Unity of Fields, formerly known as Palestine Action US,1 is a pro-Palestinian student activist organization. The group calls itself a “militant front” against what it considers to be the “US-NATO-Zionist axis of imperialism.”2 It is the American branch of Palestine Action, an international anti-Israel group based in the United Kingdom. 3
The organization began in 2023 as an informal activist network using social media to organize protests. A major project of the Palestine Action network is organizing protests to disrupt Elbit Systems, an Israeli defense contractor. 4 3 In 2023, the Washington Free Beacon reported that an heir to the Cox Enterprises family fortune, James “Fergie” Chambers, had been paying the group’s legal fees. As of 2024, the group is called Unity of Fields. 5
In September 2024, Unity of Fields took credit for vandalism that took place at Columbia University during anti-Israel protests that coincided with the start of the fall 2024 academic semester. 6 The organization claims it advocates for starting a “new front of insurgency” in the United States. They also claim to engage in active solidarity with pro-Palestinian activists following the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7, 2023. 7
Unity of Fields, then known as Palestine Action US, became active in February 2023 as a US-based branch of Palestine Action in the United Kingdom. The organization became more active following the October 7, 2023 Hamas terror attacks against Israel. On social media, the group praised anti-Israeli protests and student-led campus occupations that took place following the attacks and the subsequent Israel-Hamas war. Other posts posted included criticism of law enforcement for making arrests, as well burning the United States flag, and alerted activists to protest police attempts to remove protestors. 8
Around October 2023, Palestine Action US activists occupied a New Hampshire-based factory for Elbit Systems, an Israeli defense contractor. The activist group shared on social media pictures of the vandalized building exterior while announcing that three female protesters had been arrested and charged for disrupting factory operations. The group claimed that said protesters, “should be heralded as the heroes they are, who selflessly put themselves on the line. They deserve all of our support as it is clear that Elbit is guilty, they are not! DROP THE CHARGES.” 9 The work of Palestine Action US against Elbit aligns with its United Kingdom (UK)-based affiliate, Palestine Action, which has previously targeted Elbit facilities in the UK as well as its London-based headquarters. 10
In June 2024, the group praised the actions of several individuals who vandalized the homes of trustees and the museum director of the Brooklyn Museum, several of whom are Jewish, in what police described as an antisemitic hate crime. Graffiti on the homes stated, “YOU TAKE PEACE FROM THE PEOPLE, WE TAKE PEACE FROM YOU,” and “WE WILL BE BACK.” 11
As of 2024, Palestine Action US has changed its name to Unity of Fields to “open a new front against the U.S. empire” following the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7, 2023. 7 12 The organization’s name, Unity of Fields, comes from a concept of unifying Palestinian resistance against Israel despite geographic or ideological differences. 12
Unity of Fields is a far-left pro-Palestinian student activist organization, calling itself a “militant front” against the “US-NATO-Zionist axis of imperialism” 2 as well as an “anti-imperialist propaganda front.” 13
Unity of Fields claims it is dedicated to opening a “new front of insurgency” in the United States the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7, 2023 and the subsequent war between Israel and Hamas. 7
Unity of Fields primarily engages with its supporters and members on the social media site Telegram. Shortly after its launch, Unity of Fields was suspended from social media sites Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) for comments it has made regarding Israel following the October 7, 2023 Hamas terrorist attacks. 7 The organization’s account under the name Palestine Action U.S. was also banned from X. 12 14
On October 7, 2024, one year following the Hamas terrorist attacks against the State of Israel on October 7, 2023; Unity of Fields released several online posts and statements praising the attacks. The first read, “Two, Three, Many Al-Aqsa Floods” in front of an image of a bulldozer breaking one of the Gaza border fences on the day of the attacks.15 Another post read, “A year ago, the Palestinian resistance forces launched the heroic Al-Aqsa Flood Operation, breaking out of the Gaza concentration camp and breaking open the gates to a new world.” 15 Another statement claimed, “From hang-gliders, rocket launchers, and tunnels, Gaza has rewritten the rules of guerilla warfare, exposed the Zionist entity and US empire as paper tigers, and restarted the global anti-imperialist revolution. The Al-Aqsa Flood put the questions of armed struggle and national liberation back on the table.” 15 Several posts included other images from the October 7 attacks including several pro-Hamas militants on top of a tank with one waving a Palestinian flag as well as one of the hang-gliders used in the attack. Finally, the last post had text written “Unity of Fields: Opening up a New Front” in front of a door padlocked with red liquid splashed over it. 15
Political Activism
In September 2024, Unity of Fields took credit for vandalization that took place at Columbia University during anti-Israel protests that coincided with the start of the fall 2024 academic semester. 6 On Telegram, the group shared photos of vandalized statues on Columbia University’s campus that were covered in red paint. 16 Unity of Fields’ protests have been praised by the anti-Israeli group National Students for Justice in Palestine. 17
The organization has also called for a “revolutionary escalation of the global student intifada for Palestine” on Instagram 18 and urged its supporters to “resist” New York City Police Department efforts to arrest anti-Israel protestors. 19
In November 2023, James “Fergie” Chambers told Los Angeles Magazine that he had been paying the legal fees of Palestine Action members arrested in various demonstrations. Chamber claimed, “I chant death to America every day…Imperialism is the death of humanity.” Chambers is an heir to the family fortune of Cox Enterprises, reportedly inheriting hundreds of millions. 20 5
- “Unity of Fields, formerly known as Palestine Action U.S.” Anti-Defamation League. Accessed September 12, 2024. https://extremismterms.adl.org/glossary/unity-fields-formerly-known-palestine-action-us.
- “X Post.” Unity of Fields X Profile. August 29, 2024. Accessed September 14, 2024. https://x.com/unityoffields/status/1828911675451293827.
- Egret, Eliza. “Israeli arms company in London is targeted as activists launch Palestine Action network.” The Canary, July 30, 2023. Accessed June 27, 2024. https://www.thecanary.co/trending/2020/07/30/israeli-arms-company-in-london-is-targeted-as-activists-launch-palestine-action-network/.
- WBZ-News Staff. “9 arrested after police assaulted during protest outside Israeli defense contractor in Cambridge.” CBS News, October 30, 2023. Accessed June 27, 2024. https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/protesters-arrested-police-assault-elbit-systems-israeli-defense-contractor-cambridge/
- Costescu, Jessica. “He’s a Communist Trust Fund Baby Who Inherited Millions. Now, He’s Using Daddy’s Money To Harass Jews.” Free Beacon, November 14, 2023. Accessed June 27, 2024. https://freebeacon.com/israel/hes-a-communist-trust-fund-baby-who-inherited-millions-now-hes-using-daddys-money-to-harass-jews/
- “X Post.” Unity of Fields X Page. September 4, 2024. Accessed September 14, 2024. https://x.com/unityoffields/status/1830992765116703062?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1830992765116703062%7Ctwgr%5E3ce44fdc8fdcd0eea0de2d0e6230625944b1e741%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ffreebeacon.com%2Fcampus%2Fchaos-at-columbia-pro-hamas-students-block-entry-to-campus-vandalize-statue-on-first-day-of-classes%2F.
- Starr, Michael. “Pro-vandalism group turns into ‘militant propaganda front’ for US, Israel collapse.” Jerusalem Post. August 29, 2024. Accessed September 14, 2024. https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-816918.
- Palestine Action US. Instagram Page. Accessed June 27, 2024. https://www.instagram.com/pal_actionus/?hl=en
- “Tweet – Palestine Action.” Twitter, November 25, 2023. Accessed June 27, 2024. https://twitter.com/Pal_action/status/1728512081148751955.
- “Palestine Action US campaign launches to stop Israeli genocide of Palestine and shut Elbit down.” Mondoweiss. October 19, 2023. Accessed June 27, 2024. https://progressive.international/wire/2023-10-19-palestine-action-us-campaign-launches-to-stop-israeli-genocide-of-palestine-and-shut-elbit-down/en
- Oliveira, Alex. “Anti-Israel group vows more attacks on Brooklyn Museum after antisemitic vandalism at administrators’ homes.” New York Post. June 13, 2024. Accessed June 27, 2024. https://nypost.com/2024/06/13/us-news/anti-israel-group-vows-more-attacks-on-brooklyn-museum-after-antisemitic-vandalism-at-administrators-homes/
- “X Thread.” Unity of Fields X Profile. Posted August 29, 2024. Accessed September 14, 2024. https://x.com/unityoffields/status/1828911675451293827.
- “X Bio.” Unity of Fields X Page. Accessed September 14, 2024. https://x.com/unityoffields.
- “X Profile.” Palestinian Action US. Accessed September 14, 2024. https://x.com/Pal_ActionUS.
- Yakoby, Eyal (@EYakoby). “Breaking: Unity of Fields, formerly Palestine Action US, has released a statement calling for additional Oct. 7th massacres. They then call for a new front to be opened in the West. How have the members of this group not been arrested and deported?” X, October 7, 2024. https://x.com/EYakoby/status/1843286227556151321
- “Columbia University anti-Israel protestors vandalize campus statue with red paint, vow ‘this action is the first of many’.” Campus Reform. Posted September 3, 2024. Accessed September 14, 2024. https://www.campusreform.org/article/columbia-university-anti-israel-protesters-vandalize-campus-statue-red-paint-vow-this-action-first-many/26257.
- Costescu, Jessica. “Chaos at Columbia: Pro-Hamas Students Block Entry to Campus, Vandalize Statue on First day of Classes.” Washington Free Beacon. Published September 3, 2024. Accessed September 14, 2024. https://freebeacon.com/campus/chaos-at-columbia-pro-hamas-students-block-entry-to-campus-vandalize-statue-on-first-day-of-classes/.
- “Instagram Post.” Unity of Fields Instagram. Accessed September 14, 2024. https://www.instagram.com/unity_of_fields/
- “X Post.” Unity of Fields X Account. Posted September 4, 2024. Accessed September 14, 2024. https://x.com/unityoffields/status/1831012388125954478.
- McPhee, Michele. “Heir to Cox Family Fortune: ‘I Chant Death to America Every Day’ (Exclusive).” LA Mag, October 27, 2023. Accessed June 27, 2024. https://lamag.com/crimeinla/cox-family-heir-james-fergie-chambers-funding-palestine-action-in-exclusive-funding-palestinian-action-us.