
Sea Change Foundation




Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2015):

Revenue: $42,250,239
Expenses: $40,694,631
Assets: $176,292,676




Nathaniel Simons


Stephen Colwell

Latest Tax Filing:

2018 Form 990

Contact InfluenceWatch with suggested edits or tips for additional profiles.

The Sea Change Foundation is a major left-of-center foundation whose grantmaking focuses on supporting environmentalist think tanks and advocacy groups, most notably the Energy Foundation, an environmentalist pass-through funder, and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), an advocacy nonprofit.

Sea Change was founded in 2006 by Nathaniel Simons, the billionaire son of Renaissance Technologies co-founder and liberal mega-donor James Simons. 1 The foundation, based in San Francisco, California, was created as a 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation. 2 The foundation’s mission is to address “serious threats posed by global climate change.” 3

Between its creation in 2006 and 2018, Sea Change has paid out $480 million in grants to other nonprofits. 4


Also see Nathaniel Simons

The Sea Change Foundation is funded by Nathaniel “Nat” Simons, co-founder of Prelude Ventures, a “clean technology” investment fund. 5 Funding from the foundation comes from the personal wealth of Simons and his wife, Laura Baxter-Simons. 6 The foundation also receives funding from Renaissance Technologies, the successful hedge fund that Simons’ father and major Democratic donor, James Simons, created and where Simons spent years as a portfolio manager. 7 Nat Simons currently serves as a board member and vice-chair of Renaissance, in addition to managing Meritage Group LP, a spin-off portfolio of hedge fund and direct investments. 5


The Sea Change Foundation’s philanthropic interests are climate change and clean energy policy, and it funds a wide array of environmentalist groups along with center-left think tanks and groups. 5 The foundation had donated over $500 million by 2018, according to Inside Philanthropy. 8 Furthermore, in 2018, the foundation committed to donating between $50 million and $75 million yearly towards climate mitigation and clean energy projects. 9

Simons has noted that much of Sea Change’s rate of giving is motivated by “urgency of the issue and the momentum generated by the Paris Climate Accord,” an international agreement joined by the United States in 2015 under President Barack Obama; President Donald Trump signaled his intent to leave the Paris Climate Accord in 2017. 10 11

The foundation’s largest grant recipient is the Energy Foundation, a major left-of-center nonprofit that acts as a pass-through for foundations like Sea Change to support liberal environmental groups. Between 2007 and 2018, Sea Change paid out $125 million to the Energy Foundation. Other major grantees include the Sierra Club, World Wide Fund for Nature (formerly the World Wildlife Fund), Natural Resources Defense Council, Food and Water Watch, the League of Conservation Voters, and Center for American Progress (CAP). 12

Major recipients of Sea Change Foundation grants include: 13 14

Criticism and Controversy

Lack of Transparency

The philanthropy website Inside Philanthropy noted the quiet profile that Simons and Sea Change have taken, stating in 2014 that Sea Change had “what is quite possibly the world’s least informative website.” 1

Russian Connections, Bermuda “Dark Money,” and the Environmentalist “Billionaire’s Club”

In 2014, the Sea Change Foundation came under scrutiny in a report released by the Republican staff of the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee titled, “The Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and their Foundations Control the Environment and Obama’s EPA” (archived here). The report notes that “an elite group of left-wing millionaires and billionaires . . . . directs and controls the far-left environmental movement, which in turn controls major policy decisions and lobbies on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),” identifying Sea Change Foundation as a “dominant organization in this movement” that “relies on funding from a foreign company with undisclosed donors” to funnel “tens of millions of dollars to other large but discreet foundations and prominent environmental activists who strive to control both policy and politics.” 16

Klein Ltd., the “foreign company with undisclosed donors” identified in the report that allegedly “exists on paper only,” is a Bermuda-based company noted as a donor to the Sea Change Foundation in its annual IRS Form 990 financial filings (private foundations, unlike other types of nonprofits, are required to disclose the names of their donors). Between 2010 and 2011, Klein Ltd. donated $23 million to Sea Change, accounting for 49 percent of its total contributions in 2010 and 33 percent of its total contributions in 2011. 17 As the report put it: 18

As a practical matter, an overseas company contributing tens of millions to organizations dedicated to abolishing the use of affordable fossil fuels is highly problematic. This is only compounded by the fact it is deliberately and completely lacking in transparency. However, it is likely this lack of transparency shields Klein Ltd. from any responsibility to the American businesses and families it hurts. . . .

The role Sea Change plays as a member of the Billionaire’s Club is deeply troubling, especially in light of recent revelations that environmental activists, many of whom are clearly
benefiting from this extreme “dark money,” do not have any moral qualms over where their money comes from – so long as it supports the far-left cause.

A graphic in the report further illustrates Sea Change Foundation’s pass-through system and how it benefits left-wing environmentalist groups such as the League of Conservation Voters and Sierra Club: 19

Sea Change Foundation/Klein Ltd. Pass Through Illustration. Original credit, US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Original URL:

It should be pointed out that the vast majority of Sea Change’s funding (before, during, and after 2010-2011) comes from Nathaniel and Laura Simons as well as a handful of trusts under his name. 17 Nevertheless, Sea Change’s role as a pass-through to major left-wing activist groups has earned it scrutiny from conservative observers and watchdog groups.

In December 2015, the center-right Environmental Policy Alliance released a follow-up report to the 2014 Senate committee report that alleged Klein Ltd. connections to Russia and Russian president Vladimir Putin, proposing that Klein Ltd. and Sea Change Foundation acted as a conduit for funneling Russian government money to U.S. environmental groups in order to undermine American natural gas and oil production to Russia’s benefit (Russia remains a major oil and gas producer): 20

According to its Articles of Incorporation, Klein was formed by two employees of Wakefield Quin (WQ), a Bermuda law firm. A Klein director and WQ senior counsel, along with another WQ senior counsel, have pasts that should be considered questionable at best. Both held directorship positions in a group, owned by Russian minister of telecommunications and longtime Putin friend Leonid Reiman, which was the subject of a 2008 money laundering case. The group was ultimately convicted in British Virgin Islands court. WQ’s Russian involvement doesn’t stop there. Marcuard Spectrum, a Moscow-based investment firm, operates a hedge fund in Bermuda based out of WQ’s office. Both of the aforementioned WQ lawyers are listed in leadership positions. Further, one of the founders of Marcuard is also the chair of Russian-owned oil giant Rosneft.

According to the report, the shell company Klein Ltd. was established in March 2011 by Wakefield Quin; Bermuda law allows such entities to conceal foreign sources of funding. As of 2018, Simons had renamed Klein Ltd. “Sea Change International,” reportedly in response to the negative publicity Klein Ltd. received. 11 However, Sea Change International (formerly Klein Ltd.) shares the same address as Wakefield Quin and, at the time, “more than 20 other companies apparently run through the law firm.” 21 The Environmental Policy Alliance illustrated this relationship as follows:

Drawn from “From Russia With Love?” 2015 report. Image credit: Environmental Policy Alliance. URL:

In September 2018, Daily Signal investigative journalist Kevin Mooney submitted a background report to the Pennsylvania Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee titled, “Foreign Involvement on Natural Gas Development in the US & Pennsylvania” (archived here).22 Mooney’s report cited the Sea Change Foundation as a major example of foreign involvement in efforts to disrupt natural gas development in the United States, noting that firms and entities associated with the Simons family and Renaissance Technologies have been “domiciled in Bermuda, using multiple law firms, primarily Wakefield Quin” and Appleby Ltd., the former of “which has been found guilty in international court of aiding a Russian money laundering scheme.”

Sea Change and the other Simons family ventures based in Bermuda have numerous ties to Russia, most notably sharing board directors who also serve as directors of Russian banks, investment funds, and companies. Nat Simons sits on the board of Planar Technologies (which he has funded) alongside Roderick Forrest, senior counsel at Wakefield Quin. who was implicated in a money laundering scheme at Russia’s IPOC Group in 2008.

. . .

Subsequent investigations have found that lawyers and employees with Wakefield Quin have been associated with Russian energy companies and have worked with Leonid Reiman, a former Russian minister of telecommunications and longtime [Vladimir] Putin ally. There is what members of Congress describe as a “paperless money trail” that flows from Putin’s government in Russia into the shell company in Bermuda, from there into the Sea Change Foundation and from the Sea Change Foundation into U.S. environmental groups in the form of grants.


Financial Overview

Between fiscal years 2006 and 2018, the Sea Change Foundation reported $702 million in total revenues and paid out $510 million, including $480 million in grants to other organizations. 4

Sea Change Foundation: Financial Overview
Total RevenuesTotal ExpendituresGrants PaidNet Assets

Donors to Sea Change Foundation

Between 2006 and 2018, the Sea Change Foundation received $413 million in donations, primarily from Nathaniel and Laura Simons, trust funds associated with them, and from James Simons.

Nathaniel and Laura Simons$18,850,0002018
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust I$22,500,0002018
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust II$653,5922018
Nathaniel Simons Renaissance Trust$12,000,0002018
Nathaniel and Laura Simons$10,022,0002017
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust I$11,933,4202017
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust II$556,5122017
Nathaniel Simons Renaissance Trust$6,468,2192017
Nathaniel and Laura Simons$9,790,0002016
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust I$14,870,5002016
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust II$478,0462016
Nathaniel Simons Renaissance Trust$377,5862016
Nathaniel and Laura Simons$15,000,0002015
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust I$25,548,3302015
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust II$371,1152015
Nathaniel Simons Renaissance Trust$6,774,0842015
Nathaniel and Laura Simons$5,000,0002014
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust I$417,9862014
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust II$64,0772014
Nathaniel Simons Renaissance Trust$1,700,0002014
Nathaniel and Laura Simons$7,820,0002013
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust I$14,515,2802013
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust II$651,2732013
Nathaniel Simons Renaissance Trust$8,936,9382013
Nathaniel and Laura Simons$11,900,0002012
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust I$6,000,0002012
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust II$2,098,0002012
Nathaniel Simons Renaissance Trust$5,421,0002012
Nathaniel and Laura Simons$11,700,0002011
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust I$2,230,0002011
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust II$470,0002011
Nathaniel Simons Renaissance Trust$5,525,0002011
Klein Limited (Bermuda)$10,000,0002011
Nathaniel and Laura Simons$12,000,0002010
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust I$1,150,0002010
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust II$453,0002010
Klein Limited (Bermuda)$13,000,0002010
Nathaniel and Laura Simons$7,900,0002009
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust I$16,000,0002009
Nathaniel Simons Renaissance Trust$16,000,0002009
Nathaniel Trust$24,000,0002009
James Simons$2,000,0002008
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust I$31,000,0002008
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust II$546,5002008
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust III$12,945,0002008
Nathaniel Simons Renaissance Trust$5,000,0002008
James Simons$1,000,0002007
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust$10,000,0002007
Nathaniel and Laura Simons$5,500,0002006
James Simons$1,000,0002006
Nathaniel Simons DE Trust$3,000,0002006
Grand Total:$413,137,458

Grants from Sea Change Foundation

Between 2007 and 2018 (the foundation did not pay out grants in 2006), Sea Change Foundation paid out $450 million in grants to other organizations, the vast majority of which are focused on climate change and other environmentalist causes. 13 14

Grant RecipientAmountYear
Activation Energy$250,000 2018
Alliance to Save Energy$100,000 2018
Alliance to Save Energy$220,000 2018
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$1,300,000 2018
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$1,300,000 2018
Carbon Tracker Initiative$500,000 2018
Carbon Tracker Initiative$500,000 2018
Center for American Progress$725,000 2018
Center for American Progress$725,000 2018
Ceres$625,000 2018
Energy Foundation$500,000 2018
Energy Foundation$1,500,000 2018
Energy Foundation$1,750,000 2018
Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis$750,000 2018
Integrated Reporting Foundation$400,000 2018
Natural Resources Defense Council$1,000,000 2018
Northwest Energy Coalition$415,000 2018
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC$460,000 2018
US Climate Action Network$350,000 2018
Western Resource Advocates$475,000 2018
Western Resource Advocates$475,000 2018
Activation Energy$250,000 2017
Alliance to Save Energy$300,000 2017
Alliance to Save Energy$300,000 2017
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$800,000 2017
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$800,000 2017
Carbon Tracker Initiative$500,000 2017
Carbon Tracker Initiative$500,000 2017
Center for American Progress$625,000 2017
Center for American Progress$625,000 2017
Ceres$375,000 2017
Ceres$1,125,000 2017
Climateworks Foundation$500,000 2017
Climateworks Foundation$875,000 2017
Climateworks Foundation$875,000 2017
Energy Foundation$550,000 2017
Energy Foundation$333,334 2017
Energy Foundation$466,666 2017
Energy Foundation$666,667 2017
Energy Foundation$666,667 2017
Energy Foundation$333,334 2017
Energy Foundation$500,000 2017
Energy Foundation$750,000 2017
Energy Foundation$387,500 2017
Energy Foundation$387,500 2017
Energy Foundation$500,000 2017
Energy Foundation$150,000 2017
Energy Foundation$1,750,000 2017
Energy Foundation$500,000 2017
Energy Foundation$1,500,000 2017
Energy Foundation$1,750,000 2017
Energy Foundation$500,000 2017
Energy Foundation$1,500,000 2017
Energy Foundation$1,750,000 2017
Environmental Defense Fund$800,000 2017
Environmental Defense Fund$800,000 2017
European Climate Foundation$1,425,000 2017
European Climate Foundation$1,425,000 2017
Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis$500,000 2017
Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis$190,000 2017
Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis$60,000 2017
Interstate Renewable Energy Council$425,000 2017
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$2,650,000 2017
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$2,650,000 2017
Natural Resources Defense Council$1,000,000 2017
New Buildings Institute$775,000 2017
Northwest Energy Coalition$365,000 2017
Partnership Project$1,500,000 2017
Partnership Project$1,500,000 2017
Regulatory Assistance Project$900,000 2017
Regulatory Assistance Project$900,000 2017
Resource Media$500,000 2017
Sierra Club Foundation$1,275,000 2017
Sierra Club Foundation$1,275,000 2017
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC$450,000 2017
United Nations Foundation$500,000 2017
United Nations Foundation$500,000 2017
US Climate Action Network$400,000 2017
US Climate Action Network$375,000 2017
US Climate Action Network$400,000 2017
US Climate Action Network$350,000 2017
Western Resource Advocates$475,000 2017
Western Resource Advocates$475,000 2017
Alaska Conservation Foundation$600,000 2016
Alliance to Save Energy$300,000 2016
Alliance to Save Energy$300,000 2016
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$700,000 2016
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$700,000 2016
Center for American Progress$625,000 2016
Center for American Progress$625,000 2016
Ceres$375,000 2016
Ceres$375,000 2016
Ceres$375,000 2016
Climate Solutions$300,000 2016
Climate Solutions$300,000 2016
Energy Foundation$750,000 2016
Energy Foundation$666,668 2016
Energy Foundation$666,667 2016
Energy Foundation$666,667 2016
Energy Foundation$666,667 2016
Energy Foundation$666,667 2016
Energy Foundation$625,000 2016
Energy Foundation$600,000 2016
Energy Foundation$550,000 2016
Energy Foundation$550,000 2016
Energy Foundation$550,000 2016
Energy Foundation$550,000 2016
Energy Foundation$550,000 2016
Energy Foundation$533,333 2016
Energy Foundation$533,333 2016
Energy Foundation$500,000 2016
Energy Foundation$416,668 2016
Energy Foundation$416,667 2016
Energy Foundation$416,667 2016
Energy Foundation$338,889 2016
Energy Foundation$333,334 2016
Energy Foundation$333,333 2016
Energy Foundation$333,333 2016
Energy Foundation$333,333 2016
Energy Foundation$333,333 2016
Energy Foundation$250,000 2016
Energy Foundation$250,000 2016
Energy Foundation$250,000 2016
Energy Foundation$250,000 2016
Energy Foundation$225,000 2016
Energy Foundation$200,000 2016
Environmental Defence$750,000 2016
European Climate Foundation$1,000,000 2016
European Climate Foundation$1,000,000 2016
George Mason University Foundation$500,000 2016
Interstate Renewable Energy Council$350,000 2016
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,750,000 2016
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,750,000 2016
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,750,000 2016
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,500,000 2016
Natural Resources Defense Council$587,500 2016
Natural Resources Defense Council$500,000 2016
New Buildings Institute$470,000 2016
Northwest Energy Coalition$350,000 2016
Partnership Project$3,000,000 2016
Physical Science Innovations$250,000 2016
Regulatory Assistance Project$500,000 2016
Regulatory Assistance Project$500,000 2016
Resource Media$400,000 2016
Resource Media$400,000 2016
Sierra Club Foundation$875,000 2016
Sierra Club Foundation$875,000 2016
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC$450,000 2016
US Climate Action Network$400,000 2016
US Climate Action Network$375,000 2016
US Climate Action Network$350,000 2016
Western Resource Advocates$450,000 2016
Western Resource Advocates$450,000 2016
World Resources Institute$375,000 2016
World Resources Institute$375,000 2016
World Wildlife Fund$750,000 2016
World Wildlife Fund$625,000 2016
Alaska Conservation Foundation$375,000 2015
Alaska Conservation Foundation$375,000 2015
Alliance to Save Energy$360,000 2015
Alliance to Save Energy$360,000 2015
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$675,000 2015
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$675,000 2015
Carbon Tracker Initiative$375,000 2015
Carbon Tracker Initiative$375,000 2015
Center for American Progress$500,000 2015
Center for American Progress$500,000 2015
Ceres$375,000 2015
Climate Solutions$500,000 2015
Energy Foundation$750,000 2015
Energy Foundation$750,000 2015
Energy Foundation$666,667 2015
Energy Foundation$666,666 2015
Energy Foundation$666,666 2015
Energy Foundation$616,667 2015
Energy Foundation$600,000 2015
Energy Foundation$600,000 2015
Energy Foundation$566,667 2015
Energy Foundation$550,000 2015
Energy Foundation$550,000 2015
Energy Foundation$550,000 2015
Energy Foundation$500,000 2015
Energy Foundation$500,000 2015
Energy Foundation$500,000 2015
Energy Foundation$500,000 2015
Energy Foundation$416,666 2015
Energy Foundation$416,666 2015
Energy Foundation$338,889 2015
Energy Foundation$338,889 2015
Energy Foundation$333,333 2015
Energy Foundation$333,333 2015
Energy Foundation$266,667 2015
Energy Foundation$250,000 2015
Energy Foundation$250,000 2015
European Climate Foundation$500,000 2015
European Climate Foundation$500,000 2015
George Mason University Foundation$250,000 2015
George Mason University Foundation$250,000 2015
Interstate Renewable Energy Council$350,000 2015
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,750,000 2015
Natural Resources Defense Council$400,000 2015
Natural Resources Defense Council$400,000 2015
Natural Resources Defense Council$325,000 2015
New Buildings Institute$400,000 2015
Northwest Energy Coalition$375,000 2015
Partnership Project$3,000,000 2015
Regulatory Assistance Project$450,000 2015
Regulatory Assistance Project$450,000 2015
Renewable Energy Alaska Project$100,000 2015
Resource Media$365,000 2015
Resource Media$365,000 2015
Sierra Club Foundation$875,000 2015
Sierra Club Foundation$875,000 2015
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC$450,000 2015
US Climate Action Network$400,000 2015
US Climate Action Network$350,000 2015
Western Resource Advocates$375,000 2015
Western Resource Advocates$375,000 2015
Western Resource Advocates$150,000 2015
World Resources Institute$450,000 2015
World Resources Institute$375,000 2015
World Wildlife Fund$750,000 2015
Alaska Conservation Foundation$700,000 2014
Alaska Conservation Foundation$700,000 2014
Alliance to Save Energy$360,000 2014
Alliance to Save Energy$360,000 2014
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$675,000 2014
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$675,000 2014
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$675,000 2014
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$675,000 2014
Center for American Progress$625,000 2014
Center for American Progress$625,000 2014
Ceres$375,000 2014
Ceres$375,000 2014
Ceres$375,000 2014
Ceres$375,000 2014
Climate Solutions$250,000 2014
Climate Solutions$250,000 2014
Climate Solutions$100,000 2014
Energy Foundation$1,200,000 2014
Energy Foundation$1,000,000 2014
Energy Foundation$666,667 2014
Energy Foundation$666,667 2014
Energy Foundation$666,666 2014
Energy Foundation$616,667 2014
Energy Foundation$616,667 2014
Energy Foundation$616,666 2014
Energy Foundation$600,000 2014
Energy Foundation$566,667 2014
Energy Foundation$566,667 2014
Energy Foundation$566,666 2014
Energy Foundation$550,000 2014
Energy Foundation$550,000 2014
Energy Foundation$550,000 2014
Energy Foundation$533,334 2014
Energy Foundation$533,334 2014
Energy Foundation$500,000 2014
Energy Foundation$500,000 2014
Energy Foundation$500,000 2014
Energy Foundation$500,000 2014
Energy Foundation$266,667 2014
Energy Foundation$266,667 2014
Energy Foundation$266,666 2014
Energy Foundation$250,000 2014
Energy Foundation$250,000 2014
Environmental Defence$650,000 2014
European Climate Foundation$500,000 2014
European Climate Foundation$500,000 2014
George Mason University Foundation$600,000 2014
Institute for Market Transformation$250,000 2014
Interstate Renewable Energy Council$425,000 2014
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,250,000 2014
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,250,000 2014
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$750,000 2014
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$750,000 2014
Natural Resources Defense Council$400,000 2014
Natural Resources Defense Council$400,000 2014
Natural Resources Defense Council$325,000 2014
New Buildings Institute$400,000 2014
Northwest Energy Coalition$325,000 2014
Partnership Project$2,500,000 2014
Partnership Project$2,000,000 2014
Partnership Project$1,500,000 2014
Regulatory Assistance Project$350,000 2014
Regulatory Assistance Project$350,000 2014
Renewable Energy Alaska Project$175,000 2014
Resource Media$425,000 2014
Resource Media$425,000 2014
Sierra Club Foundation$1,000,000 2014
Sierra Club Foundation$1,000,000 2014
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC$450,000 2014
University of California$2,393,867 2014
US Climate Action Network$550,000 2014
US Climate Action Network$375,000 2014
US Climate Action Network$375,000 2014
US Climate Action Network$500,000 2014
Western Resource Advocates$450,000 2014
Western Resource Advocates$300,000 2014
Western Resource Advocates$150,000 2014
World Resources Institute$337,500 2014
World Resources Institute$337,500 2014
World Resources Institute$250,000 2014
World Wildlife Fund$600,000 2014
World Wildlife Fund$500,000 2014
World Wildlife Fund$500,000 2014
Alaska Conservation Foundation$1,050,000 2013
Alaska Conservation Foundation$1,050,000 2013
Alliance to Save Energy$480,000 2013
Alliance to Save Energy$480,000 2013
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$842,500 2013
Better World Fund$465,000 2013
Center for American Progress$750,000 2013
Center for American Progress$750,000 2013
Ceres$375,000 2013
Ceres$150,000 2013
Climate Solutions$300,000 2013
Climate Solutions$300,000 2013
Energy Foundation$1,000,000 2013
Energy Foundation$1,000,000 2013
Energy Foundation$618,333 2013
Energy Foundation$600,000 2013
Energy Foundation$533,333 2013
Energy Foundation$533,333 2013
Energy Foundation$533,333 2013
Energy Foundation$500,000 2013
Energy Foundation$500,000 2013
Energy Foundation$250,000 2013
Energy Foundation$250,000 2013
Environmental Defence$612,500 2013
European Climate Foundation$1,000,000 2013
European Climate Foundation$500,000 2013
George Mason University Foundation$400,000 2013
Institute for Market Transformation$275,000 2013
Interstate Renewable Energy Council$275,000 2013
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,500,000 2013
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,500,000 2013
Natural Resources Defense Council$675,000 2013
Natural Resources Defense Council$457,500 2013
Natural Resources Defense Council$457,500 2013
Natural Resources Defense Council$300,000 2013
Natural Resources Defense Council$262,500 2013
New Buildings Institute$400,000 2013
Northwest Energy Coalition$325,000 2013
Partnership Project$2,000,000 2013
Partnership Project$2,000,000 2013
Partnership Project$2,000,000 2013
Regulatory Assistance Project$350,000 2013
Regulatory Assistance Project$350,000 2013
Renewable Energy Alaska Project$275,000 2013
Resource Media$400,000 2013
Resource Media$400,000 2013
Sierra Club Foundation$1,500,000 2013
Sierra Club Foundation$1,500,000 2013
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC$480,000 2013
Tides Center$450,000 2013
Topten USA$200,000 2013
Topten USA$150,000 2013
University of California, Berkeley Foundation$2,393,867 2013
US Climate Action Network$400,000 2013
US Climate Action Network$300,000 2013
Western Resource Advocates$625,000 2013
World Resources Institute$400,000 2013
World Resources Institute$400,000 2013
World Wildlife Fund$1,000,000 2013
World Wildlife Fund$1,000,000 2013
Alaska Conservation Foundation$925,000 2012
Alaska Conservation Foundation$925,000 2012
Alliance to Save Energy$475,000 2012
Alliance to Save Energy$475,000 2012
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$842,500 2012
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$533,334 2012
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$533,333 2012
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$533,333 2012
American Lung Association$400,000 2012
Better World Fund$262,500 2012
Better World Fund$262,500 2012
Center for American Progress$750,000 2012
Center for American Progress$750,000 2012
Ceres$375,000 2012
Ceres$250,000 2012
Ceres$250,000 2012
Climate Solutions$300,000 2012
Climate Solutions$300,000 2012
Energy Foundation$1,000,000 2012
Energy Foundation$950,000 2012
Energy Foundation$800,000 2012
Energy Foundation$666,668 2012
Energy Foundation$666,668 2012
Energy Foundation$666,668 2012
Energy Foundation$666,667 2012
Energy Foundation$666,667 2012
Energy Foundation$666,667 2012
Energy Foundation$666,667 2012
Energy Foundation$666,666 2012
Energy Foundation$666,666 2012
Energy Foundation$600,000 2012
Energy Foundation$600,000 2012
Energy Foundation$600,000 2012
Energy Foundation$600,000 2012
Energy Foundation$533,334 2012
Energy Foundation$533,333 2012
Energy Foundation$533,333 2012
Energy Foundation$366,668 2012
Energy Foundation$283,334 2012
Energy Foundation$283,333 2012
Energy Foundation$283,333 2012
Environment America Research and Policy Center$600,000 2012
Environmental Defence$612,500 2012
Environmental Defence$550,000 2012
George Mason University Foundation$350,000 2012
Institute for Market Transformation$400,000 2012
Institute for Market Transformation$125,000 2012
Interstate Renewable Energy Council$225,000 2012
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,500,000 2012
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,500,000 2012
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,500,000 2012
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$833,334 2012
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$833,333 2012
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$700,000 2012
National Wildlife Federation$400,000 2012
Natural Resources Defense Council$675,000 2012
Natural Resources Defense Council$650,000 2012
Natural Resources Defense Council$500,000 2012
Natural Resources Defense Council$262,500 2012
Natural Resources Defense Council$200,000 2012
New Buildings Institute$530,000 2012
New Buildings Institute$380,000 2012
Northwest Energy Coalition$325,000 2012
Partnership Project$3,000,000 2012
Partnership Project$1,000,000 2012
Regulatory Assistance Project$350,000 2012
Regulatory Assistance Project$350,000 2012
Renewable Energy Alaska Project$225,000 2012
Renewable Energy Alaska Project$25,000 2012
Resource Media$1,000,000 2012
Sierra Club Foundation$1,625,000 2012
Sierra Club Foundation$1,625,000 2012
Sierra Club Foundation$1,500,000 2012
Sierra Club Foundation$700,000 2012
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC$420,000 2012
Tides Center$212,500 2012
Tides Center$212,500 2012
Topten USA$250,000 2012
US Climate Action Network$400,000 2012
US Climate Action Network$300,000 2012
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program$25,000 2012
Virginia Organizing$300,000 2012
Western Resource Advocates$675,000 2012
Western Resource Advocates$675,000 2012
Western Resource Advocates$625,000 2012
World Resources Institute$450,000 2012
World Resources Institute$450,000 2012
World Wildlife Fund$1,000,000 2012
World Wildlife Fund$1,000,000 2012
Alaska Conservation Foundation$1,850,000 2011
Alliance to Save Energy$900,000 2011
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$900,000 2011
Better World Fund$900,000 2011
Center for American Progress$1,000,000 2011
Ceres$250,000 2011
Energy Foundation$3,000,000 2011
Energy Foundation$1,600,000 2011
Energy Foundation$1,333,332 2011
Energy Foundation$1,333,332 2011
Energy Foundation$1,333,332 2011
Energy Foundation$1,100,000 2011
Energy Foundation$1,000,000 2011
Energy Foundation$750,000 2011
Energy Foundation$733,332 2011
Energy Foundation$625,000 2011
Energy Foundation$575,000 2011
Energy Foundation$500,000 2011
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$1,000,000 2011
Institute for Market Transformation$125,000 2011
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$3,000,000 2011
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$833,333 2011
National Wildlife Federation$3,000,000 2011
Natural Resources Defense Council$1,200,000 2011
Natural Resources Defense Council$500,000 2011
Natural Resources Defense Council$200,000 2011
New Buildings Institute$380,000 2011
Northwest Energy Coalition$325,000 2011
Partnership Project$1,000,000 2011
Partnership Project$1,000,000 2011
Partnership Project$983,250 2011
Regulatory Assistance Project$680,000 2011
Renewable Energy Alaska Project$220,000 2011
Resource Media$900,000 2011
Sierra Club Foundation$1,500,000 2011
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC$470,000 2011
Tides Foundation$2,500,000 2011
Topten USA$300,000 2011
US Climate Action Network$600,000 2011
US Climate Action Network$400,000 2011
Virginia Organizing$300,000 2011
Western Resource Advocates$1,400,000 2011
World Wildlife Fund$2,500,000 2011
Alaska Conservation Foundation$1,850,000 2010
Alliance to Save Energy$900,000 2010
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$900,000 2010
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$350,000 2010
Center for American Progress$500,000 2010
Ceres$350,000 2010
Ceres$110,000 2010
Clean Energy Project$250,000 2010
Energy Foundation$3,000,000 2010
Energy Foundation$2,000,000 2010
Energy Foundation$2,000,000 2010
Energy Foundation$1,500,000 2010
Energy Foundation$1,100,000 2010
Energy Foundation$750,000 2010
Energy Foundation$625,000 2010
Energy Foundation$575,000 2010
Energy Foundation$500,000 2010
Environment America Research and Policy Center$360,000 2010
Environment America Research and Policy Center$275,600 2010
Environmental Defence$1,500,000 2010
European Climate Foundation$3,000,000 2010
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$50,000 2010
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$50,000 2010
Global Campaign for Climate Action$1,750,000 2010
Global Campaign for Climate Action$500,000 2010
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,500,000 2010
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,000,000 2010
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$198,000 2010
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$176,800 2010
National Audubon Society$360,000 2010
National Audubon Society$208,000 2010
National Wildlife Federation$648,000 2010
National Wildlife Federation$293,800 2010
Natural Resources Defense Council$1,727,050 2010
Natural Resources Defense Council$1,000,000 2010
Natural Resources Defense Council$500,000 2010
Natural Resources Defense Council$350,000 2010
Natural Resources Defense Council$192,000 2010
New Buildings Institute$1,000,000 2010
Northwest Energy Coalition$300,000 2010
Partnership Project$2,250,399 2010
Partnership Project$1,553,000 2010
Pew Charitable Trusts$449,800 2010
Pew Charitable Trusts$144,000 2010
Regulatory Assistance Project$680,000 2010
Renewable Energy Alaska Project$230,000 2010
Resource Media$850,000 2010
Sierra Club Foundation$3,000,000 2010
Sierra Club Foundation$325,000 2010
Sierra Club Foundation$180,000 2010
Sierra Club Foundation$159,900 2010
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC$350,000 2010
Tides Center$250,000 2010
Tides Foundation$2,500,000 2010
Tides Foundation$1,000,000 2010
Topten USA$180,000 2010
Union of Concerned Scientists$168,000 2010
Union of Concerned Scientists$122,200 2010
US Climate Action Network$500,000 2010
US Climate Action Network$250,000 2010
Virginia Organizing$700,000 2010
Western Conservation Foundation$500,000 2010
Western Resource Advocates$1,300,000 2010
Western Resource Advocates$100,000 2010
World Resources Institute$825,000 2010
World Wildlife Fund$1,500,000 2010
Alaska Conservation Foundation$1,600,000 2009
Alliance to Save Energy$1,310,000 2009
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$400,000 2009
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$250,000 2009
California State Protocol Foundation$100,000 2009
Center for American Progress$275,000 2009
Center for American Progress$100,000 2009
Center for Climate Strategies$1,663,200 2009
Center for International Policy$360,000 2009
Ceres$350,000 2009
Cook Inletkeeper$250,000 2009
Energy Foundation$3,000,000 2009
Energy Foundation$3,000,000 2009
Energy Foundation$3,000,000 2009
Energy Foundation$3,000,000 2009
Energy Foundation$2,000,000 2009
Energy Foundation$1,000,000 2009
Energy Foundation$500,000 2009
Environment America$240,000 2009
Environment America$148,400 2009
Environmental Defense Fund$500,000 2009
Environmental Grantmakers Association$75,000 2009
European Climate Foundation$2,500,000 2009
European Climate Foundation$1,250,000 2009
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund$150,000 2009
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund$5,000 2009
Global Campaign for Climate Action$1,500,000 2009
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,500,000 2009
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$1,000,000 2009
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$750,000 2009
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$300,000 2009
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$168,000 2009
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$95,200 2009
Monterey Bay Aquarium$75,000 2009
National Audubon Society$240,000 2009
National Audubon Society$144,000 2009
National Audubon Society$112,000 2009
National Wildlife Federation$158,200 2009
National Wildlife Federation$96,000 2009
Natural Resources Defense Council$1,000,000 2009
Natural Resources Defense Council$1,000,000 2009
Natural Resources Defense Council$929,950 2009
Natural Resources Defense Council$250,000 2009
Nevada Clean Energy Project$100,000 2009
New Buildings Institute$800,000 2009
Northwest Energy Coalition$290,000 2009
Partnership Project$1,430,000 2009
Partnership Project$1,211,752 2009
Partnership Project$474,000 2009
Pew Charitable Trusts$640,000 2009
Pew Charitable Trusts$242,200 2009
Regulatory Assistance Project$710,000 2009
Renewable Energy Alaska Project$150,000 2009
Resource Media$1,050,000 2009
Resource Media$270,000 2009
Rockfeller Family Fund$1,000,000 2009
Sierra Club Foundation$3,800,000 2009
Sierra Club Foundation$400,000 2009
Sierra Club Foundation$144,000 2009
Sierra Club Foundation$86,100 2009
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project LLC$350,000 2009
Tides Foundation$2,000,000 2009
Union of Concerned Scientists$72,000 2009
Union of Concerned Scientists$65,800 2009
US Climate Action Network$500,000 2009
Western Conservation Foundation$500,000 2009
Western Resource Advocates$500,000 2009
World Resources Institute$1,000,000 2009
World Wildlife Fund$2,000,000 2009
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy$400,000 2008
Center for International Policy$170,000 2008
Chabot Space and Science Center$50,000 2008
Energy Foundation$3,100,000 2008
International Seakeepers Society$60,000 2008
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund$750,000 2008
Math Sciences Research Institute$127,044 2008
Natural Resources Defense Council$2,355,000 2008
Partnership Project$1,500,000 2008
Virginia Organizing$700,000 2008
Western Resource Advocates$500,000 2008
International Seakeepers Society$75,000 2007
Math Sciences Research Institute$102,493 2007
University of California, Berkeley Foundation$212,266 2007
Grand Total:$450,252,641

Board and Key Staff

Nat Simons serves as president of the Sea Change Foundation. 6 The only other board member is his wife, Laura Baxter-Simons, who is listed as Secretary. 7

Stephen Colwell is the current Executive Director of the foundation. Colwell previously served as Executive Director of the Coral Reef Alliance and the Ocean Foundation as well as an advisor to other environment-focused grant-makers including the David and Lucile Packard and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundations. 24

Other key staff members of the foundation include:6

  • Shawn Reifsteck is the group’s Chief Operations Officer.
  • Sandra Doyle, Satkartar Khalsa, and Clifford Chen are listed as Sea Change’s program strategists


The Sea Change Foundation’s involvement with environmental policy efforts and funding from overseas companies came under scrutiny in a 2014 report released by the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee titled, “How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and Obama’s EPA.”25

The report states that an elite group, referred to as the “Billionaire’s Club,” directs and controls the center-left environmental movement, which in turn controls policy decisions of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The report also cites that “a dominant organization in this movement is the Sea Change Foundation, a private California foundation, which relies on funding from a foreign company with undisclosed donors. In turn, Sea Change funnels tens of millions of dollars to other large but discreet foundations and prominent environmental activists who strive to control both policy and politics.”25

The foreign company in question is Klein Ltd., a Bermuda-based company that funnels anonymous donations for philanthropic efforts. The report finds that the company was one of the sources of the Sea Change Foundation’s funding in 2010 and 2011, contributing over $23 million to fight domestic fossil energy production. 25


  1. Williams, Tate. “The Quiet Hedge Fund Heir Who’s Engaged in Massive Climate Giving.” Inside Philanthropy. April 3, 2014. Accessed March 21, 2017.
  2. “Sea Change Foundation.” Foundation Center. Accessed February 25, 2017.
  3. “Sea Change Foundation.” Sea Change Foundation. Accessed February 25, 2017.
  4. Return of Foundation Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-PF). Sea Change Foundation. 2006-2018. Part I. Lines 12, 25, 26, 30.

    Note that Sea Change Foundation’s fiscal year runs from July 31 to August 1; consequently, its Form 990 reports run from July 31, 2005 to August 1, 2019. The recorded Form 990 years are used here.

  5. Exploratorium. December 21, 2015. Accessed February 25, 2017.
  6. “Sea Change Foundation – 990 Form.” GuideStar. Accessed February 25, 2017.
  7. “Sea Change Foundation: Grants for Climate Change.” Inside Philanthropy. Accessed February 25, 2017.
  8. Callahan, David and John Freund. “Future of Big Philanthropy: 15 Heirs of Top Mega-Givers to Watch Closely.” Inside Philanthropy, September 4, 2020.
  9. Williams, Tate. “Top Climate Change Donors Pull Back the Curtain on Their Past and Future Giving.” Inside Philanthropy, July 20, 2018.
  10. “Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate Accord.” White House (Trump administration). June 1, 2017. Accessed October 27, 2020.
  11. Tate Williams. “Top Climate Change Donors Pull Back the Curtain on Their Past and Future Giving.” Inside Philanthropy. July 20, 2018. Accessed October 27, 2020.
  12. Return of Foundation Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-PF). Sea Change Foundation. 2006-2018. Schedule I.
  13. Return of Foundation Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-PF). Sea Change Foundation. 2006-2018. Schedule I.

    Note that Sea Change Foundation’s fiscal year runs from July 31 to August 1; consequently, its Form 990 reports run from July 31, 2005 to August 1, 2019. The recorded Form 990 years are used here.

  14. Information provided by Foundation Search. Search conducted October 26, 2020.
  15. Note that a number of Sea Change Foundation grants list League of Conservation Voters instead of League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, improperly referring to LCVEF’s 501(c)(4) advocacy arm. As private foundations are largely barred from donating to 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations and these grants misidentify LCV as a “public charity,” they have been counted as benefiting LCVEF.
  16. United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Minority Staff Report. “The Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and their Foundations Control the Environment and Obama’s EPA.” July 30, 2014. Accessed October 28, 2020. Original URL: Archived URL:
  17. Return of Foundation Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-PF). Sea Change Foundation. 2010, 2011. Schedule B.

    For a complete list of Sea Change’s donors between 2006 and 2018, see Donors to Sea Change Foundation.

  18. United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Minority Staff Report. “The Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and their Foundations Control the Environment and Obama’s EPA.” July 30, 2014. Accessed October 28, 2020. Original URL: Archived URL:

    See PDF page 72.

  19. United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Minority Staff Report. “The Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and their Foundations Control the Environment and Obama’s EPA.” July 30, 2014. Accessed October 28, 2020. Original URL: Archived URL:

    See PDF page 74.

  20. “From Russia With Love? Examining Links Between US Environmental Funder and the Kremlin.” Environmental Policy Alliance. December 2015.
  21. Kevin Mooney. “Foreign Involvement on Natural Gas Development in the US & Pennsylvania”. Pennsylvania Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee. Submitted September 25, 2018. Accessed October 28, 2020. Original URL: Archived:

    See PDF page 7.

  22. Kevin Mooney. “Foreign Involvement on Natural Gas Development in the US & Pennsylvania”. Pennsylvania Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee. Submitted September 25, 2018. Accessed October 28, 2020. Original URL: Archived:
  23. Return of Foundation Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-PF). Sea Change Foundation. 2006-2018. Schedule B.

    Note that Sea Change Foundation’s fiscal year runs from July 31 to August 1; consequently, its Form 990 reports run from July 31, 2005 to August 1, 2019. The recorded Form 990 years are used here.

  24. “Stephen Colwell.” Global Philanthropy Forum. Accessed February 25, 2017.
  25. “How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and Obama’s EPA.” 2014. Accessed February 25, 2017.
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: January 1, 2007

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2015 Jul Form PF $42,250,239 $40,694,631 $176,292,676 $8,255,610 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2014 Jul Form PF $61,247,967 $45,127,742 $167,908,151 $19,050,044 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2013 Jul Form PF $43,742,959 $45,801,832 $134,481,603 $8,479,727 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2012 Jul Form PF $97,719,951 $53,066,209 $124,350,435 $7,098,061 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2011 Jul Form PF $27,100,078 $57,552,377 $141,226,135 $33,047,496 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    Sea Change Foundation

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-3711