Other Group

Global Strategic Litigation Council for Refugee Rights




Refugee Advocacy Group




Bella Mosselmans

Project of:

Cornell University Law School

The New School’s Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility

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The Global Strategic Litigation Council for Refugee Rights is a legal advocacy group that claims to defend the legal rights of refugees while providing prospective migrants with resources to assist in migrating to countries including the United States. It is a project of Cornell University Law School and The New School’s Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility. 1


The Global Strategic Litigation Council for Refugee Rights is a legal advocacy group and a project of Cornell University Law School and The New School’s Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility. 1 The project was launched in September 2021, advocating for using “strategic litigation” and “legal advocacy” to defend the rights of refugees and migrants worldwide. 1

Zolberg Institute

The Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility is a subsidiary organization of The New School, a private liberal arts college in New York City. It provides grants to scholars researching the status of migrants around the world while exploring topics like “climate-induced migration,” “mobility,” and “refugees and forced migration,” the first of which has a dedicated subsidiary project. 2 3 One of its research reports, prepared by Zolberg Institute director T. Alexander Aleinikoff and executive director of the Center for Migration Studies of New York Donald Kerwin, was a report on the Trump administration’s refugee resettlement programs while providing policy recommendations towards migrant and refugee programs for the Biden administration. 4

In the Fall of 2021, Zolberg began offering certificates in “migration studies,” which contained six university courses on what it considered the economic, environmental, social, and political aspects of immigration. 5 It hosts a podcast called Tempest Tossed, featuring discussions on U.S. immigration policy from a left-of-center, liberal expansionist policy perspective. 6 The institute also offers a free, non-accredited course called “Human Rights and Migration.” Its course description claims that “nationalist politics and the COVID pandemic have produced policies and rhetoric that limit global mobility and impose significant harms on migrants and refugees.” 7


Citing statistics from the United Nations’ refugee agency UNHCR, Global Strategic Litigation Council claims that 37.6 million refugees have been displaced from their homes and that their rights are “under attack” around the world. 8 In response, the Council claims it seeks to assist its members by providing litigation strategy, coalition building, legal research, drafting pleadings, and intervene legally in cases where human rights law is concerned. 1

In December 2022, the Council filed an amicus curiae in the Constitutional Court of Colombia regarding the country’s cancellation of citizenship for over 42,000 Venezuelan migrants. 9 Similarly, in February 2023 it filed a joint amicus brief with the International Detention Coalition in the Mexican Supreme Court regarding the nation’s immigration policy. 10

In April 2024, Global Strategic Litigation Council opened a job listing for a “Student Assistant” role to assist with “administration and logistical support,” “conducting outreach,” “research[ing] into prospective projects, partner organizations and/or funders” as well as “assist[ing] with drafting of fundraising applications” and “conducting legal research.” 11 In addition, the job listing included a note claiming that the Zolberg Institute “is strongly committed to equity in the workplace and particularly seeks applications from members of underrepresented groups,” and offered an wage of $15-$17 per hour. 11

As of October 2024, the Council stated its “thematic priorities” were “Legal Status & Lawful Stay,” “Detention & Due Process,” and “Climate Displacement” while claiming to have between 11 and 50 employees. 12


The Global Strategic Litigation Council for Refugee Rights is a fiscally sponsored project of Cornell University Law School and The New School’s Zolberg Institute, but the group accepts donations and contributions through an online portal set up by The New School. 13


As of October 2024, Bella Mosselmans was listed as the director of the Global Strategic Litigation Council for Refugee Rights. 1

As of October 2024, the Council’s steering committee included the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility, Cornell Law School’s Migration and Human Rights Program, the Ara Trust’s Migration and Asylum Project, Refugiados Unidos, Asylum Access Mexico, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), and the Kituo Cha Sheria Legal Advice Centre. 1


  1. “Global Strategic Litigation Council for Refugee Rights.” Zolberg Institute. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://zolberginstitute.org/initiatives/gslc/.
  2. “Climate-Induced Migration.” Zolberg Institute. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://zolberginstitute.org/initiatives/climate-induced-migration/.
  3. “About.” Zolberg Institute. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://zolberginstitute.org/about/.
  4. “Improving the U.S. Immigration System in the First Year of the Biden Administration.” Zolberg Institute. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://zolberginstitute.org/initiatives/improving-us-immigration-system-proposals/.
  5. “Certificate in Migration Studies.” Zolberg Institute. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://zolberginstitute.org/initiatives/migration-studies-certificate/.
  6. “Tempest Tossed.” Tempest Tossed. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://www.tempesttossed.com/.
  7. “Human Rights and Migration.” Zolberg Institute. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://zolberginstitute.org/initiatives/migration-course/.
  8. “Refugee Statistics.” UNHCR. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://www.unhcr.org/refugee-statistics.
  9. “AMICUS BRIEF BY the GSLC in support of JACKSON WILNEIBER CORONADO ACOSTA BEFORE THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF COLOMBIA.” Zolberg Institute, December 2022. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://zolberginstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/GSLC-Amicus-Brief-16-December-2022-ENES.pdf.
  10. “AMICUS BRIEF BY THE GSLC AND IDC IN SUPPORT OF F. J. P. M. BEFORE THE FIRST CHAMBER OF THE MEXICAN SUPREME COURT.” Zolberg Institute, February 2023. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://zolberginstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/FINAL-Amicus-on-behalf-of-GSLC-and-IDC-English-and-Spanish.pdf.
  11. “Global Strategic Litigation Council – Student Assistant.” Careers – The New School, April 1, 2024. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://careers.newschool.edu/postings/24155.
  12. “Global Strategic Litigation Council.” LinkedIn. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-strategic-litigation-council.
  13. “Donation – The New School.” GiveCampus. Accessed October 13, 2024. https://www.givecampus.com/campaigns/40408/donations/new?amt=1000.
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