Other Group

On Think Tanks




Consulting group



Executive Director:

Enrique Mendizabal


Lima, Peru

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On Think Tanks is a global consulting group headquartered in Lima, Peru that supports think tanks and policy research organizations through strategic consulting, research support, training, and networking opportunities. Initial funding was provided by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. It has several large, left-of-center, long-term donors including the Hewlett Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and Open Society Foundations.1


On Think Tanks (OTT) started out as a consulting service and blog launched by researcher Enrique Mendizabal. In 2015, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation awarded OTT a grant, and OTT grew into a global consultancy. 2 In 2016, OTT started the On Think Tanks School. 3

OTT has a small team that works with over 20 consultants and over 200 partner organizations globally. 2 Its primary location is at the Universidad del Pacifico in Lima, Peru with a global team 4 from countries such as Ecuador, Spain, Germany, Peru, Canada, and India. 5

Work Areas and Events

On Think Tanks provides consulting services internationally to think tank organizations and funders with its network of associates and partners. On Think Tanks School offers webinars, online courses, a fellowship program, and a one-week School for Thinktankers. Training topics include management and governance, fundraising, policy research, communications, and advocacy. The one-week School for Thinktankers provides networking opportunities in addition to intensive training. 6 7

The OTT Conference is an annual event for think tank leaders, funders, and policy experts. The 2025 conference is hosted in partnership with the South African Institute of International Affairs and the New South Institute and will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa. 8

OTT publishes a Think Tank Directory that lists over 3,800 organizations from over 150 countries, including over 490 in the United States, as of January 2025. 9 The directory provides information on policy research think tanks worldwide. Its initial development was funded by the Open Society Foundations in 2016. Other organizations funded portions of the directory, including the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The Hewlett Foundation provides long-term funding to enable the ongoing management and updates of the directory. 10 Think tanks listed in the directory include Brookings Institution, the EastWest Institute, the Progressive Policy Institute, Climate Interactive, and the Atlantic Council. 9

On Think Tanks offers grants and support to a select number of student-led think tanks. The offerings include attendance at the School for Thinktankers, attendance in the annual OTT Conference, and a grant to work on key European policy issues and publish their ideas and findings. These grants are supported by the Open Society Foundations. 11

Consulting Projects

In 2022, OTT provided services for Wellspring Philanthropic Fund’s International Human Rights program to develop a new grantmaking line within its Economic Justice program on tax justice. 12

In 2023, OTT provided consulting services in the form of a review of Oak Foundation’s investments and best practices. 13

In 2023, OTT provided consulting and research services to Open Society Foundations to identify “best practices for using government engagement and political philanthropy to bolster progressive reforms,” particularly focused on “climate and economic justice” in the Global South. 14

In 2024, On Think Tanks began work on a project for the global grantmaking organization Jacobs Foundation to develop a “collaborative learning agenda on policy labs.” 15

It worked with IPAR Senegal, an agricultural policy think tank in Dakar, to help them become a prime grant recipient of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) contracts and grants. 16

2024 was the fourth year that OTT provided research support for the Gates Foundation’s Development and Policy Finance team, mapping policy think tanks in 15 countries to help prioritize strategic initiatives and investments in Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia. 15 17

OTT partnered with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) on a research study and resulting publication associated with “Knowledge Translation in the Global South.” IDS is a think tank that works with “governments, philanthropic foundations, non-governmental organizations, academics, and civil society to create approaches to progressive social, political, and economic change” located in the United Kingdom. The study was funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) which is a Canadian government organization that funds research on developing countries. 18 19


On Think Tanks funders include the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and Open Society Foundations. 20

William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has been a strong supporter of OTT since its inception. In October 2021, it awarded OTT a 3-year grant of $850,000 and in July 2024 it awarded OTT a 2-year grant of $570,000. Both grants were for its Gender Equity and Governance program. 21

In 2023, Open Society Foundations granted OTT $515,000 to improve its ability to foster collaboration among think tanks from Europe and the Global South. 22


Enrique Mendizabal is the founder and director of On Think Tanks. He was born in Peru, graduated from the Universidad del Pacifico in 1999, and earned a master’s in social policy and planning from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2003. Before launching OTT, Mendizabal was a research analyst, research officer, research fellow, and head of programs at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), a large think tank headquartered in London, England. He co-founded several small initiatives to support improved policymaking. 3

Goran Buldioski is a senior advisor at OTT and resides in Berlin, Germany. Previously, he was the managing director of the Open Society Foundations for Europe and Central Asia and the director of Open Society Foundations Europe. 23 24


  1. “About.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/about-2/
  2. “Our Story.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/our-story/
  3.  LinkedIn – Enrique Mendizabal. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://www.linkedin.com/in/enriquemendizabal/
  4. LinkedIn – On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://www.linkedin.com/company/on-think-tank/about/
  5. “Our People.” On Think Tanks – About. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/about-2/
  6. “School for Thinktankers 2025.” OTT School. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://ott.school/courses/school-for-thinktankers-2025/
  7. “Courses.” OTT School. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://ott.school/courses/
  8. “OTT Conference 2025 – Thank tanks and impact.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/conference/ott-conference-2025/
  9. “Open Think Tank Directory.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/open-think-tank-directory/
  10. “About the directory.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/about-the-directory/
  11. “Building for the Future Initiative.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/initiative/building-for-the-future-initiative/
  12. “Wellspring International Human Rights programme consultancy on tax justice.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/project/wellspring-international-human-rights-programme-consultancy-on-tax-justice/
  13. “Rapid review of Oak Foundation’s investments in supporting new research talent in the prevention of child sexual abuse.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/project/rapid-review-of-oak-foundations-investments-in-supporting-new-research-talent-in-the-prevention-of-child-sexual-abuse/
  14. “Exploring effective models for government engagement for Open Society Foundations.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/project/learning-partnership-for-the-open-society-foundations-economic-advisory-facility/
  15. LinkedIn – On Think Tanks. Posted December 26, 2024. https://www.linkedin.com/company/on-think-tank/posts/?feedView=all
  16. “Technical assistance to IPAR Senegal.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/project/technical-assistance-to-ipar-senegal/
  17. “Mapping of think tanks and advice on how to support them for the Gates Foundation.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/project/mapping-of-think-tanks-and-advice-on-how-to-support-them-for-the-gates-foundation/
  18. “Knowledge Translation in the Global South.” Institute of Development Studies. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://www.ids.ac.uk/projects/knowledge-translation-in-the-global-south/
  19. “About IDRC.” IDRC. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://idrc-crdi.ca/en/about-idrc
  20. “Evidence generation and communication.” On Think Tanks. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/initiative/evidence-generation-and-communication/
  21. “Grants – OTT Consulting Ltd.” Hewlett Foundation. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://hewlett.org/grants/?_grant_search=OTT+Consulting&_grant_year=&_grant_programs=
  22. “Awarded Grants.” Open Society Foundations. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/grants/past?filter_keyword=OTT+Consulting&grant_id=OR2023-91165
  23. “Goran Buldioski.” On Think Tanks – About. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://onthinktanks.org/person/goran-buldioski/
  24. LinkedIn – Goran Buldioski. Accessed January 16, 2025. https://www.linkedin.com/in/goranbuldioski/
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