Search results for ‘Wallace Global Fund’

  • Non-profit

    Africans Rising

    Africans Rising is a pan-African organization that is pushing for left-of-center policies all over Africa. It was formed in August 2016 and issued the Kilimanjaro Declaration in 2017. It also has expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States.
  • Person

    Norman L. Eisen

    Norman L. Eisen is a lawyer and former diplomat with an extensive track record of left-of-center institution-building and policy advocacy. Eisen held several positions in the transition team and administration of President Barack Obama, who later appointed him U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic. He later waged an aggressive
  • Person

    Nick Chedli Carter

    Nicholas “Nick” Chedli Carter is a left-of-center activist and Democratic Party strategist. Carter is the managing director for Resilient Democracy Fund, a left-leaning voter engagement initiative. In 2016, Carter was the national political outreach director for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and went on to work for the
  • Other Group

    Initiative to Accelerate Charitable Giving

    The Initiative to Accelerate Charitable Giving (IACG) is a campaign to create a set of government regulations on donor-advised funds (DAF). The initiative is a project of Arnold Ventures, a left-of-center grantmaking fund run by billionaires John and Laura Arnold. The IACG’s proposals are based on the
  • Movement

    1619 Project

    The 1619 Project is an artistic and journalistic project of the New York Times Magazine that asserts the central event in the founding of the United States was the first importation of enslaved Africans to Virginia in 1619  and not the Declaration of Independence in 1776 or the drafting of
  • Person

    Alison Carlson

    Alison Carlson is the founder of the Passport Foundation and the Forsythia Foundation, two environmentalist grantmaking foundations. After a personal health scare, Carlson became involved in numerous scientific and activist efforts regarding environmental toxins. In 2007, she co-founded the Passport Foundation with her now-ex-husband John Burbank. Three years
  • Person

    Aaron Eske

    Aaron Eske is a left-wing activist senior vice president for the left-of-center political consulting firm M&R Strategic Services (MRSS), board member for the environmental litigation group EarthRights International (ERI), and founder of the socially liberal magazine Double Issue. Eske worked as press secretary for former Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)
  • Non-profit

    EarthRights International (ERI)

    EarthRights International (ERI) is a left-of-center litigation nonprofit created in 1995 that provides pro bono legal representation in environmental lawsuits. The group is run by its two co-founders, Burmese political activist Ka Hsaw Wa and his wife, Katie Redford.
  • Non-profit

    Muslims for Progressive Values

    Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV) supports left-of-center Muslim community organizing around the world. 1 MPV aims to change the public perception of Islam, portraying Islam as a religion of social justice and
  • Person

    Alexis McGill Johnson

    Alexis McGill Johnson is the acting President and CEO of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She entered the role on July 16, 2019 following the departure of Leana Wen.
  • Non-profit

    Franciscan Sisters of Mary (FSM)

    Franciscan Sisters of Mary is a Roman Catholic religious order that engages in left-leaning environmentalist activism based in Missouri. The order was founded by Mother Mary Odilia Berger to provide health care to the poor in the Midwestern United States. The organization has recently shifted from its original mission to
  • Person

    Ellen Dorsey

    Ellen Dorsey is the Executive Director of the Wallace Global Fund.
  • Person

    Aaron Dorfman

    Aaron Dorfman is president and CEO of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP), a left-of-center advocacy group that monitors charitable spending in the United States. Dorfman formerly worked as a top local organizer for the now-defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), a far-left agitation
  • Non-profit

    Barr Foundation

    The Barr Foundation is a Boston-based private foundation created in 1987 by telecommunications billionaire1 Amos Barr Hostetter, Jr. and largely endowed from the proceeds of the $10.8 billion sale of Continental Cablevision to US
  • Non-profit

    U.S. Climate Action Network (US-CAN)

    U.S. Climate Action Network (US-CAN) is an environmentalist advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C. and the national affiliate of Climate Action Network International (CAN-I). The organization uses tactics such as protests, policy advocacy, and smear campaigns to support environmentalist advocacy campaigns. The organization lists many left-leaning and progressive organizations
  • Non-profit

    Voting Rights Institute (VRI)

    The Voting Rights Institute is a legal advocacy and training organization that formed in 2014 as a project of the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy and the Campaign Legal Center, two left-of-center legal organizations. The Georgetown University Law Center operates VRI.
  • Non-profit

    Thousand Currents

    Thousand Currents is a left-of-center grantmaking organization that provides financial assistance to left-leaning projects and organizations and activists in developing nations (i.e.: the so-called “global south”). 1 It is funded by many left-leaning institutional donors, which
  • Non-profit

    Fight for the Future

    Fight for the Future (formerly “Center for Rights in Action”) is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit advocacy group focused on Internet-related issues such as support for net neutrality regulations in the Federal Communications Commission. The organization has also fought against an online privacy bill it dubbed as censorship and promotes causes
  • For-profit

    Fenton Communications

     Fenton Communications is a left-of-center public relations firm founded by David Fenton. The firm has represented governments, nonprofits, and for-profit companies, including the government of Nicaragua, the New Georgia Project, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Color of Change, MoveOn, and Johnson and Johnson. In 2014, the
  • Non-profit

    ReThink Media

    ReThink Media, founded in 2008, is a combination public relations firm, advocacy organization, and pass-through funding entity for left-of-center organizations. It uses messaging techniques through all forms of media to promote the left-of-center framing of issues related to national security, ethnic and religious minority interests, and left-of-center electoral legislation. ReThink