Search results for ‘project censored’

  • Movement

    Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS)

    Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (better known by its acronym, BDS) is an international campaign to delegitimize the State of Israel as the expression of the Jewish people’s right to national self-determination by isolating the country economically through consumer boycotts, business and government withdrawal of investment, and legal sanctions. Critics allege
  • For-profit


    SKDKnickerbocker (SKDK) is a political consulting and public affairs company whose clients include prominent Democratic Party politicians, particularly in the state of New York. SKDK has done consulting work for former President Barack Obama, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), and New York City Mayor and Democratic presidential
  • Non-profit

    Western Organization of Resource Councils

    The Western Organization of Resource Councils (WORC) is a Billings, Montana-based lobbying and advocacy1 coalition of left-leaning political activist groups based in seven western states with prominent agricultural and energy industries.
  • Non-profit

    Wikimedia Foundation

    The Wikimedia Foundation is the non-profit umbrella organization overseeing Wikipedia, MediaWiki, Wikisource, and other projects. Its stated mission is to gather and disseminate knowledge around the world at no cost to recipients. 1 Founding
  • Non-profit

    National Endowment for Democracy

    National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a private nonprofit grantmaking organization that supports the development of democratic institutions around the world. Though formally private, the NED is almost entirely funded by the U.S. Congress. Annually, the NED distributes more than 2,000 grants with an average value of $50,000 in more
  • Non-profit

    Houston Advanced Research Center

    The Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) was founded by natural gas extraction pioneer George P. Mitchell in 1982.1 Mitchell, an engineer by training, founded the center to focus on magnet-energy research that would dovetail
  • Person

    Nick Hanauer

    Nicholas “Nick” Hanauer is a progressive donor, venture capital investor, and political commentator. Hanauer is an activist for extreme increases in the minimum wage, a fervent financial supporter of gun control, and a multimillionaire jet-setter.
  • Non-profit

    Aspen Institute

    Aspen Institute is a left-leaning, Washington, D.C.-headquartered think tank that focuses on convening senior-level professionals, hosting events, and driving dialogue across the business, communications, education, environment, health, criminal justice, philanthropy, and national security affairs sectors. 1