Search results for ‘voting works’

  • Person

    Seth Flaxman

    Seth Flaxman is a researcher, nonprofit manager, and self-described “social entrepreneur.” He is the co-founder and former chief executive director of Democracy Works, an organization which works to boost voter engagement among left-of-center constituencies and takes funding from leading left-of-center philanthropic organizations, such as the MacArthur Foundation and
  • Person

    Alberto Olivas-Reyes

    Alberto Olivas-Reyes has been involved in numerous community organizations, both nationally and in his state of Arizona, as well as held several different positions in the government of Arizona. He was formerly on the board of the get-out-the-vote organization Democracy Works, and currently is the executive director of the
  • Person

    Adam Gross

    Adam Gross is a computer scientist, tech entrepreneur, and investor. He is currently on the board of the video hosting company Vimeo, and is the chairman of the board of the technology-focused left-of-center get-out-the-vote (GOTV) organization Democracy Works. Career Adam Gross studied computer science at Carnegie Mellon University in
  • Non-profit

    Election Integrity Fund

    Not to be confused with the Michigan-based Election Integrity Fund, a right-leaning election reform group The Election Integrity Fund is an organization formed in 2020 for the purpose of collecting “last minute” donations from high-dollar donors concerned about the integrity of the 2020 election. The organization’s exact structure is unclear,
  • Non-profit

    Phoenix Indian Center

    The Phoenix Indian Center is a nonprofit that provides services for the American Indian population in the metropolitan Phoenix area. The center was formed in 1947 by Leon Grant, a member of the Omaha tribe, and it is the oldest, continuing American Indian center in the United States.
  • Person

    Nicco Mele

    Nicco Mele is a nonprofit manager and university instructor. He is the former Chair of the board for Democracy Works, an activist group which works to increase the voter participation among left-of-center demographics and receives funding from leading left-of-center philanthropic institutions, such as the MacArthur Foundation and the
  • Non-profit

    American Constitutional Rights Union

    The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) is a conservative legal group founded in 1998 as the American Civil Rights Union. 1 Former Reagan administration adviser Robert Carleson started the organization to advocate for
  • Non-profit

    North Dakota Native Vote

    North Dakota Native Vote (NDNV) is a Bismarck-based Native American activism organization founded in 20181 in response to North Dakota voter identification laws.
  • Non-profit

    Nevada Native Vote Project

    The Nevada Native Vote Project (NNVP) is the Nevada chapter of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)’s Native Vote project, a Native American advocacy organization. NNVP works with the  state’s 27 Native American colonies and tribes, mostly on electoral issues.
  • Non-profit

    Natives Vote

    Not to be confused with Native Vote, a voter engagement project of the National Congress of American Indians. Natives Vote is a left-of-center Native American activist organization formed by collaboration between left-of-center Native American activist organizations IllumiNative, Native Organizers Alliance, and the University of Colorado Boulder’s
  • Person

    Reid Hoffman

    Reid Hoffman is an American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and left-of-center political activist best known for founding LinkedIn. Hoffman was relatively apolitical prior until 2016, when he became an outspoken critic of then-Republican candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election. Following the election, Hoffman called President Trump “worse than useless as
  • Non-profit

    Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona

    The Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA) is a left-of-center Native American activism and grantmaking organization founded in 1952. ITCA is comprised of 21 member tribes across Arizona. 1 ITCA administers federal, state, and
  • Non-profit

    Free Enterprise Project

    The Free Enterprise Project is a program of the right-of-center National Center for Public Policy Research, a think tank based in Washington, D.C. The program works to promote center-right shareholder resolutions at corporate meetings and oppose those filed by left-of-center shareholder activism organizations including As You Sow.
  • Non-profit

    Rio Grande Foundation

    The Rio Grande Foundation (RGF) is a nonpartisan public policy think tank that advocates for policies supporting a free market economy, individual liberties, and limited government in New Mexico. Its research areas include education, health care, energy and environment, and New Mexico’s economy.
  • Non-profit

    Alaska Policy Forum

    The Alaska Policy Forum (APF) is a non-partisan think tank that promotes individual freedom, limited government, and pro-liberty policies in Alaska. 1 APF’s primary concerns are state budget and taxes, health care,
  • Non-profit

    Citizens Against Government Waste

    The Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is a right-of-center organization that opposes wasteful and corrupt government spending. Since 1984, CAGW has served as a taxpayer watchdog organization and has published reports exposing politicians that aim to pass questionable financial legislation.
  • Government Agency

    United States Election Assistance Commission

    The United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is an independent federal agency created to report on election administration procedures and provide resources to election officials. 1 The Commission was established under the Help America Vote
  • Non-profit

    Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation

    The Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation, formerly the Comcast Foundation, is the corporate foundation of Comcast Corporation, which owns the Comcast cable television service, the NBC television network, and Universal movie studios. The foundation gives extensive local grants in cities for which Comcast is the primary cable operator, as well as nationally
  • Non-profit

    Four Directions

    Four Directions is a left-of-center Native American get-out-the-vote advocacy organization that was formed after the 2002 U.S. Senate election in South Dakota. 1 Four Directions
  • Person

    Dick Gephardt

    Richard Andrew “Dick” Gephardt is a former Democratic Party politician and lobbyist for corporate, labor union, and Democratic Party-aligned organizations. 1  Gephardt played a role in the 2020 presidential election by shoring up corporate donations to create a messaging