Search results for ‘Independent Institute’

  • Person

    Michael Vachon

    Michael Vachon serves as a spokesman for billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros and as Chairman of the Soros Management Fund.1 He is active on the boards of left-of-center enterprises with
  • Person

    Mary Kay Henry

    Mary Kay Henry serves as the international president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Henry worked for the union almost continuously since 1979, 1 holding 18 different
  • Person

    Jonathan Soros

    Jonathan Soros is a prominent liberal donor. The son of liberal finance billionaire and political donor George Soros, Jonathan spent many years managing his father’s varied financial interests,1 and in
  • Person

    Dirk Wiggins

    Dirk Wiggins is the CEO of echo19, a Washington, D.C.-based telecommunications platform that consults for and assists left-of-center political and advocacy groups. He is also the chairman of the board for Code for Progress. 1 Wiggins
  • Person

    Anna Burger

    Anna Burger has spent nearly her entire 40-year career working for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) joining in 1972.1 Labeled as the “Queen of Labor,”
  • Person

    Albert C. Yates

    For more on the “Colorado Model,” see Colorado Democracy Alliance and Democracy Alliance Dr. Albert C. Yates is a retired academic administrator who served as the president of Colorado State University from 1990 until 2003 and served on a number of high-profile executive boards. Since retiring from academia, he
  • Non-profit

    Mountain States Legal Foundation

    The Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLF) is a public-interest law firm. MSLF’s mission is to protect individual liberty, property rights, and support the principles of limited government by litigating cases to protect citizens’ Constitutional rights.
  • Non-profit

    Hoover Institution

    The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace is a think tank that is a division of Stanford University. The organization began as an archive that includes a great many documents dealing with the history of the Soviet Union, as well as the papers of prominent right-of-center intellectuals, including those
  • Non-profit

    Atlas Economic Research Foundation

    The Atlas Network, formerly known as the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, is a nonprofit organization based in the United States. The group aims to promote free-market economic policies across the world. The Atlas Network was founded in 1981 and promotes independent pro-free market organizations around the world.
  • Non-profit

    William E. Simon Foundation

    The William E. Simon Foundation is a private, nonprofit foundation that intends to help inner-city youth and families gain greater access to education and other community-based services. The Foundation’s goal is to empower families to find independence and personal success so they may more fully participate in a free, democratic
  • Non-profit

    Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

    Vanguard Charitable is the fourth-largest manager of donor-advised funds (DAFs) and the 17th largest grantmaking organization in the United States as of 2017. 1 Founded by the commercial investment firm Vanguard in
  • Non-profit

    Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.

    The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation is a private grantmaking organization that funds agricultural research at the Noble Research Institute and makes charitable grants to nonprofit organizations that support education, health, and communities, especially in Oklahoma. The Foundation aims to fund organizations that can address agricultural challenges, expand educational opportunities, improve
  • Non-profit

    John Templeton Foundation

    The John Templeton Foundation was created by investor Sir John Templeton. Since his death in 2005, it has been led after the founder’s death by his late son, John Templeton Jr., and by his grandchildren, Heather Templeton Dill and Jennifer Templeton Simpson.  The foundation’s primary focus is exploring the scientific
  • Non-profit

    Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation

    The Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation is a family foundation created by Barre Seid, long-time president of Trippe Manufacturing, which makes surge protectors, and the Fiber Bond Corporation, which makes air filters. Its grantees include opera companies in Chicago and higher education programs. Chamber Opera of Chicago In 1981, Seid
  • Non-profit

    National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

    The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a membership society that hosts programs and publishes scientific studies in the United States. Established by a Congressional charter in 1863, NAS operates as an independent nonprofit organization that advises the federal government on scientific issues and conducts studies on its behalf.
  • Non-profit

    Truman National Security Project (TNSP)

    The Truman National Security Project (TNSP) is a left-leaning Washington D.C.-based think tank that conducts training in national security issues and advocates the U.S. take a more active role in promoting liberal policies as part of the nation’s foreign policy.
  • Non-profit

    350 Action

    Also see (Nonprofit) 350 Action is the 501(c)(4) “social welfare” advocacy affiliate of, an organization which seeks to radically reduce carbon emissions by eliminating the use of fossil fuels. 1 350 Action
  • Person

    Nick Hanauer

    Nicholas “Nick” Hanauer is a progressive donor, venture capital investor, and political commentator. Hanauer is an activist for extreme increases in the minimum wage, a fervent financial supporter of gun control, and a multimillionaire jet-setter.
  • Non-profit

    UnidosUS (formerly National Council of La Raza) Action Fund

    For the 501(c)(3), see UnidosUS (nonprofit) UnidosUS Action Fund (UnidosUS Action Fund) is a left-of-center advocacy group that seeks to expand the influence and political power of Hispanic communities in the United States through direct lobbying, field advocacy, media messaging, polling, and coalition building.
  • Non-profit

    Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAP Action)

    Also see Center for American Progress (Nonprofit) The Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAP Action), established in July 2003 by longtime Clinton family confidant John Podesta, liberal billionaire George Soros, and a handful of other former Washington, D.C. Democrats and Clinton administration officials, is a leading force