Search results for ‘common cause’

  • Non-profit

    Environmental Grantmakers Association

    The Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA) is an organization that coordinates the distribution of grants to advance the left-of-center environmentalist movement.
  • Labor Union

    United Steelworkers (USW)

    The United Steelworkers (USW; formally the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union) is a major industrial labor union. The union is a member of the AFL-CIO union federation and Workers Uniting, a partnership with British labor union Unite. The USW reported a
  • Non-profit

    James Irvine Foundation

    The James Irvine Foundation is a California non-profit donor organization with a history of donations to left-of-center labor union activist organizations such as the National Employment Law Project, left-of-center immigration advocates such as the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and anti-energy organizations such as the
  • Non-profit

    Free Press

    Free Press is an anti-business media advocacy organization that supports tighter governmental control over the internet, blocking the consolidation of media companies, and race-and-gender-focused federal regulations to install women and minorities in leadership positions in the media.
  • Non-profit

    Bauman Family Foundation

    The Bauman Family Foundation is a foundation that has donated millions of dollars to left-of-center causes over the past decade.119 The foundation
  • Non-profit

    Schumann Media Center

    The Schumann Media Center (formerly the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy and the Florence and John J. Schumann Jr. Foundation) is a private foundation that gives large grants to various left-of-center nonprofits, particularly those in media. The organizations that have received the most in grants from the Media Center
  • Non-profit

    Rock the Vote

    Rock the Vote is a left-progressive-aligned organization in the United States whose stated mission is to engage and “build the political power of young people.” The group claims to be nonpartisan,138 but has produced videos
  • Non-profit

    Issue One

    Issue One is an organization that advocates for restricting election-related speech activity. It also seeks to restrict lobbying on local, state, and federal levels. While it purports to be bipartisan and works with former centrist Republican lawmakers, the group is associated with the Democracy Alliance network of liberal mega-donors,
  • Non-profit

    Educational Foundation of America (EFA)

    Educational Foundation of America (EFA) is a major left-of-center grant maker that funds environmentalist, educational, and voter-mobilization initiatives. EFA purports to be a family foundation that aims to create a society with “an inclusive democracy,” in which each person has “unrestricted access to full reproductive freedom” and lives on a
  • Non-profit

    Western Conservation Foundation

    Western Conservation Foundation is an environmentalist group based in Denver that provides grants to like-minded organizations in the western United States.183 The group informs the public of actions taken by public officials that it claims hurt
  • Non-profit

    Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation

    The Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation was established by Stephen Silberstein in Belvedere, California, in May 1998.195 Records indicate the
  • Non-profit

    Every Voice Center

    Formerly known as Public Campaign, Every Voice Center is a left-of-center 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. 202 The organization is related to and partners with the 501(c)(4) Every Voice. Together, the two groups
  • Non-profit

    Ploughshares Fund

    The Ploughshares Fund is an anti-nuclear proliferation organization pooling and directing donations from wealthy individuals and philanthropies. It is reportedly “the largest grant-making foundation in the United States focusing exclusively on peace and security issues.”
  • Non-profit

    Color of Change

    For the 501(c)(3), see Color of Change Education Fund (Nonprofit) Color of Change is an online organizing organization created by the Obama administration’s former “green jobs czar” Van Jones and the former director of grassroots mobilization for, James Rucker, in 2005.
  • Non-profit

    John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

    The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (also known as the MacArthur Foundation) was the twelfth largest foundation in the United States in 2014 with total assets over $6 billion.
  • Non-profit

    Center for Media and Democracy (CMD)

    Also see SourceWatch (other group) The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) is a Wisconsin-based left-wing media, opposition research, and agitation group. CMD has its origins in the anti-corporate and conspiratorial career of its founder John Stauber and his co-author Sheldon Rampton. While Stauber headed CMD, he and Rampton
  • Non-profit

    Islamic Society of Bay Ridge

    The Islamic Society of Bay Ridge is a mosque and Islamic cultural center located in the heavily Muslim Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York City. 356
  • Non-profit

    Brooklyn Org

    Brooklyn Org (formerly Brooklyn Community Foundation) is a left-of-center grantmaking organization that distributes funds through a what it calls a “racial justice lens.” 368 Since its founding, Brooklyn Org has given
  • Non-profit


    Momentum, also known as Momentum Community, is a left-of-center training center for activists and an incubator for nonprofit organizations. Momentum has trained activists for numerous prominent left-of-center political advocacy groups including and Justice Democrats, as well as the presidential campaigns of U.S. Senators Bernie Sanders (D-VT)
  • Non-profit

    Forsythia Foundation

    The Forsythia Foundation is a grantmaking foundation founded by environmentalist Alison Carlson to support action against allegedly toxic chemicals. 411 Forsythia is a client of Arabella Advisors, a philanthropic consulting group