Search results for ‘planned parenthood’

  • Other Group

    The American Independent

    The American Independent (TAI), formerly known as Shareblue, is a left-of-center and Democratic Party-aligned publication that covers politics and the progressive movement. It is part of True Blue Media and receives a significant portion of its funding from American Bridge 21st Century Foundation, both of which are within
  • Person

    Bill Gates

    Bill Gates is the founder and former CEO of technology giant Microsoft. He also founded the philanthropic Bill Gates Foundation, known since Gates’s marriage to Melinda Gates (nee French) as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Since founding Microsoft in the 1970s, Gates has become one of the world’s
  • Person

    Justine Sarver

    Justine Sarver is a left-wing self-employed consultant who specializes in candidate and ballot measure campaigns for organizations such as Planned Parenthood, ACLU, and AFL-CIO. She formerly worked as executive director of Ballot Initiative Strategy Center.
  • Non-profit

    National Iranian American Council (NIAC)

    The National Iranian American Council (NIAC) is an advocacy group which claims to advocate for nonpartisan action on behalf of the Iranian-American community in domestic and foreign policy issues. In reality, NIAC pushes for a range of left-wing policy positions, including an end to all sanctions on the Iranian regime
  • Person

    Michael Podhorzer

    Michael Podhorzer is the assistant to the president for strategic research for the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), the largest federation of labor unions in the United States. 1  Podhorzer was
  • Person

    Cecile Richards

    Cecile Richards is a social liberal activist who worked as president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America from 2006 through 2018.1 As president
  • Person

    Katrina vanden Heuvel

    Katrina vanden Heuvel is the part-owner and served as the editor of the left-wing magazine The Nation from 1995 to 2019. 1 She is a commentator for media outlets including CNN and the New
  • Person

    Scott Wallace

    Scott Wallace is a Democratic politician, heir to the Hi-Bred Corn Company fortune, grandson of former Vice President and far-left presidential candidate Henry Wallace, and the co-chair of the Wallace Global Fund, a funder of numerous left-of-center organizations. Through the fund, Wallace has backed numerous groups backing left-of-center economics,
  • Person

    Margot Milliken

    Margot Milliken is a Maine-based major left-of-center donor and activist. She is the wife of Roger Milliken Jr., who is the son of major conservative donor Roger Milliken. Milliken also sits as the chair of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, which is the Maine affiliate of
  • Non-profit

    Wikimedia Foundation

    The Wikimedia Foundation is the non-profit umbrella organization overseeing Wikipedia, MediaWiki, Wikisource, and other projects. Its stated mission is to gather and disseminate knowledge around the world at no cost to recipients. 1 Founding
  • For-profit

    CREDO Mobile (Working Assets)

    CREDO Mobile (formerly Working Assets) is a cell-phone company that explicitly uses its profits to support left-wing causes. Through doing business with CREDO its customers “fund progressive causes and power social activism.” 1 Left-of-center groups
  • Non-profit

    Chicago Community Trust (CCT)

    Chicago Community Trust (CCT) is a community foundation and provider of donor-advised funds that provides grants to social programs and nonprofits including advocacy groups on the left-of-center primarily in the Chicago city area, but also nationwide. The organization is one of the largest providers of donor-advised funds in the United
  • Non-profit

    Boston Foundation

    The Boston Foundation, also called TBF, is a grantmaking group in the Boston area. The foundation has five “impact areas” of focus, which are education, health and wellness, jobs and economic development, neighborhoods and housing, and arts and culture.
  • Non-profit

    Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation

    Also see Jonathan Soros (Person) The Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation (JJASF) is a grantmaking foundation created in 2009 by left-wing philanthropist Jonathan Soros and his wife, Jennifer Allan. Jonathan Soros is the chairman of the JJASF and the third child of left-leaning billionaire activist George
  • Non-profit

    Stoneman Family Foundation

    The Stoneman Family Foundation was a left-of center grantmaking organization formed from the wealth created by the late Sidney Stoneman, an attorney, from business interests in General Cinema and various other businesses. 1 Originally, Stoneman intended
  • Non-profit

    Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC)

    The Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC) is a donor-advised fund provider established in 1958 that manages funds for 2,700 separate charitable individuals, families and organizations. 1
  • Labor Union


    NewsGuild-CWA, also known as the Newspaper Guild, is a left-of-center labor union comprised of journalists. The union represents employees at several large newspapers and other online publications as well as employees of other labor unions and left-of-center activist groups including SEIU Local 1, the Democratic Socialists of America,
  • Non-profit

    Main Street Alliance Action Fund

    The Main Street Alliance Action Fund (MSAAF) is the 501(c)(4) lobbying arm of the Main Street Alliance (MSA), a network of left-of-center small business owners. Democratic candidates including Hillary Clinton have received support from MSAAF.
  • Non-profit

    Equality California Institute

    Equality California Institute is the charitable arm of the left-of-center LGBT-interest organization Equality California (EQCA). EQCA claims to be the largest statewide “LGBTQ+ civil rights organization” in the United States and the only such organization working at the local, state, and national levels of the state of California. Activities
  • Person

    James Simons

    James Simons is a billionaire retired manager of the hedge fund Renaissance Technologies and mathematician. Forbes lists Simons the second-highest-earning hedge fund manager in 2018. 1 He is a top donor to liberal causes and the Democratic