
Christine Saxman




Owner of Saxman Consulting


Chicago, Illinois

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 Christine Saxman is the founder and sole employee of Saxman Consulting LLC, a left-of-center consulting company that primarily teaches educators of school districts left-of-center ideas on race and social policy. 1

She worked as a teacher for the Township high school district 113 in Illinois, was a teaching assistant for Northwestern University’s Master of Science in Education program, and is a staff member for the left-of-center organization Seeking Educational and Racial Equity (SEED), also known as the National SEED Project. 2

In 2021, Saxman retweeted a message on Twitter from a pseudonymous poster that read, “cops quitting because they won’t get vaxxed feels like a real two-birds-one-stone situation.” Residents of Hinsdale High School District 86 in Illinois, which had approved a called contract with Saxman’s firm, called the posting evidence that Saxman was offensive and anti-police, leading to the termination of the contract. 3


Christine Saxman attended Northwestern University in 1993 where she received a master of arts degree in English language and literature. Saxman, who left the university in 1994, became a content manager for Cognitive Arts in February 1995 until December 1997 when she became an account director for Arc Worldwide. Saxman remained in her position art Arc Worldwide until November 1999. 2

After leaving Arc, Saxman became a group director of client services for Organic, Inc. from November 1999 until November 2001. She then became a teacher for the Township high school district 113 in Illinois from August 2003 until July 2018, teaching American studies and a combined United States literature and history class. 2

While working as a teacher, Saxman reattended Northwestern University from 2003 to 2004 where she achieved a master of science degree in education. She began working part-time at Northwestern University from February 2005 until May 2006, working as a teaching assistant for the university’s Master of Science in Education program. 2

After leaving her role as a teacher, Saxman began working as an “equity transformation specialist” for the Pacific Educational Group in the San Francisco Bay area of California. She co-facilitated seminars that focused on spreading left-of-center views on racism for the group from August 2018 until March 2020. 2

Saxman also began working as a staff member for Seeking Educational and Racial Equity (SEED), also known as the National SEED Project, a left-of-center national organization that trains individuals to create seminars for their local communities and institutions. The organization received $2.92 million from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in 2011. 2 4

Saxman is also listed as a facilitator for The Race Institute, and a “white ally specialist” for Single Story Inc. 5 6

Saxman Consulting LLC

Saxman, who was still working for SEED as of January 2022, also founded a consulting agency, Saxman Consulting LLC. 7

Saxman Consulting was hired by Hinsdale High School District 86 in Illinois in the 2020 school year alongside Anew Collective Consulting to provide the school district’s employees with “antiracist” training and design a curriculum and facilitate the development of “racial consciousness to build capacity for more vulnerable and adaptive leadership.” The consultancy firms, one being Christine Saxman herself as Saxman Consulting’s sole employee, received a combined total of $69,300 over the school year. 8

The Hinsdale High School District 86 school board also voted to approve another contract for both Saxman Consulting and Anew Collective Consulting in August 2021. The contract, which was worth $52,000, requested the consultants provide “antiracist” and “race consciousness” training for staff. Two members of the school board voted against the contracts with one member stating that the board did not realize the “legal risk and cost to the district” the consultants were. 9

The school board voted to terminate the contracts of both consultants in September 2021 after Christine Saxman retweeted a message, dubbed anti-police by district residents, that read, “Cops quitting because they won’t get vaxxed [sic] feels like a real two-birds-one-stone situation.” Saxman deleted the retweet, stating it “was clearly misinterpreted by anti-racial equity instruction communities.” Shortly after, Saxman made her Twitter account private. 3 10


  1. Author: christinesaxman, “About Christine Saxman,” Christine Saxman – Saxman Consulting, LLC, July 6, 2020,
  2. “Christine Saxman,” LinkedIn, accessed January 12, 2022,
  3. David Giuliani, “How Hinsdale D-86’s ‘Antiracist’ Pacts Crumbled,” Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills, IL Patch (Patch, October 5, 2021),
  4. “National SEED Project.” Wellesley Centers for Women. Accessed January 12, 2022.
  5. “R.I. Staff,” Race Institute for K12 Educators, accessed January 12, 2022,
  6. “About Us,” Single Story LLC, accessed January 12, 2022,
  7. “About.” Saxman Consulting LLC. January 12, 2022. Accessed January 12, 2022.
  8. David Giuliani, “D-86 ‘Antiracist’ Pact Never Got Board’s Approval in 2020,” Hinsdale-Clarendon Hills, IL Patch (Patch, October 26, 2021),
  9. Giuliani, David. “Hinsdale D-86 Enlists ‘Social Justice Warrior’: Resident.” Hinsdale, IL Patch. August 30, 2021. Accessed January 12, 2022.
  10. Giuliani, David. “Like Elmhurst D-205, Hinsdale Has Issue With Consultant.” Elmhurst, IL Patch. September 17, 2021. Accessed January 12, 2022.
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