Other Group

Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS)




Sao Paulo, Brazil

Executive Director:

Benjamin Bellegy

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Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS) is an international association of grantmaking organizations based in Sao Paulo, Brazil that hosts conferences and provides resources targeted to grantmaking organizations, board members, and staff. The group consists of over 190 members that include some of the most notable U.S.-based left-of-center grantmakers as well as for-profit software platforms and vendors.

The organization has engaged on advocacy relative to climate policy, COVID-19 response, and other issues and assists in operating the SDG Philanthropy Platform, which facilitates funding of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Funders of WINGS include the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the European Union (EU), the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. 1 2 3


Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS) is an internationally focused association of grantmaking foundations, academics, support organizations, and service providers that provides training and resources to grantmaking organizations. As of 2022, the organization’s membership consisted of over 190 organizations including 62 in North America. Many of the group’s members are left-of-center grantmaking organizations and include some of the largest such organizations in the United States. The organization is based in Brazil, does not publish a full list of its members on its website, and is not subject to U.S. laws regarding financial disclosure. 4 1


Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support’s (WINGS) activities include hosting virtual events and in-person conferences, publishing reports and resources around various funding areas, and engaging in international advocacy. The group operates multiple forums and hubs for resources and “collective intelligence” focusing on international grantmaking and promotes collaboration between grantmakers, academia, private banks, community foundations, media, and software and other service vendors. 5

The organization also advocates for changes to various national laws that enable philanthropic groups and grantmaking foundations to enjoy easier operations. 6

Climate Advocacy

WINGS formed the International Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change, which is open for signatories to “commit to strive for progress on seven pillars of climate action.” The commitment now operates as a separate organization fiscally sponsored by WINGS called Philanthropy for Climate and includes 599 signing organizations. 7 8

Affiliated International Organizations

WINGS is affiliated with multiple international NGOs including the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the World Economic Forum, the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation, and the NPO Coalition on the Financial Action Task Force. 4

WINGS also assists in operating the SDG Philanthropy Platform, which facilitates funding of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. WINGS partners in operating the SDG partnership include the United Nations Foundation, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, the Ford Foundation, the Global Fund for Women, and the Oak Foundation. 2


Funders of WINGS listed on the organization’s website include the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the European Union, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the Inter-American Foundation, Funders 2025 Fund, Community Foundations of Canada, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Charities Aid Foundation, Candid, and Dalberg Advisors. 1


  1. “Board Members.” WINGS. Accessed November 12, 2022. https://wingsweb.org/en/about-board-members
  2. “What We Do.” SDG Philanthropy Platform. Accessed November 12, 2022. https://www.sdgphilanthropy.org/About-SDGPP
  3. “Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS).” Devex. Accessed November 12, 2022. https://www.devex.com/organizations/worldwide-initiatives-for-grantmaker-support-wings-98940
  4. “WINGS membership benefits.” WINGS. Accessed November 12, 2022.  https://wings-office.cdn.prismic.io/wings-office/0b6eec58-0c56-4576-8b6b-b3e2cca69950_WINGS+members+benefits+final.pdf
  5. “Ecosystems.” WINGS. Accessed November 12, 2022. https://wingsweb.org/en/what-we-do-ecosystems
  6. [1] “Advocacy.” WINGS. Accessed November 12, 2022. https://wingsweb.org/en/what-we-do-advocacy
  7. “Advocacy.” WINGS. Accessed November 12, 2022. https://wingsweb.org/en/what-we-do-advocacy
  8. “Home.” Philanthropy for Climate. Accessed November 12, 2022. https://philanthropyforclimate.org/
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