Search results for ‘bernie sanders’

  • Non-profit

    Rights & Democracy NH

    Rights and Democracy NH is an advocacy group located in New Hampshire that supports left-of-center positions on the minimum wage, Medicare expansion, public education, the environment, immigration, gun control, and other social policies. It is a project of the Rights and Democracy Education Fund, a nonprofit organization, and is affiliated
  • Non-profit

    Native Vote

    Not to be confused with Natives Vote, a project of IllumiNative and Native Organizers Alliance. Native Vote is a Native American activism and grantmaking initiative run by the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI).
  • Non-profit

    Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada

    The Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Inc. (ITCN) is a Reno-based Native American grantmaking and activism organization founded in 1966 to serve as a large political body for small Nevada tribes. ITCN is comprised of 27 member reservations and colonies in Nevada.
  • Person

    Amber A’Lee Frost

    Amber A’Lee Frost is a socialist writer and co-host of the podcast Chapo Trap House. She is the one who coined the phrase “dirtbag left” which describes a more vulgar opposition to not just conservatives but to more establishment left-of-center types. Frost is also a member of the
  • Non-profit

    Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy

    The Thomas Jefferson Institute of Public Policy is a right-of-center think tank established to promote individual opportunity and economic progress. The organization advocates for low taxation and the removal of regulatory barriers to economic growth in Virginia.
  • Non-profit

    James Madison Institute

    The James Madison Institute (JMI) is a right-of-center think tank headquartered in Florida. JMI advocates for free markets, limited government intervention, and economic freedom. JMI publishes reports and articles that have garnered national media attention on topics including elections, labor union activity, school choice programs, and healthcare.
  • Non-profit

    Claws Foundation

    The Claws Foundation is the primary philanthropic vehicle of Arthur Dantchik and Jeffrey Yass, two of the managing directors of Susquehanna International Group, an options-trading company headquartered in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania. The foundation primarily supports Jewish charities and libertarian causes, most notably the Institute for Justice, a public-interest law
  • Non-profit

    Calvert Institute for Policy Research

    The Calvert Institute for Policy Research is a right-of-center nonprofit organization that operates as a public policy think tank located in Baltimore, Maryland. The Institute frequently publishes reports and commentary on political issues ranging from economic regulation to foreign policy.
  • Person

    Emmanuel Saez

    Emmanuel Saez is a Spanish-born French and American economist known for his work in advocating for a so-called “wealth tax” on high-net-worth individuals in the United States. Saez has also argued in support of mass government bailouts of failing businesses, an increased minimum wage, and increased unionization.
  • Person

    Deborah Sagner Buurma

    Deborah Sagner Buurma is the president of the left-of-center Sagner Family Foundation. The Sagner Foundation provides monetary support to left-of-center organizations that are politically active in social, economic, and racial policy. She is also the vice president of the Sagner Companies, a residential and commercial real estate development company.
  • Person

    Gary Gensler

    Gary Gensler is an investor, public official, and Democratic Party activist nominated to serve as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) by President Joe Biden. Gensler previously worked as an Undersecretary of the Treasury in the Clinton administration, where he worked on financial industry regulation.
  • For-profit


    Amazon is an American online retail company based in Seattle, Washington. As of April 2021, Amazon was the third-largest company in the world, with a market cap of $1.7 trillion.
  • Non-profit

    National Women’s Law Center Action Fund

    National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) Action Fund is the political and lobbying arm of the left-of-center National Women’s Law Center. 1 The Fund promotes left-of-center policy on women’s issues through legislative
  • Person

    Dick Gephardt

    Richard Andrew “Dick” Gephardt is a former Democratic Party politician and lobbyist for corporate, labor union, and Democratic Party-aligned organizations. 1  Gephardt played a role in the 2020 presidential election by shoring up corporate donations to create a messaging
  • Other Group


    CounterPunch is a far-left magazine that advocates for government-controlled healthcare, higher taxes, and environmentalist positions. The magazine has been criticized from both right-of-center and left-of-center publications for its hostile and one-sided approach to covering issues related to Israel. History and Affiliates Founding CounterPunch was created as a newsletter in 1993
  • Person

    Ben Jealous

    Ben Jealous is a political activist, president of the left-of-center advocacy group People for the American Way (PFAW) and People for the American Way Foundation, and the former president and CEO of the NAACP.
  • Person

    Maurice Mitchell

    Maurice Mitchell is a left-of-center activist who currently works as the national director of the Working Families Party (WFP), a left-wing, pro-labor union political party based out of New York State. Following the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014 after an altercation with a police officer,
  • Non-profit

    Voter Protection Program (VPP)

    The Voter Protection Project is a left-of-center political action committee that donates to far-left candidates for office who support eliminating many U.S. election security laws, including prohibiting all voter identification requirements.
  • Person

    Nick Chedli Carter

    Nicholas “Nick” Chedli Carter is a left-of-center activist and Democratic Party strategist. Carter is the managing director for Resilient Democracy Fund, a left-leaning voter engagement initiative. In 2016, Carter was the national political outreach director for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and went on to work for the
  • Person

    Kamala Harris

    Kamala Harris is Democratic politician from California. Before her election to the Vice Presidency of the United States in the Biden administration, she was a United States Senator, California Attorney General, a former district attorney, and a former prosecutor. Harris started her career as a prosecutor in California. She