
Action Now Initiative (ANI)



Houston, TX

Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2022):

Revenue: $13,562,786
Expenses: $10,414,516
Assets: $3,398,236


Grantmaking Foundation


John Arnold and Laura Arnold




Kelli Rhee

Budget (2023):

Revenue: $3,577,720

Expenses: $3,738,775

Assets: $3,237,181 12

Contact InfluenceWatch with suggested edits or tips for additional profiles.

The Action Now Initiative (ANI) is a grantmaking foundation founded by financier John Arnold and his wife, Laura Arnold. ANI has previously donated to organizations advocating left-of-center policy towards education, criminal justice, and health care. 1

ANI works other organizations affiliated with John and Laura Arnold including Arnold Ventures and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. 2


The Action Now Initiative (ANI) was founded in 2012 by financier John Arnold and his wife, Laura Arnold. As of 2021, the pair have a net worth estimated at $3.3 billion. They have also founded the charitable LLC Arnold Ventures, the 501(c)(3) Laura and John Arnold Foundation, and the 501(c)(4) Action Now Initiative. In 2021, the Arnolds signed the “Give While You Live” pledge campaign run by the World Economic Forum promising to donate 5 percent of their wealth each year. 3 4 5 6

Advocacy Areas


The Action Now Initiative (ANI) supports the Gainful Employment rule which would prohibit universities from receiving federally backed student loans unless a certain percentage of graduates get relatively high-paying jobs after graduation. 1

Charity Reform

The Action Now Initiative (ANI) supports tighter regulations on donor-advised funds (DAFs) to distribute more funds in a shorter time frame. ANI also supports expanding non-itemized charitable tax deductions. 7

Criminal Justice

The Action Now Initiative (ANI) supports reducing or eliminating fines and fees in the criminal justice process, automatic clearance of criminal records, and a reduction in pre-trial detention. 8

Electoral Reform

The Action Now Initiative (ANI) supports ranked choice voting, independent redistricting, and open primaries. 1

According to a 2024 document by Americans for Public Trust (APT), the ANI provided a $2 million grant to Alaskans for Better Elections (ABE) for funding state-level Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) ballot initiatives during the 2024 election cycle. 9

Health Care

The Action Now Initiative (ANI) supports government regulations to reduce prescription drug prices and health insurance costs as well as to keep Medicare financed. 1


Financial Overview

The Action Now Initiative is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization founded in 2012. 10

Action Now Initiative: Financial Overview
YearTotal RevenuesTotal ExpendituresGrants Paid

Grants from Action Now Initiative

The following are grants made by the Action Now Initiative between 2012 and 2017: 11

Action Now Initiative: Grant RecipientsAmount
2017American Heart Association$270,000
2017Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions$50,000
2017Coalition for Healthy Kids$840,000
2017FairVote Action Fund$42,000
2017FairVote Minnesota$250,000
2017Foundation for Healthy Generations$26,500
2017Illinois Public Health Institute$113,000
2017Energy Innovation Reform Project$120,000
2017Kipp St. Louis$50,000
2017National Alliance for Better Nutrition$60,000
2017Open Primaries$1,236,000
2017Patients for Affordable Drugs$255,000
2017Retirement Security Initiative$1,233,700
2017The Chamberlain Project$258,000
2017Coalition for Healthy Kids$51,757
201650CAN Action Fund$40,000
2016American Heart Association$675,000
2016Arizonans for Strong Leadership$250,000
2016Black Alliance for Education$29,999
2016CA Charter Schools Association$30,000
2016ChangeLab Solutions$45,000
2016Citizens for Healthy Oakland$1,075,000
2016Education Reform Now Advocacy$30,000
2016FairVote Action Fund$60,000
2016FairVote Minnesota$300,000
2016AmericaFed for Children$15,000
2016Great Schools PAC$70,000
2016Healthier Colorado$400,000
2016Illinois Public Health Institute$96,250
2016Innovation Reform Action Project$250,000
2016Louisiana Charter Schools$30,000
2016Memphians for School Equity$30,000
2016Open Primaries$3,398,315
2016Opportunity for All Georgians$375,000
2016Philadelphians for a Fair Future$400,000
2016Retirement Security Initiative$920,000
2016San Franciscans United to Reduce Obesity$2,185,000
2016Stand for Children$60,000
2016Texans for Education Reform$400,000
2016The Chamberlain Project$719,000
2016The Nutrition Coalition$450,000
2016Upstream Public Health$10,000
2015Action for Healthy Food$1,180,000
2015Alabama Policy Institute$110,000
2015Coalition for Consumer Patent Protection$120,000
2015Empower Louisiana$642,500
2015FairVote Minnesota$200,000
2015Illinois Public Health Institute$32,000
2015Innovation Reform Action Project$250,000
2015Liberty Initiative Fund$10,000
2015Open Primaries$3,585,000
2015Retirement Security Initiative$610,000
2015Stand for Children$125,000
2015Texans for Education Reform$1,250,000
2015Texans for Local Control$92,500
2015Texas Association of Business Foundation$25,000
2015Texas Conservative Coalition$25,000
2015Texas Public Policy Foundation$50,000
2015The Chamberlain Project$40,000
2015The Nutrition Coalition$480,000
2014Alabama Policy Institute$80,000
2014Baton Rouge Area Chamber$50,000
2014CA Center for Public Health Advocate$400,000
2014The Center for Healthy Eating$875,000
2014Committee for Pension Fairness$150,000
2014Healthy Child Initiative$70,000
2014Liberty Initiative Fund$548,000
2014Open Primaries$810,000
2014Stand for Children$15,000
2014Support Our Public Schools$150,000
2014Texans for Education Reform$2,500,000
2014Heartland Alliance$50,000
2014Citizens for Phoenix Pension Reform$1,087,000
2013Alabama Policy Institute$50,000
2013California Business Roundtable$5,000
2013Citizens to Protect Pennsylvania Jobs$360,000
2013Education Reform Now Advocacy$800,000
2013Kentucky Chamber of Commerce$112,000
2013Kick the Can Tellride$65,000
2013Liberty Initiative Fund$1,032,500
2013San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce$200,000
2013Secure Oklahoma$418,700
2013Stand for Children$150,000
2013Texas Public Policy Foundation$55,000
2012Citizens in Charge Foundation$91,000
2012Michigan Chamber of Commerce$1,000,000
2012San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce$300,000
2012Stand for Children$240,000
2012Liberty Initiative Fund$151,000
2012San Diego Taxpayers Association$300,000

Other Donations

In 2023, the Action Now Initiative donated $647,987 to the Continuum Health Group LLC, $450,000 to the Maryland Citizens Health Initiative, $423,000 to Freedom Virginia Inc., $300,000 to Public Private Strategies LLC, $300,000 to Yes on 820 – Oklahomans for Sensible Marijuana Laws, $250,000 to the Clean Energy Buyers Association, $200,000 to VSV Leadership LLC, $185,000 to the Montanans for Election Reform Action Fund, $62,500 to Producciones El Rastro LLC, $50,000 to Tangle News LLC, $50,000 to the World Relief Corp of National Association of Evangelicals, $50,000 to Effective Government, $30,000 to the American Coalition for Affordable Healthcare, $27,843 to Health Care for All Inc., and $16,000 to Avitium Partners. 12


Between 2019 and 2024, the Action Now Initiative has spent between $240,000 and $710,000 annually on federal lobbying. 13


Kelli Rhee is the president and chief executive officer of the Action Now Initiative as of December 2024. In addition, Rhee works as the president and CEO of Arnold Ventures. She was previously the president and CEO of the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. Prior to this, she was the executive director of the Baylor College of Medicine, a senior associate consultant at The Bridgespan Group, and a senior associate consultant at Bain and Company. 14 15

John Arnold and his wife Laura Arnold are directors of ANI. 12


  1. “Issues.” Action Now Initiative. Accessed December 23, 2024.
  2. “Homepage.” Action Now Initiative. Accessed December 23, 2024.
  3. Preston, Caroline. “A Thirtysomething Billionaire Couple Take on Tough Issues Via Giving.” The Chronicle of Philanthropy. October 16, 2011. Accessed December 22, 2024.
  4. Block, Fang. “Billionaire Philanthropists John and Laura Arnold to Give at Least 5% of Their Wealth Annually.” Penta. April 8, 2021. Accessed December 22, 2024.
  5. Barboza, David. “Officials Got a Windfall Before Enron’s Collapse.” The New York Times. June 18, 2002. Accessed December 22, 2024.
  6. Facher, Lev. “How a billionaire couple greased the skids for Nancy Pelosi’s drug pricing bill.” Stat News. November 26, 2019. Accessed December 23, 2024.
  7. “Charitable Giving.” Action Now Initiative. Accessed December 23, 2024.
  8. [1] “Issues.” Action Now Initiative. Accessed December 23, 2024.
  9. “Who Funded Radical Changes to Election Policy in 2024.” Americans for Public Trust, Accessed February 3, 2025.
  10. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Action Now Initiative. 2012-2017. Part I.
  11. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). Action Now Initiative. 2012-2017. Schedule I.
  12. “Action Now Inc Form 990.” ProPublica. Accessed December 22, 2024.
  13. “Action Now Initiative.” Open Secrets. Accessed December 23, 2024.
  14.   “Action Now Inc Form 990.” ProPublica. Accessed December 22, 2024.
  15. “Kelli Rhee.” LinkedIn. Accessed December 23, 2024.
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: February 1, 2013

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2022 Dec Form 990 $13,562,786 $10,414,516 $3,398,236 $0 N $13,540,000 $0 $22,786 $0 PDF
    2021 Dec Form 990 $1,900,044 $1,710,061 $249,966 $0 N $1,900,000 $0 $44 $0
    2020 Dec Form 990EZ $188 $8,693 $59,983 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2019 Dec Form 990EZ $1,192 $2,500 $68,488 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2018 Dec Form 990 $201,000 $679,471 $52,223 $0 N $200,000 $0 $1,000 $0 PDF
    2017 Dec Form 990 $5,652,142 $5,589,049 $530,694 $0 N $5,650,000 $0 $2,142 $0 PDF
    2016 Dec Form 990 $13,700,599 $13,638,064 $467,601 $0 N $13,700,000 $0 $599 $0 PDF
    2015 Dec Form 990 $9,975,059 $9,582,646 $405,066 $0 N $9,975,000 $0 $59 $0 PDF
    2014 Dec Form 990 $9,425,054 $9,472,406 $12,654 $0 N $9,425,000 $0 $54 $0 PDF
    2013 Dec Form 990 $2,940,081 $5,099,368 $60,006 $0 N $2,940,000 $0 $81 $0 PDF
    2012 Dec Form 990 $4,463,654 $2,260,750 $2,202,904 $0 N $4,463,558 $0 $96 $0 PDF
    2011 Dec Form 990EZ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF

    Action Now Initiative (ANI)

    1717 WEST LOOP S STE 1800
    Houston, TX 77027-3049