Search results for ‘Alex Jones’

  • Non-profit

    The Intercept

    The Intercept is a left wing news website financially supported by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar. It was co-founded in 2014 by left wing journalist Jeremy Scahill, lawyer and journalist Glenn Greenwald, and documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras. In 2020, Greenwald resigned from the publication citing the outlet’s refusal to run
  • For-profit

    Waterfront Strategies

    Waterfront Strategies is an advertising purchasing firm formed in 2006 by principals of the powerhouse Democratic political consulting firm Greer, Margolis, Mitchell, and Burns (GMMB Consulting). Waterfront typically works in conjunction with GMMB, placing media buys for political action committees (PACs), while GMMB works directly for political candidates and
  • Non-profit

    Washington Office on Latin America

    The Wash­ing­ton Office on Latin Amer­i­ca (WOLA) is a left-of-center advocacy group founded in 1974 that advocates for left-of-center foreign policy in Latin America. 1 WOLA has advocated for lenient diplomatic policies towards Cuba, opposed all
  • Person

    Terry McAuliffe

    Terry McAuliffe is a Democratic Party politician and fundraiser1 most notable for serving as the 72nd Governor of Virginia.
  • Person

    Michael Moore

    Michael Moore is a left-wing documentary filmmaker, former editor of the left-wing magazine Mother Jones, and liberal activist. Moore was born in an up-state Michigan bedroom community outside Flint, Michigan
  • Person

    Tom Perriello

    Tom Perriello is a former Democratic Congressman from Virginia who ran unsuccessfully for the party’s 2017 gubernatorial nomination. From 2018 to July 2023, Perriello served as executive director for U.S. programs at the Open Society Foundations, the private philanthropic network of George Soros.
  • For-profit

    The New Republic

    The New Republic (TNR) is a left-of-center opinion journal founded in 1914 and originally intended as a platform to promote the ideas of its first managing editor, Herb Croly, who advocated for a more powerful federal government, wealth redistribution, much more powerful labor unions, increased regulation on business, and higher taxes.
  • For-profit

    Vox Media

    Vox Media is an American digital media company that operates news and opinion websites and new media channels. Originally founded by left-wing political activists including Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas and led by an executive team with deep connections to the Democratic Party, Vox Media has expanded from
  • For-profit


    Vox is a digital media brand of Vox Media that operates the left-leaning news and opinion website as well as an expanding network of branded podcasts, videos, and other online content. Vox was founded by left-wing journalists and activists Ezra Klein, Matt Yglesias, and Melissa Bell in 2014.
  • Other Group

    The American Independent

    The American Independent (TAI), formerly known as Shareblue, is a left-of-center and Democratic Party-aligned publication that covers politics and the progressive movement. It is part of True Blue Media and receives a significant portion of its funding from American Bridge 21st Century Foundation, both of which are within
  • Other Group

    The Young Turks Network (TYT)

    The Young Turks Network (TYT) is a media network founded by Cenk Uygur that spans numerous radio shows, web shows, television shows, and podcasts. TYT’s YouTube channel currently has 5.2 million subscribers. In 2019, TYT was ranked the most popular news source for 18-24 year olds.
  • Non-profit

    Niskanen Center

    The Niskanen Center is a nominally libertarian 501(c)(3) environmental think tank with ties to center-left environmental groups. The Center was created in January 2015 and was initially headed by Jerry Taylor, a global warming advocate and environmental activist who authored a 2015 report The Conservative Case for a Carbon Tax.
  • For-profit

    CREDO Mobile (Working Assets)

    CREDO Mobile (formerly Working Assets) is a cell-phone company that explicitly uses its profits to support left-wing causes. Through doing business with CREDO its customers “fund progressive causes and power social activism.” 1 Left-of-center groups
  • Person

    Harold Ickes

    Harold Ickes is a labor lawyer, Democratic political strategist, former Deputy Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton,1 and a senior advisor to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s political campaigns.
  • Person

    Keith Ellison

    Keith Ellison is a Democratic politician and lawyer who currently serves as Attorney General of Minnesota. 1  He is a former U.S. Representative and Minnesota state
  • Person

    Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton is a Democratic politician who served as President of the United States from January 20, 1993 until January 20, 2001. He is the husband of former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the father of Chelsea Clinton. In December 1998 he was impeached by
  • Person

    Hillary Clinton

    Also see Clinton 2016 Presidential Campaign Hillary Clinton is a former First Lady of the United States, U.S. Senator, and U.S. Secretary of State. She is the wife of former U.S. President Bill Clinton and has run for President twice, losing in the Democratic primaries in 2008 and
  • Labor Union

    Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO

    The Transportation Trades Department (TTD) of the AFL-CIO is a coalition of 33 unions that advocate for unionized workers and labor unions’ institutional interests in the transportation industry. The TTD tends to support left-of-center economic goals, including increased labor regulations, increased infrastructure spending, opposition to privatization, and support for
  • Non-profit

    Solutions Project

    Solutions Project is an environmentalist advocacy group co-founded by actor Mark Ruffalo, Stanford professor Mark Jacobson, banker Marco Krapels, and anti-natural-gas filmmaker Josh Fox. Established as a nonprofit in 2013 to promote a full transition away from conventional energy to environmentalist energy sources, Solutions Project recently repositioned its focus to
  • Non-profit

    Open Society Foundations (Open Society Institute)

    Also see the similarly named Foundation to Promote Open Society (Nonprofit) The Open Society Foundations (OSF; formally Open Society Institute) is a private grantmaking foundation created and funded by billionaire financier and liberal philanthropist George Soros. OSF was founded in 1993 as the Open Society Institute (OSI), which remains the foundation’s