Search results for ‘participant’

  • Person

    Bernardine Dohrn

    For more see: Weather Underground, Students for a Democratic Society, and Bill Ayers Bernardine Dohrn was an original co-founder and arguably the top leader of the Weather Underground, a radical-left violent extremist group that was active from the late 1960s through the mid-1970s. Prior to this
  • Person

    Bill Ayers

    For more see: Weather Underground, Students for a Democratic Society, and Bernardine Dohrn Bill Ayers was an original co-founder and one of the top leaders of the Weather Underground, a radical-left violent extremist group that was active from the late 1960s through the mid-1970s. Prior to
  • Other Group

    Weather Underground (Weatherman/The Weathermen)

    For more see: Students for a Democratic Society, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn The Weather Underground (also known as Weatherman or the Weathermen) was a radical-left violent extremist group that was active from the late 1960s through the mid-1970s. What became known as the Weather Underground began
  • Non-profit

    Faith in Texas

    Faith in Texas is a Texas-based organization with an interfaith structure focused on advancing a left-leaning approach to social matters. It is a member of the national Faith in Action coalition of religious-left community organizing groups. Issues Faith in Texas has four primary campaigns: Live Free Texas, LA RED, Voter Engagement, and
  • Non-profit

    Coding it Forward

    Coding it Forward is a student-led nonprofit organization that provides “Civic Digital Fellowships” for college students with technology expertise to work with government agencies and nonprofits. Background Coding it Forward was co-founded by a group of technology and data science students at Harvard University in 2017. Under the mentorship of
  • Non-profit

    JUNTA for Progressive Action

    JUNTA for Progressive Action is a left-of-center immigration advocacy group working in the New Haven, Connecticut Latino community. During the COVID-19 pandemic, JUNTA created a fund to support rent payments for New Haven residents without legal immigration status.
  • Person

    Robert Raben

    Robert Raben is a left-progressive lobbyist and political operative who has served Democratic politicians and left-of-center issues for decades. 66 He donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democrats and their causes ranging from
  • Person

    Kimberlé Crenshaw

    Kimberlé Crenshaw is a left-leaning law professor at UCLA and Columbia University known for her work in “civil rights, black feminist legal theory, and race, racism, and the law.” 90 She is also
  • Non-profit


    GenderAvenger is a left-of-center feminist advocacy group that uses social pressure tactics to gain equal levels of participation for women in every public activity. 110
  • Non-profit

    Social and Economic Justice Leaders Planning Group

    The Social and Economic Justice Leaders Planning Group, also known as the Social and Economic Justice Leaders Council, 132 is an activist project of the left-of-center funding and fiscal sponsorship
  • Non-profit

    Center for Digital Democracy

    Center for Digital Democracy (CDD) is a left-of-center advocacy organization founded in 2001 that promotes the increased regulation of internet and technology companies. 143 CDD has participated in antitrust litigation to reduce the power
  • Other Group

    Soros Network (Open Society Network)

    The Soros Network (also called the Open Society Network) is a system of private grantmaking foundations and nonprofits that comprise one of the largest funders of center-left and far-left activism and advocacy in the world. At the center of the network is George Soros, a Hungarian-born financier and liberal
  • Movement

    Public Funds Public Schools

    Public Funds Public Schools (PFPS) is a teachers’ union-aligned campaign started by the controversial left-wing extremism watchdog Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), its affiliated SPLC Action Fund, the teachers’ union-funded litigation group Education Law Center, and the law firm Munger, Tolles & Olson.
  • Person

    William McDonough

    William McDonough is an architect, educator, public speaker, author, entrepreneur, and consultant involved in four primary areas of activity: environmentalist-aligned architecture, innovation of environmentally friendly products, a product registration system for products developed by third parties, and a Design for the Circular Economy.
  • Non-profit

    Wespath Benefits and Investments

    Wespath Benefits and Investments, also known as The General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of The United Methodist Church, is a nonprofit agency organized under the United Methodist Church in the United States that manages a pension fund and investment organization exceeding $25 billion in assets. The organization provides
  • Other Group

    Bricklayers and Trowel Trades International Pension Fund

    The Bricklayers and Trowel Trades International Pension fund is a multiemployer (or Taft-Hartley) pension fund operated by and on behalf of the members of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, a labor union that is affiliated with the AFL-CIO labor union federation. The Fund boasts
  • Non-profit

    Pop Culture Collaborative

    The Pop Culture Collaborative is an coalition of several large philanthropic partners, that promotes left-of-center visions of diversity and plurality in American popular culture. Part of this promotional agenda is to use pop culture as a medium for challenging cultural narratives through art. It is a fiscally sponsored project of Rockefeller
  • Non-profit

    People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond

    The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, known by the name Undoing Racism, is a New Orleans-based collaboration of far-left activists that participate in grantmaking and lead workshops on topics, such as race, poverty, and activism. Programs Undoing Racism Workshop Undoing Racism is the signature workshop of the People’s Institute
  • Non-profit

    Afiya Center

    The Afiya Center is a left-leaning pro-abortion non-profit that operates in Dallas, Texas. Afiya Center seeks to lessen restrictions on abortion in Texas through advocacy and lawsuits. The Afiya Center supports minors’ access to abortion without parental involvement; immediate depopulation of all Dallas jails, prisons, and detention facilities; and teaches
  • Non-profit

    Society of Family Planning

    The Society of Family Planning (SFP) is a left-of-center non-profit organization that promotes research on abortion and contraception.278 Founded in 2005, the organization funds abortion research, creates a network of abortion providers, and publishes “clinical