Search results for ‘american civil liberties union’

  • Person

    Justine Sarver

    Justine Sarver is a left-wing self-employed consultant who specializes in candidate and ballot measure campaigns for organizations such as Planned Parenthood, ACLU, and AFL-CIO. She formerly worked as executive director of Ballot Initiative Strategy Center.
  • Person

    Katrina vanden Heuvel

    Katrina vanden Heuvel is the part-owner and served as the editor of the left-wing magazine The Nation from 1995 to 2019. 1 She is a commentator for media outlets including CNN and the New
  • Non-profit

    Chicago Community Trust (CCT)

    Chicago Community Trust (CCT) is a community foundation and provider of donor-advised funds that provides grants to social programs and nonprofits including advocacy groups on the left-of-center primarily in the Chicago city area, but also nationwide. The organization is one of the largest providers of donor-advised funds in the United
  • Non-profit

    Boston Foundation

    The Boston Foundation, also called TBF, is a grantmaking group in the Boston area. The foundation has five “impact areas” of focus, which are education, health and wellness, jobs and economic development, neighborhoods and housing, and arts and culture.
  • Non-profit

    Century Foundation

    The Century Foundation is a left-of-center think tank founded in 1919 by Filene’s department stores magnate Edward Filene as the Cooperative League to encourage business leaders to fight the growth of conservatism. It researches from its left-of-center position and communicates the results via books, articles, position papers and events that
  • Non-profit

    Tides Advocacy (The Advocacy Fund)

    Also see Tides Nexus Tides Advocacy (formerly The Tsunami Fund, The Advocacy Fund, and the Tides Advocacy Fund) is a left-of-center advocacy organization associated with the Tides Nexus, a collection of center-left pass-through funders and fiscal sponsorship nonprofits grouped around the Tides Foundation. While Tides Advocacy has
  • Non-profit

    Texas Public Interest Research Group (TEXPIRG)

    The Texas Public Interest Research Group (TexPIRG) is a state-based offshoot of the national U.S. Public Interest Research Group (US-PIRG) that lobbies and influences public policy in support of left-of-center causes. The PIRG model was devised by left-wing activist and 2000 Green Party Presidential candidate Ralph Nader
  • Non-profit

    Rosenberg Fund for Children

    The Rosenberg Fund for Children (RFC) is a charitable fund named for convicted spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg that supports the children of far-left activists who have been imprisoned or otherwise harmed for actions related to their political activities. Since its founding in 1990, the FRC has provided support to
  • Non-profit

    National Immigration Law Center

    The National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is an advocacy group for liberal expansionist immigration policies, using litigation, policy advocacy, and strategic research to advance the organization’s agenda. 1 NILC supports a path to
  • Non-profit

    Move to Amend

    Move to Amend (MTA) is a coalition of hundreds of left-of-center organizations that advocates for wealth redistributionist policies, social and racial justice initiatives, and the restriction of political donations. It opposes the landmark 2011 Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC, contending that political contributions are not speech and
  • Non-profit

    Kresge Foundation

    The Kresge Foundation is a left-of-center advocacy-philanthropic organization based in Troy, Michigan. The organization funds left-of-center and liberal organizations which support causes such as illegal immigration, aggressive environmentalism, and race issues. The organization holds almost $4 billion in assets, making it one of the largest private foundations in the country;
  • Non-profit

    Hopewell Fund

    The Hopewell Fund is a 501(c)(3) funding and fiscal sponsorship nonprofit managed by Arabella Advisors, a Washington, D.C.-based philanthropy consulting firm. The Hopewell Fund manages a number of left-of-center single-issue advocacy groups, including the Economic Security Project and pro-Obamacare Get America Covered. The Hopewell Fund often operates alongside its “sister” nonprofits, primarily
  • Political Party/527

    Greater Wisconsin Committee

    The Greater Wisconsin Committee is a liberal and Democratic Party-aligned advocacy organization that focuses on supporting left-progressive candidates in Wisconsin elections, in which it is consistently one of the largest spenders. The group is funded by various left-leaning organizations, most prominently labor unions, and is best known for funding attack
  • Non-profit

    Courage Campaign Institute

    Courage Campaign Institute (CCI) is the educational arm of the left-of-center advocacy group Courage Campaign. Through multiple websites and media outlets, CCI aims to educate the public on issues regarding LGBT rights, liberal expansionist immigration policies, and other issue areas.
  • Non-profit

    Atlantic Advocacy Fund

    The Atlantic Advocacy Fund is a Delaware-based left-of-center 501(c)(4) pass-through nonprofit associated with Atlantic Philanthropies, a Bermuda-based foundation which makes grants in the United States. Funding Between 2007 and 2015, Atlantic Philanthropy’s 501(c)(4) Atlantic Advocacy Fund provided a series of grants toward several Tides Advocacy projects and
  • Non-profit

    Albert Shanker Institute

    The Albert Shanker Institute is a left-of-center think tank founded and operated by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the nation’s second largest teacher’s union. The institute was formed in honor of Al Shanker, a labor union official who is credited with the founding and growth of the
  • Non-profit

    ACCE Action

    Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) Action is a left-of-center group that focuses on liberal housing policies including rent control. 1 ACCE Action participates in efforts to elect Democrats to office at all levels of
  • For-profit


    Purpose is a left-progressive international public relations firm. Its clients include Everytown for Gun Safety, the Gates Foundation, and the ACLU.1
  • Non-profit

    Conservation Law Foundation

    Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) is a left-of-center public interest law firm and advocacy organization that promotes left-of-center environmental policies, opposes traditional fuel sources such as petroleum and natural gas, and supports the adoption of weather-dependent energy. It filed legal actions against a variety of energy companies throughout New England in
  • Non-profit

    Asia Society

    Asia Society is a New York City-based international nonprofit with a focus on left-of-center topics such as sustainability 1 and climate policy in U.S.-Asia relations.