Search results for ‘the 2020 election’

  • Other Group

    Fair Election Fund

    The Fair Election Funds (not to be confused with the right-of-center voter security group, the Fair Election Fund) are government-run and financed funds for political candidates in local elections. Local governments establish these funds to encourage small-dollar donors to become involved in local elections. Fair Election Funds are operated in
  • Other Group

    Pure Integrity for Michigan Elections (PIME)

    Pure Integrity for Michigan Elections (PIME) is a right-of-center election integrity watchdog group established after the 2020 election. 10 Patrice Johnson is the chairwoman of PIME.
  • Non-profit

    Free and Equal Elections Foundation

    Free and Equal Elections Foundation (also known as the Foundation for Free Campaigns and Elections) is an election-policy advocacy organization that is opposed to the two-party political system. The organization has hosted debates for minor-party presidential candidates in 2024, 2020, 2016, and 2012.
  • Non-profit

    Clean Elections Minnesota

    Clean Elections Minnesota (Clean Elections) is an organization seeking to expand voting access in Minnesota and alter campaign finance regulations.  The group has opposed voter ID laws, opposes limiting ballot boxes for elections, favors same-day voter registration, and is against provisional ballots.
  • Non-profit

    Michigan Fair Elections Institute

    The Michigan Fair Elections Institute, also known as Michigan Fair Elections or MFE, is a federated network of grassroots organizations, leaders, and activists that supports free and fair elections in Michigan. 50 MFE aims to
  • Other Group

    Election Integrity Partnership (EIP)

    The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) is a project founded in 2020 to defend election integrity against alleged online misinformation. The EIP was formed by the Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public, Graphika, and the Digital Forensic Research Lab at the Atlantic Council,
  • Other Group

    Election Trust Initiative (ETI)

    The Election Trust Initiative (ETI) is a grantmaking project of the Pew Charitable Trusts that donates to organizations that support election administration in the United States. Its founding partners are the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Klarman Family Foundation, and the Peter J. Peterson Foundation,
  • Other Group

    Election SOS

    Election SOS is a fiscally sponsored project of the American Press Institute that provides training and resources to journalists to cover American elections. The organization is managed by Hearken, a technology consulting firm, and Trusting News. Most of Election SOS’s funding comes from the Democracy Fund and the
  • Non-profit

    Free and Fair Elections USA

    Free and Fair Elections USA is a Democratic Party-aligned activist organization and independent expenditure committee. 83 Free and Fair Elections USA supports various voter registration efforts
  • Other Group

    National Election Defense Coalition (NEDC)

    National Election Defense Coalition (NEDC) opposes what it perceives as a Republican effort, influenced by former President Donald Trump, to oppose to fair and free elections. It favors of election reforms that would lead to widespread vote by mail, frequent and standardized election recounts, and opposition to what it
  • Non-profit

    Alaskans for Honest Elections

    Alaskans for Honest Elections is a right-leaning organization focused on eliminating Alaska’s ranked-choice voting system that was adopted in a 2020 ballot measure. Republicans in the state blamed the system for losing a 2022 U.S. House race. Former Gov. Sarah Palin (R), a losing candidate in the House
  • Other Group

    Citizens for Better Elections (CBE)

    Citizens for Better Elections (CBE) is an election watchdog group which advocates for election administration changes, particularly the use of hand ballots, which it claims to have better voting security than newer electronic systems. As of March 2023. CBE claims to have a network of 350 citizens consisting of poll
  • Non-profit

    West Virginia Citizens for Clean Elections

    West Virginia Citizens for Clean Elections (WVCCE) is a coalition of organizations focused on election administration and campaign finance in West Virginia. WVCCE has advocated for various positions in judicial elections, for increased voter registration, and against the U.S. Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC. The group’s coordinator is
  • Other Group

    Transparent Elections North Carolina (TENC)

    Transparent Elections North Carolina (TENC) is an activist organization which claims that state authorities have not taken sufficient action to guarantee the security and integrity of elections, especially during the 2020 cycle. TENC recruits volunteers to serve as polling place observers, report alleged improprieties in election administration and vote counting,
  • Other Group is a left-of-center election activist group based in Petaluma, California. 146 It supports the proposed For the People Act, which would federalize U.S. election administration
  • Non-profit

    Americans United for Democracy, Integrity and Transparency in Elections (AUDIT USA)

    Americans United for Democracy, Integrity and Transparency in Elections (AUDIT USA) is a left-of-center election activism organization that co-signed a letter written by left-of-center Scrutineers and the National Voting Rights Task Force in support of the “For the People Act,” a Biden administration legislative priority that would federalize
  • Other Group

    Committee for Safe and Secure Elections (CSSE)

    The Committee for Safe and Secure Elections (CSSE) is a coalition of current and former election officials and law enforcement officers that coordinates personal security for election officials. CSSE was established in June 2022 by members of the William J. Brennan Center for Justice, the Elections Group,
  • Non-profit

    Open Source Election Technology (OSET) Institute

    Open Source Election Technology Institute (OSET Institute) is a left-leaning technology research and development institute that works with election officials to address what it identifies as challenges of election technology infrastructure and election technology security.
  • For-profit

    Runbeck Election Services

    Runbeck Election Services (RES) is a for-profit election company based in Phoenix, Arizona, that primarily produces and distributes ballot papers. As of 2020, RES had 180 full-time workers and 200 seasonal workers and can create as many as two million ballot papers per day.
  • Non-profit

    Center for Election Confidence (CEC)

    The Center for Election Confidence (CEC), formerly known as the Lawyers Democracy Fund, is a conservative-leaning legal group that advocates in favor of fair and honest elections while seeking to protect the right of eligible voters to vote.