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Philly Thrive is a left-progressive project of the Alliance for Global Justice which advocates for left-progressive policies in the Philadelphia area.1
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The Philosopher’s Stone Community Outreach is an organization that advocates for mental health and well-being.2
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Phoenix Women’s March is the informal Arizona chapter of the Women’s March activist coalition. It champions abortion access and protests conservative lawmakers and politicians such as former President Donald Trump. Activities Phoenix Women’s March organized a protest in 2020 at the Arizona state capitol ahead of the presidential election.
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The Pigou Club is an informal membership organization founded by macroeconomist Gregory Mankiw. Background The Pigou Club is an informal membership organization that supports penalty taxes on certain consumption (known as Pigovian taxes after Arthur Cecil Pigou, a 20th century English economist who proposed them), especially conventional energy sources
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Pillars of the Community is a left-of-center organization that claims to provide public relations efforts and legal workshops regarding election administration ahead of the 2024 election. Ben Ginsberg, a former White House Counsel in the George W. Bush administration, and Bob Bauer, a White House Council in the
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PIVOT, also known as the Powerful Innovations for Voter Organizing and Transformation Fund, is a left-of-center grantmaking collaborative housed within the California Community Foundation that provides grants to local organizations in California to build voting power among minority communities likely to support left-of-center causes and candidates. The group announced
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Pivot Legal Society is a human rights organization that advocates for legislation changes to policy areas including homelessness, drug policy, policing, and sex workers’ rights. 27
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Pixel Ray Studios is a U.S.-based film production company that also claims to be the “first-ever black-owned film production franchise on the continent of Africa.” 28 It partnered on a film studio project with the
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Planned Parenthood Generation Action (PPGA) is a youth-focused abortion-access advocacy campaign created by the Planned Parenthood Action Fund. The program promotes greater access to abortions and contraceptives for college-aged women and conducts voter registration and activist training. The program works primarily on college campuses and is present on more
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The Plastic Bag Project is a fiscally sponsored project of the Plastic Ocean Project, a 501(c)(3) organization which advocates for reducing plastic pollution.41
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Plastic Pollution Coalition is a project of the Earth Island Institute.
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Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) is a European advocacy network consisting of advocacy groups across 32 countries that advocates for eliminating border security policies and providing welfare programs to illegal immigrants. 42
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Poder Ciudadano, or Citizen Power, is an advocacy group in Argentina that encourages greater civic participation to protect democratic institutions within the country. 50
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Poder Latinx is an organization dedicated to building left-of-center Latino voting blocs in key states. It operates in Washington, California, Arizona, Texas, Florida, and Georgia, and has plans to expand into North Carolina as of March 2024. Poder Latinx primarily focuses on voter registration and mobilization, but also engages in
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Poderistas (formerly known as She Se Puede) 71 is an organization that promotes left-of-center activism in the Hispanic community, builds civic engagement among left-leaning Hispanic women, attempts to shift perceptions of Hispanic identity and power, and registers
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Pointe Productions is an event planning group that focuses on artist management. 93
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Polar Couture is an Arctic-themed clothing brand that donates a percentage of profits to conservation efforts for Polar Bears. 94
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Police Leaders for Community Safety (PLCS) is an advocacy organization founded in 2024 that promotes left-of-center criminal justice and gun control policies. The group has supported the presidential campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election. Gun control activist Gail Hoffman is the president and CEO
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Polimetrix is a political analytics firm that conducts surveys and polls for democratic, republican, and independent consultants. The company additionally offers consulting, online survey, and online qualitative services.
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The Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PCUP) is a private university based in Lima, Peru, which describes itself as a, “plural and tolerant academic community, inspired by ethical, democratic and Catholic principles, with respect to freedom of worship.”