Search results for ‘american civil liberties union’

  • Non-profit

    Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation

    The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation is a major private grantmaking foundation based in Milwaukee. The foundation’s reported net assets totaled approximately $893 million as of December 31, 2017, and it approved a net of about $33.5 million in grant contributions for charitable purposes that year.
  • Non-profit

    NEO Philanthropy Action Fund

    NEO Philanthropy Action Fund (formerly Public Interest Projects Action Fund) is the 501(c)(4) lobbying and election-related advocacy arm of left-of-center funding pass-through NEO Philanthropy (formerly Public Interest Projects). It provides financial support to a number of other left-of-center lobbying and election-related advocacy groups. Political Activities Americans for Financial Reform
  • Non-profit

    Free Press Action Fund

    Free Press Action Fund was founded in 2003 as the campaign and lobbying arm of the left-of-center media advocacy organization Free Press, which advocates for censorship by technology companies, including social media companies and payment processors, based on what it determines to be hateful or so-called misinformation. Free Press’s criteria
  • Political Party/527 Political Action

    MoveOn Political Action, which jointly operates with its associated 501(c)(4) organization MoveOn Civic Action, describes itself as “the largest independent, progressive, digitally-connected organizing group in the United States.”1 MoveOn Political Action gathers donations from
  • Non-profit

    Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation

    The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation is a New Jersey-based grantmaking foundation that has supported left-leaning advocacy groups with annual grants that total at least $2 million. In 2021, the foundation gave at least $2.4 million total to left-of-center groups, including grants of $100,000 or more to Amalgamated
  • Non-profit

    Rock the Vote

    Rock the Vote is a left-progressive-aligned organization in the United States whose stated mission is to engage and “build the political power of young people.” The group claims to be nonpartisan,1 but has produced videos
  • Non-profit

    Race Forward (Applied Research Center)

    Race Forward (also known as Applied Research Center) is a left-of-center organization that advocates for a variety of racial and identity-based issues. The organization hosts conferences in support of left-progressive racial and identity-politics efforts, publishes the magazine and online media outlet Colorlines, and co-sponsors the Government Alliance on Race
  • Non-profit

    NARAL Pro-Choice America

    NARAL Pro-Choice America (NARAL), formerly the National Abortion Rights Action League, is a social-liberal organization which engages in political action and advocacy efforts to expand access to abortion across the United States. NARAL operates primarily through grassroots organizing, leading nationwide campaigns to promote and normalize abortion. NARAL, alongside its political
  • Person

    Dustin Moskovitz

    Dustin Aaron Moskovitz is an American Internet entrepreneur who co-founded Facebook with Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum and Chris Hughes. In 2008, he left Facebook to co-found Asana with Justin Rosenstein. Moskovitz and his wife, former Wall Street Journal reporter Cari Tuna, are the founders
  • Non-profit

    Wyss Foundation

    The Wyss Foundation is a private foundation established in 1998 by Swiss billionaire and former Synthes CEO Hansjorg Wyss, an environmentalist activist and former CEO of the controversial medical device manufacturer Synthes.
  • Non-profit

    Mangrove Foundation

    The Mangrove Foundation is a subsidiary of the Atlantic Philanthropies, a private foundation created in 1982 by Irish-American businessman Chuck Feeney. The Atlantic Philanthropies focuses its giving on health, social, and politically left-of-center public policy causes in Australia, Bermuda, Ireland, South Africa, the United States, and Vietnam. A philanthropic
  • Non-profit

    New Venture Fund (NVF)

    The New Venture Fund (NVF) is a 501(c)(3) funding and fiscal sponsorship nonprofit that makes grants to left-of-center advocacy and organizing projects and provides incubation serves for other left-of-center organizations. The fund focuses primarily on social and environmental change, issuing grants for a variety of projects that include conservation, global
  • Non-profit

    Tides Foundation

    Also see Tides Nexus The Tides Foundation is a major center-left grantmaking organization and a major pass-through funder to numerous left-leaning nonprofits. The San Francisco, California-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit was founded in 1976 by Drummond Pike, a professional political activist who has since retired from the organization, to funnel
  • Non-profit

    Sixteen Thirty Fund (1630 Fund)

    The Sixteen Thirty Fund (sometimes styled “1630 Fund”) is a left-of-center lobbying and advocacy organization founded in 2008. 1 Sixteen Thirty Fund often operates alongside its charitable “sister” nonprofit New Venture Fund, which