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Now or Never





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Now or Never is a climate change activism group formed to “shut down” the July 28, 2022, bipartisan Congressional Baseball Game for Charity. 1 It aimed to force Democrats to pass left-of-center environmentalist-aligned federal climate laws through “direct action.” Now or Never claimed that any U.S. President, including President Joe Biden, who does not acquiesce to climate change activists’ demands is “a failed president” and does not belong in office. 2


The group encouraged supporters to show up even if they were afraid to face arrest and claimed that it would train them in “nonviolent direct action” tactics to use during the Congressional Baseball Game. Even in the event that Congress passed climate change legislation before the game, Now or Never stated that it would still pressure lawmakers to take further action through “a more conciliatory tactic.” 2

Shutting down the Congressional Baseball Game for Charity was reported to be only the first step in Now or Never’s agenda. The second step involves protests against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) on August 5, 2022, if climate change legislation had not been passed by that time. In the event that lawmakers ignored its August protests, Now or Never planned to implement the third and final step of its plan, which is to “organize a highly disruptive, mass direct action that fundamentally disrupts business-as-usual in DC” on September 30, 2022. 3


Now or Never listed nine left-progressive groups as co-sponsors on its website. Examples included:

  • Beyond Extreme Energy, a left-of-center environmentalist organization which frequently protests the use of fossil fuels and demands that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) cease issuing permits for “fossil fuel infrastructure”; 4
  • The Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) Action Fund, an environmentalist lobbying group which promotes electoral action against alleged “global warming”; 5
  • Green New Deal Virginia, an environmentalist advocacy organization which attempts to “simultaneously address issues of climate, equity, and justice,” through measures such as allowing felons to re-litigate issues already settled in court; 6 7
  • Shut Down DC, a radical-left organization which shut down busy Washington, D.C., roads in September 2019 in an attempt to force politicians to pass legislation in line with its climate change narratives. 8

Additionally, Now or Never’s website is powered by the left-of-center Action Network‘s technology platform, which was specifically designed for use by left-progressive movements. 9 Some of the Action Network’s other clients include the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) labor union and United We Dream, a left-wing organization which promotes illegal immigration. 10


  1. Now or Never. Accessed July 18, 2022.


  2. Now or Never. “FAQ.” Accessed July 18, 2022. https://nowornever.earth/faq/
  3. Now or Never. Accessed July 18, 2022. https://nowornever.earth/
  4. Beyond Extreme Energy. “Our Statement of Purpose.” Accessed July 16, 2022. https://beyondextremeenergy.org/bxe-statement-of-purpose/
  5. The Chesapeake Climate Action Network Action Fund. “Mission..” Accessed July 16, 2022. https://ccanactionfund.org/about/mission/
  6. Green New Deal Virginia. “Issues.” Accessed July 16, 2022. https://www.greennewdealva.com/copy-of-take-action
  7. Green New Deal Virginia. “Social Justice & Health Disparities Working Group.” Accessed July 16, 2022. https://www.greennewdealva.com/copy-of-sustainable-cities-and-tran
  8. Justin Wm. Moyer, Rebecca Tan and Dana Hedgpeth. “32 arrested as ‘climate rebels’ shut down intersections across the District.” The Washington Post. September 23, 2019. Accessed July 16, 2022. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/climate-change-protesters-plan-to-flood-downtown-dc-streets-monday-morning/2019/09/20/6b088e94-dbd9-11e9-89d4-37d5ffcac6f4_story.html
  9. [1]The Action Network.. “About Us.” Accessed July 16, 2022. https://actionnetwork.org/about
  10. The Action Network. Accessed July 16, 2022. https://actionnetwork.org/
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