Search results for ‘Fair Lines America Foundation’

  • Non-profit

    Demand Justice

    Demand Justice is a left-of-center advocacy group created in early 2018 that aims to influence the political leanings of America’s courts by supporting the appointment of liberal judicial nominees and opposing right-of-center nominees. The organization acts primarily through media campaigns against nominated and unconfirmed judicial nominees. Demand Justice was established
  • Person

    Gary Delgado

    Gary Delgado is a liberal community organizer who founded or played an influential role in the in numerous community organizing groups who now works as a liberal documentary filmmaker.
  • Political Party/527

    National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC)

    The National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC) is a Democratic Party PAC (political action committee) conceived in late 2016 by political operatives in the Democratic Party and the Obama administration, including President Barack Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder. It officially launched on January 12, 2017.
  • Non-profit

    Funders Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP)

    FCCP is a “fiscally sponsored” project. For more information about FCCP’s parent group, see NEO Philanthropy (Nonprofit) The Funders Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP) is a donors’ affinity group for left-wing voter engagement advocacy that steers millions of dollars from left-wing funding entities to left-of-center nonprofits that use the
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (WDC)

    The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (“WDC”) claims to be a nonprofit, nonpartisan political watchdog group. The organization targets the financial supporters of Republican and conservative policy leaders. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign has been a staunch defender of the controversial “John Doe” investigations designed to target supporters of Republican Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
  • Person

    Adam Urbanski

    Adam Urbanski is the longtime president of the Rochester Teachers Association and vice president of the American Federation of Teachers. He is the director of the Teacher Union Reform Network (TURN), an organization of teachers’ unions and teachers’ union members who advance left-wing and union-friendly education reforms. He is
  • Government Agency

    U.S. Census Bureau

    The United States Census Bureau is a permanent government agency which executes the decennial census mandated by Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution, among other functions. Since the census began in 1790, the Bureau has expanded to conduct annual surveys of the American population, in addition to
  • Non-profit

    Institute for Research on Presidential Elections (IRPE)

    The Institute for Research on Presidential Elections (IRPE) was launched in 2006 to advocate for replacing the state-by-state Electoral College system of Presidential elections with a nationwide popular vote.
  • Non-profit

    Proteus Action League (PAL)

    The Proteus Action League (PAL) is the 501(c)(4) lobbying and advocacy arm of the Proteus Fund. PAL supports and opposes specific legislation and referenda regarding the death penalty, campaign financing, the LGBT interests, and other issues in which the Proteus Fund is actively involved.
  • Non-profit

    The Intercept

    The Intercept is a left wing news website financially supported by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar. It was co-founded in 2014 by left wing journalist Jeremy Scahill, lawyer and journalist Glenn Greenwald, and documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras. In 2020, Greenwald resigned from the publication citing the outlet’s refusal to run
  • Non-profit

    Prosperity Now

    Prosperity Now, formerly known as the Corporation for Enterprise Development, is a left-of-center think tank that promotes left-of-center economic and financial services policies. The organization was founded in 1979 and has advocated a variety of left-of-center policies including a $15 minimum wage, higher income taxes, expanded tax credit programs,
  • Labor Union

    Michigan Education Association (MEA)

    The Michigan Education Association (MEA) is a National Education Association-affiliated state-level federation of teachers’ unions in Michigan. The MEA is one of Michigan’s largest labor unions and claims to represent “about 120,000 teachers, education support professionals and higher-education employees throughout the state,”
  • Non-profit

    Stand Up Republic (SUR)

    Stand Up Republic (SUR) is a nominally right-leaning advocacy organization founded by failed 2016 presidential candidate Evan McMullin and former 2012 Mitt Romney presidential campaign staffer Mindy Finn. 1 Stand Up Republic Foundation
  • Person

    Robert Creamer

    Robert Creamer has been a left-leaning political operative since 1970 and is a co-founder of Democracy Partners (DP), a liberal political consulting firm that supports Democratic Party political campaigns and issue campaigns promoting left-of-center policies.
  • For-profit

    Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research (GQRR)

    Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research (GQRR) is a Democratic polling firm established by Stanley Greenberg in 1980. The firm has worked for numerous top Democratic campaigns, including Bill Clinton’s successful presidential campaign in 1992. It was instrumental in pushing a more centrist brand of Democrats in the 1990s. Background
  • Person

    Janet Murguia

    Janet Murguia is the president and CEO of UnidosUS, a left-of-center Hispanic activist group formerly known as National Council of La Raza (NCLR), or simply “La Raza.” Murguia worked as a deputy assistant to the President in the Clinton administration before becoming deputy director of legislative affairs and
  • Non-profit

    Democracy Fund

    Also see Democracy Fund Voice (Non-profit) The Democracy Fund is a left-of-center public policy-oriented foundation chaired and soely funded by eBay founder and former chairman Pierre Omidyar.1
  • For-profit


    SKDKnickerbocker (SKDK) is a political consulting and public affairs company whose clients include prominent Democratic Party politicians, particularly in the state of New York. SKDK has done consulting work for former President Barack Obama, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), and New York City Mayor and Democratic presidential
  • Non-profit

    Population Council

    For more on population control, see John Holdren The Population Council is a nonprofit founded in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller III to address supposed world overpopulation. The council conducts demographic research and analysis to support and promote the global use of artificial birth control and abortion; biomedical research
  • Person

    Tom Perriello

    Tom Perriello is a former Democratic Congressman from Virginia who ran unsuccessfully for the party’s 2017 gubernatorial nomination. From 2018 to July 2023, Perriello served as executive director for U.S. programs at the Open Society Foundations, the private philanthropic network of George Soros.