Search results for ‘bernie sanders’

  • Movement

    Meme 2020

    Meme 2020 was an online collective of content creators that worked in support of the failed Democratic presidential nomination campaign of former New York City Mayor and entrepreneur Michael Bloomberg. The collective was led by the CEO of the controversial online marketing company Jerry Media. The collective made internet
  • Non-profit

    Arizona Wins

    Arizona Wins is a lobbying organization that operates as a coalition of advocacy groups and labor unions working to advance left-of-center policies in Arizona. The group is the Arizona affiliate of America Votes, a national left-of-center lobbying and advocacy coalition that supports left-of-center issue advocacy and expanding voting access.
  • Non-profit

    One Fair Wage

    One Fair Wage (OFW) is a left-of-center organization that advocates for a full minimum wage for workers receiving tips as a major portion of their income, such as restaurant service workers, ride-share drivers, and food delivery drivers.
  • Person

    Kyle Kulinski

    Kyle Kulinski is the socialist-leaning host of Secular Talk, a YouTube-based political talk show he created in 2008 while a student at Iona College. A report on the show in the socialist opinion journal Jacobin stated that its format is part of the YouTube “logic warriors” trend, “a battleground that
  • For-profit

    Raben Group

    The Raben Group is a Democratic Party-aligned lobbying group comprised predominately of former members of President Barack Obama’s and President Bill Clinton’s administrations. 1 It has earned at least $50 million
  • Political Party/527


    Flippable is a liberal electoral advocacy group founded by former campaigners for Hillary Clinton shortly after the 2016 election victory of President Donald Trump. Its targets Republican-held seats in state legislatures.
  • Non-profit

    Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA)

    Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) is a left-of-center political advocacy organization, which mainly advocates and lobbies for increases to the Arizona minimum wage and legislation that restricts and regulates the flexibility of labor for Arizona employers. The group also campaigns for liberal expansionist immigration policy. LUCHA has also
  • Person

    Kimberlé Crenshaw

    Kimberlé Crenshaw is a left-leaning law professor at UCLA and Columbia University known for her work in “civil rights, black feminist legal theory, and race, racism, and the law.” 1 She is also
  • Non-profit


    Jacobin magazine is an explicitly Marxist publication founded in 2010 by Bhaskar Sunkara. Sunkara has said his goal in creating Jacobin was “the broader political project of rebuilding the socialist movement in the US…” Jacobin produces a quarterly print publication with 50,000 subscribers and a website with 2 million monthly
  • Person

    Brandon Davis

    Brandon Davis is a Democratic political operative and the managing director of the public affairs firm GPS Impact’s Washington, D.C. office. He is a Senior Advisor to House Majority PAC, was formerly chief of staff of the Democratic National Committee, and previously the national political director for the Service Employees International
  • Political Party/527

    Jesse Jackson 1988 Presidential Campaign

    Left-wing activist and preacher Jesse Jackson ran two campaigns for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in 1984 and 1988. The 1988 race was the more successful of the two attempts, with Jackson briefly taking first place in the delegate race after a strong showing in
  • Non-profit

    United Working Families

    United Working Families is a labor union-funded political advocacy organization in Chicago that supports left-wing candidates for Illinois state and Chicago local office. The SEIU Healthcare Illinois and Indiana and the Chicago Teachers Union are both prominent supporters of United Working Families. Though United Working Families stylizes itself
  • Person

    John Morgan

    John Morgan is a Florida-based trial lawyer and a partner and founder of one of the nation’s largest law firms, Morgan and Morgan. Morgan has donated millions of dollars to Democratic candidates
  • Political Party/527

    Climate Hawks Vote Political Action

    Climate Hawks Vote Political Action is a Super PAC that promotes far-left environmentalist candidates solely form the Democratic Party. Much of the PAC’s work revolves around pushing Democratic politicians further to the left on environmentalist issues and advocating against the use of all conventional fuels. The PAC is the political
  • Non-profit

    Demand Justice Initiative

    For more information, see Demand Justice The Demand Justice Initiative is a left-wing judicial policy advocacy organization associated with Demand Justice. It is a former project of the New Venture Fund, a nonprofit controlled by the for-profit consulting firm Arabella Advisors, and achieved independent tax status
  • Political Party/527

    Real Justice PAC

    Real Justice PAC was founded by Shaun King, Becky Bond, Zack Malitz, and Michael Kieschnick in 2017 to push left-of-center policing and criminal justice policies. Real Justice PAC supports county prosecutors or district attorneys who support limiting or eliminating cash bail, restricting policing practices that left-of-center activist groups deem
  • Person

    Ron Unz

    Ron Unz is a financially successful former investment industry and software entrepreneur. Since 2013, he has been the publisher of the Unz Review, a website notable for spreading anti-Semitism and conspiracy theories, especially about U.S. policies related to Israel and the Middle East. Unz Review writers, including Unz himself, have
  • Non-profit

    Oceans 5

    Oceans 5 is a left-of-center environmentalist organization sponsored by the liberal Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA). 1 Oceans 5 has donated close to $80 million to create marine sanctuaries worldwide and to prevent fishing and exploration
  • For-profit

    Shadow Inc.

    Shadow Inc. is a technology and software development company that aims to “build political power for the progressive movement.” 1 Its technology has been used by Google, Kiva, Apple, the AFL-CIO, the DNC, and the campaigns
  • Person

    Tara McGowan

    Tara McGowan is a Democratic political operative best known as the head of the “ACRONYM” network of Democratic Party-aligned outside advocacy groups, which is known to include the social-welfare advocacy group ACRONYM, the political action committee (PAC) PACRONYM, the left-of-center media outlet Courier Newsroom, and the digital