Search results for ‘participant’

  • Non-profit

    AFSCME Training and Education Institute

    AFSCME Training and Education Institute (ATEI) is a non-profit affiliated with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).
  • Movement

    Trump-Russia Collusion Claims

    See also: For a more complete list of public figures who promoted collusion claims, please see this resource  from the Capital Research Center. Starting at least by July 2016 and continuing through March 2019, the FBI and then the office of Department of Justice Special Counsel Robert
  • Government Agency

    Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute

    The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute is a training agency under the United States Department of Defense that conducts training around ethnic diversity, racial sensitivity, and equal opportunity. The department was originally founded as the Defense Race Relations Institute in the 1970s as an effort to smoothen race relations
  • Other Group

    Democracy Alliance Conferences

    The Democracy Alliance (DA), a collective of wealthy Democratic and left-progressive individual and institutional donors, hosts semi-annual conferences for its members and guests. Described as a “major gathering of the institutional left,” the conferences primarily serve to connect prospective left-leaning donors with similarly minded activist groups, and to provide
  • Other Group

    Bilderberg Meeting

    The Bilderberg Meeting is an annual, invitation-only conference of elite social and political individuals held in Europe that fosters discussion between European and the North American power centers. The meeting has been held annually since the 1950s and attracts CEOs of major corporations, heads of labor unions, and political elites
  • Political Party/527

    Defeat Disinfo PAC

    Defeat Disinfo Political Action Committee (PAC) is a left-of-center organization leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) technology to combat alleged disinformation from President Donald Trump. The PAC was founded by activist Curtis Hougland, a former contractor for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
  • Non-profit

    Planned Parenthood of Greater New York

    Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) is a regional branch of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest network of abortion providers and an influential political organization. PPGNY describes its mission as providing “reproductive health services” and advocating to “advance equity and improve health outcomes.” The organization also supports abortions
  • Political Party/527

    Progress America

    Progress America is a left-of-center political organization. It supports left-progressive positions on voting rights, the internet, and economic policy. 301 It is a member and participant of the Action Network, an online organizing hub
  • Non-profit

    Movement for Black Lives

    Movement for Black Lives (MBL) is a coalition of more than 50 left-of-center racial-advocacy organizations associated with the Black Lives Matter movement. Along with the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, the MBL serves as a unifying umbrella organization to coordinate BLM activism and move towards concrete policy
  • Person

    Joy Loving

    Joy Loving is a left-of-center, Virginia-based activist who works with Climate Action Alliance of the Valley (CAAV), an environmentalist organization. Loving is a campaigner for the adoption of solar electric power, working with both local-level organizers and large national organizations including the Sierra Club and Solar United Neighbors (SUN).
  • Non-profit

    Homes Guarantee

    Homes Guarantee is a left-of-center policy project that aims to fundamentally change the U.S. housing system by establishing a massive federal entitlement to housing tantamount to a complete government takeover of the housing market.
  • Non-profit

    Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) San Francisco

    Central American Resource Center San Francisco (CARECEN San Francisco) is a left-leaning immigrant advocacy group focused on the Central American community in the San Francisco Bay area. Programs Immigration Legal Program CARECEN San Francisco provides services for immigrants, supporting asylum applications, consular processing, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) applications,
  • Non-profit

    Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) DC

    Central American Resource Center DC (CARECEN DC) is a left-leaning immigrant advocacy group focused on the Central American community in the District of Columbia metropolitan area. The group is part of the Immigration Advocates Network, a network of pro-bono immigration attorneys.
  • Person

    Philippe Villers

    Philippe Villers is a businessman and left-of-center political activist who founded Families USA through which he campaigns on behalf of federal health care market regulation, especially Obamacare. Beginning in the late 1980s Villers has worked with Democratic politicians and other left-of-center individuals and organizations to enact these reforms.
  • Non-profit

    Episcopal Church

    The Episcopal Church is a United States-based member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, the Protestant movement formed when King Henry VIII of England broke with the Roman Catholic Church to form the Church of England. While the Anglican Communion is one of the largest global Christian denominations with over 85
  • Non-profit

    2020 Vision Ventures

    2020 Vision Ventures is a financial initiative that aims to promote investments in digital and technological innovations for left-of-center causes. The initiative is led by Democratic operative Nick Chedli Carter, who also manages the associated Resilient Democracy Fund.
  • Person

    Bernardine Dohrn

    For more see: Weather Underground, Students for a Democratic Society, and Bill Ayers Bernardine Dohrn was an original co-founder and arguably the top leader of the Weather Underground, a radical-left violent extremist group that was active from the late 1960s through the mid-1970s. Prior to this
  • Person

    Bill Ayers

    For more see: Weather Underground, Students for a Democratic Society, and Bernardine Dohrn Bill Ayers was an original co-founder and one of the top leaders of the Weather Underground, a radical-left violent extremist group that was active from the late 1960s through the mid-1970s. Prior to
  • Other Group

    Weather Underground (Weatherman/The Weathermen)

    For more see: Students for a Democratic Society, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn The Weather Underground (also known as Weatherman or the Weathermen) was a radical-left violent extremist group that was active from the late 1960s through the mid-1970s. What became known as the Weather Underground began
  • Non-profit

    Faith in Texas

    Faith in Texas is a Texas-based organization with an interfaith structure focused on advancing a left-leaning approach to social matters. It is a member of the national Faith in Action coalition of religious-left community organizing groups. Issues Faith in Texas has four primary campaigns: Live Free Texas, LA RED, Voter Engagement, and