Search results for ‘Serco’

  • Person

    Kelly Craighead

    Kelly Craighead is the CEO of the Cruise Line International Association (CLIA) and former president of Democracy Alliance, a major donor clearinghouse for Democratic and left-wing donors and advocacy organizations. Craighead started her political career in the Clinton White House and is reportedly a close associate and friend
  • Non-profit


    Note: Not to be confused with Documented (New York City), a news site reporting on policy trends impacting immigrants in New York City. Documented is an investigative journalism group that targets right-wing groups and corporations, particularly regarding environmental policy matters. Documented’s “investigations series” include “The Republican War on Democracy,”
  • Person

    Robert Creamer

    Robert Creamer has been a left-leaning political operative since 1970 and is a co-founder of Democracy Partners (DP), a liberal political consulting firm that supports Democratic Party political campaigns and issue campaigns promoting left-of-center policies.
  • Non-profit

    Voto Latino

    Voto Latino (also known as the Voto Latino Action Fund) is a left-of-center voter mobilization group targeted at Latino voters. Co-founded by Maria Theresa Kumar and actress Rosario Dawson, Voto Latino has registered hundreds of thousands of voters since 2004. The organization also advocates for abortion through its advertising and
  • Political Party/527

    Democratic Governors Association (DGA)

    The Democratic Governors Association (DGA) is a Democratic political committee supporting the campaigns and election of Democrats to state and territorial governorships. As of October 2023, DGA represents 24 state governors and the Mayor of Washington D.C.
  • Person

    Richard Painter

    Richard Painter is an American lawyer, law professor, and political pundit. Painter served as chief ethics lawyer to President George W. Bush, and is the vice chair of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington as well as a founding board member of Take Back Our Republic. Painter’s
  • Person

    Cheryl Mills

    Cheryl Mills is an attorney, a longtime counselor to the Clinton family, and the founder and CEO of BlackIvy Group, a company that builds businesses in Africa. Mills first began working with the Clintons in 1992 when President Bill Clinton was elected. Mills rose to prominence in 1999 when
  • Other Group

    The Young Turks Network (TYT)

    The Young Turks Network (TYT) is a media network founded by Cenk Uygur that spans numerous radio shows, web shows, television shows, and podcasts. TYT’s YouTube channel currently has 5.2 million subscribers. In 2019, TYT was ranked the most popular news source for 18-24 year olds.
  • Person

    Ray Marshall

    (Freddie) Ray Marshall is a labor union-aligned, progressive economist and retired University of Texas professor who served as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor during the Carter Administration.
  • Person

    Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton is a Democratic politician who served as President of the United States from January 20, 1993 until January 20, 2001. He is the husband of former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the father of Chelsea Clinton. In December 1998 he was impeached by
  • Non-profit

    National Endowment for Democracy

    National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private nonprofit grantmaking organization that supports the development of democratic institutions around the world. Though formally private, the NED is almost entirely funded by the U.S. Congress. Annually, the NED distributes more than 2,000 grants with an average value of $50,000 in more
  • Non-profit

    National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare

    National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM) is a left-of-center nonprofit organization that engages in lobbying at the federal level against free-market changes to Social Security including private investment accounts, for increased Social Security payroll taxes, and against cuts to current Social Security and Medicare funding.
  • Non-profit

    Akonadi Foundation

     Akonadi Foundation is a left-of-center racial-issues grantmaking group based in Oakland, California. The foundation was founded by husband and wife Wayne Jordan and Quinn Delaney, who are major donors to the Democratic Party with strong ties to former President Barack Obama (D). History In 2000, the Akonadi
  • Person

    Wayne Jordan

    Wayne Jordan is the founder and president of Jordan Real Estate Investments and a major donor to Democratic political and left-of-center advocacy causes. Along with his wife, Quinn Delaney, Jordan is the co-founder and secretary-treasurer of the Akonadi Foundation, a left-of-center racial-advocacy grantmaking group primarily focused in Oakland.
  • Person

    Quinn Delaney

    Quinn Delaney is a philanthropist, fundraiser, and major donor to left-of-center causes and Democratic politicians. In 2000, Delaney and her husband, real estate mogul Wayne Jordan, co-founded the Akonadi Foundation, a left-of-center racial justice grantmaking group primarily focused in Oakland, CA. Delaney has raised and personally donated millions
  • Person

    Albert C. Yates

    For more on the “Colorado Model,” see Colorado Democracy Alliance and Democracy Alliance Dr. Albert C. Yates is a retired academic administrator who served as the president of Colorado State University from 1990 until 2003 and served on a number of high-profile executive boards. Since retiring from academia, he
  • Non-profit

    Priorities USA Action

    For the related superPAC, see Priorities USA (PAC) (Political Party/527) Priorities USA is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization affiliated with the liberal super PAC Priorities USA Action. Senior Obama administration staffers Bill Burton and Sean Sweeney created the organization in 2011 to advocate for liberal issues in conjunction with
  • Non-profit

    Grist Magazine

    Grist Magazine is an online-only environmentalist magazine that supports left-of-center policy viewpoints. Grist is almost entirely funded by grants, including from major left-of-center grantmaking nonprofits like the Rockefeller Family Fund, the Miami Foundation, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2022, Grist had 30 journalists and