Other Group
Force Multiplier is a left-of center activism group founded to oppose President Donald Trump. It now raises money via direct donations through Act Blue for Democratic candidates and get-out-the-vote efforts in swing states. 1
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences (AIR) conducts behavioral and social science research for clients including the federal government. Founded in 1946, it produces white papers and provides technical assistance on social science subjects including health, education, human services, and workforce development.
Edward B. Foley is a law professor who has written on left-of-center election-administration issues for the Washington Post. Foley advocates for expanded early voting, mail-in voting, and other changes to election laws to increase participation. Foley has been outspoken in his opposition to President Donald Trump. Foley has called
You Can Vote is a left-of-center nonprofit organization that engages in voter registration campaigns in North Carolina. It targets ethnic-minority communities to increase voter registration and distribute left-of-center ballot infographics. 1 You Can Vote
Vigil for Democracy is a left-of-center agitation organization that organizes rallies, boycotts, protests, strikes, and other actions to “mass mobilize against tyranny” 1 and advocate for left-of-center policy outcomes.
Matthew Masterson is a member of the left-of-center advisory group National Task Force on Election Crises, and frequent author for the Virality Project, a think tank designed to assess and control the flow of ideas and information disseminated to the general public through social media. Masterson is the former
Way to Rise is a left-of-center strategy non-profit group that works to direct funding from donors and grantmaking institutions to local activists and political organizations. The group opposes what it calls the “boom and bust cycle of funding” and aims to ensure a continuous flow of financial resources to local
Maria Teresa Kumar is the co-founder and CEO of Voto Latino and a long-time MSNBC contributor. Kumar is a member of the National Task Force on Election Crises.
Tammy Patrick is a former Arizona election official who studies, writes, and speaks about election administration in the United States. She advocates for more ballot-drop boxes, more early voting, and additional mail-in voting, even calling for prepaid postage on absentee ballots mailed to voters. She is on the board of
Other Group
Republicans for Voting Rights (RVR) advocates for loosened voting requirements and opposes election integrity legislation. While the organization is nominally right-of-center, claiming to represent Republican Party voters, it explicitly targets Republican lawmakers and policy advocates who support measures aimed at preventing voter fraud and election manipulation. RVR also calls on
Pamela Smith is a left-of-center election law activist known for her opposition to electronic voting. 1 She works as president and CEO of
Paul Rosenzweig is an American lawyer, academic, and former national security official. He held a senior position at the Department of Homeland Security under former President George W. Bush during his second term in office. Immediately after leaving federal government service, Rosenzweig founded Red Branch Consulting, a homeland
Vote.org is a left-of-center get-out-the-vote organization specifically designed to mobilize minority communities through online communications and resources. 1 Vote.org says it is the “largest 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan voting registration and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) technology platform in America, with the goal of reaching
Yoel Roth is a senior employee of the social media company Twitter. His title is “Head of Site Integrity,” a position which involves developing policies related to spam blocking and data protection, as well as the site’s practice of selective censorship and narrative shaping, particularly when it comes to
Other Group
The Voter Project is a left-of-center organization that promotes increased vote-by-mail and voter registration in Pennsylvania. 1 Originally founded in 2020 to implement Pennsylvania’s Act 77 law that expanded
Earl Thomas “Tom” Coleman is a former Republican member of the House of Representatives and a critic of former President Donald Trump. He represented Missouri from 1976 to 1993.
Trevor Potter is a lawyer and the president and founder of the Campaign Legal Center (CLC), a legal advocacy group that advocates for stricter campaign finance laws and more lenient voting laws. 1
Political Party/527
The Strategic Victory Fund is a political action committee started by the left-of-center Democracy Alliance in 2020 in an effort to defeat President Donald Trump.
Other Group
Commit To Democracy, formerly known as Commit to Flip Blue, is a special project of Flip The West, now known as Activate America. It campaigns for Democratic Party candidates. For the 2022 midterm elections, the organization joined the left-of-center coalition Field Team 6, a coalition of campaigns and activist
Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein is a Democratic Party-aligned consultant and operative who was the Wisconsin lead for the left-of-center National Vote at Home Institute (NVAHI) in Green Bay, Wisconsin, for the 2020 election. 1 In his role