Search results for ‘New York University School of Law’

  • Person

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., son of former U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.) and a member of the Kennedy political family, heads the Waterkeeper Alliance, a national environmentalist organization. Kennedy has been criticized for using his family name and position to spread conspiracy theories alleging a link between certain
  • Person

    George Soros

    George Soros is a Hungarian-born American investor, author, left-of-center political donor, and philanthropist. Outside of his political giving and advocacy, he is best known for a set of currency trades that earned him the moniker “the man who broke the Bank of England.”
  • Non-profit

    Ford Foundation

    The Ford Foundation was, for much of its history, the largest foundation in the United States, though it has been passed in recent years. As of December 2014, it possessed assets of $12.5 billion.1  The
  • Non-profit

    Center for American Progress (CAP)

    The Center for American Progress (CAP) is a liberal Washington, D.C.-based think tank with strong ties to the Democratic Party establishment created in 2003 as the left-of-center alternative to the right-leaning Heritage Foundation. Since its founding, the organization has exerted significant influence within the American political left. The organization