Change Research is a research firm which conducts polls and forms digital strategies for the benefit of organizations and political campaigns. It only works with entities that share its “vision for a more humane, scientific, and just world”; in practice, these include left-of-center institutions and Democratic political committees.
Other Group
ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge (ALL IN) is an initiative of Civic Nation to encourage college and university students to participate in elections through a national voting competition. ALL IN provides resources and training on writing a get-out-the-vote plan and taking action to increase voting rates on campuses. ALL
National Student Clearinghouse collects and sells student data on the majority of high school and college students in the United States. The organization provides educational reporting, enrollment and degree verification, and research services to colleges and universities throughout North America. The organization also provides data on student enrollment to left-of-center
From Gangs to Jobs is a faith-based organization that provides life skills training for participants previously affiliated with criminal backgrounds. 37
myAgro is a nonprofit organization that created a bank-less layaway platform that allows farmers in Mali, Senegal and Tanzania to use their mobile phones to buy seeds and fertilizer in small increments. 38 In 2022, myAgro
ELMA Philanthropies Services US Inc. (ELMA) is a company based in New York City that manages partnerships, investments, and strategies for the ELMA Group of Foundations, a collection of philanthropic foundations focused on the health and education of children. The company manages a portfolio of global health and education philanthropies
18by Vote is a youth-voter outreach organization that operates in six states. 79 Its activists are funded by grants from the left-of-center political action committee Progressive Turnout Project, and it circulates petitions in support
Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR, generally pronounced as “hacer,” the Spanish word for “to do”) works to increase of Latino representation in positions of corporate leadership and utilization of Hispanic-owned businesses. It is a member of the Alliance for Board Diversity.
Other Group
Tenure Facility is an international grant and technical assistance agency seeking to help indigenous people and locals gain tenure of land, fight global warming, and advance gender equity. It seeks to gain documentation and registration of land rights through funding projects, provides issue papers and research, and provides “learning exchanges.”
First Draft News was a collective of left-wing media organizations that pushed for news publications to implement guidelines for sourcing and presenting information to combat so-called “misinformation.” Founded in 2015, the collective included tech giant Google and the foreign-affairs publication Bellingcat. First Draft shut down in 2022 and handed
In late November 2022, billionaire Twitter owner and CEO Elon Musk announced he would be releasing “The Twitter Files on free speech suppression.” He allowed six independent journalists, many of them with left-leaning backgrounds, access to internal Twitter documents and communications covering a period beginning in 2016 when
Friends of the Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress (Friends of ICSEP) is an American nonprofit organization that supports the work of the Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress (ICSEP), an independent, nonpartisan pro-market think tank based in Israel.
Other Group
Muslim American Women’s Policy Forum (MAWPF) is a left-of-center activist organization 381 that engages in “intersectional organizing” to influence local and national policies impacting Muslims and Muslim women.
The Women’s Foundation of California is a left-of-center, feminist-aligned foundation based in California. It has received financial support from various private grantmaking foundations including Bank of America, Akonadi Foundation, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Microsoft, New Venture Fund, California Endowment, Blue Shield of California Foundation,
Pizza Klatch is a left-of-center organization that focuses on creating meetings at lunchtime at middle schools and high schools for LGBT teenagers. 438 History Pizza Klatch was founded in 2007 in
Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity (BranchED), also known as the MEB Alliance, is a left-of-center advocacy group that seeks to increase minority representation in the teaching sector. Drawing on research from Rutgers University, the National Collaborative on Diversity in the Teaching Force, and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, BranchEd seeks
Building Relationships in Different Generations Everyday (also known as BRIDGE Lake County) is a left-of-center grassroots activism and community organization in Lake County, Illinois tied to the Black Lives Matter movement that operates events and protests in Lake County. The organization was founded by local high schooler Machi Perrin
Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) is an internationally focused feminist advocacy organization. It has endorsed liberal expansionist immigration policies, legalizing prostitution and other sex work, legalizing abortion,
The International Debate Education Association is a left-of-center, pro-democracy international independent membership organization focused on debate education based in New York City. Background During the 1990s, after the fall of the Soviet Union, debate coaches based in the United States trained teachers in Eastern Europe to use debate methodologies in
Civic Influencers, formerly the Campus Election Engagement Project, promotes left-leaning policies and get-out-the-vote efforts on college campuses across the United States. The organization was formed as an ostensibly nonpartisan voter registration organization and later rebranded as an explicitly left-leaning organization supporting abortion access and other left-leaning policies. The organization also