Search results for ‘Democracy Alliance’

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    Patricia Bauman

    Patricia Bauman is a philanthropist and president of the Bauman Family Foundation, 1 a foundation funder of major left-wing organizations such as the Brennan Center for Justice,
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    Norman Lear

    Norman Lear is a television producer who created a number of politically charged television shows, including “All in the Family,” “Maude,” and “The Jeffersons.” 1 Lear is a self-admitted
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    Michael Vachon

    Michael Vachon serves as a spokesman for billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros and as Chairman of the Soros Management Fund.1 He is active on the boards of left-of-center enterprises with
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    Michael Kieschnick

     Michael Kieschnick is the president and CEO of CREDO Mobile, a cellular service company than channels one percent of its revenues into left-of-center causes. Kieschnick has been involved with numerous left-wing groups, including the Real Justice PAC, the League of Women Voters, and NextGen Climate. Kieschnick
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    Megan Hull

    Megan Hull is a left-of-center advocacy philanthropist, who regularly donates to Democratic candidates and left-progressive causes. Her father is Blair Hull, an investor, a former unsuccessful Illinois Democratic politician, and the multi-millionaire founder of the left-of-center grantmaking nonprofit the Hull Family Foundation. Career In 2006, Megan Hull co-founded
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    Mary Kay Henry

    Mary Kay Henry serves as the international president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Henry worked for the union almost continuously since 1979, 1 holding 18 different
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    Mark Buell

    Mark Buell is a Democratic Party mega-donor, real estate developer, and philanthropist from San Francisco. 1 He is married to Susie Tompkins Buell, also a well-known Democratic Party donor and close confidant of
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    Louise Gund

    Louise Gund is a theater producer based in Berkeley, California, and one of the heirs to the Gund family fortune. 1 In 2015, the Gund family was recognized
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    Linda Pritzker

    Linda Pritzker is a liberal political donor and member of the prominent Pritzker political family. In the 1970s, Linda Pritzker dropped out of college to become a goat farmer in Montana and started practicing Buddhism, eventually returning to school to earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree in psychology.
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    Keith Mestrich

    Keith Mestrich is a left-of-center banking executive and former labor union official who promotes the role of financial institutions with left-of-center political principles as partners to implement left-wing policy initiatives. Mestrich is currently transitioning out of his position as president of Amalgamated Bank, a financial institution owned by
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    Judith Avery

    Judith Avery is the daughter of R. Stanton Avery, the founder of Avery Dennison Corporation and the inventor of self-sticking labels. 1
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    Jonathan Soros

    Jonathan Soros is a prominent liberal donor. The son of liberal finance billionaire and political donor George Soros, Jonathan spent many years managing his father’s varied financial interests,1 and in
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    John Stocks

    John C. Stocks is the chairman of the board of Democracy Alliance (DA), a collective of wealthy left-of-center donors and donor organizations. Stocks was previously the executive director of the National Education Association (NEA), where he still works as a senior advisor to guide NEA political strategy. Stocks
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    Gail Furman

    Gail Furman was a psychologist based in New York City and wealthy donor to Democratic Party-affiliated groups and candidates. 1 She died in April 2019.
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    Dirk Wiggins

    Dirk Wiggins is the CEO of echo19, a Washington, D.C.-based telecommunications platform that consults for and assists left-of-center political and advocacy groups. He is also the chairman of the board for Code for Progress. 1 Wiggins
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    Arthur Lipson

    Arthur Lipson is a board member for Mvc Capital Inc, Pioneer Municipal & Equity Income Trust, and CIO for Western Investment LLC. He has donated to the Democracy Alliance Conference and other left-wing groups.
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    Anne Bartley

    Anne Bartley is a left-of-center activist and funder who was involved in the creation and leadership of numerous liberal advocacy organizations including America Votes, the Threshold Foundation, Democracy Alliance, and Committee on States.
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    Anna Burger

    Anna Burger has spent nearly her entire 40-year career working for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) joining in 1972.1 Labeled as the “Queen of Labor,”
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    Albert J. Dwoskin

    Albert J. Dwoskin is a real estate developer, activist, and major left-of-center donor to the Democratic Party and left-wing causes who resides in Virginia. In addition to being a major donor to left-wing candidates and causes,
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    Albert C. Yates

    For more on the “Colorado Model,” see Colorado Democracy Alliance and Democracy Alliance Dr. Albert C. Yates is a retired academic administrator who served as the president of Colorado State University from 1990 until 2003 and served on a number of high-profile executive boards. Since retiring from academia, he