GenderAvenger is a left-of-center feminist advocacy group that uses social pressure tactics to gain equal levels of participation for women in every public activity. 1 Gina Glantz founded it due frustration with the Huffington Post’s panels lacking women participants.2 Glantz has been a Democratic activist for six decades and has connections to prominent left-of-center activists George Soros and John Podesta. 3
GenderAvenger opposes what it calls “manels,” public panels consisting exclusively of men. It used social media to protest such panels at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), publicly shaming CES for an absence of women speakers. 4 GenderAvenger followers rate public forums with its mobile app that uses a weather forecast graphic to illustrate gender participation. 5
Members of the group has made statements attacking the liberal-leaning New York Times as “Cloudy With A Chance Of Patriarchy” because its Sunday front page articles were authored by seven men and only four women;6 a similar attack was levied against the board of a local Little League Baseball group was scored as “Cloudy With A Chance Of Patriarchy.” 7
Its blog cited a study claiming that the live music industry lacks gender equality because the performers are mostly male entertainers. 8 GenderAvenger published a blog post complaining that the National Statuary Hall in the Capitol Building only had nine female statues compared to ninety-one of men. 9
Activist Tactics
GenderAvenger calls for people to use the hashtag #GenderAvenger on social media outlets to guarantee that women are included in the public discussion. The purpose is to raise public awareness of groups and organizations that lack female participation. 10
Hall of Shame
GenderAvenger created a “Hall of Shame” to highlight organizations that do not equalize gender representation. The intention is for the shamed to be overwhelmed and pressured by activists to include more women. 11 The New York Times has made the list numerous times because its conferences only feature women speakers between 15-28% of the time. It was also added to the Hall of Shame because female chefs were only 27% of the participants at the New York Times‘ “Taste of T.” 12
The Wall Street Journal is on the list because of only 20% female speaker representation. 13 Politico made the list for showcasing only 26% women in its “Politico 50” publication. 14 The Pew Research Center is on the Hall of Shame for hosting a conference devoid of female participation on some panel discussions. 15
GenderAvenger created and circulated the pledge for men to advocate for female participation: “I will not serve as a panelist at a public conference when there are no women on the panel.” 11 Critics like the Washington Post, question its effectiveness. 16 U.S. Representative Don Beyer (D-VA) requested that all male U.S. Representatives sign the pledge; four agreed. 17
Mobile Application
GenderAvenger created a cross platform mobile app called “GA Tally.” Users can enter the number of stage participants in settings like concerts, television shows, and conferences. The app immediately creates a pie chart illustrating percentages by gender, “non-binary” gender identities, and women of color. It can also record speaking time. The results are intended to be shared on social media18 for the purpose of shaming the groups into having equal female participation. 19 The app has been used for many purposes, including calculating books on display to share that male authors were published more frequently than women in current affairs books. 7
Gina Glantz is the founder of GuardianAvenger and a long-time Democratic Party activist. She supported the election of New Jersey Governor Brendan Byrne (D) in the 1970s. She was later Democratic Presidential candidate Walter Mondale’s national campaign manager. Glantz opened a political consultancy firm with left-of-center clients including NARAL Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood, ACLU, and the Ford Foundation. She then became the campaign manager for then-U.S. Senator Bill Bradley’s (D-NJ) failed Presidential bid. She continued her liberal-activist career with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). 3
Glantz circulated the idea of a well-funded organization that would fiscally support Democratic policies and candidates. That vision caught the attention of left-wing billionaire George Soros who coordinated the creation of left-of-center umbrella group America Coming Together (ACT). 3 She became an active participant in ACT, which initially focused on diminishing President George W. Bush’s credibility. 20 In the same month, Glantz’ other inspiration became a reality, the founding of America Votes. 3
Glantz moved on to work as campaign manager for presidential candidate and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean (D). She then partnered with leadership from Planned Parenthood and the New Democratic Network to form the left-wing think tank New Politics Institute. Glantz then became the chairperson for Planned Parenthood Action Fund. 3
Glantz founded GenderAvenger in 2013 and provided support and advice to Hillary Clinton during her failed 2016 presidential campaign. 3 She currently sits on the boards of the left-wing21 Oxfam America and Demos. 22
- Morgan, Elan. “How I Became a GenderAvenger and Why You Should, Too.” Elan Morgan. Elan Morgan, February 26, 2014.
- “GenderAvenger Highlights Importance of Women’s Voices Being Heard.” Feliciano Center for Entrepreneurship Innovation GenderAvenger Highlights Importance of Womens Voices Being Heard Comments, June 28, 2016.
- “Discover The Networks.” Discover the Networks | Gina Glantz. Accessed April 9, 2020.
- Stych, Anne. “Electronics Show Slammed for Lack of Women Keynoters.”, January 8, 2018.
- “Gender Ratio at White House Corona Task Force.” GenderAvenger. Accessed April 9, 2020.
- GenderAvenger. “Here’s the Latest #NYTSunday Front Page #GATally. Getting Warmer @Nytimes but Not Quite.4/5/20: 7 men4 Women, 2 Woc#Genderavenger #Manel” Twitter. Twitter, April 6, 2020.
- Race, Kris-Ann. “I Am a GenderAvenger.” GenderAvenger. GenderAvenger, November 30, 2018.
- Vento, Jen. “The Boston Music Scene’s Burgeoning Sisterhood of Badassery.” GenderAvenger. GenderAvenger, December 15, 2017.
- Race, Kris-Ann. “The Capitol’s National Statuary Hall Collection Seriously Lacks Women.” GenderAvenger. GenderAvenger, March 6, 2020.
- Heffernan, Pat. “Is Your Communication Bias-Free and Inclusive?” Marketing Partners, Inc., Burlington VT – Change Marketing. Accessed April 9, 2020.
- Fournier, Ron. “A Pledge I Can’t Keep.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, June 27, 2016.
- GenderAvenger. “Boo! Unmasking the GA Super Hall of Shamers.” GenderAvenger. GenderAvenger, October 31, 2015. of Shame.
- Morgan, Elan. “Hall of Shame: POLITICO’s ‘The Politico 50.’” GenderAvenger. GenderAvenger, October 15, 2014.
[1] Morgan, Elan. “Hall of Shame: The Pew Research Center/Internet Innovation Alliance Panel Discussion ‘Killer Apps in the Gigabit Age.’” GenderAvenger. GenderAvenger, October 9, 2014.
- Drezner, Daniel. “Perspective | A Few Thoughts on ‘Manels’.” The Washington Post. WP Company, June 7, 2018.
- “GenderAvenger Pledge.” U.S. Representative Don Beyer, March 13, 2019.
- GenderAvenger. “GA Tally.” App Store, April 12, 2015.
- Bell, Karissa. “Gender Avenger App Lets You Shame SXSW Panels with No Women.” Mashable. Mashable, March 16, 2015.
- Johnson, Ben. “‘Charitable’ Foundations: ATMs for the Left.” The Rights Writer, March 2, 2004.
- “Discover The Networks.” Discover the Networks | Oxfam International (OI). Accessed April 9, 2020.
- “Discover The Networks.” Discover the Networks | Van Jones. Accessed April 9, 2020.