
Simons Foundation




Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2015):

Revenue: $225,077,146
Expenses: $436,495,136
Assets: $2,632,378,076


ca. 1990s


Private Grantmaking Foundation

Main Funders:

James and Marilyn Simon

Contact InfluenceWatch with suggested edits or tips for additional profiles.

The Simons Foundation is a private foundation founded by left-leaning Renaissance Technologies hedge fund founder James Simons and his wife, Marilyn. The Foundation funds research in four broad areas: mathematics and physical sciences, life sciences, autism research, and “Outreach & Education.” The Foundation conducts its own research through the Flatiron Institute, but is partnered with a long-list of organizations, many of which tend to lean politically left-of-center. 1 With an endowment of over $2 billion, the Simons Foundation is among the top 40 wealthiest foundations in the country. 2


James Simons founded the Simons Foundation in the 1990s along with his wife, Marilyn. The Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative was founded in 2003 to better understand autism disorders and make progress toward a cure. 3

In 2016, the Foundation made a major investment in computational science by opening its own research center, the Flatiron Institute. Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) joined Jim and Marilyn Simons to dedicate the new institute. 4


James Simons, founder of the hedge fund firm Renaissance Technologies, is a mainstay on Forbes annual listing of the richest people in the world and a well-known supporter of liberal political causes. 5 The Foundation reflects his values and plays a key role in his charitable giving. In 2012, the Foundation directed a $60 million grant to the University of California, Berkeley. 6 In 2008, then-Gov. Eliot Spitzer (D-N.Y.) announced the Foundation’s gift of $60 million to Stony Brook University, the largest gift to a public university in the history of the state. 7

Toward the end of President Barack Obama’s administration, Jim and Marilyn Simons attended a fundraising dinner at the White House. They gave $340,000 to the Obama Foundation in 2014 and $330,000 in 2015. Simons is reliably one of the Democratic Party’s heftiest donors. 8

Financial Controversies

In November, 2017, The Guardian reported that James Simons had stashed more than $8 billion in a tax-free offshore account. He was one of the many people named in the so-called Paradise Papers. Simons’s alleged tax sheltering arrangements existed while he was one of the Democratic Party’s heftiest donors, responsible for $27 million during the 2016 election. 9

In 2015, the New York Times reported that the IRS was reviewing whether Simons’s hedge fund, Renaissance Technologies, had withheld $6.8 billion in taxes. 10 Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) alleged, “Renaissance Technologies was able to avoid paying more than $6 billion in taxes by disguising its day-to-day stock trades as long term investments,” in his opening statement during a 2014 Senate investigation. 11

The Lord Jim Trust was dissolved in 2010. Lawyers told Simons donating the money to charity was the best way to avoid taxes. The pile was split up among the charities started by Simons and each of his three children, including the Simons Foundation. 9

During the Obama administration, showed a correlation between the President’s legislative priorities and the pet causes of his super-PAC’s largest donors. Simons donated $5 million to Priorities USA Action in 2012, and Obama signed a $1.3 billion bill for autism research in 2014. 12


Grants from Simons Foundation

The Simons Foundation’s principal grantmaking efforts fund a number of scientific research programs through various universities.

The Simons Foundation funds two online publications, Quanta Magazine and Spectrum. Despite the fact that Spectrum considers itself the “leading source of news and expert opinion on autism research,” the site has engaged in advocacy against Republican policies. 13

The following are all known grants from the Simons Foundation: 14

Recipient NameAmountYearGrant Description
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$32,000,000 2014Center for quantitative biology endowment
Math For America$23,800,000 2015MFA operating expenses
Stony Brook Foundation$22,303,526 2010To support the construction of the Simons center for geometry and physics
Math For America$19,800,000 2014Mfa operating expenses
Institute For Advanced Study$16,000,000 2014Simons foundation simonyi endowment fund
Institute For Advanced Study$16,000,000 2015Simons foundation Simonyi endowment fund
Institute For Advanced Study$16,000,000 2013Simons foundation endowment fund
Institute For Advanced Study$16,000,000 2012Simons foundation Simonyl endowment fund
Stony Brook Foundation$15,000,000 2013Quasi-endowment
Math For America$13,700,000 2012MFA operating expenses
New York Genome Center$12,500,000 2015New York genome center unrestricted gift
Math For America$12,400,000 2013MFA operating expenses
Institute For Advanced Study$12,000,000 2011Simons foundation endowment fund
Math For America$11,800,000 2011MFA operating expenses
New York Genome Center$11,250,008 2012New York genome center
Stony Brook Foundation$11,249,999 2013Reimagming stony brook fund - challenge
Stony Brook Foundation$9,000,000 2012Stony Brook foundation unrestricted gift
New York Structural Biology Center$8,801,000 2015New York structural biology center support grant
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$8,466,121 2015Fidelity investment charitable gift - donor advised fund
Math For America$8,400,000 2010Unrestricted gift for operating expenses
University of Hawaii$8,189,030 2015Simons collaboration on ocean processes and ecology
Children's Hospital Foundation$8,000,000 2010To fund the center for quantitative biology endowment
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$8,000,000 2014Mit unrestricted gift
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$8,000,000 2015MIT unrestricted gift
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$8,000,000 2013MIT unrestricted gift
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$8,000,000 2012MIT unrestricted gift
Stony Brook Foundation$7,500,001 2013Relmagining stony brook fund - pledge
University of California$7,166,666 2012Simons institute for the theory of computing (BERKELEY - REGENTS)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$6,625,251 2010To fund the research to study genetic basis of autism
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$6,557,422 2012Understanding the genetic basis of autism
New York Genome Center$6,250,012 2013New York Genome center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$6,000,000 2012The Simons center for social brain at MIT
University of California - Berkeley Regents$5,808,334 2013Simons institute for the theory of computing
University of California - Berkeley Regents$5,700,000 2015Simons institute for the theory of computing
University of California - Berkeley Regents$5,700,000 2014Simons institute for the theory of computing
Stony Brook Foundation$5,553,104 2015Simons center for geometry and physics - building
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$5,500,000 2013The simons center for social brain at MIT
Institute For Advanced Study$5,000,000 2010Unrestricted gift for operating expenses
Institute For Advanced Study$5,000,000 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$5,000,000 2011Unrestricted gift
New York Genome Center$5,000,000 2014New york genome center gift
Stony Brook Foundation$5,000,000 2012Quasi-endowment
Stony Brook Foundation$5,000,000 2010To establish the SBF quasi-endowment fund
Stony Brook Foundation$5,000,000 2015Reimaging Stony Brook fund - challenge
Stony Brook Foundation$5,000,000 2015Reimagining Stony Brook fund - pledge
Stony Brook Foundation$5,000,000 2015Quasi-endowment
Stony Brook Foundation$5,000,000 2011Quasi-endowment
Stony Brook Foundation$5,000,000 2014Quasi-endowment
Stony Brook Foundation$5,000,000 2014Reimagining stony brook fund - challenge
Stony Brook Foundation$5,000,000 2014Reimagining stony brook fund - pledge
University of California$4,787,734 2012Lawrence Berkeley national laboratory solar energy research center (BERKELEY - REGENTS)
University of California - Berkeley Regents$4,787,734 2014Lawrence berkeley national laboratory solar energy research center (serc)
Friends of Ihes$4,666,244 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$4,596,514 2015The new simons center for the social brain
Math For America$4,500,000 2014Mfa build out support
Stony Brook Foundation$4,500,000 2010To provide support to the stony brook foundation board of trustees' special fund for presidential initiatives
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$4,381,289 2014The new simons center for the social brain
Friends of Ihes$4,294,359 2009
Science Festival Foundation$4,200,000 2012World science festival outright and matching grant
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$4,000,571 2013Understanding the genetic basis of autism
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$4,000,000 2015Genetic basis of autism
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$4,000,000 2014Genetic basis of autism
University of Hawaii$4,000,000 2014Simons collaboration on ocean processes and ecology
Yale University$3,896,750 2010To fund the research of a genome-wide search for autism genes in the Simons simplex collection
Stony Brook Foundation$3,571,428 2012Reimagining Stony Brook fund - pledge
Stony Brook Foundation$3,500,000 2006
Stony Brook Foundation$3,413,338 2011Simons center for geometry and physics building
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$3,332,095 2011Genetic basis of autism
Stony Brook Foundation$3,305,300 2006
Stony Brook Foundation$3,250,000 2006
Friends of Ihes$3,143,500 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$3,000,000 2012Support for operating expenses women in science lectures and double helix gala
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$3,000,000 2011Support for operating expenses women in science lectures and double helix gala
Science Festival Foundation$3,000,000 2014World science festival outright and matching grant
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$2,745,000 2010To support operating expenses women in science lectures and double helix gala
University of Washington$2,719,025 2011Whole exome sequencing of Simons simplex trios
Yale University$2,706,918 2011Whole exome sequencing of Simons simplex trios
Stony Brook Foundation$2,678,571 2011Reimagining Stony Brook fund - pledge
University of California - San Diego Regents$2,529,750 2013The simons array- project 1
Stony Brook Foundation$2,515,159 2012Simons math/physics operating fund
Stony Brook Foundation$2,500,001 2012Reimagining Stony Brook fund - challenge
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$2,500,000 2011New York genome center founding fee
Institute For Advanced Study$2,500,000 2012Challenge grant for Simons center for systems biology
Stony Brook Foundation$2,500,000 2011New York genome center founding fee
New York Genome Center$2,499,980 2014New york genome center
Stony Brook Foundation$2,438,816 2014Simons math/physics operating fund
Stony Brook Foundation$2,438,816 2015Simons math/physics operating fund
Stony Brook Foundation$2,402,736 2013Simons math/physics operating fund
Science Festival Foundation$2,400,000 2015World science festival outright and matching grant
Science Festival Foundation$2,400,000 2013World science festival outright and matching grant
Stony Brook Foundation$2,350,000 2010To support the Simons math/physics operating fund
Stony Brook Foundation$2,256,269 2009
New York Structural Biology Center$2,250,000 2014New york structural biology center support grant
Stony Brook Foundation$2,200,000 2011Simons math/physics operating fund
Yale University$2,110,073 2012Whole exome sequencing of Simons simplex collection quads
Friends of Ihfs$2,055,600 2008Challenge grant
Chern Medal Foundation$2,000,000 2009
Chern Medal Foundation$2,000,000 2008
Institute For Advanced Study$2,000,000 2013Simons center for systems biology
Institute For Advanced Study$2,000,000 2010To fund challenge grant for Simons Center for Systems Biology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$2,000,000 2011Unrestricted gift
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$2,000,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$2,000,000 2012Unrestricted gift
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$2,000,000 2013Unrestricted gift
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$2,000,000 2010To provide operation support to MIT
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$2,000,000 2011MIT unrestricted gift
Math For America$2,000,000 2009
Math For America$2,000,000 2008
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$2,000,000 2008Oakland/East Bay math & circles for Tea
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$2,000,000 2009
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center$2,000,000 2011Brain tumor center
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer C$2,000,000 2009
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center$2,000,000 2008Brain Tumor Center
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center$2,000,000 2010To provide operation funding to the brain tumor center
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2013The Rockefeller University hospital second century fund
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2013Unrestricted gift
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2010To fund the campaign for collaborative science
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2010To provide operation support to the university
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2008Campaign for collaborative science
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2011The Rockefeller university hospital second century fund
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2011Unrestricted gift
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2012The Rockefeller university hospital second century fund
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2012Unrestricted gift
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2009
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2009
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2007Campaign for collaborative science
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2011Campaign for collaborative science
Rockefeller University$2,000,000 2015The rockefeller university hospital second century fund (OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT)
Rockefeller University-Office of Development$2,000,000 2014The rockefeller university hospital second century fund
Woodrow Wilson Foundation$2,000,000 2015Woodrow Wilson-MIT teaching and learning lab
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$1,931,057 2012Eisenbud professor & challenge
University of Washington$1,835,440 2012Whole exome sequencing of Simons simplex collection quads
Stony Brook Foundation$1,768,579 2012Simons center for geometry and physics - building
University of Texas At Austin$1,755,000 2012Information theory & network science: modeling multiscale complex phenomena (AUSTIN)
Math For America$1,750,000 2009
Stony Brook Foundation$1,716,666 2006
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,700,795 2009
Broad Institute$1,699,790 2015Pieces of the puzzle uncovering the genetics of autism
Institute For Advanced Study$1,666,668 2010To support the joint initiative between the IAS and Rockefeller in biology
Rockefeller University$1,666,668 2010To support the joint initiative between the IAS and Rockefeller in biology
Friends of Wheels$1,664,839 2014Ihes general operating support (in euro)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,589,000 2008Funding for the Gala
Stony Brook Foundation$1,586,000 2009
Clinical Research Associates LLC$1,550,000 2014Research in autism
Emory University$1,549,665 2012Physical and clinical infrastructure for research on infants at risk for autism
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,543,858 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,543,858 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,543,858 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,543,858 2009
Math For America$1,530,000 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,500,000 2015CSHL double helix medals gala gift
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,500,000 2010To fund the research for the center for quantitative biology
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,500,000 2011Center for quantitative biology
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,500,000 2013Center for quantitative biology
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,500,000 2012Center for quantitative biology
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,500,000 2014Center for quantitative biology
Columbia University Medical Center$1,500,000 2015Annual gift to Columbia university for Wendy Chung
Institute For Advanced Study$1,500,000 2011Challenge grant for Simons center for systems biology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$1,500,000 2011Infrastructure support for autism research at MIT
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$1,500,000 2010To provide infrastructure support for autism research at MIT
Math For America$1,500,000 2009
Museum of Mathematics$1,500,000 2011Museum of mathematics pledge
Museum of Mathematics$1,500,000 2012Museum of mathematics pledge
Science Festival Foundation$1,500,000 2010To support the world science festival in 2010 and 2011
Science Festival Foundation$1,500,000 2010To support the world science festival in 2010 and 2011
Science Festival Foundation$1,500,000 2011World science festival challenge 2010 & 2011
Stony Brook Foundation$1,500,000 2011Turkana basin institute
Trustees of University$1,500,000 2014Simons chair in probability and evolutionary theory
William Marsh Rice University$1,500,000 2014Simons chair in mathematics and geoscience at rice university
University of Washington$1,495,957 2013Whole exome sequencing of Simons simplex collection quads
University of Michigan$1,493,572 2010To provide site operation support for the Simons simplex collection
Institute Des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques$1,491,976 2013IHES general operating support
University of Pittsburgh$1,465,782 2012A genome-wide search for autism genes in the Simons simplex collection
Math For America$1,420,000 2008
Friends of Wheels$1,376,345 2015IHES general operating support (in euro)
University of California$1,357,000 2012The Simons array - project 1 (SAN DIEGO - REGENTS)
Children's Hospital$1,335,122 2014Simons variation in individuals project (simons vip) functional imaging site.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,300,000 2007
The Esther A And Joseph Klingenstein Fund$1,300,000 2014Klingenstein-slmons fellowship awards in the neurosciences
The Esther A And Joseph Klingenstein Fund$1,300,000 2015Klingenstein-Simons fellowship awards in the neurosciences
The Esther A And Joseph Klingenstein Fund$1,300,000 2013Klingenstein-simons fellowship awards in the neurosciences
University of California$1,299,083 2012Simons variation in individuals project - functional imaging site (SAN FRANCISCO - REGENTS)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,250,000 2010To provide institutional support
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,250,000 2009
Stony Brook Foundation$1,250,000 2008SCGP Quasi Endowment
Stony Brook Foundation$1,250,000 2008Simons Center for Geometry & Physics
Stony Brook Foundation$1,250,000 2009
Stony Brook Foundation$1,250,000 2009
Stony Brook Foundation$1,250,000 20142014 Turkana Basin Institute Challenge Fund
Stony Brook Foundation$1,250,000 20152014 turkana basin institute challenge fund
Thirteen Wnet New York$1,250,000 2011The Charlie Rose brain series II
Institute For Advanced Study$1,249,997 2011Plans for a joint initiative between the institute for advanced study and Rockefeller university
Rockefeller University$1,249,997 2011Plans for a joint initiative between the institute for advanced study and Rockefeller university
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,225,741 2006
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,225,741 2006
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,225,741 2006
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$1,225,741 2005
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$1,200,000 2014Msri-slmons public events
Stanford University$1,176,667 2012Stanford university math+x proposal
Stony Brook Foundation$1,144,425 2005
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$1,142,798 2013Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) functional imaging site
Trustees of Columbia University$1,096,957 2015Cll autism program maternal and child infection and immunity in ASD
University of California - Santa Cruz Regents$1,056,553 2015A graph-based human reference genome structure built from a diverse sampling of the human population
Cell Motion Laboratories$1,050,000 2014Biobus + Base Harlem R&D Challenge Grant
Life Sciences Research Foundation$1,037,000 2015Life sciences research foundation fellowships
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$1,014,549 2014Molecular roots of the social brain
Columbia University Medical Center$1,000,000 20152013 Columbia endowment
Columbia University Medical Center$1,000,000 20142013 columbia endowment
Foundation Associates LLC$1,000,000 2014Network of brain tissue collection centers for research activities
Head Royce School$1,000,000 2007
Head Royce School$1,000,000 2008
Leonia Middle School Home And School Association$1,000,000 2010To support the non-partisan civic engagement program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$1,000,000 2000
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$1,000,000 2003
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$1,000,000 2002
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$1,000,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$1,000,000 2008Mathematics department
Math Sciences Research Institute$1,000,000 2005
Museum of Mathematics$1,000,000 2010To fund the museum of mathematics pledge
National Center For Civic Innovation$1,000,000 2015100kin10 stem fund gift
Rockefeller University$1,000,000 2003
Rockefeller University$1,000,000 2004Support for education
Rockefeller University$1,000,000 2002
Rockefeller University$1,000,000 2005
Science Festival Foundation$1,000,000 2009
Stony Brook University$1,000,000 2012Turkana basin institute
Trustees of Columbia University$1,000,000 20132013 Columbia endowment
Hugo W Moser Research Institute At Kennedy Krieger$999,816 2010To fund the research of accelerating autism research through the interactive autism network
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$999,172 2014A gene-driven systems approach to identifying autism pathology
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$998,627 2015A gene-driven systems approach to identifying autism pathology (CONTRACTS AND GRANTS-)
Yale University$985,086 2011A genome-wide search for autism genes in the Simons simplex collection
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$983,745 2015Molecular roots of the social brain
Yale University$965,583 2009
Yale University$965,583 2009
Yale University$965,583 2009
Autism Consortium$952,306 2013Autism consortium support
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$943,855 2007
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$943,855 2007
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$943,855 2006
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$943,855 2007
University of Washington$921,123 2015Mass spectrometry instrumentation for marine microbial metabolomics
Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai$900,528 2014A clinical pilot study examining bilateral inhibition of the lateral habenula
Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai$889,693 2013A clinical pilot study examining bilateral inhibition of the lateral habenula as a target for deep brain stimulation in intractable depression
Columbia University$869,988 2010To provide site operation support for the Simons simplex collection
Stanford University$833,333 2011Stanford university math+ proposal
Stony Brook Foundation$833,333 2007Simons center for geometry & physics
Stony Brook Foundation$833,333 2007Simons center for geometry & physics
Stony Brook Foundation$833,333 2007Simons center for geometry & physics
Stony Brook Foundation$833,333 2007Simons center for geometry & physics
Stony Brook Foundation$833,333 2008Simons Fund
Stony Brook Foundation$833,333 2008Simons Fund
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$820,597 2014Simons variation in individuals project (vip) functional imaging site
Rockefeller University$820,059 2010To fund the research for the proposal to define cells and circuits impacted in autism spectrum disorders
Hugo W Moser Research Institute At Kennedy Krieger$807,640 2014Interactive autism network core and simons simplex collection registry
University of Southern California$800,000 2010To fund the research of functional consequences of disrupted met signaling
University of Southern California$800,000 2011Functional consequences of disrupted met signaling
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$780,897 2014Eisenbud professor & challenge
Emory University$774,593 2012Simons variation in individuals project
Emory University$772,347 2010To fund the research of a comprehensive genetic variation detection to assess the role of the x chromosome in autism
Children's Hospital$768,296 2012Simons variation in individuals project
Stony Brook Foundation$756,000 2010To support the SBF digestive diseases research tissue procurement facility fund
Autism Consortium$750,346 2012Autism consortium
Columbia University Medical Center$750,000 2014Annual gift to Columbia University for Wendy Chung
Foundacion Cardio Borders$750,000 2004Support for medical projects
Mathematical Association of America$750,000 2014Identification and cultivation of exceptional mathematical talent through if
New England Aquarium$750,000 2002
Science Festival Foundation$750,000 2008World Science Festival
Stanford University$750,000 2012Function and dysfunction of neuroligins in synaptic circuits
Stony Brook Foundation$750,000 2008Turkana Basin Institute
Stony Brook Foundation$750,000 2008Turkana Basin Institute
University of California San Francisco$750,000 2010To fund the research to study the role of a novel wnt-dvl-dact-p120caten in pathway in autism spectrum disorders
University of Texas, Austin$741,991 2015Information theory & network science modeling multiscale complex phenomena
Children's Hospital$736,449 2012Simons variation in individuals project - functional imaging site
Stony Brook Foundation$733,334 2006
University of Michigan$721,000 2004Research/Education
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$710,673 2008Dr. Wigler
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$703,755 2013Eisenbud professor & challenge (MSRI-)
Hugo W Moser Research Institute At Kennedy Krieger$702,992 2015Interactive autism network core and simons simplex collection registry
Stony Brook Foundation$700,000 2007Funding for the Gala
University of Michigan$697,349 2007Simons simplex collection site
Rockefeller University$685,000 2015Institute for advanced study (IAS)/rockefeller university joint initiative in qualitative biology- institutional support pt II
Rockefeller University$685,000 2014Institute for advanced study (ias)/rockefeller university joint initiative in qi
Children's Hospital$674,101 2011Simons variation in individuals project site
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$670,673 2008Dr. Wigler
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$670,673 2007
Rockefeller University$669,298 2011A proposal to define cells and circuits impacted in autism spectrum disorders
Friends of Ihes$667,000 2005
University of California$658,984 2012The Simons array - project 2 (BERKELEY - REGENTS)
Geisinger Clinic Weis Center For Research$651,290 2014Simons variation in individuals project (vip) recruitment core and phase 2 c
Math For America$650,000 2007
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$630,673 2008Dr. Wigler
Princeton University$625,000 2015Neural circuit dynamics during cognition
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$625,000 2013The simons fund for visiting scientists at the kavli institute of theoretical physics
Children's Hospital Boston$624,864 2013Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) site
California Institute of Technology$620,305 2010To fund the research of autism and the insula: genomic and neural circuits primate autism model based on maternal infection
Friends of Ihes$620,250 2004Support for education
University of Washington$616,368 2011Genomic hotspots of autism
Life Sciences Research Foundation$610,000 2014Life sciences research foundation fellowships
Cold Spring Harbor Rowing Association$600,000 2004Support for scientific projects
Learning Spring Elementary School$600,000 2006
Math For America$600,000 2008
Math For America$600,000 2008
Math Science Research Institute$600,000 2003
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$600,000 2013MSRI-simons public events
Rockefeller University$600,000 2015The rockefeller university celebrating science benefit
Stony Brook Foundation$600,000 2009
University of California$600,000 2011Role of a novel wnt-dvi-dact-p120catenin pathway in autism spectrum disorders (SAN FRANCISCO)
Yale University$599,992 2010To fund the model diagnostic lab to study infants at risk for autism
Yale University$598,600 2004Support for scientific projects
University of California - Berkeley Regents$591,215 2014The simons array- project 2
Wgbh Educational Foundation$588,364 2013NOVA the great math mystery
University of Washington$588,027 2010To fund the research of genomic hotspots of autism
University of California - Berkeley Regents$587,563 2013The simons array- project 2
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$584,291 2010To fund the Eisenbud professor & challenge (MSRI-)
Stanford University$582,310 2014Dissecting the origins of food-related autoimmune disorders
Stanford University$581,327 2015Dissecting the origins of food-related autoimmune disorders
University of California$565,183 2011Atypical architecture of prefrontal cortex in young children with autism (SAN DIEGO)
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$556,131 2011Chern centennial
Stony Brook School$555,000 2000
University of California$550,000 2008Helios Research Fund (REGENTS)
University of California$550,000 2008Liz Simons and Mark Heising (REGENTS)
Stanford University$548,381 2014Scientific neuroimaging sharing and transparency- core
Kennedy Krieger Institute$546,402 2015Interactive autism network (IAN)
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute A Division of Kaiser Foundation Hospitals$544,804 2015ASD family biobank program
Emory University$544,130 2011Simons variation in individuals project
Yale University$536,779 2013Whole exome sequencing of Simons simplex collection quads
Yale University$532,375 2012Brain behavior growth charts of altered social engagement in ASD infants
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$526,436 2011Studies on the mechanism of deep brain stimulation for the relief of intractable depression
Strategic Education Research Partnership Institute$526,139 2015SERP improving science teaching and learning in the middle grades (word generation science) (SERP-)
Vanderbilt University$516,490 2011Simons simplex collection site
Institute For Advanced Study$515,000 2015Institute for advanced study (IAS)/Rockefeller university joint initiative in qualitative biology- institutional support pt 1
Institute For Advanced Study$515,000 2014Institute for advanced study (ias)/rockefeller university joint initiative in qi
Yale University$514,837 2010To provide site operation support for the Simons simplex collection
University of California$513,646 2012Simons variation in individuals project - core neuroimaging support site (SAN FRANCISCO - REGENTS)
University of Missouri, Columbia$512,224 2010To provide site operation support for the Simons simplex collection
Leland Stanford Junior University$510,000 2014Stanford university math+x proposal
Leland Stanford Junior University$510,000 2015Stanford university math+X proposal
Stanford University$510,000 2013Stanford university math+x proposal
University of Washington$508,680 2013Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) site
California Institute of Technology$506,341 2011Autism and the insula: genomic and neural circuits
Umacc$505,887 2008SSC
Broad Institute$504,821 2014Accelerating autism genetics via whole population ascertainment in denmc
Baylor University$500,811 2011Simons variation in individuals project site (COLLEGE OF MEDICINE)
American University of Beirut$500,000 2010To fund chair in mathematics
American University of Beirut$500,000 2009
American University of Beirut$500,000 2008
Center For Public Interest Research$500,000 2009
Children's Hospital$500,000 2012RNA expression studies in autism spectrum disorders
Children's Hospital$500,000 2011Rna expression studies in autism spectrum disorders
Churchill School And Center$500,000 2004Support for education
Churchill School And Center$500,000 2003
Churchill School And Center$500,000 2002
Energy Foundation$500,000 2007
Energy Foundation$500,000 2007
Foundation For National Institutes of Health$500,000 2015Consortium on biomarker and outcome measures of social impairment for use in clinical trials in autism spectrum disorder
Friends of Ihes$500,000 2003
Head Royce School$500,000 2006
Head Royce School$500,000 2006
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2007Center for System Biology
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2007Center for System Biology
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2007Center for System Biology
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2007Center for system biology
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2011Wolfensohn commemorative fund
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2008Center for system for biology
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2008Center for system for biology
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2008Center for system for biology
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2008Center for system for biology
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2006
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2006
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2006
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2006
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2010To provide operation funding for center for systems biology
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2010To provide support to the Wolfensohn commemorative fund
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2012Wolfensohn commemorative fund
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2008Wolfensohn Fund
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2006
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$500,000 2005
Learning Spring$500,000 2005
Martin M Feuer M D Education$500,000 2002
Martin M. Feuer M.D. Education Foundation$500,000 2000
Math For America$500,000 2007
Math For America$500,000 2007
Math For America$500,000 2007
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$500,000 2015Visiting professorships postdoc and senior participants support (MSRI-)
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$500,000 2014Visiting professorships postdoc and senior participants support
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$500,000 2013Visiting professorships postdoc and senior participants support
National Center For Civic Innovation$500,000 2014100kin10 gift
National Center For Civic Innovation$500,000 2014100kin10 stem fund gift
Nautilusthink$500,000 2014Nautilus magazine gift
New England Aquarium$500,000 2000
New England Aquarium$500,000 2000
New York Stem Cell Foundation$500,000 2015The New York stem cell foundation (NYSCF) operating fund
Newyork Public Radio$500,000 2014New york public radio/wnyc health project gift
Science Festival Foundation$500,000 2011World science festival pledge 2010 & 2011
Science Festival Foundation$500,000 2009
Science Festival Foundation$500,000 2009
Science Festival Foundation$500,000 2009
Science Friday Initiative$500,000 2014Science friday education series gift
Stony Brook Foundation$500,000 2010To provide operation funding to Turkana Basin institute
Stony Brook Foundation$500,000 2009
Stony Brook Foundation$500,000 2009
Stony Brook Foundation$500,000 2006
Stony Brook Foundation$500,000 2006
Thirteen Wnet New York$500,000 2010To support the marketing and production of Charlie Rose Brain series (J. TISCH-)
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$500,000 2014The simons fund for visiting scientists at the kavli institute of theoretical pt-
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$500,000 2015The simons fund for visiting scientists at the kavli institute of theoretical physics
University of California Regents$500,000 2007Helios research fund
Harvard University$497,000 2015Exoplanets and the planetary origins of life
Emory University$495,394 2010To provide site operation support for the Simons simplex collection
University of Michigan$494,000 2005
Duke University$490,000 2010To fund the research for the role of ube3a in neocortical plasticity and function
Bradley Hospital$488,793 2015Rhode Island population and genetics study of autism and intellectual disability
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$486,802 2013A functional genomic analysis of the cerebral cortex
Children's Hospital Boston$483,393 2010To provide site operation support for the Simons simplex collection
Math For America$479,000 2006
University of California, Los Angeles$478,332 2010To provide site operation support for the Simons simplex collection
Math For America$474,781 2007
Baylor University$466,763 2012Simons variation in individuals project (COLLEGE OF MEDICINE)
University of Washington$465,813 2011Simons variation in individuals project site
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine$464,601 2010To fund the research and study of the role of contactin-associated protein-like 2 (cntnap2) and other novel genes in autism
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$461,888 2008Dr. Alea Mills
Baylor College of Medicine$457,644 2010To provide site operation support for the Simons simplex collection
Hugo W Moser Research Institute At Kennedy Krieger$453,738 2013Accelerating autism research through the interactive autism network (IAN core)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$452,108 2012Studies on the mechanism of deep brain stimulation for the relief of intractable depression
Posse Foundation$450,000 2014Posse stem program gift
Stanford University$450,000 2013Function and dysfunction of neurohgins in synaptic circuits
Stanford University$450,000 2011Function and dysfunction of neuroligins in isynaptlc circuits
Emory University$449,353 2013Physical and clinical infrastructure for research on infants at risk for autism
University of Washington$445,508 2010To provide site operation support for the Simons simplex collection
Stanford University$444,008 2012Canonical neural computation in autism spectrum disorders
Institute Des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques$443,754 2015IHES general operating support
Northeastern University$441,100 2014Home-based system for biobehavioral recording of individuals with autism
Yale University$439,894 2007Simons simplex collection site
Yale University$439,218 2009
Yale University$439,163 2010To fund the physical and clinical infrastructure for research on infants-at-risk for autism at Yale
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$438,944 2015Seeking evidence of earth's earliest biogeochemical cycles
Children's Hospital$437,500 2012Mitochondria and the etiology of autism
Stanford University$437,397 2015Development of genetic methods for aiptasia a model system for coral biology
University of Washington$436,833 2012Simons variation in individuals project
Stanford University$436,362 2012Mesocorticolimbic dopamine circuitry in mouse models of autism
Geisinger Clinic Weis Center For Research$436,237 2015Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) recruitment core and phase 2 coordination site
University of Texas At Austin$434,883 2012Mechanisms of synapse elimination by autism-linked genes (DALLAS - SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER)
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$434,182 2013Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) core neuroimaging support site
Princeton University$430,883 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- director
New Venture Fund$430,000 2015Science philanthropy alliance
Bradley Hospital$428,129 2014Rhode island population and genetics study of autism and intellectual dlsabl
Umacc$427,400 2009
Harvard University$425,000 2014Exoplanets and the planetary origins of life
University of California - San Diego Regents$420,500 2014The simons array- project 1
Children's Hospital$419,819 2013Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) functional imaging site
Columbia University$418,711 2011The implications of autism genetic research and autism-related stigma
Columbia University$418,711 2012The implications of autism genetic research and autism-related stigma (TRUSTEES)
Kennedy Krieger Institute$417,500 2012Simons simplex community at the interactive autism network (HUGO W. MOSER RESEARCH INSTITUTE)
Guerilla Science$417,000 2015Guerilla science outreach
Institute For Advanced Study$416,667 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$416,667 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$416,667 2009
Rockefeller University$416,667 2009
Rockefeller University$416,667 2009
Rockefeller University$416,667 2009
University of Pennsylvania$416,495 2013Comprehensive phenotyping of mouse autism models
Stanford University$415,282 2013Dissecting the origins of food-related autoimmune disorders
University of Texas, Austin$405,509 2013Information theory & network science modeling multiscale complex phenomena
University of Washington$404,727 2007Simons simplex collection site
University of Michigan$402,144 2011Simons simplex collection site (REGENTS)
University of Cambridge$400,560 2015Search for planets eclipsing ultra-cool stars
Autism Speaks$400,000 2006
Baylor College of Medicine$400,000 2010To fund the research to study postmortem brain searching for epigenetic defects causing autism
Columbia University$400,000 2010To fund the research of genomic imbalances at the 22q11 locus and predisposition to autism
Harvard University$400,000 2015Studies in the chemistry of elementary processes in peribiotic earth
Instituto Nacional De MatemãTica Pura E Aplicada$400,000 2011Impa chairs
Instituto Nacional De Matematica Pura E Aplicada$400,000 2014Impa chairs
Instituto Nacional De Matematica Pura E Aplicada$400,000 2013IMPA chairs
Instituto Nacional De Matematica Pura E Aplicada$400,000 2012Impa chairs
Johns Hopkins University$400,000 2011Integrative genetic analysis of autism brain tissue (SCHOOL OF MEDICINE)
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine$400,000 2010To fund the research of integrative genetic analysis of autistic brains
Massachusetts General Hospital$400,000 2014The origin of cellular life (THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORP-)
Massachusetts General Hospital$400,000 2015The origin of cellular life (THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION)
Massachusetts General Hospital$400,000 2010To fund the research to study genome-wide analyses of DNA methylation in autism
Massachusetts General Hospital$400,000 2010To fund the research to study the recurrent genetic cause of autism
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$400,000 2010To fund the research of synaptic and circuitry mechanisms of repetitive behaviors in autism
Math For America$400,000 2007
Math Science Research Institute$400,000 2003
Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology$400,000 2015Prebiotic systems chemistry
Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center$400,000 2014Planetary context for origin of life experiments
Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center$400,000 2015Planetary context for origin of life experiments
Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center$400,000 2013Planetary context for origin of life experiments
Scripps Research Institute$400,000 2014Prebiotic chemistry and origins of biological homochirality
Scripps Research Institute$400,000 2014Self-sustained evolution of rna
Scripps Research Institute$400,000 2015Self-sustained evolution of RNA
Scripps Research Institute$400,000 2015Prebiotic chemistry and origins of biological homochirality
Ss Chern Foundation For Mathematical Research$400,000 2010To provide support to the chern medal
Stony Brook Foundation$400,000 2004Funding for the Gala
University of Southern California$400,000 2012Functional consequences of disrupted met signaling
University of Texas At Austin$400,000 2012Mouse models of human autism spectrum disorders gene targeting in specific brain regions (DALLAS - SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER)
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center$400,000 2010To fund the research of mouse models of human autism spectrum disorders: gene targeting in specific brain regions
Vanderbilt University$400,000 2012A genome-wide search for autism genes in the SSC Vanderbilt (MEDICAL CENTER)
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical Research$399,999 2010To fund the research to study zebrafish and chemical screening to define function of autism genes
University of California - San Diego Regents$399,146 2013Relating copy number variants to head and brain size in neuropsychiatry disorders
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$396,381 2009
Children's Hospital$395,734 2011Electrophysiological metabolic and behavioral markers of infants at risk
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$385,668 2015Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) functional imaging site (CONTRACTS AND GRANTS-)
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$385,000 2015Mathematical sciences research institute national math festival (MSRI-)
Trustees of University$382,500 2015Simons chair in probability and evolutionary theory
University of Texas, Austin$382,500 2014Information theory & network science modeling multiscale complex phen
William Marsh Rice University$382,500 2015Simons chair in mathematics and geoscience at rice university
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical Research$379,143 2015Mouse-human chimeras a novel platform to study human disease
Children's Hospital Boston$378,751 2010To fund the research of electrophysiological metabolic and behavioral markers of infants at risk
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$378,408 2005
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$378,408 2005
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$378,408 2005
Stony Brook Foundation$376,060 2014Simons center for geometry and physics - building
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$375,000 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$375,000 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$375,000 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$375,000 2009
Kennedy Krieger Institute$375,000 2011Simons simplex community at the interactive autism network (ssc@ian) (HUGO W. MOSER RESEARCH INSTITUTE)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2010To fund the research of neural and cognitive mechanisms of autism
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2005
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2008Neural and Cognitive Mechanisms of Autism
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2008Neural and Cognitive Mechanisms of Autism
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2008Neural and Cognitive Mechanisms of Autism
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2008Neural and Cognitive Mechanisms of Autism
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2007Neural and cognitive mechanisms of austim
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2007Neural and cognitive mechanisms of austim
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2007Neural and cognitive mechanisms of autism
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2007Neural and cognitive mechanisms of autism
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$375,000 2009
New York University$375,000 2015Cortical mechanisms of multistable perception
University of California$375,000 2012The Simons fund for visiting scientists at the Kavli institute of theoretical physics (SANTA BARBARA - REGENTS)
Research Foundation For Mental Hygiene$374,835 2010To fund the research and identification of aberrantly methylated genes in autism: the role of advanced paternal age
University of California$374,659 2011Relating copy number variants to head and brain size in neuropsychiatric disorders (SAN DIEGO)
Broad Institute$374,636 2014Pieces of the puzzle uncovering the genetics of autism
Stanford University$374,383 2010To fund the research to study the function and dysfunction of neuroligins
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$374,272 2014Seeking evidence of earthis earliest biogeochemical cycles
Emory University$372,288 2013Simons variation in individuals protect (simons VIP)
Perimeter Institute$372,003 2015It from qubit quantum fields gravity and information
University of California$368,786 2011Simons variation in individuals project core neuroimaging support site (SAN FRANCISCO)
University of Washington$368,757 2014Autism subtypes by gene charactenzation
Museum of Mathematics$368,674 2012Momath amateur math lecture series (math encounters)
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical Research$368,100 2014Mouse-human chimeras a novel platform to study human disease
Columbia University$367,967 2007Simons simplex collection site
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine$366,308 2010To fund the research and investigation of the role of MET kinase in autism
University of Illinois$362,405 2007Simons simplex collection site
Children's Hospital$361,824 2011Finding recessive genes for autism spectrum disorders
Autism Science Foundation$360,525 2013Building awareness of the value of brain tissue donation for Autism research
Research Institute of Mcgill University Health Centre$360,484 2010To provide site operation support for the Simons simplex collection
Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai$360,000 2010To fund the research to study the role of shank3 in autism spectrum disorders
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center$356,840 2010To fund the research to study the relevance of npas1/3 balance to autism and schizophrenia
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine$353,610 2014Sequencing female-enriched multiplex autism families (femfs)
Northeastern University$353,250 2013Home-based system for biobehavioral recording of individuals with autism
Trustees of Columbia University$352,277 2013The implications of autism genetic research and autism-related stigma
Research Foundation of Suny- Suny At Stony Brook$350,814 2013Autism GL symptoms and the enteric microbiota
Children's Hospital$350,000 2013Mitochondria and the etiology of autism
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$350,000 201116p11.2: defining the genets responsible
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$350,000 201216p11 2 defining the gene(s) responsible
Cornell University$350,000 2014Arxiv operating grant
Cornell University$350,000 2015Arxiv operating grant
Friends of Ihes$350,000 2002
Genspace$350,000 2015Genspace infrastructure gift
Harvard University$350,000 2014Studies in the chemistry of elementary processes in peri biotic ear
Hugo W Moser Research Institute At Kennedy Krieger$350,000 2013Interactive autism network core and simons simplex collection registry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$350,000 2011Dissecting the circuitry basis of autistic-like behaviors in mice
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$350,000 2012Dissecting the circuitry basis of autistic-like behaviors in mice
University of California$350,000 2011Whole-exome sequencing to identify causative genes for autism (SAN DIEGO)
University of California$350,000 2012Whole-exome sequencing to identify causative genes for autism (SAN DIEGO - REGENTS)
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$350,000 2011Small-molecule compounds for treating autism spectrum disorders (CHAPEL HILL)
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$350,000 2012Small molecule compounds for treating autism spectrum disorders (CHAPEL HILL)
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical Research$350,000 2013Genetically defined stem cell models of rett and Fragile X Syndrome
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical Research$350,000 2012Genetically defined stem cell models of Rett and fragile x syndrome
Wiki Education Foundation$350,000 2015Year of science
Children's Hospital$349,999 2012Finding recessive genes for autism spectrum disorders
Stanford University$349,295 2013Mesocorticolimbic dopamine circuitry in mouse models of autism
University of Michigan$349,000 2004Research/Education
Mcgill University$348,206 2007
Children's Hospital Boston$345,422 2007
Emory University$344,730 2007Simons simplex collection site
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$342,454 2010To fund the research to study the regulation of synaptogenesis by cyclin-dependent kinase 5
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine$341,358 2007Simons simplex collection site
Governors of University$340,554 2013Genomic influences on development and outcomes in infants at risk for autism
Umacc$339,134 2009
Rockefeller University$336,872 2012A proposal to define cells and circuits impacted in autism spectrum disorders
California Institute of Technology$335,155 2010To fund the research of a non-human primate autism model based on material infection
University of California$335,103 2012Atypical architecture of prefrontal cortex in young children with autism (SAN DIEGO - REGENTS)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$330,774 2010To fund the research of cellular and molecular alterations in GABAergic inhibitor circuits by mutations in MeCP2
Baylor College of Medicine$330,439 2013A trial of carnitine therapy in TMLHE deficiency and non-dysmorphic Autism
Museum of Mathematics$329,245 2013MoMath amateur math lecture series (math encounters)
Baylor College of Medicine$329,106 2009
Baylor College of Medicine$329,106 2009
Baylor College of Medicine$329,106 2009
Children's Hospital Boston$328,913 2014Simons variation in individuals project (vip) site
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$325,000 2014Just add science gift
Stony Brook Foundation$324,000 2011Sbf digestive diseases research tissue procurement facility fund
University of California$322,286 2012Relating copy number variants to head and brain size in neuropsychiatry disorders (SAN DIEGO - REGENTS)
University of California$320,196 2011Simons variation in individuals project functional imaging site (SAN FRANCISCO)
University of Oxford$320,076 2011Functional genomic dissection of language-related disorders
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet$319,300 2015Nonequilibrium mechanisms for the biogenesis of life
University of Washington$318,824 2015Autism subtypes by gene characterization
Baylor College of Medicine$316,306 2013Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) site
California Institute of Technology$315,526 2010To fund the testing of neurological models of autism
University of Michigan$313,000 2004Research/Education
Harvard University$312,501 2012The role of ube3a in autism (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Johns Hopkins University$312,500 2012The role of glutamate receptor interacting proteins in autism
Stanford University$312,500 2010To fund the research to study the probing a monogenic form of autism from molecules to behavior
Harvard Medical School$311,292 2010To fund the study of perturbed activity-dependent plasticity mechanisms in autism
University of Missouri, Columbia$311,075 2011Simons simplex collection site
Harvard Medical School$309,958 2014Sequencing 250 genomes from 125 diverse populations
Children's Hospital$309,295 2015Simons variation in individuals project (Simons VIP) functional imaging site and structural imaging/phenotyping site
University of Cambridge$308,245 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
Iridescent$307,352 2015Stem curiosity machine project
Life Sciences Research Foundation$305,000 2013Life sciences research foundation fellowships
Yale University$304,231 2013Brain-behavior growth charts of altered social engagement in ASD infants
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$304,141 2013MPE2013-simons public lecture series
Children's Hospital$303,305 2011Simons variation in individuals project functional imaging site
Vanderbilt University$302,807 2011A genome-wide search for autism genes in the Simons simplex collection (MEDICAL CENTER)
University of Washington$302,353 2014Simons variation in individuals project (vip) site
Maine Medical Center$301,273 2014Characterizing the severely affected autism population
Massachusetts General Hospital$301,087 2011Control of synaptic protein synthesis in the pathogenesis and therapy of autism
Broad Institute$300,850 2014Role of the 16p112 cnv in autism genetic cognitive and synaptic/circuit an
All Kinds of Minds Institute$300,000 2004Support for education
All Kinds of Minds Institute$300,000 2003
All Kinds of Minds Institute$300,000 2005
All Kinds of Minds Institute$300,000 2004Support for education
Autism Consortium$300,000 2011Autism consortium
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$300,000 2012Alterations in brain-wide neuroanatomy in autism mouse models
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$300,000 2014Alterations in brain-wide neuroanatomy in autism mouse models
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$300,000 2013Alterations in brain wide neuroanatomy in autism mouse models
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$300,000 2009
Columbia University$300,000 2007Young Investigator awards
Columbia University$300,000 2006
Columbia University$300,000 2011Aberrant synaptic form and function due to tsc-mtor-related mutation in autism spectrum disorders
Columbia University$300,000 2012Aberrant synaptic form and function due to TSC-motor-related mutation in autism spectrum disorders (TRUSTEES)
Columbia University$300,000 2011Investigating the effects of chromosome 22q11.2 deletions
Columbia University$300,000 2012Investigating the effects of chromosome 22q11 2 deletions (MEDICAL CENTER)
Columbia University Medical Center$300,000 2015Higher-level olfactory processing
Institute For Advanced Study$300,000 2005
Institute For Advanced Study$300,000 2006
Institute For Advanced Study$300,000 2003
Institute For Advanced Study$300,000 2002
Institute For Advanced Study$300,000 2004Support for education
King's College London$300,000 2014Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - director real materlc
King's College London$300,000 2015Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - director real materials group
Math For America$300,000 2007
National Museum of Mathematics$300,000 2015Momath masters tournament gift
National Public Radio$300,000 2014Npris joeis big idea series gift
Rockefeller University$300,000 2008Joshua Lederberg Professorship
Scripps Research Institute$300,000 2013Prebiotic chemistry and origins of biological homochirality
Scripps Research Institute$300,000 2013Self-sustained evolution of RNA
Stony Brook Foundation$300,000 2011Employee loan program
Stony Brook Foundation$300,000 2008Simons Summer Research Program
Stony Brook Foundation$300,000 2008Simons Center for Geometry & Physics
Thirteen Wnet New York$300,000 2011International summit on the teaching profession/celebration of teaching & learning
University of California$300,000 2012Role of a novel wnt-dvl-dact-p120catenin pathway in autism spectrum disorders (SAN FRANCISCO - REGENTS)
University of Texas At Austin$300,000 2011Mouse models of human autism spectrum disorders' gene targeting in specific brain regions (DALLAS - SOUTHWESTERN)
Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology$299,983 2014Prebiotic systems chemistry
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$299,911 2011Fritz Henn research support
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$298,854 2015The global genomic diversity of prochlorococcus
Math For America$298,000 2006
Harvard University$296,946 2013Sequencing 250 genomes from 125 diverse populations
Massachusetts General Hospital$294,937 2012Control of synaptic protein synthesis in the pathogenesis and therapy of autism
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$294,021 2015The refugio oil spill as a microbial laboratory
American Mathematical Society$294,000 2015AMS-Simons travel grants
American Mathematical Society$294,000 2013AMS-Simons travel grants
American Mathematical Society$294,000 2014AMS-Simons Travel Grants
Yale University$292,163 2010To fund the research to study longitudinal neurogenetics of atypical social brain development in autism
Yale University$292,163 2011Longitudinal neurogenetics of atypical social brain development in autism
Northeastern University$291,480 2015Home-based system for biobehavioral recording of individuals with autism
University of Pennsylvania$291,461 2010To fund the Simons simplex collection study
University of Michigan$291,000 2005
Birkbeck College$290,707 2014Developing fnirs as a brain function indicator in at-risk infants
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$289,633 2010To fund the research to study novel models to define the genetic basis of autism
Rockefeller University$289,389 2014Platform for autism treatments from exome analysis
University of California$288,527 2007Simons simplex collection site
University of Oxford$287,318 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
University of Washington$285,856 2015Genetic basis of phenotypic variability in 16p11 2 deletion or duplication
Washington University$284,190 2007Simons simplex collection site
University of Washington$281,679 2014Genetic basis of phenotypic variability in 16p11 2 deletion or duplication
Stanford University$281,028 2015Decoding affective prosody and communication circuits in autism
New York University$280,480 2015Neural and cognitive discoordination in autism-related mouse models
University of California Los Angele$279,489 2009
Tsinghua Education Foundation$279,000 2005
University of California$277,643 2011Simons simplex collection site (LOS ANGELES)
New York University$277,072 2014Neural and cognitive discoordlnation in autism-related mouse models
Maine Medical Center$276,538 2015Characterzing the severely affected autism population
University of California - San Diego Regents$275,696 2014Mutations in noncoding dna and the missing heritability of autism
University of Washington$275,599 2015Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) site
Umacc$275,400 2009
University of Michigan$275,329 2009
Cornell University$275,000 2013Arxiv operating grant
New Venture Fund$275,000 2013Science philanthropy alliance
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$275,000 2011Genetic studies of autism-related drosophila neurexin and neuroligin (CHAPEL HILL)
Stanford University$274,920 2013Scientific neuroimaging sharing and transparency- core
New York Harbor Foundation$274,000 2015Billion Oyster project is public engagement initiative
Emory University$273,472 2012Growth charts of altered social engagement in infants with autism
Stanford University$273,462 2015Scientific neuroimaging sharing and transparency- core
Children's Hospital$273,152 2012Electrophysiological metabolic and behavioral markers of infants at risk
Math For America$272,146 2005
Autism Speaks$270,000 2006
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical Research$270,000 2013Mouse-human chimeras a novel platform to study human disease
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$268,210 2015Linking cortical circuit dysfunction and abnormal behavior in genetic mouse models of autism
Regents of University$266,000 2014Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - director tensor net (IRVINE-)
Regents of University$266,000 2015Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - director tensor networks group (IRVINE-)
Regents of University$266,000 2015Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - director Monte Carlo group
Regents of University$266,000 2014Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - director monte carlo
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$263,959 2014Simons variation in individuals project (vip) core neuroimaging support site
Oregon Health And Science University$263,892 2015Investigating the role of somatic mutations in autism spectrum disorders
Research Foundation of State University$263,666 2014Autism gastrointestinal symptoms and the enteric microblota (SUNY AT STONY BROOK)
Columbia University Medical Center$263,317 2014Simons variation in individuals project (vip) principal investigator
Columbia University$263,303 2010To fund the research for characterizing ASD phenotypes by multimedia signal and natural language processing
Emory University$262,500 2013Identifying the gene in 17q12 responsible for neuropsychiatry phenotypes
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$261,258 2012Chern centennial
University of Washington$261,033 2012Genomic hotspots of autism
Children's Hospital$260,788 2013Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) structural imaging and phenotyping site - SCAP-local
Cornell University$260,432 2015Spectral fingerprints of habitable planets
Institute Des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques$259,377 2012IHES general operating support
Rockefeller University$259,025 2013Fragile X syndrome target analysis and its contribution to autism
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$258,358 2014Linking cortical circuit dysfunction and abnormal behavior in genetic mouse
University of California$256,413 2012A functional genomic analysis of the cerebral cortex (LOS ANGELES - REGENTS)
University of Illinois$256,355 2013Molecular roots of the social brain (URBANA CHAMPAIGN)
Emory University$254,949 2008Dr. Stephen T. Warren
Emory University$254,949 2008Dr. Stephen T. Warren
Emory University$254,949 2008Dr. Stephen Warren
Emory University$254,949 2009
Emory University$254,949 2009
Emory University$254,949 2009
Emory University$254,949 2009
California Institute of Technology$254,696 2012Autism and the insula genomic and neural circuits
University of Akron$252,532 2014Potential role of minerals in protocell evolution
Emory University$252,345 2014Prenatal folic acid and risk for autism spectrum disorders
Stanford University$250,874 2015Synergy between genetic risk and placental vulnerability to immune events
Harvard University$250,466 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Harvard University$250,001 2013The role of UBE3A in autism
American Academy of Arts And Sciences$250,000 2011Stem education
American Academy of Arts And Sciences$250,000 2010To provide operation support to the stem education project
Beth Israel Foundation$250,000 2003
Beth Israel Medical Center$250,000 2002
Beth Israel Medical Center Cchh$250,000 2004Support for medical projects
Bipartisan Policy Center$250,000 2010Unrestricted gift for operating expenses
California Institute of Technology$250,000 2015A probiotic therapy for autism
California Institute of Technology$250,000 2015Neural computation of innate defensive behavioral decisions
Case Western Reserve University$250,000 2015Molecular and pharmacological rescue of 16p11 del phenotype with MAPK/ERK inhibitor in mice
Case Western Reserve University$250,000 2014Molecular and pharmacological rescue of 16p11 del phenotype with mapki
Children's Hospital$250,000 2012Corticothalamic circuit interactions in autism
Children's Hospital Boston$250,000 2010To fund the research of RNA expression studies in autism spectrum disorders
Children's Hospital Boston$250,000 2013RNA expression studies in autism spectrum disorders
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$250,000 20132013 annual fund
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$250,000 2010Unrestricted gift for operating expenses
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$250,000 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$250,000 2015Center for quantitative biology
Columbia University$250,000 2004Research Funding
Columbia University$250,000 2006
Columbia University$250,000 2005
Duke University$250,000 2013Understanding copy number variants associated with autism
Duke University Medical Center$250,000 2014Understanding copy number variants associated with autism
Energy Foundation$250,000 2007
Energy Foundation$250,000 2007
Energy Foundation$250,000 2008Elizabeth Simons & Mark Heising
Energy Foundation$250,000 2008Elizabeth Simons & Mark Heising
Energy Foundation$250,000 2008Elizabeth Simons & Mark Heising
Energy Foundation$250,000 2008Elizabeth Simons & Mark Heising
Fundacion Cardio Infantile$250,000 2003
Johns Hopkins University Center For Talented Youth$250,000 2014Jhu-cty gift (JHU-CTY-)
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine$250,000 2015Understanding brain disorders related to the 15q11 2 chromosomal region
Massachusetts General Hospital$250,000 2012Retrograde synaptic signaling by neurexin and neuroligin in c elegans
Massachusetts General Hospital$250,000 2011Retrograde synaptic signaling by neurexm and neuroligin in c. elegans
Massachusetts General Hospital$250,000 2015Translational dysregulation in autism pathogenesis and therapy (THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION)
Massachusetts General Hospital$250,000 2015Molecular consequences of strong effect ASD mutationsluding 16p11 2 (THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$250,000 2015The role of PTCHD1 in thalamic reticular nucleus function and ASD
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$250,000 2013Synaptic pathophysiology of 16p11 2 model mice
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$250,000 2005
Math For America$250,000 2004
Math For America$250,000 2008
National Commission On Energy Policy$250,000 2008
National Museum of Mathematics$250,000 2014Momath masters tournament gala
Nature Conservancy$250,000 2006
New England Aquarium$250,000 2002
New York Center For Living$250,000 2004Support for education
New York Hall of Science$250,000 2015Nysciis Queens 2020 initiative gift
New York University$250,000 2011NYU school of medicine violet ball gala event
New York University$250,000 2012NYU school of medicine violet ball gala event (SCHOOL OF MEDICINE)
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$250,000 2013NYU school of medicine violet ball gala event
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$250,000 2014Nyu school of medicine violet ball gala event
Research Foundation of Cuny$250,000 2013Multigenic basis for autism linked to 22q13 chromosomal region
Resources For Future$250,000 2010To provide operation support
Rockefeller University$250,000 2013RNA dysregulation in autism
Rockefeller University-Office of Development$250,000 2014Rna dysregulation in autism
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$250,000 2010To fund the research to study autism spectrum disorders and the visual analysis of human motion
Science Festival Foundation$250,000 2007World science festival
Stanford University$250,000 2015Chromatin remodeling in autism
Stanford University$250,000 2015Neuroligin function in the prefrontal cortex and autism pathogenesis
Stony Brook Foundation$250,000 2003
Stony Brook University$250,000 2010To fund the umbilic torus sculpture
Stonybrook University$250,000 2002
Texas Childrens Hospital$250,000 2014Nmr/cyro-mmr machine
Trustees of Columbia University$250,000 2014The implications of autism genetic research and autism-related stigma
Trustees of Columbia University$250,000 2015Identification and analysis of functional networks perturbed in autism
University of California$250,000 2011The Simons fund for visiting scientists at the Kavli institute of theoretical physics (SANTA BARBARA)
University of Louisville Research Foundation$250,000 2013Children with 7q11 23 duplication syndrome shared characteristics with autism
University of Louisville Research Foundation$250,000 2014Children with 7q11 23 duplication syndrome shared characteristics with aut
Hunter College of City University of New York Jointly With Research Foundation of City University$249,999 2014Muitigenic basis for autism linked to 22q13 chromosomal region
Johns Hopkins University$249,999 2013The role of glutamate receptor intereacting proteins in autism
Children's Hospital Boston$249,995 2013Probing synaptic receptor composition in mouse models of autism
Children's Hospital Boston$249,994 2014Probing synaptic receptor composition in mouse models of autism
Stanford University$249,994 2015Neural mechanisms of social reward in mouse models of autism
University of California San Francisco$249,874 2013A gene-driven systems approach to identifying autism pathology
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$249,872 2014Roles of pro-inflammatory th17 cells in autism
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$249,729 2015Roles of pro-inflammatory th17 cells in autism
Yale University$249,603 2013Developmental neurogenetics in adolescents with autism
National Museum of Mathematics$249,589 2014Momath amateur math lecture senes (math encounters)
Vanderbilt University$249,272 2014Fragile x syndrome target analysis and its contribution to autism
University of Alberta$249,171 2012Genomic influences on development and outcomes in infants at risk for autism (GOVERNORS)
Stanford University$248,468 2013CLARITY circuit-dynamics and connectivity of autism-related behavior
Stanford University$246,539 2015Clarity circuit dynamics and connectivity in autism-related behavior
Math For America$246,346 2006
University of Akron$246,267 2015Potential role of minerals in protocell evolution
Children's Hospital Boston$245,108 2015Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) site
Duke University$245,000 2011Role of ube3a in neocortical plasticity and function
George Washington University$244,881 2015Disruption of cortical projection neurons circuits and cognition in ASD
University of Texas At Austin$244,552 2012Genetic studies of autism-related drosophila neurexin and neuroligin (SAN ANTONIO - HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER)
University of California - San Diego Regents$244,030 2015Mutations in noncoding DNA and the missing heritability of autism
Trustees of Columbia University$242,046 2015Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) statistical core site
University of Michigan$241,000 2005
Trustees of Columbia University$240,657 2014Simons variation in individuals project (vip) statistical core site
California Institute of Technology$240,000 2014Carving nature at its joints limbic circuits for social vs self-directed behavi
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$240,000 2015Interneuron subtype-specific malfunction in autism spectrum disorders
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$240,000 2014Interneuron subtype-specific malfunction in autism spectrum disorders
Ut Southwestern$237,893 2009
University of Oxford$236,274 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Stanford University$236,025 2009
University of Oxford$235,753 2010To fund the research of functional genomics dissection of language-related disorders
Stony Brook Foundation$234,000 2010To support the SBF consulting activity fund
Stony Brook Foundation$234,000 2011Consulting activity fund
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$233,829 2015Modulating the dynamics of human-level neuronal object representations
Yale University$232,118 2010To fund the research to study integrated approach to the neurobiology of autism spectrum disorders
Princeton University$230,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - director
Stanford University$225,081 2012Characterizing sleep disorders in autism spectrum disorder
Children's Hospital Boston$225,000 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$225,000 2005
Cold Spring Harbor Rowing Association$225,000 2004Support for scientific projects
Cold Spring Harbor Rowing Association$225,000 2004Support for scientific projects
Columbia University$225,000 2009
Trustees of Columbia University$225,000 2015Elucidating pathogenic mutations disrupting rna regulation in autism
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$225,000 2014Correcting excitatory-inhibitory imbalance in autism
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$225,000 2015Correcting excitatory-inhibitory imbalance in autism
Mcgill University$224,434 2009
Birkbeck College$223,738 2013Developing fNIRS as a brain function indicator in at-risk infants
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$223,233 2010To fund the research of neural mechanisms for social cognition in autism spectrum disorders
Washington University$223,036 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$221,627 2015Signatures of biological and environmental co-evolution on the early earth
Trustees of Columbia University$221,381 2013Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) statistical core site
Stanford University$221,000 2015Large-scale data and computational framework for circuit investigation
American Mathematical Society$220,500 2012AMS-Simons travel grants
Yale University$219,581 2011Physical and clinical infrastructure for research on infants at risk for autism at Yale
University of California - Berkeley Regents$219,041 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Tufts University$218,750 2012Deficits in tonic inhibition and the pathology of autism spectrum disorders
Children's Hospital$217,322 2012Simons variation in individuals project - structural imaging and phenotyping site
Harvard University$216,994 2014Deep phenotyping of autism spectrum disorder mice
Geisinger Clinic$216,139 2013Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) recruitment coordination site
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$215,214 2015Characterizing sensory hypersensitivities in autism
Columbia University$213,733 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship (TRUSTEES)
Harvard University$213,733 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$213,733 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
New York University$213,733 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
Stanford University$213,733 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
University of California$213,733 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship (BERKELEY - REGENTS)
University of California$213,733 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship (LOS ANGELES - REGENTS)
Harvard University$212,500 2013Exoplanets and the planetary origins of life
University of California, Berkeley Foundation$212,266 2007Helios project
Stony Brook Foundation$212,257 2007Workshops in math & physics
Stony Brook Foundation$212,257 2006
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$212,100 201516p11 2 defining the gene(s) responsible (grant 1)
Florida Atlantic University$212,061 2015Immune P38-alpha MAPK activation convergent mechanism linking autism models
University of Oxford$210,261 2008
University of Oxford$210,261 2008Dr. Monaco & Dr. Bailey
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$210,240 201416p112 defining the gene(s) responsible (grant 1)
Columbia University$209,355 2010To fund the research to study the implications of autism genetic research and autism-related stigma
Bradley Hospital$208,799 2013Rhode island population and genetics study of autism and intellectual disability
Columbia University Medical Center$208,404 2015Simons variation in individuals project (Simons VIP) principal investigator gift
Yale University$208,333 2011Brain behavior growth charts of altered social engagement in ASD infants
Birkbeck College$205,199 2012Developing fnirs as a brain function indicator in at risk infants
University of Michigan$204,810 2009
University of Oxford$204,810 2009
University of Cambridge$204,305 2014Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$202,745 2014Modeling multiple heterozygous genetic lesions in autism using drosophila
Princeton University$202,395 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- pi
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$201,838 2013The role of neurexin IV in central nervous system development
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$201,096 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
Princeton University$201,096 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
University of California$201,096 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship (SANTA BARBARA - REGENTS)
University of California$201,096 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship (BERKELEY - REGENTS)
University of Chicago$201,096 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
Fundacao D Anna De Sommer Champalimaud E Dr Carlos Montez Champalimaud$200,438 2015Neural encoding and decoding of policy uncertainty in the frontal cortex - core
University of Cambridge$200,280 2014Search for planets eclipsing ultra-cool stars
New York University$200,151 2015Hidden states and functional subdivisions of fronto-parietal network
Baylor College of Medicine$200,000 2009
Baylor College of Medicine$200,000 2015Catching fireflies dynamic neural computations for foraging
Baylor University$200,000 2011Studies of postmortem brain searching for epigenetic defects causing autism (COLLEGE OF MEDICINE)
California Institute of Technology$200,000 2011A non-human primate autism model based on maternal infection
California Institute of Technology$200,000 2015Understanding visual object coding in the macaque brain
Children's Hospital Boston$200,000 2013Corticothalamic circuit interactions in autism
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$200,000 2015Interaction of sensory signals and internal dynamics during decision-making
Columbia University$200,000 2011Genomic imbalances at the 22q11 locus and predisposition to autism
Columbia University$200,000 2012Neurexin-neuroligin trans-synaptic interaction in learning and memory (TRUSTEES)
Columbia University$200,000 2011Neurexln-neuroligln trans-synaptic interaction in learning and memory
Conversation Us$200,000 2015Bringing scientists and editors together to improve community understanding of basic science
Emory University$200,000 20145-hydroxymethylcytosine-mediated gene regulation in autism
Emory University$200,000 20135-hydroxymethylcytocine-medtated epigenetic regulation in autism
Harvard Medical School$200,000 2015Decoding internal state to predict behavior
Harvard University$200,000 2013Prosodic and pragmatic training in highly verbal children with autism
Harvard University$200,000 2015Toward computational neuroscience of global brains
Independent University$200,000 2014Independent university of moscow (ium)
Independent University$200,000 2015Independent university of moscow (UM)
Independent University$200,000 2013Independent university of Moscow (IUM)
International Centre For Theoretical Sciences of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research$200,000 2015Science without boundaries a Simons foundation grant to ICTS-TIFR
Johns Hopkins University$200,000 2012Integrative genetic analysis of autism brain tissue
Learning Spring$200,000 2003
Learningspring Elementary School$200,000 2004Support for education
Massachusetts General Hospital$200,000 2011A recurrent genetic cause of autism
Massachusetts General Hospital$200,000 2011Genome-wide analyses of DNA methylatton in autism
Massachusetts General Hospital$200,000 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$200,000 2013The origin of cellular life
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$200,000 2006
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$200,000 2011Synaptic and circuitry mechanisms of repetitive behaviors in autism
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$200,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$200,000 2008James and Marilyn Simons Discretionary Fund
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$200,000 2007James and Marilyn Simons Discretionary Fund
Math For America$200,000 2006
Math Science Research Institute$200,000 2003
Math Science Research Institute$200,000 2002
Math Sciences Research Institute$200,000 2004Math science research
Math Sciences Research Institute$200,000 2004Math science research
National Academy of Sciences$200,000 2014Nas science & engineering ambassadors program gift
National Center For Biological Sciences$200,000 2013Simons center for the study of living machines
National Center For Civic Innovation$200,000 2015100kin10 gift
Nautilus Think$200,000 2015Nautilus magazine gift
New England Aquarium$200,000 2011New England aquarium capital campaign
Princeton University$200,000 2015Ptolemy
Regents of University$200,000 201316p11 2 deletion mice autism-relevant phenotypes and treatment discovery (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$200,000 201416p112 deletion mice autism-relevant phenotypes and treatment discoven
Regents of University$200,000 2015Immune signaling in the developing brain in mouse models of ASD (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$200,000 2015Mechanisms of context-dependent neural integration and short-term memory (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Stanford University$200,000 201416p112 deletion mice autism-relevant phenotypes and treatment discoven
Stanford University$200,000 201216p11 2 deletion mice autism-relevant phenotypes and treatment discovery
Stanford University$200,000 2015Network mechanisms for correcting error in high-order cortical regions
Stanford University$200,000 201316p11 2 deletion mice autism-relevant phenotypes and treatment discovery
Stanford University$200,000 2010To fund the research of using IPS cells to study genetically defined forms with autism
Stony Brook Foundation$200,000 2006
Stony Brook Foundation$200,000 2003
Stony Brook Foundation$200,000 2006
Stony Brook Foundation$200,000 2002
Stony Brook Foundation$200,000 2005
Stony Brook Foundation$200,000 2004Research fund
Thirteen Wnet New York$200,000 2014The charlie rose brain series iii (J TISCH-)
Trustees of Columbia University$200,000 2015Computational principles of mechanisms underlying cognitive functions
Trustees of Columbia University$200,000 2015Spatiotemporal structure of neural population dynamics in the motor system
Tsinghua Education Foundation$200,000 2003
Tsinghua Education Foundation$200,000 2007Chem-Simons Hall
Tsinghua Education Foundation$200,000 2005
Tsinghua Education Foundation$200,000 2005
University of California$200,000 201216p11 2 deletion mice autism-relevant phenotypes and treatment discovery (DAVIS - REGENTS)
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$200,000 2014Evolutionary fitness landscapes in the origin of life
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$200,000 2015Evolutionary fitness landscapes in the origin of life
University of Pittsburgh$200,000 2015Attentional modulation of neuronal variability constrains circuit models
University of San Diego$200,000 2015Cepal stem learning ecosystems initiative
University of Trento$200,000 2014The origins of fe-s clusters
University of Trento$200,000 2015The origins of fe-s clusters
University of Washington$200,000 2014Neural mechanisms underlying autism behaviors in scnia mutant mice
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical Research$199,999 2011Using zebrafish and chemical screening to define function of autism genes
Harvard University$199,982 2015Organic abundance distributions and chemistry during planet formation
New York University$199,976 2015Large-scale cortical and thalamic networks that guide oculomotor decisions
University of California, San Diego$199,739 2010To fund the research and study of gene expression and laminar analyses of pathological cortical patches in autism
Math For America$199,735 2006
Regents of University$199,051 2015Evolution of primordial peptides proteins and the genetic code
Columbia University Medical Center$198,917 2015Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) principal investigator
University of Zurich$198,756 2015Probing recurrent dynamics in prefrontal cortex
Columbia University Medical Center$198,617 2014Simons variation in individuals project (simons vip) principal investigator gil
University of Oxford$198,523 2007
University of Oxford$198,523 2007
Ohio State University$198,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Princeton University$197,848 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
Trustees of University$197,422 2015Statistical analysis and methodology stemming from the SFARI phenotype and genotype data
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$196,290 2014Linking circuit dynamics and behavior in a rat model of autism
Princeton University$195,740 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- pi
University of Missouri, Columbia$195,570 2010To fund the autism dysmorphology measure validity study
Yale University$195,076 2005
University of Washington$194,903 2013Neural mechanisms underlying autism behaviors in SCN1A mutant mice
Museum of Mathematics$194,558 2011Momath amateur math lecture series (math encounters)
Stony Brook Foundation$194,400 2012Simons instructorships in mathematics
Stony Brook Foundation$194,400 2015Simons instructorships in mathematics
Stony Brook Foundation$194,400 2011Simons instructorships in mathematics
Stony Brook Foundation$194,400 2014Simons instructorships in mathematics
Stony Brook Foundation$194,400 2013Simons instructorships in mathematics
University of Michigan$194,041 2006
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation$194,000 20152014 simons-whitney fellows
University of Cambridge$192,643 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
New York University$192,525 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
Georgetown University$191,584 2010To fund the research of language learning in autism
Children's Hospital$190,766 2012Characterization of infants and toddlers with the 16p copy-number variation
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$190,681 2015The neural basis of Bayesian sensorimotor integration
Yale University$190,152 2005
Partnership For Public Service$189,078 2015Image of stem initiative
College Track$187,500 2010To provide operation funding for college track
Princeton University$187,500 2010To fund the research to study the frequency of polymorphisms in maternal-and paternal-effect genes in autism spectrum disorder
Washington University In St Louis$187,500 2010To fund the research to study brain circuitry in simplex autism
Yale University$187,455 2014Role of gaba interneurons in a genetic model of autism
Scripps Research Institute$187,184 2015An alternate pathway to RNA building blocks from the nucleobase perspective
American Museum of Natural History$187,091 2015A comparative genomics approach to global eukaryotic phylogeny and evolutionary transitions in nutritional modes
Children's Hospital Boston$186,825 2010To fund the research of finding recessive genes for autism spectrum disorders
University of Washington$186,539 2011Simons simplex collection site
University of Oxford$186,481 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$185,688 2013Seeking evidence of earth_s earliest biogeochemical cycles
University of Chicago$185,557 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
Harvard Medical School$184,781 2014Optical imaging of circuit dynamics in autism models in virtual reality
Columbia University$182,980 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Harvard University$182,980 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$182,980 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
New York University$182,980 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Princeton University$182,980 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Stanford University$182,980 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California$182,980 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship (LOS ANGELES)
The Feinstein Institute For Medical Research$182,959 2012Autism spectrum disorder and autoimmune disease of mothers
Princeton University$182,374 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
Fundaa O D Anna De Sommer Champalimaud E Dr Carlos Montez Champalimaud$182,254 2014Dissecting striatal circuit dynamics during repetitive behaviors in autism
Yale University$181,860 2007Model diagnostic lab for infants at risk of autisn
Yale University$181,860 2007Model diagnostic lab for infants at risk of autisn
Yale University$181,860 2007Model diagnostic lab for infants at risk of autisn
Emory University$181,357 2010To fund the Simons variation in individuals project (Simons VIP)
Stanford University$181,310 2013Canonical neural computation in autism spectrum disorders
Autism Science Foundation$180,330 2014Building awareness of the value of brain tissue donation for autism research
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$180,264 2011Regulation of synaptogenesis by cyclin-dependent kinase 5
Emory University$180,140 2012Identifying the gene in 17q12 responsible for neuropsychiatry phenotypes
Georgia Institute of Technology School of Biology$180,000 2015Reef fish microbiomes models for bacteria-host interaction in the ocean
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$180,000 2015Record of microbial and geochemical co-evolution in cyanobacterial genomes
Princeton University$180,000 2015Relating dynamic cognitive variables to neural population activity
The Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University$180,000 2015Towards a theory of multi-neuronal dimensionality dynamics and measurement (STANFORD-)
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$180,000 2015Growth efficiency in the mesopelagic at station aloha
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$180,000 2011Supplement to nih grant: 'a longitudinal mri study of infants at risk for autism' (CHAPEL HILL)
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$180,000 2012Supplement to NIH grant 'a longitudinal MRI study of infants at risk for autism' (CHAPEL HILL)
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$180,000 2010To fund the research supplement to NIH grant: 'a longitudinal MRI study of infants at risk for autism' (CHAPEL HILL NC-)
University of Texas, Austin$180,000 2015Neural coding and dynamics for short-term memory
University of Massachusetts Boston$178,903 2015The early development of attentional mechanisms in ASD
Stanford University$178,875 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Beth Israel Medical Center$177,617 2002
University of Texas Health Sciences Center-San Antonio$175,802 2013Genetic studies of autism-related drosophila neurexin and neuroligin
Harvard University$175,750 2014Simons investigator in computer science
Yale University$175,076 2006
Yale University$175,076 2006
Yale University$175,076 2006
Children's Hospital$175,000 2014Mitochondria and the etiology of autism
Children's Hospital Boston$175,000 2013Finding recessive genes for autism spectrum disorders
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$175,000 2012Investigation of social brain circuits in mouse models of the 16p11 2 locus
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$175,000 2010To fund the research to study 16p11.2: defining the gene(s) responsible
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$175,000 201316p11 2 defining the gene(s) responsible
Columbia University$175,000 2012Role of neurexin in the amygdala and associated fear memory (TRUSTEES)
Friends of Wheels$175,000 2014Mathematics mind of the earth gala
Harvard University$175,000 2013Simons collaboration on the origins of life administrative core
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$175,000 2010To fund the research of dissecting the circuitry basis of autistic-like behaviors in mice
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$175,000 2013Dissecting the circuitry basis of autistic-like behaviors in mice
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$175,000 2011Shing-Shen Chern statue
University of California - San Diego Regents$175,000 2013Whole exome sequencing to identify causative genes for autism
University of California, San Diego$175,000 2010To fund the research to study the whole-exome sequencing to identify causative genes for autism
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$175,000 2010To fund the research to study small-molecule compounds for treating autism spectrum disorders
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$175,000 2013Small-molecule compounds for treating autism spectrum disorders
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical Research$175,000 2011Genetically defined stem cell models of rett and fragile x syndrome
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical Research$175,000 2014Genetically defined stem cell models of Rett and Fragile X Syndrome
Institute Pasteur$174,960 2013Genomic profiling of autism families using whole-genome sequencing
Stanford University$174,943 2014Mesocorticolimbic dopamine circuitry in mouse models of autism
University of California$173,729 2011Whole exome sequencing of Simons simplex trios (LOS ANGELES)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$172,210 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Princeton University$172,210 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Stanford University$172,210 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California$172,210 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship (BERKELEY)
University of California$172,210 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship (SANTA BARBARA)
University of Chicago$172,210 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Stanford University$172,146 2015Scientific computation management for neuroimaging (SCM)
Rector And Visitors of University$172,031 2014Bone marrow transplantation and the role of microglia in autism
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$170,040 2015A novel window into ASD through genetic targeting of striosomes - core
Junior Achievement of South Central Pennsylvania$170,000 2014Junior achievement of south central pa stem summit
Nature Conservancy$170,000 2008Elizabeth Simons & Mark Heising
Nature Conservancy$170,000 2009
Nature Conservancy$170,000 2010To support the catalyst fund for international conservation
Geisinger Clinic$168,626 2013Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) recruitment core and phase 2 coordination site
Math For America$168,353 2006
University of Michigan$168,000 2005
College of William And Mary$167,000 2015Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi Monte Carlo group
College of William And Mary$167,000 2014Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi monte carlo grour
Perimeter Institute$167,000 2015Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi tensor networks group
Perimeter Institute$167,000 2014Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi tensor networks
Princeton University$167,000 2014Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi tensor networks c
Princeton University$167,000 2015Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi tensor networks group
Resources For Future$167,000 2008Elizabeth Simons & Mark Heising
Resources For Future$167,000 2009
Resources For Future$167,000 2007
University of Massachusetts$167,000 2015Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi Monte Carlo group
University of Massachusetts$167,000 2014Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi monte carlo grour
Neurochlore$166,895 2013Determining the driving force of GABA in 4 animal models of autism
Institute For Advanced Study$166,667 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$166,667 2008John Bachall Fellowship Fund
Institute For Advanced Study$166,667 2007John Bachall Fellowship
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$166,651 2014The global genomic diversity of prochlorococcus
Harvard Medical School$165,691 2015Optical imaging of circuit dynamics in autism models in virtual reality
Baylor University$165,584 2011Simons simplex collection site (COLLEGE OF MEDICINE)
Rockefeller University$165,572 2008Dr. Chait
Rockefeller University$165,572 2008Dr. Greengard
Rockefeller University$165,572 2008Dr. Greengard
Rockefeller University$165,572 2008Dr. Heintz
Rockefeller University$165,572 2008Dr. Heintz
Rockefeller University$165,572 2008Dr. Nathamet Heintz
Rockefeller University$165,572 2008Dr. Paul Greengard
Rockefeller University$165,572 2009
Rockefeller University$165,572 2009
Governing Council of University$164,853 2013Characterization of brain and behavior in 7q11 23 duplication syndrome- core
Scripps Research Institute$164,718 2014Vibrational circular dichroism spectroscopy system
University of Toronto$164,326 2014Characterization of brain and behavior in 7q11 23 duplication syndrome- col
Johns Hopkins University$163,813 2013Epigenetic DNA modifications in autistic spectrum disorders
Yale University$162,552 2005
University of Pennsylvania$162,232 2011A study of autism (TRUSTEES)
University of Pennsylvania$162,232 2012A study of autism (TRUSTEES)
Stony Brook Foundation$162,230 2009
Cornell University$161,997 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- pi
Rockefeller University$161,534 2007
Rockefeller University$161,534 2007
Rockefeller University$161,534 2007
Rockefeller University$161,534 2007
Rockefeller University$161,534 2007
Rockefeller University$161,534 2007
Rockefeller University$161,533 2008Dr. Heintz
Rockefeller University$161,533 2008Dr. Greengard
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation$161,250 2014Simons-whitney fellows
Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai$160,560 2011The role of shank3 in autism spectrum disorders
Stem Teachers of New York City$160,000 2015AMTA/STEM teachers NYC modeling instruction workshops gift
Harvard University$159,805 2013Simons variation in individuals project (VIP) imaging analysis site
Joan And Sanford Weill Medical College$159,775 2011Simons foundation simplex project collection site
Stony Brook Foundation$159,413 2006
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$159,168 2014Role of caspr2 (cntnap2) in brain circuits - project 2
Stanford University$158,426 2015It from qubit quantum fields gravity and information
Harvard University$158,034 2011Perturbed activity-dependent plasticity mechanisms in autism (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Rockefeller University$157,597 2006
Rockefeller University$157,594 2006
Rockefeller University$157,594 2006
Rockefeller University$157,594 2006
Rockefeller University$157,594 2006
Rockefeller University$157,594 2006
Rockefeller University$157,594 2007
Rockefeller University$157,591 2007
University of California$157,380 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship (BERKELEY)
Stony Brook Foundation$157,200 2008Simons Fellows
Math For America$157,193 2006
Joan And Sanford I Weill Medical College of Cornell University$156,836 2015Advancing a standardized research protocol to study treatment effects in individuals with autism spectrum disorder
Rockefeller University$156,750 2014Acquisition storage and inheritance of information in dynamical living matl
Math For America$156,353 2006
Stony Brook Foundation$156,254 2004Simons instructorships in maths
Harvard University$156,250 2012Proteome and interaction networks in autism (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
University of California$156,250 2012Effect of abnormal calcium influx on social behavior in autism (SAN FRANCISCO - REGENTS)
University of Chicago$156,250 2012Cerebellar plasticity and learning in a mouse model of autism
Yale University$156,250 2012Functional analysis of efr3a mutations associated with autism
University of California$156,245 2012Using fruit flies to map the network of autism-associated genes (SAN DIEGO - REGENTS)
Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai$155,940 2012Role of cadhenn-8 in the assembly of prefrontal cortical circuits
Stanford University$155,380 2012Neurobiology of rai1 the causal gene for Smith Magenis syndrome
Massachusetts General Hospital$155,063 2010To fund the research to study the control of synaptic protein synthesis in the pathogenesis and therapy of autism
Stony Brook Foundation$155,025 2005
Yale University$154,752 2005
Rockefeller University$153,751 2005
Rockefeller University$153,751 2005
Rockefeller University$153,750 2005
Rockefeller University$153,750 2005
Rockefeller University$153,750 2005
Rockefeller University$153,750 2005
Rockefeller University$153,750 2006
Rockefeller University$153,470 2006
Stony Brook Foundation$153,139 2007Simons fellows in mathematics
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$152,896 2012Fritz Henn salary support
Pennsylvania State University$152,545 2012The frequency of polymorphisms in maternal and paternal effect genes in autism spectrum disorder
Joan And Sanford I Weill Medical College of Cornell University$151,092 2015Advancing a standardized research protocol to study treatment effects in individuals with autism spectrum disorder
Stanford University$150,531 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$150,434 2015Network properties and plasticity in high- and low-gain cortical states - core (CONTRACTS AND GRANTS-)
Abdus Salam International Centre For Theoretical Physics$150,000 2013ICTP associates program
Abdus Salam International Centre For Theoretical Physics$150,000 2014Ictp associates program
Abdus Salam International Centre For Theoretical Physics$150,000 2015ICTP associates program
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$150,000 2015Rosetta brains molecularly annotated connectomics
Columbia University$150,000 2012Investigation of a possible role of the protocahderin gene cluster in autism (TRUSTEES)
Columbia University$150,000 2010To fund the research of investigating the effects of chromosome 22q11.2 deletions
Columbia University$150,000 2010To fund the research of aberrant synaptic form and function due to TSC-mTOR-related mutation in autism spectrum disorders
Columbia University Medical Center$150,000 2013Investigating the effects of chromosome 22q11 2 deletions
Ecole Polytechnique$150,000 2014Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - director cluster embl
Ecole Polytechnique$150,000 2015Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - director cluster embedding group
Emory University$150,000 2011Quantitative proteomic approach towards understanding and treating autism
Filmakers Cooperative$150,000 2007
Friends of Ihes$150,000 2002
Friends of Wheels$150,000 2015Mathematics mind of the earth gala
Harvard University$150,000 2013Studies in the chemistry of elementary processes in peribiotic earth
Harvard University$150,000 2013The brain genomics superstruct project
Harvard University$150,000 2012The brain genomics superstruct project (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Harvard University$150,000 2010To fund the research of the brain genomics superstruct project
Independent University$150,000 2012Independent university of Moscow
Isaac Newton Institute For Mathematical Sciences$150,000 2015Simons fellowship program
Johns Hopkins University$150,000 2012Bridging scales in theories of soft condensed matter
King's College London$150,000 2014Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi real materials gro
King's College London$150,000 2015Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi real materials group
Kqed$150,000 2010To fund the research of the role of cntnap2 in embryonic neural stem cell regulation
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$150,000 2010To fund the research of using drosophila to model the synaptic function of the autism-linked nhe9
New England Aquarium$150,000 2008Simons IMAX Theater
New York University$150,000 2014Dark matter and the on gin of the galactic magnetic field
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$150,000 2010To fund the research of the integration of interneurons into cortical microcircuits
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation$150,000 2012Neuroligin oxidative stress and autism
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation$150,000 2013Neurohgin oxidative stress and autism
Park Ave Synagogue$150,000 2005
Princeton University$150,000 2012Simons fellowship in theoretical physics
Regents of University$150,000 2014Turbulence transport and mixing
Rockefeller University$150,000 2004Support for education
Rockefeller University$150,000 2004Support for education
Rockefeller University$150,000 2004Support for education
Rockefeller University$150,000 2004Support for education
Rockefeller University$150,000 2004Support for education
Rockefeller University$150,000 2004Support for education
Rockefeller University$150,000 2004Support for education
Rockefeller University$150,000 2005
Rockefeller University$150,000 2005
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$150,000 2014Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi real materials gro
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$150,000 2015Simons collaboration on the many electron problem - pi real materials group
Stanford University$150,000 2010To fund the research to study function and dysfunction of neuroligins in synaptic circuits
Stony Brook Foundation$150,000 2005
Stony Brook Foundation$150,000 2003
Stony Brook Foundation$150,000 2003
Stony Brook Foundation$150,000 2015Stony Brook foundation discovery fund
Stony Brook Foundation$150,000 2004Annual workshop in physics or math
Trustees of Boston University$150,000 2014Sabbatical research in quantum many-body physics
Trustees of Columbia University$150,000 2015Math+x investigator
Trustees of Columbia University$150,000 2013Aberrant synaptic form and function due to TSC mTOR-related mutation in autism spectrum disorders
Trustees of Columbia University$150,000 2013Investigation of a possible role of the protocahderin gene cluster in autism
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$150,000 2014Amplitudes in gauge and gravity theories
University of California San Francisco$150,000 2010To fund the research to study sex-specific dissection of autism genetics
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center$150,000 2014Mechanisms of synapse elimination by autism-linked genes
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center$150,000 2010To fund the research of coordinated control of synapse development by autism-linked genes
Washington University In Stlouis$150,000 2011Role of intracellular mglur5 in fragile x syndrome and autism
Harvard University$149,999 2010To fund the research prosodic and pragmatic processes in highly verbal children with autism
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$149,973 2010To fund the research of systematic analysis of neural circuitry in mouse models of autism
Yale University$149,953 2012Investigating the etiology of childhood disintegrative disorder
Oregon Health And Science University$149,841 2011Functional brain networks in autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
University of California - San Diego Regents$149,715 2013Atypical architecture of prefrontal cortex in young children with autism
Rockefeller University$149,514 2015Acquisition storage and inheritance of information in dynamical living matte
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$149,396 2013A multidimensional database for the simons simplex collection
Children's Hospital Boston$149,372 2013Characterization of infants and toddlers with the 16p copy-number variation
Yale University$149,354 2010To fund the research to study genetics and gene-environment interactions in a Korean epidemiological sample of autism
Rockefeller University$149,029 2015Acquisition storage and inheritance of information in dynamical living matte
Trustees of University$148,996 2015Simons investigator in physics
Massachusetts General Hospital$148,914 2013Control of synaptic protein synthesis in the pathogenesis and therapy of autism (THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORP-)
University of Miami$148,906 2015Homological mirror symmetry and applications
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$148,856 2010To fund the research to study the recessive genes for autism and mental retardation
University of California, Los Angeles$148,746 2010To fund the research of functional analysis of neurexin IV in drosophila
Harvard University$148,275 2015Simons investigator in computer science
University of California$148,020 2012Theory of electronic properties of novel materials and nanostructures (BERKELEY - REGENTS)
Northwestern University$147,521 2013Decoding gravitational-wave signals from compact object mergers
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$147,016 2010To provide compensation support for researchers
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2007
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2007
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2007
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2007
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2005
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2005
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2005
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2006
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2006
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2006
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2006
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2008Dr. Huda Zoghbi
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2009
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2008Huda Zoghbi
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2008Huda Zoghbi
Baylor College of Medicine$146,676 2008Huda Zoghbi
Deakin University$146,555 2013Efficacy of N-acetyl cysteine in autism
Deakin University$146,553 2012Efficacy of n-acetyl cysteine in autism
Stanford University$146,468 2015Detecting and treating social impairments in a monkey model
Trustees of Princeton University$146,401 2013Ab-initio simulations of astrophysrcal plasmas
Maine Medical Center$146,315 2013Characterizing the severely affected autism population
Yale University$146,082 2009
Harvard University$146,013 2015Homological mirror symmetry and applications
Stony Brook Foundation$144,900 2003
Trustees of University$144,843 2014Simons investigator in physics
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$144,520 2009
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$144,520 2009
Cornell University$144,000 2014Theoreticai investigations
Princeton University$144,000 2012Unifying concepts in physics and geometry via ground-state problems
Princeton University$144,000 2014Geometry of the fractional quantum hall effect (sabbatical leave)
University of Massachusetts Boston$143,959 2013The implications of autism genetic research and autism-related stigma
Stony Brook Foundation$143,683 2013Simons center for geometry and physics building
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet$143,500 2014Nonequilibrium mechanisms for the biogenesis of life
Trustees of University$142,350 2014Statistical analysis and methodology stemming from the sfari phenotype a
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$142,273 2014A functional genomic analysis of the cerebral cortex
Massachusetts General Hospital$141,719 2015Cryptic genetic causes of autism (THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION)
University of Southern California$141,600 2013Black-hole microstates and holographic field theory (USC-)
New York University$141,058 2015Protein function and variant annotation by integrations of Rosetta and biological networks
Geisinger Clinic$140,875 2014Identifying the gene in 17q12 responsible for neuropsychiatric phenotypes
Stanford University$140,700 2011Probing a monogenic form of autism from molecules to behavior
Georgia Institute of Technology$140,347 2012Georgia tech non-invasive gaze tracking project (RESEARCH CORPORATION)
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$140,312 2008Dr. Christopher Walsh
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$140,311 2008Dr. Christopher Walsh
Columbia University$140,252 2015Homological mirror symmetry and applications
Stony Brook Foundation$139,730 2002
Cornell University$139,568 2014Spectral fingerprints of habitable planets
Oregon Health And Science University$139,366 2014Investigating the role of somatic mutations in autism spectrum disorders
Oklahoma State University$139,171 2013Application of quantum vacuum forces to real materials
Stanford University$138,829 2014Decoding affective prosody and communication circuits in autism
University of Toronto$138,402 2015Characterization of brain and behavior in 7q 11 23 duplication syndrome- core
University of Massachusetts - Medical School$137,861 2010To fund the research of quantitative analysis of craniofacial dysmorphology in autism
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$137,500 2010To fund the research for genetic studies of autism-related drosophila neurexin and neuroligin
Stony Brook Foundation$137,396 2000
Harvard University$137,106 2012Simons variation in individuals project - imaging analysis site (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$137,027 2015Framework for genetic variants in phenotype rich family collections
Stony Brook Foundation$136,500 2012SBF Lackman fund (consulting activity fund)
Harvard University$136,400 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$136,400 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
New York University$136,400 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Stanford University$136,400 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Trustees of Columbia University$136,400 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$136,400 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Cornell University$136,284 2013Physics in the LHC era
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$136,225 2007
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$136,224 2007
University of California - San Diego Regents$136,135 2015Simons fellowship - aneesh Manohar
Columbia University$136,125 2012Simons variation in individuals project - statistical core site (TRUSTEES)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$136,093 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$136,093 2009
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$136,025 2015Spider mesa and jina sabbatical funding for prof frank timmes
Massachusetts General Hospital$135,649 2013Cryptic chromosomal aberrations contributing to autism (THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORP-)
Tsinghua Education Foundation$135,500 2008
Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach$135,000 2014Oberwolfach simons visiting professors program
Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach$135,000 2015Oberwolfach Simons visiting professors program
Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach$135,000 2013Oberwolfach simons visiting professors program
Vanderbilt University$135,000 2010To provide site operation support for the Simons simplex collection
Rockefeller University$134,477 2012Fragile x syndrome target analysis and its contribution to autism
Bowdoin College$134,274 2015Amplitudes in gauge theory gravity and string theory
Rockefeller University$134,203 2014Whole-exome sequencing to identify causative genes for autism
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$134,093 2012Mpe2013 Simons public lecture series
University of Chicago$133,746 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$133,665 2014Natural selection in rapidly mutating populations and mitochondrial aging
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$133,665 2014Natural selection in rapidly mutating populations and mitochondrial aging
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$133,632 2006
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$133,631 2006
Mcgill University$132,257 2011Simons simplex collection site
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$132,127 2009
Brown University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Brown University$132,000 2015Some problems in applied PDE
California Institute of Technology$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
California Institute of Technology$132,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
California Institute of Technology$132,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
California Institute of Technology$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Columbia University$132,000 2012Simons fellow application of Aise Johan de Jong (TRUSTEES)
Cornell University$132,000 2013Simons investigator in computer science
Cornell University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in computer science
Cornell University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in computer science
Department of Physics Harvard University$132,000 2015Nonequilibrium quantum many-body dynamics
Friends of Wheels$132,000 2013Mathematics mind of the earth gala (US)
Governing Council of University$132,000 2013Universality and renormalization in dynamics and statistical mechanics
Harvard University$132,000 2013Simons investigator in mathematics
Harvard University$132,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
Harvard University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Harvard University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Harvard University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Harvard University$132,000 2015The ultimate L project
Harvard University$132,000 2015Sabbatical research 2015-16
Harvard University$132,000 2015Sabbatical for fall 2015
Harvard University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
Harvard University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Harvard University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Johns Hopkins University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2014Liouville quantum gravity and quantum loewner evolution
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2014Algebraic geometry in representation theory and harmonic analysis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2014Simons investigator in computer science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2014Simons investigator in computer science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2013Simons investigator in mathematics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2013Simons investigator in mathematics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2013Simons investigator in computer science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2014Representation of finite groups hecke algebras and character sheaves
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2015Simons investigator in computer science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2015Simons investigator in computer science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$132,000 2015Number field fragments
New York University$132,000 2013Quantitative estimates singular sets and metric measure spaces
Princeton University$132,000 2013Simons investigator in computer science
Princeton University$132,000 2013Simons investigator in mathematics
Princeton University$132,000 2013Simons investigator in mathematics
Princeton University$132,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
Princeton University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in computer science
Princeton University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Princeton University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Princeton University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Princeton University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Princeton University$132,000 2015Research leave for sergiu klainerman
Princeton University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in computer science
Princeton University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
Princeton University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
Princeton University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Regents of University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Regents of University$132,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
Regents of University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Regents of University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Regents of University$132,000 2015Dynamics and control of mechanical systems
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Stanford University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
Stanford University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
Stanford University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Stanford University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Stanford University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Trustees of Columbia University$132,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
Trustees of Columbia University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Trustees of Columbia University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Trustees of Columbia University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Trustees of University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Trustees of University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in computer science
Trustees of University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Trustees of University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in computer science
Trustees of University$132,000 2015Iwasawa theory and arithmetic geometry
Trustees of University$132,000 2015Field arithmetic and anabelian geometry
University of California$132,000 2012Definability randomness and number theoretic consequences (BERKELEY - REGENTS)
University of California$132,000 2012Deformation and rigidity in Von Neumann algebras and ergodic theory (LOS ANGELES - REGENTS)
University of California$132,000 2012Nonlinear waves (BERKELEY - REGENTS)
University of California - Berkeley Regents$132,000 2014Lagrangian floer homology mirror symmetry and low-dimensional topology
University of California - Berkeley Regents$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
University of California - Berkeley Regents$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
University of California - Berkeley Regents$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
University of California - Berkeley Regents$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
University of California - Berkeley Regents$132,000 2015Quantum field theory geometry and representation theory
University of California - Berkeley Regents$132,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$132,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$132,000 2013Simons investigator in mathematics
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
University of California - San Diego Regents$132,000 2015Simons investigator in computer science
University of California - San Diego Regents$132,000 2013Simons investigator in computer science
University of California - San Diego Regents$132,000 2014Simons investigator in computer science
University of California, Berkeley$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
University of California, Berkeley$132,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
University of Chicago$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
University of Chicago$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
University of Chicago$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
University of Chicago$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
University of Chicago$132,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
University of Maryland College Park$132,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
University of Maryland College Park$132,000 2013On the dynamics of fluid motion applications in biology and ecology
University of Maryland College Park$132,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
University of Maryland College Park$132,000 2014Geometric structures on surfaces
University of Miami$132,000 2014Dynamical systems and categories
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$132,000 2015Geometrization of Bethe algebras
University of Pennsylvania$132,000 2013Algebraic geometry and string theory
University of Southern California University of Southern California$132,000 2014Classical and quantum geometry in low dimensions
University of Southern California University of Southern California$132,000 2015Simons investigator in computer science
University of Utah$132,000 2013Simons investigator in mathematics
University of Utah$132,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
University of Utah$132,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Yale University$132,000 2014Simons investigator in computer science
Yale University$132,000 2013Simons investigator in computer science
Yale University$132,000 2015Simons investigator in computer science
The Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University$131,999 2015Simons investigator in computer science (STANFORD-)
University of Illinois$131,998 2015Non-proper actions on cube complexes (CHICAGO ROCKFORD PEORIA-)
Columbia University$131,768 2011Simons variation in individuals project statistical core site
Trustees of Indiana University$131,240 2013Simon's foundation fellowship application for David fisher
New York University$131,104 2014Analysis on metric spaces geometric analysis and geometric group theory
Regents of University$131,000 2015Diffusion processes and partial differential equations
Harvard University$130,592 2014Multl-beamline astrochemistry ice experiment
University of Maryland College Park$130,561 2014Simons foundation fellowship
The Childrens Aid Society$130,500 2005
Columbia University$130,000 2011Simons simplex collection site
Math For America$130,000 2005
Yale University$130,000 2011Simons simplex collection site
Purdue University$129,934 2014Analytic and geometric aspects of van at lanai inequalities and poes
Governing Council of University$129,755 2013Knot theory algebra and higher algebra
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$129,603 2015Natural selection in rapidly mutating populations and mitochondrial aging
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$129,603 2015Natural selection in rapidly mutating populations and mitochondrial aging
Institute Pasteur$129,600 2012Genomic profiling of autism families using whole genome sequencing
University of Toronto$129,600 2014Complexity and universality in dynamics
Johns Hopkins University$129,369 2015Nonlinear hyperbolic differential equations in mathematical physics (HOMEWOOD- SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES)
Johns Hopkins University$129,241 2012Global harmonic analysis and partial differential equations
Regents of University$129,230 2015Analysis of electromagnetic wave propagation and imaging in random media
Stanford University$128,805 2014A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study of first signs of autism
Autism Consortium$128,678 2014Bridging basic research with clinical research with the aim of discovering b
Board of Trustees of University$128,557 2014Dynamics of group actions and rigidity (CHICAGO)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$128,445 2010To fund the research of mice lacking shank postsynaptic scaffolds as an animal model of autism
Harvard University$128,299 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$128,299 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Princeton University$128,299 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California - Berkeley Regents$128,299 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California - Santa Barbara Regents$128,299 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of Chicago$128,299 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Institute For Advanced Study$127,676 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- PI
The Childrens Aid Society$127,500 2002
Emory University$127,476 2015Prenatal folic acid and risk for autism spectrum disorders
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$127,325 2013Torus knots via DAHA relations to the chern-simons theory and BPS states
Learning Spring Foundation$126,830 2002
Columbia University$126,453 2012Simons variation in individuals project - principal investigator (TRUSTEES)
Trustees of University$126,172 2013Simons investigator in physics
Rockefeller University$125,830 2015Simons society of fellows - junior fellow
Rockefeller University$125,830 2015Simons society of fellows - junior fellow
Medical Research Council$125,635 2012Making the connection between autism serotonin and hedgehog signaling (NIMR)
University of California - San Diego Regents$125,605 2015Translational dysregulation of the rhoa pathway in autism
Stanford University$125,306 2014Synergy between genetic risk and placental vulnerability to immune events
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$125,245 2010To fund the research to study the mechanism of deep brain stimulation for the relief of intractable depression
Beth Israel Foundation$125,000 2004Medical Research Funding
Board of Trustees of University$125,000 2015CHD8 and beta-catenin signaling in autism (CHICAGO)
Brandeis University$125,000 2015Disrupted homeostatic synaptic plasticity in autism spectrum disorders
Brandeis University$125,000 2015It from qubit quantum fields gravity and information
California Institute of Technology$125,000 2014Neural computation of innate defensive behavioral decisions
California Institute of Technology$125,000 2014A probiotic therapy for autism
Case Western Reserve University$125,000 2013Identification of genes responsible for a genetic cause of autism
City University of New York$125,000 2012Multigenic basis for autism linked to 22q13 chromosomal region (RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
College Track$125,000 2007
Duke University Medical Center$125,000 2014Mapping functional neural circuits that mediate social behaviors in autism
Duke University Medical Center$125,000 2015Understanding copy number variants associated with autism
East Harlem Tutorial$125,000 2005
Emory University$125,000 2009
Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam$125,000 2015Environment-wide association study of autism
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$125,000 2015Objective measures of social interactions via wearable cameras
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine$125,000 2014Understanding brain disorders related to the 15q112 chromosomal region
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine$125,000 2014The role of glutamate receptor interacting proteins in autism
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine$125,000 2014Role of the lin28/let-7 axis in autism
Martin M Feuer M D Education F$125,000 2002
Martin M Feuer M D Education Foundation$125,000 2003
Massachusetts General Hospital$125,000 2013Translational dysregulation in autism pathogenesis and therapy
Massachusetts General Hospital$125,000 2013Retrograde synaptic signaling by neurexin and neuroligin in C elegans (THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORP-)
Massachusetts General Hospital$125,000 2010To fund the research of retrograde synaptic signaling by neurexin and neuroligin in C. Elegans
Massachusetts General Hospital$125,000 2014Translational dysregulatlon in autism pathogenesis and therapy (THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORP-)
Massachusetts General Hospital$125,000 2014Molecular consequences of strong effect asd mutationsluding 16pl1 2 (THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORP-)
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$125,000 2011Simons visiting professorships
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$125,000 2012Simons visiting professorships
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$125,000 2008Visiting professorship and challenge grant
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$125,000 2009
Northwestern University$125,000 2013Cerebellar signaling in mouse models of autism
Northwestern University$125,000 2012Cerebellar signaling in mouse models of autism
Princeton University$125,000 2014Neural circuit dynamics during cognition
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$125,000 2015Sexually dimorphic gene-expression and regulation to evaluate ASD sex bias (CONTRACTS AND GRANTS-)
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$125,000 2015The role of cation/proton exchanger NHE9 in autism (CONTRACTS AND GRANTS-)
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$125,000 2015In vivo approach to screen ASD allele functions in cortical interneurons (CONTRACTS AND GRANTS-)
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$125,000 2015Delineating the role of ras/MAPK signaling in 16p11 2 phenotypes (CONTRACTS AND GRANTS-)
Texas Childrens Hospital$125,000 2015NMR/cyro-MMR machine
Texas Childrens Hospital$125,000 2013NMR/cyro-mMR machine
Trustees of Columbia University$125,000 2014Identification and analysis of functional networks perturbed in autism
Unity of Louisville$125,000 2012Children with 7q11 23 duplication syndrome shared characteristics with autism (RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
University of Louisville Research Foundation$125,000 2015Children with 7q 11 23 duplication syndrome shared characteristics with autism
Washington University In Stlouis$125,000 2014Genome-wide analysis of cis-regulatory elements in autism
Weizmann Institute of Science$125,000 2013Genetic model to study the ASD-associated gene A2BP1 and its target PAC1
Weizmann Institute of Science$125,000 2013Local connectivity in altered excitation/inhibition balance states
Baylor College of Medicine$100,000 2014Catching fireflies dynamic neural computations for foraging
Baylor College of Medicine$100,000 2009
Baylor College of Medicine$100,000 2009
Children's Hospital Boston$100,000 2014Corticothalamic circuit interactions in autism
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$100,000 2009
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$100,000 2014Interaction of sensory signals and internal dynamics during decision-making
Columbia University$100,000 2009
Columbia University$100,000 2009
Columbia University$100,000 2009
Columbia University$100,000 2009
Columbia University$100,000 2009
Columbia University$100,000 2010To fund the research of neurexin-neuroligin trans-synaptic interaction in learning and memory
Columbia University$100,000 2010To fund the research to study neurexin-neuroligin trans-synaptic interaction in learning and memory
Harvard Medical School$100,000 2014Decoding internal state to predict behavior
Harvard Medical School$100,000 2015Microglia in models of normal brain development prenatal immune stress and genetic risk for autism
Harvard University$100,000 2012Prosodic and pragmatic training in highly verbal children with autism (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Harvard University$100,000 2014Toward computational neuroscience of global brains
Harvard University$100,000 2014Prosodic and pragmatic training in highly verbal children with autism
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2015Annual Support
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2010Unrestricted gift for operating expenses
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2012Annual Support
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2013Annual Support
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2011Annual Support
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2006
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2014Annual Support
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2003
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2007Institutional support
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2004Support for education
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2008Annual Support
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2006
Institute For Advanced Study$100,000 2005
International Society For Autism Research$100,000 2012International meeting for autism research support
Kennedy Krieger Institute$100,000 2011Accelerating autism research through the interactive autism network (Ian Core) (HUGO W. MOSER RESEARCH INSTITUTE)
Kennedy Krieger Institute$100,000 2012Accelerating autism research through the interactive autism network (HUGO W. MOSER RESEARCH INSTITUTE)
Learning Spring$100,000 2003
Learning Spring$100,000 2003
Learning Spring$100,000 2005
Learning Spring$100,000 2005
Massachusetts General Hospital$100,000 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$100,000 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$100,000 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$100,000 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$100,000 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$100,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$100,000 2007Vehicle design sumit
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$100,000 2008Annual Support
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$100,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$100,000 2009
Math Science Research Institute$100,000 2003
Math Science Research Institute$100,000 2003
Math Science Research Institute$100,000 2003
Math Science Research Institute$100,000 2006
Math Sciences Research Institute$100,000 2004Math science research
Math Sciences Research Institute$100,000 2004Math science research
Max Planck Institute For Astronomy$100,000 2013Spectral fingerprints of habitable planets
National Centre For Biological Sciences$100,000 2014Simons center for the study of living machines
National Centre For Biological Sciences$100,000 2014Simons center for the study of living machines
National Centre For Biological Sciences$100,000 2015Simons center for the study of living machines
New York University$100,000 2014Cortical mechanisms of metastable perception
Regents of University$100,000 2014Immune signaling in the developing brain in mouse models of asd (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$100,000 2014Mechanisms of context-dependent neural integration and short-term merr (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Robin Hood Foundation$100,000 2004Community-New York City (Benefit)
Robin Hood Foundation$100,000 2005
Rockefeller University$100,000 2004Support for education
Rockefeller University$100,000 2013Rockefeller university annual gift
Rockefeller University$100,000 2013Women & science initiative
Rockefeller University$100,000 2003
Rockefeller University$100,000 2006
Rockefeller University$100,000 2006
Rockefeller University$100,000 2010Unrestricted gift for operations
Rockefeller University$100,000 2008Annual Support
Rockefeller University$100,000 2008Reception in honor of Chris Browne
Rockefeller University$100,000 2011University president's house renovation
Rockefeller University$100,000 2009
Rockefeller University$100,000 2009
Rockefeller University$100,000 2009
Rockefeller University$100,000 2012Women & science initiative
Rockefeller University$100,000 2008Stem Cell Research
Rockefeller University$100,000 2015Women in science initiative (OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT)
Rockefeller University$100,000 2015Rockefeller university annual gift (OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT)
Rockefeller University$100,000 2012Rockefeller university annual gift
Rockefeller University$100,000 2005
Rockefeller University$100,000 2005
Rockefeller University$100,000 2014Women in science initiative
Rockefeller University$100,000 2014A mouse model of top-down interactions
Rockefeller University$100,000 2014Rockefeller university annual gift
Rockefeller University$100,000 2007
Rockefeller University$100,000 2011Annual Support
Rockefeller University$100,000 2007Stem cell research
Rockefeller University$100,000 2007
Rockefeller University$100,000 2009
Stanford University$100,000 2011Using ips cells to study genetically defined forms with autism
Stanford University$100,000 2014Network mechanisms for correcting error in high-order cortical regions
Universita Degli Studi Di Trento$100,000 2013The origins of Fe-S clusters
University of Pittsburgh$100,000 2014Attentional modulation of neuronal variability constrains circuit models
University of Pittsburgh$100,000 2012A genome-wide search for autism genes in the SSC Pittsburgh
University of Washington$100,000 2015Neural mechanisms underlying autism behaviors in SCN1A mutant mice
Yale University$100,000 2015Network properties and plasticity in high- and low-gain cortical states - project 1
Harvard University$99,991 2014Organic abundance distributions and chemistry during planet formation
Medical Research Council-Nimr$99,983 2013Prebiotic systems chemistry
New York University$99,978 2014Large-scale cortical and thalami networks that guide oculomotor decisions
Michigan State University$99,930 2015Microscopic foundations for macroecological patterns
University of California, San Diego$99,862 2010To fund the research of relating copy number variants to head and brain size in neuropsychiatric disorders
Scripps Research Institute$99,842 2014An alternate pathway to RNA building blocks from the nucleobase perspect
University of Zurich$99,752 2014Probing recurrent dynamics in prefrontal cortex
Murdoch Children's Research Institute$99,684 2015Speech phenotype in 16p11 2
Arizona Board of Regents For Arizona State University$99,360 2014Group representations and applications
University of California - Berkeley Regents$99,164 2014Applications of combinatorics to statistical physics and cluster algebras
Columbia University$99,162 2010To fund the research to study the cognitive usability evaluation of the SFARI system
Fundacao D Anna De Sommer Champalimaud E Dr Carlos Montez Champalimaud$99,036 2015How the basal ganglia forces cortex to do what it wants - core
Boston College$98,656 2012Low volume hyperbolic 3-manifolds (TRUSTEES)
California Institute of Technology$98,155 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
New York University$98,155 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of Texas At Austin$98,155 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship (AUSTIN)
Yale University$98,155 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Geisinger Clinic$98,087 2012Simons variation in individuals project - recruitment coordination site
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical$97,748 2009
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical$97,748 2009
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical$97,748 2009
Whitehead Institute For Biomedical$97,748 2009
Cornell University$97,702 2015Interactome perturbation by large-scale mutagenesis to find risk variants n core
Northwestern University$97,662 2015Mihnea popa Simons fellow application (EVANSTON CAMPUS)
Northwestern University$97,662 2015Sabbatical plan complex dynamics and arithmetic geometry (EVANSTON CAMPUS)
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$97,648 2014Network properties and plasticity in hlgh- and low-gain cortical states - core
Hugo W Moser Research Institute At Kennedy Krieger$97,500 2013Simons simplex community at the interactive autism network (SSC@IAN)
Regents of University$97,441 2014Automorphic forms algebraic cycles and periods
Mcgill University$97,325 2014Solving thermal qcd using string theory techniques
Columbia University$97,255 2013Simons variation in individuals project (Simons VIP) principal investigator gift
University College London$97,229 2014The latent dynamical structure of mental activity
University of Southern California$97,130 2012Probabilistic techniques in algebra and combinatorics
Ohio State University$96,814 2015Spin -orbit coupling strong interactions and emergent topological phases
Emory University$96,698 2012A genome-wide search for autism genes in the SSC Emory
Yale University$96,641 2012Simons simplex collection site
Massachusetts General Hospital$96,553 2014Development of accelerated diffusion and functional MRI scans with real-tim
Massachusetts General Hospital$96,553 2015Development of accelerated diffusion and functional MRI scans with real-time motion tracking for children with autism
Carnegie Mellon University$96,377 2011Canonical neural computation in autism spectrum disorders
Carnegie Mellon University$96,364 2013Canonical neural computation in autism spectrum disorders
Trustees of University$96,358 2015Single-trial visual familiarity memory acquisition
Massachusetts General Hospital$96,342 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$96,342 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$96,342 2009
Baylor University$96,000 2011A genome-wide search for autism genes in the Simons simplex collection (COLLEGE OF MEDICINE)
Emory University$95,863 2009
Stanford University$95,521 2011Canonical neural computation in autism spectrum disorders
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$95,214 2013Sabbatical 2013
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$94,936 2015Harmonic analysis for nonlinear dispersive PDE
University of Washington$94,903 2012Neural mechanisms underlying autism behaviors in scn1a mutant mice
Regents of University$94,808 2014Symmetry enriched topological phases of matter
Purdue University$94,788 2014Simons fellow in mathematics
Research Foundation of State University$94,739 2015Simons fellowship - Samuel Grushevsky - geometry of moduli spaces (SUNY AT STONY BROOK)
Harvard University$94,371 2015Simons collaboration on the origins of life administrative core
University of Utah$94,200 2014Random walk in random potential
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$93,908 2015Regulation of gene expression through complex containing AUTS2
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$93,908 2014Regulation of gene expression through complex containing auts2
Johns Hopkins University$93,750 2012Studying the neural development of patient-derived stem cells
Cornell University$93,394 2012Free resolutions
Northwestern University$92,658 2014Representation theory and geometry (EVANSTON CAMPUS)
Baruch College City University$92,644 2014Stochastic processes in random environments
Emory University$92,640 2011Identifying the gene in 17q12 responsible for neuropsychiatric phenotypes
Arizona Board of Regents For Arizona State University$92,477 2014Modular symbols in iwasawa theory
Purdue University$92,370 2012Hair of astrophysical black holes
Carnegie Mellon University$91,937 2014Reliability of sensory-evoked activity in autism spectrum disorders- project
Cornell University$91,579 2013Ricci flow and applications
Vanderbilt University$91,564 2009
Regents of University$91,551 2014Simon fellow (IRVINE-)
Feinstein Institute For Medical Research$91,480 2010To fund the research to study the relationship of autism spectrum disorder and autoimmune disease of mothers
The Feinstein Institute For Medical Research$91,480 2011Autism spectrum disorder and autoimmune disease of mothers
Research Foundation of State University$90,828 2015Homological mirror symmetry and applications (SUNY AT STONY BROOK)
Regents of University$90,713 2013Characterization of brain and behavior in 7q11 23 duplication syndrome- project 1 (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$90,696 2014Characterization of brain and behavior in 7q1123 duplication syndrome (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Yale University$90,616 2014Functional analysis of ephb2 mutations in autism - project 1
Autism Science Foundation$90,165 2015Building awareness of the value of brain tissue donation for autism research
Autism Science Foundation$90,120 2012Building awareness of the value of brain tissue donation for autism research
Friends of Ihes$90,103 2004Support for education
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$90,072 2015Galaxies and the reionization of the universe
University of Wisconsin$90,053 2012Simons fellows in mathematics - Mari Beffa (MADISON - BOARD OF REGENTS)
Trustees of Boston University$90,033 2015The neural substrates of memories and decisions - project 1
Carnegie Institution$90,000 2014Potential protoenzymes structure and function of hyperbranched polyester
Emory University$90,000 2009
Harvard University$90,000 2014Prebiotic atlas exhaustive exploration of prebiotic chemical space
Harvard University$90,000 2013Prebiotic atlas exhaustive exploration of prebiotic chemical space
Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai$90,000 2009
Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai$90,000 2009
Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai$90,000 2009
Icahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai$90,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$90,000 2013MIT primes
Princeton University$90,000 2014Population dynamics across pairs of cortical areas in learning and behavlor-
Princeton University$90,000 2014Relating dynamic cognitive variables to neural population activity
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$90,000 2013Supplement to NIH grant 'a longitudinal MRI study of infants at risk for autism'
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$90,000 2014Population dynamics across pairs of cortical areas in learning and behavior-
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$90,000 2015Population dynamics across pairs of cortical areas in learning and behavior -project 1
Weizmann Institute of Science$89,999 2013Role of caspr2 (CNTNAP2) in brain circuits- core
Weizmann Institute of Science$89,999 2012Role of caspr2 (cntnap2) in brain circuits - core
Weizmann Institute of Science$89,999 2014Role of caspr2 (cntnap2) in brain circuits- core
Regents of University$89,943 2015Investigating the microbiome of the largest known bacteria (TWIN CITIES)
Yale University$89,633 2013Functional analysis of patient mutations in EPHB2 an ASD candidate gene- project 1
University of Cambridge$89,590 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Board of Regents Nevada System of Higher Education$89,549 2014Sabbatical leave support in theoretical atomic physics
University of Oxford$89,476 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of Washington$89,443 2013Harmonic analysis of waves and eigen functions
Research Foundation of City University of New York On Behalf of Lehman College$89,106 2014Simons foundation fellowship application for jason behrstock
Harvard University$89,000 2015Prebiotic atlas exhaustive exploration of prebiotic chemical space
University of California$88,894 2012New physics and dark matter in the IHC era (IRVINE - REGENTS)
Regents of University$88,850 2013Exploring the quantum multiverse
Yale University$88,756 2012Functional analysis of patient mutations in ephb2 an ASD candidate gene - project 1
Princeton University$88,745 2013Lower bounds for time and space
Governing Council of University$88,391 2015Generalized geometry and meromorphic connections
University of California$88,188 2012A multidimensional database for the Simons simplex collection (LOS ANGELES - REGENTS)
State University$87,642 2012Autism GI symptoms and the enteric microblota (ALBANY - RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
Brandeis University$87,518 2014Ambient and intrinsic diophantine approximation via homogeneous dynami
Children's Hospital$87,500 2011Mitochondria and the etiology of autism
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$87,500 2011Investigation of social brain circuits in mouse models of the 16p11.2 locus
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$87,500 2013Investigation of social brain circuits in mouse models of the 16p11 2 locus
The Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University$87,500 2015Neurobiology of rai1 a critical gene for syndromic ASDs (STANFORD-)
Stanford University$87,337 2011Mesocorticolimbic dopamine circuitry in mouse models of autism
Cornell University$86,736 2013Momentum maps in symplectic algebraic and discrete geometry
Carnegie Mellon University$86,561 2013New directions in approximation algorithms and hardness of approximations
University of Missouri, Columbia$86,269 2009
University of Missouri, Columbia$86,269 2009
University of Missouri, Columbia$86,269 2008SSC
University of Missouri, Columbia$86,269 2008Dr. Judith H. Miles
University of Missouri, Columbia$86,269 2008Dr. Judith H. Miles
Princeton University$86,180 2012Lower bounds for time and space
Duke University$86,025 2015Lenhard ng Simons fellows application
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$85,950 2012Simons graduate fellowship in TCS on compressive sensing
Governors of University of Alberta$85,833 2014Genomic influences on development and outcomes in infants at risk for autl
Carnegie Institution$85,640 2015Potential protoerzymes structure and function of hyperbranched polyesters
University of California$85,471 2011A functional genomic analysis of the cerebral cortex (LOS ANGELES)
University of California - San Diego Regents$85,353 2015Special values of L-functions
Autism Consortium$84,648 2013Bridging basic research with clinical research with the aim of discovering biomarkers for Autism
Columbia University$84,556 2009
Carnegie Mellon University$84,361 2012New directions in approximation algorithms and hardness of approximations
Texas A And M University Agrilife Research$84,253 2013Mouse model of Dup15q syndrome
Trustees of University$84,055 2015Homological mirror symmetry and applications
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$83,763 2014A novel window into ASD through genetic targeting of striosomes - core
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$83,403 2010To fund the research to study the role of TSC/mtor signaling pathway in autism and autism spectrum disorders
Regents of University$83,387 2013Scientific neuroimaging sharing and transparency-project 2 (CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
University of Utah$83,146 2012Singularities of algebraic varieties
University of Texas, Austin$82,648 2014Tunneling and motion in the landscape
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$82,473 2014A novel window into ASD through genetic targeting of striosomes - project
Vanderbilt University$82,292 2008Simons Simplex Collection Site (SCHOOL OF MEDICINE)
Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund For Medical Research$82,200 20152013 Jane Coffin childs memorial fund for medical research fellowship grant
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine$82,002 2014Epigenetic DNA modifications in autistic spectrum disorders
Arizona Board of Regents For And On Behalf of Arizona State University$82,000 2014Investigating dna as a candidate rna progenitor
Arizona State University$82,000 2013Investigating TNA as a candidate RNA progenitor
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$81,970 2014Cortical inhibition and disrupted vocal perception in mecp2 +/- mice
Cornell University$81,934 2012Quality of simple mechanisms for electronic markets
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$81,850 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$81,850 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$81,850 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$81,849 2009
Johns Hopkins University$81,811 2012Epigenetic DNA modifications in autistic spectrum disorders
Ut Southwestern$81,630 2009
Ut Southwestern$81,630 2009
Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology$81,000 2014A RNA polymerase ribozyme with general replication capacity
Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology$81,000 2015A RNA polymerase ribozyme with general replication capacity
Harvard University$80,700 2015Collaborative studies award for postdoc Teresa ruis-herrero
New York University$80,637 2012Simons post-doctoral fellowship
University of Chicago$80,637 2013Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$80,576 2013Studies on the mechanism of deep brain stimulation for the relief of intractable depression
University of Pennsylvania$80,389 2013Statistical analysis and methodology stemming from the SFARI phenotype and genotype data
Cnrs Regional Delegation Languedoc-Roussillon$80,000 2015Coevolution of RNA and peptides in connecting the activation processes
Cnrs Regional Delegation Languedoc-Roussillon$80,000 2014Coevolution of RNA and peptides fi connecting the activation processes
Cornell University$80,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
Harvard University$80,000 2015Uncovering the chemistry of earth-like planets
Harvard University$80,000 2015The emergence and evolution of molecular order in the cell membrane
Institute For Advanced Study$80,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$80,000 2015Clouds in exoplanet atmospheres - are they blocking our view of life below?
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$80,000 2008MSRI biology colloquium
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$80,000 2007Simons math in biology colloquium
New York University$80,000 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- pi
New York University$80,000 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- pi
New York University$80,000 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- pi
New York University$80,000 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- pi
New York University$80,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
New York University$80,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
New York University$80,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
New York University$80,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
Peking University Education Foundation Usa$80,000 2015Simons postdoctoral fellowship at BICMR
Princeton University$80,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
Princeton University$80,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
Princeton University$80,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
Princeton University$80,000 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- pi
Princeton University$80,000 2015Whole brain calcium imaging in freely behaving nematodes
Princeton University$80,000 2015Ca and mg isotopic indicators in ancient carbonates
Research Foundation of Suny$80,000 2015Evolutionary roles of RNA aptamers in the origin of biological catalysis (UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY)
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$80,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$80,000 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- pi
Stretch To Kindergarten$80,000 2010Unrestricted gift for operating expenses
Trustees of University$80,000 2015Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry- pi
Trustees of University$80,000 2014Simons collaboration on algorithms and geometry - pi
Universit㉠Des Sciences Et Techniques De Masuku$80,000 2014Develop the pole of research in mathematics and their applications in inforr
University Cheikh Anta Diop De Dakar Senegal$80,000 2015Non-linear analysis geometry and application project
University Cheikh Anta Diop De Dakar Senegal$80,000 2014Non-linear analysis geometry and application project
University Cheikh Anta Diop De Dakar Senegal$80,000 2013Non linear analysis geometry and application project
University Des Sciences Et Techniques De Masuku$80,000 2015Develop the pole of research in mathematics and their applications in information security in sub-Saharan Africa
University Des Sciences Et Techniques De Masuku$80,000 2013Develop the pole of research in mathematics and their applications in information security in Sub-Saharan Africa
University of Botswana$80,000 2013Research graduate studies in mathematics and its applications a network approach
University of Botswana$80,000 2014Research graduate studies in mathematics and its applications a network
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$80,000 2015A search for isotopic traces of life in 4-0-4 4 billion year old minerals
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$80,000 2014A search for isotopic traces of life in 40-44 billion year old minerals
Cornell University$79,892 2013Quality of simple mechanisms for electronic markets
King's College London$79,885 2014Role of caspr2 (cntnap2) in brain circuits – project 1
University of Houston$79,840 2015Spatial and temporal dynamics of synthetic organisms
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas$79,675 2013Role of caspr2 (CNTNAP2) in brain circuits - project 1
University of California$79,584 2012Role of caspr2 (cntnap2) in brain circuits - project 2 (LOS ANGELES - REGENTS)
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas$79,525 2012Role of caspr2 (cntnap2) in brain circuits - project 1
Brandeis University$79,460 2015Homological mirror symmetry and applications
Ohio State University$78,940 2013Studies of automorphic forms
California Institute of Technology$78,881 2009
California Institute of Technology$78,881 2009
California Institute of Technology$78,881 2008Dr. Ralph Adolphs
California Institute of Technology$78,881 2008Dr. Ralph Adolphs
California Institute of Technology$78,881 2009
California Institute of Technology$78,881 2009
Brown University$78,690 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Duke University$78,690 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Northwestern University$78,690 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Stanford University$78,690 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of Michigan$78,690 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship (REGENTS)
University of Pennsylvania$78,690 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship (TRUSTEES)
University of Pennsylvania$78,690 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship (TRUSTEES)
University of Washington$78,690 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Yale University$78,690 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of Washington$78,197 2014Evaluating pupil size as a diagnostic tool in autism
Syracuse University$78,157 2015Models of collective cell migration and sorting
Harvard University$78,150 2008Dr. Joshua R. Sanes
Harvard University$78,150 2008Dr. Joshua R. Sanes
Harvard University$78,150 2008Dr. Joshua R. Sanes
Harvard University$78,150 2009
Harvard University$78,150 2009
Harvard University$78,150 2009
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$77,686 2013Role of UBe3a in neocortical plasticity and function
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$77,686 2012Role of ube3a in neocortical plasticity and function (CHAPEL HILL)
Stony Brook Foundation$77,500 2002
Stony Brook Foundation$77,500 2000
Arizona Board of Regents For Arizona State University$77,479 2014Many-body quantum systems dynamics and ground states
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$77,447 2015A novel window into ASD through genetic targeting of striosomes - project 1
Emory University$76,884 2008SSC (Dr. Martin and Dr. Ledbetter)
California Institute of Technology$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Carnegie Mellon University$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Columbia University$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Cornell University$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Georgia Institute of Technology$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Harvard University$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
New York University$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Princeton University$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Princeton University$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Stanford University$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California, Berkeley$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California, Los Angeles$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California, San Diego$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of Chicago$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of Texas, Austin$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Yale University$76,800 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California$75,624 2008Dr. Daniel Geshwind (LOS ANGELES)
University of California$75,624 2008Dr. Daniel Geshwind (REGENTS)
University of California$75,624 2008Dr. Daniel Geshwind (REGENTS)
University of California Los Angele$75,624 2009
University of Pennsylvania$75,605 2012Application for Simons graduate fellowships in theoretical computer science (TRUSTEES)
University of Pennsylvania$75,240 2014Simons fellowship application for andrea j liu
Stanford University$75,107 2013Characterizing sleep disorders in autism spectrum disorder
Stony Brook Foundation$75,100 2005
Umacc$75,070 2008
Children's Hospital Boston$75,000 2015State-dependent influences on retinogeniculate ensemble activity
Children's Hospital Boston$75,000 2010To fund the research to study signatures of gene expression in autism spectrum disorders
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$75,000 2015The role of corticostriatal neurons in visual decisions
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$75,000 2015Networks for decision making signal routing in and through parietal cortex
Columbia University$75,000 2010To fund the research to study aberrant synaptic function caused by TSC mutation in autism
Columbia University Medical Center$75,000 2014Higher-level olfactory processing
Columbia University Medical Center$75,000 2015Transforming a neural representation into a memory (fellowship)
Emory University$75,000 2012Quantitative proteomic approach towards understanding and treating autism
Emory University$75,000 2010To fund the research of quantitative proteomic approach towards understanding and treating autism
Fundacao D Anna De Sommer Champalimaud E Dr Carlos Montez Champalimaud$75,000 2015The role of dopaminergic network dynamics in behavioral exploration
Harvard University$75,000 2011Center for quantitative biology (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Harvard University$75,000 2011The brain genomics superstruct project (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Joan And Sanford I Weill Medical College of Cornell University$75,000 2010To fund the research to study misregulation of BDNF in autism spectrum disorders
Johns Hopkins University$75,000 2011The role of cntnap2 in embryonic neural stem cell regulation (SCHOOL OF MEDICINE)
Leland Stanford Junior University$75,000 2013Simons fellow in theoretical physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$75,000 2011Using drosophila to model the synaptic function of the autism-linked nhe9
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$75,000 2008SS Chern Statue
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$75,000 2010To fund the Shing-Shen Chern statue (MSRI-)
Menlo School$75,000 2009
National Museum of Mathematics$75,000 2015Momath masters tournament gala
New York University$75,000 2015The role of perceptual certainty in adaptive decision making
New York University$75,000 2011The integration of interneurons into cortical microcircuits
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$75,000 2015The behavioral correlates of spatial memory formation in hippocampal dCA1
Northwestern University$75,000 2015Optical imaging and manipulation of medial entorhinal cortex grid cells (EVANSTON CAMPUS)
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation$75,000 2014Neuroligln oxidative stress and autism
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation$75,000 2011Neuroligin oxidative stress and autism
Princeton University$75,000 2011The frequency of polymorph isms in maternal and paternal-effect genes in autism spectrum disorder
Regents of University of California -San Francisco$75,000 2015Dynamic encoding of visual stimuli in mouse cortex (CONTRACTS AND GRANTS-)
Rockefeller University$75,000 2014The rockefeller university celebrating science benefit
Salk Institute For Biological Studies$75,000 2010To fund the research of testing the effects of cortical disconnection in non-human primates
Scheer Memorial Hospital$75,000 2004Community-Nepal
Stanford University$75,000 2014Simons fellow in theoretical physics
Stanford University$75,000 2009
Stanford University$75,000 2013Simons fellows in theoretical physics
Stanford University$75,000 2012Simons fellows in theoretical physics
Stony Brook Foundation$75,000 2009
Trustees of Columbia University$75,000 2015Dynamics of neural coordination across hemispheres
Trustees of Princeton University$75,000 2013Geometry of the fractional quantum hall effect (Sabbatical leave)
Tsinghua Education Foundation$75,000 2006
University of California$75,000 2011A sex-specific dissection of autism genetics (SAN FRANCISCO)
University of Texas At Austin$75,000 2011Coordinated control of synapse development by autism-linked genes (DALLAS - SOUTHWESTERN)
University of Texas At Austin$75,000 2011Mechanisms of synapse elimination by autism linked genes (DALLAS - SOUTHWESTERN)
University of Washington$75,000 2012Simons simplex collection site
Washington University In St Louis$75,000 2010To fund the research for the role of intracellular mGluR5 in fragile x syndrome and autism
Washington University In Stlouis$75,000 2012Role of intracellular mgiur5 in fragile x syndrome and autism
Weizmann Institute of Science$75,000 2012Looking at autism through the nose
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$74,991 2011Systematic analysis of neural circuitry in mouse models of autism
Yale University$74,983 2011Investigating the etiology of childhood disintegrative disorder
Yale University$74,970 2013Investigating the etiology of childhood disintegrative disorder
University of Sydney$74,675 2012Evaluation of a melanocortin agonist to improve social cognition in ASD
University of Sydney$74,675 2013Evaluation of a melanocortin agonist to improve social cognition in ASD
Yale University$74,662 2011Genetics and gene-environment interactions in a Korean epidemiological sample of autism
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$74,220 2014The neural basis of bayesian sensorimotor integration
Harvard Medical School$74,093 2009
Harvard Medical School$74,093 2009
Harvard Medical School$74,093 2009
Harvard Medical School$74,093 2009
University of Illinois$74,055 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of Washington$73,621 2014Statistics and dynamics of neural population codes
Columbia University$73,534 2012Simons variation in individuals project - principal investigator gift (TRUSTEES)
American Mathematical Society$73,500 2011AMS Simons travel grants
University of Illinois$73,474 2009
Harvard University$73,456 2012Mobilized technology for rapid screening and clinical prioritization of ASD (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
University of California - Berkeley Regents$73,335 2013Massive black holes and galaxy formation
Case Western Reserve University$73,264 2013Spectral analysis of stochastic neural oscillator models
Regents of University$73,196 2014Scientific neuroimaging sharing and transparency- project 2 (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
California Institute of Technology$72,300 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Harvard University$72,300 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$72,300 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
New York University$72,300 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Princeton University$72,300 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Stanford University$72,300 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California, Berkeley$72,300 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California, Santa Barbara$72,300 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of Chicago$72,300 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of Texas, Austin$72,300 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Yale University$72,300 2010To fund the Simons postdoctoral fellowship
University of California - Berkeley Regents$71,804 2015Homological mirror symmetry and applications
Regents of University$71,460 2013Metamaterials homogenization high-frequency magnetism & nonlinear phonomcs
Regents of University$71,460 2014Metamaterials homogenization high-frequency magnetism & nonlinear phi
University of Southern California University of Southern California$70,914 2015Developing scalable measures of behavior change for ASD treatments-project 3
University of Minnesota$70,592 2012Categorical foundations of topological quantum field theory (REGENTS)
University of Chicago$70,540 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$70,524 2012Cryptic chromosomal aberrations contributing to autism
Regents of University$70,041 2009
University of California$70,041 2008Dr. Louis F. Reichardt (REGENTS)
University of California$70,041 2008Dr. Louis F. Reichardt (REGENTS)
University of California$70,041 2008Dr. Louis F. Reichardt (REGENTS)
University of California San Francisco$70,041 2009
University of California, San Diego$70,041 2009
University of California$70,000 2008CAL TEACH (Liz Simons/Mark Heising) (BERKELEY)
University of California, Berkeley$70,000 2009
University of Massachusetts$69,173 2011Quantitative analysis of craniofacial dysmorphology in autism
University of Pennsylvania$69,000 2013Non-perturbative string theory and gravity
University of California$68,652 2011Functional analysis of neurexin IV in drosophila (LOS ANGELES)
University of Cambridge$68,492 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$68,378 2014Signatures of biological and environmental co-evolution on the early earth
Children's Hospital$68,088 2012Treatment of children with ASD and epileptiform EEG with divalproex sodium
Children's Hospital Boston$68,088 2013Treatment of children with ASD and Epileptiform EEG with divalproex sodium
Princeton University$67,923 2013Applications of string theory
Princeton University$67,923 2012Applications of string theory
Ohio State University$67,922 2012Fundamental issues in degenerate quantum gases
Ohio State University$67,922 2013Fundamental issues in degenerate quantum gases
Istituto Nazionale Di Fisica Nucleare$67,870 2015Simons at the Galileo Galilei institute (simons@GGI)
Stanford University$67,573 2013A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study of first signs of autism
University of California - Berkeley Regents$67,480 2014Geometry of optimal transport
Cornell University$67,472 2015Single-particle x-ray imaging and constraint satisfaction algorithms
New York University$66,906 2010To fund the research to study canonical neural computation in autism spectrum disorders
Geisinger Clinic$66,702 2011Simons variation in individuals project recruitment coordination site
Emory University$66,500 2013Identification and analysis of ASD patients with PI3k/mTOR signalopathies
Emory University$66,500 2012Identification and analysis of ASD patients with pi3k/mtor signalopathies
Rockefeller University$66,228 2008Dr. Brain Chait
Rockefeller University$66,228 2008Dr. Chait
Rockefeller University$66,228 2008Dr. Chait
Rockefeller University$66,228 2009
Montefiore Medical Center$66,153 2012Hyperthermia and the amelioration of autism symptoms
Montefiore Medical Center$66,153 2013Hyperthermia and the amelioration of autism symptoms
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$66,000 2015Simons investigator in MMLS
Brown University$66,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
Brown University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
California Institute of Technology$66,000 2015Simons investigator in computer science
California Institute of Technology$66,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
California Institute of Technology$66,000 2012Simons investigator in physics
California Institute of Technology$66,000 2012Simons investigator in physics
California Institute of Technology$66,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Columbia University$66,000 2012Simons investigator in physics (TRUSTEES)
Cornell University$66,000 2012Simons investigator in computer science
Duke University$66,000 2012Simons investigator in physics
Harvard University$66,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
Harvard University$66,000 2013Simons investigator in computer science
Harvard University$66,000 2012Simons investigator in mathematics (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Harvard University$66,000 2012Simons investigator in physics (PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS)
Harvard University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in MMLS
Harvard University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
Johns Hopkins University$66,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$66,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$66,000 2013Simons investigator in computer science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$66,000 2012Simons investigator in computer science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$66,000 2012Simons investigator in mathematics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$66,000 2012Simons investigator in mathematics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$66,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$66,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
Mcgill University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
Mcgill University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
Mcgill University$66,000 2014Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
New York University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in computer science
Princeton University$66,000 2014Research leave of nicholas m katz
Princeton University$66,000 2013Moduli of varieties of general type
Princeton University$66,000 2013Proposal for research in mathematical physics and mathematical analysis
Princeton University$66,000 2013Resonances in large quantum systems
Princeton University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
Princeton University$66,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Princeton University$66,000 2012Moduli of varieties of general type
Princeton University$66,000 2012Proposal for research in mathematical physics and mathematical analysis
Princeton University$66,000 2012Resonances in large quantum systems
Princeton University$66,000 2012Simons investigator in computer science
Princeton University$66,000 2012Simons investigator in mathematics
Princeton University$66,000 2012Simons investigator in mathematics
Princeton University$66,000 2012Simons investigator in physics
Purdue University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in MMLS
Regents of University$66,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Regents of University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in physics (IRVINE-)
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$66,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
Stanford University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in computer science
Stanford University$66,000 2013Simons investigator in mathematics
Stanford University$66,000 2013Simons investigator in mathematics
Stanford University$66,000 2014Simons investigator in physics
The Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University$66,000 2014Simons investigator in computer science (STANFORD-)
Trustees of Boston University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
Trustees of Boston University$66,000 2015Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
Trustees of Boston University$66,000 2014Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
Trustees of Columbia University$66,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
Trustees of Dartmouth College$66,000 2014Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
Trustees of Dartmouth College$66,000 2015Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
Trustees of Dartmouth College$66,000 2015Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
Trustees of Princeton University$66,000 2013Research leave of Nicholas in katz
University of Bc$66,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
University of California$66,000 2012Simons investigator in computer science (SAN DIEGO - REGENTS)
University of California$66,000 2012Simons investigator in mathematics (LOS ANGELES - REGENTS)
University of California$66,000 2012Simons investigator in physics (BERKELEY - REGENTS)
University of California - Berkeley Regents$66,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
University of California - Berkeley Regents$66,000 2013Simons investigator in mathematics
University of California - Berkeley Regents$66,000 2015Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
University of California - Berkeley Regents$66,000 2015Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
University of California - Berkeley Regents$66,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
University of California - Berkeley Regents$66,000 2014Simons investigator in the mathematical modeling of living systems
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$66,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
University of Chicago$66,000 2014Simons investigator in mathematics
University of Chicago$66,000 2013Simons investigator in mathematics
University of Chicago$66,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
University of Maryland College Park$66,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
University of Oxford$66,000 2015Simons investigator in mathematics
University of Pennsylvania$66,000 2013Simons investigator in computer science
University of Pennsylvania$66,000 2013Simons investigator in physics
University of Pennsylvania$66,000 2015Simons investigator in physics
University of Southern California$66,000 2012Problems in finite and algebraic groups with applications
University of Southern California University of Southern California$66,000 2014Simons investigator in computer science
University of Southern California University of Southern California$66,000 2013Problems in finite and algebraic groups with applications
University of Utah$66,000 2012Simons investigator in mathematics
Yale University$66,000 2012Simons investigator in computer science
Brown University$50,000 2012A genome-wide search for autism genes in the SSC Brown
Columbia University$50,000 2005
Columbia University$50,000 2005
Columbia University$50,000 2005
Columbia University$50,000 2009
Film Foundation$50,000 2000
Habitot Children's Museum$50,000 2009
Institute For Advanced Study$50,000 2012Paul Dirac fund
International Congress of Mathematical Ph$50,000 2007
International Society For Autism Res$50,000 2009
International Society For Autism Research$50,000 2014International meeting for autism research (imfar) support
Lancaster University$50,000 2012Windsor summer school
Marine Biological Laboratory$50,000 2015Marine biological laboratory fischbach fellowship (MBL-)
Marine Biological Laboratory$50,000 2015Methods in computational neuroscience (MCN) (MBL-)
Marine Biological Laboratory$50,000 2011Marine biological laboratory Fischbach fellowship
Marine Biological Laboratory$50,000 2013Microbial diversity course
Marine Biological Laboratory$50,000 2013Marine biological laboratory fischbach fellowship (MBL-)
Marine Biological Laboratory$50,000 2012Marine biological laboratory Fischbach fellowship
Marine Biological Laboratory$50,000 2014Marine biological laboratory fischbach fellowship
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$50,000 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$50,000 2006
Math Science Research Institute$50,000 2002
Math Science Research Institute$50,000 2003
Math Science Research Institute$50,000 2000
Mind Institute$50,000 2006
Mount Sinai Medical Center$50,000 2004Support for medical projects
Nalional Jewish Hospital$50,000 2000
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$50,000 2014Analyzing a complex motor act at the mesoscoplc scale – core
Palo Alto Partners In Education$50,000 2008Liz Simons and Mark Heising
Palo Alto Partners In Education$50,000 2007
Palo Alto Partners In Education$50,000 2009
Queens College City University of New York Jointly With Research Foundation City University$50,000 2014Queens college time 2000 conference
Rockefeller University$50,000 2010To provide support to the women and science imitative
Rockefeller University$50,000 2011Women & science initiative
Rockefeller University$50,000 2008Science outreach program
Rockefeller University$50,000 2002
Rockefeller University$50,000 2002
Rockefeller University$50,000 2009
Thirteen Wnet New York$50,000 20112012 international summit on the teaching profession and the celebration of teaching & learning
University of California, Berkeley$50,000 2007Freshman /sophomore seminars
University of California, Berkeley Foundation$50,000 2010To fund the freshman/sophomore seminars
University of Michigan Autism And Communications Disorders Clinic$50,000 2006(UMACC-)
Massachusetts General Hospital$49,961 2015Local functional connectivity in the brains of people with autism (THE GENERAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION)
University of Michigan$49,959 2005
Institute National De La Sante Et De La Recherche Mã‰Dicale$49,486 2014How the basal ganglia forces cortex to do what it wants-project 1
University of Toronto$49,452 2011A mouse model for human chromosome 7q11.23 duplication syndrome (GOVERNING COUNCIL)
University of California - Berkeley Regents$49,083 2013Scientific neuroimaging sharing and transparency-project 1
University of California$49,038 2012Nonequilibrium dynamics and topology in spintronics (LOS ANGELES - REGENTS)
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$49,038 2013Nonequilibnum dynamics and topology in spintronics
Columbia University$48,731 2011Simons variation in individuals project principal investigator gift
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$48,594 2013Stability symmetry and synchrony in the kuramoto model
University of Illinois$48,594 2012Stability symmetry and synchrony in the Kuramoto model (URBANA CHAMPAIGN - BOARD OF TRUSTEES)
Childrens Hospital Los Angeles$48,509 2014Functional consequences of disrupted met signaling
University of Illinois$48,419 2012A genome-wide search for autism genes in the SSC UIC (CHICAGO - BOARD OF TRUSTEES)
Trustees of Boston College$48,409 2013Geometric identities measures and metrics on moduli spaces
Trustees of Boston College$48,409 2014Geometric identities measures and metrics on moduli spaces
University of Missouri, Columbia$47,958 2009
University of Missouri, Columbia$47,958 2009
University of Missouri, Columbia$47,958 2008Dr. Judith H. Miles
University of Missouri, Columbia$47,958 2009
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$47,680 2013Probabilistic methods for sequence comparison
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$47,680 2014Probabilistic methods for sequence comparison
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$47,041 2012Synaptic and circuitry mechanisms of repetitive behaviors in autism
Research Foundation of State University$46,960 2013Higher rational connectedness and rational points
Research Foundation of State University$46,960 2014Higher rational connectedness and rational points (SUNY AT STONY BROOK)
Stanford University$46,900 2009
Stanford University$46,900 2009
Stanford University$46,900 2009
State University$46,800 2011Probing a monogenic form of autism from molecules to behavior (BUFFALO)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$46,375 2013Holographic Wilsonian renormalnation group flow
Massachusetts Institute of Technology$46,375 2012Holographic Wilsonian renormalization group flow
University of Cambridge$45,769 2011Simons postdoctoral fellowship
Northwestern University$45,634 2012New physics at the tev scale
Northwestern University$45,634 2013New physics at the TeV scale
Board of Regents of University of Nebraska University of Nebraska-Lincoln$45,523 2013Homotopical aspects of commutative algebra
University of Nebraska$45,523 2012Homotopical aspects of commutative algebra (LINCOLN - BOARD OF REGENTS)
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$45,419 2014New perspectives on unconventional superconductivity
Trustees of Boston University$45,347 2014The neural substrates of memories and decisions - project 1
University of Pennsylvania$45,292 2009
Institute Pasteur$45,280 2014Genomic profiling of autism families using whole-genome sequencing
Umacc$45,159 2007SSC pre-award
New England Aquarium$45,000 2002
New York University$45,000 2015Science health and environmental reporting program is lecture series and writing workshops
Massachusetts General Hospital$44,711 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$44,711 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$44,711 2009
Massachusetts General Hospital$44,711 2009
Mcgill University$44,598 2012Simons simplex collection site
Harvard University$44,209 2014Simons variation in individuals project (vip) imaging analysis site
Purdue University$43,968 2014Mathematical physics of quantum systems
Purdue University$43,968 2013Mathematical physics of quantum systems
New York University$43,687 2013Canonical neural computation in autism spectrum disorders
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory$43,501 2013Auditory cortical plasticity in a mouse model of rett syndrome
William Marsh Rice University$43,500 2012Ergodic schr dinger operators
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois-Chicago$43,066 2013Applications of descriptive set theory to functional analysis
University of Illinois$43,066 2012Applications of descriptive set theory to functional analysis (CHICAGO - BOARD OF TRUSTEES)
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$42,394 2013Ichino-lkeda identities
Rutgers University$42,394 2012Ichino-lkeda identities
Carnegie Mellon University$42,350 2011Canonical neural computation in autism spectrum disorders
New York University$42,133 2013Sabbatical for Assaf Naor AY 2012-2013
New York University$42,133 2012Sabbatical for Assaf Naor 2012-2013
University of California - Los Angeles Regents$42,000 2015Exploring VIPR2 microduplication linkages to autism in a mouse model
Boston Children's Hospital$41,902 2014Mechanical characterization of brain tissue and individual neurons in autism
University of Texas At Austin$41,667 2008Dr. Luis F. Parada (DALLAS - SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER)
University of Texas At Austin$41,667 2008Dr. Luis F. Parada (DALLAS - SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER)
Ut Southwestern$41,667 2009
University of Texas At Austin$41,666 2008Dr. Luis F. Parada (DALLAS - SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER)
University of Maryland Alumni Association$41,629 2013Electromagnetic counterparts to massive black hole mergers
University of Maryland Alumni Association$41,629 2012Electromagnetic counterparts to massive black hole mergers (COLLEGE PARK)
University of Iowa$41,625 2014Analytic torsion and its applications in geometry
University of Iowa$41,625 2013Analytic torsion and its applications in geometry
University of Iowa$40,215 2013Dynamical features of auditory-induced perceptual rivalry a modeling study
University of Iowa$40,215 2014Dynamical features of auditory-induced perceptual rivalry a modeling study
Botswana International University of Science And Technology$40,000 2015Research graduate studies in mathematics and its applications a network approach
Princeton University$40,000 2014Whole brain calcium imaging in freely behaving nematodes
University of Wisconsin Foundation$40,000 2013Speech disorders in individuals with 16p11 2 deletion or duplication
University of Massachusetts$39,604 2013Application for Simons fellow in mathematics
University of Massachusetts$39,604 2012Application for Simons fellow in mathematics (AMHERST)
University of California San Francisco$38,941 2010To fund Simons variation in individuals project core leader gift
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$38,538 2013Application of Zhiwu for simons fellow 2013-2014
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$38,538 2014Application of Zhiwu for Simons Fellow 2013-2014
University of Geneva$38,520 2014Neural encoding and decoding of policy uncertainty in the frontal cortex - pr
University of Massachusetts$38,491 2011The implications of autism genetic research and autism-related stigma
Albert Einsteins College of Medicine$38,400 2015Corticocortical signaling between populations of neurons - project 1
Regents of University$38,368 2013High dimensional phenomena and information theory (TWIN CITIES)
University of Minnesota$38,368 2012High dimensional phenomena and information theory (REGENTS)
Stony Brook Foundation$38,000 2013Simons summer research program
Carnegie Mellon University$37,900 2015Corticocortical signaling between populations of neurons - core
Children's Hospital Boston$37,500 2009
Children's Hospital Boston$37,500 2009
Children's Hospital Boston$37,500 2009
Children's Hospital Boston$37,500 2009
Columbia University$37,500 2009
Columbia University$37,500 2009
Columbia University$37,500 2009
Columbia University Medical Center$37,500 2009
Curators of University$37,500 2015Thompson center clinical site network pilot for the national autism cohort
Joan And Sanford I Weill Medical Co$37,500 2009
Joan And Sanford I Weill Medical Co$37,500 2009
Joan And Sanford I Weill Medical Co$37,500 2009
Joan And Sanford I Weill Medical Co$37,500 2009
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$37,500 2009
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$37,500 2009
New York University School of Medicine Veba Tr$37,500 2009
Princeton University$37,500 2009
Princeton University$37,500 2009
Princeton University$37,500 2009
Princeton University$37,500 2009
Salk Institute of Biological Studies$37,500 2009
Salk Institute of Biological Studies$37,500 2009
Salk Institute of Biological Studies$37,500 2009
Salk Institute of Biological Studies$37,500 2009
Stanford University$37,500 2009
University of Washington$37,500 2015University of Washington clinical site network pilot for the national autism cohort
Oregon Health And Science University$37,463 2010To fund the research of the functional brain networks in autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Georgetown University$37,386 2009
Georgetown University$37,386 2009
Georgetown University$37,386 2009
Stanford University$37,355 2010To fund the research of characterizing sleep disorders in autism spectrum disorder
Pomona College$37,291 2013Simons fellowship visit to IMA 2013-14
Pomona College$37,291 2014Simons fellowship visit to ima 2013-14
Stony Brook Foundation$36,000 2014Undergraduate and creative activities (ureca)
Stony Brook Foundation$36,000 2015Undergraduate and creative activities (URECA)
Queens College$35,495 2005
Case Western Reserve University$35,345 2014Away from independence probability in geometry and mathematical physic
Case Western Reserve University$35,344 2014Topics in random matrix theory and asymptotic geometric analysis
Beth Israel Foundation$35,000 2005
City University of New York$35,000 2012Queens college time 2000 conference (QUEENS COLLEGE - RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
East Harlem Tutorial$35,000 2002
East Harlem Tutorial$35,000 2003
East Harlem Tutorial Program$35,000 2004Community - New York City
Queens College$35,000 2008TIME 2000
Queens College$35,000 2009
Queens College$35,000 2007
Queens College$35,000 2013Queens college TIME 2000 conference
Queens College$35,000 2006
Queens College City University of New York Jointly With Research Foundation$35,000 2010To fund Queens college time 2000 conference
Stony Brook Foundation$35,000 2012Simons summer research program
Stony Brook Foundation$35,000 2000
Case Western Reserve University$34,314 2013Topics in random matrix theory and asymptotic geometric analysis
Case Western Reserve University$34,313 2013Away from independence probability in geometry and mathematical physics
Cornell University$34,200 2012Simons simplex collection support grant (JOAN AND SANFORD WEILL MEDICAL COLLEGE)
University of Kentucky$33,636 2012Analysis of some geometric variational problems and their evolution (RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
University of Kentucky Research Foundation$33,636 2013Analysis of some geometric variational problems and their evolution
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$33,333 2006
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$33,333 2007
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center$33,333 2008Dr. Stafford Cohen
Columbia University$33,054 2011Cognitive usability evaluation of the sfari system
Stony Brook Foundation$33,000 2011Simons summer research program
Research Foundation of State University$32,696 2015A web-based tool to assess social cognition in ASD-core (SUNY AT STONY BROOK)
Texas Agrilife Research$32,635 2015Mouse model of dup15q syndrome
Stony Brook Foundation$32,500 2012Undergraduate and creative activities
Stony Brook Foundation$32,500 2007URECA
Stony Brook Foundation$32,500 2005
Stony Brook Foundation$32,500 2013Undergraduate and creative activities (URECA)
Stony Brook Foundation$32,500 2003
Stony Brook Foundation$32,500 2011Undergraduate and creative activities
Stony Brook Foundation$32,500 2006
Stony Brook Foundation$32,500 2008URECA
Stony Brook Foundation$32,500 2009
Stony Brook Foundation$32,500 2004Community-Long Island
Stony Brook Foundation$32,500 2010To fund the undergraduate and creative activities (ureca)
Drexel University$31,912 2012Combinatorics of MacDonald polynomials and Affine Schubert calculus
Drexel University$31,912 2013Combinatorics of Macdonald polynomials and affine schubert calculus
Georgetown University$31,500 2011Language learning in autism
Johns Hopkins University$31,250 2011Studying the neural development of patient derived stem cells (SCHOOL OF MEDICINE)
Tufts University$31,250 2011Deficits in tonic inhibition and the pathology of autism spectrum disorders
University of California$31,250 2011Effect of abnormal calcium influx on social behavior in autism (SAN FRANCISCO)
University of Chicago$31,250 2011Cerebellar plasticity and learning in a mouse model of autism
Administrators of Tulane Educational Fund$7,000 2015Ordinary and symbolic powers of homogeneous ideals
Administrators of Tulane Educational Fund$7,000 2015Collaboration grant for mathematicians at Tulane university
Administrators of Tulane Educational Fund$7,000 2014Collaboration grant for mathematicians at Tulane University
Administrators of Tulane Educational Fund$7,000 2014Ordinary and symbolic powers of homogeneous ideals
Administrators of Tulane Educational Fund$7,000 2013Collaboration grant for mathematicians at Tulane university
Administrators of Tulane Educational Fund$7,000 2013Ordinary and symbolic powers of homogeneous ideals
Air Force Institute of Technology$7,000 2015Overturned traveling waves
Albert Einstein College of Medicine$7,000 2014Nonlinear elliptic pdes and integral systems
American Himalayan Foundation$7,000 2015Employee matching
Arizona Board of Regents For Arizona State University$7,000 2015From integrable systems to hyperkaehler geometry via string theory
Arizona Board of Regents For Arizona State University$7,000 2015Integral p-adic Hodge theory and geometry
Arizona Board of Regents For Arizona State University$7,000 2014From integrable systems to hyperkaehler geometry via string theory
Arizona State University$7,000 2013Global dynamics of biological systems
Arizona State University$7,000 2013Graph pebbling extremal set theory and universal cycles
Arizona State University$7,000 2011Collaboration on problems in algebraic combinatorics
Arizona State University$7,000 2011Global dynamics of biological systems
Arizona State University$7,000 2012Global dynamics of biological systems
Arizona State University$7,000 2012Graph pebbling extremal set theory and universal cycles
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$7,000 2015Complex hyperbolic discrete groups and lattices
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$7,000 2015Research on virus dynamics
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$7,000 2015Geometric flows and PDE on manifolds
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$7,000 2015Collaboration on problems in algebraic combinatorics
Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University$7,000 2014Complex hyperbolic discrete groups and lattices
Auburn University$7,000 2015Statistical inference for complex data
Bard College$7,000 2012Supersymmetry and k-theory
Bard College$7,000 2013Supersymmetry and K-theory
Bard College$7,000 2014Supersymmetry and k-theory
Baruch College City University$7,000 2015Random walks and diffusions in random environments
Baylor University$7,000 2011Harmonic analysis: geometric maximal operators and the halo conjecture
Baylor University$7,000 2014Harmonic analysis geometric maximal operators and the halo conjecture
Baylor University$7,000 2012Harmonic analysis geometric maximal operators and the halo conjecture
Baylor University$7,000 2013Harmonic analysis geometric maximal operators and the halo conjecture
Baylor University$7,000 2015Harmonic analysis geometric maximal operators and the halo conjecture
Baylor University$7,000 2015Quantum statistics of networks collaboration
Board of Regents Nshe Obo University of Nevada Reno$7,000 2015Heegaard floer homology and dehn surgery obstructions
Board of Regents Nshe Obo University of Nevada Reno$7,000 2015Twisted groupoid c -algebras and higher rank graphs
Board of Regents Nshe Obo University of Nevada Reno$7,000 2013Heegaard floer homology and Dehn surgery obstructions
Board of Regents of University$7,000 2015Periods and functorial transfer (UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA-)
Board of Regents of University$7,000 2015Fourier bases on fractal hilbert spaces (UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA-)
Board of Regents of University$7,000 2015Collaboration on the extension of hardy-littlewood-sobolev inequality (UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA-)
Board of Regents of University$7,000 2015Non-compact homogeneous Einstein and ricci soliton spaces (UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA-)
Board of Regents of University$7,000 2014Collaboration on the extension of hardy-littlewood-sobolev inequality (UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA-)
Board of Regents of University$7,000 2014Fourier bases on fractal hilbert spaces (UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA-)
Board of Regents of University$7,000 2014Periods and functorial transfer (UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA-)
Board of Regents of University$7,000 2015Collaboration grant for mathematicians at Nebraska—Roger Wiegand (UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN)
Board of Regents of University$7,000 2015Operator algebras and extensions of inverse semigroups (UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN)
Board of Regents of University$7,000 2015Singularity categories k-theory and a-infinity-algebras (UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN)
Board of Regents of University$7,000 2015Collaborations in statistics and data analysis (UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA AT OMAHA)
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University$7,000 2015Classification of vertex algebras and their modules
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University$7,000 2015Mathieu subspaces
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University$7,000 2013Classification of vertex algebras and their modules
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University$7,000 2011Classification of vertex algebras and their modules
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University$7,000 2012Classification of vertex algebras and their modules (BOARD OF TRUSTEES)
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University$7,000 2013Mathieu subspaces
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University$7,000 2014Classification of vertex algebras and their modules
Board of Trustees of Illinois State University$7,000 2014Mathieu subspaces
Board of Trustees of University$7,000 2015Primes in arithmetic geometry
Board of Trustees of University$7,000 2014Primes in arithmetic geometry
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Model theory for metric structures
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Sharp analysis of membrane eigenvalues and frames in wavelet theory
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Periodic orbits of Hamiltonian flows and symplectic rigidity
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Markov processes and potential theory
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Number theory and modular forms
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Alexandrov geometry and its applications
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Vertex algebras
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Global bifurcations in wave equations
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Hamiltonian dynamics and averaging in PDEs
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Secure error-correcting codes
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Sums of powers of polynomials
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Operator spaces and applications
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Extremal hypergraphs and codes
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 20152014 Simons collaboration grant - albin
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Proving the claims of Ramanujan in his lost notebook
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Statistical inference for processes with long memory and applications
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Low-rate renewal theory and decentralized parameter estimation
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Quasiconformal analysis
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Geometric analysis in sub-Riemannian and metric spaces
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Complex analysis and applications
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2015Generic and coarse computability and computational complexity
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 20142014 Simons Collaboration Grant - albin
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Alexandrov geometry and its applications
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Statistical inference for processes with long memory and applications
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Sums of powers of polynomials
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Vertex algebras
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Number theory and modular forms
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Operator spaces and applications
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Periodic orbits of hamiltonian flows and symplectic rigidity
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Proving the claims of ramanujan in his lost notebook
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Secure error-correcting codes
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Sharp analysis of membrane eigenvalues and frames in wavelet theory
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Extremal hypergraphs and codes
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Global bifurcations in wave equations
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Hamiltonian dynamics and averaging in pdes
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Low-rate renewal theory and decentralized parameter estimation
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Markov processes and potential theory
Board of Trustees of University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign$7,000 2014Model theory for metric structures
Board of Trustees University$7,000 2015Global analysis of nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations
Boston University$7,000 2011Singular perturbations of complex dynamical systems (TRUSTEES)
Boston University$7,000 2012Singular perturbations of complex dynamical systems (TRUSTEES)
Bowdoin College$7,000 2015Geometry and quasi-isometry classification of some self-similar groups
Bowdoin College$7,000 2014Geometry and quasi-isometry classification of some self-similar groups
Bowling Green State University$7,000 2015Quasiisometries of nilpotent and solvable lie groups
Bowling Green State University$7,000 2015Uniform algebras and analytic structure
Bowling Green State University$7,000 2014Quasiisometries of nilpotent and solvable lie groups
Bucknell University$7,000 2012Spectral geometry of orbifolds
Bucknell University$7,000 2015Research projects in mathematical demography and noncommutative ring theory
Bucknell University$7,000 2015Spectral geometry of orbifolds
Bucknell University$7,000 2015Blaschke products approximation interpolation and geometry
Bucknell University$7,000 2015Symmetric function positivity and the M'bius function of the pattern poset
Bucknell University$7,000 2015Classical groups and their geometries
Bucknell University$7,000 2015Languages and geometry of automorphisms of groups
Bucknell University$7,000 2012Symmetric function positivity and the m_bius function of the pattern poset
Bucknell University$7,000 2013Blaschke products approximation interpolation and geometry
Bucknell University$7,000 2013Classical groups and their geometries
Bucknell University$7,000 2013Research projects in mathematical demography and noncommutative ring theory
Bucknell University$7,000 2013Spectral geometry of orbifolds
Bucknell University$7,000 2013Symmetric function positivity and the M_bius function of the pattern poset
Bucknell University$7,000 2012Blaschke products approximation interpolation and geometry
Bucknell University$7,000 2011Research projects in mathematical demography and non-commutative ring theory
Bucknell University$7,000 2011Spectral geometry of orbifolds
Bucknell University$7,000 2014Blaschke products approximation interpolation and geometry
Bucknell University$7,000 2014Classical groups and their geometries
Bucknell University$7,000 2014Languages and geometry of automorphisms of groups
Bucknell University$7,000 2014Research projects in mathematical demography and noncommutative ring
Bucknell University$7,000 2014Spectral geometry of orbifolds
Bucknell University$7,000 2014Symmetric function positivity and the m'bius function of the pattern poset
Bucknell University$7,000 2012Research projects in mathematical demography and noncommutative ring theory
California State University - Northridge Foundation$7,000 2013Two dimensional models of statistical mechanics
Central Michigan University$7,000 2015Complex analysis on piecewise-smooth domains
Central Michigan University$7,000 2014Complex analysis on piecewise-smooth domains
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship-Ucf Chi Alpha Campus Ministries$7,000 2015Simons collaboration grant proposal
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship-Ucf Chi Alpha Campus Ministries$7,000 2015Mathematical problems in spatial ecology
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship-Ucf Chi Alpha Campus Ministries$7,000 2015Mathematical investigation of infectious disease models
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship-Ucf Chi Alpha Campus Ministries$7,000 2013Mathematical problems in spatial ecology
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship-Ucf Chi Alpha Campus Ministries$7,000 2013Simons collaboration grant proposal
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship-Ucf Chi Alpha Campus Ministries$7,000 2012Simons collaboration grant proposal
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship-Ucf Chi Alpha Campus Ministries$7,000 2014Mathematical problems in spatial ecology
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship-Ucf Chi Alpha Campus Ministries$7,000 2014Simons collaboration grant proposal
City College of New York$7,000 2015Model theory of difference fields
City College of New York$7,000 2015Special metrics on kahler manifolds
City College of New York$7,000 2014Model theory of difference fields
City Colleges$7,000 2013Lusternik-schnirelmann orbifold theory
Claremont Graduate University$7,000 2015Analysis of system s modelling the spreading of surfactant on thin films
Claremont Graduate University$7,000 2013Analysis of systems modelling the spreading of surfactant on thin films
Claremont Graduate University$7,000 2014Analysis of systems modeling the spreading of surfactant on thin films
Claremont Mckenna College$7,000 2015Sam nelson collaboration
Claremont Mckenna College$7,000 2013Collaboration grant for mathematician application
Claremont Mckenna College$7,000 2013Geometric lattice theory and diophantine problems with heights
Claremont Mckenna College$7,000 2011Geometric lattice theory and diophantine problems with heights
Claremont Mckenna College$7,000 2014Geometric lattice theory and diophantine problems with heights
Claremont Mckenna College$7,000 2014Sam nelson collaboration
Cleveland State University$7,000 2015Topological complexity fibrewise homotopy rational homotopy
Cleveland State University$7,000 2015Problems in topology and geometry
Cleveland State University$7,000 2012Topological complexity fibrewise homotopy rational homotopy
Cleveland State University$7,000 2013Problems in topology and geometry
Cleveland State University$7,000 2013Topological complexity fibrewise homotopy rational homotopy
Cleveland State University$7,000 2012Problems in topology and geometry
Cleveland State University$7,000 2014Problems in topology and geometry
Cleveland State University$7,000 2014Topological complexity fibrewise homotopy rational homotopy
Colgate University$7,000 2011Applications of operator algebras and operator theory in fractal analysis
Colgate University$7,000 2013Applications of operator algebras and operator theory in fractal analysis
Colgate University$7,000 2015The algebra and combinatorics of graph embeddings
Colgate University$7,000 2015Employee matching
Colgate University$7,000 2012Applications of operator algebras and operator theory in fractal analysis
Colgate University$7,000 2014The algebra and combinatorics of graph embeddings
College of Charleston$7,000 2015Collaborative work in conformal field theory
College of Charleston$7,000 2014Collaborative work in conformal field theory
College of Staten Island$7,000 2012Collaboration grant for mathematicians
College of Staten Island$7,000 2012Collaboration grants for mathematicians
College of Staten Island$7,000 2012Critical point at infinity for some two dimensional problems
College of Staten Island$7,000 2012Research in set theory
College of Holy Cross$7,000 2015Kronecker product of schur function/zeta functions of graphs
College of Holy Cross$7,000 2013Kronecker product of schur function/zeta functions of graphs
College of Holy Cross$7,000 2012Kronecker product of schur function/zeta functions of graphs
College of Holy Cross$7,000 2014Kronecker product of schur function/zeta functions of graphs
Colorado State University$7,000 2015Collaboration grant algorithms for groups
Colorado State University$7,000 2015Multiscale electrodiffusion in bulk and on manifolds
Colorado State University$7,000 2015Interactions between number theory and dynamics
Colorado State University$7,000 2015Application for collaboration grant for mathematicians
Colorado State University$7,000 2015Geometric approaches to closed random walks
Colorado State University$7,000 2011Tautological intersection on moduli spaces
Colorado State University$7,000 2013Collaboration grant algorithms for groups
Colorado State University$7,000 2013Collaboration grant arithmetic of moduli spaces of abelian varieties
Colorado State University$7,000 2013Interactions between number theory and dynamics
Colorado State University$7,000 2013Multiscale electrodiffusion in bulk and on manifolds
Colorado State University$7,000 2011Collaboration grant: arithmetic of moduli spaces of abelian varieties
Colorado State University$7,000 2011Controlled stochastic networks with fractional brownian motions
Colorado State University$7,000 2012Collaboration grant algorithms for groups
Colorado State University$7,000 2012Collaboration grant arithmetic of moduli spaces of abelian varieties
Colorado State University$7,000 2012Multiscale electrodiffusion in bulk and on manifolds
Colorado State University$7,000 2014Application for collaboration grant for mathematicians
Colorado State University$7,000 2014Collaboration grant algorithms for groups
Colorado State University$7,000 2014Interactions between number theory and dynamics
Colorado State University$7,000 2014Muitiscale electrodiffusion in bulk and on manifolds
Community College District 508 State of Illinois And County of Cook$7,000 2015Lusternik-schnirelmann orbifold theory
Connecticut College$7,000 2012Invariant manifold applications in fluid transport and traveling waves
Cornell University$7,000 2011Equivarlant symplectic geometry and the geometry of momentum maps
Cornell University$7,000 2012Enumerative combinatorics of polytopes posets and coxeter groups
Cornell University$7,000 20112011 Simons foundation grant application
Cornell University$7,000 2013Collaboration in Ricci flow
Cornell University$7,000 2013Enumerative combinatorics of polytopes posets and coxeter groups
Cornell University$7,000 2014Collaboration in Ricci flow
Cornell University$7,000 2014Enumerative combinatorics of polytopes posets and coxeter groups
Cornell University$7,000 2014The geometry of infinite discrete groups
Cornell University$7,000 2015Enumerative combinatorics of polytopes posets and coxeter groups
Cornell University$7,000 2015Collaboration in ricci flow
Cornell University$7,000 2015The geometry of infinite discrete groups
Dartmouth College$7,000 2012Causality and legendrian linking (TRUSTEES)
Dartmouth College$7,000 2012Noncommutative dynamical systems (TRUSTEES)
Davidson College$7,000 2011Collaborations in number theory and analysis
Davidson College$7,000 2012Collaborations in number theory and analysis (TRUSTEES)
Depaul University$7,000 2014Dynamical systems and the geometry of orbits
Depaul University$7,000 2014Simons collaboration grant for bridget tenner
Depaul University$7,000 2015Simons collaboration grant for Bridget tenner
Depaul University$7,000 2015Dynamical systems and the geometry of orbits
Depaul University$7,000 2015Algebraic geometric and enumerative combinatorics
Depaul University$7,000 2015Random matrix theory and applications
Depaul University$7,000 2013Dynamical systems and the geometry of orbits
Depaul University$7,000 2013Simons collaboration grant for bridget tenner
Duke University$7,000 2013Stochastic dynamics stabilization ergodicity and algorithms
Duke University$7,000 2013Chow groups and geometry in dimensions three and four
Duke University$7,000 2014Stochastic dynamics stabilization ergodlclty and algorithms
Duke University$7,000 2015Chow groups and geometry in dimensions three and four
Duke University$7,000 2015Stochastic dynamics stabilization ergodicity and algorithms
Duke University$7,000 2015Instanton decay and nonlinear harmonic forms
Duke University$7,000 2014Chow groups and geometry in dimensions three and four
Eastern Illinois University$7,000 2013Collaboration grant 2013
Emory University$7,000 2015Research in moonshine
Florida Atlantic University$7,000 2012Sobolev inequalities and isoperimetry
Florida Atlantic University$7,000 2014Sobolev inequalities and isoperimetry
Florida Atlantic University$7,000 2014A degeneration problem for invariant subspaces
Florida Atlantic University$7,000 2015Sobolev inequalities and isoperimetry
Florida Atlantic University$7,000 2015A degeneration problem for invariant subspaces
Florida Atlantic University$7,000 2012A degeneration problem for invariant subspaces
Florida Atlantic University$7,000 2013A degeneration problem for invariant subspaces
Florida Atlantic University$7,000 2013Sobolev inequalities and isoperimetry
Florida Atlantic University$7,000 2011Sobolev inequalities and isoperimetry
Florida International University$7,000 2013Geometry of complex non-kaehler manifolds
Florida International University$7,000 2012Geometry of complex non-kaehler manifolds
Florida State University$7,000 2012The Birch and Swinnerton Dyer conjecture and Stark Heegner points (RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
Florida State University$7,000 2012Algebraic geometry singularities and applications to physics (RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
Florida State University$7,000 2011Fibered 3 manifolds and their monodromy (RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
Florida State University$7,000 2011Low dimensional topology and number theory (RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
Florida State University$7,000 2012Fibered 3-manifolds and their monodromy (RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
Florida State University$7,000 2012Low dimensional topology and number theory (RESEARCH FOUNDATION)
Foundation of State University of New York At Binghamton$7,000 2014Algebraic and asymptotic properties of generating sets of algebras
Foundation of State University of New York At Binghamton$7,000 2014Statistical methods for high-dimensional classification
Foundation of State University of New York At Binghamton$7,000 2014Topics in geometric pde
Freedom From Hunger Foundation$7,000 2004Community -California
George Mason University$7,000 2014Topology and algebra of character varieties
George Mason University$7,000 2015Topology and algebra of character varieties
George Washington University$7,000 2013Dynamical systems and aperiodic order
George Washington University$7,000 2013Geometric structures in self-organizing physical and biological systems
George Washington University$7,000 2013Khovanov homology theories and their applications
George Washington University$7,000 2012Dynamical systems and aperiodic order
George Washington University$7,000 2012Geometric structures in self-organizing physical and biological systems
Georgia Institute of Technology$7,000 2012Problems in univariate and multivariate orthogonal polynomials (RESEARCH CORPORATION)
Georgia Institute of Technology$7,000 2012Asymptotics in sequence comparison (RESEARCH CORPORATION)
Georgia Institute of Technology$7,000 2011Oracle inequalities in sparse regression and low rank matrix estimation
Georgia Institute of Technology$7,000 2011Problems in univariate and multivariate orthogonal polynomials
Georgia Institute of Technology$7,000 2012Time frequency and applied harmonic analysis (RESEARCH CORPORATION)
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2013Problems in univariate and multivariate orthogonal polynomials
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2013Speciality and duality in integrable systems and orthogonal polynomials
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2013Time frequency and applied harmonic analysis
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2014Asymptotics in sequence comparison
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2014Big data sets information retrieval under low-complexity constraints
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2014Geometry of curves and surfaces
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2014Geometry randomness and free probability
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2014Mathematical analysis and numerical application of imaging problems
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2014Optimal alignments first passage percolation and other growth models
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2013Asymptotics in sequence comparison
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2013Geometry of curves and surfaces
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2013Mathematical analysis and numerical application of imaging problems
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2014Problems in univariate and multivariate orthogonal polynomials
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2014Spectrality and duality in integrable systems and orthogonal polynomials
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2014Time-frequency and applied harmonic analysis
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2015Problems in univariate and multivariate orthogonal polynomials
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2015Time-frequency and applied harmonic analysis
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2015Asymptotics in sequence comparison
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2015Geometry of curves and surfaces
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2015Spectrality and duality in integrable systems and orthogonal polynomials
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2015Mathematical analysis and numerical application of imaging problems
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2015Big data sets information retrieval under low-complexity constraints
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2015Optimal alignments first passage percolation and other growth models
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2015Geometry randomness and free probability
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2015Arithmetic of abelian varieties over function fields
Georgia Institute of Technology Research Corporation$7,000 2015Mathematical methods for statistical mechanics in and out of equilibrium
Georgia Southern University Research Services Fund$7,000 2015Combinatorics graph theory and applications
Georgia State University Research Foundation$7,000 2014Statistical inference based on empirical likelihood
Georgia State University Research Foundation$7,000 2015Statistical inference based on empirical likelihood
Harvey Mudd College$7,000 2012Solvability of semilinear equations with discrete spectrum
Harvey Mudd College$7,000 2014Discrete & continuous models of non-local chemical and biological systems
Harvey Mudd College$7,000 2014Solvability of semilinear equations with discrete spectrum
Harvey Mudd College$7,000 2015Solvability of semilinear equations with discrete spectrum
Harvey Mudd College$7,000 2015Discrete & continuous models of non-local chemical and biological systems
Harvey Mudd College$7,000 2013Solvability of semilmear equations with discrete spectrum
Indiana University$7,000 2014Collaborations in K-theory and stable representation theory (INDIANAPOLIS-)
Indiana University$7,000 2014Convergence and optimization in ergodic theory and harmonic analysis (INDIANAPOLIS-)
Indiana University$7,000 2011Travel grant for work in mathematical phyigenetics (TRUSTEES)
Indiana University$7,000 2011Vortex behavior for Ginzburg-Landau and Gross-Pitaevskii (TRUSTEES)
Indiana University$7,000 2012Travel grant for work in mathematical phylogenetics (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Knots homology cobordism and low dimensional topology (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Simons foundation collaboration proposal on barycenter methods (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Discrete structures in conformal dynamics and geometry (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Coalgebra logic and recursion (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Moduli of minimal surfaces in euclidean space (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Collaboration grant for analysis and geometric variations (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Low dimensional topology and gauge theory (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Four-dimensional aspects of classical knot theory (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Pluripotential theory and applications (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Algebraic k-theory and hochschild-type approximations (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Dynamics and geometry on moduli spaces (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Representation homology (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Geometric and algebraic topology (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Convergence and optimization in ergodic theory and harmonic analysis (INDIANAPOLIS-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Collaborations in k-theory and stable representation theory (INDIANAPOLIS-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Bethe ansatz (INDIANAPOLIS-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Application for the Simons foundation grants (INDIANAPOLIS-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Asymptotics of polynomials (INDIANAPOLIS-)
Indiana University$7,000 2015Structure and invariant subspaces of operators on functional Hilbert spaces (INDIANAPOLIS-)
Indiana University$7,000 2011Knots homology cobordlsm and low dimensional topolory (TRUSTEES)
Indiana University$7,000 2012Coalgebra logic and recursion (TRUSTEES)
Indiana University$7,000 2012Collaboration grant for analysis and geometric variations (TRUSTEES)
Indiana University$7,000 2013Simons foundation collaboration proposal on barycenter methods (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES-)
Indiana University$7,000 2012Discrete structures in conformal dynamics and geometry (TRUSTEES)
Indiana University$7,000 2011Simons foundation collaboration proposal on barycenter methods (TRUSTEES)
Indiana University$7,000 2012Knots homology cobordism and low dimensional topology (TRUSTEES)
Indiana University$7,000 2012Moduli of minimal surfaces in Euclidean space (TRUSTEES)
Indiana University$7,000 2012Simons foundation collaboration proposal on barycenter methods (BLOOMINGTON AND REGIONAL CAMPUSES)
Iowa State University Foundation$7,000 2015Extremal tiling and density problems in graphs and hypergraphs
Iowa State University of Science And Technology$7,000 2014Many server queueing networks in heavy traffic
Iowa State University of Science And Technology$7,000 2015Many server queueing networks in heavy traffic
Iowa State University of Science And Technology$7,000 2015Self-interacting random walks
Johns Hopkins University$7,000 2015The arithmetic site (HOMEWOOD- SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES)
Johns Hopkins University$7,000 2015Arithmetic geometry and local models (HOMEWOOD- SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES)
Johnson Smith University$7,000 2011Mathematics proposal - stone-cech compactification
Kansas State University$7,000 2014Collaboration grant proposal on methods for high dimensional data
Kansas State University$7,000 2014New models of fracture in solids with curvature-dependent surface tension
Kansas State University$7,000 2014Simons collaboration grant - kerr 2014
Kansas State University$7,000 2015Collaboration grant proposal on methods for high dimensional data
Kansas State University$7,000 2015Simons collaboration grant - Kerr 2014
Kansas State University$7,000 2015New models of fracture in solids with curvature-dependent surface tension
Kansas State University$7,000 2015Moonshine vertex operator algebras and geometry
Kennesaw State Unversity Research And Service Foundation$7,000 2014Adaptive approximation and mesh generation
Kennesaw State Unversity Research And Service Foundation$7,000 2015Adaptive approximation and mesh generation
Kennesaw State Unversity Research And Service Foundation$7,000 2013Adaptive approximation and mesh generation
Kent State University$7,000 2015Isomorphic and isometric problems in convex geometry
Lafayette College$7,000 2011Geometric analysis and general relativity
Lehigh University$7,000 2014Degeneration of Kahler-Einstein metrics
Lehigh University$7,000 2015Degeneration of kahler-einstein metrics
Lehigh University$7,000 2015A multiphysics mathematical framework on modeling cerebral aneurysms
Long Island University$7,000 2013Differential K-theory gerbes and higher hochschild complexes
Loyola Marymount University$7,000 2015Crans collaboration grant proposal
Loyola University$7,000 2013Generalized (q)-schur algebras and representation theory (CHICAGO)
Loyola University$7,000 2012Generalized (q)-schur algebras and representation theory (CHICAGO)
Marist College$7,000 2014Developing elastic parabolic equation solutions for marine mammal studies
Marist College$7,000 2015Developing elastic parabolic equation solutions for marine mammal studies
Marist College$7,000 2013Developing elastic parabolic equation solutions for marine mammal studies
Metropolitan State University$7,000 2015Schaeffer fry representations of finite groups collaboration grant
Mi- 10 70$7,000 2014Some free boundary problems for elliptic equations (WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY)
Miami University$7,000 2012Traveling waves in nonlinear coupled systems
Miami University$7,000 2014Existence and stability of traveling waves
Miami University$7,000 2014Simonscollab2013
Miami University$7,000 2015Existence and stability of traveling waves
Miami University$7,000 2015Simonscollab2013
Miami University$7,000 2015Classification rigidity and representations of c -algebras
Miami University$7,000 2012Existence and stability of traveling waves
Miami University$7,000 2013Existence and stability of traveling waves
Miami University$7,000 2013Extremal problems on graphs hypergraphs and set systems
Miami University$7,000 2013SimonsCollab2013
Michigan State University$7,000 2014Complex hyperbolic lattices geometry and analysis
Michigan State University$7,000 2014Some problems in riemannian and cr geometry
Michigan State University$7,000 2015Complex hyperbolic lattices geometry and analysis
Michigan State University$7,000 2015Some problems in Riemannian and CR geometry
Michigan State University$7,000 2013Complex hyperbolic lattices geometry and analysis
Michigan Technological University$7,000 2014Research in algebra and combinatorics
Michigan Technological University$7,000 2015Research in algebra and combinatorics
Michigan Technological University$7,000 2013Research in algebra and combinatorics
New York University$7,000 2014Random discrete processes
New York University$7,000 2014Algebraic and arithmetic geometry galois theory
New York University$7,000 2011Random discrete processes
New York University$7,000 2012Random discrete processes
New York University$7,000 2013Random discrete processes
New York University$7,000 2015Random discrete processes
New York University$7,000 2015Algebraic and arithmetic geometry Galois theory
North Dakota State University$7,000 2014Invariants in relative symplectic topology
North Dakota State University$7,000 2015Invariants in relative symplectic topology
North Dakota State University$7,000 2012Invariants in relative symplectic topology
North Dakota State University$7,000 2013Invariants in relative symplectic topology
Northern Illinois University$7,000 2015Dynamics and geometry in the quasi-world
Northwestern University$7,000 2013Stochastic analysis and applications
Northwestern University$7,000 2013Higher analytic stacks and topological field theory (EVANSTON CAMPUS)
Northwestern University$7,000 2014Stochastic analysis and applications (EVANSTON CAMPUS)
Northwestern University$7,000 2012Higher analytic stacks and topological field theory
Northwestern University$7,000 2015Stochastic analysis and applications (EVANSTON CAMPUS)
Northwestern University$7,000 2015Higher analytic stacks and topological field theory (EVANSTON CAMPUS)
Northwestern University$7,000 2012Stochastic analysis and applications
Northwestern University$7,000 2014Higher analytic stacks and topological field theory (EVANSTON CAMPUS)
Ohio State University$7,000 2014Algebraic geometry singularities enumerative geometry tropical geometry
Ohio State University$7,000 2014Automorphic representations and trace formulae
Ohio State University$7,000 2014Collaboration grant for mathematicians 2012
Ohio State University$7,000 2014Research in topology and geometric group theory
Ohio State University$7,000 2013Collaboration grant for mathematicians 2012
Ohio State University$7,000 2013Finding needles in the haystack by probing it with the right needles
Ohio State University$7,000 2015Collaboration grant for mathematicians 2012
Ohio State University$7,000 2015Research in topology and geometric group theory
Ohio State University$7,000 2015Automorphic representations and trace formulae
Ohio State University$7,000 2015Algebraic geometry singularities enumerative geometry tropical geometry
Ohio State University$7,000 2015Complex differential geometry
Ohio State University$7,000 2012Collaboration grant for mathematicians 2012
Ohio State University$7,000 2014Topological graph theory and matroid theory
Ohio State University$7,000 2015Topological graph theory and matroid theory
Ohio State University$7,000 2012Topological graph theory and matroid theory
Ohio State University$7,000 2013Topological graph theory and matroid theory
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2014Automorphic forms and representations
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2014Collaborations in commutative algebra
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2014Collaborative work in commutative algebra
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2014Nodal sets on arithmetic surfaces integrality and hypergeometrics
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2011Collaborations in commutative algebra
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2011Collaborative work in commutative algebra
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2012Automorphic forms and representations
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2015Collaborative work in commutative algebra
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2015Collaborations in commutative algebra
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2015Automorphic forms and representations
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2015Nodal sets on arithmetic surfaces integrality and hypergeometrics
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2012Collaborations in commutative algebra
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2012Collaborative work in commutative algebra
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2013Automorphic forms and representations
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2013Collaborations in commutative algebra
Oklahoma State University$7,000 2013Collaborative work in commutative algebra
Oregon State University$7,000 2014Collaboration in stochastics
Oregon State University$7,000 2014Model selection in high dimensional semiparametric models
Oregon State University$7,000 2014New developments in statistical regularization
Oregon State University$7,000 2015Model selection in high dimensional semiparametric models
Oregon State University$7,000 2015New developments in statistical regularization
Oregon State University$7,000 2013Collaboration in stochastics
Oregon State University$7,000 2013Model selection in high dimensional semiparametric models
Oregon State University$7,000 2013New developments in statistical regularization
Palo Alto Foundation For Education$7,000 2004Community-California
Princeton University$7,000 2011Analytic theory of automorphic forms
Purdue University$7,000 2012Studies of stochastic and dissipative boussinesq system for water waves
Purdue University$7,000 2013Applications of homotopy theory
Purdue University$7,000 2013Collaboration grant for mathematicians at Purdue university
Purdue University$7,000 2013Constrained problems numerical solutions and sparse observability
Purdue University$7,000 2013Degenerate parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations
Purdue University$7,000 2013Multicategories and stable homotopy
Purdue University$7,000 2013Optimal configurations and equilibrium measures
Purdue University$7,000 2013R-groups and L-functions for quasi-split groups and related problems
Purdue University$7,000 2013Studies of stochastic and dissipative boussmesq system for Water waves
Purdue University$7,000 2013Syzygies and Hilbert functions
Purdue University$7,000 2011Syzygies and Hilbert functions
Purdue University$7,000 2012Syzygies and Hilbert functions
Purdue University$7,000 2014Applications of homotopy theory
Purdue University$7,000 2014Collaboration grant for mathematicians at Purdue University
Purdue University$7,000 2014Constrained problems numerical solutions and sparse observability
Purdue University$7,000 2014Degenerate parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations
Purdue University$7,000 2011Collaboration grant for mathematicians at Purdue university
Purdue University$7,000 2011Constrained problems numerical solutions and sparse observability
Purdue University$7,000 2012Multicategories and stable homotopy
Purdue University$7,000 2014Geometry topology and physics
Purdue University$7,000 2014Multicategories and stable homotopy
Purdue University$7,000 2014Optimal configurations and equilibrium measures
Purdue University$7,000 2014R-groups and l-functions for quasi-spilt groups and related problems
Purdue University$7,000 2015Studies of stochastic and dissipative boussinesq system for water waves
Purdue University$7,000 2015Multicategories and stable homotopy
Purdue University$7,000 2015Collaboration grant for mathematicians at Purdue university
Purdue University$7,000 2015Syzygies and Hilbert functions
Purdue University$7,000 2015Constrained problems numerical solutions and sparse observability
Purdue University$7,000 2015Degenerate parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations
Purdue University$7,000 2015Applications of homotopy theory
Purdue University$7,000 2015R-groups and L-functions for quasi-split groups and related problems
Purdue University$7,000 2015Optimal configurations and equilibrium measures
Purdue University$7,000 2015Geometry topology and physics
Purdue University$7,000 2015Wave propagation scattering and inverse problems
Purdue University$7,000 2015Geometric scattering theory and propagation and decay of waves
Purdue University$7,000 2014Studies of stochastic and dissipative bouissinesq system for water waves
Purdue University$7,000 2014Syzygies and hilbert functions
Purdue University$7,000 2011Multicategories and stable homotopy
Purdue University$7,000 2012Collaboration grant for mathematicians at Purdue university
Purdue University$7,000 2012Constrained problems numerical solutions and sparse observability
Purdue University$7,000 2012Degenerate parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations
Purdue University$7,000 2011Studies of stochastic and dissipative boussinesq system for water waves
Regents of New Mexico State University$7,000 2013Parameters blowup algebras and connections to combinatorics
Regents of New Mexico State University$7,000 2014Parameters blowup algebras and connections to combinatorics
Regents of New Mexico State University$7,000 2015Parameters blowup algebras and connections to combinatorics
Regents of University$7,000 2015Leavitt path algebras collaboration in algebra and across disciplines (UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO - COLORADO SPRINGS)
Regents of University$7,000 2013Persistence of random processes
Regents of University$7,000 2014Collaborative research modeling tumor angiogenesis and treatment
Regents of University$7,000 2014Problems in statistical mechanics and partial differential equations
Regents of University$7,000 2014Scalable numerical methods for solving pdes on moving geometries
Regents of University$7,000 2015Collaborative research modeling tumor angiogenesis and treatment
Regents of University$7,000 2015Problems in statistical mechanics and partial differential equations
Regents of University$7,000 2015Scalable numerical methods for solving PDEs on moving geometries
Regents of University$7,000 2015Canonical operators and geometry of pseudoconvex domains
Regents of University$7,000 2015Geometry topology analysis of moduli space and locally symmetric space
Regents of University$7,000 2013Generalized brill-noether theory degenerations and tropical geometry (CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2013Cellular automata models (CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2013Constrained-based imaging (CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2014Large random matrices (DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2014Cohomology of differential forms on symplectic manifolds (IRVINE-)
Regents of University$7,000 2013Quantization of sheaves (IRVINE-)
Regents of University$7,000 2013Special fibers of shimura varieties and tate conjecture (IRVINE-)
Regents of University$7,000 2014Combinatonal representation theory of algebras related to SN (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2014Conformal geometry and physics (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2014Constrained-based imaging (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2014Generalized Brill-Noether Theory degenerations and tropical geometry (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2015Generalized brill-noether theory degenerations and tropical geometry (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2015Cellular automata models (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2015Conformal geometry and physics (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2015Combinatorial representation theory of algebras related to s_n (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2015Cohomology of differential forms on symplectic manifolds (IRVINE-)
Regents of University$7,000 2015Large random matrices (DAVIS-)
Regents of University$7,000 2014Cellular automata models (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS-)
Research Foundation City University$7,000 2013Topics in smooth ergodic theory (CITY COLLEGE)
Research Foundation City University$7,000 2014Semigroups in automata representation theory and probabilty (CITY COLLEGE)
Research Foundation City University$7,000 2014Topics in smooth ergodic theory (CITY COLLEGE)
Research Foundation City University$7,000 2015Topics in smooth ergodic theory (CITY COLLEGE)
Research Foundation City University$7,000 2015Semigroups in automata representation theory and probabiity (CITY COLLEGE)
Research Foundation City University$7,000 2013Generic properties of geometric groups
Research Foundation City University$7,000 2013Semigroups in Automata representation theory and probability
Research Foundation City University$7,000 2013Metric properties of thompson's groups (CITY COLLEGE)
Research Foundation For State University$7,000 2014New advances in quickest change-point detection with applications
Research Foundation For State University$7,000 2015New advances in quickest change-point detection with applications
Research Foundation For State University$7,000 2015Limit theorems for particle systems
Research Foundation For State University of New York On Behalf of State University of New York New$7,000 2014Limit theorems for particle systems
Research Foundation of City University$7,000 2015Higher-order intersection invariants in low-dimensional topology
Research Foundation of City University$7,000 2015Analysis of tree and network metrics
Research Foundation of City University$7,000 2015Simons collaboration grant statistics for tree-shaped data
Research Foundation of Cuny$7,000 2013Research in model theory of ordered structures
Research Foundation of State University of New York At Binghamton University$7,000 2015Algebraic and asymptotic properties of generating sets of algebras
Research Foundation of State University of New York At Binghamton University$7,000 2015Topics in geometric PDE
Research Foundation of State University of New York At Binghamton University$7,000 2015Statistical methods for high-dimensional classification
Research Foundation of Suny$7,000 2015Scattering theory semi-classical analysis and the aharonov-bohm effect (UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY)
Research Foundation of Suny$7,000 2015Irrational vertex algebras w-algebras and modular forms (UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY)
Research Foundation of Suny$7,000 2013Limit theorems for particle systems
Research Foundation of Suny$7,000 2013Scattering theory semi-classical analysis and the Aharonov-Bohm effect
Research Foundation of Suny$7,000 2014Irrational vertex algebras w-algebras and modular forms (UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY)
Research Foundation of Suny$7,000 2014Scattering theory semi-classical analysis and the aharonov-bohm effect (UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY)
Research Foundation of City University of New York On Behalf of Lehman College$7,000 2014Analysis of tree and network metrics
Research Foundation of City University of New York On Behalf of Lehman College$7,000 2014Higher-order intersection invariants in low-dimensional topology
Research Foundation of State University$7,000 2013Hyperfields tropical geometry and quantum invariants
Research Foundation of State University$7,000 2015Asymmetry and corners in free boundary problems for crystal growth
Rfcuny On Behalf of Kingsborough Community College$7,000 2014Research in model theory of ordered structures
Rfcuny On Behalf of New York City College of Technology$7,000 2014Vertex-algebraic structure of representations of affine lie algebras
Rochester Institute of Technology$7,000 2013Simons collaboration grants for mathematicians
Rochester Institute of Technology$7,000 2013Travel grant
Rochester Institute of Technology$7,000 2011Travel grant
Rochester Institute of Technology$7,000 2012Travel grant
Rochester Institute of Technology$7,000 2014Simons collaboration grants for mathematicians
Rochester Institute of Technology$7,000 2014Travel grant
Rochester Institute of Technology$7,000 2011Simons collaboration grant for mathematicians
Rochester Institute of Technology$7,000 2015Travel grant
Rochester Institute of Technology$7,000 2015Simons collaboration grants for mathematicians
Rochester Institute of Technology$7,000 2012Simons collaboration grants for mathematicians
Rutgers State University$7,000 2013Noncommutative clusters integrable systems and splitting algebras
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$7,000 2013Canonical structures in geometry and topology
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$7,000 2013Shrinkage estimation in high dimensional spaces
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$7,000 2015Shrinkage estimation in high dimensional spaces
Rutgers State University of New Jersey$7,000 2014Shrinkage estimation in high dimensional spaces
Rutgers University$7,000 2013Geometry of kahler manifold
Rutgers University$7,000 2014Canonical structures in geometry and topology (NEWARK CAMPUS)
Rutgers University$7,000 2014Geometry of Kahler manifold (NEWARK CAMPUS)
Rutgers University$7,000 2015Canonical structures in geometry and topology (NEWARK CAMPUS)
Rutgers University$7,000 2015Geometry of kahler manifold (NEWARK CAMPUS)
San Jose State University Research Foundation$7,000 20152015 Simons travel grant application
Santa Clara University$7,000 2014Rationality and l '2-topology of cat(o) groups
Santa Clara University$7,000 2015Rationality and L
Second Harvest Food Bank$7,000 2004Community-California
Smith College$7,000 2013Reconfiguration in graph theory and combinatorics of symmetric spaces
St Johns University New York$7,000 2012Coarse geometry of groups and assembly maps in algebraic k- and l-theory
Stony Brook University$7,000 2015Hyperfields tropical geometry and quantum invariants
Stony Brook University$7,000 2014Hyperfields tropical geometry and quantum invariants
Temple University$7,000 2015Geometric measure theory and higher order elliptic problems
Temple University$7,000 2014Geometric measure theory and higher order elliptic problems
Texas Christian University$7,000 2015Global analysis of G-manifolds and foliations
Texas Christian University$7,000 2015Characters and p-adic representation theory
Texas Christian University$7,000 2013Characters and p-adic representation theory
Texas Christian University$7,000 2013Global analysis of g-manifolds and foliations
Texas Christian University$7,000 2013Topology of stratified spaces
Texas Christian University$7,000 2011Topology of stratified spaces
Texas Christian University$7,000 2012Topology of stratified spaces
Texas Christian University$7,000 2012Characters and p-adic representation theory
Texas Christian University$7,000 2012Global analysis of g-manifolds and foliations
Texas Christian University$7,000 2014Characters and p-adic representation theory
Texas Christian University$7,000 2014Global analysis of g-manifolds and foliations
Texas State University$7,000 2015Orbits in finite group actions
Texas State University$7,000 2013Orbits in finite group actions (SAN MARCOS)
Texas State University$7,000 2014Orbits in finite group actions
Texas Tech University$7,000 2015Algebraic and topological structures in quantum field theory
Texas Tech University$7,000 2015Hypergeometric functions and modular forms
Texas Tech University$7,000 2013Algebraic and topological structures in quantum field theory
Texas Tech University$7,000 2013Cohomology of rings and algebras
Texas Tech University$7,000 2013Invariant theory steenrod technology and their applications
Texas Tech University$7,000 2014Algebraic and topological structures in quantum field theory
Texas Tech University$7,000 2014Invariant theory steenrod technology and their applications
Towson University$7,000 2015Multivariate polynomial splines
Towson University$7,000 2014Multivariate polynomial splines
Trust For Public Land - San Francisco$7,000 2003
Trustees of Boston University$7,000 2014Singular perturbations of complex dynamical systems
Trustees of Boston University$7,000 2013Singular perturbations of complex dynamical systems
Trustees of Boston University$7,000 2014Equivariant topological field theories in singularity and K-theories
Trustees of Boston University$7,000 2015Singular perturbations of complex dynamical systems
Trustees of Boston University$7,000 2015Equivariant topological field theories in singularity and k-theories
Trustees of Boston University$7,000 2015Hall algebras combinatorial hopf algebras and algebraic geometry over F1
Trustees of Columbia University In City$7,000 2014The log-concavity conjecture for genus polynomials of graphs
Trustees of Columbia University In City$7,000 2014Trace formulae l-functions and analytic number theory
Trustees of Columbia University In City$7,000 2015The log-concavity conjecture for genus polynomials of graphs
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2015Causality and legendrian linking
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2015Noncommutative dynamical systems
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2015Patterns in permutations and dynamical systems
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2015Problems in inverse spectral geometry
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2013Causality and Legendrian linking
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2013Noncommutative dynamical systems
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2013Patterns in permutations and dynamical systems
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2013Problems in algebraic combinatorics
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2014Causality and legendrian linking
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2014Noncommutative dynamical systems
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2014Patterns in permutations and dynamical systems
Trustees of Dartmouth College$7,000 2014Problems in inverse spectral geometry
Trustees of Davidson College$7,000 2015Collaborations in number theory and analysis
Trustees of Davidson College$7,000 2013Collaborations in number theory and analysis
Trustees of Davidson College$7,000 2014Collaborations in number theory and analysis
Trustees of Indiana University$7,000 2013Coalgebra logic and recursion
Trustees of Indiana University$7,000 2013Collaboration grant for analysis and geometric variations
Trustees of Indiana University$7,000 2013Discrete structures in conformal dynamics and geometry
Trustees of Indiana University$7,000 2013Knots homology cobordism and low dimensional topology
Trustees of Indiana University$7,000 2013Moduli of minimal surfaces in euclidean space
Trustees of Indiana University$7,000 2013Low dimensional topology and gauge theory
Trustees of Indiana University$7,000 2013Collaborations in K-theory and stable representation theory
Trustees of Indiana University$7,000 2013Four-dimensional aspects of classical knot theory
Trustees of Smith College$7,000 2015Reconfiguration in graph theory and combinatorics of symmetric spaces (SMITH COLLEGE-)
Trustees of Smith College$7,000 2015Mathematical modeling of actin based motility in cancer cells (SMITH COLLEGE-)
Trustees of Smith College$7,000 2014Reconfiguration in graph theory and combinatorics of symmetric spaces (SMITH COLLEGE-)
Trustees of Union College$7,000 2013Kaehler geometry
Union College$7,000 2015Koehler geometry
Union College$7,000 2011Kaehler geometry (TRUSTEES)
Union College$7,000 2012Kaehler geometry (TRUSTEES)
Union College$7,000 2014Kaehler geometry
University Enterprises$7,000 2015Craig Timmons - collaboration grant for mathematicians
University of Akron$7,000 2015Reaction-diffusion systems and their applications
University of Akron$7,000 2015Regularity for solutions to some nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations
University of Akron$7,000 2014Reaction-diffusion systems and their applications
University of Akron$7,000 2014Regularity for solutions to some nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations
University of Arizona$7,000 2013From integrable systems to hyperkaehler geometry via string theory
University of Arizona$7,000 2012From integrable systems to hyperkaehler geometry via string theory
University of California$7,000 2012Statistics for points on curves over finite fields (SAN DIEGO - REGENTS)
University of California$7,000 2012Volumes and lattice points of polytopes (DAVIS - REGENTS)
University of California$7,000 2012Lie groups and harmonic analysis (BERKELEY - REGENTS)
University of California$7,000 2012Quantum folding and categorical methods (RIVERSIDE - REGENTS)
University of California$7,000 2011Computational complexity proof complexity and formal systems (SAN DIEGO - REGENTS)
University of California$7,000 2011Lie groups and harmonic analysis (BERKELEY)
University of California$7,000 2011Operator spaces and approximation theory (IRVINE)
University of California - Berkeley Regents$7,000 2014Lie groups and harmonic analysis
University of California - Berkeley Regents$7,000 2013Lie groups and harmonic analysis
University of California - Berkeley Regents$7,000 2014Travel grant to complete research c 15 decidable & monoids acting on trees
University of California - Berkeley Regents$7,000 2015Lie groups and harmonic analysis
University of California - Berkeley Regents$7,000 2015Travel grant to complete research c is decidable & monoids acting on trees
University of California - San Diego Regents$7,000 2015Statistics for points on curves over finite fields
University of California - San Diego Regents$7,000 2015Long time evolution for dispersive PDE's
University of California - San Diego Regents$7,000 2013Statistics for points on curves over finite fields
University of Chicago$7,000 2015Computable mathematics
University of Chicago$7,000 2015Collaboration in financial mathematics
University of Chicago$7,000 2011Computability theory and applications
University of Chicago$7,000 2012Computability theory and applications
University of Chicago$7,000 2013Computability theory and applications
University of Chicago$7,000 2014Computability theory and applications
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2015Analysis and control of nonlinear dispersive wave equations
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2015Problems in operator theory on traces ideals commutators and majorization
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2015Finite sums of projections
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2015Bayesian analysis and its applications
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2015Dispersive estimates in continuous and discrete media
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2015Structure of operator algebras
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2015Statistical methods for distributed massive spatial/spatio-temporal data
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2015Bellman functions monge-ampere equations and sharp integral estimates
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2013Analysis and control of nonlinear dispersive wave equations
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2013Bayesian analysis and its applications
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2013Dispersive estimates in continuous and discrete media
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2013Finite sums of projections
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2013Problems in operator theory on traces ideals commutators and majorization
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2013Structure of operator algebras
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2012Universality in stochastic processes and differential equations
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2011Analysis and control of nonlinear dispersive wave equations
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2012Analysis and control of nonlinear dispersive wave equations
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2012Bayesian analysis and its applications
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2011Geometry and potential theory in metric measure spaces
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2012Finite sums of projections
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2012Problems in operator theory on traces ideals commutators and majorization
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2014Analysis and control of nonlinear dispersive wave equations
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2014Bayesian analysis and its applications
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2014Bellman functions monge-ampere equations and sharp integral estimates
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2014Dispersive estimates in continuous and discrete media
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2014Finite sums of projections
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2014Problems in operator theory on traces ideals commutators and majorizati
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2014Statistical methods for distributed massive spatial/spatia-temporal data
University of Cincinnati$7,000 2014Structure of operator algebras
University of Colorado$7,000 2011Collaborative research in structural and extremal graph theory (DENVER)
University of Colorado$7,000 2011Leavitt path algebras: collaboration in algebra and across disciplines (COLORADO SPRINGS)
University of Colorado$7,000 2012Collaborative research in structural and external graph theory (DENVER)
University of Colorado$7,000 2012Leavitt path algebras collaboration in algebra and across disciplines (REGENTS)
University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus And Dc$7,000 2014Extremal and structural graph theory
University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus And Dc$7,000 2014Graph theory problems related to measuring closeness to planarity
University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus And Dc$7,000 2014Collaboration in computational combinatorics
University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus And Dc$7,000 2014Collaborative research in structural and extremal graph theory
University of Colorado, Boulder$7,000 2013Integral points on abelian varieties
University of Connecticut$7,000 2012Solutions to the scalar and vector valued Allen Cahn equations
University of Connecticut$7,000 2015Solutions to the scalar and vector valued Allen-Cahn equations
University of Connecticut$7,000 2015Analysis of markov processes
University of Connecticut$7,000 2015Topics on hyperbolic kac-moody algebras and groups
University of Connecticut$7,000 2015Phase transition in lattice models and conformal invariance at criticality
University of Connecticut$7,000 2015Structured low rank modeling for multivariate statistical learning
University of Connecticut$7,000 2015Special fibers of shimura varieties and Tate conjecture
University of Connecticut$7,000 2013Analysis of Markov processes
University of Connecticut$7,000 2013Solutions to the scalar and vector valued Allen-Cahn equations
University of Connecticut$7,000 2011Analysis of Markov processes
University of Connecticut$7,000 2011Solutions to the scalar and vector valued Allen-Cahn equations
University of Connecticut$7,000 2014Analysis of markov processes
University of Connecticut$7,000 2014Solutions to the scalar and vector valued allen-cahn equations
University of Connecticut$7,000 2014Special fibers of shimura varieties and tate conjecture
University of Connecticut$7,000 2014Topics on hyperbolic kac--moody algebras and groups
University of Delaware$7,000 2015Modeling of waves in the ocean and in the bone
University of Delaware$7,000 2015Biomechanical models for intimal thickening and vulnerable plaque
University of Delaware$7,000 2013Biomechamcal models for intimal thickening and vulnerable plaque
University of Delaware$7,000 2013Modeling of waves in the ocean and in the bone
University of Delaware$7,000 2011Simons collaboration grant 2011
University of Delaware$7,000 2012Modeling of waves in the ocean and in the bone
University of Delaware$7,000 2012Simons collaboration grant 2011
University of Delaware$7,000 2014Biomechanical models for intimal thickening and vulnerable plaque
University of Delaware$7,000 2014Modeling of waves in the ocean and in the bone
University of Denver$7,000 2012Algebraic proof theory (COLORADO SEMINARY)
University of Denver$7,000 2012Classification of tukey types of ultrafilters (COLORADO SEMINARY)
University of Denver$7,000 2012Computational aspects of loop theory (COLORADO SEMINARY)
University of Florida$7,000 2014Algorithmic questions of self-similar and l-presented group
University of Florida$7,000 2014Two-dimensional coulomb gas and random matrices
University of Florida$7,000 2015Algorithmic questions of self-similar and L-presented group
University of Florida$7,000 2015Two-dimensional coulomb gas and random matrices
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2015Uniformization via combinatorial harmonic maps
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2015Parameterized Morse theory in low-dimensional topology
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2015Mathematics of stock trading
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2015Contact topology and automorphisms of surfaces
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2015Arithmetic on algebraic varieties
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2015Topics in arithmetic combinatorics
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2015Open books and invariants in contact topology
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2015Rumely Simons collaboration grant
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2015Rational and tropical curves
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2013Contact topology and automorphisms of surfaces
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2013Mathematics of stock trading
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2013Multivariate spline wavelet frames and sparse solution for applications
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2013Open books and invariants in contact topology
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2013Rumely Simons collaboration grant
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2013Symplectic methods for random polygons
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2013Topics in arithmetic combinatorics
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2014Contact topology and automorphisms of surfaces
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2014Mathematics of stock trading
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2014Modular representations of finite groups
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2014Open books and invariants in contact topology
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2014Rumely simons collaboration grant
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2014Topics in arithmetic combinatorics
University of Georgia Research Foundation$7,000 2014Uniformization via combinatorial harmonic maps
University of Hawaii$7,000 2014Automatic complexity
University of Hawaii$7,000 2014Coarse geometry and applications to operator K-Theory
University of Hawaii$7,000 2014Congruences related to modular and mock modular forms
University of Hawaii$7,000 2015Congruences related to modular and mock modular forms
University of Hawaii$7,000 2015Coarse geometry and applications to operator k-theory
University of Hawaii$7,000 2015Automatic complexity
University of Hawaii$7,000 2015Geometric optimal control and its application
University of Hawaii$7,000 2015Michelle manes
University of Hawaii$7,000 2013Classification of c*-algebras and applications
University of Hawaii$7,000 2013Coarse geometry and applications to Operator K theory
University of Hawaii$7,000 2013Congruences related to modular and mock modular forms
University of Hawaii$7,000 2011Congruences related to modular and mock modular forms
University of Hawaii$7,000 2012Coarse geometry and applications to operator k-theory
University of Hawaii$7,000 2012Congruences related to modular and mock modular forms
University of Houston$7,000 2015Classification of graph c -algebras
University of Houston$7,000 2015Properties of dynamical systems with some hyperbolicity
University of Houston$7,000 2015Statistical properties of stationary and sequential dynamical systems
University of Houston$7,000 2013Classification of graph c*-algebras
University of Houston$7,000 2013Properties of dynamical systems with some hyperbolicity
University of Houston$7,000 2011Classification of graph c-algebras
University of Houston$7,000 2012Active manipulation of acoustic/electromagnetic fields
University of Houston$7,000 2012Classification of graph c*-algebras
University of Houston$7,000 2012Properties of dynamical systems with some hyperbolicity
University of Houston$7,000 2014Classification of graph c·-algebras
University of Houston$7,000 2014Properties of dynamical systems with some hyperbolicity
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign$7,000 2015Operator spaces and approximation theory
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign$7,000 2014Operator spaces and approximation theory
University of Iowa$7,000 2014High dimensional geometry in data analysis and signal processing
University of Iowa$7,000 2014Nonlinear schrodinger equations at critical nonlinearity
University of Iowa$7,000 2015Nonlinear Schrodinger equations at critical nonlinearity
University of Iowa$7,000 2015High dimensional geometry in data analysis and signal processing
University of Iowa$7,000 2013Analysis approximation and numerical simulations in optical imaging
University of Iowa$7,000 2014Analysis approximation and numerical simulations in optical imaging
University of Iowa$7,000 2013Sparse vector and low-rank matrix reconstruction methods in imaging science
University of Iowa$7,000 2011Analysis approximation and numerical simulations in optical imaging
University of Iowa$7,000 2012Analysis approximation and numerical simulations in optical imaging
University of Kansas$7,000 2012Some problems in stochastic differential equations (CENTER FOR RESEARCH)
University of Kansas$7,000 2011Topics in algebraic geometry
University of Kansas$7,000 2012Topics in algebraic geometry (CENTER FOR RESEARCH)
University of Kansas$7,000 2011Problems in algebraic and geometric combmatorics
University of Kansas$7,000 2011Some problems in stochastic differential equations
University of Kansas - Center For Research$7,000 2015Some problems in stochastic differential equations
University of Kansas - Center For Research$7,000 2015Combinatorics of cell complexes
University of Kansas - Center For Research$7,000 2015Recent progress on gromov-witten and Donaldson-Thomas theory
University of Kansas - Center For Research$7,000 2013Some problems in stochastic differential equations
University of Kansas - Center For Research$7,000 2014Combinatorics of cell complexes
University of Kansas - Center For Research$7,000 2014Recent progress on gromov-witten and donaldson-thomas theory
University of Kansas - Center For Research$7,000 2014Some problems in stochastic differential equations
University of Kentucky - Research Foundation$7,000 2015Analysis and partial differential equations
University of Kentucky - Research Foundation$7,000 2015Applications of flag enumeration in algebra and geometry
University of Kentucky - Research Foundation$7,000 2015Equivariance in homotopy theory
University of Kentucky - Research Foundation$7,000 2015Collaborations in commutative algebra
University of Kentucky - Research Foundation$7,000 2015Traces in higher categories stable homotopy theory and dynamics
University of Kentucky - Research Foundation$7,000 2015Inverse scattering in two dimensions
University of Kentucky - Research Foundation$7,000 2014Analysis and partial differential equations
University of Kentucky - Research Foundation$7,000 2014Applications of flag enumeration in algebra and geometry
University of Kentucky - Research Foundation$7,000 2014Collaborations in commutative algebra
University of Kentucky - Research Foundation$7,000 2014Equivanance in homotopy theory
University of Maine System Acting Through University$7,000 2014Automorphic forms and the trace formula
University of Maryland, Baltimore County$7,000 2015UMBC collaboration for mathematics
University of Maryland, Baltimore County$7,000 2014Umbc collaboration for mathematics
University of Massachusetts$7,000 2014Geometry and topology of smooth four-manifolds
University of Massachusetts$7,000 2014Holomorphic curves and contact geometry
University of Massachusetts$7,000 2015Holomorphic curves and contact geometry
University of Massachusetts$7,000 2015Geometry and topology of smooth four-manifolds
University of Massachusetts$7,000 2013Algebraic cycles on holomorphic symplectic and poisson varieties and their
University of Massachusetts$7,000 2012Algebraic cycles on holomorphic symplectic and poisson varieties (AMHERST)
University of Miami$7,000 2014Rational catalan combinatorics
University of Miami$7,000 2014Rational open books
University of Miami$7,000 2014Scalar curvature on compact manifolds with boundary
University of Miami$7,000 2013Rational open books
University of Miami$7,000 2013Scalar curvature on compact manifolds with boundary
University of Miami$7,000 2015Rational open books
University of Miami$7,000 2015Scalar curvature on compact manifolds with boundary
University of Miami$7,000 2015Rational Catalan combinatorics
University of Miami$7,000 2011Rational open books
University of Miami$7,000 2012Rational open books
University of Minnesota$7,000 2011Research on classical and quantum superintegrable systems (REGENTS)
University of Minnesota$7,000 2012Explicit studies of number fields (MORRIS - REGENTS)
University of Minnesota$7,000 2012Long time regularity properties in dispersive and hyperbolic PDE (REGENTS)
University of Minnesota$7,000 2012New methods for spatial statistics and processive motor proteins (REGENTS)
University of Minnesota$7,000 2012Research on classical and quantum superintegrable systems (REGENTS)
University of Minnesota$7,000 2011Explicit studies of number fields (REGENTS)
University of Mississippi$7,000 2015A new higher codimension analogue of hochster's theta invariant
University of Mississippi$7,000 2013A new higher codimension analogue of Hochster's theta invariant
University of Mississippi$7,000 2012A new higher codimension analogue of Hochster's theta invariant
University of Mississippi$7,000 2014A new higher codimension analogue of hochster's theta invariant
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2014Geometric measure theory and partial differential equations
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2014Problems in fourier analysis
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2014Randomized isoperimetric inequalities and concentration phenomena
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2015Boundary value problems on rough domains
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2015Crepant resolution conjecture for Hilbert-chow morphisms
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2015Geometric measure theory and partial differential equations
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2015Problems in Fourier analysis
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2015Randomized isoperimetric inequalities and concentration phenomena
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2015Research in applied analysis and dynamical systems
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2015Research in automorphic forms and representations
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2014Boundary value problems on rough domains
University of Missouri- Columbia$7,000 2014Crepant resolution conjecture for hilbert-chow morphisms
University of Montana$7,000 2014Spectral preservers of function algebras
University of Montana$7,000 2014Strengthening mathematical collaboration in big sky country
University of Montana$7,000 2012Spectral preservers of function algebras
University of Montana$7,000 2015Spectral preservers of function algebras
University of Montana$7,000 2015Strengthening mathematical collaboration in big sky country
University of Montana$7,000 2013Spectral preservers of function algebras
University of Montana$7,000 2011Spectral preservers of function algebras (MISSOULA)
University of Nevada$7,000 2012Heegaard floer homology and Dehn surgery obstructions (RENO - BOARD OF REGENTS)
University of Nevada, Las Vegas$7,000 2014Mathematical study of maxwell's equations in metamateriais
University of New Hampshire$7,000 2014Problems in operator theory
University of New Hampshire$7,000 2015Problems in operator theory
University of New Hampshire$7,000 2013Problems in operator theory
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill$7,000 2012Polynomials and rational functions associated to discrete structures (CHARLOTTE)
University of North Carolina, Charlotte$7,000 2014Polynomials and rational functions associated to discrete structures
University of North Carolina, Charlotte$7,000 2015Polynomials and rational functions associated to discrete structures
University of North Carolina, Charlotte$7,000 2015Star operations on Noetherian domains
University of North Carolina, Charlotte$7,000 2013Polynomials and rational functions associated to discrete structures
University of North Texas$7,000 2014Diophantine approximation on fractals
University of North Texas$7,000 2014Geometric aspects of the representation theory of reductive groups
University of North Texas$7,000 2014Jacobi forms and applications
University of North Texas$7,000 2014Lie algebra cohomology and invariant differential operators
University of North Texas$7,000 2014Problems in linear and nonlinear geometry of banach spaces
University of North Texas$7,000 2015Jacobi forms and applications
University of North Texas$7,000 2015Lie algebra cohomology and invariant differential operators
University of North Texas$7,000 2015Problems in linear and nonlinear geometry of banach spaces
University of North Texas$7,000 2015Geometric aspects of the representation theory of reductive groups
University of North Texas$7,000 2015Diophantine approximation on fractals
University of North Texas$7,000 2013Diophantine approximation on Fractals
University of North Texas$7,000 2013Geometric aspects of the representation theory of reductive groups
University of North Texas$7,000 2013Jacobi forms and applications
University of North Texas$7,000 2013Lie algebra cohomology and invariant differential operators
University of North Texas$7,000 2013Problems in linear and nonlinear geometry of Banach spaces
University of North Texas$7,000 2011Problems in linear and nonlinear geometry of banach spaces
University of North Texas$7,000 2012Diophantine approximation on fractals
University of North Texas$7,000 2012Geometric aspects of the representation theory of reductive groups
University of North Texas$7,000 2012Jacobi forms and applications
University of North Texas$7,000 2012Lie algebra cohomology and invariant differential operators
University of North Texas$7,000 2012Problems in linear and nonlinear geometry of banach spaces
University of Oklahoma$7,000 2013Collaboration on the extension of hardy-littlewood-sobolev inequality
University of Oklahoma$7,000 2013Fourier bases on fractal Hilbert spaces
University of Oklahoma$7,000 2013Periods and functorial transfer
University of Oklahoma$7,000 2012Fourier bases on fractal Hilbert spaces
University of Oklahoma$7,000 2012Periods and functorial transfer
University of Rhode Island$7,000 2013Mathematical contributions by W Kook since 2007 (updated for 2012)
University of Rhode Island$7,000 2012Mathematical contributions by W. Kook since 2007 (updated for 2012)
University of South Alabama$7,000 2014Cohomology and extensions for finite groups of lie type
University of South Alabama$7,000 2014Collaboration in knot theory from a dynamical perspective
University of South Alabama$7,000 2014Diagrammatics and higher dimensional knottings
University of South Alabama$7,000 2014Knots groups and dynamical systems
University of South Alabama$7,000 2015Cohomology and extensions for finite groups of lie type
University of South Alabama$7,000 2015Collaboration in knot theory from a dynamical perspective
University of South Alabama$7,000 2015Knots groups and dynamical systems
University of South Alabama$7,000 2015Diagrammatics and higher dimensional knottings
University of South Alabama$7,000 2013Cohomology and extensions for finite groups of lie type
University of South Alabama$7,000 2013Collaboration in knot theory from a dynamical perspective
University of South Alabama$7,000 2013Knots groups and dynamical systems
University of South Alabama$7,000 2012Cohomology and extensions for finite groups of lie type
University of South Alabama$7,000 2012Collaboration in knot theory from a dynamical perspective
University of South Alabama$7,000 2012Knots groups and dynamical systems
University of Tennessee$7,000 2014Collaborative research on circle packing and discrete conformal geometry
University of Tennessee$7,000 2014Deformations of hyperbolic 3-manifold groups and related topics
University of Tennessee$7,000 2014Large deviations for stochastic systems and applications
University of Tennessee$7,000 2014Levy systems and non-gaussian chaos
University of Tennessee$7,000 2014Random walks in random media
University of Tennessee$7,000 2014Simons collaboration grant for mathematicians
University of Tennessee$7,000 2015Collaborative research on circle packing and discrete conformal geometry
University of Tennessee$7,000 2015Simons collaboration grant for mathematicians
University of Tennessee$7,000 2015Deformations of hyperbolic 3-manifold groups and related topics
University of Tennessee$7,000 2015Random walks in random media
University of Tennessee$7,000 2015Large deviations for stochastic systems and applications
University of Tennessee$7,000 2015Levy systems and non-Gaussian chaos
University of Tennessee$7,000 2015Asymptotical stability and regularity theory in nonlinear PDEs
University of Tennessee$7,000 2013Collaborative research on circle packing and discrete conformal geometry
University of Tennessee$7,000 2013Deformations of hyperbolic 3-manifold groups and related topics
University of Tennessee$7,000 2013Large deviations for stochastic systems and applications
University of Tennessee$7,000 2013Levy systems and non-gaussian chaos
University of Tennessee$7,000 2013Random walks in random media
University of Tennessee$7,000 2013Simons collaboration grant for mathematicians
University of Tennessee$7,000 2011Collaborative research on circle packing and discrete conformal geometry
University of Tennessee$7,000 2011Deformations of hyperbolic 3-manifold groups and related topics
University of Tennessee$7,000 2012Collaborative research on circle packing and discrete conformal geometry
University of Tennessee$7,000 2012Deformations of hyperbolic 3-manifold groups and related topics
University of Tennessee$7,000 2011Simons collaboration grant for mathematicians
University of Tennessee$7,000 2012Random walks in random media
University of Tennessee$7,000 2012Simons collaboration grant for mathematicians
University of Texas At Austin$7,000 2012Local global principles in arithmetic geometry (AUSTIN)
University of Texas At Austin$7,000 2011Variational analysis and a generalized fermat- torricelli problem (PAN AMERICAN)
University of Texas At Austin$7,000 2012Topology and algebra of character varieties (PAN AMERICAN)
University of Texas At Austin$7,000 2012Weight modules of lie algebras and superalgebras (ARLINGTON)
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley$7,000 2014Closed and approximate solutions to equations on wave propagation phenol
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley$7,000 2015Closed and approximate solutions to equations on wave propagation phenomena
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley$7,000 2015Finite w-algebras for lie superalgebras and superconformal algebras
University of Texas, Arlington$7,000 2015Lie superalgebra representations localization geometry and combinatorics
University of Texas, Arlington$7,000 2015Integral geometric problems in tomography
University of Texas, Austin$7,000 2015Local-global principles in arithmetic geometry
University of Texas, Austin$7,000 2014Local-global principles in arithmetic geometry
University of Texas, Austin$7,000 2013Local-global principles in arithmetic geometry
University of Texas, Dallas$7,000 2015Some conjectures about the colored jones polynomial
University of Texas-Pan American$7,000 2013Topology and algebra of character varieties
University of Toledo$7,000 2014Higher codimensinal mean curvature flow and minimal submanifolds
University of Toledo$7,000 2015Higher codimensinal mean curvature flow and minimal submanifolds
University of Toledo$7,000 2013Higher codimensinal mean curvature flow and minimal submanifolds
University of Toledo$7,000 2012Higher codimensinal mean curvature flow and minimal submanifolds
University of Vermont And State Agricultural College Foundation$7,000 2011Combinatorial polynomials arising from representations
University of Wisconsin$7,000 2011Collaborations in geometric topology and geometric group theory (MILWAUKEE)
University of Wisconsin$7,000 2011Computability model theory and algebra (MADISON)
University of Wisconsin$7,000 2012Collaboration grants for mathematicians - slemrod (MADISON - BOARD OF REGENTS)
University of Wisconsin$7,000 2012Collaborations in geometric topology and geometric group theory (MILWAUKEE)
University of Wisconsin$7,000 2012Collaborations in optimal stopping and control of stochastic processes (MILWAUKEE)
University of Wisconsin$7,000 2012Computability model theory and algebra (MADISON - BOARD OF REGENTS)
University of Wisconsin- Madison$7,000 2014Collaboration grants for mathematicians - Slemrod (BOARD OF REGENTS UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM-)
University of Wisconsin- Madison$7,000 2014Computability model theory and algebra (BOARD OF REGENTS UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM-)
University of Wisconsin- Madison$7,000 2013Collaboration grants for mathematicians - slemrod (BOARD OF REGENTS UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM-)
University of Wisconsin- Madison$7,000 2013Computability model theory and algebra (BOARD OF REGENTS UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM-)
University of Wisconsin- Madison$7,000 2013Geometry and topology of singularities
University of Wisconsin- Madison$7,000 2015Computability model theory and algebra (BOARD OF REGENTS UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM-)
University of Wisconsin- Madison$7,000 2015Collaboration grants for mathematicians - slemrod (BOARD OF REGENTS UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM-)
University of Wisconsin- Madison$7,000 2015Computability and randomness (BOARD OF REGENTS UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM-)
University of Wisconsin N++ Milwaukee$7,000 2013Collaboration on mathematical biology
University of Wisconsin N++ Milwaukee$7,000 2013Collaborations in geometric topology and geometric group theory
University of Wisconsin N++ Milwaukee$7,000 2013Collaborations in optimal stopping and control of stochastic processes
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2014Collaboration on mathematical biology
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2014Collaborations in geometric topology and geometric group theory
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2014Collaborations in optimal stopping and control of stochastic processes
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2014Lie superalgebras and enveloping algebras
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2014Relatively hyperbolic groups and cube complexes
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2014Research in geometric group theory
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2015Collaborations in geometric topology and geometric group theory
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2015Collaborations in optimal stopping and control of stochastic processes
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2015Research in geometric group theory
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2015Collaboration on mathematical biology
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2015Lie superalgebras and enveloping algebras
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2015Relatively hyperbolic groups and cube complexes
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$7,000 2013Research in geometric group theory
University of Wisconsin-Stout$7,000 2014Cohomology of finite groups of lie type and algebraic groups
University of Wisconsin-Stout$7,000 2015Cohomology of finite groups of lie type and algebraic groups
University of Wyoming$7,000 2014Compatible systems and big monodromy
University of Wyoming$7,000 2014Some problems in the classification of c·-algebras
University of Wyoming$7,000 2014Stochastic pdes in hydrodynamic statistical properties and inviscid limits
University of Wyoming$7,000 2015Compatible systems and big monodromy
University of Wyoming$7,000 2015Some problems in the classification of c -algebras
University of Wyoming$7,000 2013Compatible systems and big monodromy
University of Wyoming$7,000 2013Stochastic PDEs in hydrodynamic statistical properties and inviscid limits
University of Wyoming$7,000 2012Compatible systems and big monodromy
University of Yaounde$7,000 2014Africa collaboration grant
University of Yaounde$7,000 2013Africa collaboration grant
Utah State University$7,000 2015Topics in nonlinear analysis and applications to nonlinear elliptic PDEs
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2015Operator theory and function theory on the Bergman spaces
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2015Mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2015Deformation techniques in real enumerative geometry and kahler geometry
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2015Subfactors and planar algebras
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2014Deformation techniques in real enumerative geometry and kahler geometry
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2014Operator theory and function theory on the bergman spaces
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2013Operator theory and function theory on the Bergman spaces
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2013Deformation techniques in real enumerative geometry and kahler geometry
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2011Operator theory and function theory on the Bergman spaces
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2012Embeddings structure and traversability of graphs
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2012Moving boundaries in phase transitions and fluid flows
Vanderbilt University$7,000 2012Operator theory and function theory on the Bergman spaces
Vassar College$7,000 2014Topics in operator algebras perturbations dynamics and blmodules
Vassar College$7,000 2015Topics in operator algebras perturbations dynamics and bimodules
Vassar College$7,000 2015Simons collaboration grant algebraic structures in link homology
Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University$7,000 2015Quantum cohomology and quantum k theory of (affine) flag manifolds
Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University$7,000 2015Exploring the combinatorics of symmetric and quasisymmetric functions
Virginia State University$7,000 2013Zhifu Xie Simons Collaboration grants 2013
Washington And Lee University$7,000 2014Geometric and combinatorial configurations
Washington And Lee University$7,000 2015Geometric and combinatorial configurations
Washington And Lee University$7,000 2013Geometric and combinatorial configurations
Washington University In Stlouis$7,000 2015Collaborative research in geometric numerical analysis
Washington University In Stlouis$7,000 2015Foliations flows and contact structures
Washington University In Stlouis$7,000 2011Geometry of projective varieties
Washington University In Stlouis$7,000 2014Collaborative research in geometric numerical analysis
Washington University In Stlouis$7,000 2014Foliations flows and contact structures
Wayne State University$7,000 2015Connective k-theory red shift and stable homotopy of spheres
Wayne State University$7,000 2015Algebraic topology manifolds and statistical mechanics
Wayne State University$7,000 2013Connective K-theory red shift and stable homotopy of spheres
Wayne State University$7,000 2013Some free boundary problems for elliptic equations
Wayne State University$7,000 2012Connective k-theory red shift and stable homotopy of spheres
Wayne State University$7,000 2014Algebraic topology manifolds and statistical mechanics
Wayne State University$7,000 2014Connective K-theory red shift and stable homotopy of spheres
Wayne State University$7,000 2015Some free boundary problems for elliptic equations
Wellesley College$7,000 2015Algebraic topology of knot and link spaces
West Chester University$7,000 2014Chaotic behavior of noncom pact transformations
West Chester University$7,000 2014Simons collaboration grants for mathematicians
West Chester University$7,000 2015Chaotic behavior of noncompact transformations
West Chester University$7,000 2015Simons collaboration grants for mathematicians
West Chester University$7,000 2013Chaotic behavior of noncompact transformations
West Chester University$7,000 2013Simons collaboration grants for mathematicians
West Chester University$7,000 2011Chaotic behavior of noncompact transformations
West Chester University$7,000 2012Chaotic behavior of noncompact transformations
West Chester University$7,000 2011Simons collaboration grant for mathematicians
West Chester University$7,000 2012Simons collaboration grants for mathematicians
Western Michigan University$7,000 2012Collaboration grant 2012
Western Michigan University Foundation$7,000 2014Collaboration grant 2012
Western Michigan University Foundation$7,000 2015Collaboration grant 2012
Western Michigan University Foundation$7,000 2013Collaboration grant 2012
Wichita State University$7,000 2014The topology of the space of metrics of positive scalar curvature
Wichita State University$7,000 2015The topology of the space of metrics of positive scalar curvature
Wichita State University$7,000 2015Lower curvature bounds and symmetries
Wichita State University$7,000 2013The topology of the space of metrics of positive scalar curvature
Yeshiva University$7,000 2012Nonlinear elliptic pdes and integral systems (ALBERT EINSTEIN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE)
York College City University$7,000 2014Wojciechowski collaboration grant
York College City University$7,000 2015Wojciechowski collaboration grant
Stony Brook Foundation$6,802 2004BSA Dinner
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$6,666 2012Employee matching
Transfer By Diane$6,500 2002
Yale University$6,384 2005
Mathematical Sciences Research$6,165 2002
National Academy of Sciences$6,100 2010To fund USNC/math 2010 international congress of mathematicians mentoring breakfast
Emory University$6,000 2009
Freedom From Hunger$6,000 2003
Freedom From Hunger$6,000 2000
Global Fund For Women$6,000 2003
Institute For Educational Leadership$6,000 2006
Institute For Educational Leadership$6,000 2008FY 2008
Learning Spring Elementary School$6,000 2003
Oicw$6,000 2000
Oicw$6,000 2004Community-California
Oicw$6,000 2005
Planned Parenthood$6,000 2003
Second Harvest Food Bank$6,000 2003
The American Society For Neurochemistry$6,000 201445th annual meeting
Umacc$6,000 2009
United States Naval Academy$6,000 2014Derivations rational homotopy and error correcting codes of arrangements
United States Naval Academy$6,000 2015Derivations rational homotopy and error correcting codes of arrangements
United States Treasury$6,000 2013Derivations rational homotopy and error correcting codes of arrangements
United States Treasury$6,000 2013Exploring the combinatorics of symmetric and quasisymmetric functions
United States Treasury$6,000 2012Derivations rational homotopy and error correcting codes of arrangements
United States Treasury$6,000 2012Exploring the combinatorics of symmetric and quasisymmetric functions
Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University$6,000 2014Exploring the combinatorics of symmetric and quasisymmetric functions
Baylor College of Medicine$5,983 2015Simons simplex collection support grant
St Martin De Porres Foundation Foundation Academy$5,900 2015Employee matching
Regents of University$5,833 2014Geometry of moduli spaces arithmetic quotients and theta divisors
Nature Conservancy$5,800 2010Employee gift match
Learning Spring Foundation$5,724 2002
Long Island Track And Field$5,500 2003
Churchill School And Center$5,374 2003
All Kinds of Minds Institute$5,055 2004Support for education
New York University$5,028 2014Sfari undergraduate summer research program
Awed$5,000 2002
Awed$5,000 2002
Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk$5,000 2004Support for medical projects
Bunwc$5,000 2003
Children's Hospital Trust$5,000 2006
Children's Hospital Trust$5,000 2005
Coalition On Child Abuse And Neglect$5,000 2003
Coalition On Child Abuse And Neglect$5,000 2004Community -Long Island
Community Alliance For Learning$5,000 2011Employee matching
Foundation For People of Burma$5,000 2013Employee matching
Frank Melville Memorial Foundation$5,000 2003
Friends of Staller Center$5,000 2005
Friends of Staller Center$5,000 2003
Friends of Staller Center$5,000 2002
Gordon Research Conferences$5,000 20142014 GRC fragile x and autism-related disorders
Gordon Research Conferences$5,000 20142014 GRC molecular and cellular neurobiology
Gordon Research Conferences$5,000 20142014 neurobiology of cognition circuits dynamics action and perception
Gordon Research Conferences$5,000 20142014 GRC synaptic transmission conference (GRC-)
Hillel Foundation For Jewish Campus Life$5,000 2002
Home For Little Wanderers$5,000 2007
Hope House Ministries$5,000 2005
Jloeb$5,000 2002
Lauri Strauss Leukemia Foundation$5,000 2003
Lauri Strauss Leukemia Foundation$5,000 2005
Long Island Track And Field$5,000 2004Community-Long Island
Long Island Track And Field$5,000 2005
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute$5,000 2010Employee gift match (MSRI-)
Max Dresden Prize Sbf$5,000 2000
Max Dresden Prize Sbf$5,000 2002
Myelin Project$5,000 2003
Myelin Project$5,000 2002
Nancy S Nichols Memorial Lectures$5,000 2003
National Alliance For Autism Research$5,000 2005
Nature Conservancy Mash$5,000 2002
Nursing Mothers Counsel$5,000 2010Unrestricted gift for operating expenses
Oicw$5,000 2002
Oicw$5,000 2003
Park Ave Synagogue Welfare$5,000 2002
Planned Parenthood - Hudson Peconic$5,000 2000
Planned Parenthood - Hudson Peconic$5,000 2003
Planned Parenthood - Hudson Peconic$5,000 2002
Randalls Island Sports Foundation$5,000 2002
Rheedlen$5,000 2002
Second Harvest Food Bank$5,000 2000
Second Harvest Food Bank$5,000 2002
South Fork Breast Health Coalition$5,000 2004Support for medical projects
South Fork Breast Health Coalition$5,000 2000
South Fork Breast Health Coalition$5,000 2003
South Fork Breast Health Coalition$5,000 2002
South Fork Breast Health Coalition$5,000 2005
Stony Brook Foundation$5,000 2004Community-Long Island
Sunrise Fund$5,000 2003
Tifereth Israel Rabbinical Yeshiva$5,000 2002
University of Southern California$5,000 2012Engineering and autism workshop
University of Southern California$5,000 2007Workshop shared neurobiology
Ward Melville Hentage Organization$5,000 2002
Ward Melville Heritage Organization$5,000 2005
Ward Melville Heritage Organization$5,000 2000
Ward Melville Heritage Organization$5,000 2000
Ward Melville Heritage Organization$5,000 2003
Ward Melville Heritage Organization$5,000 2004Community-Long Island
Westbury Friends School$5,000 2003
Westbury Friends School$5,000 2005
Westbury Friends School$5,000 2004Community-Long Island
Yes Reading$5,000 2002
Yes Reading$5,000 2003
Grand Total:$1,257,403,973


  1. “Simons Foundation 2017 Annual Report.” Simons Foundation. Accessed February 25, 2019.
  2. Foundation Stats: Guide to the Foundation Center’s Research Database – Foundation Center. Accessed February 25, 2019.
  3. Callahan, David. “Inside the Simons Foundation: Big Philanthropy on the Frontiers of Science.” Inside Philanthropy. August 15, 2017. Accessed February 25, 2019.

    “About SFARI.” SFARI. Accessed February 25, 2019.

  4. “Gov. Andrew Cuomo Joins Jim and Marilyn Simons to Dedicate Flatiron Institute.” Simons Foundation. April 24, 2018. Accessed February 25, 2019.
  5. “Jim Simons.” Forbes. Accessed February 25, 2019.

    Bowers, John. “A Hedge Fund House Divided: Renaissance Technologies.” November 11, 2018. Accessed February 25, 2019.

  6. Markoff, John. “Simons Foundation Chooses U.C. Berkeley for Computing Center.” The New York Times. April 30, 2012. Accessed February 25, 2019.
  7. Arenson, Karen W. “$60 Million Gift for Stony Brook.” The New York Times. February 27, 2008. Accessed February 25, 2019.
  8. Wilson, Megan R. “Donors to Obama Foundation Have Had Private Dinners at White House.” TheHill. May 19, 2016. Accessed February 25, 2019.
  9. Swaine, Jon, and Hilary Osborne. “Democratic Donor Built up Vast $8bn Private Wealth Fund in Bermuda.” The Guardian. November 07, 2017. Accessed February 25, 2019.
  10. Scheiber, Noam, and Patricia Cohen. “For the Wealthiest, a Private Tax System That Saves Them Billions.” The New York Times. December 29, 2015. Accessed February 25, 2019.
  11. “Abuse of Structured Financial Products: Misusing Basket Options to Avoid Taxes and Leverage Limits.” Jurisdiction | Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee. Accessed February 25, 2019.
  12. Tucker, Will. “A “big Ideas” State of the Union Speech – but Which Ideas?” January 11, 2016. Accessed February 25, 2019.
  13. Yuhas, Daisy. “New Administration Stirs Angst, Activism among Autism Scientists.” Spectrum | Autism Research News. February 01, 2017. Accessed February 25, 2019.
  14. Information provided by Foundation Search. Search conducted October 28, 2020.
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: February 1, 1995

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2015 Dec Form PF $225,077,146 $436,495,136 $2,632,378,076 $556,735,859 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2014 Dec Form PF $223,504,360 $315,661,789 $2,358,866,359 $410,705,283 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2013 Dec Form PF $149,848,605 $165,791,573 $2,181,745,036 $371,584,372 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2012 Dec Form PF $221,854,007 $255,820,356 $2,086,396,261 $444,847,812 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    Simons Foundation

    NEW YORK, NY 10010-7037