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United for Action is a volunteer group of liberal activists that organize protesters against domestic energy production and in support of an extremist environmentalist agenda.
The Sierra Nevada Alliance (SNA) is an organization that coordinates the efforts of locally based groups that work to restore and preserve the local and Sierra Nevada Mountain wide environment often at the expense of the economy. It is primarily funded by grants from the State of California.
Resource Generation (RG) is a left-of-center organization which organizes and encourages wealthy young people to “devote a portion of their financial assets to left-of-center causes.”
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) is a left-of-center environmental advocacy group. Funding Financial Overview In 2019, the Pennsylvania Environmental Council reported total revenues of $4.1 million, total expenditures of $3.8 million (including grants paid totaling $176,464), and net assets of $3.34 million.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) is a left-of-center environmentalist and anti-trade organization that advocates for climate austerity positions with respect to industrial scale agriculture, with the goal of lowering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by reducing total levels of world food production. Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy has
Garrison Institute is a retreat center that provides education and performs research on meditative contemplation and how it can be applied to social activism. It offers programs and retreats in its Garrison, New York location that cover the connection of contemplation and “mindfulness” with left-of-center social issues such as environment
The Florida Conservation Voters is a tax-exempt advocacy organization that focuses exclusively on Florida environmental issues. It was originally called Florida’s Water and Land Legacy and was formed for the sole purpose of sponsoring Amendment 1, a successful 2014 state constitutional amendment requiring a 20-year, $20 billion funding increase
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) is a foreign policy think tank founded in 1910 by Andrew Carnegie. It notes that it has a network of more than 150 “experts” who have “served in nearly every [presidential] administration since the endowment’s founding.”
Rachel’s Network is a network of female funders of environmentalist projects that works as a fundraiser to advance advocacy on left-of-center immigration, environmental, and biological issues. Winsome McIntosh, the president of the McIntosh Foundation, founded Rachel’s Network. The organization signed a petition supporting the Green New Deal.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a far-left political activist group in the United States, and the largest socialist organization in the country with approximately 78,000 members as of August 2023.
The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a membership society that hosts programs and publishes scientific studies in the United States. Established by a Congressional charter in 1863, NAS operates as an independent nonprofit organization that advises the federal government on scientific issues and conducts studies on its behalf.
The Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN) is a Pennsylvania-based, nominally right-leaning nonprofit that promotes left-of-center environmentalist policies to otherwise conservative Christians. 402
Funded by a variety of private foundations, the Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC) has positioned itself as a key source of scientific research and policy proposals regarding climate change, directed to government decision-makers around the world. WHRC has further extended its influence beyond governments to include civil society, by working
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The Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society (BKC) is an organization based at Harvard University that claims to study the rise of the internet and its relationship to governance, advocating for several left-of-center legal reforms to address the changing digital landscape.
The Conservation Fund is an environmentalist organization based in Arlington, Virgina that acquires, conserves, and supports the conservation of American forestlands and historic sites, mainly battlefields. Background The Conservation Fund was founded in 1985 as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization by activists Patrick Noonan and Richard Erdmann (who works as
The American Bird Conservancy is an environmentalist organization specializing in bird conservation. The organization advocates for left-leaning environmental policies in the name of conservation across the world, focusing primarily on the Western Hemisphere. The organization both funds various conservation projects and advocates for left-of-center environmentalist public policies such as the
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF, also known abroad as World Wide Fund for Nature) is an international non-governmental organization that focuses on conservation and environmentalism efforts. The majority of the WWF’s revenue comes in the form of grants and contributions from foundations, government grants, corporations, and individuals including the
The Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ, sometimes styled AfGJ) is an organizing group that serves as a fiscal sponsor to numerous left-wing initiatives, among them Refuse Fascism,
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is the world’s largest nongovernmental conservation organization and ranked 20th on the 2018 Forbes list of the 100 largest U.S.-based charities. 592
The Earth Island Institute is a left-of-center environmentalist organization that supports the preservation of federal forests and animals inhabiting federal forests. 642 The Earth Island Institute is openly opposed to the existence of the federal Bureau of Land Management’s