Code Pink (or CODEPINK) is a left-wing advocacy group founded in 2002 by Jodie Evans and Medea Benjamin. It was created to oppose the 2003 Iraq War but also focuses on “social justice” by using “feminist principals [sic].”1 It is known for its support of Palestinian interests,2 the Communist Castro regime in Cuba,3 and other anti-American governments and groups. 4 Since 2017, Code Pink has also received significant funding from grantmaking entities linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and has issued numerous pro-China statements, calling on the United States government to treat the totalitarian power more favorably. The group has also worked to discredit allegations that the Chinese regime systematically mistreats dissidents and ethnic minority populations. 5 In August 2023, emerging reporting on the group’s ties to China prompted inquiries by a United States Senator. 6
Despite its often-radical rhetoric, Code Pink has come into conflict with the pro-Israel left in the United States over its support for the Palestinian cause. Notably, the influential and left-leaning Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has attacked the group over statements by its leadership, such as then-national co-director Ariel Gold’s claim that “Israel is a terror state” and that its existence is a “war crime.” Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin has also been a target for ADL criticism for appearing to defend the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which frequently fires unguided rockets into Israeli population centers. 7
CODEPINK signed a petition supporting the Green New Deal and has opposed the use of zero carbon nuclear energy. 8 9
Code Pink co-founders Jodie Evans and Medea Benjamin stepped down from their management positions in October 2020. They appointed new leadership, including Farida Alam, who now runs the organization together with Danaka Katovich. 10 11 Co-director Ariel Gold has left the organization since then. 12
Code Pink is a left-of-center 501(c)(3) organization that was founded in 2002 by Medea Benjamin, Jodie Evans, Diane Wilson, and other female activists. The organization started as a vigil outside of the White House to protest military action against the Baathist regime of then-Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein before the Iraq War in 2002.1 Left-wing organizations such as Greenpeace and Global Exchange supported the demonstration; Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin stated that “war is a women’s issue,” and talk of war had been full of “testosterone-poisoned rhetoric.” Kristi Laughlin, a spokesperson for Code Pink at the time, stated that militarism “encourages domestic violence.”13
Issue Areas
Iraq Occupation Watch
Code Pink often uses street theater and demonstrations of “civil resistance” to protest war while promoting a left-wing view on political issues.1
During the reconstruction of war-torn Iraq in 2004, Code Pink, along with Global Exchange and United For Peace and Justice, established Iraq Occupation Watch (IOW).14
Although IOW’s original mission statement claimed the organization was formed to serve as a “watchdog regarding the military occupation and U.S.-appointed government,” it began to promote hostile sentiment toward U.S. troops stationed in Iraq.15 Although Medea Benjamin claimed the change in IOW’s mission occurred after she left Iraq to return to the United States on July 14, 2004, the Code Pink co-founder had previously expressed the need to create distrust towards U.S. troops in local communities. Benjamin wrote in April 2003: “let’s start a ‘Bring All the Troops Home’ campaign to stop the expansion of U.S. bases and start dismantling some of the hundreds of existing bases overseas.” Benjamin also called for Code Pink supporters to “channel the bursting anti-American sentiment overseas.”16
Code Pink was also endorsed the Civil Liberties Restoration Act of 2004 which was created to reverse certain national security measures put in place after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.17
In 2004, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin traveled to Jordan to provide the “refugees” of Fallujah with $600,000 worth of humanitarian aid.18
Opposition to Israel
Also see Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) (Movement)
Code Pink is a supporter of the “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” (BDS) campaign which seeks to ostracize Israel from the international community. Israeli officials have barred entry to the country by Code Pink under a law prohibiting foreign activists for BDS from entering Israel.19
Code Pink signed a 2004 letter to the U.S. Senate which urged senators to vote to condemn Israel’s construction of a security fence in the West Bank.20 The organization also endorsed the Beirut Communique, which supported “the right of the people of Iraq and Palestine to resist the occupations,” the “unconditional withdrawal of US and ‘coalition’ forces from Iraq,” and the withdrawal of all Israelis from the territories beyond the 1949 armistice lines and the dismantlement of Israel’s anti-terrorist security barriers. The Beirut Communique also denounced the supposed “racist and colonial character of Zionism.”2
Code Pink endorses the Free Gaza Movement,21 which promotes similar ideals as the Beirut Communique.22 The organization traveled to Egypt in 2009 with the intent of entering the Hamas-governed Gaza Strip. Although Egyptian authorities prevented most of the 1,300 activists from entering Gaza, 100 were allowed through the border. Code Pink released a statement on what it called the “Gaza Freedom March,” claiming that the actions of the activists drew “worldwide attention” to the supposed “siege” of the blockaded terrorist-ruled statelet.23
During a Code Pink protest at the 2015 annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), one demonstrator displayed the flag of the terrorist organization Hezbollah while others held signs that drew similarities between Israel and ISIS.4
Other Anti-American Activities
Members of the organization traveled to Pakistan in 2012 to protest American drone strikes on al-Qaeda targets in the country. Code Pink conducted a tour with controversial anti-American left-wing Pakistani politician Imran Khan as he attempted to promote peace with the Taliban. The Pakistani military refused to let Khan and Code Pink enter a Taliban-controlled region near the border of South Waziristan, forcing the group to make their way back to the capital city of Islamabad.24
Code Pink organized a trip to Cuba in late April 2017, to celebrate the Communist holiday of May Day in the country’s “most exciting cultural city, Santiago.” After the celebration, Code Pink organized an “international gathering against foreign military bases.”3 During its time in Cuba, Code Pink members attended a “Meeting for Solidarity with Cuba,” visited the graves of Communist Fidel Castro, and visit a “Defense Committee of the Revolution.”3
The organization has visited Cuba multiple times, including a “delegation” to the country in February 2015,25 and an “Activists Tour” in November 2015.26 It has also praised the communist nation, and its former leader Fidel Castro, many times.27
Outside of protests and visits to anti-American countries, Code Pink has attempted to “arrest” political figures it deems to be “war criminals.” During a Senate hearing in January 2015, members of the organization accosted former U.S. Secretary of State (and Nobel Peace Prize laureate) Henry Kissinger.28
As of June 2024, the Code Pink website links to a “DISRUPT THE DNC: Chicago Action” web page on the site calling for a disruption for the Chicago-based 2024 Democratic National Convention in August 2024. According to the page, the group claims “Join CODEPINK as we disrupt the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. More details to come. RSVP for updates on housing, travel and action schedule.” 29
Letter Encouraging U.S. to “Cooperate” with China
On July 7, 2021, CODEPINK along with 47 other organizations signed a letter to President Biden and the U.S. Congress accusing the United States of approaching China with “an antagonistic posture.” 30 The letter claims that “escalating, bipartisan anti-China rhetoric […] bolsters racist, right-wing movements in the United States,” and that the “U.S. demonization of China has always been a major barrier to progress in global climate talks.” 30 The letter urges the United States to cooperate with the Chinese government, despite its record of humans rights abuses, to “address the existential threat that is the climate crises.” The letter also cites statistics on U.S. and Chinese greenhouse gas emissions and criticizes the U.S. for being “the biggest carbon polluter in history.” 30
Opposition to Nuclear Energy
CODEPINK was one of more than 600 co-signing organizations on a January 2019 open letter to Congress titled “Legislation to Address the Urgent Threat of Climate Change.” The signatories declared their support for new laws to bring about “100 percent decarbonization” of the transportation sector but denounced nuclear power as an example of “dirty energy” that should not be included in any legislation promoting the use of so-called “renewable energy.” 9
Nuclear power plants produce no carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions, and as of 2021 accounted for 19 percent of American electricity production—the largest source of zero carbon electricity in the United States. 31 An October 2018 proposal from The Nature Conservancy noted that zero-carbon nuclear plants produced 7.8 percent of total world energy output and recommended reducing carbon emissions by increasing nuclear capacity to 33 percent of total world energy output. 32
In 2021, Code Pink received more than $1.5 million in contributions and grants. That year, the organization spent just under $1.7 million and held net assets of a little over $1.8 million. Revenue was up by nearly 75 percent from the prior year and spending more than doubled. 33
In January 2022, reports emerged that Code Pink appeared to be connected to a major financial backer of pro-China activism. Starting around 2017, a large number of left-wing advocacy groups have received a total of nearly $65 million through grantmaking entities connected to Sri Lankan tech executive and Chinese Communist Party supporter Neville Roy Singham. That year, he sold his consulting firm Thoughtworks, and reports indicate that Singham received hundreds of millions of dollars in the deal. The new funding to pro-China causes started shortly thereafter. Singham also developed a relationship with Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans around this time, and they indicated that they were married in 2019. 34
In August 2023, an investigation by the New York Times confirmed that approximately a quarter of contributions to Code Pink since 2017 have come from funding sources linked to Singham. The Times also indicated that the total funding pool which Code Pink has benefited from may be more than $275 million. 5 That same month, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) announced a probe into the beneficiaries of Singham’s philanthropy, including Code Pink, and sent a letter to Biden Administration Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding an investigation. Senator Rubio’s statement claimed that Code Pink in particular has received more than $1.4 million from the pro-China philanthropies connected to Singham. 6
According to the organization’s 2016 tax form, Code Pink’s total income was $1,401,321, while its total expenses were $1,031,031.35
Although the organization has a lack of transparency regarding its donors, key funders of Code Pink include the Benjamin Fund, Threshold Foundation, and New Priorities Foundation. It has also received other donations from the Tides Foundation, the Barbra Streisand Foundation, and Global Exchange.36
Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin is the president of the Benjamin Fund,37 and co-founder of Global Exchange.38
Code Pink is also the business name for a non-profit called Environmentalism through Inspiration and Non-Violent Action.39 The address for Environmentalism through Inspiration and Non-Violent Action is the same as Code Pink’s, and its co-founder is Jodie Evans.40
Code Pink lists organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the People’s Action Institute is its “allies.”41
Jodie Evans
Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans has gone on record defending the actions of insurgents during the Iraq War, claiming the American government purposefully disrespected the people of Iraq, and those that fought U.S. troops were “cool” because they didn’t “back down.”42
She also claimed that the United States created the war on terror and that there were “no terrorists in Iraq.” According to Evans, the attacks of 9/11 happened because American bases were in Saudi Arabia.43
Evans stepped down from her leadership position in October 2020. 10
Medea Benjamin
Also see Medea Benjamin
Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin lived in Communist-controlled Cuba from 1979 to 1983.44 She praised the communist regime of Fidel Castro while living in Cuba, before being deported after she wrote an article against certain policies of the regime.45
Benjamin was one of the organizers of the 1999 anti-capitalist World Trade Organization protests in Seattle. The protests turned violent when activists burned cars and smashed windows in a bid to shut down a conference of the World Trade Organization. Benjamin called the riots a “battle cry” after the activists caused millions of dollars in property damage.46
During the 2016 presidential election, Benjamin praised Donald Trump after he denounced the Iraq War during a television debate. “I watched the debate last night and LOVED IT,” she said.47
The group has supported the actions of controversial anti-war demonstrator Cindy Sheehan, but Sheehan is not formally affiliated with Code Pink.48
Benjamin is also president of the Benjamin Fund,37 and co-founder of Global Exchange,38 which both fund Code Pink.
Benjamin stepped down from her leadership position in October 2020. 10
Gael Murphy
Code Pink co-founder Gael Murphy was actively involved with the organization from 2003 to 2009. She also previously represented Code Pink as a board member with United for Peace and Justice, a similar left-wing foreign policy pressure group. Murphy has also maintained close ties with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a left-wing faction within the Democratic Party which pushes radical policy proposals through its Congressional Progressive Caucus Center. Throughout her activist career, Murphy has made highly publicized visits to war zones and regions of the world impacted by American foreign policy, including Iraq and the Palestinian territories. In addition, she generated controversy in the early years of the war in Iraq by helping organize protests outside the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC. While she claimed that the protesters frequently received thanks from injured troops being treated at the center, her actions also led to counter-protests outside the facility. 49
Danaka Katovich
Danaka Katovich is a national co-director with Code Pink, which she joined in the summer of 2020 after graduating from DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, where she was also involved in left-wing activism. 50 In November 2023, following the attack on Israel by the Palestinian militant group Hamas and the ensuing Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, Katovich disrupted a speech by President Joe Biden during his visit to Illinois, demanding that he endorse a ceasefire. She was quickly removed from the venue by security, but continued her statement outside, near the ongoing pro-Palestine rally across from the venue. 11
Farida Alam
Farida Alam is a national co-director with Code Pink. She primarily manages digital activism planning and content creation. 51 Alam previously spent more than a decade with the organization, and was its manager and art designer before being promoted. 52
Ariel Gold
Ariel Gold is a previous co-director of Code Pink. She was one of the organization’s most prominent pro-Palestine activists, and served as a voice for Code Pink within the anti-Israel BDS movement. She organized several so-called “peace delegations” to both Israel and Iran, one of its leading enemies, before eventually being deported by the Israeli government in 2018. In addition, Gold once disrupted an event featuring celebrity investor Ashton Kutcher and the property rental firm Airbnb, taking to the stage with a sign demanding that the company cease operating in disputed Palestinian territories with Israeli settlers residing in them. She similarly disrupted the confirmation hearing of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and staged demonstrations against former attorney general Jeff Sessions. 12
Code Pink is the business name for Environmentalism through Inspiration and Non-Violent Action,40 and is affiliated with Global Exchange and the Benjamin Fund due to Medea Benjamin’s top positions in all three organizations.
The organization also lists the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, the People’s Action Institute, and many left-of-center organizations as “allies.”41
It also lists Democracy Now!, the Guardian, the Huffington Post, and other left-of-center media outlets as “recommended media.” 41
In October 2023, U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) approached several Code Pink activists who were demonstrating outside the office of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in an attempt to push him towards endorsing peace negotiations in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Greene had a photo taken with the activists and later published it on social media, praising them for the demonstration while also acknowledging that “we don’t agree on most things.” Greene also took the opportunity to criticize Sanders for allegedly having some of the demonstrators detained by Capitol security. In response, Code Pink issued a statement which accused Greene of “opportunistically” taking advantage of its activists, who posed for the photo because they “weren’t sure how to respond.” 53
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