
Nevada Native Vote Project





Brian Melendez and Teresa Melendez


Nevada chapter of the Native Vote Project, an initiative of the National Congress of American Indians

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The Nevada Native Vote Project (NNVP) is the Nevada chapter of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)’s Native Vote project, a Native American advocacy organization. NNVP works with the  state’s 27 Native American colonies and tribes, mostly on electoral issues. 1 2

NNVP worked directly with left-of-center All Voting is Local to distribute voting materials to Native American voters throughout Nevada for the 2020 election. 3 This collaborative effort included outreach to Planned Parenthood patients and Planned Parenthood clinics to provide information about voting deadlines and election changes. 3

The left-of-center Native Organizers Alliance is one of NNVP’s funders and supporters. 4

NNVP was named in the Trump campaign’s 2020 election lawsuit in Nevada, which alleged that NNVP gave incentives such as T-shirts, gift cards, and raffle tickets in exchange for voting. 5 6 7 On its Facebook page, NNVP promoted raffles, including gift card raffles, for voters on several colonies and reservations across Nevada. 8 9 10 11 12

NNVP coordinators Brian and Teresa Melendez hosted virtual candidate forums, registration drives, and other voter turnout events in coordination with the Nevada Democratic Party in 2020. 13

History and Leadership

Brian “BB” Melendez founded Nevada Native Vote Project and the Nevada Native American Democratic Caucus. 14 He is NNVP’s Native Vote Coordinator. 15 1 Teresa Melendez is NNVP’s Project Coordinator. 16 1

According to the left-of-center Sierra Club Magazine, Brian and Teresa Melendez initially funded NNVP with their own money. 17 Prior to the 2020 election, the pair hosted virtual candidate forums, registration drives, and voter turnout events in coordination with the Nevada Democratic Party. 13

While NNVP claims to be nonpartisan, its leaders have supported far-left positions. In September 2020, Brian Melendez claimed, “if that piece of s*** @realDonaldTrump gets re-elected, he’s cancelling Christmas,” adding it was the “magic of the 2020 #NativeVote strategy.” 18 On November 3, 2020, Melendez posted online that “European-Americans are afraid of losing their sense of power and authority,” claiming all other ethnic groups had been “victims of domestic abuse and violence for 528 years.” 19 Shortly after the election, he claimed that the Native American vote, which he had helped to organize, was “mean huge left hook that defeated” former President Donald Trump. 20

Ethan Doig is the strategy coordinator for NNVP and the senior advisor for the Nevada Native Caucus Democrats. 21 22 Doig has previously claimed that Nevada “is ALL stolen Indigenous land” and has supported a Nevada bill to waive higher education fees for Native American students. 23 In January 2021, Doig referred to all those present at the protests and subsequent riot in Washington, D.C., on January 6 as “Nazis.” 24

Activities and Funding

Nevada Native Vote Project is a Native American activist and voter turnout organization in the state of Nevada. 25 For the 2020 election, NNVP worked directly with left-of-center All Voting is Local to distribute voting materials to Native American voters throughout the state and to expand in-person early voting and ballot drop boxes near reservations in Nevada. 3 26 27

NNVP’s work with All Voting is Local included outreach to Planned Parenthood patients and Planned Parenthood clinics to provide information about voting deadlines and election changes. 3

NNVP was named in the Trump campaign’s 2020 election lawsuit in Nevada. The lawsuit alleged that  NNVP gave incentives such as T-shirts, gift cards, and raffle tickets in exchange for votes. 5 6 7 NNVP used social media to promote its raffles, including gift card raffles, for voters on several colonies and reservations across Nevada. 8 9 10 11 12

NNVP used the left-of-center IllumiNative’s “Voting is Sacred” t-shirts as “incentives” to attract and energize voters at the Pyramid Lake and Reno-Sparks Indian Colony voting sites during early voting in November. 27 NNVP also sponsored a virtual raffle for tribal members, residents, and employees with the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony (RSIC), which offered gift cards, t-shirts, and beadwork for voters. 28

NNVP’s activities have continued following the 2020 election. On Thanksgiving Day in 2020, NNVP shared an IllumiNative post on social media urging readers to “create new traditions” and “say goodbye to harmful Thanksgiving myths that erase the devastation of colonization on native peoples.” 29

NNVP supported the nomination and confirmation of then-U.S. Representative Deb Haaland (D-NM) to the position of Secretary of the Department of Interior. 30 31 In February 2021, NNVP hosted the “Advocacy & Storytelling 101” workshop, partnering again with All Voting is Local. 32

The left-of-center Native Organizers Alliance is one of NNVP’s funders and supporters. 4


  1. “Nevada.” “ Nevada Information Page. Native Vote. Accessed May 8, 2021.
  2. Johnson, Bert. “Nevada Native Vote Project Wants Native American Voices To Be Heard In November.” KNPR Nevada Public Radio. October 23, 2020.
  3. “All Voting is Local Nevada Teams Up with Nonprofits to Share Voting Information.” All Voting is Local Press Release. All Voting is Local. October 21, 2020.
  4. “Voting is Sacred.” Video Post. Nevada Native Vote Project Facebook.
  5. Snyder, Riley. “Trump campaign files lawsuit asking judge overturn or annul Nevada’s presidential election results.” The Nevada Independent. November 17, 2020.
  6. Johnson, Bert. “Trump Campaign Takes Aim at Nevada Native Vote Project.” Nevada Public Radio KNPR. November 23, 2020.
  7. Joecks, Victor. “Nevada group offered gift cards for voting – and a state agency promoted it.” November 19, 2020. Las Vegas Review-Journal.
  8. Duckwater Shoshone Tribe. Nevada Native Vote Project Facebook. November 3, 2020.[0]=68.ARBlBwuASS5XzxxXiLTmV8QfqQjPfnnaFXm7puoJ1FRq1NTd42CHdNH8X_3xrjnklTIAW0uf1oNGNy4crR5tseW2Rmy8wnT0r6T1Lu8HDu9vscqTSIciYnF8KSgi9F3y0y_TaNUboVf_9uKQ8ZxKY1k_aK6kcFkbypXlBFFuWTGB1gY5ixD9A0Ur8fUJsHD8p2Ek4OGUxVrbX5SexckER1fgZZGR2TXaQrIHAa4u0h11CDAqbw_l031KfT6q2wIXS8_qQOF7hmvJXfJXw7mc86uidc_g3k65AKF1PTK03WOm2J_uUMA.
  9. Duck Valley Indian Reservation. Nevada Native Vote Project Facebook. November 3, 2020. Accessed May 8, 2021.[0]=68.ARDUj-BOF_ytawG11NNCDiCfCJeE0b16WjCwM4XDrAwTm9e7aY7gEOcB2eNMGqxFrBHov5tMzrbKYQbVUGoqrmoac-Iz905faFThEyCTChNlk3unKKSTlYzQOTOPGod0WE5xKLqYAZkVVhXVq5_m6Fb5ori1k1vNfPuyhgEREZzQQEEuTrQYlgKkmOZUuA52MFQvRrbA5PP0GUt47TCGUvQtPZGpVBRl9TyQkWufr_pZduL20HjCMF6obzwSs9iHtfCNYZanIDzdn52y6Ff0RpbvOy8fk6IWpFqEYsC6Y7iCamorJd0
  10. Washoe Tribal Community. Nevada Native Vote Project Facebook. November 3, 2020. Accessed May 8, 2021.[0]=68.ARBkQCbpQf3nVVUrJbhvgzHd3jenQBoEXiPrZKku8c-VFt8P3mMMKPDkrhnuL1l8nme1H_gCNFQnGzFb591FFamgZsrsqTlrexsFxzAJLx_OPq7hvhs8DSN-LtpGv6u3A7UQJUmDXOdtWH7GjRYgLcU_FVChSHoiozkH2b0IoNDU5mQUbH2XiVX4PavAOfYPl4UIXGK2WlTUV6DlUi3GxoYbS84L3KEYcBOZLkmnfCtLD8L9XskKWudevmYmUrDLqJrbbSzksUcjHh4ESFxtUsHSpKPkLin7oPpAGZso0crRArriz44.
  11. Moapa Band of Paiute. Nevada Native Vote Project Facebook Group. November 3, 2020. Accessed May 8, 2021.[0]=68.ARDnWsdjZquafq_nfElP4m-TeuWIePCW1_IJVZQlKR4v4Oa0r35q9Wi30O9qx5yujOM8dhsgfv3ocG81hzFq7NIia_S0UjX1dKBcluDOohLkvjEKd7Yefux-Tce3_o_uTbhHjWfaMaUaigNHpGW-vUk60zfpWFdK4yXoyFxxJbd7snVdh01eAC4eDqfKFHV7Y7U9imdMk2aJZh1n-o4i24Su_gIcAVAXNyW9RJRFGSQUfjnTy9qCyBc6ZnTYIjrF-xTBTzEWfYBoZMSQva4WMD41SByF5p9Udjl6fsQhAV3InXTmhyE.
  12. Rodriguez, Jazmin Orozco. “Tribal leaders spearhead mobilization efforts for untapped Native voters dealing with ‘tyranny of distance.” Nevada Independent. November 3, 2020.
  13. Sanderson, Travis. “The NV Democratic Party has some work to do, whoever’s running it.” Nevada Current. March 10, 2021.
  14. Melendez, Brian. “Officials must take action now to protect Native votes | Brian Melendez.” Reno Gazette-Journal. October 13, 2020.
  15. “Native Vote Coordinators.” Native Vote website. Accessed May 7, 2021.
  16. Riggio, Nina. “Native Americans Mobilize to Protect Their Right To Vote.” Sierra Club Magazine. No Publication Date Listed. Accessed May 7, 2021.
  17. Brian “BB” Melendez. Tweet. September 19, 2020.
  18. “Brian “BB” Melendez.” Tweet. November 3, 2020.
  19. “Brian “BB” Melendez.” Tweet. November 7, 2021.
  20. “Ethan Doig.” Twitter profile bio. Accessed May 7, 2021.
  21. Martin, Nick. “The Native Vote is Crucial This Election—and Under Threat.” The New Republic. October 22, 20202.
  22. Tweet from @EthanMDoig. Twitter. March 24, 2021. Accessed May 7, 2021.
  23. Ethan Doig Tweet. Twitter. January 9, 2021. Accessed May 8, 2021.
  24. Rodriguez, Jazmin Orozco. “Organizers believe Nevada Native Turnout was historic, despite gaps in exit poll data.” The Nevada Independent. November 20, 2020.
  25. Nevada Native Vote Project Facebook Post. Nevada Native Vote Project. November 3, 2020.[0]=68.ARA9kPs4Gxy8HAptCiXr6dnXirszZREbzb0VFygjahZ0qP3Dt4GyYsQur8WLmJ5sIL_Qzw3OKqUbodZ7JlqdRVP1MiiRpCAmrT2yRh8Rn3otGE_tNuc5_a-jLH0LUCFL-CZD0DlkzVXkmas-SkG_SOmoBQOJinkD3kMuWn7ipTIFQfPQgNJwy35x7VbyA9pG1qkYkwkjZzRK8TbFHaALxvsAhyTR8AjtkNYii9nRSuSWY0hkNY5m3NeS-yxf3FscB69l3zodb3QT_2Zti-WM7tp2Xe4Wt6PLy74snZB9bve8TUQPMag
  26. Rodriguez, Jazmin Orozco. “Tribal leaders spearhead mobilization efforts for untapped Native voters dealing with ‘tyranny of distance.” Nevada Independent. November 3, 2020.
  27. Nevada Native Vote Project Facebook Post. November 3, 2020. Accessed May 7, 2021.
  28. Facebook Post. Nevada Native Vote Project. November 25, 2020. Accessed May 8, 2021.
  29. Nevada Native Vote Project. Facebook Post. December 17, 2020. Accessed May 8, 2021.
  30. Nevada Native Vote Project. Facebook Post. February 11, 2021. Accessed May 8, 2021.
  31. “Advocacy & Storytelling 101 Workshop.” Facebook Post. Nevada Native Vote. February 27, 2021. Accessed May 8, 2021.
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Nevada Native Vote Project