
MSI Reproductive Choices (Marie Stopes International)




Tax ID:


Tax-Exempt Status:


Budget (2019):

Revenue: $54,630,801
Expenses: $54,637,007
Assets: $990,464




Birth Control and Abortion Advocacy Group


London, UK

UK Charitable Tax ID:


Latest Tax Filing:

2020 Form 990

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MSI Reproductive Choices, formerly Marie Stopes International (MSI), is a leading British-American abortion and birth control advocacy group founded in 1976 and active in 37 countries, particularly in Africa and Asia. The group is named for Marie Stopes (1880-1958), a British activist for women’s suffrage, birth control, abortion, eugenics, anti-Semitism, and forced sterilization.1 Marie Stopes International changed its name to MSI Reproductive Choices in November 2020 to avoid association with its namesake.2

MSI is a leading abortion provider worldwide. Between 2015 and 2020, the group performed over 90 million abortions.3

MSI-US, the group’s United States affiliate, acts as a financial pass-through to direct donations from left-leaning foundations such as the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation and Hewlett Foundation to MSI Reproductive Choices, the London-based parent organization. Those funds are then distributed internationally to support abortion and birth control.4

Marie Stopes

Marie Stopes International was named for, but not founded by, the 20th century British abortion and birth control activist Marie Stopes (1880-1958). Stopes was born to a wealthy family and received her university education and doctorate in paleobotany, later teaching at the University of Manchester.5

Stopes founded the first free birth control clinic in the United Kingdom (and the entire British Empire) in 1921 and edited the local newsletter Birth Control News. 6 She is also credited with influencing the Church of England’s slow relaxation of its stance against contraception. Stopes publicly opposed abortion, which was illegal in Britain until 1967, preferring instead to prevent pregnancies thereby avoiding medical risks to mothers.7 A 1933 biography of Stopes notes: 8

Another matter that she has refused to deal with is the question of abortion. Heartbreaking as have been many of the appeals addressed to her and to her clinic by women in whose cases an abortion seemed a lesser evil for the individual and for society than the birth of the child would be, Dr. Stopes has stood resolutely aside. She is aware of the very great prevalence of the practice of abortion both among the married and the unmarried, and she makes her contribution towards checking that evil by making knowledge of cheap, easy, and safe methods of prevention readily accessible to those who need that knowledge.

Support for Eugenics

Stopes was also a prominent leader in the U.K.’s eugenics movement. “Eugenics” refers to the pseudoscience of “beautifying” and “improving” society through selective breeding of human populations. Marie Stopes International admits to its namesake’s support for eugenics, “opinions” which the organization claims “are in stark contrast to our values and principles.”9

In 1920, Stopes authored Radiant Motherhood: A Book for Those Who are Creating the Future. In the book she praised parenthood, writing that “every lover desires a child. Those who imagine the contrary, and maintain that love is purely selfish, know only of the lesser types of love.” Stopes added: 10

The century long working of economic laws based on physical force . . . has resulted in man generally having the selective power and tending to choose for his wife the most beautiful or charming woman that his means allow; hence hitherto on the whole, the race has been bred from the better and more beautiful women. This has undoubtedly tended to keep the standard of physical form from sinking to the utter degradation which we see in the worse of the slums, and in institutions where live the feeble-minded offspring of inferior mothers who have wantonly borne children of fathers devoid of any realization of what they were doing.

“The power of parenthood ought no longer to be exercised by all,” she wrote, “however inferior, as an ‘individual right.’ It is profoundly a duty and a privilege, and it is essentially the concern of the whole community.” 11

Stopes criticized “wanton” parenthood as she believed it brought forth people facing “the burden of taxation which they have not the resources to meet” while “provid[ing] for children also.” Stopes believed that had created a massive national financial burden caused by “the too numerous children of those who do not contribute to the public funds by taxation, yet who recklessly bring forth from an inferior stock individuals who are not self-supporting.” She claimed that this was damaging to the middle- and upper-classes, which were forced to work to pay for the public upkeep of “inferior” individuals. She continued:12

While on the other hand, society allows the diseased, the racially negligent, the thriftless, the careless, the feeble- minded, the very lowest and worst members of the community, to produce innumerable tens of thousands of stunted, warped, and inferior infants. If they live, a large proportion of these are doomed from their very physical inheritance to be at the best but partly self-supporting, and thus to drain the resources of those classes above them which have a sense of responsibility. The better classes, freed from the cost of the institutions, hospitals, prisons and so on, principally filled by the inferior stock, would be able to afford to enlarge their own families, and at the same time not only to save misery but to multiply a hundredfold the contribution in human life-value to the riches of the State.

Stopes added: 13

It should be the policy of the community to encourage in every way the parenthood of those whose circumstances and conditions are such that there is a reasonable anticipation that they will give rise to healthy, well-endowed future citizens. It should be the policy of the community to dis- courage from parenthood all whose circumstances are such as would make probable the introduction of weakened, diseased or debased future citizens. It is the urgent duty of the community to make parenthood impossible for those whose mental and physical conditions are such that there is well-nigh a certainty that their offspring must be physically and mentally tainted, if not utterly permeated by disease.

[. . .]

So long as parenthood is kept outside the realm of rational thought and reasoned action, so long will we as a race slide at an ever-increasing speed towards the utter deterioration of our stock through the reckless increase of the debased.



The modern organization MSI Reproductive Choices was founded in 1976 by two men, Tim Black (1937-2014) and Phil Harvey (1938-2021). Black and Harvey were abortion activists who met in the late 1960s while pursuing master’s degrees in Population Dynamics at the University of North Carolina. Both men’s studies were funded by fellowships from the Population Council, a major advocate for global forced sterilization and population control policies, and the Ford Foundation, one of the largest foundations in the world and a leading funder of left-of-center causes.14

Harvey and Black reportedly shared the same vision of “preventing unwanted pregnancy” and together came up with the idea of marketing condoms through the mail, an approach to “family planning that did not rely on medical infrastructure” and so could be targeted at poor countries with large rural populations and few medical or abortion facilities, such as India and Nepal. (Mailing birth control products was illegal in the United States at the time.) 15

Their idea led the men to found Population Services International (PSI) after graduating in 1970, today a leading provider of abortions, birth control, and education designed to discourage reproduction in poor countries.16 PSI was founded with a grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development and “revenue from a condom catalog [sic] they started,” allowing them “to create their first social marketing campaign in Kenya.”17

Adam & Eve and DKT International

Also see DKT International (nonprofit)

Black and Harvey also co-founded Adam & Eve in 1971 in North Carolina, an “adult pleasure company” whose profits funded the pair’s abortion and family planning nonprofits. In 1989, Harvey founded DKT International, a nonprofit which promotes abortion sells inexpensive condoms to people in developing countries. 18 As of 2020, Adam & Eve reports that it has given away 25 percent of its profits to DKT International.19

In 2017, DKT acquired global distribution rights for a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) technology to perform “uterine evacuations” from Ipas, an abortion advocacy group. The abortion technology uses suction to pull out fetuses and embryos through the cervix.20 DKT markets and distributes the product in over 100 countries. 21

Harvey has been called “one of the most influential figures in the American sex industry today” and has reportedly donated roughly $10 million (£7.5 million) to MSI as of 2020. 22 23


After Stopes’s death in 1958, the birth control clinic she founded in central London (Whitfield Street) continued to operate under the aegis of the Marie Stopes Memorial Foundation until it declared bankruptcy in 1975. In 1976, the clinic was taken over by Tim Black, his wife Jean Black, and Phil Harvey, who re-founded it as Marie Stopes International, its name until 2020. 24 Black worked as MSI’s chief executive officer in London from its founding until 2006, when he retired.25

In June 2021, MSI permanently closed its original birth control clinic founded by Stopes in 1925 in London. The clinic performed 4,235 abortions between 2018 and 2019.26

Abortion Activities

MSI considers abortion “lifesaving, essential healthcare” and has called itself “one of the world’s leading providers of comprehensive abortion care,” stating that it is “unapologetic in our defence of the right to choose.”27

The group provides abortions and birth control services in the 37 countries where it has active affiliates. These are overwhelmingly located in Africa and Asia; in 2020, MSI reported that less than one percent of its services targeted Europe, Australia, and Latin America, whereas 43 percent of its services were in the regions of South and West Asia, 36 percent in Africa, and 13 percent in the Pacific and East Asia.28 In 2019, the group provided 19.5 million abortions. 29

In 2020, MSI performed approximately 19 million abortions worldwide. It also provided 32.6 million people with contraception. Between 2015 and 2020 MSI reports having performed over 90 million abortions.30

Criticism of Pro-Life Activists and Christians

MSI refers to pro-life and anti-abortion activists as leading a “global assault on choice” using “sophisticated tactics” targeting “young people” of “all ages, economic status[es] and religious affiliation[s].” Pro-life activists have “co-opted spaces traditionally used to advance human rights such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization” and use “demonstrations and rallies to gather support”: 31

The Pro-Life Activist’s Encyclopedia trains followers in debate tactics and instructs them on the right language to persuade others to join them.  Starting with the ingenuous moniker “pro-life,” the opposition uses vocabulary that refers to pro-choice as the “anti-life” movement. They declare supporters of choice “anti-family.” Stories built on concepts of “the natural family” and “natural sovereignty” also undermine pro-choice values. 32

MSI is critical of anti-abortion organizations such as the Spain-based Citizen Go, which “mobilizes in East Africa to condemn a range of LGBTQI+ issues.” The U.S.-based group Heartland International, MSI writes, “target[s] vulnerable young pregnant women” in Uganda “seeking abortion with misleading promises of help.”33

According to MSI, “Right-wing Christian organizations” supposedly provide “$280 million each year” promoting unspecified conservative causes, while MSI estimates that “anti-gender equality groups” based in the United States and backed by “oligarchs from the Russian Federation” raised $702 million in funds between 2009 and 2018. (MSI-US, just one branch of Marie Stopes International, raised $473 million in that period.) 34

Of religious conservatives, MSI writes: 35

We believe that no one should be judged for having an abortion, though we understand that there may still be some stigma attached to abortion within religious communities, or from peers who have religious views.

The group promotes affiliation with left-wing religious or nominally religious groups which are pro-abortion, such as Catholics for Choice, Muslims for Choice, and the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. 36

Criticism of Trump Administration

Mexico City Policy

MSI-US is highly critical of the “Mexico City Policy” (formally “Mexico City Policy and Assistance for Voluntary Population Planning”), a federal policy issued first in 1985 by President Ronald Reagan that banned nongovernmental organizations from using federal funds provided by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) “to pay for the performance of abortions as a method of family planning, or to motivate or coerce any person to practice abortions.” The policy has been continued by Republican presidential administrations and rescinded by Democratic administrations in the intervening years.37

In January 2017, President Donald Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy upon taking office. 38 On January 28, 2021, President Joe Biden rescinded the policy.39

The Mexico City Policy criticized by pro-abortion advocacy groups, particularly those which lobby for expanded abortion access and federal funding of abortions; they refer to the policy as the “Global Gag Rule.” MSI-US complained that during the Trump administration the Mexico City Policy cost the group “30 million in annual USAID funding,” or $120 million “over Trump’s full term,” funds that it would have used to provide an estimated 7.8 million abortions. MSI-US is a 501(c)(3) public charity with strict lobbying limits. However, the group has endorsed passage of the Global Health, Empowerment and Rights Act (“Global HER Act,” H.R.556, 2021), a Democratic-backed bill which would codify federal funding of abortions overseas, effectively blocking future presidents from reinstating the Mexico City Policy, demanding that the policy be “permanently repealed.” 40 41 42

MSI-US denies that funds distributed to pro-abortion groups by USAID during periods when the Mexico City Policy is not in effect are taxpayer funds. “American citizens are told that the GGR [“Global Gag Rule”] prevents their taxes from being spent on abortion, however this is already prohibited under the 1973 Helms Amendment.” 43

MSI-US claimed that the Mexico City Policy “was a decision that undid years of progress on global reproductive rights and caused untold pain to millions of women, limiting their opportunities for the future.”44 The group has written: 45

President Trump re-instated the Global Gag Rule in 2017, cutting off US Government funding for organizations that provide or even talk about abortion. MSI could never accept its conditions, and as a result faced a $120 million funding gap over four years.


Eugenics Associations and Name Change

In November 2020, Marie Stopes International announced it was changing its name to MSI Reproductive Choices to “intentionally break [. . .] with its connection to Marie Stopes the woman.” The group’s chief executive, Simon Cooke, said that “We’re absolutely not trying to erase her [Stopes] from history, or what she did . . . but we really need to look forward and not back”: 46

Marie Stopes was a pioneer of family planning; however, she was also a supporter of the eugenics movement and expressed many opinions which are in stark contrast to MSI’s core values and principles. The name of the organisation has been a topic of discussion for many years and the events of 2020 have reaffirmed that changing our name now is the right decision. As we look to the future with our new 10-year strategy, we are reflecting our fundamental focus in our new name, MSI Reproductive Choices. [emphasis added]

The statement referred to “the events of 2020,” indicating that far-left activists leading Black Lives Matter demonstrations after the police-custody death of George Floyd, which instigated violent riots and protests and called for defunding local police across the United States and in parts of the United Kingdom.47

Critics of MSI noted the group adopted an acronym shared by the Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI), a neo-fascist political faction in Italy formed in 1946 by supporters of the country’s World War II-era Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.48

Taxpayer Funding for Abortions

In 2019, it was revealed that the British government was the single largest donor to the UK-based MSI Reproductive Choices. Taxpayer funds accounted for roughly £308 million ($407 million USD) in government grants to the abortion provider between 2009 and 2019. In 2019, the U.K. government was responsible for 15 percent of MSI’s income that year, a massive increase from the 1 percent it provided the group in 2009.49

Abortion Persuasion Incentives

The U.K.’s Care Quality Commission, a government watchdog which monitors national health services, accused Marie Stopes International of paying staff bonuses “for encouraging women to go through with a termination” in 2017, including girls as young as 16 years old.50

The report criticized the organization for a “cattle market culture” and “very target-drive,” with MSI staff “encouraged” to suggest that patients undergo abortions because it was “linked to their performance bonuses.” Government inspectors discovered minutes of one meeting where MSI staffers discussed an aggressive “company-wide focus on DNPs,” patients who “Did Not Proceed” with abortions, intending to call them and attempt to schedule another appointment. 51

The report also found that parents, partners, or friends of pregnant women who might persuade them to think again about the termination were “seen as an inconvenience” and that “their presence was strongly discouraged.” 52

MSI called the allegations “categorically untrue.” The group’s managing director, Richard Bentley, told reporters that “It’s true that our team members are measured against key performance indicators (KPIs) that relate to quality and client care. However, none of these KPIs relate to client numbers, and it is untrue that any member of our staff receives a performance related bonus for the number of clients they treat.”53

Safety Violations

A 2016 government inquiry by the Care Quality Commission, which monitors public health services in the United Kingdom, found that MSI clinics in Britain had committed over 2,600 “serious incidents” by failing to follow “basic safety procedures,” leading to a temporary halt in performing abortions.54

The report found that MSI doctors were “bulk signing” and “pre-signing” consent forms for female patients undergoing abortions. At one clinic, doctors were leaving nurses unequipped and untrained for emergencies to tend to sedated women while they went home. One woman with learning disabilities was reportedly “allowed to have an abortion without fully understanding the procedure or consequences.” The Daily Mail reported:55

She arrived alone at the clinic in Sandwell, West Midlands, and became distressed just before the procedure. Doctors went ahead anyway – despite not clearly explaining the procedure – and spoke to her ‘insensitively’.

The report further found that almost half of nurses had not been trained to do resuscitation; some women did not understand the full consequences of what they were about to do; safety incidents including medical blunders and equipment failures had increased by one third in a year; doctors were signing off up to 60 consent forms at a time when they were meant to be making a thorough assessment, including one incident where a doctor filled in up to 26 forms in two minutes; and fetal remains were dumped in ordinary medical waste bins rather than sealed for cremation. 56

Botched Abortions

A 2017 inquiry by the U.K. government’s Care Quality Commission discovered 373 “botched abortions” carried out by MSI clinics in a period of two months. The report was the third in a row to find serious failings in the organization’s operations.57

Illegal Abortions in Kenya

In October 2020 it was reported that the decomposing corpses of ten babies, all illegally aborted by MSI, had been found discarded in a dumpster outside an MSI abortion clinic in Nairobi, Kenya. Police also reported discovering medical equipment and drugs commonly used for conducting abortions at an MSI-run health clinic.58 Kenyan national police arrested two unregistered medical practitioners “on suspicion that they were conducting abortion[s] in the said facility where 10 decomposing fetuses and other appliances suspected [of having] been used for conducting abortion[s] were recovered.” 59

In 2018, the Kenyan government banned Marie Stopes International from offering abortion services.60 Kenyan law holds that abortion is illegal except in the case of rape, and the national constitution stipulates that “the life of a person begins at conception.”61 As such, the Marie Stopes clinic was shuttered in 2020.62

Lobbying for Abortion Expansion

Global Declaration on Abortion

Marie Stopes International was one of roughly 350 pro-abortion activist and research groups which formed the Global Declaration on Abortion in November 2019, following the Nairobi Summit of the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development. The declaration urged all governments worldwide to: 63

  • Make abortion . . . safe, legal, available, accessible and affordable by eliminating all laws and policies that restrict or criminalize access.
  • Ensure that universal health coverage integrates . . . comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services, including abortion, post-abortion and contraception, into national strategies, budgets, and programs.
  • Provide children and young people . . . with comprehensive sexuality education that supports their right to . . . contraception and abortion, and connects them with sexual and reproductive health services that are free, accessible, age-responsive . .. .
  • Increase access to early, quality medical abortion to make abortions safer . . . .
  • Meet the sexual and reproductive needs of . . . young women, indigenous women, women with disabilities, unmarried women and girls, and trans men . . . and help to improve equity and ensure their access to contraception and abortion.
  • Promote gender equality and women’s and girls’ autonomy by implementing interventions at all levels to change harmful social and gender norms and stereotypes around sexuality, pregnancy and abortion; and by engaging partners, relatives and community members as supportive advocates for sexual and reproductive rights and abortion.

Other notable signatories included the Center for Reproductive Rights, DKT International, EngenderHealth, Ipas, Pathfinder International, Population Services International, Population Connection Action Fund, and Planned Parenthood.64


Financial Overview

MSI is composed of a United Kingdom-based parent charity, MSI Reproductive Choices, and a United States-based 501(c)(3) affiliate, MSI-US. It is listed as a “supporting organization” to MSI Reproductive Choices in IRS Form 990 filings.65

The following is an overview of MSI-US’s finances from 2000 to 2020: 66

MSI: Financial Overview
YearTotal RevenuesTotal ExpendituresGrants Paid
2020 $52,007,670 $52,008,417 $49,295,267
2019 $54,630,801 $54,637,007 $52,309,118
2018 $55,901,471 $55,899,938 $53,918,483
2017 $62,706,750 $62,706,750 $61,007,923
2016 $53,758,892 $53,758,892 $51,607,525
2015 $61,234,983 $61,234,983 $59,501,471
2014 $38,574,221 $35,933,041 $34,765,491
2013 $44,642,463 $45,200,247 $44,232,528
2012 $34,396,628 $34,940,935 $34,192,869
2011 $23,426,955 $23,871,954 $23,381,035
2010 $12,272,624 $12,507,015 $12,243,678
2009 $86,285,874 $86,316,697 $86,315,874
2008 $28,684,526 $28,654,527 $28,684,527
2007 $36,759,280 $37,943,418 $37,942,553
2006 $17,746,100 $14,188,415 $14,186,868
2005 $3,757,486 $3,523,000 $3,522,726
2004 $3,410,186 $3,527,541 $3,525,316
2003 $2,211,059 $1,900,834 $1,897,216
2002 $2,242,737 $2,038,737 $2,038,373
Total: $674,650,706 $670,792,348 $654,568,841

Donors to MSI-US

The bulk of MSI-US’s annual funding is from grants from left-leaning foundations. The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, which is funded by liberal billionaire and abortion supporter Warren Buffett, gifted $508 million to MSI between 2009 and 2020, accounting for approximately 88 percent of the group’s total revenues in that period. 67 In 2020 alone, the Buffett Foundation gifted MSI $38.8 million, or 74.7 percent of the group’s income that year. 68

Other major donors to MSI-US include the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, which has gifted the group $23.5 million since 2010; Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund (a donor-advised fund provider used by anonymous funders), which has channeled $27 million to the group since 2016; the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, which has gifted it $3.5 million since 2011; Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, which has given it $1.7 million; and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has gifted the group $3.5 million since 2014. 69

The following are identified grants to MSI-US: 70

FoundationAmountYearGrant Description
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$15,237,122 2020PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$14,000,000 2020PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$2,982,771 2020PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$2,111,636 2020PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,800,149 2020PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,551,400 2020PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,166,894 2020PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$19,505,911 2019PROJECT SUPPORT
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$11,516,825 2019For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$6,725,567 2019PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$6,163,597 2019PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$5,037,917 2019PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$4,274,433 2019PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$3,242,744 2019PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$3,225,075 2019PROJECT SUPPORT
Erik E and Edith H Bergstrom Foundation A Charitable Trust$2,422,578 2019FOR WORK IN UGANDA KENYA AND BOLIVIA
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,795,403 2019PROJECT SUPPORT
Erik E and Edith H Bergstrom Foundation A Charitable Trust$1,387,138 2019FOR WORK IN UGANDA KENYA AND BOLIVIA
David and Lucile Packard Foundation$940,000 2019POPULATION AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH
Schwab Charitable Fund$51,650 2019PUBLIC SOCIETAL BENEFIT
Jewish Communal Fund$50,000 2019General support
National Philanthropic Trust$20,000 2019PUBLIC SOCIETAL BENEFIT (MSI US)
Wenwach Foundation$2,000 2019General & Unrestricted
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$39,758,302 2018PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$20,241,698 2018PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$9,514,637 2018PROJECT SUPPORT
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$5,858,050 2018For grant recipient's exempt purposes
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$4,858,008 2018PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$4,300,331 2018PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$3,444,359 2018PROJECT SUPPORT
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$3,000,000 2018FOR GENERAL OPERATING SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$2,740,192 2018PROJECT SUPPORT
Erik E and Edith H Bergstrom Foundation A Charitable Trust$1,698,072 2018FOR WORK IN UGANDA AND BOLIVIA
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,583,074 2018PROJECT SUPPORT
Erik E and Edith H Bergstrom Foundation A Charitable Trust$1,354,262 2018FOR WORK IN UGANDA AND BOLIVIA
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$750,000 2018FOR SUPPORT FOR HUMANCENTERED DESIGN IN THE SAHEL
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation$662,114 2018FAMILY PLANNING
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$600,000 2018FOR SUPPORT OF HUMANCENTERED DESIGN IN RURAL KENYA
David and Lucile Packard Foundation$300,000 2018Population and Reproductive Health
David and Lucile Packard Foundation$250,000 2018Population and Reproductive Health
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$100,000 2018FOR SUPPORT OF HUMANCENTERED DESIGN IN RURAL KENYA
Fondation Chanel Inc$66,934 2018To support the training and empowerment of community-based health providers to establish outreach-based health services for women and girls in Burkina Faso Vietnam and Nigeria.
Schwab Charitable Fund$53,550 2018PUBLIC SOCIETAL BENEFIT
Wellspring Philanthropic Fund Inc$48,750 2018TELEMEDICINE MODEL IN MEXICO
Jewish Communal Fund$20,000 2018General Support
Mcgraw-Hill Research Foundation$1,000 2018HEALTH & HUMAN SERV
Wenwach Foundation$1,000 2018General & Unrestricted
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$47,879,606 2017PROJECT SUPPORT
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$8,238,504 2017PROJECT SUPPORT
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$6,717,515 2017FOR GRANT RECIPIENT'S EXEMPT PURPOSES
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$3,000,000 2017For support of msi's sahel program
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$1,000,000 2017For general operating support
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$900,000 2017For support of humancentered design in rural kenya
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$750,000 2017For support for humancentered design in the sahel
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation$729,702 2017FAMILY PLANNING
Fondation Chanel Inc$185,000 2017To support the training and empowerment of community-based health providers to establish outreach-based health services for women and girls in Burkina Faso Vietnam and Nigeria.
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation$56,000 2017for direct services in high birth rate countries (MARIES STOPES INTERNATIONAL - US)
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$50,000 2017For support of humancentered design collaboration in zambia
Wellspring Philanthropic Fund Inc$50,000 2017TELEMEDICINE MODEL IN MEXICO
Schwab Charitable Fund$20,450 2017Health & human services
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$40,336,962 2016Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,944,322 2016Project support
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$1,750,000 2016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$1,000,000 2016For general operating support
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation$835,477 2016Family planning
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$800,000 2016For support of humancentered design collaboration in zambia
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$785,000 2016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$600,000 2016For reproductive health services in francophone west africa
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$300,000 2016For developing a youth program using humancentered design
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$275,000 2016For a project to apply design thinking to reproductive health in mali
Westwind Foundation$275,000 2016To fund operating needs
David and Lucile Packard Foundation$250,000 2016Organizational effectiveness
Fondation Chanel Inc$230,000 2016To support the training and empowerment of community-based health providers to establish
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$150,000 2016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$50,000 2016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$50,000 2016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$50,000 2016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
David and Lucile Packard Foundation$50,000 2016Organizational effectiveness
David and Lucile Packard Foundation$36,489 2016Organizational effectiveness
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$25,000 2016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Ford Foundation$19,294 2016To establish a Sexuality Reproductive Health and Rights SRHR fund to support youth empowerment initiatives in SRHR including peer led grant making
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund$15,000 2016For grant recipent's exempt purposes
Schwab Charitable Fund$14,500 2016Health & Human services
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$28,577,577 2015Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$7,922,924 2015Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$7,492,419 2015Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$3,207,689 2015Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,665,408 2015Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,440,738 2015Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,283,216 2015Project support
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$1,000,000 2015For general operating support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$908,728 2015Project support
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$800,000 2015For support of Testing Behavioral Interventions in Family Planning Programs
David and Lucile Packard Foundation$500,000 2015Population and reproductive health
Ford Foundation$330,000 2015Core support to mainstream sexual and reproductive health and rights into youth focused Chinese philanthropy and civil society and strengthen organizing and advocacy by women living with HIV AIDS
Westwind Foundation$275,000 2015To fund operating needs
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$250,000 2015For a project to Apply Design Thinking to Reproductive Health in Zambia
Ford Foundation$240,000 2015To establish a Sexuality Reproductive Health and Rights SRHR fund to support youth empowerment initiatives in SRHR including peer led grant making
Schwab Charitable Fund$5,500 2015Health & Human Services
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$17,285,473 2014Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$3,638,362 2014Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$3,045,840 2014Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$2,479,523 2014Project support
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation$1,270,777 2014Family planning
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$1,000,000 2014For general operating support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$994,133 2014Project support
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$900,000 2014For reproductive health services in francophone west Africa
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$545,606 2014Project support
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$275,000 2014For a project to apply design thinking to reproductive health in Mali
Westwind Foundation$275,000 2014To fund operating needs
Ford Foundation$259,294 2014To establish a Sexuality Reproductive Health and Rights SRHR fund to support youth empowerment initiatives in SRHR including peerled grantmaking
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$250,000 2014For support for use of storytelling in sexual and reproductive health and rights advocacy
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$150,000 2014For support of a family planning mobile clinic in Senegal
Ford Foundation$125,000 2014For pilot projects to promote the sexual and reproductive health and rights of Chinese women living with or affected by HIV through peer education programs and advocacy in cooperation with service providers
Ford Foundation$100,000 2014To build the capacity of Chinese youth sexuality and reproductive health organizations and develop implement and promote innovate sexuality education programs and for project monitoring and evaluation
Conservation Food and Health Foundation Inc$20,000 2014Program support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$15,127,841 2013Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$7,968,970 2013Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$4,999,543 2013Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$4,558,644 2013Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$3,442,891 2013Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,305,470 2013Project support
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$1,000,000 2013For general operating support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$319,359 2013Project support
Westwind Foundation$275,000 2013To fund operating needs
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$250,000 2013For a project to apply design thinking to reproductive health in Zambia
Ford Foundation$250,000 2013 For pilot projects to promote the sexual and reproductive health and rights of Chinese women living with or affected by HIV through peer education programs and advocacy in cooperation with service providers
David and Lucile Packard Foundation$200,000 2013Population and reproductive health
Ford Foundation$200,000 2013 To build the capacity of Chinese youth sexuality and reproductive health organizations and develop implement and promote innovate sexuality education programs and for project monitoring and evaluation
Ford Foundation$125,000 2013For pilot projects to promote the sexual and reproductive health and rights of Chinese women living with or affected by HIV through peer education programs and advocacy in cooperation with service providers
Ford Foundation$100,000 2013To build the capacity of Chinese youth sexuality and reproductive health organizations and develop implement and promote innovate sexuality education programs and for project monitoring and evaluation
David and Lucile Packard Foundation$49,588 2013Organizational effectiveness and philanthropy
Conservation Food and Health Foundation Inc$25,000 2013Program support
Roger and Katherine Flahive Foundation$5,500 2013General & unrestricted
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$11,542,304 2012Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$5,843,516 2012Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$4,766,803 2012Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$3,468,306 2012Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,236,065 2012Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,098,170 2012Project support
Globalgiving Foundation Inc$5,628 2012Funds raised by global giving and disbursed to meet donor expectations
David and Lucile Packard Foundation$900,000 2011Population and reproductive health
Roger and Katherine Flahive Foundation$15,000 2011Selous game reserve project
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$3,140,342 2010Project support
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation$3,000,000 2010For general operating support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$789,916 2010Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$754,930 2010Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$749,363 2010Project support
Westwind Foundation$185,000 2010To fund operating needs
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program$30,000 2010General op expenses
Grove Foundation$8,000 2010Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$57,106,975 2009Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$10,171,272 2009Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$9,583,440 2009Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$2,980,485 2009Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,860,040 2009Project support
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation$1,346,120 2009Project support
Neukom Family Foundation$1,000,000 2008
Elephant Rock Foundation Inc$15,000 2006
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program$30,000 2005
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program$10,000 2005
Grand Total:$579,617,281

Donors to MSI Reproductive Choices

MSI Reproductive Choices, the London-based parent charity of MSI-US, received grants in 2020 from the Gates Foundation ($4.1 million), Hewlett Foundation ($1.2 million), International Planned Parenthood Federation ($8.6 million), United Nations ($5.4 million), and the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office ($48.4 million).71

In 2018, the Canadian government announced an $8 million grant to MSI during an International Conference on Family Planning.72

U.S. Government Grants to MSI

MSI and a handful of international affiliates based in Africa received nearly $187 million in U.S. federal grants between 2014 and 2019. All of the grants came from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which is responsible for distributing U.S. foreign aid funds.73

USAID Grants to Marie Stopes International and Affiliates
Marie Stopes Int. Nigeria2014-2017 $8,301,775 FAMILY HEALTH PLUS PROJECT
Total: $186,957,086

Grants from Marie Stopes International

Between 2002 and 2020, MSI-US has paid out approximately $655 million in grants, all of which went to its U.K. parent, Marie Stopes International, for international distribution. 74 As such, MSI-US acts as a pass-through funder to the UK-based parent organization.

In 2020, MSI Reproductive Choices reported roughly $212 million (£160.4 million) in grant income; cash transfers from MSI-US accounted for 23.3 percent of global income. 75

International Affiliates

MSI has affiliates in 37 countries, many of which operate as for-profit entities whose shares are 99 or 100 percent controlled by the parent organization based in London (an * indicates 99-100 percent share control by MSI Reproductive Choices): 76

  • United Kingdom* (parent organization)
  • United States
  • Australia*
  • Austria*
  • Bangladesh
  • China*
  • India*
  • Kenya*
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Mexico
  • Mongolia*
  • Nepal*
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Romania
  • Sierra Leone
  • South Africa
  • Sri Lanka
  • Tanzania
  • Vietnam
  • Yemen
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe

MSI-US, the group’s American affiliate, is by far the most lucrative of MSI’s international affiliates. In 2020, MSI-US posted revenues of $39.2 million, according to the U.K. arm’s annual report; the second-highest earner for the network was Options Consultancy Services, its main U.K. services subsidiary, which brought in $19.7 million in 2020.77 The reason for the disparity with MSI-US’s revenues posted in its 2020 IRS Form 990 ($52 million) is unclear.


  1. Jonathan Peter Spiro. Defending the Master Race: Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant. Lebanon, NH: University of Vermont Press. 2009. P. 139
  2. “Abortion provider changes name over Marie Stopes eugenics link.” BBC. Nov. 17, 2020. Accessed Dec. 7, 2021.
  3. MSI Reproductive Choices: 2020 Annual Report. U.K. Register of Charities. Original URL: Archived:
  4. MSI Reproductive Choices: 2020 Annual Report. U.K. Register of Charities. Original URL: Archived:
  5. “Marie Stopes.” Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed Dec. 13, 202.1
  6. June Rose. Marie Stopes and the Sexual Revolution. 1992.
  7. “Marie Stopes.” Encyclopedia Britannica. Accessed Dec. 13, 202.1
  8. Aylmer Maude. Marie Stopes: Her Work and Play. 1933. Archived:
  9. “Our history.” MSI. Accessed Dec. 13, 2021.
  10. Marie Carmichael Stopes. Radiant Motherhood: A Book for Those Who are Creating the Future. London, 1920. Archived:
  11. Marie Carmichael Stopes. Radiant Motherhood: A Book for Those Who are Creating the Future. London, 1920. Archived:
  12. Marie Carmichael Stopes. Radiant Motherhood: A Book for Those Who are Creating the Future. London, 1920. Archived:
  13. Marie Carmichael Stopes. Radiant Motherhood: A Book for Those Who are Creating the Future. London, 1920. Archived:
  14. “Class of 1970 celebrates 50 years of reproductive empowerment.” University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health. Oct. 27, 2020. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  15. “Class of 1970 celebrates 50 years of reproductive empowerment.” University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health. Oct. 27, 2020. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  16. “Thinking Outside of the Gender Toolbox.” PSI, March 20, 2020.
  17. “WE MOURN THE LOSS OF OUR FOUNDER – PHIL HARVEY.” Population Services International. Dec. 8, 2021. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  18. “WE MOURN THE LOSS OF OUR FOUNDER – PHIL HARVEY.” Population Services International. Dec. 8, 2021. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  19. Michael Powell. “Marie Stopes abortion charity – which ’empowers women to take control of their futures’ – accepted millions of pounds in funding from US porn baron.” Daily Mail. May 9, 2020. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  20. “Steps for performing manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) using the Ipas MVA Plus and Ipas EasyGrip cannulae.” Ipas. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  21. “Abortion Clinic That Killed Over 4,200 Babies in the Last Two Years Closes Down.” LifeNews UK. June 3, 2021. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  22. Schlosser, Eric (2004). Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  23. Michael Powell. “Marie Stopes abortion charity – which ’empowers women to take control of their futures’ – accepted millions of pounds in funding from US porn baron.” Daily Mail. May 9, 2020. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  24. “Doctor Tim Black: Family-planning pioneer who co-founded Marie Stopes International, helping millions of women around the world.” The Independent. Dec. 19, 2014. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  25. “Dr Tim Black. Marie Stopes chief executive. January 7,1937 – December 11, 2014, Aged 77.” The Express. Dec. 27, 2014. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  26. “Abortion Clinic That Killed Over 4,200 Babies in the Last Two Years Closes Down.” LifeNews UK. June 3, 2021. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  27. “Comprehensive abortion care.” MSI. Accessed Dec. 13, 2021.
  28. MSI Reproductive Choices: 2020 Annual Report. U.K. Register of Charities. Original URL: Archived:
  29. “Going further for women: our impact in 2019.” MSI-US. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  30. MSI Reproductive Choices: 2020 Annual Report. U.K. Register of Charities. Original URL: Archived:
  31. Bethan Cobley. “The Global Assault on Choice.” MSI-US. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  32. Bethan Cobley. “The Global Assault on Choice.” MSI-US. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  33. Bethan Cobley. “The Global Assault on Choice.” MSI-US. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  34. Bethan Cobley. “The Global Assault on Choice.” MSI-US. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  35. FAQs. MSI. Accessed Dec. 13, 2021.
  36. FAQs. MSI. Accessed Dec. 13, 2021.
  37. “Mexico City Policy and Assistance for Voluntary Population Planning.” Obama White House Archives. Jan. 23, 2009. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  38. “Presidential Memorandum Regarding the Mexico City Policy.” Jan. 23, 2017. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  39. Amy Lieberman. “Biden repeals the ‘global gag rule,’ but next steps will be ‘huge undertaking.'” Devex. Jan. 28, 2021. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  40. H.R.556 – Global Health, Empowerment and Rights Act. 117th Congress.
  41. “End the Global Gag Rule.” MSI-US. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  42. “New spending bill could end Global Gag Rule.” MSI-US. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  43. “The Impact of the Global Gag Rule on Frontline Reproductive Healthcare.” MSI-US. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  44. “The Global Gag Rule is gone—but its effects are still hurting women.” MSI-US. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  45. “The World: Trump and Biden split on Global Gag Rule.” MSI-US. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.
  46. “Press Release: Marie Stopes International announces new name as it launches a new strategy.” Marie Stopes International. Nov. 17, 2020. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  47. Liz Ford. “Marie Stopes charity changes name in break with campaigner’s view on eugenics.” The Guardian. Nov. 17, 2020. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  48. “Abortion giant adopts 20th century fascist party’s name in embarrassing rebrand.” Right to Life News. Dec. 22, 2020. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  49. “Record £308m income for Marie Stopes, with UK taxpayer being single biggest donor.” Right to Life News. Oct. 24, 2020. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  50. Rachel Roberts. “Abortion clinic accused of paying staff bonuses for persuading women to terminate pregnancies.” The Independent. Oct. 21, 2017. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  51. Rachel Roberts. “Abortion clinic accused of paying staff bonuses for persuading women to terminate pregnancies.” The Independent. Oct. 21, 2017. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  52. Rachel Roberts. “Abortion clinic accused of paying staff bonuses for persuading women to terminate pregnancies.” The Independent. Oct. 21, 2017. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  53. Rachel Roberts. “Abortion clinic accused of paying staff bonuses for persuading women to terminate pregnancies.” The Independent. Oct. 21, 2017. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  54. Sophie Borland. “The 2,600 safety flaws at Marie Stopes abortion clinics including doctors going home with women under sedation and foetuses being put in waste bins rather than cremated.” The Daily Mail. Dec. 20, 2018. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  55. Sophie Borland. “The 2,600 safety flaws at Marie Stopes abortion clinics including doctors going home with women under sedation and foetuses being put in waste bins rather than cremated.” The Daily Mail. Dec. 20, 2018. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  56. Sophie Borland. “The 2,600 safety flaws at Marie Stopes abortion clinics including doctors going home with women under sedation and foetuses being put in waste bins rather than cremated.” The Daily Mail. Dec. 20, 2018. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  57. Steve Doughty. “Nearly 400 botched abortions are carried out in just two months at the troubled Marie Stopes clinics.” The Daily Mail. August 11, 2017. Accessed Dec. 13, 2021.
  58. “Marie Stopes franchise forced to close after ‘fake’ doctors found performing illegal abortions.” Right to Life UK. Oct. 19, 2020. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  59. Tweet: DCI Kenya. Oct 16, 2020. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  60. “Kenya bans Marie Stopes from offering abortion services.” BBC News. Nov. 18, 2018. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  61. Racheal Mburu. “High Court Rules Abortion Remains Illegal In Kenya.” Capital News. June 13, 2019. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  62. “Marie Stopes franchise forced to close after ‘fake’ doctors found performing illegal abortions.” Right to Life UK. Oct. 19, 2020. Accessed Dec. 10, 2021.
  63. “Global Declaration on Abortion.” MSI. Nov. 12, 2019. Accessed Dec. 13, 2021.
  64. “Global Declaration on Abortion.” MSI. Nov. 12, 2019. Accessed Dec. 13, 2021.
  65. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). 2016. Marie Stopes International (MSI). Schedule A. Part I: Line 11H.
  66. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). 2000-2020. Marie Stopes International (MSI). Part I: Lines 12, 13, 18.
  67. Information provided by FoundationSearch. MetaSoft.
  68. Return of Foundation Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990-PF). Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation. 2020. Schedule I.
  69. Information provided by FoundationSearch. MetaSoft.
  70. Information provided by FoundationSearch. MetaSoft.
  71. MSI Reproductive Choices: 2020 Annual Report. U.K. Register of Charities. Original URL: Archived:
  72. Deborah Gyapong. “Canadian government gives $8 million to world’s largest abortion drug provider.” Grandin Media. Dec. 6, 2018. Accessed Dec. 13, 2021.
  73. “Federal Awards: MSI Reproductive Choices, Marie Stopes. Data from Accessed Dec. 7, 2021.
  74. Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax (Form 990). 2000-2020. Marie Stopes International (MSI). Part I: Line 13.
  75. MSI Reproductive Choices: 2020 Annual Report. U.K. Register of Charities. Original URL: Archived:
  76. MSI Reproductive Choices: 2020 Annual Report. U.K. Register of Charities. Original URL: Archived:
  77. MSI Reproductive Choices: 2020 Annual Report. U.K. Register of Charities. Original URL: Archived:
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Nonprofit Information

  • Accounting Period: December - November
  • Tax Exemption Received: February 1, 1999

  • Available Filings

    Period Form Type Total revenue Total functional expenses Total assets (EOY) Total liabilities (EOY) Unrelated business income? Total contributions Program service revenue Investment income Comp. of current officers, directors, etc. Form 990
    2019 Dec Form 990 $54,630,801 $54,637,007 $990,464 $128,551 N $54,630,801 $0 $0 $834,703 PDF
    2018 Dec Form 990 $55,901,471 $55,899,938 $973,342 $111,429 N $55,901,471 $0 $0 $394,509 PDF
    2017 Dec Form 990 $62,706,750 $62,706,750 $1,310,046 $448,133 N $62,706,750 $0 $0 $327,845 PDF
    2016 Dec Form 990 $53,758,892 $53,758,892 $3,616,875 $2,754,962 N $53,790,763 $0 $0 $409,458
    2015 Dec Form 990 $61,234,983 $61,234,983 $4,802,459 $3,940,546 Y $61,233,142 $0 $0 $0 PDF
    2014 Dec Form 990 $38,574,221 $35,933,041 $1,419,485 $557,572 Y $38,561,037 $0 $0 $623,247 PDF
    2013 Dec Form 990 $44,642,463 $45,200,247 $1,340,446 $3,119,713 Y $44,630,181 $0 $0 $528,823 PDF
    2012 Dec Form 990 $34,396,628 $34,940,935 $674,129 $1,895,612 N $34,396,036 $0 $0 $372,701 PDF
    2011 Dec Form 990 $23,426,955 $23,871,954 $639,434 $1,316,610 N $23,426,955 $0 $0 $264,954 PDF
    2010 Dec Form 990 $12,272,624 $12,507,015 $239,589 $471,766 N $12,272,624 $0 $0 $98,259 PDF

    Additional Filings (PDFs)

    MSI Reproductive Choices (Marie Stopes International)

    1300 19TH STREET
    WASHINGTON, DC 20036-1609