The Vera Institute of Justice (VIJ) is a left-of-center advocacy organization that agitates against what it characterizes as mass incarceration, racial disparities, and marginalization. Much of its work focuses on immigration and criminal justice issues. 1
United Way Worldwide (UWW) is a philanthropic nonprofit that oversees over 1,800 local United Way groups. UWW and its affiliates are primarily devoted to providing education, healthcare, and income support for low-income individuals. Until 2016, UWW and its affiliates combined took in $5 billion, the most of any charitable federation
Labor Union
United Association (UA) or the Plumbers and Pipefitters union (PPF) is a labor union that consists of approximately 355,000 plumbers, pipefitters, sprinkler fitters, welders, pipeliners, and others in the construction industry throughout North America.
Third Way is a left-of-center think tank 1 based in Washington, D.C., that believes the center-left is the “only real path” for the future in the United States.
The Rosenberg Fund for Children (RFC) is a charitable fund named for convicted spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg that supports the children of far-left activists who have been imprisoned or otherwise harmed for actions related to their political activities. Since its founding in 1990, the FRC has provided support to
Labor Union
The Ohio AFL-CIO is the state affiliate for the AFL-CIO labor union federation in Ohio. 1 The union is also affiliated with the Action Network, an online tool for left-progressive
Netroots Nation is as an annual convention that aims to train and amplify the efforts of liberal bloggers and online activists.1 The convention has become a
Labor Union
The National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) is the second-largest federal-government worker union in the United States1 with 150,000 employees from 33 government departments
Also see National Organization for Women Foundation (nonprofit) The National Organization For Women (NOW) is a second wave feminist organization formed in the 1960s to support social liberal policies in the name of women.
The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that investigates and analyzes economic issues. NBER makes its research findings available to the public, academics, and decision makers in both public and private sectors through its working papers and scholarly conferences.
The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) is the litigation and legal policy affiliate of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). LDF uses strategic litigation and legal advocacy to advance a left-of-center agenda focused on issues related to African American and ethnic minority interests.
Labor Union
The Michigan American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (MI AFL-CIO) is an umbrella organization for left-of-center labor unions and a lobbying organization made up of numerous local and national unions. The MI AFL-CIO claims to represent over 1,000,000 active and retired members of 59 unions throughout Michigan, which include
Labor Union
The Metal Trades Department, AFL-CIO is a labor union federation and arm of the AFL-CIO union federation that consists of 17 U.S.-based labor unions associated with metal-related industries such as ironworking, steel working, plumbing, and pipefitting. The department was founded in 1908 and operates a network of affiliated regional
The Marguerite Casey Foundation is the smaller of the two major left-of-center private foundations created from the legacy of United Parcel Service founder James E. Casey, the other being the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The Marguerite Casey Foundation emerged nearly two decades after James E. Casey’s death from Casey
The Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) is a left-leaning nonprofit community development organization created with support from the left-progressive Ford Foundation. LISC relies on government agencies, nonprofit organizations, corporations, and banks for its funding, which it then invests in a wide range of programs across the country through grants
Labor Union
The Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) is a construction industry labor union and a member the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). LIUNA is has provided extensive campaign support and lobbying efforts on issues such as Obamacare, immigration, and infrastructure spending.
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) is a tax and budget policy advocacy group that focuses on state and federal tax policy issues. It holds 501(c)(3) status and is ostensibly non-partisan for tax reasons,
The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a nonprofit think-tank founded in 1972 by Willy Brandt, at the time West German Chancellor and leader of the left-progressive Social Democratic Party (SDP).
Free Speech For People is a left-of-center advocacy group that supports expanding campaign finance regulations, including constitutional amendments to limit campaign spending by private individuals and organizations. 1 Free Speech For People was founded
The Democracy Collaborative is a left-of-center organization that advocates for the transition of the United States economic system from a free-market economy to government-controlled socialism. It supports government ownership and control of industries like health care, utilities, and transportation, and the group proposes the creation of a “welfare state” that