Search results for ‘voting works’

  • Non-profit

    Alliance for Safety and Justice Action Fund

    The Alliance for Safety and Justice Action Fund (ASJ Action) is a lobbying and campaigning group affiliated with the Alliance for Safety and Justice (ASJ), an activist organization that promotes left-of-center criminal justice policies. ASJ Action is a project of the Tides Advocacy Fund, which creates and supports
  • Non-profit


    Ragtag is a group of left-of-center programmers and lawyers who volunteer to provide technical development and support for left-wing groups. As of 2018, the group has over 600 volunteers. 1 Ragtag is structured as a nonprofit LLC.
  • Person

    Gary Delgado

    Gary Delgado is a liberal community organizer who founded or played an influential role in the in numerous community organizing groups who now works as a liberal documentary filmmaker.
  • For-profit

    Goodby, Silverstein & Partners (GS&P)

    Goodby, Silverstein, & Partners (GS&P) is a major California-based advertising agency. The company has created advertisements for some of America’s largest companies including Hewlett-Packard Company, Nike, EBay,  and Budweiser.
  • Person

    Harry Reid

    Harry Reid was a former United States Senator who served as a Democratic politician from Nevada for over 40 years. Most notably, from 2005 through 2017, Reid served as the Senate Democratic Leader, with stints as both Senate Majority Leader and Senate Minority Leader.
  • Non-profit

    Indivisible Civics

    Indivisible Civics is the charitable arm of the Indivisible Project, a left-of-center lobbying organization that was created to provide liberals a practical guide about “Resisting the Trump Agenda.” 1 Indivisible Civics receives a large sum of money
  • For-profit

    Vestige Strategies

    Verified Voting is an organization that works with secretaries of state and election officials to advocate for the expansion of legislation to support transparent elections and the security of voting systems. 1
  • Non-profit

    Funders Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP)

    FCCP is a “fiscally sponsored” project. For more information about FCCP’s parent group, see NEO Philanthropy (Nonprofit) The Funders Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP) is a donors’ affinity group for left-wing voter engagement advocacy that steers millions of dollars from left-wing funding entities to left-of-center nonprofits that use the
  • Non-profit

    State Infrastructure Fund (SIF)

    The State Infrastructure Fund (SIF) is a donor collaborative and project of the left-of-center fiscal clearinghouse NEO Philanthropy launched in 2010. The SIF is one of several “funder collaboratives,” which NEO describes as tools for “connecting donors with aligned values to support work they could not fund as effectively
  • Person

    Jill Alper

    Jill Alper is a top Democratic strategist 1 who has worked on seven presidential campaigns 2 including as the
  • Non-profit

    Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (WDC)

    The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (“WDC”) claims to be a nonprofit, nonpartisan political watchdog group. The organization targets the financial supporters of Republican and conservative policy leaders. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign has been a staunch defender of the controversial “John Doe” investigations designed to target supporters of Republican Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
  • Person

    Peter Ambler

    Peter Amber is a gun control activist who co-founded and works as executive director of Giffords, an organization that supports stricter regulations on firearms. Prior to his work at Giffords, Ambler had years of experience working in multiple Democratic offices.
  • Person

    John C. Yang

    John C. Yang is a lawyer and activist who works as president of Asian Americans Advancing Justice-AAJC. Prior to leading AAJC, Yang served as a trade adviser to Obama administration Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker.
  • Non-profit

    Institute for Research on Presidential Elections (IRPE)

    The Institute for Research on Presidential Elections (IRPE) was launched in 2006 to advocate for replacing the state-by-state Electoral College system of Presidential elections with a nationwide popular vote.
  • Non-profit

    OneAmerica Foundation

    OneAmerica lobbies and organizes for left-of-center causes, focusing on immigrant rights, including illegal immigrants in the United States. OneAmerica has shaped national policy on racial profiling and opposes deportation while it supports the acquisition of college financial aid,
  • Non-profit

    LatinoJustice PRLDEF

    LatinoJustice PRLDEF (LJP) is a left-of-center public interest legal group that works specifically with Latinos, especially within the Puerto Rican community. Originally called the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, the group changed its name targeting a broader appeal and expanded mission. LIP is mostly active in New York
  • Non-profit

    The Intercept

    The Intercept is a left wing news website financially supported by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar. It was co-founded in 2014 by left wing journalist Jeremy Scahill, lawyer and journalist Glenn Greenwald, and documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras. In 2020, Greenwald resigned from the publication citing the outlet’s refusal to run
  • Non-profit

    Mai Family Foundation

    The Mai Family Foundation is the private foundation of Vincent A. Mai, a South Africa-born investment banker who is the current chairman and CEO of Cranemere, LLC, a former employee of the leveraged buyout firm AEA Investors, and past managing director of Lehman Brothers. In 2017 the Mai Family Foundation
  • Non-profit

    Laura and John Arnold Foundation

    The Laura and John Arnold Foundation is a private foundation based in Houston, Texas. The foundation was founded in 2008 by hedge fund manager John Arnold and his wife, Laura. The foundation focuses on criminal justice, education issues, public pensions, dietary policy, and scientific research reform. The foundation
  • Non-profit

    Voto Latino

    Voto Latino (also known as the Voto Latino Action Fund) is a left-of-center voter mobilization group targeted at Latino voters. Co-founded by Maria Theresa Kumar and actress Rosario Dawson, Voto Latino has registered hundreds of thousands of voters since 2004. The organization also advocates for abortion through its advertising and