Other Group

Triple Justice




Volunteer Community Organization




San Francisco Bay Area

Kansas City, Missouri

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Triple Justice is a left-of-center volunteer community 1 that views the critical race theory-influenced concepts of racial justice, economic justice, and climate justice as three pillars on which to build a unified movement to address climate change. 2

The organization views the United States as the biggest global source of problems related to racial, social, and climate injustice; 3 has referred to Israel as an apartheid state; 4 and shared links to the National Network of Abortion Funds and Black Feminist Future on Twitter on Mother’s Day. 5


Triple Justice was founded in 2021. 6 As of May 2023, Triple Justice has offices in Kansas City, Missouri, and the East Bay Area in San Francisco, California. 7

Activities and Funding

Triple Justice is a left-of-center volunteer community 8 that affirms that the critical race theory-influenced concepts of racial justice, economic justice, and climate justice are the three pillars of power necessary to build a new and unified movement to address climate change issues. 9

Triple Justice gets its name from three issues that it calls the greatest challenges of our time: the critical race theory-influenced concepts of racial justice, social justice, and climate justice. The organization views these issues as stemming from what it views as a global system of inequality in which the United States is the biggest source of these problems. 10

Triple Justice affirms a fusion of race, class, and climate-related issues and hosts teach-ins on these topics as well as climate-related and activism issues. 11 The organization has referred to Israel as an apartheid state 12 and shared links to the National Network of Abortion Funds and Black Feminist Future on Twitter on Mother’s Day. 13

Triple Justice also works to cement alliances in the think tank community, 14 use activism to create alternatives in peoples’ lives, and support non-violent disruptions. 15 It has organized events with far-left Code Pink Golden Gate Chapter and Climate Emergency Centers. 16 17 The organization offers training for Non Violent Direct Action and Know Your Rights 18 and encourages its members to engage in resiliency gardening to shed light on the global carbon-emitting food industry. 19

Triple Justice believes the world is crumbling and individuals’ lives are being devastated to a large degree. Triple Justice sees radical solutions as essential to addressing problems the group believes are facing the United States. 20

Triple Justice is committed to justice, equality, and what it sees as a symbiotic relationship with resources. Triple Justice also claims to be inclusive while practicing equality. The organization also reflects on its previous work to improve nonviolent behavior and improve the relationship between speech and nonviolent behavior in its activism. 21

Triple Justice’s San Francisco chapter supports negative emissions by 2030, decentralized power grids, publicly owned solar and wind farms, free electric public transportation, a reduction in air travel, austerity for the rich, and moderation for the middle class. 22 The group also has an organization and partners in Kansas City, Missouri. 23


Triple Justice is funded by non-tax-deductible donations. As of mid-2023, it claimed not to be fiscally sponsored by any nonprofit organization. 24


  1. “About Us.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/about/.
  2. “Home.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 18, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/.
  3. “F.A.Q.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/services/.
  4. “Tweet.” Triple Justice Twitter. Posted August 31, 2022. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://twitter.com/Tripl3Justice/status/1564985993232392192?cxt=HHwWgICh0YOe-bcrAAAA.
  5. “Tweet.” Triple Justice Twitter. Posted May 8, 2022. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://twitter.com/Tripl3Justice/status/1523366091371646976?cxt=HHwWgMCosfLYiqQqAAAA.
  6. “Donate.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 18, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/donations/.
  7. “Contact.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/contact/.
  8. “About Us.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/about/.
  9. “Home.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 18, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/.
  10. “F.A.Q.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/services/.
  11. “Photo.” Triple Justice Facebook. Posted September 3, 2022. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=178162738065295&set=pb.100076147090580.-2207520000.
  12. “Tweet.” Triple Justice Twitter. Posted August 31, 2022. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://twitter.com/Tripl3Justice/status/1564985993232392192?cxt=HHwWgICh0YOe-bcrAAAA.
  13. “Tweet.” Triple Justice Twitter. Posted May 8, 2022. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://twitter.com/Tripl3Justice/status/1523366091371646976?cxt=HHwWgMCosfLYiqQqAAAA.
  14. “F.A.Q.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/services/.
  15. “Donate.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 18, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/donations/.
  16. “SF Bay Area People’s Assembly with Code Pink.” November 7, 2021. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/2194-2/.
  17. “How to Join Us.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/services/.
  18. “How To Join Us.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/services/.
  19. “F.A.Q.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/services/
  20. “F.A.Q.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/services/.
  21. “Donate.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 18, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/donations/.
  22. “SF Bay Area People’s Assembly: California/SF Bay Resolution.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/sf-bay-area-peoples-assembly-california-sf-bay-resolution/.
  23. “How To Join Us.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 19, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/services/.
  24. “Donate.” Triple Justice. Accessed May 18, 2023. https://triplejustice.org/donations/.
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