PolicyLink is a left-of-center research and advocacy group that promotes critical race theory and attempts to influence policy in the United States, especially on issues of economics and race. 1 The charitable organization is based in Oakland, California and has branches in Washington, D.C. and New York. 2
PolicyLink seeks to increase entitlement spending, increase public participation in government-controlled health care and entitlement programs, and oppose election integrity laws while advancing left-of-center views on racial equity and diversity. 3
Following the second election of President Donald Trump in November 2024, PolicyLink president Ashleigh Gardere hosted a webinar event entitled, “#RaceAnd the Way Forward: Racial Justice After the 2024 Election” which sought to form a strategy for racial equity during Trump’s second administration. 4
PolicyLink was founded in 1998 by American attorney and civil rights advocate Angela Glover Blackwell to advocate left-of-center policies on public housing, economic opportunity, education, transportation, racial equity, and neighborhood health and safety. PolicyLink’s emphasis is on promoting grassroots mobilization of left-wing activism to influence local policy. The group shares its research and policy advice through its website, publications, and blog, and through briefings with national and local policymakers. It also hosts a national summit every three years to organize a cohesive racial agenda throughout the left-wing racial justice movement. 5 6
Partner Institutions and Sponsored Projects
In 2015, PolicyLink founded its 501(c)(4) political action arm, PolicyLink Equity Action, which campaigns in support of public policies and politicians who would increase government involvement in housing and government spending in support of ethnic minorities under the guise of equity. 7
In 2018, PolicyLink launched PolicyLink Legal, which provides legal representation, analysis, and strategies to community-based clients and coalitions working toward PolicyLink’s mission of left-of-center reform of economic and racial policy in America, especially relating to left-wing criminal justice activism. 8
The Promising Neighborhoods Institute is a left-of-center policy institute operated by PolicyLink, the Harlem Children’s Zone, and the Center for the Study of Social Policy. The Institute advocates increased federal funding for childhood education programs and increasing government-funded support for nonprofits that are active in childhood education and welfare policy. 9
PolicyLink has partnered with other left-wing racial advocacy groups, including Race Forward. Together, the two organizations publish a report that provides an overview of the federal equity planning process and assesses the strengths and areas for improvement in the plans themselves. Mostly it provides updates on executive orders and supports federal government involvement in racial equity policy. 10
Advocacy and Political Influence
Race and Democracy
PolicyLink has a left-wing view of race and racial oppression at the center of its several initiatives and policy campaigns. This has led PolicyLink to support the anti-police movement, the Black Lives Matter protests following the death of George Floyd, and other movements that claim America is systemically racist. 11 12
PolicyLink has pioneered several race-based metrics and measuring tools to rate the so-called racial equity of various corporations and locales, including the Bay Area in California. These initiatives include the National Equity Atlas, the Bay Area Atlas, and the Competitive Advantage or Racial Equity. Each report or project is aimed at providing local, grassroots leaders with the data and research necessary to promote local and national policies that advance the needs and interests of blacks and other racial minorities. 13 14 15
Central to PolicyLink’s left-wing racial agenda is its promotion of the view that weakening election integrity and promoting racial identity, antiracism, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are vital aspects of American democracy. 11 16 3 In August 2024, PolicyLink president Ashleigh Gardere and CEO Michael McAfee published an article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review entitled “Our Journey to a Consciousness of All.” The piece describes how left-wing policies of justice and fair racial inclusion are the only way to a just democratic society. 17
As a leader in left-of-center race activism, PolicyLink president Ashleigh Gardere spoke during a webinar event entitled, #RaceAnd the Way Forward: Racial Justice After the 2024 Election hosted by racial activism group, Race Forward. The webinar featured a panel of speakers who discussed a left-wing strategy in response to Donald Trump’s victory in the November 2024 presidential election. The event featured other left-of-center speakers who are involved in left-wing racial justice movements, including representatives from Race Forward and the Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives. 4
PolicyLink advocates for increased entitlement spending in housing and has pushed to impose rent controls through the Oakland City Council. 18
PolicyLink contributed to a joint project organization titled “Carson Watch” with the support of the Poverty and Race Research Action Council, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and Right to the City. Carson Watch documented federal, state, and local legislative policies related to housing and is critical of attempts to reform housing policy and reduce reliance on government-controlled housing. Carson Watch targeted then-Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Ben Carson, during the first Trump administration. 19
In July 2024, PolicyLink supported President Joe Biden’s rent control plan that would require landlords to cap rent increases at 5 percent or risk losing federal tax benefits. The plan represents the left-of-center’s preference for government involvement in housing to curb rising costs in housing. PolicyLink claimed that the proposed plan would help protect families from “predatory and egregious” increases in rent costs. 20
Food Policy
PolicyLink, along with the Food Trust and the Reinvestment Fund, successfully advocated that the Obama administration create the Healthy Food Financing Initiative. Between 2011 and 2015, the Healthy Food Financing Initiative has issued $169 million in federal grants to increase the development of businesses that provide food and fresh produce in low-income neighborhoods, though studies have questioned the efficacy of the program. 21 22
Climate Change and Water Policy
PolicyLink advocates for governmental regulation and government-sponsored climate change policies and policies that promote greater access to clean water for racial minorities and indigenous peoples. PolicyLink launched the Water Equity and Climate Resilience Caucus, a national network of organizations across the United States working to create a national narrative that advances left-wing policies related to climate change. 23 24
PolicyLink also supported the Biden administration’s regulation of PFAs (so-called “forever chemicals”) in water. The PFA limit was the first federal regulation on the matter. PolicyLink claimed that through the regulation, the Biden administration was “ensuring the burden of forever chemicals is not placed on low-income communities and communities of color.” 25
In March 2024, Bloomberg Philanthropies announced a $200 million grant system in partnership with PolicyLink and other left-of-center activist groups to achieve climate justice across 25 major cities in the United States. In response to the partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies, PolicyLink CEO Michael McAfee said “climate resilience and racial equity are deeply intertwined, and we can’t fight climate change without addressing the ways in which racial inequity has harmed all people in this country, particularly those who face barriers of structural oppression.” 26
Health Care
PolicyLink supports increased reliance on government-controlled health care and provides resources such as advocacy and organization toolkits to allow companies and organizations to lobby government officials in support of left-of-center health care policy. 27
Michael McAfee, PolicyLink CEO, has used the COVID-19 pandemic to advocate for left-of-center economic policy, claiming during the pandemic that “mainstream media is not telling the public that people of color and indigenous people have always lived under a pandemic of racial inequality enforced through structural racism.” McAfee stated that structural change to the economy is required to overcome the pandemic, including providing direct financial support to workers and small businesses. 28
PolicyLink, in coordination with FSG and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), employs a team of Ambassadors for Health Equity who conduct research and advocacy for government-controlled health care. PolicyLink also operates the Building a Movement, Transforming Institutions guide for public health professionals, an online publication that provides resources for left-of-center health care policy. 29
PolicyLink pushes for increased government spending on public transportation. 30 PolicyLink operates the Transportation Equity Caucus, a collective of environmentalist organizations and transportation unions that advocate on a national and state level for increased government spending on public transit. Some members of the coalition, such as Smart Growth America, have received money from the American Public Transportation Association, a public-transport industry organization. 31
In 2015, PolicyLink, on behalf of the Transportation Equity Caucus, authored a statement submitted to the House Ways and Means Committee that called upon Congress to “utilize new revenue to expand or improve mobility and access for underserved communities.” 32
Ashleigh Gardere is the president of PolicyLink as of November 2024. 33 She also is the board chair for the left-of-center Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation. Prior to working at PolicyLink she worked as the executive vice president and chief operating officer (COO) of the New Orleans Business Alliance, as the vice president of community relations at the Louisiana branch for Chase Bank, and in several positions within the office of former Mayor of New Orleans Mitch Landrieu (D) including senior advisor as well as chief strategist of Mayor Landrieu’s “Economic Opportunity Strategy” office. 34
Gardere was a guest speaker during an online webinar titled “#RaceAnd the Way Forward: Racial Justice After the 2024 Elections” hosted by self-described “racial equity organization” Race Forward. The webinar claimed to discuss the “next steps for the racial justice movement” following former president Donald Trump winning election in the 2024 Presidential Elections. 35 Other speakers included Rukia Lumumba, the founder of left-of-center activist group People’s Advocacy Institute, and Rinku Sen, the executive director of Narrative Initiative, a project of the left-of-center nonprofit New Venture Fund. 35 36
Michael McAfee is the CEO of PolicyLink, as of November 2024. He previously served as president of the organization. Prior to working for PolicyLink, McAfee served as a senior community planning and development representative in the Chicago Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 37
In 2022, PolicyLink reported $46,107,101 in revenue, $53,333,535 in expenses, and $110,956,916 in total assets. 38 This represents an immense amount of growth for PolicyLink since 2018; that year, PolicyLink received $14,061,990 in revenue, had $15,070,035 in expenses, and had $20,776,651 in total assets. 39
From 2014 to 2016, PolicyLink’s revenue doubled, and from 2019 to 2020, its revenue tripled. This corresponds to the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement and increased left-wing racial activism following the death of George Floyd. 40
In 2022, PolicyLink received $9,665,214 from Blue Meridian Partners Inc. 41 That year PolicyLink also received $801,400 from the Water Foundation, $550,00 from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, $150,500 from Share our Strength, $110,000 from the Sand County Foundation, and $100,000 from the Women Donor Network. 42 43 44 45 46 That year PolicyLink also received smaller donations from Global Impact Investing Network Inc, Virgin Unite USA Inc, the Tides Foundation, and the Sierra Health Foundation Center For Health Program Management, among others. 47
- “Home.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/
- “PolicyLink Profile.” GuideStar. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.guidestar.org/profile/94-3297479
- “Equity Manifesto.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/about-us/equity-manifesto
- “#RaceAnd the Way Forward: Racial Justice After the 2024 Elections.” EventBrite. November 13, 2024. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/raceand-the-way-forward-racial-justice-after-the-2024-elections-tickets-1054532628479?aff=oddtdtcreator
- Ross, Tracey. “Angela Glover Blackwell’s Radical Imagination.” Essence. February 25, 2020. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.essence.com/feature/angela-glover-blackwell-black-history/
- “Equity Summit 2024.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/equity-summit-24
- “Home.: Promise Neighborhoods Institute. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://promiseneighborhoodsinstitute.org/
- “PolicyLink Legal.” PolicyLink. November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/our-work/just-society/legal
- “Promise Neighborhoods: A Comprehensive Approach to Expanding Opportunity for All Children.” PolicyLink. April 4, 2016. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/sites/default/files/PromiseNeighborhoods%20fact%20sheet%20February%202016%204.4.16.pdf
- “Assessment of Federal Equity Action Plans.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/resources-tools/assessment-of-federal-equity-action-plans
- “Winning on Equity.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/our-work/winning-on-equity
- “Centering Grassroots Visions to Reimagine Public Safety: Lessons from Austin and Oakland.” May 27, 2021. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/webinars/reimagine-public-safety-austin-oakland-05-27-21
- “National Equity Atlas.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/our-work/economy/national-equity-atlas
- “The Bay Area Atlas: A Data and Analysis Tool.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/our-work/economy/baea
- “Corporate Racial Equity Advantage.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/our-work/economy/corporate-racial-equity-advantage
- “Racial Equity Governing Agenda.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/federal-policy/racial-equity-governing-agenda
- Gardere, Ashleigh and McAfee, Michael. “Our Journey to a Consciousness of All.” SSIR. Fall 2024. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://ssir.org/articles/entry/policylink-consciousness-of-all
- “Housing Futures & Land Justice.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/our-work/community/housing
- “PolicyLink Joins Public Advocates to Launch CarsonWatch.” PolicyLink. March 13, 2017. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/equity-in-action/carsonwatch
- “PolicyLink Responds to President Biden’s Plan to Lower Housing Costs.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/statement-biden-rent-cap-plan
- “The Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI).” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. April 4, 2015. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.frbsf.org/community-development/files/healthy_food_financing_initiative.pdf
- Freedman, D.A., Bell, B.A., Clark, J. et al. “Small Improvements in an Urban Food Environment Resulted in No Changes in Diet Among Residents” Journal of Community Health (2020). March 13, 2020. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10900-020-00805-z
- “Water Equity & Climate Resilience.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/our-work/community/water-climate
- “Home.” Water Equity & Climate Resilience Caucus. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://climatewaterequity.org/
- “EPA Sets First-ever Limits on PFAS in Water.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/federal-policy/pfas-rule
- “Bloomberg Philanthropies Announces $200 Million Commitment to Support U.S. Mayors Taking on Climate Change.” Bloomberg Pjilanthropies. March 12, 2024. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.bloomberg.org/press/bloomberg-philanthropies-announces-200-million-commitment-to-support-u-s-mayors-taking-on-climate-change/
- “Building a Movement, Transforming Institutions: A Guide for Public Health Professionals.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/our-work/community/health-equity/institutionalizing-health-equity
- Beecham, Mary. “PolicyLink president Michael McAfee says COVID-19 highlights inequities” InsightNews. April 15, 2020. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.insightnews.com/news/national/policylink-president-michael-mcafee-says-covid-19-highlights-inequities/article_aff1c988-7f50-11ea-89df-77875a403763.html
- “Health Equity.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/our-work/community/health-equity
- “Infrastructure Equity.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/our-work/community/infrastructure
- “American Public Transit Association – 2019 Federal 990 Form.” ProPublica. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/521007647/202131329349302203/full
- “Perspectives on Advancing Economic and Social Equity in Federal Transportation Policy: Briefing papers for the 10/25/12 Forum of the Equity Caucus at Transportation for America.” PolicyLink. October 25, 2012. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/taxonomy/term/550
- “PolicyLink Announces Ashleigh Gardere as President.” PolicyLink. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/statement-ashleigh-gardere-president
- “Ashleigh Gardere.” PolicyLink, Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/aboutUs/staff/ashleigh-gardere
- “#RaceAnd the Way Forward: Racial Justice After the 2024 Elections.” Eventbrite, November 13, 2024. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/raceand-the-way-forward-racial-justice-after-the-2024-elections-tickets-1054532628479
- “Our Team.” Narrative Initiative, Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.narrativeinitiative.org/our-team
- “Michael McAfee” PolicyLink, Accessed November 24, 2024. https://www.policylink.org/aboutUs/staff/michael-mcafee
- “Policylink – 2022 Federal 990 Form.” ProPublica. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/943297479/202323189349309177/full
- “Policylink – 2018 Federal 990 Form.” ProPublica. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/943297479/201913189349312821/full
- “Policylink.” ProPublica. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/943297479
- “Blue Meridian Partners Inc – 2021 Federal 990 Form.” ProPublica. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/815086187/202312279349302816/IRS990ScheduleI
- “Silicon Valley Community Foundation – 2022 Federal 990 Form.” ProPublica. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/205205488/202333189349318948/IRS990ScheduleI
- “Share Our Strength – 2021 Federal 990 Form.” ProPublica. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/521367538/202312149349301351/IRS990ScheduleI
- “Water Foundation – 2022 Federal 990 Form.” ProPublica. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/371833985/202313109349303956/IRS990ScheduleI
- “Sand County Foundation Inc – 2022 Federal 990 Form.” ProPublica. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/396089450/202322789349301217/IRS990ScheduleI
- “Women Donors Network – 2022 Federal 990 Form.” ProPublica. Accessed November 24, 2024. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/50542397/202303179349308375/IRS990ScheduleI
- “Results for PolicyLinkSearch.” ProPublica. Accessed november 24, 2024. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/full_text_search?sort=best&year%5B%5D=2022&q=94-3297479&submit=Apply