Search results for ‘planned parenthood federation of america’

  • Person

    Margot Milliken

    Margot Milliken is a Maine-based major left-of-center donor and activist. She is the wife of Roger Milliken Jr., who is the son of major conservative donor Roger Milliken. Milliken also sits as the chair of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, which is the Maine affiliate of
  • For-profit

    CREDO Mobile (Working Assets)

    CREDO Mobile (formerly Working Assets) is a cell-phone company that explicitly uses its profits to support left-wing causes. Through doing business with CREDO its customers “fund progressive causes and power social activism.” 1 Left-of-center groups
  • Non-profit

    Chicago Community Trust (CCT)

    Chicago Community Trust (CCT) is a community foundation and provider of donor-advised funds that provides grants to social programs and nonprofits including advocacy groups on the left-of-center primarily in the Chicago city area, but also nationwide. The organization is one of the largest providers of donor-advised funds in the United
  • Non-profit

    Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC)

    The Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC) is a donor-advised fund provider established in 1958 that manages funds for 2,700 separate charitable individuals, families and organizations. 1
  • Labor Union


    NewsGuild-CWA, also known as the Newspaper Guild, is a left-of-center labor union comprised of journalists. The union represents employees at several large newspapers and other online publications as well as employees of other labor unions and left-of-center activist groups including SEIU Local 1, the Democratic Socialists of America,
  • Person

    Michael Bloomberg

    Michael Bloomberg is a former three-term mayor of New York City and unsuccessful candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. Bloomberg, a billionaire financier and media mogul who is among the wealthiest men alive, is also a prominent political donor and philanthropist, pouring billions into left-of-center political campaigns and philanthropic
  • Person

    Xavier Becerra

    Xavier Becerra is a Democratic politician, former Congressman, and former attorney general of California, who has been U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Biden Administration since March 2021.
  • For-profit

    Daily Kos

    The Daily Kos is a news website and blog focusing on progressive, liberal, and Democratic Party politics created by Markos Moulitsas. Moulitsas created Daily Kos hoping to turn its readers into left-wing activists, to influence elections in favor of liberal political candidates, and to support liberal think tanks and
  • For-profit

    FitzGibbon Media

    FitzGibbon Media was a high-powered left-of-center PR firm working for major liberal clients like and Planned Parenthood founded by Trevor FitzGibbon. Trevor FitzGibbon was a former state-level communications director for President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign.
  • Person

    Jane Carter

    Jane Carter is a labor economist working for the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) government worker labor union.1 She is known for her liberal ideology and pro union work, including outspoken
  • Non-profit

    Families USA Action

    Families USA Action is a lobbying group that pushes for left-of-center healthcare policy, especially on Medicaid expansion and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). 1 Families USA Action is the sister organization
  • Non-profit

    Alliance for Gun Responsibility Foundation

    The Alliance for Gun Responsibility Foundation is the charitable arm of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility, a left-of-center political advocacy organization focused on promoting gun control the Washington State. The Foundation organizes summits around gun control, engages in public education campaigns to support left-of-center gun control initiatives, and organizes
  • Non-profit

    Young Invincibles

    Young Invincibles (YI) is a left-of-center youth advocacy, research, grantmaking, and lobbying organization based in Washington, D.C. 1 Co-founded in 2009 by Ari Matsuiak, a special assistant to the President during
  • Non-profit

    Alliance for Gun Responsibility

    The Alliance for Gun Responsibility is an umbrella term for three left-of-center, anti-gun organizations in the state of Washington. 1 The Alliance is comprised of the political advocacy organization
  • Non-profit

    Tides Advocacy (The Advocacy Fund)

    Also see Tides Nexus Tides Advocacy (formerly The Tsunami Fund, The Advocacy Fund, and the Tides Advocacy Fund) is a left-of-center advocacy organization associated with the Tides Nexus, a collection of center-left pass-through funders and fiscal sponsorship nonprofits grouped around the Tides Foundation. While Tides Advocacy has
  • Non-profit

    Netroots Nation

    Netroots Nation is as an annual convention that aims to train and amplify the efforts of liberal bloggers and online activists.1 The convention has become a
  • Non-profit

    Miami Workers Center

    The Miami Workers Center (MWC) is a left-of-center labor advocacy organization funded by George Soros’s Open Society Network. 1 MWC was founded by Tony Romano and Gihan Perera, left-wing professional
  • Labor Union

    Maryland State and D.C. AFL-CIO

    The Maryland State and District of Columbia AFL-CIO (more commonly abbreviated to MDDC AFL-CIO) is a state federation of labor unions affiliated with the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), the largest federation of labor unions in the United States. Founded in 1954, MDDC AFL-CIO claims to
  • Non-profit

    Leonard & Sophie Davis Fund

    The Leonard & Sophie Davis Fund is a private foundation making grants to left-of-center organizations associated with health, education, and Jewish philanthropy. 1 Alan Davis, the fund’s president, is
  • Non-profit

    Just Associates (JASS)

    Just Associates (JASS) is an international feminist activist organization that operates in the United States, Central America, the Netherlands, Southern Africa, and Southeast Asia. 1 Built upon the theory that collective power can