Search results for ‘climate change’

  • Political Party/527 PAC

    VoteVets PAC was founded in 2006 with the goal of electing to Congress Afghanistan or Iraq war veterans who were critical of the execution of the war in Iraq.1 VoteVets PAC has given nearly
  • Person

    James Rucker

    James Rucker is a left-of-center political activist who co-founded the left-of-center advocacy and activist groups Color of Change and Citizen Engagement Lab. He is considered a pioneer of contemporary left-of-center “Netroots Nation”-style digital activism, especially on racial issues. Background Rucker was born and raised in Seaside, a town in Monterey
  • For-profit

    Salon ( is a liberal blog known in recent years for sensational clickbait headlines, questionable content, and low journalistic standards.1 Salon has adopted an increasingly
  • Person

    Steve Rosenthal

    Steve Rosenthal is a political consultant who works with labor unions, Democratic campaigns, and left-wing organizations. He is an expert in the application of direct voter contact and canvassing, skills he is best known for deploying as the former political director for the AFL-CIO and the former CEO of
  • Non-profit

    Center for Progressive Reform (CPR)

    The Center for Progressive Reform (CPR) is a left-of-center political research and activist organization which was founded in 2002 and is based in Washington, D.C. The center conducts studies which support its advocacy for its favored economic and social policies, including wealth redistribution, fossil-fuel usage restrictions, and preferential treatment of
  • For-profit

    CREDO Mobile (Working Assets)

    CREDO Mobile (formerly Working Assets) is a cell-phone company that explicitly uses its profits to support left-wing causes. Through doing business with CREDO its customers “fund progressive causes and power social activism.” 1 Left-of-center groups
  • Non-profit

    Movement Strategy Center

    The Movement Strategy Center (MSC) is a left-wing 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Oakland, California, which provides support and funding to other left-wing organizations. It tends to work with many groups that identify as socialist. History The MSC started in 2001 and obtained its tax-exempt status from the IRS in 2004.
  • Non-profit

    Boston Foundation

    The Boston Foundation, also called TBF, is a grantmaking group in the Boston area. The foundation has five “impact areas” of focus, which are education, health and wellness, jobs and economic development, neighborhoods and housing, and arts and culture.
  • Person

    James P. Hoffa

    James P. Hoffa is the president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, commonly known as the Teamsters Union. He is the son of James R. “Jimmy” Hoffa, the mid-20th century leader of the same union who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in 1975. In February 2020, Hoffa announced that he
  • Non-profit

    Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC)

    The Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC) is a donor-advised fund provider established in 1958 that manages funds for 2,700 separate charitable individuals, families and organizations. 1
  • Non-profit

    BlueGreen Alliance Foundation

    For more information, see Blue Green Alliance (Nonprofit) BlueGreen Alliance Foundation is a left-wing nonprofit think tank that researches the economy and environment. It is an arm of the BlueGreen Alliance. Funding Financial Overview BlueGreen Alliance Foundation: Financial Overview YearTotal RevenuesTotal ExpendituresGrants PaidNet Assets 2019 $2,983,352 $4,979,036 $294,500
  • Person

    Ray Marshall

    (Freddie) Ray Marshall is a labor union-aligned, progressive economist and retired University of Texas professor who served as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor during the Carter Administration.
  • Non-profit

    New Organizing Institute Education Fund (NOI Education Fund)

    NOI is defunct. For its successor, see Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) New Organizing Institute Education Fund (NOIEF) was the charitable arm of New Organizing Institute (NOI), a progressive nonprofit that trained digital organizers and campaigners for the Democratic Party. The organization, described by a Washington
  • Person

    Hillary Clinton

    Also see Clinton 2016 Presidential Campaign Hillary Clinton is a former First Lady of the United States, U.S. Senator, and U.S. Secretary of State. She is the wife of former U.S. President Bill Clinton and has run for President twice, losing in the Democratic primaries in 2008 and
  • For-profit

    New Heights Communications

    New Heights Communications is a lobbying and public relations firm in Washington, D.C. Its clients are left-of-center nonprofit and advocacy groups. It was founded by longtime Democratic operative Christy Setzer in 2010. Background New Heights Communications is a public relations firm based in Washington, D.C. that primarily works with political
  • For-profit

    Fenton Communications

     Fenton Communications is a left-of-center public relations firm founded by David Fenton. The firm has represented governments, nonprofits, and for-profit companies, including the government of Nicaragua, the New Georgia Project, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Color of Change, MoveOn, and Johnson and Johnson. In 2014, the
  • Non-profit

    Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung NYC

    Rosa Luxemburg Foundation New York City (in German, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, RLS-NYC) is the New York City office of Germany’s socialist-aligned Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, which is named after self-described “radical leftist” and early 20th-century leader of the European socialist movement Rosa Luxemburg.
  • Non-profit

    Third Way Institute

    Third Way Institute is the charitable arm of Third Way, a lobbying and advocacy organization that advocates for “modern center-left ideas.” 1 Third Way Institute was founded in 2005 and helps fund the tax-exempt work
  • Labor Union

    Writers Guild of America, West

    Writers Guild of America, West (WGAW) is a labor union composed of thousands of writers for television shows, news programs, documentaries, animation, video games, news media, theatrical motion pictures, and other related industries.
  • Non-profit

    Windward Fund

    The Windward Fund is an environmentalist fiscal sponsor organization in the network of “dark money” organizations controlled by philanthropic consultancy Arabella Advisors. The Fund was created in February 2015 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with startup funding of $5.25 million provided by an unknown source. According to its bylaws, Windward