
The American Independent Foundation




Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2019):

Revenue: $1,322,183
Expenses: $1,535,536
Assets: $280,384


Advocacy Journalism


David Brock


Matt Fuehrmeyer

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The American Independent Foundation (AIF) supports liberal investigative journalism that creates “increased public awareness of progressive issues.” 1 AIF is part of a network of left-of-center media outlets that frequently attack Republicans and conservatives managed by liberal activist David Brock. 2

AIF originated as the liberal website Blue Nation Review, was renamed to Shareblue in 2016, renamed again to The American Independent, and finally became the American Independent Foundation in 2019.


In 2015, liberal activist David Brock purchased liberal website Blue Nation Review, renaming it Shareblue in 2016. 3 Shareblue was developed as a progressive media outlet focused on electing Hillary Clinton and attacking Donald Trump. 2

True Blue Media, an investment firm owned by Brock, acted as a holding company for Shareblue.

In 2019, Shareblue was renamed The American Independent, a progressive news platform published by True Blue Media, and funded primarily by the American Bridge 21st Century Foundation. The American Independent website claims the outlet is the preeminent digital platform for progressive news. 4

American Bridge 21st Century advocates for left-progressive policies and is the advocacy arm of the American Bridge 21st Century Foundation, a Democratic research organization that works to spread negative news regarding Republican political figures. 5 In 2019 and 2020, American Bridge 21st Century was focused on electing Congressional and state Democrats and removing Donald Trump. The American Bridge 21st Century website claims, “We find what Republicans are hiding and make sure voters hear about it.” 6

These organizations are part of a network of liberal media outlets managed by liberal activist David Brock. 7

The American Independent changed its name to the American Independent Foundation in 2019. 8

In addition to the current American Independent Foundation website, the foundation has a website that is populated with posts dated June 2018 to November 2021 that attack or criticize Republican actions and decisions. 9


The American Independent Foundation received grants and contributions of $1,306,809 in 2019, according to its 2019 tax return. 10

The 2019 tax return indicates that the American Independent Foundation received $467,000 from Media Matters for America. 11 MMfA is a progressive research and information center also founded by Brock. 12 The MMfA website publishes aggressive criticism of conservative journalists and media outlets, with a focus on Fox News.


David Brock was chair of the American Independent Foundation until 2018. Brock is a left-wing activist who leverages the media to highlight what he perceives as conservative misinformation. 13

David Bennahum is chair. 14 Bennahum was previously treasurer for the American Bridge 21st Century Foundation. 15

Angelo Carusone is interim executive director. Carusone is president and CEO of Media Matters for America. 16 Carusone previously worked for the 2016 Democratic National Convention Committee. 17

Pilar Martinez is chief financial officer. 14 Martinez concurrently manages all finance and accounting operations for the American Independent Foundation, Media Matters for America, and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). 18

Matt Fuehrmeyer is president. Fuehrmeyer was a former director at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, a former research director for former Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) and former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). 4


  1. GuideStar – American Independent Foundation. Accessed November 6, 2021.
  2. “Dark Money Dems Use Fake Newspaper To Influence Virginia Election.” Washington Free Beacon. October 5, 2021. Accessed November 6, 2021.
  3. Discover The Networks – American Independent (TAI). Accessed November 6, 2021.
  4. “Company.” The American Independent. Accessed November 6, 2021.
  5. “About Us.” American Bridge 21st Century. Accessed November 6, 2021.
  6. “About Us.” American Bridge 21st Century. Accessed November 6, 2021.
  7. [1] “Dark Money Dems Use Fake Newspaper To Influence Virginia Election.” Washington Free Beacon. October 5, 2021. Accessed November 6, 2021.
  8. American Independent Foundation, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (Form 990-Schedule O), 2019.
  9. American Independent Foundation. Accessed November 6, 2021.
  10. The American Independent Foundation, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (Form 990-Part I), 2019.
  11. Media Matters for America, Return of an Organization Exempt From Income Tax (Form 990-Schedule I), 2019
  12. Media Matters for America. Activist Facts – Organizations. Accessed November 16, 2021.
  13. Discover the Networks – David Brock. Accessed November 6, 2021.
  14. The American Independent Foundation, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (Form 990-Part VII), 2019.
  15. ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer – David Bennahum. Accessed November 16, 2021.
  16. LinkedIn – Angelo Carusone. Accessed November 3, 2021.
  17. “Media Matters Names Angelo Carusone its New President.” Adweek. December 6, 2016. Accessed November 6, 2021.
  18. “Leadership.” Media Matters for America. Accessed November 16, 2021.
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: July 1, 2007

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2019 Dec Form 990 $1,322,183 $1,535,536 $280,384 $93,593 N $1,306,809 $0 $0 $158,138 PDF
    2018 Dec Form 990 $1,366,000 $970,290 $587,059 $186,915 N $1,366,000 $0 $0 $33,025 PDF
    2017 Dec Form 990EZ $50,038 $175,176 $20,518 $16,084 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2016 Dec Form 990 $248,114 $139,412 $152,639 $23,067 N $248,114 $0 $0 $10,765 PDF
    2015 Dec Form 990 $300,643 $391,495 $35,403 $14,533 N $300,614 $0 $0 $68,303 PDF
    2014 Dec Form 990 $374,075 $655,007 $197,313 $85,591 N $373,827 $0 $0 $48,743 PDF
    2014 Apr Form 990 $1,516,712 $1,356,808 $433,704 $41,050 Y $1,514,093 $0 $31 $64,922 PDF
    2013 Apr Form 990 $1,121,805 $1,291,250 $390,803 $158,053 Y $1,098,414 $0 $351 $201,429 PDF
    2012 Apr Form 990 $1,387,129 $1,862,210 $554,127 $151,932 Y $1,328,420 $0 $1,170 $199,987 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    The American Independent Foundation

    800 MAINE AVE SW STE 500
    WASHINGTON, DC 20024-2866