policy.
Mdrc$1,000,000 2015To support the improving contraceptive options now research project.
University Of Chicago$900,000 2015To establish a New York City hub for the University of Chicago Crime Lab
University Of Chicago$900,000 2015To establish a New York City hub for the university of Chicago crime lab
University Of Chicago$900,000 2015To establish a New York city hub for the university of Chicago crime lab
University Of Washington$894,678 2015To evaluate the impact of higher minimum wage ordinances in Chicago Illinois and Seattle Washington
University Of Washington$894,678 2015To evaluate the impact of higher minimum wage ordinances in Chicago Illinois and Seattle Washington
University Of Washington$894,678 2015To evluate the impact of higher minimum wage ordinances in Chicago Illinois and Seattle Washington.
New Schools For New Orleans$855,033 2015To promote high-quality school options in New Orleans Louisiana
New Schools For New Orleans$855,033 2015To promote high-quality school options in New Orleans Louisiana.
New Schools For New Orleans$855,033 2015To promote high-quality school options in New Orleans Louisiana
Cleveland Municipal School District$845,000 2015To promote the creation of a common enrollment system in Cleveland Ohio
Cleveland Municipal School District$845,000 2015To promote the creation of a common enrollment system in Cleveland Ohio
Cleveland Municipal School District$845,000 2015To promote the creation of a common enrollment system in Cleveland Ohio.
Davidson College$822,756 2015To support the creation of online curricula and teaching tools for advanced placement courses
Davidson College$822,756 2015To support the creation of online curricula and teaching tools for Advanced Placement courses.
Davidson College$822,756 2015To support the creation of online curricula and teaching tools for advanced placement courses
Nutrition Science Initiative$809,531 2015To support a randomized controlled trial to assess whether a sugar-free diet can reverse the effects of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Nutrition Science Initiative$809,531 2015To support a randomized controlled trial to assess whether a sugar-free diet can reverse the effects of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Nutrition Science Initiative$809,531 2015To support a randomized controlled trial to assess whether a sugar-free diet can reverse the effects of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Center For Public Integrity$800,000 2015To support grantee's reporting on the flow of money and influence in state-level politics.
Center For Public Integrity$800,000 2015To support grantee's reporting on the flow of money and influence in state-level politics
Center For Public Integrity$800,000 2015To support grantee's reporting on the flow of money and influence in state-level politics
University Of Washington$730,656 2015To research how courts across the United States impose fines and fees on people involve in the criminal justice system
University Of Washington$730,656 2015To research how courts across the united states impose fines and fees on people involved in the criminal justice system
University Of Washington$730,656 2015To research how courts across the United States impose fines and fess on people involved in the criminal justice system.
Cleveland Municipal School District Transformation Alliance$687,500 2015To inform families about school quality and available options in Cleveland Ohio
Cleveland Municipal School District Transformation Alliance$687,500 2015To inform families about school quality and available options in Cleveland Ohio
Cleveland Municipal School District Transformation Alliance$687,500 2015To inform families about school quality and avaliable options in Cleveland Ohio.
Fund For The City Of New York$678,600 2015To support the work of the open contracting partnership
Fund For The City Of New York$678,600 2015To support the work of the Open Contracting Partnership.
Fund For The City Of New York$678,600 2015To support the work of the open contracting partnership
One Hope United$660,376 2015To help advance pay for success financing
One Hope United$660,376 2015To help advance pay for success financing
One Hope United$660,376 2015To help advance Pay for Success Financing.
Mdrc$645,241 2015To support the expanding children's early learning project
Mdrc$645,241 2015To support the expanding children's early learning project
Mdrc$645,241 2015To support the Expanding Children's Early Learning Project.
National Center For State Courts$600,000 2015To help reduce the amount of time it takes to process criminal cases
National Center For State Courts$600,000 2015To help reduce the amount of time it takes to process criminal cases
National Center For State Courts$600,000 2015To help reduce the amount of time it takes to process criminal cases.
George Mason University Foundation$600,000 2015To support symposia on public pension reform.
George Mason University Foundation$600,000 2015To support symposia on public pension reform
Pacific Business Group On Health$600,000 2015To identify and disseminate innovative alternative health care payment models
Pacific Business Group On Health$600,000 2015To identify and disseminate innovative alternative health care payment models
Pacific Business Group On Health$600,000 2015To identify and disseminate innovative alternative health care payment models
George Mason University Foundation$600,000 2015To support symposia on public pension reform
Internet Archive$579,146 2015To develop a robust search engine for the world's largest repository of internet content
Internet Archive$579,146 2015To develop a robust search engine for the world's largest repository of Internet content.
Brown University$550,000 2015To conduct research on improving government-sponsored supplemental nutrition programs
Brown University$550,000 2015To conduct research on improving government-sponsored supplemental nutrition programs
Brown University$550,000 2015To conduct research on improving government-sponsored supplemental nutrition programs.
Sage Bionetworks$545,418 2015To fund the digital mammography portion of the coding for cancer challenge
Sage Bionetworks$545,418 2015To fund the digital mammography portion of the coding for cancer challenge
Sage Bionetworks$545,418 2015To fund the digital mammography portion of the Coding for Cancer challenge.
Foundation For The National Institutes Of Health$530,000 2015To fund the coding for cancer lung cancer screening challenges
Foundation For The National Institutes Of Health$530,000 2015To fund the Coding for Cancer lung cancer screening challenges.
Foundation For The National Institutes Of Health$530,000 2015To fund the coding for cancer lung cancer screening challenges
Roca Outreach Services$500,000 2015To develop and evaluate a cognitive behavioral therapy curriculum for young men at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system
Roca Outreach Services$500,000 2015To develop and evaluate a cognitive behavioral therapy curriculum for young men at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system
Roca Outreach Services$500,000 2015To develop and evaluate a cognitive behavioral therapy curriculum for young men at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system
University Of Utah$500,000 2015To support the university of Utah’s policy innovation lab
University Of Utah$500,000 2015To support the university of Utah's policy innovation lab
University Of Utah$500,000 2015To support the University of Utah's Policy Innovation Lab
Marshall Project$500,000 2015To support nonpartisan online news coverage about the criminal justice system
Marshall Project$500,000 2015To support nonpartisan online news coverage about the criminal justice system
Marshall Project$500,000 2015To support nonpartisan online news coverage about the criminal justice system
Stand For Children Leadership Center$500,000 2015To provide general operating support and to help improve k-12 education in the state of Louisiana
Stand For Children Leadership Center$500,000 2015To provide general operating support and to help improve K-12 education in the state of Louisiana
Stand For Children Leadership Center$500,000 2015To provide general operating support and to help improve K-12 education in the state of Louisiana.
University Of Chicago$500,000 2015To study whether cognitive behavioral therapy and high-intensity tutoring can help prevent crime
University Of Chicago$500,000 2015To study whether cognitive behavioral therapy and high-intensity tutoring can help prevent crime
University Of Chicago$500,000 2015To study whether cognitive behavioral therapy and high-intensity tutoring can help prevent crime
Statistical Assessment Service$489,250 2015To inform the public about the value of greater transparency for clinical trials in medicine and other scientific domains
Statistical Assessment Service$489,250 2015To inform the public about the value of greater transparency for clinical trials in medicine and other scientific domains
Statistical Assessment Service$489,250 2015To inform the public about the value of greater transparency for clinical trials in medicine and other scientific domains.
Match Foundation$475,520 2015To help establish a training program for novice teachers
Match Foundation$475,520 2015To help establish a training program for novice teachers
Match Foundation$475,520 2015To help establish a training program for novice teachers.
United States Common Sense$472,753 2015To support the development of a national platform of public financial data and documents for state and local governments
United States Common Sense$472,753 2015To support the development of a national platform of public financial data and document! For state and local governments
United States Common Sense$472,753 2015To support the development of a national platform of public financial data and documents for state and local governments.
Cal Poly Corporation$454,950 2015To develop and pilot digital democracy a publicly available technology platform that provides searchable transcripts of statehouse video feeds
Cal Poly Corporation$454,950 2015To develop and pilot Digital Democracy a publicly avaliable technology platform that provides searchable transcripts of statehouse video feeds.
Cal Poly Corporation$454,950 2015To develop and pilot digital democracy a publicly available technology platform that provides searchable transcripts of statehouse video feeds
Pew Charitable Trusts$445,500 2015To conduct research on electronic monitoring
Pew Charitable Trusts$445,500 2015To conduct research on electronic monitoring
Pew Charitable Trusts$445,500 2015To conduct research on electronic monitoring.
Research Foundation Of Suny$437,500 2015To help expand access to information about public sector retirement systems
Research Foundation Of Suny$437,500 2015To help expand access to information about public sector retirement systems
Research Foundation Of Suny$437,500 2015To help expand access to information about public sector retirement systems.
Hawaii Department Of Public Safety$430,330 2015To pilot a pretrial supervision initiative modeled on the state of Hawaii’s 'hope” probation program
Hawaii Department Of Public Safety$430,330 2015To pilot a pretrial supervision initiative modeled on the state of Hawaii's 'HOPE' probation program.
Hawaii Department Of Public Safety$430,330 2015To pilot a pretrial supervision initiative modeled on the state of Hawaii's 'HOPE” probation program
Chancellor Masters And Scholars Of The University Of Oxford$420,699 2015To support the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
Chancellor Masters And Scholars Of The University Of Oxford$420,699 2015To support the centre for evidence-based medicine
Chancellor Masters And Scholars Of The University Of Oxford$420,699 2015To support the centre for evidence-based medicine
America Achieves$415,000 2015To help governments implement evidence-based policies and programs
America Achieves$415,000 2015To help governments implement evidence-based policies and programs
America Achieves$415,000 2015To help governments implement evidence-based policies and programs.
Clean Air Task Force$400,000 2015To identify cost-effective solutions to meet the rising energy demand while minimizing adverse climate effects
Clean Air Task Force$400,000 2015To identify cost-effective solutions to meet the rising energy demand while minimizing adverse climate effects
Clean Air Task Force$400,000 2015To identify cost-effective solutions to meet the rising energy demand while minimizing adverse climate effects.
National Academy Of Sciences$400,000 2015To improve economic research that relies on statistics collected by the federal government
National Academy Of Sciences$400,000 2015To improve economic research that relies on statistics collected by the federal government.
National Academy Of Sciences$400,000 2015To improve economic research that relies on statistics collected by the federal government
Brookings Institution$381,850 2015To expand access to research about public sector retirement systems
Brookings Institution$381,850 2015To expand access to research about public sector retirement systems.
Brookings Institution$381,850 2015To expand access to research about public sector retirement systems
Center For Regional Economic Competitiveness$375,510 2015To provide technical assistance to states interested in developing data-sharing agreements
Center For Regional Economic Competitiveness$375,510 2015To provide technical assistance to states interested in developing data-sharing agreements
Center For Regional Economic Competitiveness$375,510 2015To provide technical assistance to states interested in developing data-sharing agreements.
National Council On Teacher Quality$375,000 2015To help improve teacher training programs
National Council On Teacher Quality$375,000 2015To help improve teacher training programs
National Council Of Teacher Quality$375,000 2015To help improve teacher training programs
Children'S Trust Fund Of South Carolina$371,320 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Children'S Trust Fund Of South Carolina$371,320 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Children'S Trust Fund Of South Carolina$371,320 2015To help advance Pay for Success financing.
Nonprofit Finance Fund$360,000 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Nonprofit Finance Fund$360,000 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Nonprofit Finance Fund$360,000 2015To help advance Pay for Success Financing.
Justice System Partners$359,476 2015To support the implementation of the public safety assessment
Justice System Partners$359,476 2015To support the implementation of the public safety assessment
Justice System Partners$359,476 2015To support the implementation of the Public Safety Assessment.
Relay Graduate School Of Education$354,345 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in New Orleans Louisiana
Relay Graduate School Of Education$354,345 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in New Orleans Louisiana
Relay Graduate School Of Education$354,345 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in New Orleans Louisiana.
University Of Southern California$352,307 2015To evaluate laws that regulates state and local public sector employees
University Of Southern California$352,307 2015To evaluate laws that regulate state and local public sector employees
University Of Southern California$352,307 2015To evaluate laws that regulate state and local public sector employees
Sunlight Foundation$350,000 2015To identify the criminal justice data available to researchers policymakers and the public and to promote data sharing within the criminal justice system
Sunlight Foundation$350,000 2015To identify the criminal justice data avaliable to researchers policymakers and the public and to promote data sharing within the criminal justice system
Feeding America$350,000 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a program designed to help food banks meet the needs of diabetic clients
Feeding America$350,000 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a program designed to help food banks meet the needs of diabetic clients.
Studentsfirst Institute$350,000 2015To provide general operating support
Studentsfirst Institute$350,000 2015To provide general operating support
Studentsfirst Institute$350,000 2015To provide general operating support
Feeding America$350,000 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a program designed to help food banks meet the needs of diabetic clients
National Center For Civic Innovation$350,000 2015To help criminal justice agencies more effectively share data
National Center For Civic Innovation$350,000 2015To help criminal justice agencies more effectively share data
National Center For Civic Innovation$350,000 2015To help criminal justice agencies more effectively share data.
Urban Institute$350,000 2015To assist with the further development and provision of the pension tool
Urban Institute$350,000 2015To assist with the further development and provision of the Pension Tool
Urban Institute$350,000 2015To assist with the further development and provision of the pension tool
Bipartisian Policy Center$350,000 2015To support research on retirement security and disability insurance policies and programs.
Bipartisan Policy Center$350,000 2015To support research on retirement security and disability insurance policies and programs
Bipartisan Policy Center$350,000 2015To support research on retirement security and disability insurance policies and programs
American Academy Of Forensic Sciences$350,000 2015To help improve standards in the forensic science community
American Academy Of Forensic Sciences$350,000 2015To help improve standards in the forensic science community
American Academy Of Forensic Sciences$350,000 2015To help improve standards in the forensic science community.
Sunlight Foundation$350,000 2015To identify the criminal justice data available to researchers policymakers and the public and to promote data sharing within the criminal justice system
American Institutes For Research In The Behavioral Sciences$336,152 2015To expand access to public sector retirement research
American Institutes For Research In The Behavioral Sciences$336,152 2015To expand access to public sector retirement research
American Institutes For Research In The Behavioral Sciences$336,152 2015To expand access to public sector retirement research.
Urban Institute$327,597 2015To fund the tax policy center
Urban Institute$327,597 2015To fund the Tax Policy Center
Urban Institute$327,597 2015To fund the tax policy center
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$324,121 2015To support a randomized controlled trial on clinical decision support systems intended to reduce the amount of unnecessary imaging in health care
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$324,121 2015To support a randomized controlled trial on clinical decision support systems intended to reduce the amount of unnecessary imaging in health care
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$324,121 2015To support a randomized controlled trial on Clinical Decision Support systems intended to reduce the amounf of unnecessary imaging in health care.
Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget$310,000 2015To support efforts to improve the social disability insurance program
Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget$310,000 2015To support efforts to improve the social security disability insurance program
Committee For A Respnsible Federal Budget$310,000 2015To support efforts to improve the Social Security Disability Insurance program.
Achievement School District$307,259 2015To support the transformation of low-performing schools in Memphis Tennessee
Achievement School District$307,259 2015To support the transformation of low-performing schools in Memphis Tennessee
Achievement School District$307,259 2015To support the transformation of low-performing schools in Memphis Tennessee.
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$300,000 2015To support the Berkeley Initiative on Transparency in the Social Sciences' competition to entivize and encourage emta-research in economics and political science.
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$300,000 2015To support the Berkeley initiative on transparency in the social sciences' competition to entivize and encourage meta-research in economics and political science
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$300,000 2015To support the Berkeley initiative on transparency in the social sciences' competition to entive and encourage meta-research in economics and political science
Fairvote$300,000 2015To educate residents of the state of Maine about ranked choice voting
Fairvote$300,000 2015To educate residents of the state of Maine about ranked choice voting.
Center For Open Science$300,000 2015To support the creation of a new database of clinical trials
Fairvote$300,000 2015To educate residents of the state of Maine about ranked choice voting
New Teacher Project$300,000 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in New Orleans Louisiana
New Teacher Project$300,000 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in New Orleans Louisiana
New Teacher Project$300,000 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in New Orleans Louisiana.
George Mason University Foundation$300,000 2015To fund a judicial symposium on criminal justice reform
George Mason University Foundation$300,000 2015To fund a judicial symposium on criminal justice reform.
Reason Foundation$300,000 2015To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems
Reason Foundation$300,000 2015To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems
Reason Foundation$300,000 2015To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems
George Mason University Foundation$300,000 2015To fund a judicial symposium on criminal justice reform
Center For Open Science$300,000 2015To support the creation of a new database of clinical trials.
Research Foundation Of Cuny$300,000 2015To fund the misdemeanor justice project
Research Foundation Of Cuny$300,000 2015To fund the misdemeanor justice project
Center For Open Science$300,000 2015To support the creation of a new database of clinical trials
Research Foundation Of Cuny$300,000 2015To fund the Misdemeanor Justice Project.
Regents Of The University Of Michigan$296,192 2015To rigorously evaluate the long-term impact of four programs designed to combat poverty
Regents Of The University Of Michigan$296,192 2015To rigorously evaluate the long-term impact of four programs designed to combat poverty
Regents Of The University Of Michigan$296,192 2015To rigorously evaluate the long-term impact of four programs designed to combat poverty
Mdrc$294,209 2015To research key policy questions about early childhood education and to conduct an assessment of existing and proposed programs at the state and local level.
Mdrc$294,209 2015To research key policy questions about early childhood education and to conduct an assessment of existing and proposed programs at the state and local level
Mdrc$294,209 2015To research key policy questions about early childhood education and to conduct an assessment of existing and proposed programs at the state and local level
Harvard University$290,526 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial on a teacher training program
Harvard University$290,526 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial on a teacher training program.
Harvard University$290,526 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial on a teacher training program
State Of California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program Fund$289,000 2015To support the California Secure Choice Retirement Savings investment Board's studies on retirement security for private sector workers.
State Of California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program Fund$289,000 2015To support the California secure choice retirement savings investment board's studies or retirement security for private sector workers
State Of California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program Fund$289,000 2015To support the California secure choice retirement savings investment board's studies or retirement security for private sector workers
Behavioral Ideas Lab$286,145 2015To support evidence-based policymaking within the federal government.
Behavioral Ideas Lab$286,145 2015To support evidence-based policymaking within the federal government
Behavioral Ideas Lab$286,145 2015To support evidence-based policymaking within the federal government
Center For State And Local Government Excellence$285,836 2015To expand access to public sector retirement research
Center For State And Local Government Excellence$285,836 2015To expand access to public sector retirement research
Center For State And Local Government Excellence$285,836 2015To expand access to public sector retirement research.
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$278,720 2015To support the State and Local Government Innovation initiative at the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab's regional office in North America.
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$278,720 2015To support the state and local government innovation initiative at the Abdul Latin Jameel poverty action lab's regional office in North America
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$278,720 2015To support the state and local government innovation initiative at the Abdul Latif Jameel poverty action lab's regional office in North America
Bellwether Education Partners$277,950 2015To provide information about teachers' pension systems.
Bellwether Education Partners$277,950 2015To provide information about teachers' pension systems
Bellwether Education Partners$277,950 2015To provide information about teachers' pension systems
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation$260,000 2015To help reduce the arceration of indigent defendants detained solely because they are unable to pay court-imposed fines and fees
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation$260,000 2015To help reduce the arceration of indigent defendants detained solely because they are unable to pay court-imposed fines and fees
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation$260,000 2015To help reduce the arceration of indigent defendants detained soley because they are unable to pay court-imposed fines and fees.
Cuny Graduate School Of Journalism Foundation$257,000 2015To support the ravish fiscal reporting program
Cuny Graduate School Of Journalism Foundation$257,000 2015To support the Ravitch fiscal reporting program
Cuny Graduate School Of Journalism Foundation$257,000 2015To support the Ravitch Fiscal Reporting Program.
University Of TexasAustin$255,045 2015To support the expansion of policy-relevant evidence that is developed using internal revenue service data
University Of TexasAustin$255,045 2015To suport the expansion of policy-relevant evidence that is developed using internal Revenue Service data
University Of TexasAustin$255,045 2015To support the expansion of policy-relevant evidence that is developed using internal revenue service data
State Of Connecticut$250,000 2015To assist the state in addressing retirement security for private sector workers who lack access to workplace retirement savings plans
State Of Connecticut$250,000 2015To assist the state in addressing retirement security for private sector workers who lack access to workplace retirement savings plans
State Of Connecticut$250,000 2015To assist the state in addressing retirement security for private sector workers who lack access to workplace retirement savings plans
State Of Connecticut$250,000 2015To assist the state in addressing retirement security for private sector workers who lack access to workplace retirement savings plans
State Of Connecticut$250,000 2015To assist the state in addressing retirement security for private sector workers who lack access to workplace retirement savings plan
Maplight$250,000 2015To provide general operating support
Maplight$250,000 2015To provide general operating support
Maplight$250,000 2015To provide general operating support.
State Of Connecticut$250,000 2015To assist the state in addressing retirement security for private sector workers who lack access to workplace retirement savings plan
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$248,788 2015To conduct research on police body-worn cameras.
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$248,788 2015To conduct research on police body-worn cameras
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$248,788 2015To conduct research on police body-worn cameras
Urban Institute$245,008 2015To help governments implement and evaluate economic development initiatives
Urban Institute$245,008 2015To help governments implement and evaluate economic development
Urban Institute$245,008 2015To help governments implement and evaluate economic development initiatives
Bipartisian Policy Center$244,200 2015To develop practical solutions for improving quality and controlling costs in the nation's health care system.
Bipartisan Policy Center$244,200 2015To develop practical solutions for improving quality and controlling costs in the nation's health care system
Bipartisan Policy Center$244,200 2015To develop practical solutions for improving quality and controlling costs in the nation's health care system
National Academy Of Sciences$241,946 2015To convene a committee to study proactive policing practices
National Academy Of Sciences$241,946 2015To convene a committee to study proactive policing practices
National Academy Of Sciences$241,946 2015To convene aa committee to study proactive policing practices.
Harvard University$240,000 2015To support the Harvard Kennedy School's Center for Public Leadership
Harvard University$240,000 2015To support the Harvard Kennedy school's center for public leadership
Harvard University$240,000 2015To support the Harvard Kennedy school's center for public leadership
University Of California - Irvine Regents$227,655 2015To support the economic self-sufficiency policy research institute
University Of California - Irvine Regents$227,655 2015To support the Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute
University Of California - Irvine Regents$227,655 2015To support the economic self-sufficiency policy research institute
Relay Graduate School Of Education$225,000 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in Camden New Jersey.
Relay Graduate School Of Education$225,000 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in Camden New Jersey
Relay Graduate School Of Education$225,000 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in Camden New Jersey
Trustees Of Columbia University$215,654 2015To support the center for the advancement of public integrity in its efforts to improve the transparency of state and local government
Trustees Of Columbia University$215,654 2015To support the center for the advancement of public integrity in its efforts to improve the transparency of state and local government
Trustees Of Columbia University$215,654 2015To support the Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity in its efforts to improve the transparency of state and local government
Abode Services$209,955 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a permanent supportive housing program in Santa Clara County California
Abode Services$209,955 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a permanent supportive housing program in Santa Clara County California
Abode Services$209,955 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a permanent supportive housing program in Santa Clara County California.
Urban Institute$207,374 2015To conduct research on police body-worn cameras
Urban Institute$207,374 2015To conduct research on police body*worn cameras
Urban Institute$207,374 2015To conduct research on police body-worn cameras
Black Alliance For Educational Option$200,000 2015To provide general operating support
George Mason University Foundation$200,000 2015To identify policies and practices that will help law enforcement agencies rease clearance rates for serious crimes
George Mason University Foundation$200,000 2015To identify policies and practices that will help law enforcement agencies rease clearance rates for serious crimes.
Black Alliance For Educational Option$200,000 2015To provide general operating support.
Black Alliance For Educational Option$200,000 2015To provide general operating support
Mdrc$200,000 2015To conduct research on social security disability insurance
Mdrc$200,000 2015To conduct research on Social Security Disability Insurance.
Johns Hopkins University$200,000 2015To rease the availability and affordability of life-saving drugs while maintaining entives for innovation in drug development
Johns Hopkins University$200,000 2015To rease the availability and affordability of life-saving drugs while maintaining entives for innovation in drug development.
Johns Hopkins University$200,000 2015To rease the availability and affordability of life-saving drugs while maintaining entives for innovation in drug development
George Mason University Foundation$200,000 2015To identify policies and practices that will help law enforcement agencies rease clearance rates for serious crimes
Mdrc$200,000 2015To conduct research on social security disability insurance
Center For Open Science$187,500 2015To encourage preregistration of scientific studies by offering monetary awards to selected researchers who publish studies that have been preregistered on the open science framework.
Center For Open Science$187,500 2015To encourage preregistration of scientific studies by offering monetary awards to selected researchers who publish studies that have been preregistered on the Open Science Framework.
Center For Open Science$187,500 2015To encourage preregistration of scientific studies by offering monetary awards to selected researchers who publish studies that have been preregistered on the open science framework.
Research Foundation Of Cuny$180,000 2015To develop a research agenda for pretrial criminal justice and to evaluate research proposals for projects focused on the issues outlined in the agenda.
Research Foundation Of Cuny$180,000 2015To develop a research agenda for pretrial criminal justice and to evaluate research proposals for projects focused on the issues outlined in the agenda
Research Foundation Of Cuny$180,000 2015To develop a research agenda for pretrial criminal justice and to evaluate research proposals for projects focused on the issues outlined in the agenda
Fairvote$180,000 2015To provide general operating support.
Fairvote$180,000 2015To provide general operating support.
Fairvote$180,000 2015To provide general operating support.
Fund For The City Of New York$180,000 2015To provide general operating support.
Fund For The City Of New York$180,000 2015To provide general operating support.
Fund For The City Of New York$180,000 2015To provide general operating support.
Coalition For Evidence-Based Policy$175,000 2015To support the streamlined blog form digest of relevant policy findings in order to advance evidence-based policy-making.
Coalition For Evidence-Based Policy$175,000 2015To support the streamlined blog form digest of relevant policy findings in order to advance evidence-based policy-making
Coalition For Evidence-Based Policy$175,000 2015To support the streamlined blog form digest of relevant policy findings in order to advance evidence-based policy-making
Manhattan Institute For Policy Research$173,648 2015To support the development and promotion of an index that measures and ranks the effectiveness of public schools in the united states
Manhattan Institute For Policy Research$173,648 2015To support the development and promotion of an index that measures and ranks the effectiveness of public schools in the United States
Manhattan Instutute For Policy Research$173,648 2015To support the development and promotion of an index that measures and ranks the effectiveness of public schools in the United States.
Camden Coalition Of Health Care Providers$170,000 2015To help improve public safety and health care in Camden New Jersey
Camden Coalition Of Health Care Providers$170,000 2015To help improve public safety and health care in Camden New Jersey.
Camden Coalition Of Health Care Providers$170,000 2015To help improve public safety and health care in Camden New Jersey
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$163,557 2015To help enhance the internal revenue service data infrastructure and to conduct research on topics related to inequality and opportunity
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$163,557 2015To help enhance the Internal Revenue Service data infrastructure and to conduct research on topics related to inequality and opportunity
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$163,557 2015To help enhance the internal revenue service data infrastructure and to conduct research on topics related to inequality and opportunity
Brookings Institution$162,500 2015To support a series of weekly reports about education and social policy research
Brookings Institution$162,500 2015To support a series of weekly reports about education and social policy research
Brookings Institution$162,500 2015To support a series of weekly reports about education and social policy research.
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$155,707 2015To analyze the effects of affirmative action policies in public high schools in Chicago Illinois and Boston Massachusetts
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$155,707 2015To analyze the effects of affirmative action policies in public high schools in Chicago Illinios and Boston Massachusetts
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$155,707 2015To analyze the effects of affirmative action policies in public high schools in Chicago Illinois and Boston Massachusetts
Harvard University$155,000 2015To sponsor a conference on data sharing in medical clinical trials.
Harvard University$155,000 2015To sponsor a conference on data sharing in medical clinical trials
Harvard University$155,000 2015To sponsor a conference on data sharing in medical clinical trials
Bipartisan Policy Center$150,000 2015To fund an evaluation of fiscal and economic policies and programs
Bipartisan Policy Center$150,000 2015To fund an evaluation of fiscal and economic policies and programs
Bipartisian Policy Center$150,000 2015To fund an evaluation of fiscal and economic policies and programs.
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice$150,000 2015To support the launch of a national law enforcement leadership group
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice$150,000 2015To support the launch of a national law enforcement leadership group.
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice$150,000 2015To support the launch of a national law enforcement leadership group
Urban Institute$150,000 2015To fund the tax policy center
Urban Institute$150,000 2015To fund the tax policy center
Urban Institute$150,000 2015To fund the Tax Policy Center
Leading Educators$150,000 2015To help develop high-quality teachers and school leaders in New Orleans Louisiana
Leading Educators$150,000 2015To help develop high-quality teachers and school leaders in New Orleans Louisiana
Leading Educators$150,000 2015To help develop high-quality teachers and school leaders in New Orleans Louisiana.
Association Of Prosecuting Attorneys$150,000 2015To support the establishment of the major county prosecutors council
Association Of Prosecuting Attorneys$150,000 2015To support the establishment of the major county prosecutors council
Research Triangle Institute$150,000 2015To evaluate the impact of the public safety assessment
Research Triangle Institute$150,000 2015To evaluate the impact of the Public Safety Assessment.
Research Triangle Institute$150,000 2015To evaluate the impact of the public safety assessment
Association Of Prosecuting Attorneys$150,000 2015To support the establishment of the Major County Prosecutors Council.
Organ Alliance$150,000 2015To help identify innovative solutions that will rease the number of organ transplants and eliminate the wait list for donors
Organ Alliance$150,000 2015To help identify innovative solutions that will rease the number of organ transplants and eliminate the wait list for donors
Organ Alliance$150,000 2015To help identify innovative solutions that will rease the number of organ transplants and eliminate the wait list for donors.
Georgetown University$150,000 2015To help the federal government structure implement and evaluate performance-based contracting models
Georgetown University$150,000 2015To help the federal government structure implement and evaluate performance-based contracting models
Georgetown University$150,000 2015To help the federal government structure implement and evaluate performance-based contracting models.
University Of Washington$140,000 2015To evaluate the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program in Seattle Washington.
University Of Washington$140,000 2015To evaluate the law enforcement assisted diversion program in Seattle Washington
University Of Washington$140,000 2015To evaluate the law enforcement assisted diversion program in Seattle Washington
Urban Institute$137,030 2015To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems.
Urban Institute$137,030 2015To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems
Urban Institute$137,030 2015To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems
National Skills Coalition$134,000 2015To support the workforce data quality campaign in its efforts to strengthen data infrastructure at the state and federal level
National Skills Coalition$134,000 2015To support the workforce data quality campaign in its efforts to strengthen data infrastructure at the state and federal level
National Skills Coalition$134,000 2015To support the Workforce Data Quality Campaign in its efforts to strengthen data infrastructure at the state and federal level.
University Of Arizona$132,549 2015To support a longitudinal study of how computer scientists share research artifacts in order to inform the creation of a web-based data collection system
University Of Arizona$132,549 2015To support a longitudinal study of how computer scientists share research artifacts in order to inform the creation of a web-based data collection system
University Of Arizona$132,549 2015To support a longitudinal study of how computer scientists share research artificacts in order to inform the creation of a web-based data collection system
International Association Of Chiefs Of Police$130,000 2015To conduct research on law enforcement's use of citations in lieu of arrest
International Association Of Chiefs Of Police$130,000 2015To conduct research on law enforcement's use of citation in lieu of arrest.
International Association Of Chiefs Of Police$130,000 2015To conduct research on law enforcement's use of citations in lieu of arrest
Houston Independent School District Foundation$129,197 2015To help support the Houston Independent School District's legal costs in the matter of Houston Federation of Teachers v Houston Independent School District.
Houston Independent School District Foundation$129,197 2015To help support the Houston independent school district’s legal costs in the matter of Houston federation of teachers v Houston independent school district
Houston Independent School District Foundation$129,197 2015To help support the Houston independent school district’s legal costs in the matter of Houston federation of teachers v Houston independent school district
Louisiana Association Of Public Charter Schools$125,000 2015To promote high-quality school options in the state of Louisiana
Louisiana Association Of Public Charter Schools$125,000 2015To promote high-quality school options in the state of Louisiana.
Louisiana Association Of Public Charter Schools$125,000 2015To promote high-quality school options in the state of Louisiana
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice$125,000 2015To fund a fiscal-impact study of court-imposed fines and fees
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice$125,000 2015To fund a fiscal-impact study of court-imposed fines and fees
William J Brennan Jr Center For Justice$125,000 2015To fund a fiscal-impact study of court-imposed fines and fees
Harvard University$125,000 2015To support the HealthCare Markets and Regulation Lab's consultation to the state of Arkansas' health reform task force.
Harvard University$125,000 2015To support the healthcare markets and regulation lab's consultation to the state of Arkansas’ health reform task force
Harvard University$125,000 2015To support the healthcare markets and regulation lab's consultation to the state of Arkansas’ health reform task force
Regents Of The University Of California Los Angeles$124,300 2015To evaluate the impact of the higher minimum wage ordinance in Los Angeles California
Regents Of The University Of California Los Angeles$124,300 2015To evaluate the impact of the higher minimum wage ordinance in Los Angeles California
Regents Of The University Of California Los Angeles$124,300 2015To evaluate the impact of the higher minimum wage ordinance in Los Angeles California
Institute For Beahvior And Health$124,151 2015To help ensure that replications of the state of Hawaii's 'HOPE' probation program are developed and executed with fidelity to the original model.
Institute For Behavior And Health$124,151 2015To help ensure that replications of the state of Hawaii’s 'hope' probation program are developed and executed with fidelity to the original model
Institute For Behavior And Health$124,151 2015To help ensure that replications of the state of Hawaii's 'hope' probation program are developed and executed with fidelity to the original model
Police Executive Research Forum$123,506 2015To conduct researchon police body-worn cameras
Police Executive Research Forum$123,506 2015To conduct research on police body-worn cameras
Police Executive Research Forum$123,506 2015To conduct research on police body-worn cameras
Fairvote Minnesota Foundation$120,000 2015To educate residents of the state of Maine about ranked choice voting
Fairvote Minnesota Foundation$120,000 2015To educate residents of the state of Maine about ranked choice voting.
Fairvote Minnesota Foundation$120,000 2015To educate residents of the state of Maine about ranked choice voting
Regents Of The University Of California -San Francisco$115,340 2015To educate the public about sugar and its impact on health
Regents Of The University Of California -San Francisco$115,340 2015To educate the public about sugar and its impact on health
Regents Of The University Of California -San Francisco$115,340 2015To educate the public about sugar and its impact on health
Police Executive Research Forum$112,391 2015To conduct research on police body-worn cameras
Police Executive Research Forum$112,391 2015To conduct research on police body-worn cameras
Police Executive Research Forum$112,391 2015To conduct research on police body-worn cameras
Johns Hopkins University$111,145 2015To study the impact of the Affordable Care Act on Public Safety.
Johns Hopkins University$111,145 2015To study the impact of the affordable care act on public safety
Johns Hopkins University$111,145 2015To study the impact of the affordable care act on public safety
Nordic Cochrane Centre$107,081 2015To conduct meta-research on anti-depressants in order to promote transparency and openness in medical research.
Nordic Cochrane Centre$107,081 2015To conduct meta-research on anti-depressants in order to promote transparency and openness in medical research
Nordic Cochrane Centre$107,081 2015To conduct meta-research on anti-depressants in order to promote transparency and openness in medical research
Brookings Institution$102,246 2015To fund the tax policy center
Brookings Institution$102,246 2015To fund the tax policy center
Brookings Institution$102,246 2015To fund the Tax Policy Center.
Urban Institute$100,000 2015To support the creation of a tool to effectively obtain use and analyze social security administration data
Urban Institute$100,000 2015To support the creation of a tool to effectively obtain use and analyze social security administration data
Urban Institute$100,000 2015To support the creation of a tool to effectively obtain use and analyze Social Security Adminstration date.
Center For Scientific Integrity$100,000 2015To support the expansion of retraction watch an online website and database that promotes transparency and integrity in scientif
Greatnonprofits$100,000 2015To fund the continued operations of the Giving Library.
Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government$100,000 2015To fund the development of a data warehouse that will allow local agencies to share information about individuals in the criminal justice system.
Urban Institute$100,000 2015To support the creation of a tool to effectively obtain use and analyze social security administration data
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$100,000 2015To evaluate a pretrial supervision initiative modeled on the state of Hawaii's 'HOPE” probation program
Research Foundation Of Cuny$100,000 2015To fund the misdemeanor justice project
Research Foundation Of Cuny$100,000 2015To fund the misdemeanor justice project
Center For Scientific Integrity$100,000 2015To support the expansion of retraction watch an online website and database that promotes transparency and integrity in scientific research.
Center For Scientific Integrity$100,000 2015To support the expansion of retraction watch an online website and database that promotes transparency and integrity in scientific research.
Center For Scientific Integrity$100,000 2015To support the expansion of Retraction Watch an online website and database that promotes transparency and integrity in scientific research.
Research Foundation Of Cuny$100,000 2015To fund the Misdemeanor Justice Project
Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government And Office Of The Commonwealth'S Attorney.$100,000 2015To help reduce the amount of time it takes to process felony cases
Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government And Office Of The Commonwealth'S Attorney.$100,000 2015To help reduce the amount of time it takes to process felony cases
Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government And Office Of The Commonwealth'S Attorney.$100,000 2015To help reduce the amount of time it takes to process felony cases.
William Marsh Rice University$100,000 2015To support the Houston Education Research Consortium
William Marsh Rice University$100,000 2015To support the Houston education research consortium
William Marsh Rice University$100,000 2015To support the Houston education research consortium
American Enterprise Institute Of Public Policy Research$100,000 2015To support educational efforts related to corporate tax reform
American Enterprise Institute Of Public Policy Research$100,000 2015To support educational efforts related to corporate tax reform.
American Enterprise Institute Of Public Policy Research$100,000 2015To support educational efforts related to corporate tax reform
Juvenile Law Center$100,000 2015To evaluate the impact of fines and fees on youth involved in the juvenile justice system
Juvenile Law Center$100,000 2015To evaluate the impact of fines and fees on youth involved in the juvenile justice system
Juvenile Law Center$100,000 2015To evaluate the impact of fines and fees on youth involved in the Juvenile justice system.
Energy Innovation Reform Project$100,000 2015To identify cost-effective solutions to meet the rising energy demand while minimizing adverse climate effects
Energy Innovation Reform Project$100,000 2015To identify cost-effective solutions to meet the rising energy demand while minimizing adverse climate effects
Energy Innovation Reform Project$100,000 2015To identify cost-effective solutions to meet the rising energy demand while minimizing adverse climate effects.
Third Way Foundation$100,000 2015To help educate stakeholders about the portfolio model of school governance
Third Way Foundation$100,000 2015To help educate stakeholders about the portfolio model of school governance
Third Way Foundation$100,000 2015To help educate stakeholders about the portfolio model of school governance
George Mason University Foundation$100,000 2015To produce a research agenda on police body-worn cameras.
George Mason University Foundation$100,000 2015To produce a research agenda on police body-worn cameras
Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government$100,000 2015To fund the development of a data warehouse that will allow local agencies to share information about individuals in the criminal justice system
Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government$100,000 2015To fund the development of a data warehouse that will allow local agencies to share information about individuals in the criminal justice system
Harvard University$100,000 2015To help reduce arceration by promoting evidence-based decision making at all levels of government
Harvard University$100,000 2015To help reduce arceration by promoting evidence-based decision making at all levels of government.
50Can$100,000 2015To promote quality school options in Camden New Jersey
50Can$100,000 2015To promote quality school options in Camden New Jersey
50Can$100,000 2015To promote quality school options in Camden New Jersey.
Urban Institute$100,000 2015To support the creation of a tool to effectively obtain use and analyze Social Security Adminstration date.
Urban Institute$100,000 2015To support the creation of a tool to effectively obtain use and analyze social security administration data
Harvard University$100,000 2015To help reduce arceration by promoting evidence-based decision making at all levels of government
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$100,000 2015To evaluate a pretrial supervision initiative modeled on the state of Hawaii’s 'hope” probation program
University Of California - Berkeley Regents$100,000 2015To evaluate a pretrial supervision initiative modeled on the state of Hawaii's 'HOPE' probation program.
National Judicial College$100,000 2015To help develop a forensic science education program for judges
National Judicial College$100,000 2015To help develop a forensic science education program for judges
National Judicial College$100,000 2015To help develop a forensic science education program for judges
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$100,000 2015To evaluate the impact of certain policing reforms implemented pursuant to litigation settlements
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$100,000 2015To evaluate the impact of certain policing reforms implemented pursuant to ligitgation settlements.
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$100,000 2015To evaluate the impact of certain policing reforms implemented pursuant to litigation settlements
University Of MissouriColumbia$99,719 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in the Houston independent school district in Texas
University Of MissouriColumbia$99,719 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in the Houston independent school district in Texas
University Of Missouri$99,719 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in the Houston Indepenent School Distric in Texas
City Of Berkeley$90,152 2015To improve the public health of residents in Berkeley California
City Of Berkeley$90,152 2015To improve the public health of residents in Berkeley California
City Of Berkeley$90,152 2015To improve the public health of residents in Berkeley California.
University Of Utah$85,880 2015To help advance Pay for Success Financing
University Of Utah$85,880 2015To help advance pay for success financing
University Of Utah$85,880 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Mental Health Services For Homeless Persons$85,000 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Mental Health Services For Homeless Persons$85,000 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Mental Health Services For Homeless Persons$85,000 2015To help advance Pay for Success Financing.
Washington Dc Metropolitan Police Department$85,000 2015To fund a randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of police body-worn cameras in Washington D C
Washington Dc Metropolitan Police Department$85,000 2015To fund a randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of police body-worn cameras in Washington D C
Washington Dc Metropolitan Police Department$85,000 2015To fund a randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy of police body-worn cameras in Washington DC
Trustees Of Columbia University$84,331 2015To support the center for the advancement of public integrity in its efforts to improve the transparency of state and local government
Trustees Of Columbia University$84,331 2015To support the Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity in its efforts to improve the transparency of state and local government
Trustees Of Columbia University$84,331 2015To support the center for the advancement of public integrity in its efforts to improve the transparency of state and local government
University Of Chicago$81,330 2015To train scholars in the field experiment method and to promote field experiment research
University Of Chicago$81,330 2015To train scholars in the field experiment method and to promote field experiment research
University Of Chicago$81,330 2015To train scholars in the field experiment method and to promote field experiment research
Open Justice Broker Consortium$80,000 2015To support data-driven decision making in the criminal justice system
Open Justice Broker Consortium$80,000 2015To support data-driven decision making in the criminal justice system
Open Justice Broker Consortium$80,000 2015To support data-driven decision making in the criminal justice system.
Internet Archive$79,146 2015To develop a robust search engine for the world's largest repository of internet content
Center For Open Science$77,952 2015To help develop better publication standards for the fields of ecology and evolution
Center For Open Science$77,952 2015To help develop better publication standards for the fields of ecology and evolution
Center For Open Science$77,952 2015To help develop better publication standards for the fields of ecology and evolution.
National Council On Teacher Quality$76,260 2015To support efforts to assess and improve teacher retirement systems
National Council On Teacher Quality$76,260 2015To support efforts to assess and improve teacher retirement systems
National Council Of Teacher Quality$76,260 2015To support efforts to assess and improve teacher retirement systems.
National Council Of Teacher Quality$75,000 2015To provide information about teahers' pension systems.
Philanthropy Roundtable$75,000 2015To support the creation of an alternative to the veterans disability compensation system
Philanthropy Roundtable$75,000 2015To support the creation of an alternative to the Veterans Disability Compensation system
Philanthropy Roundtable$75,000 2015To support the creation of an alternative to the veterans disability compensation system
National Council On Teacher Quality$75,000 2015To provide information about teachers' pension systems
Research Foundation Of Cuny$75,000 2015To convene a roundtable on pretrial best practices
Research Foundation Of Cuny$75,000 2015To convene a roundtable on pretrial best practices
National Council On Teacher Quality$75,000 2015To provide information about teachers' pension systems
Research Foundation Of Cuny$75,000 2015To convene a roundtable on pretrial best practices.
City Of Houston$75,000 2015To support the bright ideas fund
City Of Houston$75,000 2015To support the bright ideas fund
City Of Houston$75,000 2015To support the Bright Ideas Fund.
Fairvote$74,000 2015To create a 50-state assessment of structural democracy reforms and obstacles associated with ranked choice voting.
Fairvote$74,000 2015To create a 50-state assessment of structural democracy reforms and obstacles associated with ranked choice voting
Fairvote$74,000 2015To create a 50-state assessment of structural democracy reforms and obstacles associated with ranked choice voting
Texas Public Policy Foundation$68,799 2015To foster a national discussion on the need for pretrial reform
Texas Public Policy Foundation$68,799 2015To foster a national discussion on the need for pretrial reform
Texas Public Policy Foundation$68,799 2015To foster a national discussion on the need for pretrial reform.
University Of Chicago$66,045 2015To help identify promising applications of machine learning techniques that could have a substantial impact on public policy
University Of Chicago$66,045 2015To help identify promising applications of machine learning techniques that could have a substantial impact on public policy
University Of Chicago$66,045 2015To help identify promising applications of machine learning techniques that could have a substantial impact on public policy.
Justice Education Center$65,000 2015To support a national symposium focused on eyewitness identification reform
Justice Education Center$65,000 2015To support a national symposium focused on eyewitness identification reform
Justice Education Center$65,000 2015To support a national symposium focused on eyewitness identificaiton reform.
Sense About Science$63,638 2015To help preserve rigorous regulatory standards designed to ensure clinical trial transparency
Sense About Science$63,638 2015To help preserve rigorous regulatory standards designed to ensure clinical trial transparency
Sense About Science$63,638 2015To help preserve rigorous regulatory standards designed to ensure clial trial transparency.
Bipartisian Policy Center$63,470 2015To produce informational materials that will help guide the evaluation of programs designed to prevent disease and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Bipartisan Policy Center$63,470 2015To produce informational materials that will help guide the evaluation of programs designed to prevent disease and promote a healthy lifestyle
Bipartisan Policy Center$63,470 2015To produce informational materials that will help guide the evaluation of programs designed to prevent disease and promote a healthy lifestyle
Center For Open Science$58,360 2015To examine the reproducibility of transcranial direct current stimulation effects
Center For Open Science$58,360 2015To examine the reproducibility of transcranial direct current stimulation effects
Center For Open Science$58,360 2015To examine the reproducibility of transcranial direct current stimulation effects.
Nordic Cochrane Centre$54,980 2015To conduct meta-research on clinical trial protocols in order to promote transparency and openness in medical research
Nordic Cochrane Centre$54,980 2015To conduct meta-research on clinical trial protocols in order to promote transparency and openness in medical research.
Nordic Cochrane Centre$54,980 2015To conduct meta-research on clinical trial protocols in order to promote transparency and openness in medical research
Harvard University$52,306 2015To expand access to research about public sector retirement systems
Harvard University$52,306 2015To expand access to research about public sector retirement systems
Harvard University$52,306 2015To expand access to research about public sector retirement systems.
National Academy Of Sciences$51,116 2015To help improve eyewitness identification procedures
National Academy Of Sciences$51,116 2015To help improve eyewitness identification procedures.
National Academy Of Sciences$51,116 2015To help improve eyewitness identification procedures.
Regents Of The University Of California Los Angeles$50,000 2015To assess the field of alternatives to fines for criminal offenses.
Regents Of The University Of California Los Angeles$50,000 2015To assess the field of alternatives to fines for criminal offenses
Regents Of The University Of California Los Angeles$50,000 2015To assess the field of alternatives to fines for criminal offenses
University Of Chicago$50,000 2015To research the connections between weather and crime
University Of Chicago$50,000 2015To research the connections between weather and crime
University Of Chicago$50,000 2015To research the connections between weather and crime
Trust For Conervation Innovation$50,000 2015To help advance Pay for Success Financing.
Trust For Conservation Innovation$50,000 2015To help advance pay for success financing.
Trust For Conservation Innovation$50,000 2015To help advance pay for success financing.
Valley Initiative For Development And Adavncement$48,114 2015To help preserve the scientific integrity of the Innovative Strategies for reasing Self Sufficiency program's ongoing randomized controlled trial
Valley Initiative For Development And Advancement$48,114 2015To help preserve the scientific integrity of the innovative strategies for reasing self sufficiency program's ongoing randomized controlled trial
Valley Initiative For Development And Advancement$48,114 2015To help preserve the scientific integrity of the innovative strategies for reasing self sufficiency program's ongoing randomized controlled trial
National Conference Of State Legislatures$45,000 2015To track and summarize state legislation related to pretrial justice and police body-worn cameras
National Conference Of State Legislatures$45,000 2015To track and summarize state legislation related to pretrial justice and police body-worn cameras
National Conference Of State Legislatures$45,000 2015To track and summarize state legistlation related to pretrial justice and police body-worn cameras.
University Court Of The University Of Edinburgh$45,000 2015To evaluate the impact of nature publishing group's new editorial requirements for research in the life sciences
University Court Of The University Of Edinburgh$45,000 2015To evaluate the impact of nature publishing group's new editorial requirements for research in the life sciences
University Court Of The University Of Edinburgh$45,000 2015To evaluate the impact of Nature Publishing Groups new editorial requirements for research in the life sciences.
Bringham And Women'S Hospital$43,962 2015To support the testing of various notification mechanisms intended to rease flu vaccination rates among Medicare recipients
Bringham And Women'S Hospital$43,962 2015To support the testing of various notification mechanisms intended to rease flu vaccination rates among Medicare recipients
Bringham And Women'S Hospital$43,962 2015To support the testing of various notification mechanisms intended to rease flu vaccination rates among Medicare recipients.
National Academy Of Sciences$40,000 2015To help improve eyewitness identification procedures
National Academy Of Sciences$40,000 2015To help improve eyewitness identification procedures
National Academy Of Sciences$40,000 2015To help improve eyewitness identification procedures.
Wake County Public School System$37,703 2015To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial of the tiered education support model of academic and behavioral services for students
Wake County Public School System$37,703 2015To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial of the tiered education support model of academic and behavioral services for students
Wake County Public School System$37,703 2015To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial of the tiered education support model of academic behavioral services for students
Harvard University$35,000 2015To develop ideas for future experimental interventions related to housing voucher programs
Harvard University$35,000 2015To develop ideas for future experimental interventions related to housing voucher programs.
Harvard University$35,000 2015To develop ideas for future experimental interventions related to housing voucher programs
Bottom Line$30,000 2015To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial of a program to promote college enrollment and completion for disadvantaged students
Bottom Line$30,000 2015To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial of a program to promote college enrollment and completion for disadvantaged students.
Bottom Line$30,000 2015To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial of a program to promote college enrollment and completion for disadvantaged students
Major Cities Chiefs Association$30,000 2015To convene a national meeting to discuss the president's task force on 21st century policing
Major Cities Chiefs Association$30,000 2015To convene a national meeting to discuss the president's task force on 21st century policing
Major Cities Chiefs Association$30,000 2015To convene a national meeting to discuss the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing.
National Conference Of State Legislatures$28,210 2015To update a database of existing laws and pending legislation on pretrial issues.
National Conference Of State Legislatures$28,210 2015To update a database of existing laws and pending legislation on pretrial issues
National Conference Of State Legislatures$28,210 2015To update a database of existing laws and pending legislation on pretrial issues
Harvard University$28,057 2015To identify reforms that addresses the unfair practices of for-profit colleges
Harvard University$28,057 2015To identify reforms that address the unfair practices of for-profit colleges.
Harvard University$28,057 2015To identify reforms that address the unfair practices of for-profit colleges
Urban Institute$27,378 2015To evaluate a permanent supportive housing project conducted by Travis County Texas
Urban Institute$27,378 2015To evaluate a permanent supportive housing project conducted by Travis county Texas
Urban Institute$27,378 2015To evaluate a permanent supportive housing project conducted by Travis County Texas.
Washington State University Foundation$25,000 2015To research a community supervision model in Washington State
Washington State University Foundation$25,000 2015To research a community supervision model in Washington State
Washington State University Foundation$25,000 2015To research a community supervision model m Washington state
New York University$25,000 2015To fund a law enforcement convening
New York University$25,000 2015To fund a law enforcement convening
New York University$25,000 2015To fund a law enforcement convening.
College Forward$22,163 2015To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial on the grantee's college access and completion programs
College Forward$22,163 2015To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial on the grantee's college access and completion programs
College Forward$22,163 2015To fund a low-cost randomized controlled trial on the grantee's college access and completion programs.
Third Sector Capital Partners$20,050 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Third Sector Capital Partners$20,050 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Third Sector Capital Partners$20,050 2015To help advance Pay for Success Financing
Trustees Of Preton University$20,000 2015To identify promising opporuniites for reducing polarization and dysfunction in government
Trustees Of Preton University$20,000 2015To identify promising opportunities for reducing polarization and dysfunction in government
Trustees Of Preton University$20,000 2015To identify promising opportunities for reducing polarization and dysfunction in government
Harvard University$20,000 2015To develop ideas for future experimental intervnetions related to housing voucher programs.
National Academy Of Sciences$20,000 2015To support a meeting to develop a study on donor intervention research
National Academy Of Sciences$20,000 2015To support a meeting to develop a study on donor intervention research.
National Academy Of Sciences$20,000 2015To support a meeting to develop a study on donor intervention research
Harvard University$20,000 2015To develop ideas for future experimental interventions related to housing voucher programs
Harvard University$20,000 2015To develop ideas for future experimental interventions related to housing voucher programs
Datakind$20,000 2015To research ways to reduce recidivism among frequent offenders
Datakind$20,000 2015To research ways to reduce recidivism among frequent offenders
Datakind$20,000 2015To research ways to reduce recidivism among frequent offenders.
University Of North CarolinaCharlotte$16,342 2015To evaluate the Mecklenburg county north Carolina driver's license recovery initiative
University Of North CarolinaCharlotte$16,342 2015To evaluate the Mecklenburg County North Carolina driver's license recovery initiative
University Of North CarolinaCharlotte$16,342 2015To evaluate the Mecklenburg County North Carolina Driver's License Recovery Initiative
National Council Of Teacher Quality$15,000 2015To provide state-by-state analyses ot teacher retirement systems and study improvements related to financial stability.
National Council On Teacher Quality$15,000 2015To provide state-by-state analyses of teacher retirement systems and study improvements related to financial stability
National Council On Teacher Quality$15,000 2015To provide state-by-state analyses of teacher retirement systems and study improvements related to financial stability
University Of California - San Diego Regents$13,574 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in the Houston Independent School District in Texas
University Of California - San Diego Regents$13,574 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in the Houston independent school district in Texas
University Of California - San Diego Regents$13,574 2015To help develop high-quality teachers in the Houston independent school district in Texas
Children'S Home Society Of America$10,000 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a child abuse prevention program
Children'S Home Society Of America$10,000 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a child abuse prevention program
Children'S Home Society Of America$10,000 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a child abuse prevention program.
Brown University$10,000 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a low-intensity home visiting program for pregnant women and families with young children
Brown University$10,000 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a low-intensity home visiting program for pregnant women and families with young children.
Brown University$10,000 2015To conduct a randomized controlled trial of a low-intensity home visiting program for pregnant women and families with young children
Teachers College Columbia University$9,737 2015To support efforts to improve academic achievement for students from low-ome families
Teachers College Columbia University$9,737 2015To support efforts to improve academic achievement for students from low-ome families
Teachers College Columbia University$9,737 2015To support efforts to improve academic achievement for students from low-ome families.
Social Finance$9,648 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Social Finance$9,648 2015To help advance Pay for Success Financing
Social Finance$9,648 2015To help advance pay for success financing
Trustees Of Boston College$8,000 2015To support the collection of data related to public retirement plans
Trustees Of Boston College$8,000 2015To support the collection of data related to public retirement plans
Trustees Of Boston College$8,000 2015To support the collection of data related to public retirement plans
Arizona State University$7,588 2015To evaluate a tool for reducing repeat idents of domestic violence.
Arizona State University$7,588 2015To evaluate a tool for reducing repeat idents of domestic violence
Arizona State University$7,588 2015To evaluate a tool for reducing repeat idents of domestic violence
Bmj Publishing Group$4,000 2015To produce a report that analyzes scientific research related to dietary guidelines
Bmj Publishing Group$4,000 2015To produce a report that analyzes scientific research related to dietary guidelines
Bmu Publishing Group$4,000 2015To produce a report that analyzes scientific research related to dietary guidelines.
Mdrc$5,300,000 2014To address the root causes of poverty by advancing evidence-based policies that support concrete measurable and lasting improvements in society.
William Marsh Rice University$4,675,000 2014To support the OpenStax project to create free high-quality online textbooks for high school students.
Nutrition Science Initiative$4,589,105 2014To improve the quality of nutrition science.
Center For Health Care Transparency$3,518,914 2014To improve the quality transparency and efficiency of the nation's healthcare system.
Harvard University$3,198,205 2014To support the development and operations of the Health Care Markets and Regulations Lab.
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$2,693,944 2014To support the development of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab's regional office in North America.
Edx$2,500,000 2014To support the development of the edX online platform and rease the number of high-quality courses avaliable to users.
New Schools For New Orleans$2,301,180 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Computers For Youth Foundation$2,097,500 2014To support blended learning.
William Marsh Rice University$2,000,000 2014To support the OpenStax College project to create free high-quality online textbooks.
Social Finance$2,000,000 2014To support and accelerate the development of Pay for Succes.
Parent Revolution$1,500,000 2014To support parents' rights to access high quality schools for their children.
Teach For America - Greater New Orleans$1,500,000 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Pew Charitable Trusts$1,384,760 2014To support the development of common standards for gathering and reporting data on tax entives for economic development.
William Marsh Rice University$1,350,000 2014To support the OpenStax College project to create free high-quality online textbooks.
Teach For America - Greater New Orleans$1,250,820 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Center For Open Science$1,250,000 2014To foster open reliable and rigorous scientific research.
Third Way Institute$1,000,000 2014To support education on social and public policies.
University Of Washington Foundation$1,000,000 2014To support the Center on Reinventing Public Education
Center For Public Integrity$1,000,000 2014To support reporting on funding of state-level policies.
Pro Publica$1,000,000 2014To support efforts to provide investigative journalism in the public interest.
Greatschools$1,000,000 2014To educate parents on grade-level appropriate curriculum and school seection for their children.
Silicon Schools Fund$1,000,000 2014To support and accelerate the development of Pay for Success.
Tulane University$1,000,000 2014To improve the quality of educational data avaliable to the public researchers and educators in New Orleans Louisiana.
Bipartisan Policy Center$1,000,000 2014To improve quality and control costs in the nation's healthcare system.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund$1,000,000 2014To improve K-12 public education
William Marsh Rice University$913,432 2014To support the Houston Education Research Consortium.
Urban Institute$908,885 2014To fund the Tax Policy Center.
Brookings Institution$902,246 2014To fund the Tax Policy Center
University Of Chicago$900,000 2014To establish a University of Chicago Crime Lab hub in New York City.
Pew Charitable Trusts$850,000 2014To support the Public Sector Retirement Systems project.
University Of TexasDallas$822,800 2014To support the Kain Center for Education
Davidson College$822,756 2014To support the creation of online curricula and teaching tools for Advanced Placement courses.
Kipp Foundation$754,552 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Black Alliance For Educational Option$750,000 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Youth Services$743,588 2014To support the Massachusetts Juvenile Justice Pay for Success project.
Charter Fund$727,729 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Justice System Partners$702,954 2014To support the implementation of the Public Safety Assessment.
Behavioral Ideas Lab$700,907 2014To support evidence-based policymaking within the federal government.
George Mason University Foundation$693,600 2014To support two symposis on public pension reform.
Cleveland Municipal School District Transformation Alliance$687,500 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Mental Health Services For Homeless Person$680,513 2014To promote replication and scaling of Pay for Success.
Regents Of The University Of Minnesota$671,692 2014To establish a center that will improve the quality of healthcare news and information that is available to consumers.
Center For Open Science$660,625 2014To reproduce cancer cell biology studies.
Reason Foundation$659,750 2014To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems.
Cleveland Municipal School District$655,000 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Cal Poly Corporation$638,960 2014To develop and pilot a publicly avaliable technology platform that provides searchable transcripts of statehouse video feeds.
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$580,760 2014To support the development of a center that is focused on improving the quality of medical research in order to improve patient health.
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools$500,000 2014To improve K-12 public education
Foundation For Excellence In Education$500,000 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Studentsfirst Institute$500,000 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Marshall Project$500,000 2014To support nonpartisan online news coverage about the criminal justice system.
Stand For Children Leadership Center$500,000 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Education Reform Now$500,000 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Statistical Assessment Service$440,600 2014To inform the public about the value of greater transparency for clinical trials in medicine and other scientific domains.
America Achieves$415,000 2014To support the implementation of evidence-based programs and policies.
Chancellor Masters And Scholars Of The University Of Oxford$404,629 2014To support the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine's efforts to improve the transparency and reliability of clinical trials in medicine and randomized experiments in social policy.
Brookings Institution$381,850 2014To expand access to research about public sector retirement systems.
University Of Chicago$374,918 2014To study the impact of cognitive behavioral therapy and high-intensity tutoring on crime.
University Of Maryland$354,000 2014To establish the Maryland Data Analysis Center.
Bipartisan Policy Center$350,000 2014To fund the evaluation of fiscal and economic policies and programs.
Nonprofit Finance Fund$343,660 2014To support evidence-based policymaking through the use of Pay for Success.
New Teacher Project$330,519 2014To strengthen the teachNola program and The New Teacher Project Academy.
Aldine Education Foundation$316,239 2014To support student achievement in the Aldine Independent School District.
Valley Initiative For Development And Advancement$310,888 2014To help preserve the scientific integrity of the ongoing randomized trial that is part of the nationwide Innovative Strategies for reasing Self-Sufficiency program.
Center For State And Local Government Excellence$306,398 2014To expand access to public sector retirement research.
Manhattan Institute For Policy Research$300,000 2014To support the development and promotion of an index that measures and ranks the effectiveness of every public school in the United States.
Coalition For Evidence-Based Policy$300,000 2014To demonstrate the feasibility of low-cost randomized controlled trials in order to advance evidence-based policymaking
New Teacher Project$300,000 2014To improve K-12 public education.
United States Common Sense$286,377 2014To support the development of a national platform of public financial documents and financial data for state and local governments in the United States.
Harvard University$275,567 2014To support the Harvard Kennedy School's Social Impact Bond Technical Assistance Lab.
Georgetown University$269,864 2014To conduct an analysis of the federal government's approach to the Performace Partnership Pilots.
Center For Open Science$264,000 2014To improve transparency by providing consultation on ebst practices in data analysis and research design.
National Governors Association Center For Best Practice$250,000 2014To support evidence-based policymaking.
University Of Chicago$250,000 2014To study the impact of cognitive behavioral therapy and high-intensity tutoring on crime.
University Of MissouriColumbia$249,494 2014To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems.
Leading Educators$225,000 2014To support efforts to develop high-quality teachers and school leaders in New Orleans Louisiana.
Bipartisan Policy Center$225,000 2014To support the dialogue about the science of nutrition and prevention.
State Of California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program Fund$211,000 2014To support the California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Investment Board's studies on retirement security for private sector workers
Innocence Project$200,000 2014To support the creation of the Innocence Project's Strategic Litigation Unit
Health Care Cost Institute$200,000 2014To support the launch of the State Health Policy Grant Program
National Academy Of Sciences$200,000 2014To improve eyewitness identifcation procedures.
American Association For The Advancement Of Science Aaas$200,000 2014To improve the accuracy of forensic evidence.
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$198,211 2014To analyze the effects of affirmative action in Chicago and Boston public high schools.
Research Foundation For The State University Of New York$187,500 2014To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems.
Harvard University$183,093 2014To support the planning and development of the Health Care Markets and Regulations Lab.
Nonprofit Finance Fund$180,000 2014To support and accelerate the development of Pay for Success for the public sector.
Sunlight Foundation$175,000 2014To research and promote the availability of criminal justice data.
Harvard University$170,000 2014To support the Equality of Opportunity project.
University Of Washington$159,007 2014To evaluate Seattle's Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program
Maplight$153,647 2014To support greater effectiveness efficiency and transparency in government.
Association Of Prosecuting Attorneys$150,000 2014To support the establishment of the Major County Prosecutors Council.
Social Finance$138,950 2014To support and accelerate the development of Pay for Success.
Third Sector Capital Partners$138,950 2014To support and accelerate the development of Pay for Success.
International Association Of Chiefs Of Police$130,933 2014To conduct research on law enforcement's use of citations in lieu of arrest.
New Profit$130,000 2014To support and accelerate the development of Pay for Success for the public sector.
Louisiana Association Of Public Charter Schools$125,000 2014To improve K-12 pulbic education.
Regents Of The University Of California -San Francisco$115,340 2014To educate the public about sugar and its impact on health.
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School Of Public Health$107,026 2014To study the impact of the Affordable Care Act on public safety.
Arizona State University$105,367 2014To evaluate a tool for reducing repeat idents of domestic violence.
Thomas B. Fordham Institute$105,000 2014To improve K-12 public education.
Camden Coalition Of Health Care Providers$100,053 2014To improve public safety and healthcare in Camden New jersey
National Center For Research In Advanced Information And Digital Technology$100,000 2014To support the creation of a tool that will provide information on blended learning and other educational technologies.
Research Foundation Of Cuny$100,000 2014To convene a roundtable on pretrial best practices.
Research Foundation Of Cuny$100,000 2014To fund the Misdemeanor Justice Project.
Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government$100,000 2014To reduce felony case processing times.
American Association For The Advancement Of Science Aaas$100,000 2014To foster open reliable and rigorous scientific research by sponsoring three workshops on publication standards
National Judicial College$100,000 2014To develop an educaitonal program on forensic science for judges.
Bellwether Education Partners$97,750 2014To provide information about teachers' pension systems.
Brookings Institution$88,553 2014To analyze improvements to public pension systems.
Center For Open Science$88,087 2014To fund the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences and promote the Open Science Framework.
Open Justice Broker Consortium$80,000 2014To support data-driven decision making in the criminal justice system.
Alabama Policy Institute$78,000 2014To support educational efforts related to public employee benefits reform in Alabama.
National Council On Teacher Quality$76,260 2014To support efforts to assess and improve teacher retirement systems and the policies that govern them.
Behavioral Ideas Lab$75,083 2014To provide consultation on the Public Safety Assessment.
University Of Chicago$75,000 2014To research the connections between weather and crime.
Nordic Cochrane Center$73,203 2014To promote transparency and openness in clinical medical research by meta-analyzing research on anti-depressants.
Teachers College Columbia University$71,022 2014To support efforts to help students from low-ome families improve academic achievements.
University Of MissouriColumbia$68,960 2014To support efforts to develop high-quality teachers in the Houston Independent School District.
Institute For Behavior And Health$63,000 2014To ensure fidelity in replications of Hawaii's 'HOPE' probation.
Trustees Of Preton University$60,265 2014To support efforts to reduce polarization and dysfunction in government.
City First Enterprises$60,000 2014To provide educational and methodological support to advance Pay for Success financing.
Texas Tribune$50,000 2014To support nonpartisaan investigative reporting.
National Conference Of State Legislatures$50,000 2014To update a database of existing laws and pending legislation on pretrial issues.
Federalist Society For Law And Public Policy Studies$46,464 2014To analyze information about public sector pension reform.
Bringham And Women'S Hospital$43,962 2014To support the testing of various notification mechanisms that aim to rease flu vaccination rates among Medicare recipients.
National Council On Teacher Quality$40,644 2014To provide state-by-state analyses of teacher retirement systems and study improvements related to financial stability.
Colorado Succeeds$37,500 2014To conduct research about the public pension systems in Colorado.
Urban Institute$35,402 2014To evaluate Travis County's permanent supportive housing project.
Texas Public Policy Foundation$35,000 2014To foster a national discussion on the need for pretrial reform.
Houston Independent School District Foundation$31,775 2014To help support the Houston Independent School Distric's legal costs in the matter of Houston Federation of Teachers v. Houston Independent School District.
Council Of The District Of Columbia$30,000 2014To fund a legal innovation fellowship to develop and promote open government technology projects.
Investigative News Network$28,600 2014To improve the transparency of public institutions and state governments through investigative reporting.
University Of California - San Diego Regents$26,357 2014To support efforts to develop high-quality teachers in the Houston Independent School District.
International Association Of Chiefs Of Police$25,000 2014To assist police departments in improving eyewitness identification procedures.
University Of Colorado Foundation$25,000 2014To research back-loaded retirement benefits designs and the implications of pension reform on teacher quality.
Washington State University Foundation$25,000 2014To research a community supervisio model in Washington State.
Police Executive Research Forum$25,000 2014To improve eyewitness identification procedures.
Fund For The City Of New York$22,644 2014To research ways to reduce recidivism among frequent reoffenders.
University Of Houston$21,780 2014To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems.
Oklahoma Council Of Public Affairs$20,000 2014To analyze Oklahoma's pension plans.
International Association Of Chiefs Of Police$20,000 2014To support the 2014 Excellence in Law Enforcement Research Awards Program.
Harvard University$20,000 2014To analyze the Boston Police Department's field interrogation observation policy.
Manhattan Institute For Policy Research$18,800 2014To support the development of an index that measures and ranks the effectiveness of every public school in the United States.
University Of North CarolinaCharlotte$16,342 2014To evaluate the Mecklenburg County North Carolina Driver's License Recovery Initiative.
Justgive$15,472 2014To donate funds to support Giving Library participants.
Council Of State Governments$15,000 2014To develop a risk assessment tool for defendants charged with driving under the influence.
Harvard University$12,000 2014To support a randomized controlled trial of the Public Safety Assessment.
Washington Policy Center$10,000 2014To analyze the city of Seattle's retirement plan.
Police Foundation$5,684 2014To conduct research on eyewitness identification procedures.
Trustees Of Boston College$4,000 2014To support the collection of data related to public retirement plans.
Nutrition Science Initiative$18,000,000 2013To improve the quality of science in nutrition ind obesity research
Charter School Growth Fund$3,000,000 2013To improve k-12 public education in new Orleans Louisiana
William Marsh Rice University$3,000,000 2013To support the opens tax college project to create free high-quality online textbooks
Mdrc$2,600,000 2013To address the root causes of poverty by advancing evidence - based policies that support concrete measurable and lasting improvements in society
Houston Independent School District Foundation$2,480,392 2013To improve k-12 public education
Nutrition Science Initiative$2,445,250 2013To improve the quality of science in nutrition and obesity research
Computers For Youth Foundation$2,184,500 2013To support blended learning
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$2,074,834 2013To support the development of the Abdul late jam eel poverty action lab's regional office in north America
Greatschools$2,000,000 2013To educate parents on grade-level appropriate curriculum and school selection for their children
Pew Charitable Trusts$2,000,000 2013To support the public sector retirement systems project
Dc Public Education Fund$1,846,209 2013To improve k-12 public education in district of Columbia
Greater Houston Community Foundation$1,700,000 2013To improve k-12 public education in Texas
Education Reform Now$1,550,000 2013To improve k 12 public education
New Schools For New Orleans$1,508,000 2013To improve k 12 public education in new Orleans Louisiana
Parent Revolution$1,500,000 2013To support parents rights to access high -quality schools for their children
Center For Open Science$1,500,000 2013To foster open reliable and rigorous scientific research
Black Alliance For Educational Option$1,500,000 2013To improve k 12 public education
William Marsh Rice University$1,350,000 2013To support the opens tax college project to create free high-quality online textbooks
Teach For America - Greater New Orleans$1,200,000 2013To improve k 12 public education in new Orleans Louisiana
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$1,161,519 2013To support the development of a center that is focused on improving the quality of medial research in order to improve patient health
Silicon Schools Fund$1,000,000 2013To support blended learning
University Of Washington Foundation$1,000,000 2013To support the center on reinventing public education
Wnet$1,000,000 2013To educate the public about public employees retirement benefits
Pro Publica$1,000,000 2013To support efforts to provide investigative journalism in the public interest
Education Trust$1,000,000 2013To provide information about how to reduce gaps in educational achievement and opportunities
Students For Education Reform$950,000 2013To improve k 12 public education in Louisiana
William Marsh Rice University$909,006 2013To support the Houston education research consortium
Relay Graduate School Of Education$898,630 2013To support the development of a campus in new Orleans Louisiana
Aldine Education Foundation$794,437 2013To support student achievement in the Aldine independent school district
Novim Group$750,000 2013To support the development of a website and mobile application about public sector pension plans
Stand For Children Leadership Center$750,000 2013To improve k 12 public education in Louisiana
Center For Open Science$666,125 2013To reproduce cancer cell biology studies
Partners For Developing Futures$635,304 2013To improve k 12 public education
New Schools For New Orleans$630,000 2013To improve k 12 public education in new Orleans Louisiana
Pew Charitable Trusts$628,601 2013To support the development of common standards for gathering and reporting data on tax entives tor economic development
Louisiana Association Of Public Charter Schools$550,000 2013To improve k-12 education in Louisiana
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools$500,000 2013To improve k 12 public education
Foundation For Excellence In Education$500,000 2013To improve k-12 public education
Policy Innovators In Education Network$500,000 2013To improve k 12 public education
Stand For Children Leadership Center$500,000 2013To improve k 12 public education in taxes
Center For State And Local Government Excellence$405,745 2013To expand access to public sector retirement research
Black Alliance For Educational Option$400,000 2013To improve k 12 public education in Louisiana
National Council On Teacher Quality$375,000 2013To support efforts to develop high-quality teachers
University Of Chicago$375,000 2013To fund a study of the effects of cognitive behavioural therapy and high-intensity tutoring on rates of violent crime and school failure
Bellwether Education Partners$368,000 2013To provide information about teacher's pension systems
Hawaii Department Of Public Safety$359,620 2013To support the creation of a pretrial supervision program modeled on Hawaii's opportunity probation with enforcement (hope
Maplight$355,258 2013To support greater effectiveness efficiency and transparency in government
Reason Foundation$353,250 2013To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems
Coalition For Evidence-Based Policy$350,000 2013To demonstrate the feasibility of low-cost randomized controlled trials in order to advance evidence-based policy-making
Urban Institute$347,049 2013To expand access to information about public sector retirement systems
New Teacher Project$330,519 2013To strengthen the teachnola program and the new teacher project academy
Alliance For School Choice$300,000 2013To educate families about the new Orleans and Louisiana student scholarships for excellence in education
New Teacher Project$300,000 2013To improve k 12 public education
Kipp Foundation$300,000 2013To improve k 12 public education
Code For America Labs$300,000 2013To enhance the pretrial criminal justice system in Louisville Kentucky
Harvard University$275,567 2013To support the Harvard Kennedy school' social impact bond technical assistance lab
Behavioral Ideas Lab$266,662 2013To design a robust version of cognitive behavioural therapy to more effectively reduce crime
Center For Open Science$250,000 2013To rease the reliability of scientific research by replicating experiments
Novim Group$250,000 2013To support the development of a website and mobile application about public sector pension plans
Novim Group$250,000 2013To support the development of a website and mobile application about public sector pension plans
Regents Of University Of California San Francisco$230,679 2013To educate the public about sugar and its impact on health
Feeding America$229,146 2013To support enhanced service delivery the feeding America network
Leading Educators$227,500 2013To support efforts to develop high-quality teachers and school leaders in new Orleans Louisiana
Innocence Project$200,000 2013To support the creation of the innocence project's strategic litigation unit
University Of Washington Foundation$196,885 2013To support the center for education data and research
Harvard University$190,000 2013To support the equality of opportunity project
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$160,080 2013To support education efforts related to California's municipal public sector pensions
Behavioral Ideas Lab$150,167 2013To provide consultation on the design and implementation of the public safety assessment - court
North American Council For Online Learning$150,000 2013To support digital learning
Novim Group$140,000 2013To support efforts to conduct publish and disseminate rigorous scientific research
Arizona State University$133,603 2013To evaluate the predictive validity of a tool to forecast and reduce repeat idents of domestic violence
National Academy Of Sciences$133,287 2013To access the existing body at scientific research on eyewitness identification in order to provide guidance to law enforcement and courts on best practise
National Conference Of State Legislatures$126,880 2013To update expand and redesign the national conference of state legislatures database on laws pertaining to dna and other forensic evidence
Center For Open Science$116,642 2013To fund the Berkeley initiative for transparency in the social sciences and promote the open science framework
Thomas B. Fordham Institute$105,000 2013To improve k 12 public education
Association Of Missouri Charter Schools$100,000 2013To improve k-12 public education in Missouri
Manhattan Institute For Policy Research$100,000 2013To support the development and promotion of an index that measures and ranks the effectiveness of every public school in the united states
Code For America Labs$90,000 2013To enhance the pretrial criminal justice system in new york
William Marsh Rice University$88,700 2013To support the owl spark accelerator and social entrepreneurship and innovation
New Profit$80,000 2013To support and accelerate social innovation financing for the public sector
Texas Institute For Education Reform$80,000 2013To improve k 12 public education in taxes
Trustees Of Preton University$77,590 2013To support effort to reduce polarization and dysfunction in government
Houston Forensic Science Lgc$75,000 2013To evaluate the Houston crime lab's implementation of recommended reforms
Davidson College$73,000 2013To support the creation of online curricula and teaching tools for advanced placement courses
Massachusetts Institute Of Technology$71,524 2013To develop an econometric model and produce a feasibility report on evaluating new Orleans schools
County Of Travis Justice And Public Safety Division Criminal Justice Planning$69,012 2013To support Travis county's permanent supportive housing project
Trustees Of The University Of Pennsylvania$67,000 2013To support the development of tools that will assist law enforcement agencies and courts to more effectively respond to and reduce idents of domestic violence
Federalist Society For Law And Public Policy Studies$56,000 2013To analyze information about public sector pension reform
Philo Finance Corporation$55,000 2013To improve k 12 public education
Thomas B. Fordham Institute$52,500 2013To publish report about Florida's teacher retirement policies
William Marsh Rice University$52,100 2013To build awareness and rease adoptions of opens tax college textbooks
Colorado Succeeds$37,500 2013To conduct research about the public pension systems in Colorado
Urban Institute$35,402 2013To evaluate Travis county's permanent supportive housing project
National Council On Teacher Quality$34,356 2013To provide state by state analyses of teacher retirement systems and study improvements related to financial stability
Curators Of The University Of Missouri$31,850 2013To support efforts to develop high-quality teachers in the Houston independent school district
National Center For Research In Advanced Information And Digital Technology$30,000 2013To support the creation of a tool that will provide information on blended learning and other educational technologies
Philanthropy Roundtable$30,000 2013To improve k 12 public education
Oklahoma Council Pf Public Affairs$30,000 2013To analyze Oklahoma's pension plans
Board Of Trustees Of The Leland Stanford Junior University$29,827 2013To analyze criminal justice data pertaining to pretrial risk assessment
Administrative Office Of The Courts Of The State Of Kentucky Division Of Pretrial Services$25,434 2013To support implementation of the public safety assessment - court
Austin Community Foundation$25,000 2013To improve k-12 public education in Texas
Educational Choice Illinois$25,000 2013To improve k 12 public education in Chicago
Major Cities Chiefs Association$25,000 2013To provide feedback on the development of tools to assist police departments in improving eyewitness identification procedures
Indiana University$20,000 2013To create a model lab report for thoroughly and effectively documenting the results of forensic analysis for use in criminal proceedings
National Council On Teacher Quality$20,000 2013To support a meeting focused on the fiscal stability of teacher retirement systems
Police Foundation$20,000 2013To conduct research regarding eyewitness identification procedures
Washington Policy Center$15,000 2013To analyze the city of Seattle's retirement plan
Regents University Of California San Diego$12,795 2013To support efforts to develop high-quality teachers in the Houston independent school district
Choose To Succeed$12,500 2013To improve k-12 public education in san Antonio Texas
Grantmakers For Education$5,000 2013To improve k-12 public education
Teach For America$5,173,700 2012To improve k-12 education
New Teacher Project$2,580,519 2012To improve k-12 education
Nutrition Science Initiative$2,316,250 2012To improve the quality of science in nutrition and obesity research
Pew Charitable Trusts$2,000,000 2012To research and promote education on public retirement plans
Teach For America Greater New Orleans$1,800,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Stand For Children Leadership Center$1,790,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Parent Revolution$1,500,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Black Alliance For Educational Option$1,250,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Relay Graduate School Of Education$1,247,025 2012To improve k-12 education
Teach For America-Houston$1,100,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Greatschools$1,000,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Education Trust$1,000,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Kipp Foundation$990,292 2012To improve k-12 education
Yes Prep Public Schools$975,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Students For Education Reform$840,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Fund For Public Schools$750,000 2012To improve k-12 education
William Marsh Rice University - Houston Education Resource Consortium$655,784 2012To improve k-12 education
Education Reform Now$500,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Policy Innovators In Education Network$500,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Educators For Excellence$500,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Louisiana Association Of Public Charter Schools$350,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Brookings Institution$312,450 2012To research and promote education on public retirement plans
University Of Pennsylvania - Research Services - Trustees$298,065 2012To improve k-12 education
Lucy Burns Institute$282,500 2012To research and promote education on public retirement plans
Leading Educators$277,500 2012To improve k-12 education
Colorado Seminary - Institute For Advancement Of The American Legal System$200,000 2012To improve judicial selection and evaluation
Novim Group$200,000 2012To conduct publish and disseminate rigorous scientific research
Innocence Project$200,000 2012To prevent wrongful convictions and facilitate exonerations of the wrongfully convicted
Administrative Office Of The Courts Of The State Of Kentucky$171,003 2012To research and promote education on pretrial topics to improve the criminal justice system
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund$153,000 2012Donor advised charitable gift fund contribution
North American Council For Online Learning$150,000 2012To improve k-12 education
National Conference Of State Legislatures$132,520 2012To research and promote education on pretrial topics to improve the criminal justice system
Idea Public Schools$125,000 2012To improve k-12 education
University Of Washington Foundation$110,687 2012To improve k-12 education
Association Of Missouri Charter Schools$100,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Manhattan Institute For Policy Research$52,250 2012To research teacher compensation plans
Council Of State Governments$50,000 2012To promote policies and strategies to rease public safety
Alliance For School Choice$25,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Philanthropy Roundtable$15,000 2012To address prisoner re-entry
Innosight Institute$10,000 2012To improve k-12 education
Students First Institute$7,000,000 2011To improve k-12 education
Yes Prep Public Schools$6,035,000 2011To improve k-12 education
Teach For America$5,000,000 2011To improve k-12 education
Houston Food Bank$4,000,000 2011To promote efficiency in alleviating hunger
New Teacher Project$2,550,000 2011To improve k-12 education
Hisd Foundation$2,519,608 2011To improve k-12 education
Stand For Children Leadership Center$2,100,000 2011To improve k-12 education
Dc Public Education Fund$1,591,334 2011To improve k-12 education
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund$1,300,000 2011Donor advised charitable gift fund contribution
Kipp Foundation$1,127,807 2011To improve k-12 education
Teach For America-Houston$1,100,000 2011To improve k-12 education
Rice University - Houston Education Resource Consortium$664,152 2011To promote access to higher education
Vanderbilt University$500,000 2011To promote access to higher education
Education Reform Now$500,000 2011To improve k-12 education
University Of Pennsylvania - Research Services$350,000 2011To improve k-12 education
Education Champions For All$300,000 2011To improve k-12 education
North American Council For Online Learning$291,088 2011To improve k-12 education
James Madison Institute$265,500 2011To research and promote education on public retirement plans
Innosight Institute$264,075 2011To improve k-12 education
Fund For Public Schools$250,000 2011To improve k-12 education
National Council On Teacher Quality$200,000 2011To improve k-12 education
Innocence Project$200,000 2011To prevent wrongful convictions and facilitate exonerations of the wrongfully convicted
California Foundation For Fiscal Responsibility$150,000 2011To research and promote education on public retirement plans
New Schools Venture Fund$118,000 2011To improve k-12 education
University Of Washington$110,688 2011To improve k-12 education
Texas Institute For Education Reform$100,000 2011To improve k-12 education
Education Pioneers$100,000 2011To develop education leaders
Texas Charter Schools Association$75,000 2011To improve k-12 education
Thomas B. Fordham Institute$52,500 2011To research and promote education on public retirement plans
Recovery School District$50,000 2011To improve k-12 education
Texas Association Of Business And Chambers Of Commerce Foundation$25,000 2011To improve public and higher education
Manhattan Institute For Policy Research$15,162 2011To research and promote education on public retirement plans
Philanthropy Roundtable$10,000 2011To promote philanthropic collaboration
Kansas Policy Institute$10,000 2011To research and promote education on public retirement plans
Grantmakers For Education$6,000 2011To promote education-related philanthropy
Teach For America$6,000,000 2010To Improve K-12 education
Texas Children'S Hospital$5,000,000 2010To support continuum of family-centered health care
University Of Texas - M D Anderson Cancer Center$5,000,000 2010To support cancer research
Dc Public Education Fund$3,733,333 2010To Improve K-12 education
Houston Food Bank$2,500,000 2010To help alleviate hunger
Vanderbilt University$1,250,000 2010To promote access to higher education
Hisd Foundation$1,000,000 2010To Improve K-12 education
Yes Prep Public Schools$400,000 2010To Improve K-12 education
Fund For Public Schools$250,000 2010To Improve K-12 education
Innocence Project$214,801 2010To support an eyewitness Identification field study
Innocence Project$200,000 2010To prevent wrongful convictions and facilitate exonerations of the wrongfully convicted
Menil Collection$100,000 2010To support expansion of publicity accessible art collections
Texas Institute For Education Reform$50,000 2010To Improve K-12 education
Institute For Productivity In Education$50,000 2010To Improve K-12 education
Trustees Of The University Of Pennsylvania$50,000 2010To Improve K-12 education
Families Empowered$50,000 2010To Improve K-12 education
Teach For America -Houston-$50,000 2010To Improve K-12 education
Kipp$49,250 2010To Improve K-12 education
Philanthropy Roundtable$43,638 2010To promote philanthropic collaboration
Yes Prep Public Schools$26,000 2010To promote access to higher education
Yes Prep Public Schools$25,000 2010To Improve K-12 education
Us Fund For Unicef$10,000 2010To promote humanitarian relief for children
American Red Cross$10,000 2010To support humanitarian relief
Nancy Davis Foundation For M S$5,000 2010To support research on multiple sclerosis
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund$5,000,000 2009Donor advised charitable gift fund
U T M D Anderson Cancer Center$1,000,000 2009Odyssey fellowship-Dr Jain Research
Robin Hood-New York$500,000 2009Fight Poverty Campaign-NYC
Vanderbilt University$500,000 2009Arnold Scholars Program
Innocence Project$150,000 2009Advance DNA testing to free innocent
Children'S Museum Of Houston$100,000 2009Take another Giant Step Campaign
St John'S School$50,000 2009Reduce class size in lower school
Houston Zoo$50,000 2009African Forest phase 1
Kipp$49,250 2009Knowledge is Power
Museum Of Fine Arts Houston$49,000 2009Maintain level of service
Menil Collection$25,000 2009Room Six Society
Nyu Langone Medical Center$25,000 2009Education/research for better patient care
Crohns And Colitis Foundation Of America$23,640 2009Closer to the Cause and a Cure
Discovery Green Conservancy$10,000 2009High quality free programming for visitors
U T Health Sciences Center$10,000 2009Pep project-Daniel Zilch
March Of Dimes$10,000 2009NICU Family Support Program
Ut Medical School$10,000 2009Dermatology research program-Dr A.A.Hebert
Texan-French Alliance Of The Arts$5,000 2009Venet Exhibit Project
Lone Star Legal Aid$5,000 2009Legal aid for low ome Texans


In 2018, the Arnold Foundation reported the following employees. It paid employees a total of $4.6 million in 2018. 21


  • Kelli Rhee, president and chief executive officer (total compensation: $595,107)
  • Elizabeth Banks, chief financial officer and board treasurer (total compensation: $279,797)
  • Jennifer Nelson, president’s chief of staff (total compensation: $226,958)
  • Kirby Smith, director of foundation strategy (total compensation: $203,654)
  • Lesley Briones, executive vice president, chief operations officer, general counsel (total compensation: $635,362)
  • Yasmin Kazzaz, vice president of human resources (total compensation: $121,779)
  • Zandra Magarino, vice president of human resources (total compensation: $50,740)

Criminal Justice

  • Jeremy Travis, executive vice president of criminal justice (total compensation: $533,596)
  • James Cadogan, vice president of criminal justice (total compensation: $118,153)
  • Lynn Overmann, vice president of criminal justice (total compensation: $279,697)
  • Amy Solomon, vice president of criminal justice (total compensation: $267,558)
  • Juliene James, director of criminal justice (total compensation: $195,791)
  • Kristin Bechtel, director of criminal justice (total compensation: $195,494)
  • Asheley Van Ness, director of criminal justice (total compensation: $182,452)


  • Jeffrey Cohen, executive vice president of communications (total compensation: $359,682)
  • Leila Walsh, vice president of communications (total compensation: $41,257)
  • Helen Spencer, vice president of communications (total compensation: $120,479)

Policy and Advocacy

  • Michael Deich, executive vice president of policy and advocacy (total compensation: $384,637)
  • Josh McGee, executive vice president of results-driven government (total compensation: $417,007)
  • Jonathan Baron, vice president of evidence-based policy (total compensation: $277,249)
  • Robb Gray, vice president of policy and advocacy (total compensation: $71,609)
  • Jeremy Stuart Buck, vice president of research (total compensation: $214,221)
  • Mark Miller, vice president of health care (total compensation: $404,111)
  • Michael Stebbins, vice president of science and technology (total compensation: $48,750)


  1. “About.” Arnold Ventures, Accessed November 21, 2024.
  2. Preston, Caroline. 2011. “A Thirtysomething Billionaire Couple’S Bold Philanthropy”. The Chronicle Of Philanthropy.
  3. Goodman, Leah McGrath. 2012. “When A Billionaire Trader Loses His Edge”. Fortune.
  4. Cam, Deniz. “Billionaire Philanthropist John Arnold On Drug Prices: Congress Needs To Act.” Forbes. November 29, 2018. Accessed July 19, 2019.
  5. Schwartz, John. 2013. “$10 Million Gift To Help Head Start Through Shutdown”. New York Times.
  6. Preston, Caroline. 2011. “A Thirtysomething Billionaire Couple’s Bold Philanthropy”. The Chronicle Of Philanthropy.
  7. “Board of Directors.” Innocence Project, Accessed November 21, 2024.
  8. Farmer, Liz. 2017. “John Arnold: The Most Hated Man In Pensionland”.
  9. Farmer, Liz. 2017. “John Arnold: The Most Hated Man In Pensionland”. Governing.Com.
  10. Apple, Sam. 2017. “The Young Billionaire Behind The War On Bad Science”. WIRED.
  11. Wooster, Martin Morse. 2017. “The Laura And John Arnold Foundation”. Capital Research Center.
  12. Gose, Ben. “John and Laura Arnold Join Other Billionaires in Move Away From Traditional Philanthropy.” The Chronicle of Philanthropy. January 28, 2019. Accessed January 30, 2019.
  13. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Action Now Initiative. 2012-2017. Part I.
  14. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Action Now Initiative. 2012-2017. Schedule I.

    For a complete list of grants (2012-2017), see:

  15. “Meet The Arnolds: Planned Parenthood’s Billionaire Benefactors”. 2018. 2nd Vote.
  16. Johnson, Dave. 2014. “5 Billionaires Who Are Making Life Miserable For Ordinary Americans”.
  17. Donovan, Doug. 2016. “Billionaire Donors Laura And John Arnold Support Far More In Maryland Than Police Surveillance”. Baltimore Sun.
  18. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-PF). Laura and John Arnold Foundation. 2018. Part I. Lines 12, 25, 26.
  19. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-PF). Laura and John Arnold Foundation. 2008-2018. Schedule B.
  20. Callahan, David. “When Philanthropy Is Not Enough: A Top Donor Couple Takes a Broader Approach to Impact.” Inside Philanthropy. July 18, 2019. Accessed July 19, 2019.
  21. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-PF). Laura and John Arnold Foundation. 2018. Part VIII.
  See an error? Let us know!

Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: October 1, 2009

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2022 Dec Form PF $766,581,426 $201,894,608 $3,533,120,981 $1 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2021 Dec Form PF $549,252,677 $200,108,627 $3,205,217,735 $1 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2020 Dec Form PF $716,274,205 $218,602,741 $2,692,538,333 $1 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2019 Dec Form PF $402,969,307 $220,497,242 $2,356,002,596 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2015 Dec Form PF $169,665,125 $123,348,589 $1,785,304,330 $664,373 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2014 Dec Form PF $213,155,576 $110,300,509 $1,766,641,213 $446,082 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2013 Dec Form PF $426,787,499 $104,564,215 $1,648,587,004 $398,694 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2012 Dec Form PF $418,707,849 $47,265,232 $1,295,598,127 $265,087 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2011 Dec Form PF $135,703,560 $49,445,770 $725,612,343 $722 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    Laura and John Arnold Foundation

    Houston, TX